143 by sitrus

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  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    143 _... -+- By Sitrus -+- ..._ 

    Author's note:

    143 stands for...1 means 'I'.

    4 means 'Love'.

    3 means 'You'.

    [+++] is Jade's of view.

    [++] is Minwoo's point of view. (Begins at Part II)

     If there are no marks ([++]/[+++]) it means third person's point of view.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- Part I -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

     I was stained with darkness overing m! e!es

     "s !o# $eft m! $ife%

    &o# showed me what needed to e shown

     I was revea$ed to a wor$d I a$$ed m! own I a$wa!s knew what was right 

     I #st never knew that I might 

    hoose to see with a different sight....

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter ONE _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-March 13th-+- ...

    A ir! !oo"ed out of #er $indo$% mesmeri&ed y t#e sno$. S#e on!y sa$ a !an"et of $#ite (overin t#e s(#oo! rounds% not yet "no$in of t#e #ards#i) t#at$ou!d (ome in t#e ne*t fe$ mont#s....

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

    [+++] means it's ,ade's )oint of vie$.

    I am ,ade. I $as a ir! $#o $as sent a$ay. I $as sent a$ay to oardin s(#oo! in t#e Sierra evada mountains of /a!ifornia% t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!.

    0y fami!y #ad a !ot of money. 0y dad o$ns a (om)any% ente( and 0om $or"ed in a !a$yer's firm. 2it# a!! t#at money t#ey (ou!d send me to any s(#oo! t#ey

    $ant% ut t#ey didn't. #ey sent me to oardin s(#oo! e(ause t#ey didn't $ant me. #ey $anted to et rid of me.

    I did not#in serious!y $ron to deserve to e sent a$ay from my fami!y !i"e t#at. I on!y "no$ t#at it $as e(ause of t#e deat# of my randmot#er. A mont# aftermy randmot#er $as (remated% I $as s#i))ed into t#e Sierra evada mountains.

    0y randmot#er $as !i"e my se(ond mot#er. I $as (!oser to #er t#an my o$n mot#er. I a!$ays ran to #er $#en I $as fee!in ad. I a!$ays ran to #er $#en I #ave

    somet#in e*(itin to te!!. I've a!$ays turned to #er for su))ort. S#e $as t#e most im)ortant )erson in my !ife. S#e raised me $#en I $as youn. S#e $as mytea(#er. S#e $as my mentor. S#e $as my en(ouraement. veryt#in I did $as for #er. And a!! t#e t#ins t#at I do no$ are sti!! for #er. I did $e!! in s(#oo! $as

     e(ause of #er. I $anted to ma"e #er )roud of me. S#e died ein )roud of me and t#at's ood enou# for me.

    ... -+-December 5th-+- ...[+++]

    5ne $inter day $#en I (ame a(" from s(#oo!% I "ne$ somet#in $as $ron. I o)ened t#e front door of t#e #ouse. It $as dead si!ent. I )ut do$n my a(")a("

    and my )uff 6a("et on t#e !ivin room (ou(#. Somet#in $as definite!y $ron7 8randma $ou!d usua!!y (ome reet me on(e I ot in t#e #ouse. S#e a!$ays said

    t#at s#e "ne$ $#en I (ame #ome. S#e said s#e (ou!d #ear my "eys 6in!in from t#e ot#er side of t#e door.

    98randma:9 I said in a s#y voi(e.

    I ran to t#e "it(#en to see if s#e $as t#ere. S#e $asn't. A!! t#e )ots and )ans $ere untou(#ed; t#ey $ere sti!! on t#e #anin ra("s. I $as einnin to )ani(. I #e!d

    my reat# as I !oo"ed a!! around t#e #ouse. I ran u)stairs. 0y feet $ere ta"in me to 8randma's room. #e (!oser I ot to #er room% t#e !ouder my #eart $as eatin in my ears. I o)ened t#e door and t#e )oundin in my ears sto))ed. 8randma $as in #er ed $it# (overs sti!! on #er. I eded (!oser to #er and I sa$ a )a!e

    $oman in ed. S#e #ad a satisfied smi!e on #er !i)s. I "nee!ed do$n ne*t to #er.

    9o%9 I soed. An end!ess river of tears f!o$ed do$n my fa(e. I )ressed my fa(e into t#e ed. I $ra))ed my arms around #er ody and $e)t. I $as distrau#t and

     ro"en#earted. I )i("ed u) my #ead and !oo"ed at my 8randma aain. 2it# one !an(e at #er% I fe!t a t#ousand need!es )ier(in into my #eart. 95

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    '5#% no%' I t#ou#t. '#en (an't ury 8randma's as#es. S#e didn't $ant t#at!ease% 6ust !et me do t#is. I am t#e on!y one $#o "no$s $#at s#e $ants%9 I )!eaded. I didn't $ait for an ans$er. I 6ust too" t#e urn $it# 8randma's as#es inside.

    #e $#o!e fami!y $as anry at me. I (arried it in my arms ti#t!y. I fe!t !i"e I $as ready to defend t#e urn $it# my !ife if I #ad to.

    9,ade% $#ere are you oin:9 0om as"ed and ran after me.

    95(ean Bea(#%9 I said f!at!y and $ent inside our to$n (ar. I )u!!ed s#ut t#e door $it# one of my #ands. I $as sti!! #o!din t#e urn $it# my ot#er #and ti#t!y.

    0om ot in t#e front )assener seat. ad ot in a moment !ater and drove out of t#e )ar"in s)ot. 2e $ere on our $ay to 5(ean Bea(#. #e ot#ers fo!!o$ed us.

    I "ne$ t#at 5(ean Bea(# $as t$o mi!es a$ay from t#e 8o!den 8ate Bride. I didn't $ant to te!! t#em 8randma $anted #er as#es to e s(attered over t#e 8o!den

    8ate Bride. I "ne$ t#at t#ey mi#t eat us t#ere and ta"e t#e urn a$ay from me.

    2#en $e ot to 5(ean Bea(#% #a!f t#e fami!y $as a!ready t#ere. #ey $ere $aitin for us. #ey $ere $aitin for me. #ey #ad formed a arrier around t#e

     )ar"in !ot of t#e ea(# $it# t#eir (ars and t#emse!ves.

    9,ade% (ome on. ,ust ive u) t#e urn%9 I #eard a (ou)!e of )eo)!e say.

    '#ey are a!! aainst me%' I t#ou#t. I inored t#em and I $a!"ed )assed t#em. I $as $a!"in to$ards t#e 8o!den 8ate Bride $it# t#e fami!y e#ind me. I $as

    sti!! #o!din t#e urn ti#t!y. It rea!!y fe!t !i"e I $as ready to defend it $it# my !ife.

    0om and ad $ere ri#t ne*t to me. #ey offered some )rote(tion. If t#ey $ere around me% t#e fami!y (ou!dn't (!a$ t#e urn a$ay from me. I "ne$ t#e fami!y

    $as t#in"in% '2#at t#e #e!! is t#at !itt!e ir! doin:'

    I $a!"ed u) a sma!! #i!! in t#e ussian ?i!! distri(t near our #ouse. #at $as $ere 8randma used to do #er ai /#i. I !i"ed to (a!! t#at #i!! 98randma's #i!!9. 5n one

    side of t#e #i!!% it !oo"ed over t#e 8o!den 8ate Bride and on t#e ot#er side% t#e San =ran(is(oC5a"!and Bay Bride $as visi!e. Sometimes I (ou!d see t#e 8o!den

    8ate Bride )ea"in out of t#e marine !ayer and t#e fo. I rememered t#at $#en I $as youner% I $ou!d fo!!o$ 8randma #ere to t#is #i!! and do ai /#i $it# #er.

    It $as t#e !ate afternoon% so t#e fo 6ust started ro!!in into t#e ay. #at $as 8randma's favorite si#t in t#e $or!d. o me% it $as a sin t#at I $as doin t#e ri#tt#in.

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    5n(e I've made it to t#e 8o!den 8ate Bride% I o)ened t#e (over of t#e urn and s)rin"!ed t#e as#es over t#e ay $ater. Some of t#e as#es (ir(!ed me. I (ou!d fee!

    8randma's )resen(e ne*t to me. It fe!t !i"e 8randma's s)irit $as sayin s#e $as )roud of me. S#e didn't (are t#at I $as rea"in a!! of t#e ru!es of our tradition.

    #at $as #o$ I "ne$ s#e died ein )roud of #er randdau#ter ,ade.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!"EE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    After I s(attered 8randma's as#es% t#e fami!y #ated me. I $as (ausin a #ue (ontroversy. #ey a!! t#ou#t t#at I disres)e(t t#e fami!y tradition. #ey a!$ays

    t#ou#t t#at 8randma s)oi!ed me rotten. #ey t#ou#t t#at I $as a rat and I ot $#atever I $ant. I (ared !itt!e of $#at t#ey t#ou#t aout me. #e on!y t#in t#at

    mattered to me $as 8randma died ein )roud of me.

    ... -+-December #3r$-+- ...[+++]

    9,ade% (ome #ere%9 I #eard 0om say.

    I $a!"ed into t#e "it(#en $#ere I #eard 0om's voi(e. 9Yes% 0om:9

    9#is is your re)ort (ard%9 s#e said and #anded it to me.

    I too" it.

    9I found t#is in one of your )o("ets $#en I $as (!eanin your room%9 s#e said stern!y. 92#y $ere you #idin it:9

    I s#rued. 9....$#at ma"es you t#in" t#at I $as #idin it:9

    S#e inored my Duestion. 9?o$ did you et a 1.E3 rade )oint averae:9 s#e s#rie"ed. 9You ot a '' in n!is#. ,ade% $#at's $ron:9

    9....#o$ s#ou!d I "no$. I didn't do anyt#in%9 I muttered.

    9I am so disa))ointed in you% ,ade. I t#ou#t you $ere a !ot etter t#an t#is%9 s#e (ontinued.

    9/'mon% 0om. It's not !i"e you've never s!a("ed off at s(#oo! efore%9 I said tryin to rin u) anot#er su6e(t.

    9,ade%9 s#e started. =rom t#e tone of #er voi(e% I (ou!d te!! s#e $as ettin im)atient $it# me. 9I am rea!!y serious aout you're rades. If t#is #a))ens one more

    time% you are rounded%9 s#e $arned.

    I $as s)ee(#!ess for a $#i!e. I $as t#in"in of somet#in to say a(" to #er. 9So $#at:9 I said. 9I'm oin%9 I to!d 0om and I !eft t#e "it(#en. I $ent to t#e !ivin

    room and raed my a(")a(" and my 6a("et.

    9Youn !ady% you (ome a(" #ere ri#t no$

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    0om on t#e ot#er !ine. I !oo"ed at t#e fa(e of my )#one. 'o%' I t#ou#t. 0y #ouse numer $as on it.

    I )us#ed on 'ta!"'. 9?e!!o:9 I said in a dead voi(e.

    9,ade% $#ere are you:9 I #eard 0om say tryin to sound (a!m.

    9I'm at t#e us sto). I'm (omin #ome%9 I to!d #er tryin to e Duiet so t#ey $ou!dn't #ear me.

    95"ay. But on(e you're #ome% $e're #avin a ta!".9

    #ere $as a us around t#e (orner. I #ad to et out my money for t#e us. 9Sure% 0om. I otta o. #ere's a us (omin%9 I said.

    9Bye% ,ade%9 s#e said and #un u) t#e )#one.

    After 0om #un u)% so did I. #e us sto))ed in front of me and !et out some )asseners. I ot on and )aid my fair. I "ne$ t#at t#e oys $ou!d $ant to sit in t#e a(" so I sat in t#e midd!e of t#e us. #ey didn't sit in t#e a(" of t#e us. I $as astonis#ed to find out t#at t#ey sat in front of me. Fevin and ri( sat in front of

    me. /#ar!ey sat in front of t#em and avid sat in t#e ro$ ne*t to me.

    I rea!!y $anted for t#e us to o faster. I $anted to et off t#e us or #ave t#em et off t#e us. 2#en I sa$ my sto) (ome u)% I Dui("!y )u!!ed t#e $ire to sina!

    t#e 'Sto)' !i#t in t#e front of t#e us. A moment !ater% I $as off t#e us and I ran #ome.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter %O&"  _... -+- ..._[+++]

    5n(e I o)ened t#e door to my #ouse% I sa$ 0om and ad $aitin for me on t#e !ivin room (ou(#. ad $as readin t#e ne$s)a)er and 0om #ad #er nose in a

    maa&ine. ad )ut t#e ne$s)a)er on t#e (offee ta!e. 0om )ut t#e maa&ine on #er !a).

    9,ade% $e #ave to ta!"%9 ad said serious!y.

    9Aout $#at:9 I as"ed.

    9You're e#avior%9 0om said.

    92#at aout it:9

    9You're out of (ontro! no$. You don't seem to "no$ t#e t#ins you're doin is $ron%9 0om said $it# a !ot of drama.

    I ro!!ed my eyes. 'I am ettin so tired of t#is

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9#e s(#oo! in t#e Sierra evada 0ountains is a oardin s(#oo!%9 ad said strai#t u).

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

    #ey s#i))ed me out of t#e #ouse. ad said t#at #e and 0om (ou!dn't #and!e me any more. #ey $ere never a!e to #and!e me. #ey #ad me $#en t#ey $ere sti!!

    in (o!!ee at t#e ae of t$enty. 5n(e I $as orn% I ! ived $it# 8randma. 0om and ad $anted to finis# (o!!ee so t#ey )ut me $it# 8randma. #ey $ere a youn

    (ou)!e $it# a ay. #e sad trut# $as t#at t#ey $ere never a!e to #and!e me. very time t#ey #ad a )ro!em $it# me% t#ey sent me off to 8randma. 2#en

    8randma $as one% t#ey #ad no $#ere e!se to )ut me so t#ey sent me off to oardin s(#oo!. I $as seventeen and in my senior year at #i# s(#oo!. I $onder $#at

    t#ey mi#t do $it# me on(e I ot out of t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter %IE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-March 13th-+- ...[+++]

    A fe$ $ee"s !ater% I #ad to (a!! t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo! #ome. I $as torn a$ay from my fami!y% my friends% and t#e ay. I $as torn a$ay from my !ife

    in t#e ay area. I stayed in t#e same dorm room $it# t$o ot#er ir!s $#o $ere around my ae% Amy% and >#oee. Amy $as t#in raven #air ir! $it# #a&e! eyes.

