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Page 1: 01 Who is Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program For? pg 3s3.amazonaws.com/streaming_gma/member_content/GURU-Quick... · 2010-06-17 · best books Eben recommends to build your GURU
Page 2: 01 Who is Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program For? pg 3s3.amazonaws.com/streaming_gma/member_content/GURU-Quick... · 2010-06-17 · best books Eben recommends to build your GURU

01__Who is Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program For? ... pg 3

02__How Much Time and Money Will it Take to Get Started? ... pg 4

03__How Much Money Can You Make and How Much Time Will It Take to Make That Money? ... pg 5

04__Parts of the GURU Mastermind Program ... pg 7

05__Additional Features of the GURU Mastermind Member’s Area ... pg 9

06__Overwhelm: What if You Get Behind in Watching the Trainings? ... pg 10

07__What to Expect From Your 90 Days (or less) in the GURU Quick-Start Series ... pg 11

08__Overview of GURU Quick-Start Five Phases Schedule ... pg 13

09__Do You Really Have to Watch the GURU Quick-Start Series? ... pg 14

10__What Additional Resources Are Available During Your Start-Up Phase (and Beyond…)? ... pg 15

11__You’ve Just Finished the GURU Quick-Start Series…Now What? ... pg 16

12__Life after the GURU MasterMind Program ... pg 17

13__GURU Quick-Start Five Phases Training and Check-Off Tasklist Calendar ... pg 20

14__GURU Blue Print #1: Your Beginner’s Blueprint ... pg 22

15__GURU Blue Print #2: Eben Pagan’s Blueprint for a Successful Information Business ... pg 23

table of contents

Page 3: 01 Who is Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program For? pg 3s3.amazonaws.com/streaming_gma/member_content/GURU-Quick... · 2010-06-17 · best books Eben recommends to build your GURU

Well, this is it! Your new home…for the next 90 days at least. I’m going to be working with you along with some other incredibly talented people until you are in phenomenal GURU shape.

The concept behind Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program is to take the expertise you have and teach you how to publish and sell your own information products, from wherever you want, and whenever you want. This program is meant to help you build a business that gives you the lifestyle you want and a reliable source of income.

Your job is to trust the program because we have tested it with hundreds and we know it works. I literally know dozens of people personally - who I’ve met and interacted with, and a lot of whom are my friends - who have made themselves financially independent publishing and creating information products from home on their computers. And now they enjoy a lifestyle that most people really envy.

Who is Eben Pagan’s GURU MasterMind Program For?

This program is for YOU, if you have expertise in any area and you’d like to earn more money by sharing what you know with others. Whether you coach, consult, train or teach, full-time, part-time, or are getting started, the GURU MasterMind Program is the perfect system to quickly build your “Information Product” business online.

In our estimation the Program has 90% of everything you need and if you do it, learn it and implement, you really will get the results you want. The other 10% is you, your determination and your attitude.

Even if you’ve already got some products and you do a little marketing online, you still need insider knowledge from the best in the industry to make a serious living (six-figures or more) from your expertise…

…that is if you want to have the freedom and full-time flexibility of a home-based business, without having to show up for each hour you get paid.

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How Much Time and Money Will It Take to Get Started?

Let’s face it; the choices for where to get started in this industry are overwhelming! So many people claim to be able to show others how to easily make money online. Who are they and how can you tell if they are legit?

Did you ever hear a wise relative say, “Money doesn’t grow on trees...and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”?

It is tempting to want to want to believe an un-credible marketer who taps into our deepest desires, “How I Made $800K In My First 12 Months Marketing Online Without a Product of My Own! And How You Can Copy My Success Through a Proven Yet Simple Step-by-Step System of Video Tutorials So Simple even a 15-Year-Old Could Do It!”

The GURU MasterMind Program is not for the person looking for easy money with no work; this type of business doesn’t really exist in the long-term. If it did, no one would bother with Harvard Business School, they’d buy an over-hyped “copy and paste” video training…

So let’s be clear, the GURU Quick-Start Series won’t show you the exact 20 places to click, 10 things to write and how to withdraw the resulting piles of cash from your bank account.

But now you do have access to the best step-by-step trainings to get going on all aspects of your business, from setting up a landing page, to getting traffic, to writing a sales letter, to lining up email auto-responders. Basically, you’ll get all of the Nuts and Bolts of an information products business.

Your dream of having a lucrative business while teaching what you love is completely possible. I’ve personally seen it happen many times for people who take what they know, turn it into an information product and set up a system to sell it online that runs on AUTO-pilot.

In fact, if you can use a computer, and you can use a browser, you can learn what it takes to publish information products online and start making money.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Eben started his own business this way about 8 years ago. He started with a desktop computer that he paid $800 bucks for and a copy of Microsoft Front Page for $179. He invested about $2,000 in pay-per-click search advertising before he got it all going and started to figure out how the machine ran and how to make money.

Now, was he lucky?


But it wasn’t like he started the thing and the next day he was making millions of dollars. He had to really work hard and try and put ingenuity into testing ads and doing different marketing. But it didn’t cost him a lot of money. What he really had to invest was what they call “sweat equity.” He had to spend time learning the system.

Once he learned a method for getting leads, selling to them and converting them into customers, and following up and selling them more products, the thing started turning into a machine. It started to run on its own momentum: a perpetual motion marketing machine.

Not every business is like that. Eben tried businesses that didn’t work and he started others instead. It won’t really require a lot of your money to get started. What it will require is your ingenuity and effort, and that you are determined to figure out what works for you.

How Much Money Can You Make and How Long Will It Take To Make Money?

Well this is a tough question because it depends on you, your niche market, how quickly you come up to speed, how well you implement, how well you take the ideas and methods and go and execute them and get results and learn from them, then go and execute again and get results and learn from those. You will go through this cycle over and over again, and you will learn how to grow your basic business machine.

For most people that have no experience at all, it takes a little while to get up to speed. We’ve known people that made money in the first few weeks or months. I’ve also known people that really had to stick at it for six or 12 months before they really started to get

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 5

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traction, and built out all the ways to get the machine running to begin making money.

The good news is the potential to make money is limitless.

The GURU MasterMind Program includes the system we’ve seen work many times to create a successful business. And you now have access to everything you need to know about building your business, mentorship and coaching from Eben, masterminding with other GURU MasterMind Members and access to the latest information available.

We’re here to be your partner, teacher and cheerleader along the way.

You’ve taken the first step and committed to learning. Now let’s dig in to how the program will help you.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Parts of the GURU MasterMind Program

When you enter the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area you’ll see the following areas of training:

1. The Pillars Trainings: In these video trainings, Eben Pagan, Wyatt Woodsmall and others share their best secrets and tools for building the four main areas of an information products business. These trainings dig into the “conceptual” part of information product marketing, like understanding your customer and how the sales process works. The four pillars are:

a. Customers – getting leads and traffic b. Conversion – copy-writing and sales c. Content – creating products and services d. Management – managing your business

2. Tuesday Tune-Up Coaching Teleclasses with Eben: this is a weekly call where you can get feedback, one-to-one advice and coaching on your implementation of what you’re learning in the GURU MasterMind Program. Apply to be coached by emailing [email protected]

3. GM Expert Trainer Webinars: learn from GURU MasterMind Faculty and the world’s greatest experts information product and marketing experts on all areas of building your business. You can see these replays by using the search function, or by clicking the Skill Curriculum link.

4. Skill Curriculums: Tools, Templates, Trainings and step-by- step “How To” on the technical parts of building your information products business.

5. Live Summit Replays: Leverage the power of the group MasterMind and learn from Eben live and in-depth on the Four Pillars: Customers, Conversion, Content and Management.

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 7

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6. GURU Success Models: Read summaries and reviews of the best books Eben recommends to build your GURU skills.

