10 wealth attraction beliefs (and habits!) of divine...

© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved. 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs A special report by Elizabeth Purvis Founder, Goddess Business School®

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs

A special report by Elizabeth Purvis

Founder, Goddess Business School®

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

About Elizabeth Purvis Elizabeth Purvis is a mentor to thousands of conscious women entrepreneurs around the world, teaching them how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact.

She is the founder of Goddess Business School®, which delivers a proven path to create a moneymaking transformational business that can change the world.

As a mentor and online entrepreneur, Elizabeth created her first 6-figure income in under 6 months as a certified coach, then went on to create over half a million dollars in revenue in just 2 years. Using her systems, Elizabeth’s clients and students have achieved phenomenal results, including quadrupling their incomes in just a few short weeks, multiple 5-figure launches, launching and filling their own high-end programs, and more. She is the recipient of the 2011 Outstanding Achievement in the Business of Coaching Award from the International Association Of Women In Coaching (IAWC). Above all, Elizabeth is a stand for the creative and financial empowerment of women through conscious entrepreneurship. Her work is dedicated to creating a world where awakened women are the new models for wealth, power and success.

Page 3: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

Note from Elizabeth....

Just a few short years ago, I was struggling in my business. I’d quit my job on a wing and a prayer because I couldn’t take yet another day. I thought, “How hard can it be?”

Two years later, I was STILL trying to “figure out” all the parts of business: website, business name, tag line, what could I offer that people would pay for… only by that time, I’d burned through all our savings and had been racking up debt on our credit cards for over a year. And the crazy thing was that I was no closer to having ANY of the answers I was so desperate to find. What’s my niche? What’s my message? Can I really help people? Am I good enough or “ready” enough?

Finally I made an “all or nothing” decision: do what it took to make my business work, no matter what.

When I made that decision, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. And I carefully sought out mentors: women who were wildly successful in their service businesses and yet still maintained their femininity, passion and inner power – all while enjoying the time and money freedom I coveted for myself.

I made a careful study of their beliefs, thoughts and habits and began adopting them as my own. Sometimes it was really hard to shift the old patterns! Yet, slowly but surely, my life and business started to change.

Now, I’m blessed to run an incredible multi-six-figure business serving phenomenal women all over the world. I love my life, which includes plenty of quality time off with my family and wonderful husband. My business is a true expression of my life’s purpose.

When I look back at what really made the difference for me, the beliefs I learned from my Divine Feminine mentors are at the very top of the list.

You probably already know that it’s your beliefs that drive your actions, which ultimately lead to your results. What I’ve found is that it pays to be very discriminating of what you let into your beautiful creatrix mind because what you believe is what you manifest. Which is exactly why I’m passing these winning mindsets on to you.

Love and magic,

Page 4: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

Wealth Attraction Belief #1:

Making fantastic money is part of your spiritual path. This life-changing belief comes from one of my mentors, Kendall SummerHawk. Most women entrepreneurs are focused on creating just enough in their business to meet their basic needs and expenses. Why? Because they can’t imagine having more, they feel like they don’t deserve it or because they experience inner conflict around making more money. But as a woman, what does your soul yearn for? Expansion, alignment, wholeness, and fulfillment (in short, Divine growth). The urge inside every living thing is for more life. When you focus on making “just enough” and no more, you stay in conflict, deny your soul what it really wants and the growth that Spirit wants for you. Creating more than enough, or an abundance of resources is a part of your soul’s expansion – i.e., your spiritual path. Wealth Attraction Belief #2:

You deserve to be compensated for your time, energy, expertise and life experiences.

As a woman, you’ve likely been conditioned to undervalue your time, energy, expertise and life experiences. Remember, the actions of discounting and de-valuing are a result of beliefs – beliefs that probably aren’t yours! You can decide to charge what you’re worth, starting today. Wealth Attraction Belief #3:

Financial fitness is one of the highest forms of self-care. Money is the “silent partner” that impacts nearly every one of our decisions. When you’re constantly stressed out about money, it’s impossible to focus on anything else. The survival mechanism you’re born with takes over.

Page 5: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

In order to serve others, first you must take care of yourself. When your energy is consumed by thoughts of worry or your actions are driven by money, you deny yourself and others. Creating a healthy relationship with money is a key step in manifesting your mission. If you desire to contribute, you owe it to yourself and the people you serve to create financial security so that you can direct your energy outward. Wealth Attraction Belief #4:

It’s easier to make more money than to make less. Most entrepreneurs spend all their time on meeting just their basic needs. So they ignore the opportunities sitting right in front of them that would allow them to make more. When you’re focused on survival, you’ll get survival. When you act from the belief that it’s easier to make more money than it is to make less, you’ll discover countless ways to do just that! Wealth Attraction Belief #5: You must take action from the place you WANT to be, not where you are.