    S#e $as t#e most ent#usiasti( )erson I've ever met. >#oee $as a )etite ir! $it# ro$n #air and ro$n eyes.

    #ere $ere t$o dorm #ouses in t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!% one for t#e ir!s and one for t#e oys. #e ir!s $ere on t#e east side and t#e oys $ere ont#e $est side.

    #e mountains $ere not#in !i"e t#e ay. I fe!t tra))ed !ivin in t#e mountains. I $as surrounded y $a!!s made of i(e and ro("s. In t#e ay% I $as free. #ere

    $ere no )#ysi(a! arriers t#at "e)t me inside from t#e rest of t#e $or!d. I !oved t#e ay. It $as my rea! #ome.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

     *ing. *ong.*ing. on.

    ... -+-March 14th-+- ... [+++]

    #e Sout# o$er e!! run. It $as t#e e!! t#at to!d us to et u). It $as anot#er day at t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!. I roaned and ot u). Amy and >#oee

    $ere sti!! s!ee)in. #ey've s!e)t t#rou# t#e e!! !oads of time. I raed my s(#oo! uniform% a $#ite to) and a stri))ed red "nee !ent# s"irt% and my

    underarments from t#e (!oset. I !ued my (!ot#es to t#e at#room and too" a s#o$er. I dried myse!f and )ut on my (!ot#es. I $a!"ed a(" into t#e room. #ey

    $ere sti!! s!ee)in. #at $as strane e(ause Amy $ou!d usua!!y e a$a"e on(e I ot out of t#e at#room. S#e $as a!$ays so enereti( in t#e mornin% ut !ate!y%s#e's een stressed out and si(".

    9>#oee%9 I $#is)ered. I )o"ed #er $it# my finer. 92a"e u). You'!! e !ate for rea"fast%9 I said and s#oo" #er ody ent!y.

    >#oee tossed around in #er ed. 92#at:9 s#e moaned.

    9It's time to $a"e u)%9 I to!d #er.

    S#e moved around in #er ed and fina!!y )us#ed aside #er !an"ets. S#e rea(#ed for #er s!i))ers and ot u).

    9Amy. Amy. Amy. 2a"e u)%9 I said and s#oo" #er ody a !itt!e.

    S#e moaned. 9@#... I don't fee! so ood.9

    92#at's $ron:9 I as"ed.

    9Bat#room%9 s#e as)ed. S#e ot out of #er ed and fe!! onto t#e f!oor.

    I #e!)ed #er onto #er feet and su))orted #er to t#e at#room. 9>#oee% Amy isn't fee!in $e!!%9 I (a!!ed #er. S#e $as in #er (!oset.

    92#at's $ron $it# Amy:9 s#e as"ed.

    9I don't "no$.9

    >#oee $a!"ed into t#e at#room.

    Amy $as over t#e toi!et seat. S#e $as t#ro$in u). It $as t#e t#ird time I sa$ #er !i"e t#at t#at $ee".

    90aye $e s#ou!d te!! 0s. Andre$s%9 >#oee suested. =rom t#e tone of #er voi(e% s#e $as s(arred and didn't "no$ $#at e!se to do ut to (a!! t#e )rin(i)a!.

    Amy s#oo" #er #ead vio!ent!y. 9o% don't. >!ease%9 s#e )!eaded.

    92#y not: It's ovious t#at you're si("%9 I said.

    9,ust don't. I'm not si("%9 s#e said soft!y and sat u).

    9#en $#at's $ron:9

    9It's 6ust- I'm...9

    I !oo"ed at #er. A!! t#e (!ues added u). I "ne$ $#at $as $ron $it# #er. 0y 6a$ dro))ed. 95#... my... os#%9 I said s!o$!y. 9Amy% $#en did it #a))en:9 I as"ed.

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    S#e !oo"ed do$n at t#e f!oor. S#e s#rued.

    92#at's $ron:9 >#oee as"ed.

    Amy s#rued and didn't say anyt#in. Amy )!eaded me $it# #er eyes to not say anyt#in.

    9,ade:9 >#oee as"ed. S#e $as rea!!y (on(erned aout #er.

    I !an(ed at Amy $#o $as sti!! )!eadin me not to say anyt#in. 9Amy's%9 I started% ut I (ou!dn't finis# t#e senten(e. 9Amy $i!! te!! you $#en s#e's ready%9 I saidsoft!y. I !oo"ed at Amy aain. S#e $as re!ieved t#at I didn't te!! >#oee.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

    2#en >#oee and Amy $ere in t#eir uniforms% $e $ent do$n stairs to t#e dinin room for rea"fast. I (ou!dn't sto) t#in"in aout Amy. S#e (ou!dn't #ide #er )ro!em for mu(# !oner. In a fe$ mont#s% s#e $as oin to #ave a #ue res)onsii!ity to !oo" over.

    By ei#t fifteen% I finis#ed my rea"fast and $a!"ed to my first )eriod (!ass% n!is#% $it# >#oee in t#e !o$er )art of t#e ast o$er. I $a!"ed )assed t#e #ue

    dou!e doors t#at !ead to t#e 0ain SDuare ?a!!. I $a!"ed a(ross t#e )o!is#ed mar!e f!oor and u) t#e ast o$er entran(e. I $a!"ed u) t#e stairs and into my

    (!assroom. I sat in my seat and too" out my materia!s. >#oee sat a(ross from me.

    >rofessor A"in $a!"ed into t#e (!assroom. 98ood mornin% (!ass%9 s#e reeted us.

    98ood mornin% >rofessor A"in%9 $e said.

    9I $ant you to ta"e out your #ome$or" assinment from yesterday. I $i!! (ome y and (o!!e(t it%9 s#e said and started to $a!" from des" to des" (o!!e(tin t#e

    essays. S#e $a!"ed y my des" and too" my essay. 9I'!! e !oo"in for$ard to read your )a)er% ,ade%9 s#e to!d me.

    I rinned )o!ite!y. I $as >rofessor A"in's star )u)i!. 0y rades $ent a(" u) on(e I (ame to t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!.

    >rofessor A"in )ut t#e sta(" of #ome$or" on #er des". 9oday $e are oin to dis(uss aout t#e ear!y Ameri(an !iterature. 0oni(a% $ou!d you )!ease start:9

    #e (!ass turned to a ta!! red #ead in t#e front of t#e (!ass.

    S#e (!eared #er t#roat. 9I t#ou#t-9

     nok. nok. Fno(".

    A!! of our attention turned to t#e door. >rofessor A"in $a!"ed to t#e door and turned t#e door "no. 9?e!!o% #o$ (an I #e!) you:9 s#e as"ed.

    I (ou!d see a #ead $it# !i#t ro$n #air movin around.

    9I'm a ne$ student%9 I #eard a voi(e. #e $#o!e (!ass $as turnin t#eir #eads to see $#o t#e ne$ student $as.

    95#% I see. /ome in% avid% and #ave a seat%9 s#e said. S#e ste))ed aside and #e $a!"ed into t#e (!ass.

    0y eyes )o))ed o)en $#en I sa$ #im. ?e $as t#e same avid from my o!d #i# s(#oo!. I never e*)e(ted to see #im at t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!. ?e

    $a!"ed to t#e a(" of t#e (!ass and s!um)ed into a seat.

    '$o sur)rises in one day%' I t#ou#t.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter (I) _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-March 14th-+- ... [+++]

    #e Sout# o$er e!! run aain. It $as !un(# time. I sat in t#e same ta!e $it# Amy and >#oee. I $at(#ed Amy (!ose!y. S#e !oo"ed even more stressed out.

    9So... Amy. ?o$ are you fee!in no$:9 >#oee as"ed.

    Amy s(ra))ed t#e (#ina )!ate $it# #er for". 9I'm fine%9 s#e said in a monotone voi(e.

    >#oee didn't uy it. S#e $as sti!! s"e)ti(a! aout Amy% ut s#e didn't say anyt#in e!se.

     o one said anyt#in for a $#i!e. #e tension $as ro$in.

    9I t#in" $e s#ou!d #ead to (!ass%9 Amy said% rea"in t#e tension.

    2it#out #esitation% >#oee% Amy% and I )ut our trays a$ay and $ent to our ne*t (!ass. I #ad #istory $it# Amy so it $as (onvenient to et some ans$ers from #er. I

    $a!"ed out of t#e dinin room and into t#e 0ain SDuare ?a!! $it# Amy e#ind me. I $a!"ed u) t#e 8rand Stair$ay and into my #istory (!ass on t#e se(ond f!oor.

    92#o is it% Amy:9 I as"ed.

    Amy didn't say anyt#in.

    I turned around and I $as s#o("ed to find out t#at s#e $as no $#ere in si#t.

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    9Amy: 2#ere are you:9 I as"ed. 'Yea#. 8reat. o$ I !oo" stu)id ta!"in to myse!f. You are so smart% ,ade%' I t#ou#t sar(asti(a!!y. I $a!"ed to my seat $it# )in"


    A fe$ minutes !ater% Amy $a!"ed into t#e (!ass $it# $atery eyes.

    9Are you o"ay:9 I as"ed.

    Amy s#ivered in #er seat. 9Yea#. I'!! e fine%9 s#e said $ea"!y.

    9Are you sure:9 I as"ed.

    S#e )aused. 9o%9 s#e $ai!ed. 9It's not o"ay< I've sinned

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    92#at aout #er:9 #e as"ed #ars#!y.

    9S#e needs you. Your ay needs you.9

    Aain% t#e (o!d !oo" in #is eyes tried to (over u) #is rea! fee!ins. 9o s#e doesn't need me%9 #e said and started to $a!" a$ay.

    I didn't o after #im% I 6ust (ontinued to ta!". 9Yes s#e does. S#e needs you more t#an anyone e!se ri#t no$%9 s#e said $it# misty eyes.

    ?e s!o$ed do$n #is )a(e.

    92#at aout your ay:9 s#e as"ed #im. 9Your ay needs you too. Your ay needs you as mu(# as Amy does%9 s#e said !o$!y.

    ?e sto))ed in #is tra("s. 9It's not even orn yet%9 #e said $it# #is a(" fa(in me. 9And it's none of your usiness%9 #e said (o!d!y and $a!"ed a$ay.

    9But-9 I started to say. '?e's ri#t%' I my mind t#ou#t. 'It's not my ay. It's not my )ro!em.' I !et #im $a!"ed a$ay. 9It is my usiness. Your ay is my ref!e(t ion

    seventeen years ao%9 $as $#at my #eart to!d me.

    I $a!"ed a(" to t#e dorm room. I s!ammed t#e door s#ut and dro))ed my a(")a(" ne*t to my ed. I !aid do$n on my ed and (!osed my eyes. I $asn't t#in"in

    aout Amy% avid% or t#e ay. I $as t#in"in aout myse!f.

    '2#at am I onna do after s(#oo!'s over: /o!!ee: Are my )arents onna send me a$ay aain: 2i!! I e a!e to $or" $it# ad at #is (om)any: I don't e!on any

    $#ere. I don't e!on $it# my fami!y (ause t#ey a!! #ate me. I don't e!on at t#is s(#oo! e(ause I'!! e for(ed to !eave in a fe$ mont#s. 0y !ife is fu!! of (ra)%' I

    t#ou#t. 'I need to rea" a$ay from t#em...'

    I #eard t#e sDuea"y door o)en. I !oo"ed u). >#oee $a!"ed in.

    9?ey% ,ade%9 s#e reeted me.

    I ave #er a $ea" smi!e.

    9Amy to!d me $#at's u) $it# #er%9 s#e said and si#ed. 9I (an't e!ieve it.9

    9I "no$ $#at you mean%9 I said and !eaned my #ead aainst t#e )i!!o$. 9I $as )retty s#o("ed $#en I found out.9

    92#at's s#e onna do:9

    I s#rued. 9I don't "no$% ut $e (an't te!! anyone aout #er. S#e's onna et "i("ed out for sure%9 I said in a !o$ tone.

    >#oee nodded. S#e )ut #er oo" a a$ay and sat at #er des".

    I've rea!i&ed somet#in. Amy. S#e $asn't t#ere. 92#ere is s#e:9 I as"ed.

    9I don't "no$. 0aye s#e's t#ro$in u):9 >#oee suested.

    '0aye s#e ran off to avid%' I t#ou#t #o)efu!!y.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter EI*!T _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-Apr+, 1st-+- ...

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    -+-+-+- "m!-+-+-+-

    After (!ass $as dismissed% Amy $a!"ed out side of t#e s(#oo!. S#e stood y t#e )ond i(y )ond. #e s(#oo! rounds $as (overed in sno$. #e )ond $as fi!!ed $it#

    (#un"s of i(e.

    Sadness fi!!ed #er eyes as s#e stared into t#e sun set. ?er inno(en(e $as !ost a!on $it# #er virinity. S#e #as sinned. S#e $as as#amed. S#e $as disra(ed. '?o$am I su))osed to te!! anyone: 2#at (an I )ossi!y do to ma"e t#is etter:' s#e t#ou#t. '2i!! #e fa(e #is res)onsii!ities-'

    Amy's t#ou#ts $ere interru)ted $#en someone (a!!ed #er.


    S#e turned around to see $#o $as ta!"in to #er. S#e found #erse!f fa(in avid. 2it# 6ust one !oo" at #im% #er eyes fi!!ed $it# tears. 9You (ame%9 s#e s)o"e

    soft!y and smi!ed.

    9Yea#. I (ame%9 #e re)!ied in a !o$ voi(e.

    92e otta ta!"%9 s#e said in a voi(e are!y aove a $#is)er.

    9Yea#. 2e do%9 #e areed.