7. Wake Up Productive: Enjoy two of our most popular and transformational series. Learn from Eben how to set a foundation for focus and productivity. This will enhance all of your business building activities. Also learn Wyatt Woodsmall Ph.d.’s NLP secrets for focusing your mind and time.

See a video of “How to use the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area”.

And download an easy-reference “How to Use This Site Executive Summary” pdf.

Much of your training is available live. I recommend you listen to live trainings when you can. You can ask the trainer questions as they come up and you’ll get that extra motivation from learning real time. Be on the lookout for an email reminder with information about each live training the day it happens.

You can download a calendar of all live trainings each month in the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Additional Features of the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area

Please share your feedback or questions with our team and other Members by submitting a comment below any video or audio recording. We will answer the questions you submit and will pay close attention to your feedback.

You can also rate the value of each training by clicking the “Star Bar” below the each training listed in the GM Members’ Area. When you rate by clicking on the stars, they will turn yellow. This is a great way to quickly mark which videos you’ve already watched and want to skip or come back to. It also helps us know what you liked (and what you didn’t) so we can improve our trainings.

Keep track of what you’ve already watched by clicking on the “viewed it” box whenever you watch a training. Then you can click on the “not viewed” button at the top of the page in any “skills” category. Only the trainings that don’t have “viewed it” clicked will show up in your list. This way you can easily see the trainings you still need to watch. It’s helpful for you to manage what trainings you’ve seen and which you haven’t.

Also, use the “My Favorite” feature to track trainings you really liked and want to refer back to. Simply click the “Add to Favorites” icon (the yellow star with the green “+” sign on top of it) and the training will show up in your “My Favorites” page. You can access your “My Favorites” page by clicking on the “My Favorites” link at the top of the page.

You can also carve out time in your schedule in advance for upcoming trainings by downloading your Monthly GURU MasterMind ‘Live Training’ Calendar from the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area. Here’s an example of the Calendar:


If you miss a live training, don’t be concerned. You’ll also get a Replay Email when the training is posted in the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area. You can watch the training you missed, and also find all past trainings posted there, available to watch or download in audio and video format. Pretty cool.


If you are an experienced information product marketer, and you are looking for advanced content, type “advanced” into the Search bar in the GURU Mastermind Members’ Area, and a list of trainings will come up that include advanced traffic, business management and partner development strategies.

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 9

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Overwhelm: What if You Get Behind in Watching the Trainings?

It can be easy to begin to feel overwhelmed when you look through the site and you look at the massive amount of content we’ve put up for you. While some people are overwhelmed, other people aren’t at all.

It might be useful to share an email from a GURU Mastermind Member who wasn’t overwhelmed; notice their mindset and perspective so that you don’t get overwhelmed and you can pick and choose the content that is right for you. Here’s the member’s email:

It’s true that you produce a ton of information, but I’m looking at it like a library. Every week my business challenges and needs are different. Tonight I started watching a video that you produced last month, but it’s NOW that I need to watch it.

I’m just grateful that I can scan through the variety of information that you put out, and I can grab what I need when I need it. It’s only overwhelming if you view all of the material as a “have to” instead of a “want to.” It’s all in the personal expectation.

I figure I’ve got a year plus to integrate the changes I need in my life and business. I appreciate the smorgasbord you offer. It’s changing my life.

So you can view all the content as a library. You can view it as a buffet where you are only going to pick and choose the meals (or trainings) that relate to your most urgent business needs that you have right now. You can view it as a toolkit. You don’t have to pull out every tool in your toolkit to hammer a nail; all you need is a hammer and a nail.

Pick and choose and familiarize yourself with the site and be thinking about how you can use it to address your most urgent business needs right now.

You certainly don’t need to watch every training on the site before you take action. If you do, you won’t be taking much action. Remember “speed of implementation.”