One of my first business mentors, Maria Gamb, once said to me, “Elizabeth, your ability to succeed as an entrepreneur depends entirely on your ability to take action on that which you cannot see.” These words changed my life. Most people think they’re moving ahead when they make their decisions based on their current circumstances. Or they look at what’s in front of them and say, “I can’t, because...” But it doesn’t work that way. What’s in front of YOU right now – your circumstances – are a reflection of your past: your past thinking and past actions. Creating the business, wealth and success you want requires leaps of faith, in Spirit and most importantly, in yourself.

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

Wealth Attraction Belief #6:

Boundaries are your personal power. Many women believe that they will have to give something up to create a 6-figure business and attract wealth into their lives. And it’s true, you will have to give something up: being a victim to someone else’s needs, opinions, drama and crisis. (What a relief!) Boundaries are the key to your personal power. When you hold your boundaries with grace and compassion, you become an inspiration of strength and leadership for everyone around you. Wealth Attraction Belief #7:

“I can’t afford it” is inaccurate, lack-based thinking. If you had to come up with $10,000 to save the life of a loved one – a parent, child, or spouse – what would you do to come up with the money? An extreme example, to be sure, but one that makes the point. While “I can’t afford it” may feel like your circumstance, it is not your reality. It’s simply not accurate. What’s accurate is that if you really had to create the money for something you wanted or needed, you could do it. (And we’ve all witnessed this in action, right? A client tells you they can’t afford it, then they hire another coach or go on vacation.) “I can’t afford it” disempowers you and reinforces lack-based thinking. Similarly, you empower others by giving them a choice to invest in your services. Instead of discounting or deciding in advance that others can’t pay (“my clients won’t pay for it!”), learn a system for confidently discussing your fees and the value of your services. And always give your clients a choice!

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

Wealth Attraction Belief #8:

Nobody does it alone. One of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that I just love: “Receiving is the wealth creation secret of the 21st century.” That includes receiving excellent support in the form of mentors, team, colleagues, and the people you call family. It’s physically impossible to create anything of meaning entirely in a vacuum, and that includes a successful business. Money comes to you through other people – including the people YOU pay and the people who bring you the resources (physical and otherwise) that you use in your business. POWER TIP: Just as nobody creates success alone, remember that you are who you spend time with. You’ve probably heard that your income is the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. This isn’t just a pithy saying – it’s based in psychology and neuroscience. Human beings are wired to model and you will “pick up stuff” unconsciously from people in your environment. That’s why you must surround yourself with people who are more successful than you are, and decide what kinds of energy are no longer acceptable in your space.

Most women entrepreneurs want to create success in a way that honors their feminine receiving energy. Consciously creating your environment, including surrounding yourself with people who pull you forward, is the closest thing I know of to “effortless” success. Wealth Attraction Belief #9:

Making great money gives others permission to do the same. The famous lines from Marianne Williamson are quoted so often simply because they are so true... “And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Page 8: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

What the world needs right now is women like you embodying a new possibility of what it means to be rich, inside and out.

Imagine what the world would be like if all the spiritual people in the world truly gave themselves permission to receive money... and what amazing things we could do with it. It starts with YOU. Wealth Attraction Belief #10:

An opportunity in front of you means you’re READY to take it! If the opportunity is in front of you, the Divine is saying you’re ready! Because otherwise, you would not recognize the opportunity in the first place.

“I’m not ready” is a message from the ego, whose job is to keep you safe. It’s an excuse for being afraid. It’s an excuse for “I don't want to upset the status quo” or “I don't want to upset someone.”

If you find yourself worried about the status quo or other people, those situations are already in your life. And you have a choice: you can choose to hold back, or break free.

People who are not ready do NOT recognize the opportunities in front of them. You, dear Goddess, are READY to have the life and business you deserve.

Page 9: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

The Secret To Shifting Disempowering Beliefs Without Effort If you’ve ever tried to release an old, disempowering belief, you know that it can be a challenge. There are lots of amazing techniques and processes for shifting negative beliefs. Unfortunately, many of them don’t always work. Why? It’s the job of your subconscious to keep you safe, which means it will “act out” whatever it’s programmed with... and it doesn’t want to give up the status quo! Instead, you can change beliefs from the “outside in” by acting AS IF – thinking, speaking, behaving and feeling AS IF the new belief is true. To put these new beliefs into action, become aware of when your old beliefs are popping up (hint: this will often look like a challenging or uncomfortable situation). Then ask yourself this question: "As someone who believes [new belief]... what action do I wish to take?" For example... "As someone who believes that making great money is part of my spiritual path..." "As someone who believes that when I make great money, I give others permission to do the same..." "As someone who believes that I empower others by giving them a choice to invest in my services..." "... what action do I wish to take?" At first, “acting as if” might feel like you’re pretending. That’s okay – you already know how to pretend. The incredible thing? When you act as if something is true, in a very short time it IS true. Try it!