    S#e too" a dee) reat# efore s#e ean. 92e!!... er-um... I'm )renant and I don't "no$ $#at to do%9 s#e said in a !o$ voi(e. S#e (ou!d fee! #er #ot tears e#ind

    #er eye!ids.

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    92e!!... is t#e ay mine:9 #e as"ed.

    Amy )i("ed u) #er #ead and !oo"ed at #im. 9Yes. 5f (ourse it's yours% avid. I am one #undred )er(ent sure t#at t#e ay is yours%9 s#e said $it# (onfiden(e. S#e

    $as fi#tin to "ee) #er tears from es(a)in from #er eyes.

    avid #e!d #er (#in. 9Amy% I $ant you to "no$ t#at I (are aout you. A !ot. I !ove you%9 #e to!d #er.

    A tear es(a)ed #er eye. #en anot#er one. S#e $as (ryin. I made #er #eart tin!e $#en #e said #e !oved #er.

    9I $i!! fat#er our (#i!d%9 #e said.

    Amy (ried. ?er tears $ere from 6oy. S#e smi!ed.

    ?e rea(#ed into #is )o("et and too" out a o!d and. 9Amy% $it# t#is rin I )romise t#at I $i!! marry you one day%9 #e said and s!i))ed t#e and onto #er finer.

    S#e smi!ed $ider. ears $ere streamin do$n #er fa(e. S#e #ued #im. 95#% avid%9 s#e $#is)ered into #is ear.

    After a !on $#i!e% s#e )u!!ed a$ay from t#eir emra(e.

    92#y t#e sudden (#ane of #eart:9 s#e as"ed.

    9It $as $#at someone said to me. I rea!i&ed t#at you needed me and so does our ay%9 #e said and dried #er tears.

    Amy smi!ed. Some#o$ s#e "ne$ t#at #er ood friend% ,ade #ad somet#in to do $it# avid's (#aned attitude. 9,ade%9 s#e $#is)ered. 9#an" you.9

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter NINE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-Apr+, 1st-+- ... [+++]

    I sat at t#e des" $it# t#e )a("ae of uno)ened (oo"ies and a !etter from my )arents. #e door o)ened. Amy rus#ed into t#e room.

    9,ade. #an" you. #an" you. #an" you for $#atever you said to avid. #an" you%9 s#e said ra)id!y and t#re$ #er arms around me.

    9Sure. o )ro!em%9 I smi!ed and ro"e off t#e #u.

    9#an"s ,ade. But $#y did you...9

    I t#ou#t for a $#i!e efore I "ne$ $#at $as t#e ri#t t#in to say. 9I $as !i"e your ay. It reminded me of my )arents $#en t#ey $ere in (o!!ee. I 6ust #ad to

    #e!)%9 I said. I sto))ed s#ort of $#at I $as sayin e(ause I didn't "no$ #o$ I $ou!d rea(t if I to!d someone t#at I $asn't $anted. I'm sti!! not $anted.

    Amy smi!ed ri#t!y. 9#an" you%9 s#e said aain and #eaded off to t#e at#room.

    5n(e I to!d Amy my reason to #e!) #er% I fe!t sadness over$#e!min me. I didn't $ant #er or >#oee to see me !i"e t#is. I #ad to et out.

    9I'm oin out to et some fres# air%9 I to!d Amy.

    95"ay%9 I #eard #er muff!ed voi(e from t#e at#room.

    I $a!"ed out of t#e dorm room and into t#e 0ain SDuare ?a!!. I $a!"ed )assed t#e #ue dou!e doors to t#e outside. It $as virtua!!y em)ty. I !eaned aainst a

    red$ood tree and s!um)ed do$n to t#e i(y% (o!d round.

    'o you uys $ant me a(" #ome:' I t#ou#t. 'Am I $ort#!ess to you uys: After 8randma !eft% everyt#in (#aned. 0aye you s#ou!dn't #ave )rote(ted me%

    8randma. You s#ou!d #ave 6ust !et me see $#at my fami!y is rea!!y !i"e.'

    9i#t t#rou# #ere% 0r. Lee%9 I #eard 0r. Fon% our administrator.

    I !oo"ed u) at t#em. I sa$ 0r. Fon ne*t to a youn man t#at I've never seen efore in a sna))y !a(" suit. 0y uess $as t#at #e $as 0r. Lee. ?e !oo"ed no o!der 

    t#an t$enty. ?e #as t#e most intense eyes I've ever seen. ?is #air $as dyed !i#t ro$n.

    9#is is a very im)ressive s(#oo! round%9 I #eard #im say. ?is voi(e $as dee) and !o$.

    9#an" you% 0r. Lee%9 #e said and smi!ed. ?e turned #is attention to me. 9*(use me% youn !ady%9 #e said to me.


    0r. Lee !oo"ed at me. #ere $as a !oo" in #is fa(e !i"e #e $as e*)e(tin somet#in.

    9S#ou!dn't you e inside:9 #e as"ed and e*)e(ted me to et u) and !eave.

    9Yes% sir%9 I said and ot u). I rus#ed off t#e sno$ )o$der on my uniform and $a!"ed inside. I fe!t t#em fo!!o$in me as I $a!"ed u) t#e stairs% ut I didn't turn

    around. I made my $ay t#rou# t#e #a!!s $#i(# $as fi!!ed $it# !itt!e rou)s of s(attered students. I $a!"ed to t#e dorm room and (!osed t#e door s#ut.

    Amy $as #a))i!y ta!"in to >#oee. 2#en I $a!"ed in% ot# of t#em !oo"ed u) at me. 9?ey% ,ade%9 t#ey ot# reeted me.

    I )ut on a fa"e #a))y fa(e and re)!ied% 9?ey% uys.9

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     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TEN _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-Apr+, 1st-+- ...[+++]

    #e Sout# o$er e!! run aain. It $as si* t#irty. inner. Amy% >#oee and I $ent do$n to t#e 0ain SDuare ?a!!. Students $ere a!ready on t#eir $ay to t#e

    dinin room. 2e sat do$n on one of t#e five !are ta!es. #e (afeteria $or"ers )ut !are #e!)ins of food on t#e ta!e. 5n(e every ta!e #as food on it% $e ean

    to eat.

    I too" a (assero!e% a sa!ad% read sti("s% and some )asta. I it into t#e (assero!e. It tasted a !itt!e $eird.

    9?ey% >#oee%9 I said and nuded #er $it# my e!o$.

    9Yea#:9 s#e said.

    9oes your (assero!e tastes funny to you:9 I as"ed.

    S#e ite into #er (assero!e and savored it. S#e s$a!!o$ed it efore s#e ans$ered me. 9o it tastes fine.9

    I nodded and I too" anot#er ite of my (assero!e. #ere $as a strane taste in it t#at I (ou!d )ut my finer on. I too" anot#er ite of it. #ere $as a #int of fis#.

    I as)ed.

    9>#oee% $#at "ind of (assero!e is t#is:9 I as"ed.

    9I t#in" it's tuna%9 s#e said.

    9Are you sure:9 I as"ed. If s#e said yes% I $as oin to frea" out.

    9>retty sure.9

    I t#re$ t#e (assero!e a(" on to my dis#.

    92#at's $ron% ,ade:9 s#e as"ed.

    9I'm a!!eri( to fis#

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    I #eard 0r. Lee (#u("!ed.

    9=ine. If you're si(" t#en o. If you're not t#en I suest you turn a(" to t#e dinin #a!!%9 #e said stri(t!y.

    95"ay. Sure%9 I said and $a!"ed u) a (ou)!e of ste)s.

    92#ere are you oin:9 as"ed 0r. Fon.

    I turned around and fa(ed #im. 9#e nurse's offi(e% !i"e I said%9 I said ovious!y and ran u) to t#e fourt# f!oor% $#ere t#e nurse's offi(e $as. ?er door $as o)enedso I ste))ed in. 9*(use me% 0rs. /#ar!otte:9 I (a!!ed t#e nurse.

    9I'!! e ri#t t#ere% dear%9 s#e (a!!ed from t#e a(" room. A fe$ se(onds !ater% s#e (ame out. 92#at is it:9

    9I'm a!!eri( to fis# and I #ad t#e tuna (assero!e for dinner%9 I e*)!ained.

    95#. I see%9 s#e said.

    S#e $ent to t#e a(" room aain and (ame a(" $it# a s#ot "it. 92#y did you eat it $#en you're a!!eri(:9 s#e as"ed. S#e )ut some !iDuid into t#e tue and made

    me ro!! u) my s!eeve.

    9@m... $#at:9 I stum!ed. 92e!! I didn't "no$ $#at it $as unti! I ate it.9

    S#e (!eaned a sma!! )art of my s"in $it# a (otton a!! $it# a!(o#o!. e*t s#e ent!y )ut t#e need!e in my s"in. #ere $as a sma!! stinin in my arm. After t#at%

    s#e )ut a andae on me.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter E-EEN _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une /th-+- ... [+++]

    As t#e $ee"s )assed y% I re$ more de)ressed and !o$-s)irited. I didn't "no$ $#at my fami!y $as oin to do $it# me after I ot a(" from Boardin S(#oo!. I

    "ne$ t#at t#ey $ere oin to send me a$ay aain. I rea!!y #o)ed t#at t#ey send me a$ay to (o!!ee.

    Amy on t#e ot#er #and% $as #a))y and 6oyfu!. avid )romised t#at #e $ou!d marry #er on(e t#ey $ere out of t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!. #ey $ou!d

    start a fami!y toet#er in San =ran(is(o.

    9?ere is t#e ! ist of t#e raduates%9 >rofessor A"in said and )inned u) t#e )ie(e of )a)er on t#e ir!'s s!ee)in Duarters u!!etin oard. /ro$ds of ir!s $a!"ed u) to

    t#e u!!etin oard and a (ro$d $as formin. S#e !oo"ed at me and ave me a smi!e. I smi!ed a(" )o!ite!y. 9,ade% (onratu!ations. You're our va!edi(torian%9 s#e

    said $it# a $ide smi!e.

    2#en I #eard $#at s#e said% I $as #a))y. After a fe$ se(onds% I $as disa))ointed and sad. '2#at's t#e )oint of ein t#e va!edi(torian $#en my fami!y $on't even

     ot#er to (ome and see me raduate:' I t#ou#t to myse!f.

    9/onratu!ations% ,ade

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    9I'm onna (a!! my )arents%9 I said and too" out my (e!! )#one. I dia!ed #ome.

     ,ing. ,ing. ,ing. in.

    9?e!!o:9 0om ans$ered.

    90om% it's me% ,ade.9

    9,ade: ?o$ are t#ins at s(#oo!:9 s#e said soundin a !itt!e #a))y to #ear from me.

    9#ins are fine. 8raduation is (omin in four days%9 I said. I too" a dee) reat# to et ready for t#e Duestion I $as oin to as" #er. 9o you $anna (ome:9

    98raduation: Sure I'!! (ome. I'!! as" everyone if t#ey $ant to (ome.9

    9I made va!edi(torian%9 I said !o$!y.

    9Ga!edi(torian: ea!!y% ,ade: #at's $onderfu!!ease $e!(ome our uest s)ea"er% 0in$oo Lee%9 s#e said and sat do$n in #er seat.

    I $at(#ed as t#e youn man ste))ed in front of t#e mi(ro)#one. ?e $as t#e same )erson t#at I met outside.

    98ood afternoon%9 #e said forma!!y. 9I $ou!d !i"e to (onratu!ate t#e raduatin (!ass. You uys $or"ed #ard to et $#ere you are today. Fee) it u) and you $i!!su((eed in t#e future. /onratu!ations to t#e (!ass of HH%9 #e said and $aited for a))!ause efore #e sat a(" do$n.

    0s. Andre$s $ent u) to t#e mi(ro)#one aain. 9#ese are t#e students $#o $or"ed e*(e)tiona!!y $e!! durin t#eir time at t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!.

    #e sa!utatorians are; Sa!!y San% 0oni(a /#an% and Bi!!y Adams%9 s#e said. S#e )aused a $#i!e so t#at t#ey (ou!d et onto t#e stae.

    #e audien(e a))!auded.

    9And fina!!y% our va!edi(torian of t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo! is... ,ade F$on%9 s#e said.

     "pp$a#se. "pp$a#se.

    I rose u) from my seat and $a!"ed onto t#e stae. 0s. Andre$s ste))ed aside so I (ou!d say my s)ee(#. I s(anned t#e audien(e aain. I (ou!dn't see anyone from

    my fami!y.

    9I #ad a reat time at t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!. 0y tea(#ers $ere rea!!y su))ortive and my (!assmates $ere reat. #ere $as on!y one $oman in my

    !ife t#at e!ieved in me and su))orted me t#e most. S#e $as my motivation and my en(ouraement. S#e #e!)ed me t#rou# t#e #ard times. S#e $as t#ere $#en I

    stayed u) !ate $it# sta("s of #ome$or" on my des". S#e $as my randmot#er% ut# /#ao%9 I said my eyes re$ misty.

    I (ou!d #ear t#e murmurs in t#e audien(e. #ey $ere e*)e(tin for me to say 0om's name. 9#an" you%9 I said. I fo!!o$ed t#e sa!utatorians and I $ent do$n tomy seat.

    0s. Andre$s #ad t#e f!oor aain. S#e (a!!ed out t#e raduates names in a!)#aeti(a! order to re(eive t#eir di)!oma. o$ y ro$% t#e raduates $ent on stae.

    2#en my name $as (a!!ed I too" my di)!oma and s#oo" #ands $it# 0s. Andre$s% t#e )rofessors% t#e administrator $#o $as 0r. Fon% and 0r. Lee. 2#en Is#oo" #ands $it# #im% I fe!t #is (o!d% firm s#a"e.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    After t#e (eremony $as over% I $ent into t#e 0ain SDuare ?a!!. I on!y s)otted 0om. o one e!se (ame to see my raduate. S#e $as ta!"in to 0r. Lee $#en Ifound #er. '?o$ does s#e "no$ #im:' I as"ed myse!f.

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    9.... aain% s#e's very #a))y aout it%9 I #eard #er say to 0r. Lee.

    90om%9 I said as I $ent u) to #er.

    95# #i% ,ade.9

    92#o e!se (ame:9 I as"ed #er.

    92e!!. It's 6ust me% #on. veryone e!se $as usy and t#ey didn't "no$ #o$ to et #ere%9 s#e e*)!ained.

    9Sure. 2#atever%9 I said. I "ne$ t#at t#ey didn't $ant to (ome. 0om 6ust made u) a $ea" e*(use so t#ey $ou!dn't !oo" ad. 9I'!! o et my stuff%9 I said and !eft

    t#em. I $a!"ed u) to t#e ir!s' s!ee)in Duarters. I a !ready )a("ed u) my as yesterday ni#t. I too" off t#e raduation o$n and t#e (a). I (#aned into mynorma! (!ot#es and )a("ed u) t#e dress I $ore under t#e raduation o$n.

    #e door o)ened and >#oee (ame in.

    9?ey% >#oee%9 I said. 9I'm onna miss you.9

    9Yea#. I'!! miss you too% ,ade%9 s#e said and )u!!ed out a )ie(e of )a)er. 9#is is $#at Amy $anted me to ive you. It's #er )#one numer and #er address%9 s#e

    said and #anded it to me. 90ine is on t#e a("%9 s#e said and smi!ed.

    95#. #an"s%9 I said. I s(ri!ed my numer and my address on a sma!! s#eet of )a)er and #anded it >#oee. 9#is is mine. Fee) in tou(#. Bye% >#oee. If you see

    Amy% te!! #er I said ood-ye and ood !u("%9 I said.

    9Yea#. I $i!!%9 s#e said. 9So% you're onna move a(" to San =ran(is(o and I'm onna move a(" to Los Ane!es. 0aye $e'!! see ea(# ot#er around sometime%9>#oee said. S#e smi!ed to try to #ide #er sadness.

    9Yea#. I uess. 2e otta move on $it# our !ives.9 I $as on t#e vere of (ryin. 92e!!% ood-ye >#oee%9 I said and $a!"ed out of t#e dorm room. I didn't $ant

    #er to see me (ry so I raed my as and #eaded out. #at $as t#e !ast time I sa$ >#oee. 5n(e I $as in t#e #a!!$ay% I dried t#e tears t#at fe!! from my eyes.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- Part II -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    -ho#$d I fa$$ in $ove with !o#

     It's m#h easier to hate !o# It's too hard to fa$$ in $ove

    hen !o# know that a$$ the odds are against !o#

     "re !o# rea$$! the one who was sent from aove

    -ho#$d I stop r#nning and fae the m#si

     It's m#h easier to r#n and hide B#t I an't p#t these fee$ings aside

    -omeone p$ease te$$ me what to do....

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TEEN _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 11th-+- ...[+++]

    I $ent in t#e (ar $it# 0om. 2e drove for four #ours $it#out sayin anyt#in to ea(# ot#er. 0om drove over t#e San =ran(is(oC5a"!and Bay Bride. 2e've fina!!y

    rea(#ed San =ran(is(o $#en it ot dar" and (!oudy. #e marine !ayer $as #overin aove us.

    ?ome% s$eet% #ome....

    2#en $e $ere a fe$ !o("s a$ay from #ome% s#e fina!!y said somet#in to me.

    9?ere% ,ade%9 s#e said. S#e rea(#ed in t#e das#oard and ave me a sma!! ve!vet o*.

    I too" it and o)ened it. It $as a ri!!iant (ut diamond rin. It !oo"ed !i"e it $as 6ust aout one (arat. 92#at is t#is for:9 I as"ed and s!i))ed t#e o* into my )o("et.

    9It's !i"e a ift. And $e're oin on a tri). A va(ation% ,ade. 2e're !eavin for t#e air)ort first t#in after $e et #ome%9 s#e said.

    '2#y so ear!y: /an't I 6ust ta"e a rest efore $e o:' I as"ed myse!f. 92#ere:9 I as"ed.

    9r-um... $e!!% it's a sur)rise%9 s#e said. S#e )ar"ed t#e (ar outside t#e arae and $ent out. I fo!!o$ed #er out. S#e o)ened t#e door. 92e're #ome

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    92#at is s#e doin #ere:9 I as"ed stern!y.

    9aomi's #ouse $as urned do$n%9 ad ans$ered.

    9#en is @n(!e Ben and Aunt Linda #ere too:9 I as"ed ettin frustrated.

    9#ey're in ?a$aii. So aomi #as to stay $it# us.9

    'I'm sti!! )art of t#is fami!y so $#y $asn't I informed aout t#is:' I $ondered% fee!in u)set. I $a!"ed u) to my room. I o)ened t#e door and....

    92#ere t#e #e!! is a!! my stuff:

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    ?e didn't say anyt#in at first. 90y )ent #ouse%9 #e ans$ered f!at!y.

    I (ou!dn't e!ieve $#at I #eard. 9So I #ave to !ive $it# you:9 I as"ed.

    9Yes%9 #e ans$ered (o!d!y.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter %O&"TEEN _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 11th-+- ...[+++]

    2e #ave rea(#ed #is )ent #ouse. As soon as #e un!o("ed t#e (ar door% I rus#ed outside and too" my as from t#e trun". 0in$oo o)ened t#e door and turned ont#e !i#ts. After I ot in% #e s!ammed t#e door s#ut. #e f!oor $as made of ivory mar!e. #ere $as a (offee ta!e in et$een t#e !a(" !eat#er (ou(# and t#e i

    s(reen G. #e stereo eDui)ment $as around t#e G. #e "it(#en $as ne*t to t#e !ivin room.

    95"ay. ?ere's t#e t#in. Your room is u)stairs on t#e ri#t. I don't (are out $#at you do 6ust don't u me and !eave me a!one. You mind your o$n usiness and I

    $i!! mind my usiness. If you #ave a )ro!em $it# t#is% rememer it's not my fau!t. It's your fau!t%9 0in$oo said (o!d!y and ran u)stairs. ?e s!ammed #is door.

    95#% reat. I #ave to ta"e u) a!! my stuff a!! y myse!f and t#an"s a !ot for #e!)in me. Arr. I #ate t#is%9 I muttered to myse!f. 9And #o$ t#e #e!! is t#is my fau!t: I

    never $anted t#is< I #ate t#is

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    9?e!!o:9 s#e ans$ered.

    9?ey% uene. You sti!! on for !un(# today:9

    9Yea#. 2#ere are $e onna o:9 s#e as"ed s$eet!y.

    9?o$ out Si!ver raon:9 I suested.

    9#at sounds reat.9

    9I'!! )i(" you u) at e!even t#irty%9 I said and #un u).

    uene and I #ave een oin out for a year. 2#en my )arents found out aout uene% t#ey disa))roved of our re!ations#i). #ey made me sto) seein #er and

    made me et enaed to ,ade. I've een se(ret!y datin uene e#ind t#eir a("s.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter (I)TEEN _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 1#th-+- ...[+++]

     Beep. Beep. Beep. 

    I )i("ed u) my (e!! )#one. 9?e!!o:9 I ans$ered.

    9?ey% ,ade. #is is >#oee%9 I #eard.

    0y #eart s"i))ed e*(ited!y. 9?ey% >#oee#oee as)ed. 9Are you serious: You ain't )!ayin' $it# me ri#t:9

    9Yes. I'm serious< o$ I'm at #is )ent #ouse. I'm !one!y and I'm ored. It su("s. I never areed to t#is. I didn't even "no$ unti! t#ey 6ust t#re$ me in t#e (ar anddrove off to >a(ifi(a. So $#at's u) $it# you:9 I ans$ered.

    9Are you serious: You ot enaed:9 s#e said and inored my Duestion.

    92e!!% I'm a(tua!!y married to #im->#oee% of (ourse I'm serious

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    9$o and t$o is four%9 I said. I "ne$ $#at s#e meant y )uttin t$o and t$o toet#er% ut I didn't "no$ $#at s#e $as referrin to.

    >#oee i!ed and si#ed. 9on't you see $#at I'm sayin% ,ade:9

    9See $#at:9

    9You (an move in $it# Amy and avid. You "no$... if t#ey're o"ay $it# it.9

    95#% yea#%9 I said. 92#y didn't I see t#at:9

    >#oee i!ed. 9Amy to!d me to te!! you to (a!! #er.9

    95#. #an"s for t#e (a!!% >#oee. a!" to you !ater%9 I said and #un u). I du in my !uae for Amy's numer. I )i("ed u) my )#one and (a!!ed #er.

     ,ing. ,ing. ,ing.

    9?e!!o:9 I #eard Amy.

    9Amy% #ey. It's ,ade%9 I reeted #er 6oyfu!!y.

    9,ade: ?i.9

    2e (#at for fifteen minutes and $e u)dated ea(# ot#er on our !ives. Amy and avid $ere movin in $it# ea(# ot#er at t#e end of t#e mont#.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter (EENTEEN _... -+- ..._[++]

    ... -+-.une 1#th-+- ...[++]

    9?ey% 0in$oo o))a

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I rememered $#at #e said to me !ast ni#t. 9I t#ou#t you said $e mind our o$n usinesses%9 I said f!at!y and I $a!"ed )assed #im.

    9?ey% $#at #a))ened to your #and:9 #e as"ed. I sto))ed $a!"in and I rea!i&ed #is eyes $ere a!! over my #ands.

    I #ad an idea. A mis(#ievous smi!ed (re)t onto my !i)s. 9@m... you $ait ri#t #ere%9 I said.

    I das#ed to t#e stairs and I ran u) t#e stairs. ,ust $#en I $as aout to rea(# t#e se(ond f!oor !andin% I fe!t somet#in on my an"!e. #e ri) $as stron and it

    started to )u!! me a(" do$n. I !oo"ed e#ind me. 0in$oo $as on my an"!e. ?is ody $as !ayin on t#e stairs. ?is ri) $as sti!! stron. 9?ey. Let me o

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    ?e interru)ted my t#ou#ts. 92#atever. Loo" 6ust ive me a(" t#e (iarettes%9 #e said and ste))ed (!oser. oo (!ose for (omfort.

    92#at:9 I said (omin a(" to rea!ity. 9o $ay. You're 6ust onna smo"e and ruin my air%9 I o6e(ted.

    9I don't #ave time for ames. ,ust ive me t#e damn )a("

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    9I otta et to $or" today%9 0in$oo said from t#e !ivin room. ?e ave me a !oo". 9And o fi* your #air.9

    9It's Sunday. 2#at "ind of )erson $or"s on Sundays:9 I said to myse!f.

    9?u#: id you say somet#in:9

    9?u#: id you say somet#in:9 I )oor!y mimi("ed #im. I inored #is Duestion and (ontinued to ta!". 9I'm not stu)id you moron. I "no$ you're doin somet#in

    $it#out me%9 I said to myse!f. 92or"in on Sunday. ?a< 2#o $ou!d e stu)id enou# to e!ieve t#at:9

    ?e !oo"ed at me !i"e I've one (ra&y. 92#atever. See ya%9 #e said and $a!"ed out t#e door. I #eard #im start t#e (ar and s)ed out of t#e drive$ay.

    92#at is #e u) to:9 I as"ed myse!f. I $anted to "no$. I (!osed t#e refrierator door and ran a(" u)stairs. I too" a s#o$er and (#aned out of my )a6amas. I rus#ed my #air !i"e #e to!d me to. I o)ened t#e door to #is room. It $asn't !o("ed. 9?e $on't mind ri#t: I mean% if #e didn't $ant me to snoo) around in #is

    room% #e $ou!d !o(" #is door%9 I reassured myse!f.

    92#o !ives !i"e t#is: #is 6er" is so (!ean and orani&ed%9 I said to myse!f.

    I $ent into #is room. veryt#in $as sti!! neat. I ean to di in #is dra$ers. #ey $ere fu!! of (!ot#es. I $ent to #is (!oset. It $as a!so fu!! of (!ot#es. I !oo"ed

    inside #is des". It on!y #ad sta("s and sta("s of do(uments. I $as aout to ive u) unti! I sa$ a )i(ture.

    #en t#ere $as a )i(ture frame t#at (au#t my eye. #ere $as a )i(ture of #im and a ir! inside t#e o!d frame. I too" t#e )i(ture frame in my #ands. I #ave

    a!$ays "no$n 0in$oo to e a serious and (o!d )erson% ut in t#is )i(ture% #e !oo"ed #a))y and (arefree. #e ir! ne*t to #im #ad urundy (o!ored #air t#at

    framed #er fa(e. S#e $as )retty. S#e didn't !oo" anyt#in !i"e me. ?er s"in $as an ivory (o!or. 0y s"in $as a !itt!e tanned. ?er #air (om)!imented #er fa(e. 0y

    #air $as !on to my e!o$s t#at I a!$ays tie in a messy un $it# ruer ands. ?er nose $as $ide.

    '?a%' I t#ou#t. '0y nose is $ay sma!!er.'

    ?er ody #ad (urves. I (ou!d are!y see if t#ere $ere any (urves on my ody. I didn't #ave an oun(e of fat on me. S#e !oo"ed f!a$!ess.

    '#ey !oo" so #a))y toet#er%' I t#ou#t. I )ut do$n t#e )i(ture. I $anted to find out $#o t#e ir! $as.

    I o)ened t#e dra$er to #is ni#t stand. #ere I found )i!es of notes and !etters. I too" out t#e sta(". 5ne y one% I read t#em.

     Ma! 56th

     *ear Minwoo%

     I missed !o# so m#h whi$e !o# were awa!. I hope !o# ro#ght ak $ots of gifts for me7 4eehee.

    3#ess what% oppa

    '2ppa' I tho#ght. 'Minwoo... oppa' 

     Mom and *add! gave #s tikets to go to 8ok!o. 8ok!o7 an !o# e$ieve it e're going ak to the p$ae we first met. I'm so e9ited to go.

    2... I'$$ see !o# $ater% oppa7

     :ove% ;#gene

    9So uene $as #is ir!friend%9 I said to myse!f. 9But $ait. #e date $as 0ay Ht#. It $asn't t#at !on ao. I uess t#ey're sti!! oin out%9 I said. Somet#in in my

    mind (!i("ed. 9o $ay< ?e $ent out to see #er. ?e )roa!y $ent to see #er !ast ni#t too%9 I sus)e(ted. I )ut a(" a!! t#e notes and !etters. I !eft #is room and(!osed t#e door.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TENT _... -+- ..._[++]

    ... -+-.une 14th-+- ...[++]

    I )ar"ed my (ar outside t#e ed ?ouse /afK I $as oin to meet uene at. I $a!"ed inside and I sa$ #er urundy #air. I $a!"ed to t#e ta!e s#e $as sittin at.

    9?ey% 0in$oo%9 s#e said. uene $asn't t#e est at #idin #er true fee!ins. S#e sounded !i"e somet#in $as ot#erin #er.

    9?ey% uene%9 I said. I )u!!ed out a (#air and sat do$n. 92#at's $ron:9 I as"ed #er and #e!d #er #ands.

    95#... not#in%9 s#e re)!ied.

    I didn't uy it.

    9So #o$'s your fian(Ke:9 s#e as"ed s#y!y.

    I $as $aitin for #er to as" aout ,ade. 9S#e's... immature%9 I said.

    95#. 5"ay%9 s#e said and !oo"ed do$n at t#e f!oor.

    '2#y is s#e !oo"in so disa))ointed: I to!d t#e trut#%' I t#ou#t. 9?ey% you $anna o to 5(ean Bea(#:9 I as"ed #er tryin to (#eer #er u).

    S#e !oo"ed u) and ave me a smi!e. 9Yea#.9

    2e ot u) and !eft t#e (afK. I o)ened t#e door for uene to et in and I o)en t#e driver's side door and I ot in. I drove onto t#e #i#$ay and $e $ere on our $ay

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    to 5(ean Bea(#.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

    9I rea!!y $ant to o a(" to San =ran(is(o%9 I said to myse!f. 9But if I !eave t#e #ouse% I'd #ave to $ait ti!! #e (omes a(" #ome to et a(" inside. I don't #ave a setof "eys to t#is #ouse

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9?ey. I'm around t#e /astro area. It's )retty (!ose y. /an you (ome over:9 s#e as"ed.

    9Yea#% I'!! (ome. 2#at's t#e address:9 I as"ed.

    9It's 1EP3 8!adstone Bou!evard. I'!! see you !ater%9 s#e said and #un u).

    I too" t#e us to t#e /astro distri(t. I #o))ed off t#e us at 8!adstone Bou!evard. 8!adstone Bou!evard $as a ni(e Duiet suuran nei#or#ood. I $a!"ed u) and

    do$n t#e street !oo"in at t#e numers on t#e door.

    1E3Q.......... 1E3............ 1E41........... 1E4Q............ I $as (!ose. I (ontinued $a!"in do$n t#e street. 1E4........... 1EQ3........... 1EQR........... 1EP1.......... and fina!!y1EP3.

    I $as a dee) ivory (o!ored #ouse $it# a ro$n door. I "no("ed on t#e door. It too" a$#i!e efore someone o)ened t#e door.


  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    92#at are you uys onna name #im:9

    9>roa!y ,ared or >eter%9 avid said.

    9Yea#. After you or >#oee.9

    I smi!ed.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TENTTO _... -+- ..._[++]

    ... -+-.une 14th-+- ...[++]

     *ing. on.

    I o)ened t#e door. #ere $as a ony ir! $it# a dar" ro$n messy un and #ue doe eyes standin outside t#e door. It $as ,ade.

    92#ere $ere you:9

    92#y don't I #ave a set of "eys:9 s#e as"ed and inored my Duestion. 9I s#ou!d #ave a set of "eys sin(e I'm onna e !ivin #ere and a!!. I don't $ant to rin t#e

    doore!! every time t#at I et #ere. I don't $ant you to ans$er t#e door every time t#at I rin t#e doore!! and as" me '$#ere $ere you:'%9 s#e said $it#outsto))in to ta"in a reat#.

    I si#ed. '?o$ mu(# (an t#is ir! ta!":' I t#ou#t. 'I s#ou!d 6ust ive #er t#e damn "eys so s#e'!! s#ut u).'

    95"ay. =ine%9 I said. I )u!!ed out an e*tra set of "eys from my )o("et and tossed it to #er. 9?ere. 8o e #a))y $it# it.9

    S#e (au#t it.

    I $as e*)e(tin a 't#an" you' from #er. But instead I ot a (om)!aint. I $as ettin used to #er (om)!aints y t#en.

    9You #ad an e*tra set of "eys t#is $#o!e time and you didn't ive it to me: You are une!ieva!e

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9Yea#%9 s#e said and !oo"ed at #er room aain. 9So it is.9


    S#e !oo"ed at me. 92e!! $#at:9

    9Aren't you onna (!ean it u):9

    95#... ri#t. I'!! do it !ater.9

    I si#ed. 'It's !i"e ta!"in to a (#i!d

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9It's made of !ass and you mi#t rea" it.9

    9Yea#. I mi#t rea" it. #at doesn't mean t#at I $i!! rea" it%9 I said. I as done $it# my )i&&a and I too" my feet off t#e (offee ta!e. I ot u). 9I too" my feet off

    t#e (offee ta!e 6ust so I $a!" to t#e "it(#en and (an et more )i&&a%9 I said sar(asti(a!!y.

    ?e (#u("!ed.

    I (ame a(" to my s)ot on t#e (ou(# $it# anot#er s!i(e of )i&&a. I )ut my feet a(" on t#e (offee ta!e.

    9Is t#at your se(ond s!i(e:9 #e as"ed.

    9o)e%9 I ans$ered and too" a ite of t#e )i&&a. 9=ort#.9

    9Are you sure you (an eat a!! t#at:9 #e as"ed.

    9o)e%9 I ans$ered. I s$a!!o$ed t#e ite of )i&&a and too" anot#er ite.

    9#en $#y did you ta"e it:9

    9Be(ause. I fe!t !i"e it.9

    98ood reason%9 #e said and too" a i ite out of #is s!i(e.

    9Yea#%9 I said. I #ad an ure to mess $it# #im. I tore off a (orner in t#e (rust. I too" aim and I t#re$ it at 0in$oo.

    9?eyut me do$n< I said I $as sorry

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I $ent u)stairs and a(" into my room. I sat at my des". I #eard t#e $ater (ome on.

    'Any minute...'

    A fe$ se(onds !ater% t#e $ater sto))ed. 9?ey< 2#at t#e #e!!:9 I #eard ,ade's muff!ed voi(e.

    Fno("< Fno("< Fno("< Fno("< Fno("<

    I o)ened my door. ,ade $as standin outside my room $it# #er !e off t#e round. S#e $as "i("in my door. S#e #ad a roe over #er. ?er !on #air $as dri))in

    $et. #at $as $#en I found out #o$ rea!!y s"inny s#e rea!!y $as. S#e $as on!y s"ins and ones.

    9Yes: ?o$ (an I #e!) you:9 I said (a!m!y.

    9You "no$ $#at you did% 0in$oo Leeut t#e )#one a(" on t#e (#arer.9

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9Arr%9 s#e rum!ed and mum!ed somet#in. S#e too" t#e )#one off t#e (ou(# and rou#!y )ut i t a(" on t#e (#arer. S#e o)ened t#e refrierator door rou#!y

    and too" out a (an of soda.

    9id you (!ean t#e #ouse:9 I as"ed.

    S#e s$a!!o$ed #er si) of soda. 9Yea#%9 s#e said.

    9You don't $anna (!ean your room and yet you (!eaned t#e $#o!e !ivin room and t#e "it(#en.9

    S#e inored my (omment. 9You ran out of i(e (ream.9


    9Yea#. You ran out of i(e (ream.9

    92#at #a))ened to it:9

    9I ate it. 2#at do you t#in" #a))ened to it:9

    I !oo"ed at #er. It $as i(e (ream t#at I ot a fe$ days ao. It $as my favorite f!avor% mo(#a. 92#at:9 I as"ed. I didn't even et a taste of t#e i(e (ream yet and it

    $as one<

    9I et #unry after I (!ean.9

    I si#ed and !oo"ed at t#e (!o(". It $as ei#t t#irty. I didn't fee! !i"e aruin $it# #er. 9I otta et to $or"%9 I said and started $a!"in.

    9on't you need rea"fast:9 s#e (a!!ed after me from t#e "it(#en.

    9I'!! et some efore I o to $or"%9 I ans$ered f!at!y.

    9?ere%9 s#e said. S#e raed a ae! from t#e "it(#en (ounter. S#e s!a))ed some sour (ream and utter on it and too" some )!asti( $ra) out of one of t#e

    (ainets. S#e $ra))ed t#e ae! in it. 9a"e t#is%9 s#e said and tossed it to me.

    I (au#t it. It $as a !a&ed ae! (ut in #a!f $it# sour (ream and a !itt!e utter in t#e midd!e.

    9idn't you say you otta et to $or":9 s#e said and too" anot#er si) from t#e soda (an.

    I $a!"ed to t#e door and turned t#e door"no. I $a!"ed out of t#e )ent #ouse and (!osed t#e door e#ind me. I $a!"ed do$n stairs to t#e arae and too" out my

    (ar. I )ut t#e $ra))ed ae! on t#e das# oard. I rememered $#at ,ade said !ast ni#t;

    MM 9I #o)e you're not too atta(#ed to your (ar. '/ause on(e I'm t#rou# $it# it% you'!! rememer not to mess $it# me

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    '?o$ does #e "no$:' I t#ou#t. 'S#ou!d I deny it or s#ou!d I stand u) and defend us:' 9?o$ did you find out:9 I demanded to "no$.

    9I sa$ you t$o at 5(ean Bea(# yesterday on Sunday. A fe$ mi!es a$ay% I sa$ ,ade. S#e $as $a!"in do$n a #i!!. I fo!!o$ed #er in my (ar. S#e $ent to a #ouse

    and a youn man o)ened t#e door%9 #e said in a it's-so-ovious voi(e. 9If you t$o $anted to #ave a su((essfu! se(ret re!ations#i)% I suest you find a etter $ayto #ide it.9

    92#at: You sa$ ,ade:9 I as"ed.

    90in$oo% son% don't (#ane t#e su6e(t. o$% I $ant you to sto) seein 0s. Fim. o you understand:9

    9You "no$... s#e #ad a name and it's not 0s. Fim. You s#ou!d "no$ t#at. It's uene%9 I said.

    ?e ro!!ed #is eyes on(e I said #er name. 9Loo"% 6ust rea" t#ins off $it# #er%9 #e said aain. 9You're re)utation $ou!d e tarnis#ed if t#e ta!oids find out aout

    t#is affair. ,ust t#in" of a!! t#e s(anda!s t#ey'!! (ome u) $it#.9

    'You mean it $ou!d ruin your re)utation% not mine.' I si#ed. 92#atever. Sure%9 I said (are!ess!y.

    =at#er si#ed. 90in$oo% you don't seem to understand t#at $e need ente('s to #e!) us et to t#e to).9

    =at#er 6ust $anted ,ade's fat#er's (om)any to #e!) et our (om)any to t#e to) and dominate t#e usiness $or!d. I didn't understand $#y #e $ants ente(. 2e $ere

    doin )erfe(t!y fine $it# or $it#out ente('s #e!). 9You're ri#t% =at#er% I don't understand $#y $e even need ente( to #e!) us%9 I said $it# #eavy sar(asm in my


    90in$oo. You are my on!y son. 2#en I retire% you et t#e (om)any. I 6ust $ant to ma"e it a )o$erfu! enou# (om)any t#at suits you.9

    'Yea#. i#t%' I t#ou#t. 9I'm your on!y (#i!d%9 I muttered.

    92e!!% my )oint is t#at you need to sto) seein uene Fim%9 #e reminded me. 9A#.... A!so% on t#e t$enty-first% it $i!! e ,ade's ei#teent# irt#day%9 #e added.

    I si#ed and !eft #is offi(e.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TENT(I) _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 15th-+- ...[+++]

    9,ade< 8et do$n #ere ri#t no$% ir!

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    95u(#< #at #urts you 6er"

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    92e!!% est e oin no$. Late for a (onferen(e%9 said t#e man and $a!"ed a$ay $it# t#e ir! ne*t to #im.

    9#at man...9

    I #eard my fat#er say.

    9#at $as 0r. Fim%9 #e said !o$!y. 95ne of t#e most inorant )eo)!e I #ave ever met. I'!! te!! you #is dau#ter $i!! turn out to e t#e same $ay.9

    92e!!% s#e seems )retty%9 I said tryin to re!ive $#at #a))ened $#en s#e smi!ed at me.

    =at#er ave me a dar" !oo".

    9i(e%9 I said Dui("!y. 9S#e seemed )retty ni(e.9

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[++]

     *ing. *ong.

    #e doore!! run. I o)ened t#e door and t#ere $as 0om.

    9?i% 0in$oo

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I ave #er a Dui(" !an(e and !oo"ed a$ay. S#e #ad on a dee) !ue dress $it# a mat(#in dee) !ue o)ened-toe #i# #ee!. 9It's o"ay%9 I said f!at!y.

    9A!! ri#t t#en. 2e'!! uy it%9 said 0om to t#e sa!es $oman.

    ,ade ste))ed a(" into t#e (#anin room.

    9,ade... $#at are you doin:9 0om sto))ed #er from oin any$#ere furt#er. S#e rea(#ed out and out stret(#ed arm to ra #er.

    ,ade ste))ed aside so 0om (ou!dn't rea(# #er. 9I'm (#anin%9 s#e said nervous!y.

    9But $#y $ou!d you do t#at:9 s#e as"ed. 92e're oin to ta"e )i(tures. You (an 6ust $ear t#e dress out.9

    ,ade !oo"ed !i"e s#e $as oin to o6e(t% ut s#e 6ust raed #er oriina! (!ot#es t#at s#e (ame in $it#.

    2e $ent to my (ar and $e drove to t#e )i(ture studio. 0om )i("ed out t#e a("round desins% $#i(# $as si* different ones. I )aid and $e $ent to t#e a(" oft#e studio. #e )#otora)#er too" out a en(# and (o!umns $it# roman desins on t#em. 0om and t#e )#otora)#er to!d us #o$ to )ose.

    #e first )ose $as $it# a !a(" a("round. Bot# me and ,ade stood $it# a ta!! (o!umn et$een us.

    #e se(ond )ose $as $it# a midni#t s"y a("round. ,ade sat do$n on t#e en(# and I stood e#ind #er.

    #e t#ird )ose $as $it# a (ris) $#ite a("round. #e (o!umns $ere )ur)ose!y dro))ed on t#e f!oor and $e stood in t#e midd!e of t#em.

    5n t#e fift# )ose. I $as instru(ted to )ut my #and on #er s#ou!der. It $as unusua!!y si!"y. It fe!t !i"e a fine )o$der. #e )#otora)#er too" t#e )i(ture and I too"

    my #and off #er s#ou!der. #e si!"iness $as !eft on my finers. I !oo"ed at it. It $as a )o$der. It $as ma"e-u). I !oo"ed (!ose!y at #er s"in. #ere $ere dar" )at(#es a!! over #er s"in.

    >er#a)s it $as t#e studio !i#ts% ut I #ave never noti(ed t#at s#e #ad )ut ma"e-u) on #er ody unti! no$.

    urin t#e !ast )ose% $e ea(# #ad our arms $ra))ed around one and ot#er. After t#e )#otora)#er too" t#e !ast )i(ture% $e $ere free to o.

    92ou!d you !i"e to )i(" t#em u)% or #ave t#em de!ivered:9 t#e (as#ier as"ed us.

    9e!ivery $ou!d e fine%9 0om said. 9?ere is t#e address%9 s#e said and s(ri!ed a fe$ s#ort !ines on a )ie(e of )a)er.

    9A!! ri#t%9 t#e (as#ier said and )ut t#e )ie(e of )a)er a$ay.

    2e $a!"ed out of t#e )i(ture studio.

    9Are you #unry% ,ade:9 0om as"ed #er.

    9A !itt!e%9 s#e ans$ered.

    I !oo"ed at ,ade's s"in. It $as t#e dar"ened $it# ma"e-u) on some )arts.

    92#y don't you t$o o out for a !ate !un(#:9

    I !istened (!ose to $#at s#e said. 92#at aout you% 0om:9

    9I #ave to meet a fe$ friends $it# your fat#er%9 s#e said. 9You t$o (an o to !un(#%9 s#e insisted.

    9?o$ are you oin to et t#ere:9 I as"ed.

    9I'!! (a!! a (a%9 s#e said and dia!ed some numers on #er (e!! )#one. 2it# in minutes% a (a (ame and s#e $ent in. S#e $aved us ood-ye and s#e disa))eareddo$n t#e (orner.

    9I need to use t#e restroom%9 ,ade said and $a!"ed over to t#e trun" of t#e (ar. 9/an you o)en it:9

    2it#out t#in"in% I $a!"ed over to t#e trun" and )ut t#e "ey in. ,ade too" out a a $it# #er (!ot#es in it.

    92#at are you doin:9 I as"ed #er.

    9I'm (#anin%9 s#e said ovious!y. S#e $a!"ed a(" into t#e studio.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TENTEI*!T _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 12th-+- ...[+++]

    I s!i))ed into my !a(" s#irt% 6eans and s#oes. I t#re$ t#e dress and t#e #i#-#ee!s into t#e a $it#out ot#erin to fo!d it. I tossed t#e a into t#e a(" seat oft#e (ar t#at too" me to my ne$ '#ome'.

    9I'm "inda oin out to see someone%9 I to!d #im. I $anted to see Amy and avid.


    9I'm onna !eave. You (an do $#atever you $ant%9 I said and started to $a!" a$ay from #im. ',ust o see t#at uene of yours. You "no$ you $ant to. I'm not

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    sto))in you. I'm )ra(ti(a!!y t#ro$in you in #er dire(tionretty soon% $e $ere s)eedin do$n t#e #i#$ay. I re(oni&ed t#e route $e $ere

    ta"in. ?e $as oin to San =ran(is(o. But $#y:

    92#ere are $e oin:9 I as"ed !oud!y.

    ?e didn't re)!y. #e musi( $as too !oud.

    92#ere are $e oin:9 I re)eated. #at time I $as tryin to ta!" over t#e musi(.

    ?e sti!! didn't re)!y.

    2as #e )!ayin $it# me and )retend #e (ou!dn't #ear me:

    I $aited for anot#er minute to see if #e $ou!d ans$er me. ?e $as sti!! Duiet and #ad #is eyes on t#e road. I $as )ositive t#at #e (ou!dn't #ear me.

    I ta))ed #im on t#e s#ou!der. ?e !oo"ed at me for a moment and t#en turned #is #ead a(" on t#e road.

    92#ere are $e oin:9 I re)eated aain.


    I turned off t#e musi(.

    92#ere are $e oin:9 I as"ed for t#e fourt# time.

    9Lun(#%9 #e said )!ain!y.

    95#% reat. I $as onna o eat !un(# $it#out you. 2#at a $onderfu! afternoon it turned out to e. Lun(# $it# you... t#at's 6ust $onderfu!%9 I said sar(asti(a!!y.

    9Yu("%9 I muttered under my reat#.

    I #eard 0in$oo si#ed. 9#en $#y did you say you $ere #unry:9 #e said $it#out ivin me a !an(e7 #is eyes $ere sti!! (on(entratin on t#e road.

    9Your mot#er as"ed if I $as #unry. S#e suested !un(# any$ay%9 I muttered. I $asn't (om)!ete!y sure if #e #eard me.

    92ere you ta!"in to yourse!f or to me: '/ause it's "inda #ard to fiure out es)e(ia!!y $#en you mum!e%9 #e smir"ed.

    9'2#ere you ta!"in to yourse!f or to me:'9 I mimi("ed dum!y. 9A(tua!!y no. I $as ta!"in to my invisi!e friend

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I $a!"ed u) t#e ste)s. #e $oman re(oni&ed us. S#e smi!ed ri#t!y at us.

    9?e!!o% 0iss F$on. 0r. Lee%9 s#e said and s#oo" my #ands. I ave #er a firm s#a"e. 0y ruises disa))eared from my )a!ms. S#e turned a$ay from me and s#oo" 

    0in$oo's #and.

    9?i% #eresa%9 I said.

    92ou!d you !i"e your reu!ar ta!e:9 s#e as"ed me.

    9Sure. #at's reat%9 I said and fo!!o$ed #er to t#e ta!e ne*t to t#e $indo$ near t#e a(".

    S#e )assed us t#e menu and $a!"ed a$ay.

    I f!i))ed t#rou# t#e menu. I didn't !oo" at $#at t#ey #ad.

    As #eresa )assed our ta!e% I raised my #and. 9*(use me%9 I said.


    9I $ou!d !i"e to order no$%9 I said.

    95"ay%9 s#e said and too" out #er sma!! noteoo". 9And $#at $ou!d t#at e:9

    9,ust ive me t#e s)e(ia!%9 I said. I didn't rea!!y (are $#at I ate.

    95"ay%9 s#e muttered and $rote it do$n on #er sma!! noteoo".

    0in$oo ave #er #is order and s#e disa))eared into t#e "it(#en.

    9I didn't "no$ t#at you "ne$ #eresa%9 I said.

    9I do. I (ome #ere a!! t#e time%9 #e said )!ain!y.

    92e!!% I (ome #ere too% ut I don't e seein you #ere.9

    90aye t#at's '(ause you never noti(ed me%9 #e said. 9In fa(t% I met you )arents #ere $#en I $as out $it# my fat#er.9

    I $as rat#er interested $#en #e mentioned my )arents. 9You did:9

    ?e nodded. 9Yea#. #at's $as $#en =at#er as"ed your )arents aout you.9

    92#at: 2#at did my )arents say:9 I as"ed. #at information $as a!! ne$ to me.

    90y fat#er $anted to find out aout you. ?e $anted me to marry you. Your )arents $ere a!! ri#t $it# it . Your )arents a!so to!d us t#at t#ey didn't "no$ $#at to

    do $it# you after t#e de)artin of your randmot#er. 0y fat#er suested you o to t#e 0editerranean Boardin S(#oo!. 2e are i s)onsors of t#e s(#oo!...9

    After #earin t#at% I started !o("in #is voi(e from my #ead. '?is fat#er $as t#e reason t#at I #ad to et married $it# #im. ?is fat#er $as t#e reason t#at I $as

    sent to t#e mountains%' I t#ou#t anri!y.

    =or t#e first time% I $asn't anry $it# 0in$oo. It $asn't #is fau!t t#at $e $ere enaed. It $as #is fat#er's fau!t and my )arents' fau!t.

    9?ere are your orders%9 #eresa said and I $as sna))ed a(" to rea!ity y t#e sound of #er voi(e. S#e )!a(e t#e )!ates of food in front of us and ste))ed a$ay.

    I )!a(ed t#e na)"in on my !a). I !oo"ed at my )!ate of food and !ost my a))etite. #e !un(# s)e(ia! turned out to e a (#i("en sa!ad.

    '5#... yummy%' I t#ou#t disa))ointed!y. I didn't !i"e (#i("en sa!ad. It $as (#i("en in sma!! (#un"s (overed $it# mayo.

    92ou!d you !i"e some of mine:9 I #eard 0in$oo say.

    I !oo"ed at #im t#en I turned to #is )!ate. It $as a seafood )asta. I $as sure t#at t#ere $as fis# in it.

    9@mmm... no t#an"s%9 I said tryin to #ide t#e !oo" of disust on my fa(e.

    I too" a fe$ ites and moved t#e sa!ad around my )!ate so it !oo"ed !i"e I ate some of it. I main!y at t#e read sti("s and dran" my !ass of $ater.

    2#en I ot si(" of !oo"in at my (#i("en sa!ad% I as"ed% 9/an $e !eave yet:9

    92#y: You #ard!y tou(#ed your food%9 said 0in$oo and da))ed #is mout# $it# #is na)"in.

    9I'm not t#at #unry.9

    95"ay.... =ine%9 #e said and )aid for !un(#.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter TENTNINE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 12th-+- ...[+++]

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9?ey% you 6ust missed t#e e*it

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9S#e's um... in t#e at#room%9 I !ied.

    95#%9 said 0om and sett!ed a(" in #er seat.

    #e trut# $as aomi never (ame out of t#e t#eater. S#e $a!"ed out ear!y and $ent some$#ere $it# #er friends.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

    9,ade%9 0in$oo (a!!ed me. 9,ade: Are you o"ay: You've een Duiet for a !on time and t#at's... $eird for you.9

    9I'm fine%9 I said tryin to re(over. 9And $#at does t#at mean:9 I said #ars#!y.

    92#atever%9 #e said and ot out of t#e (ar.

    I fo!!o$ed #im and ot out. 2e $ere in t#e )ar"in !ot ne*t to t#e t#eater.

    0in$oo )aid for t#e movie ti("ets and $e $ent inside. ?e ave t#e )erson our ti("ets and #e ave #im a(" t#e stu. I fo!!o$ed #im to t#e s(reenin room in t#e

     a(" of t#e t#eater.

    I found a seat in t#e to) ro!!% tryin to "ee) my distan(e from 0in$oo. ?e fo!!o$ed me and sat ne*t to me.

    #e )revie$s started.

    9I'!! e a("%9 #e said and ot u). ?e $a!"ed out of t#e s(reenin room.

    ?e (ame a(" $#en t#e )revie$s ended and t#e movie $as 6ust startin. ?e #ad t$o as of )o)(orn and t$o sodas. ?e #anded me one of ea(# and sat do$n ne*t

    to me.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"T _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une 12th-+- ...[+++]

    After I too" a s#o$er% I $ent a(" to my room. I too" off my (!ot#es and !oo"ed in t#e mirror. 0y ody $as (!eaned from t#e ma"e-u) t#at I )ut on it. #ere $ere

    more !ue and )ur)!e s)ots a!! over my a(" and my arms. #ey seem to e mu!ti)!yin e(ause of 0in$oo.

    I ent!y )!a(e my finers on a ruise on my a(". #e )ain $as over$#e!min. I too" out a ott!e of ointment.

     nok. nok. Fno(".

    #e door f!e$ o)en. 0in$oo $ent into t#e room.

    0y 6a$ dro))ed $#en I sa$ #im standin t#ere. I $as near!y na"ed in front of #im< I on!y #ad a )air of under$ear and a ra on.

    I (rossed my arms over my (#est. 2e $ere 6ust starin at ea(# ot#er for a moment.

    0y (#ee"s $ere ri#t red. 92-$#at are you doin in #ere: 8et out< 8et out

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I !oo"ed at t#e (!osed door. #ere $as anot#er side of #im t#at $asn't #ard and (o!d.

    After a fe$ more moments of starin at t#e door% I rea!i&ed t#at I $as standin #a!f-na"ed. I )ut on my )a6amas.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TONE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.une #1st-+- ...[+++]

    I $o"e u) to a foy Saturday mornin in my ye!!o$-o!den !it room. I $at(#ed as t#e misty air disa))ear as t#e sun!i#t re$ stroner. 0y room $as no$ ri#t

    $it# t#e sun's rays. #is Saturday $as !i"e any ot#er day durin t#e summer around t#e Bay Area% ut t#ere $as somet#in different. It $as my ei#teent# irt#day. I didn't e*)e(ted any )resents or (ards from my fami!y. #ey're #a))y "no$in t#at t#ey ot rid of me.

    I stum!ed out of ed and $a!"ed do$nstairs. I $as e*)e(tin 0in$oo to e one. I $ou!dn't e sur)rised if #e used t#e 'I otta et to $or" on $ee"ends' e*(use

    and snea" off to see uene.

    $ik. -wish.

    I s$un around $#en I #eard t#e at#room door o)en. 0in$oo $a!"ed out of t#e at#room $it# a )air of ay 6eans and a t-s#irt. 0y 6a$ dro))ed $#en I sa$

    #im in t#at outfit. urin t#e s#ort time t#at I've "no$n #im% I #ave never seen #im dress !i"e a reu!ar teenaer. ?e $as a!$ays $earin usiness suits% ut not


    92#y are you starin at me !i"e t#at

    for:9 #e as"ed.

    9?u#:9 I said rea!i&in t#at #e $as ta!"in to me. 95#... you're 6ust $earin... somet#in different.9

    9And you ot a )ro!em $it# t#at:9 #e said fier(e!y.

    'o you #ave t#e nerve of $earin somet#in t#at (asua! and run off to see uene:' I t#ou#t $it# #atred. 'You (ou!d #ave een smart and $orn a suit and !ieaout oin to $or".'

    I inored #im and raed a $ater ott!e out of t#e refrierator.

    0in$oo $a!"ed do$n t#e stairs and $ent outside.

    '?e's )roa!y smo"in out t#ere%' I t#ou#t. 'And #e'd etter not ta!" to me u) (!ose $it# #is to*i( reat#. oes #e even "no$ t#at i t's my irt#day:'

    ?e (ame a(" inside $it# a !are enve!o) in #is #ands. 92e ot mai!%9 #e said and sat do$n on t#e !a(" !eat#er (ou(#. ?e ri))ed t#e enve!o) o)en. 9'ear ,ade

    and 0in$oo. I've re(eived t#ese I #ave a!ready iven out most of t#e )i(tures to fami!y and friends. I saved one of ea(# (o)y 6ust for you t$o. Love% 0om%'9 #e

    read t#e !etter. 9>S I $is# ,ade a #a))y ei#teent# irt#day%9 #e read t#e remainin )ortion of t#e !etter.

    92#at:9 I said $it# sur)rise and s)rayed out t#e $ater. I ran over to #im. 9You mean our fami!ies #ad a!ready seen t#ese:9 I said not e!ievin $#at I #eard.

    I snat(#ed t#e enve!o) out of #is #ands. I #asti!y too" out t#e )i(tures and $ent t#re$ t#em. A!! of t#e )i(tures #ad a ir! $it# no e*)ression over #er fa(e and a

    ent!eman smi!in !i"e #e don't "no$ #o$ to sto). 5n t#e )i(ture $it# t#e midni#t s"y a("round% I !oo"ed so stoned<

    9I (an't e!ieve t#ey ot t#ese efore I did

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


     Beep. Beep. Beep.

    I too" my (e!! )#one out of my )o("et. 9?e!!o:9 I ans$ered my )#one.

    9?ey% ,ade.9

    92#at's u)% Amy:9 I said and $a!"ed to t#e ot#er end of t#e #ouse% a$ay from t#e eavesdro))in ears of 0in$oo.

    92e!!% $e "inda #ave everyt#in un)a("ed. avid's rot#er% ri( #e!)ed. A !ot%9 s#e started. 9So% do you $anna (ome over for a $#i!e:9

    9Sure%9 I said $it#out #avin to t#in" t$i(e. 9I'!! e t#ere in% !i"e% forty-five minutes.9

    9A!! ri#t t#en. See ya !ater

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I too" a ite out of t#e (a"e.

    9?ey% t#e rea! )arty starts at nine at t#e ADuarium%9 Amy to!d me and ave me a $in". 92e've ot t#e reservation.9

    9#an"s a !ot% you uys%9 I said and smi!ed.

    #e ADuarium $as a ne$ (!u in San =ran(is(o. #e !ines to et into t#e (!u $ere t$o !o("s !on. You $ou!d #ave to $ait for $ee"s to et a reservation. #is

     irt#day $as oin to e t#e est.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TTO _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.une #1st-+- ...

    0in$oo !eft t#e ed ?ouse /afK $it# #is ea!e and (offee in #is #ands. ?e ot into #is (ar and )ut t#e ea!e on t#e das#oard and t#e (offee in t#e (u) #o!der.

    ?e (!i("ed on #is seat e!t and started t#e enine and drove out of #is )ar"in s)ot. ?e s)ed do$n t#e streets of >a(ifi(a and $as #eadin a(" into t#e )ent#ouse.

    ?e drove do$n to 5(ean Avenue and #e $as $it#in !o("s of t#e )ent #ouse. #e street !i#t $as turnin ye!!o$ and $as aout to turn red. 0in$oo $as a!ready

    oin near!y fifty mi!es )er #our. ?e (ou!dn't sto) t#e (ar so #e $ent )assed t#e !i#t. #re$ #is $indo$% #e sa$ a (ar (omin ri#t at #im< ?is first ref!e* $as to

    sto)% ut it $as too !ate....

     B22M7 ,"-47

    #e t$o (ars (o!!ided $it# ea(# ot#er. 0in$oo's #ead 6er"ed for$ard and #it t#e aira. ?is (ar s)un around and around. 2#en it sto))ed% #e $as un(ons(ious.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__[+++]

     ,ing. ,ing. ,ing.

    I ran to t#e )#one. 9?e!!o:9

    9?e!!o. Is t#is ,ade F$on:9 t#e $oman over t#e )#one as"ed (a!m!y.

    9Yes. #is is ,ade%9 I ans$ered Dui("!y. It $as a!most ei#t t#irty and Amy and avid $ere su))osed to )i(" me u) to o to t#e ADuarium.

    9#is is t#e >a(ifi( ?os)ita!.9

    9Yes% #o$ (an I #e!) you:9 I said. '2#y $as t#e #os)ita! (a!!in me:' I t#ou#t (urious!y. 'Is aomi dyein:' I #o)ed.

    9Your fian(K% 0in$oo Lee% is in t#e #os)ita!. ?e $as invo!ved in a (ar (ras# forty-five minutes ao....9

    I s#ut out t#e $oman's (a!m voi(e. 'I (an't e!ieve it. ?e ruined my irt#day

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    I #eard soft )oundin noises. Somet#in $as #ittin me on t#e ris. I #eard $i!d s(reamin t#at (ame $it# t#e )oundins.

    I o)ened my eyes. #ere $as somet#in $#ite and !urry t#at $as (omin my $ay< It #it me in my fa(e. I s#oo" it off of me. It $as a )i!!o$.

     e*t to me $as a ir! dressed to o out. 9uene:9 I as"ed. I sDuinted my eyes to try to et a etter !oo". o% it $asn't uene. It $as ,ade.

    92#o you (a!!in' uene:9 s#e ye!!ed. 9o I !oo" !i"e uene to you:9

    '2#y $as s#e ye!!in at me:' I t#ou#t. I tried to rememer $#at #ad #a))ened% ut it $as !i"e #o!din $ater $it# my (u))ed #ands. 0y memories $ere fadin.

    92#at #a))ened:9

    92#at #a))ened: 2?A ?A>>:

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TT!"EE _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.une ##n$-+- ...


  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    eyes ot #eavier and #eavier. I drifted off to s!ee).

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    #e (redits started to ro!! u) on t#e G s(reen.

    92asn't t#e movie ty)i(a!:9 0in$oo said and ot u). 9I mean% it $as so ovious t#at t#e-9

    ?e sto))ed ta!"in. ,ade $as as!ee) on t#e arm(#air. ?e too" out t#e G and turned off t#e G. ?e !ift #er u) from t#e arm(#air.

    'You are sur)risin!y #eavy for a ir! your si&e%' #e t#ou#t as #e $a!"ed u) t#e stairs $it#out diffi(u!ty. ?e o)ened t#e door to #er room and )ut #er into #er ed.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"T%O&"  _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.u, 4th-+- ...

    It $as =riday% a!so ,u!y fourt#% Inde)enden(e day% and it $as t#e day t#at our foundin fat#ers sined t#e e(!aration of Inde)enden(e% $ritten y #omas

    ,efferson. But... enou# of t#e @nited States' #istory....

    I s#o$ered and (#aned into !ue 6eans% and a red% $#ite% and !ue s!eeve!ess s#irt dressed to e )atrioti(. I rus#ed my #air and tied it into a un. I rando$nstairs for rea"fast.

    I o)ened t#e o* of >o)-tarts and )ut t#em in t#e toaster. I raed t#e (erea! o* and t#e (arton of mi!". I o)ened t#e (ainet dra$er and too" out a o$!% )!ate%

    and a s)oon. I dum)ed some (erea! into t#e o$! and added some mi!". After aout a minute t#e >o)-tarts $ere done. I )!a(ed t#e >o)-tarts onto t#e )!ate. I don't

    !i"e to (oo" anyt#in so t#at's $#at I usua!!y ma"e for rea"fast.

    After I $as done $it# rea"fast% I )ut t#e o$!% )!ate% and s)oon into t#e dis#$as#er. I ran a(" u)stairs to rus# my teet#. I turned t#e at#room's door"no% and

    $a!"ed in. #e $ater $as turned on and t#ere $as steam (omin from t#e s#o$er. 'id I foret to turn off t#e $ater aain:' I $ondered.

    I s!id t#e s#o$er door o)en.


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    9,ade< /'mon

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    ?e si#ed. 92e're oin to a day(are (enter. You et to !earn and )!ay and ta"e na)s... is t#at o"ay% ,ade:9 #e said sar(asti(a!!y.

    9Yea#. It's o"ay. As !on as I don't et to see you.9

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"T%IE _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.u, 4th-+- ...

    92#y are $e #ere:9 ,ade as"ed as t#ey ot out of 0in$oo's (ar.

    9idn't you say t#at I o$ed you for $re("in your irt#day:9 #e said and $a!"ed to t#e entran(e of t#e amusement )ar". 9Besides% I t#ou#t it $ou!d e fun.9

    ,ade fo!!o$ed e#ind #im. ?o$ (ou!d s#e #ave not forotten aout it: S#e ued #im aout it a!most everyday.

    0in$oo ot in !ine and ou#t t$o ti("ets. ?e entered t#e )ar" $it# ,ade stra!in e#ind #im.

    92#y do you a!$ays do t#at:9 s#e said !oud!y.

    0in$oo turned around to fa(e #er. 9o $#at:9 #e as"ed.

    9You "ee) )ayin for stuff as if I don't #ave money.9

    92e!!% in (ase you didn't "no$%9 said 0in$oo ovious!y. 98ent!emen are su))osed to do t#at.9

    92e!!% I #ave money and a (redit (ard. 0y )arents )i(" u) t#e i!!%9 s#e muttered. S#e didn't $ant to e !i"e #er (ousin aomi. ,ade a!$ays t#ou#t t#at aomi

    never #as to )ay for anyt#in. aomi a!$ays de)ended on ot#er )eo)!e to )ay for #er. ,ade $as different% s#e $anted to e inde)endent.

    92e!!% I'm sorry. e*t time% you (an )ay for yourse!f%9 #e said.

    9I $i!!%9 s#e said stuorn!y.

    ,ade turned a$ay from 0in$oo and sa$ ro!!er (oasters on t#e !eft side of t#e )ar".

    9So $#ere do you $anna o:9 #e as"ed ,ade.

    9/'mon% !et's o< Let's o

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    9Let's o to t#at one

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus



     1aomi p#$$ed m! waist% tr!ing to drag me down.

    01o wa!% !o# didn't70 I ried% str#gg$ing to get awa! from 1aomi's grip.

     1aomi was sti$$ ho$ding on to me. I fe$t a stinging pain e$ow m! ottom.

    02#h70 I ried. I re$eased the horse's nek and fe$$ to the gro#nd. I r#ed m! $eg.

     1aomi stepped over me and got on the horse.

    04e!7 8hat's not fair70 I ried. I stood #p and $ooked at 1aomi with a nast! $ook.

    -he didn't pa! attention to me.

     I wa$ked aro#nd to see if there were empt! horses. I o#$dn't see $ear$! ea#se there were tears in m! e!es. I kept wa$king aro#nd% wanting to find an empt!


     I heard the marr!=go=aro#nd m#si egin to p$a! and I sti$$ didn't have a horse to sit on. I got off the ride and went to Mom and *ad.

    0hat's wrong% Jade0 asked Mom.

    01aomi took m! horse and she pinhed me70 I wai$ed.

    0hat0 said *ad in dise$ief. 01aomi wo#$d never do that7 "re !o# making a$$ of this #p% Jade won0 

    01o70 I ried even harder. M! own father wo#$dn't e$ieve me.

    0I don't e$ieve this%0 *ad m#ttered.

    0&o# an go on the ride when it starts again%0 Mom said.

    01o70 I !e$$ed. 0I don't want to go on an!more70 

     " few min#tes $ater% 3randma and 1aomi ame off the ride.

    0&o# sto$e the horse% 1aomi70 I said nasti$!.

    01o% I didn't%0 she $ied in a sweet innoent voie. 0-he's $!ing. I took the horse first and she got ea$o#s so she went off the ride.0 

    0I knew 1aomi wo#$d never do that%0 *ad said tr!ing to onvine himse$f.

    0-he's $!ing70 I ried. 03randma7 &o# were on the ride% !o# saw it didn't !o#0

    0e$$%0 she egan. 0I did see 1aomi pinh Jade% #t that was the on$! thing I saw.0 

    0e$$% it doesn't matter an!more%0 said Mom.

    0-he did it70 I ried.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    0-he did it70 

    0-he did it70 

    0-he did it70 

    0-he did it70

    (#oed in ,ade's #ead. S#e !oo"ed around. #e ride #ad sto))ed% everyone $as ettin off. S#e $as t#e on!y )erson !eft on #er $ooden #orse. S#e s!o$!y ot offand $a!"ed to t#e ride's e*it.

    9You $anna !eave no$:9 as"ed 0in$oo $#o $as $aitin for #er.

    S#e nodded mind!ess!y.

    #ey $a!"ed out of t#e amusement )ar" and ot in 0in$oo's (ar. ?e drove out of t#e )ar"in !ot and $as #eadin a(" to >a(ifi(a.

    9Are you o"ay% ,ade:9 as"ed 0in$oo.

    S#e nodded.

    9You seemed rea!!y Duiet ever sin(e you ot off t#e (arouse!%9 #e oserved.

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    9So: I don't !i"e (arouse!s. #at's $#y%9 s#e said $it# an attitude. 92#ere are $e oin:9

    9You'!! see.9

    9You never ive me a strai#t ans$er%9 s#e muttered.

    0in$oo drove to a )ar" neary and sto))ed t#e (ar.

    92#y are $e #ere:9 s#e as"ed and ot out.

    9Be(ause $e are%9 #e ans$ered f!at!y and o)ened t#e trun" of t#e (ar. ?e #au!ed out a a $it# fire (ra("ers and smo"e oms inside.

    92#at's t#at:9 s#e as"ed.

    9Somet#in t#at you $anted to do%9 #e ans$ered.



     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"T(EEN _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.u, 4th-+- ...

    ,ade too" off and ran into t#e $ooded )art of t#e )ar".


  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    9ot#in is oin ri#t%9 s#e soed. 90y )arents fina!!y ot rid of me. #e )erson t#at )rote(ted me !eft. You #ave t#is affair $it# uene....9

    92#at:9 said 0in$oo !istenin #arder.

    9I $i!! a!$ays e se(ond no matter $#at%9 s#e said. 9I am se(ond in my )arents' #earts%9 s#e said. 9And I am se(ond in yours%9 s#e said in a voi(e are!y aove a$#is)er.

    0in$oo didn't #ear t#e se(ond )art.

    ,ade said not#in e!se and (ontinued to (ry.

    0in$oo $ra))ed #is arms around ,ade and s#e !aid #er #ead on #is t-s#irt. S#e (ried unti! t#ere $ere no more tears !eft in #er eyes. S#e (ried unti! 0in$oo's s#irt$as soa"ed $it# #er tears.

    '0in$oo Lee% you ma"e t#ins etter. You're t#ere $#en I need you%' s#e t#ou#t.

    #at $as t#e first time t#at 0in$oo #as seen ,ade (ry. ?e #ad never seen #er (ry. ?e #ad never "no$n $#at s#e #ad !o("ed u) in #er #eart unti! no$. 5utside%

    ,ade seemed stron. But on t#e inside% s#e $as $ea" and emotiona!.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TEI*!T _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-.u, 1th-+- ...

    $o $ee"s !ater after Inde)enden(e ay% a !etter (ame $it# t#e Lee and F$on fami!y (rests stam)ed on it.

    ,ade ri))ed o)en t#e enve!o)e. S#e unfo!d t#e neat!y (reased )a)er and started to read it.

    9'ear ,ade and 0in$oo%'9 s#e started. 9'You t$o #ave a!ready otten to "no$ ea(# ot#er. =or you t$o are enaed% t#e $eddin is (omin. It $ou!d e a $inter

    t#eme $eddin in e(emer or ,anuary. It $ou!d e a fami!y-on!y event. 2e #ave not de(ided on t#e )!a(e for t#e i event% ut if you #ave any ideas )!ease te!!us.'9

    S#e t#re$ t#e !etter and t#e enve!o)e on t#e (offee ta!e. '8ettin married. I a!most for ot aout t#at%' s#e t#ou#t. 'I'!! e ,ade Lee... sounds stu)id.'

    ,ade "ne$ t#at in #er #eart% s#e didn't "no$ $#et#er to e #a))y or mad aout ettin married. It $as true t#at s#e #as ro$n to !i"e 0in$oo% ut s#e "ne$ t#at

    #e $ou!d never return t#e same fee!ins to$ards #er. S#e didn't "no$ if s#e s#ou!d !et #er )ride et in t#e $ay. S#ou!d s#e refuse to et married $it# a man t#ats#e didn't (#oose:

    S#e $a!"ed u)stairs to 0in$oo's room $it# t#e !etter in #er #and. S#e "no("ed on t#e door. A fe$ se(onds !ater% it o)ened.

    9Yes:9 said 0in$oo% fee!in irritated. 9I'm usy. I've ot a !oad of $or" to do.9

    ,ade s#o$ed #im t#e !etter.

    0in$oo re(oni&ed t#e (rests. ?e rea(#ed for t#e !etter and read it. #e e*)ression on #is fa(e (#aned as #e ot furt#er into t#e !etter.

    92inter t#eme $eddin:9 #e said after #e finis#ed rea *ing.

    ,ade nodded. 9It's mont#s a$ay%9 s#e said. 'I "no$ you don't $ant to et married $it# me%' s#e t#ou#t. 'You #ave uene. You $ant to marry #er% not me....'

    9Serious!y% I've ot a !ot of $or" to do%9 #e said and (!osed #is door.

    'You'!! (!ose t#e door !i"e t#at on me on(e you're a(" $it# uene and you've found a $ay to (an(e! t#e $eddin%' s#e t#ou#t% rea!i&in t#e sad trut# and $ent to

    #er room. S#e turned off t#e !am) and tu("ed #erse!f in #er ed.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    0in$oo sat at #is des"% not )i("in u) a )en nor ty)in on #is !a)to). ?e $as starin at t#e !etter on #is )i!e of $or".

    '/an I o t#rou# $it# t#e $eddin:' #e as"ed #imse!f. 'I (an't marry ,ade. ?o$ (an I do t#is:'

    ?e !et out a #eavy si#.

    ',ade's ri#t. It's mont#s a$ay. I don't #ave to $orry aout it no$.'

    ?e )ut t#e !etter a$ay and returned to #is $or" $it# t#e sma!! satisfa(tion of "no$in t#e $eddin is in t#e not-too-distant future.

     _... -+- ..._ Chapter T!I"TNINE _... -+- ..._[+++]

    ... -+-.u, #0th-+- ...[+++]

     ,ing. ,ing. ,ing. ,ing.

    I )i("ed u) t#e )#one. 9?e!!o:9 I said automati(a!!y.

    9,ade:9 I #eard. It $as aomi.

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    92#at:9 I said #ars#!y. 2#y $as s#e (a!!in me:

    9So. 2#at's u):9 s#e as"ed nosi!y.

    9Arr... ot#in' you'd e interested in-9

    92#at: Is t#at ,ade on t#e )#one:9 I #eard 0om say from a distan(e.

    9Yea#%9 said aomi.

    9?e!!o% ,ade:9 said 0om.

    9?ey% 0om%9 I said f!at!y.

    92e s#ou!d et toet#er soon to )i(" out a dress for your $ed *ing.9

    9But 0om% it's mont#s a$ay%9 I said.

    92e need to et t#e )re)arations ready% ,ade%9 s#e said stern!y. 92e #ave to ma"e everyt#in )erfe(t for-9

    95"ay. A!! ri#t%9 I said% interru)tin #er '!itt!e s)ee(#'. 92#en do you $anna o:9

    9Let's o ne*t Saturday. 2e (an meet at t#e S(ottis# em)!e%9 s#e said. 92e (an find a )!a(e to #o!d t#e $ed *ing. 0aye a !itt!e (#a)e! or somet#in. I a!so

    e*)e(t you an 0in$oo to (ome a!on.9

    95"ay. Sounds reat%9 I said sar(asti(a!!y. 9I'!! see you t#en% 0om. Bye%9 I said and #un u) t#e )#one.

    2#y did aomi (a!! me any$ay: id s#e $ant to #umi!iate me: I #ate #er<

    92#o $as on t#e )#one:9 0in$oo as"ed from t#e !ivin room.

    90y mom%9 I said f!at!y. 9S#e $ants us to meet #er at t#e S(ottis# em)!e in San =ran(is(o to find a )!a(e for t#e $ed *ing.9

    0in$oo #ad a do$n(ast !oo" on #is fa(e.

    I sa$ #is !oo". ?e $as t#in"in aout uene. 92e (ou!d et divor(ed after t#e $eddin%9 I suested Duiet!y.

    ?e nodded mind!ess!y.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    ... -+-.u, #2th-+- ...

    9,ade% 0in$oo. It's ood to see you%9 said ,ade's mom. 9So... #o$ do you !i"e t#is )!a(e:9

    ,ade ave a Dui(" !an(e around. #e S(ottis# em)!e $as s)ot!ess $#ite and #ad oman (o!umns $it# ivory (!imin u). #ere $as a $indo$ in t#e (ei!in

    !ettin t#e !i#t in. #ere $ere ro!!s of (#airs and t#ere $as a red (ar)eted ais!e.

    ,ade s#rued.

    9Loo"s... ni(e%9 said 0in$oo )o!ite!y.

    92e (an (#e(" out ot#er )!a(es%9 said 0om.


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    S#e $anted to ma"e #er dau#ter's $eddin t#e )erfe(t $eddin% ut ,ade $as ma"in it #arder. S#e $anted to !oo" around for t#e )erfe(t )!a(e to #o!d t#e

    $eddin% ut ,ade didn't seem to.

    ,ade nodded s!o$!y.

    9=ine. 2e'!! oo" it.9

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    92#y did you $ant to oo" t#at )!a(e:9 0in$oo as"ed #er as soon as t#ey ot #ome.

    92e!!... I didn't $ant to o any$#ere. I $as tired and t#e )!a(e did !oo" o"ay%9 s#e said as sin(ere!y as s#e (ou!d.

    95"ay%9 #e said and ave #er a s"e)ti(a! !oo".

    ,ade $anted t#e S(ottis# em)!e e(ause s#e didn't $ant to ma"e t#e $eddin a i dea!. S#e $asn't marryin t#e uy t#at s#e (#ose y (#oi(e and #e didn't to

    marry #er y (#oi(e... so $#y s#ou!d t#e $eddin e su(# a i dea!: Besides... s#e t#ou#t #e $anted to et divor(ed ri#t after so it t#e $eddin $ou!d e


     _... -+- ..._ Chapter %O"T _... -+- ..._ 

    ... -+-Auust 15th-+- ...

    ,ade sto))ed y Amy's% $#o $as !oo"in more )renant t#an ever% #ouse durin t#e afternoon.

    9So... te!! me% ,ade%9 said Amy on(e s#e sat do$n on t#e (ou(#% 9#o$ are t#ins oin $it# 0in$oo:9

    95"ay%9 s#e s#rued.

    9/'mon... t$o )eo)!e of t#e o))osite se* (an't !ive toet#er $it#out #avin some (#emistry.9

    ,ade didn't say anyt#in a(".

    92#en's t#e $eddin:9 said Amy rea"in t#e si!en(e.

    9I rea!!y don't "no$... in e(emer% ,anuary%9 s#e ans$ered. 9If it $asn't a fami!y-on!y "ind of $eddin% I'd as" you to e my maid of #onor% Amy%9 s#e as"ed.

    9If it $asn't I $ou!d say 'yes'%9 s#e said $it#out t#ou#t.

    ,ade smi!ed.

    9oes #e !i"e... you:9 s#e as"ed.

    S#e s#rued. '?e !i"es uene.... S#ou!d I te!! Amy aout #er:' s#e started to deate it in #er #ead. 'I s#ou!dn't... it $ou!d e )retty emarrassin.'

    9I don't t#in" so.9

    92e!!... do you... !i"e #im:9

    ,ade t#ou#t aout it% ut s#e rea!!y didn't #ave too. S#e a!ready "ne$ t#e ans$er. 9@##... I uess... I do !i"e #im%9 s#e said mee"!y.

    95#... ,ade... I didn't "no$ t#at you $ere interested in t#e o))osite se*%9 Amy "idded. 9I a!$ays t#ou#t you $ere "inda $eird... you "no$.... You don't !i"e uys

    or ir!s%9 s#e !au#ed.

    ,ade $ent red. 95#... s#ut u)% Amy%9 s#e said and #un u).S#e turned to Amy. 9Amy: id you a(" you stuff to o to t#e #os)ita!: *tra (!ot#es:9

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    95#. Yea#. It's ne*t to t#e door%9 s#e said and )ointed to a sma!!% !a(" ro!!-on suit(ase.

    ,ade )i("ed it u). 9Let's o $ait outside for t#e (a%9 s#e suested and o)ened t#e door. S#e )ut t#e suit(ase do$n and #e!)ed Amy out t#e door and raed t#e

    suit(ase aain.

    #ey ste))ed onto t#e front ste)s of t#e #ouse and ,ade (!osed t#e door.

    9S#ou!d $e (a!! avid:9 s#e as"ed.

    9/a!! #im%9 s#e said% soundin )ani("ed.

    S#e dia!ed #is numer. It run and run and run. 9?ey% t#is is avid. Leave a messae and I'!! et a(" to you.9

    9I ot #is voi(e mai!%9 s#e said to Amy. 9?e!!o: avid. It's ,ade. Amy's $ater ro"e. 2e're on our $ay to t#e #os)ita!. 8et t#ere as fast as you (an%9 s#e said and

    #un u).

    ,ade !oo"ed do$n t#e street. #ere $as a ye!!o$ (ar (omin t#eir $ay. 9#e (a's (omin%9 s#e to!d Amy.

    98ood. #at's ood.9

    #e (a )u!!ed in front of t#em and ,ade )ut t#e suit(ase in t#e trun". S#e #e!)ed Amy into t#e (a and s#e sat ne*t to #er.

    92#ere to% 0iss:9 said t#e (a driver.

    9San =ran(is(o 8enera! ?os)ita! and ste) on it

  • 8/18/2019 143 by Sitrus


    ,ade smi!ed. S#e named t#e ay after #er and >#oee. ,ade #e!d t#e ay in #er arms. ?is eyes $ere (!osed and #e $as $i!in a !itt!e. ?e !oo"ed !i"e a ay


    9?e's eautifu!%9 s#e $#is)ered. '?o$ (ou!d you #ave (ome out of Amy: You're a !itt!e reat#in mira(!e%' s#e t#ou#t.

     __... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__... -+- ...__ 

    ,ade $ent #ome $it# a fee!in t#at s#e #adn't fe!t in a !on time% true #a))iness.

    S#e o)ened t#e door to t#e )ent #ouse.

    0in$oo $as readin a maa&ine in t#