Also don’t worry if you feel you are “getting behind.” This often happens to new members in the beginning. You feel like you need to be watching and doing everything. Instead, watch the trainings at your own best pace, and watch whatever trainings you need to implement the next step of your project.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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What to Expect From Your 90 Days (or less) in the GURU Quick-Start Series

We’ve laid out your start-up process in to Five Key Phases:

Phase 1: “The Mindset of a Marketer”

Phase II: “Identify Your Niche and Target Market”

Phase III: “Get Your First Info Product List-Building Machine Up and Running”

Phase IV: “Get Traffic and Leads”

Phase V: “Create and Sell Your First Product”

You’ll find a GURU Task and Training Checklist synced up to the five phases at the end of this packet. You can go through the phases and check off the implemented tasks as fast as you like.

We’ve also included a sample 90-Day training plan.

The process for looking at the GURU Quick-Start Series is to take it and really watch it, try the exercises, and implement the action steps. What I’m about to say is a very important point:

The Series is the testing phase where you will learn the basic skills of information product marketing and you’ll also start to test your ideas to see what works.

Some things will fail, other things will click, but your main goals are to 1) test and 2) learn. If you are testing and learning…

…you are on track!

I often see info product newbies make a critical mistake: they try and learn as much as possible before they put anything in to practice. They watch more and more trainings and buy more and more products, and they hope to feel completely confident before they try anything. They are perfectionists and they don’t want to make any mistakes, so they become completely overwhelmed from swimming in options. They freeze up.

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 11

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Ironically, the fear of making mistakes IS the mistake. Have you heard Eben talk about “Speed of Implementation?” Successful people implement. They take what they learn and apply it immediately. They don’t sit around and think about it and wonder if it will work, they put it in to action RIGHT NOW.

In fact, here’s a little phrase you can use to get going when you feel stuck (and you will). It’s a technique to get motivated and to take action immediately:


My Why = you need to come up with your reason why you need to take action as you go through this Series. What is the outcome you could have if you could execute the idea or technique you learn and make some money? What would you do with the money? What could you spend it on? How could you use it to improve your life and the lives of people you love for the long-term?

Close your eyes and see the money you could make…

Now Apply = now open your eyes, and go implement what you’ve learned, take immediate action and make it happen.

Think of your learning as a chunk-by-chunk process. You don’t have to know everything before you get started. If you put things in to action with patience, the puzzle will come together.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Overview of the GURU Quick Start Series’ Five Phases

Phase I: Weeks 1 “The Mindset of a Successful Marketer”Learn critical mindsets for thinking about your Information Products Business, including the concept of “Moving the Free Line” and “Making the Transition From Expert to Marketer” and “Managing Your Productivity.”

Phase II: Weeks 2-4 “Identify Your Niche and Target Market”Discover the emotional need your prospect is experiencing, or the result they want. What are the fears, frustrations, desires and aspirations? Begin to build relationships with your prospect. Make a list of the Top 10 Problems your prospect is facing, and create a piece of content to help your prospect get results as quickly as possible.

Phase III: Weeks 5-7 “Get Your First Info Product List-Building Machine Up and Running”Understand the basics of Internet Marketing, build your first website, set up your email auto-responders and subscriber opt-in form. Survey your prospects to discover their biggest fears and frustrations, hopes and aspirations. Start to create the 3 Critical Content Types: free line, relationship and conversion.

Phase IV: Weeks 8-10 “Get More Traffic and Leads”Use what you learn to get more traffic and leads. Find out places where you can get GOOD TRAFFIC for free. Learn Eben’s best techniques for copy-writing so you can convert visitors to subscribers, and write your first sales letter that will promote the eBook you will write in Weeks 11-13 (yep, you write the sales letter FIRST).

Phase V: Weeks 11-13 “Create and Sell Your First Product”Description: Create your very first eBook for sell, and learn how to create valuable products and services. Yes, you read this right; you will write your sales letter and create your marketing BEFORE you write your ebook. The ebook follows after knowing exactly what your market is looking for and how to slice the different sections of content based on how your customers sees them. Learn how to create you first sales “offer.”

Week 13: Quick-Start Series and Your First Info Marketing Machine Complete!

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 13

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Do You Really Have to Watch the GURU Quick-Start Series Included in this Packet?

No. You don’t have to do anything. In fact, you can print the GURU Quick-Start Series Materials and put them next to that old VCR manual you never read. You can watch a couple of videos, tell some people you have a big idea about starting your own business and then put your dream on a shelf to catch dust…

But I have a feeling you wouldn’t have joined this program and made this big step if you weren’t ready to TAKE CONTROL of your life and your income.

So if you are a beginner, the GURU Quick-Start Series is for you only. It is for you if you have NO EXPERIENCE with information product marketing.

We’re offering a lot of information here specifically for complete beginners. If you are intermediate or advanced in your experience, and you have a successful Internet marketing business, please skip the GURU Quick-Start Series and use the “search bar” in your GURU MasterMind Members’ Area for further training on all areas of growing your information product marketing business. You can pick and choose your own customized curriculum.

But if you want to make sure you don’t miss crucial pieces of knowledge and waste time with unnecessary mistakes in building your business, make sure to complete the Series. And as a beginner, you don’t know what you don’t know…so we’ve outlined a sequence that will give you the right foundation of knowledge.

I’ve seen people dive in to information product marketing and make one common mistake: they spend a lot of time and money to create a product without studying what works from someone who has replicated success in the industry over and over. Yes, they learn, but often the hard way when the product they spent so much time planning and creating inevitably fails.

Don’t make that mistake. Watch each recommended training in the series. Take notes in a place where you can refer back and then IMPLEMENT the piece you’ve just learned.

At the end of the Series, you’ll have your first basic information product machine up and running online. The GURU Quick-Start will ACCELERATE how quickly you learn to get your information product marketing business working and making you money.

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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What Additional Resources Are Available During Your Start-Up Phase (and Beyond)?

If you would like to feel the security of customized advice, have a live mentor to coach you through applying what you’ve learned, get more accountability, or would even like Eben’s input on your marketing, you have several options:

1. GURU Coaching Club Weekly Live Group Coaching. Ask questions about implementation and learn alongside other GURUS-in-training. Learn more by emailing rick@ GuruMasterMind.com

2. Weekly 1-to-1 GURU Coaching with your own personal mentor. Learn more by emailing [email protected]

3. Coaching with Eben on a Tuesday Tune-Up Teleclass. You can submit a request to be featured on a call by emailing [email protected]

4. Come learn live at our Quarterly GURU MasterClass Summit. Spend 2-days with Eben and team. Meet other GURU MasterMind Members to network with, learn with and create marketing partnerships with. Learn more about the Summits by clicking here: http://www.gurumastermind.com/summit/details.asp

5. GURU MasterMind Members’ Area. If you have a critical question, make sure you use the “search box” to look for additional training on a particular topic. Often people miss exactly what they are looking for. It’s often covered by a top expert right in the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area.

6. GM Members Forum. Click on the “Forum” link on the top right corner of the GURU Mastermind Members’ Area. The forum is the place where you can interact with other GURU Mastermind Members to actually Mastermind. You can create new topics for discussion, and comment on others’ posts.

7. If you have general questions about your account, username, password, an event or the GM Members Area look for your answer here in the GURU MasterMind Support and FAQ Area: www.gurumastermind/support/faq

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 15

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You’ve Just Finished the GURU Quick-Start Series…Now What?

Not only do you now have Version 1 of your first information product marketing machine up and running, but you also have a solid understanding of so much more than when you began your journey. Now you’re ready for more intermediate and advanced trainings on topics like:

• Optimizingyoursystemformoresales• Addinginmoretrafficandsubscribersources• Bringingaffiliatesandj.v.(marketing)partnersonboardto promote you• Creatinghigh-endproductsforup-sell• Creatingnewpromotionstosharewithyourlistofprospect “friends”

The GURU MasterMind Members’ Area is full of great trainings on these topics and more. Search for them by typing your keywords in the GURU MasterMind Members’ Area “search box.”

Submit Your Success Story

We’d really appreciate hearing about the success you have using what you’ve learned to build your business. Let us celebrate with you! Tell us what you implemented and what worked. Just email [email protected].

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Life after the GURU MasterMind Program

The GURU MasterMind Program has prepared you for a life filled with possibilities! You kept your commitment and you’ve got the tools and the learning to take on almost anything and to take control of your financial freedom.

The intensity of the GURU Quick-Start Series has completely changed the way you see yourself, your customer, your message and what it means to be not only an expert but also a marketer. You’ve taken the same leap every person (like Eben) took on the way to becoming financially free with information products.

You may not be making millions yet, but you are motivated, confident, self-assured and ready to overcome any fear of the unknown you had before starting the Program. You know that learning and testing is part of the process and you are committed to becoming an excellent (and wealthy) learner as you teach others.

The idea of the GURU Quick-Start Series is to explore possibilities. You’ve climbed to the top of the hill for the first time to look at the land around you – this world of internet marketing. You probably got tired climbing at times, or tripped on rocks here and there, or thought you weren’t in shape enough to be here, but you didn’t give up and you didn’t ask someone to hold your hand.

You TOOK CHARGE of your life and learning and you made it past the hardest hurdle…

…getting started and getting something created.

You are not the same person who began this program 13 weeks ago. You are a new, enlightened and savvy person who now knows you are capable of so much more than the day you started. Maybe you didn’t know you could copy-write, or do anything technical or figure out your niche or customer.

But now these doubts naturally transform themselves into an opportunity to learn. And you enjoy it!

The truth about the GURU Quick-Start Series and the GURU MasterMind Program is there is no end. The options are limitless.

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected] 17

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The process of learning to build your information products empire is ongoing, and you have to keep TESTING to see the best results.

This doesn’t mean you have to continue to work 12 hours a day, seven days a week, but your business needs time to grow (as any business would), and what you give to it, you will get back.

Except this time, what you build will continue to bring you revenue even after you’ve built and left it. It will run on auto-pilot.

What you’ve learned in this program will grow and click into place for the rest of your life. And much of what you’ve learned will make more sense (“Ah hah!”) later as you experiment and build. As you are ready for more, new lessons will fold in to what you are building. You’ll be more than just an “expert.” You’ll be a MARKETER who enjoys living a creative life!

Your choice to embark on the GURU MasterMind Journey will have benefits that last a lifetime…and now it’s time for your new journey to begin.

Congratulations on a job well done. Don’t Stop!

-Emily, Eben and the GURU MasterMind Team

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

Examples of Successful Information Product Landing Pages and Sites

If you are looking for examples of landing and sales pages we know convert well, check these out below. They will give you inspiration as you design your own landing pages.

masscontrolsite.com/blog doubleyourdating.com



thevideoboss.commercola.com twitterwebinar.com

wellnesswithrose.com surviveanaffair.com revolutionarysex.com

stopyourdivorce.com themagickmenu.com havetherelationshipyouwant.com



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GURU Quick-Start Five Phases Training and Check-Off Tasklist Calendar

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

GURU Blue Print #1:The Beginner’s Blueprint

As you look at this Blueprint Flowchart, listen to the video description of one process you can follow to build your information product selling machine.

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Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

Please let us know if you have questions or feedback about using thisGURU Quick Start Series; email [email protected]

GURU Blue Print #2:Eben’s Complete Blueprint for a Successful Information Business

This GURU Blueprint below shows you the “big picture” Seven Steps to Building an Information Products Busi-ness. This is a process map. Especially if you are new to Internet marketing, this will help you get a visual representation of one path of key steps to building a business online.

As you look at this Blueprint Flowchart, listen to Eben describe the process in this video

1. Move the Free Line

2. Build Relationships with Relationship Content

3. Convert Sales

4. Create and Sell a $20 - $40 eBook

5. Create a High-End Product for Up-sell with a webinar or seminar series 6. Create a Subscription Product

7. Create a “Curriculum”