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

BONUS: 10 Empowering Money Habits Of Highly Successful Women

1. Accept 100% responsibility for your results. Yes, even for the things in your life that you don’t like or didn’t want! Accepting responsibility is NOT about “taking on” the part that someone else may have played in a circumstance (such as a negative experience that may have happened to you as a child). It’s about taking back your power of CHOICE and the power to create your circumstances. When you drop the blame and being a victim and accept responsibility, you have the power to change your situation. Accepting responsibility for everything in your life is the first step in creating your life exactly as you wish to live it. 2. Make decisions instead of setting intentions. Setting intentions can be powerful... but they are also one of the biggest ways women entrepreneurs give up their power. Why? Because nothing happens without a decision. To decide means to release other possibilities. To decide means that you WILL create a certain result, in collaboration with Source or Spirit. When you know it’s time to change, skip the intentions and instead make DECISIONS. Then take inspired, deliberate action. 3. Charge what you’re worth. Discounting and giving your services away for free devalues you, disempowers you and disempowers your clients. Charging what your services are worth empowers your clients to make real changes in their lives. I f you’re discounting or bartering, make the decision to stop today. (Ask yourself this: would Oprah barter her services?JJ) POWER TIP: When you make the decision to charge what you’re worth and hold to that boundary, you’ll begin to attract the clients who are more than happy to pay your (increased) fees.

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© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

4. Pay yourself FIRST, even when it feels like you can’t (or shouldn’t). Consider this, Goddess – if you don’t value yourself, why would you expect anyone else to? That’s why you must always pay yourself first, even if it feels like you can’t. In the beginning, the action is more important than the amount. But decide in advance how much you want to pay yourself as an annual salary, then create a plan to pay yourself consistently and on time (even if you need to deposit it right back to where it came from).

Yes, it will be a stretch at first but if you respect the amount as non-negotiable, soon you’ll find yourself taking the actions needed to create it!

5. Start saving today, even if you think you can’t. Open a personal and business savings account and decide how much you’re going to save every time you pay yourself – even if it’s $1 to start! Like paying yourself, the act of saving money is more important than the amount. Over time, you can increase the amount. What’s most important is to know what the money is FOR – a compelling, emotional “big why.” The more emotionally connected you are to your money, the more connected your money will be to you.  6. Track every penny coming in and going out. One thing you’ve probably discovered is that if you’re not paying attention to your money, your money will get your attention – just not in the way you want! By tracking what you make and what you spend, you’re giving money the attention it requires. Yes, tracking your money is uncomfortable when you feel like you’re not making “enough.” Remember that “not enough money” is a situation YOU create... and that you can change. POWER TIP: Turn your money tracking (and bill paying) into a ritual that feels good to you.  7. Follow the flow of the money. Your most important question in business is always: is this [fill-in-the-blank] income-producing?

Page 12: 10 Wealth Attraction Beliefs (and Habits!) Of Divine ...goddessbusinessschool.com/index-handouts/GBS-wealth-habits-2014.pdfOne of my favorite mentors, Eben Pagan, has a saying that


© 2009-2014 Elizabeth Purvis and 7-Figure Goddess, LLC. All rights reserved.

If that triggers you, good! Most women are not used to thinking this way, because of outdated beliefs and cultural conditioning. Focusing on creating money in your business does NOT make you “greedy” but instead is an act of generosity, service, and mission. The more money you make, the more you are serving others. 8. Invest in the best mentor you can find, not what you think you can afford. Going it alone wastes YEARS of time – lost income, experiences and opportunities – that you will never get back. This makes NOT having a mentor one of THE most costly, time-consuming mistakes you can make in business. POWER TIP: Don’t let a bad experience with a mentor keep you from investing in yourself again, when it makes sense to do so. Instead, raise your standards and choose your mentors very carefully. Have they done what you want to achieve? How do they live their life? Will the investment get you into action? What specific results will you hold yourself accountable for achieving and receiving? 9. Give thanks daily. Gratitude is of the highest, purest vibration and brings you closer to the Divine. It is the source of your greatest ideas, wisdom, courage, strength and love. Gratitude acknowledges a simple truth – that there is no lack – and keeps the flow of good things circulating in your life. Create your own gratitude ritual and follow it daily. 10. Give back with love.

To find out more about how our programs at Goddess Business School® can empower you to make the money you deserve in your conscious business, visit:
