15 january 2020 newsletter 1/2020 newsletter2222929/2018

1 15 January 2020 Newsletter 1/2020 Newsletter2222929/2018 Dear Parents, Old Boys and Friends of Michaelhouse Please click on the headings below to navigate around the eNews. Rector’s Message ................................................................................................................. 1 Staff News ............................................................................................................................ 5 Welcomes: New Boys & Exchange Students ..................................................................... 5 Academic Achievements ..................................................................................................... 6 TARPS – Top Academic Rewards Programme January – June 2020 ............................... 7 Sporting Achievements ....................................................................................................... 8 Sport Information ............................................................................................................... 9 Inter-House Gala : Friday 17 January 2020...................................................................... 10 Strong Mothers/Strong Sons Course : 10-12 February 2020.......................................... 10 Michaelhouse Channels of Communication ................................................................... 10 Important Reminder : Transport Bookings ..................................................................... 11 Parent Evenings ................................................................................................................. 11 Community Partnerships Trust School Shoe Donation ................................................. 11 Prize Giving Ceremony & 1 st Quarter Half-Term ........................................................... 12 Rector’s Message The start of an academic year is an incredibly exciting time as friends come together again after the summer holidays and as prospects are considered for the next weeks and months. Expectations run high as boys and staff plan the year ahead and have so many new things to discover and to learn. We have been in a comfort zone over the past couple of months and now we are well and truly about to face the challenges of 2020. We must have aspirations; we must dream about the great things that we can do and we also need to be cognisant of the responsibilities for others that we bear. A warm welcome to all of our Michaelhouse families at the beginning of this important year and I want to welcome, especially, those who are new to Michaelhouse and who are just beginning to identify with this remarkable school, in particular, the parents of the 130 new E Block boys who arrived on Sunday. This E Block group will prove to be a strong one, constituted as they are from 51 different feeder schools; here are boys of considerable talent who will, I am sure, do Michaelhouse proud, as have others who preceded them. We also have some new teachers to welcome. Firstly, Paul de Wet who happens to be the husband of the Senior Master: Academic, Win de Wet, has filled many senior roles at Hilton, and is our new Director of Maths. He has an enviable reputation as a brilliant Maths teacher and part of his remit as his co-curricular contribution will be to spearhead the work which we have begun to do in helping mathematics teachers in the broader KZN area to enhance their teaching methodologies. Paul was previously a Housemaster at Michaelhouse so he knows the ropes well and he has already demonstrated what a great acquisition he is for us. Then we have two new temporary and part-time English teachers on the staff: Gemma Blew is Mark Blew’s wife and, she will naturally have a role to play in Ralfe, but her principal role will be in the English Department. She has previous experience

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15 January 2020 Newsletter 1/2020


Dear Parents, Old Boys and Friends of Michaelhouse

Please click on the headings below to navigate around the eNews.

Rector’s Message ................................................................................................................. 1 Staff News ............................................................................................................................ 5 Welcomes: New Boys & Exchange Students ..................................................................... 5 Academic Achievements ..................................................................................................... 6 TARPS – Top Academic Rewards Programme January – June 2020 ............................... 7 Sporting Achievements ....................................................................................................... 8 Sport Information ............................................................................................................... 9 Inter-House Gala : Friday 17 January 2020 ...................................................................... 10 Strong Mothers/Strong Sons Course : 10-12 February 2020 .......................................... 10 Michaelhouse Channels of Communication ................................................................... 10 Important Reminder : Transport Bookings ..................................................................... 11 Parent Evenings ................................................................................................................. 11 Community Partnerships Trust School Shoe Donation ................................................. 11 Prize Giving Ceremony & 1st Quarter Half-Term ........................................................... 12

Rector’s Message

The start of an academic year is an incredibly exciting time as friends come together again after the

summer holidays and as prospects are considered for the next weeks and months. Expectations run

high as boys and staff plan the year ahead and have so many new things to discover and to learn. We

have been in a comfort zone over the past couple of months and now we are well and truly about to

face the challenges of 2020. We must have aspirations; we must dream about the great things that we

can do and we also need to be cognisant of the responsibilities for others that we bear.

A warm welcome to all of our Michaelhouse families at the beginning of this important year and I

want to welcome, especially, those who are new to Michaelhouse and who are just beginning to

identify with this remarkable school, in particular, the parents of the 130 new E Block boys who arrived

on Sunday. This E Block group will prove to be a strong one, constituted as they are from 51 different

feeder schools; here are boys of considerable talent who will, I am sure, do Michaelhouse proud, as

have others who preceded them.

We also have some new teachers to welcome. Firstly, Paul de Wet who happens to be the husband of

the Senior Master: Academic, Win de Wet, has filled many senior roles at Hilton, and is our new

Director of Maths. He has an enviable reputation as a brilliant Maths teacher and part of his remit as

his co-curricular contribution will be to spearhead the work which we have begun to do in helping

mathematics teachers in the broader KZN area to enhance their teaching methodologies. Paul was

previously a Housemaster at Michaelhouse so he knows the ropes well and he has already

demonstrated what a great acquisition he is for us. Then we have two new temporary and part-time

English teachers on the staff: Gemma Blew is Mark Blew’s wife and, she will naturally have a role to

play in Ralfe, but her principal role will be in the English Department. She has previous experience

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teaching in the UK, whilst Paula Waller is another part-time teacher of English with previous

experience at Clifton, Durban and we welcome her warmly too. There are a number of interns who

have joined us and we welcome Richard Brown, Nathan Holm, Thabani Hlabisa, David Pachonick,

Ross Stanley, Ayanda Duma, Thapelo Machimane, Linda Mabuza and Michael Sevenoaks to

Michaelhouse. They are all outstanding, carefully-selected young men who, as interns, will contribute

to Michaelhouse in a really positive way this year.

A further piece of staff news which is hot off the press is that Peter Huntley, Housemaster of Pascoe

House, has been appointed Headmaster of Harriston School in Harrismith. This is a 3-18

co-educational school of some 340 pupils. We wish Peter Huntley and his wife, Michelle, who has

been a vital cog in the Old Boy’s section well as they move on from Michaelhouse after 15 years at

the end of this term to their new challenge. Naturally, we will be interviewing prospective candidates

to replace Mr Huntley in the next weeks and I will make an announcement in this regard as soon as

the process has been completed.

Abri Venter, Head of Music, resigned at the end of last year and has returned to Johannesburg. We

thank him for his work at Michaelhouse over the past 13 years, especially in conducting our marimba

musicians, and wish him well for the future. Helen Mennie will be extending her teaching role in the

Music Department, whilst we interview prospective Heads of Department.

News will probably have reached most of you about the success of last year’s matriculants in their IEB

examinations: our dux, Luke van Rooyen, achieved 8 distinctions and a 92.1% average across all of

his subjects. Both he and Finn Elliot were placed on the IEB outstanding list which is a huge

achievement, Finn achieving an average of 89.3% across his subjects, whilst Ruben Mitchell was in

3rd place with 88.9%. Cyle Wilson achieved 7 distinctions, and Neil du Toit, Tom Roberts and Josh

Witherspoon achieved 6 each, with Josh doing brilliantly in Maths in chalking up 99%. Last year’s

Senior Prefect, James Armstrong, as well as James Gush and Richard Taylor achieved 5 distinctions

each. The average percentage per boy across all subjects was 71% and the average number of As per

boy was 2 or more for the seventh successive year. What is really of ultimate importance is the feeling

that practically all of our boys did well for themselves by their own standards and the results were

generally a step up from the June and Trial examinations.

At our first assembly today, I spoke to the school about having a keen academic focus which should

be a priority for each and every boy in order that he should build the strongest profile he possibly can

as this will be important for his overall sense of wellbeing. I went on to say that this does not happen

easily; a lot of hard work, and consistent application and dedication and initiative and independent

working leads to the sort of results which are achieved at the end of a Michaelhouse career. These

results are not simply pulled out of the hat in the final A Block year, but are the result of steady

application over a number of terms.

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In our assembly, I also looked to the year ahead and made four suggestions. Firstly, I encouraged our

boys to be “realistically ambitious”, to set out on this year with a positive spirit and to aim for specific

goals which could be attained if they push themselves hard. It is important that these goals should not

be so challenging that they are unrealistic for any individual but they do need to be just a little bit out

of each boy’s comfort zone. These goals should certainly be in the academic sphere, but also in

sporting and cultural and other activities and I encouraged them to persevere and to continue with

determination even when the going is tough in order to achieve them. As parents, you might like to

ask your sons if they have set their goals for the year and to let you know periodically how they are

getting on against those goals.

The second thing I put before them is the importance of problem solving. In the year ahead, there will

certainly be times when they are upset by a range of issues which could be academic, or social or

related to sport or something such as a fallout with a friend. I want them to feel that there is no problem

that cannot be solved and that there are a number of people who will be able to help them if that were

needed. But, as I said to them, the first person we must always look at is ourselves. If it is, for example,

an academic problem, have we reviewed the material and notes we have taken in class sufficiently

carefully? If it is a social issue, have we been sufficiently self aware to consider how others are feeling

towards us? My point was that there are an array of people within the school who would be happy to

assist them resolve concerns, but one should look firstly at oneself to see what one can do to make

one’s own position better.

My third suggestion, related to the above, is that they should look outwards and upwards in

relationships rather than inward. Are they being warm hearted and kind to others or preferring to deal

a blow in an attempt to get the upper hand? Are they demonstrating appropriate respect for others or

being only concerned about themselves? Are they developing a sense of responsibility for others in

their House, their teams, and within their wider community or are they just tending to follow?

Ironically, those who are most fulfilled and contented in life are those who are most concerned about

others and least concerned about themselves.

Fourthly, I suggested to them that nothing could be achieved without discipline. Discipline is required

in every sphere of life, in sport, in the academic realm and elsewhere. I spoke to them about the rules

being there for a purpose and advised them to think very carefully about the consequences of breaking

rules, especially the most important rules which might mean that they would lose their place at

Michaelhouse. I asked them to consider the heartbreak that would entail for them, their parents, their

friends and others and not to underestimate what it would mean for them to have to leave this school.

Rather, I suggested that they should put themselves on a productive and constructive course over the

months ahead. Whilst this topic may sound a little less positive than some of areas canvassed above,

I do believe that discipline is an extremely important part of the makeup of a school or community and

teenagers need to be aware of the notion that actions bring consequences.

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There is a great sense of what may be achieved in the air here at school, and many happy voices in the

cloisters as lessons and other activities get underway and young people bond. We look forward to

seeing your sons develop in every aspect of their being over the course of 2020.

Some E Block boys of 2020

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Staff News


Apart from the new members of our Academic staff and the new interns, I am delighted that the

following have joined our administrative and support staff:

Maintenance Manager: Mr Donovan Nel

Housemothers: Mrs Hayley Moran and Mrs Carol Baillie

Rector’s & Board Administrator: Mrs Nikki Veenstra


We congratulate Sibonelo Khanyeni who got married in a traditional wedding in the December

holidays. We also congratulate Primrose Mchunu from Housekeeping who welcomed a little baby

also in the December holidays. We wish them much happiness.

Welcomes: New Boys & Exchange Students

During the first week of term we also welcome several new pupils in higher grades above E Block and

their families to Michaelhouse and trust that they will have successful careers here: In D Block: Anesu

Chasi (McCormick), Rhulani Chauke (Ralfe), Remi Dalais (McCormick), Axel le Vieux (Pascoe),

Johnroy Watt-Pringle (Pascoe); in C Block: Duncan Davies-Webb (McCormick), Mitchell Davies-

Webb (McCormick), Alban le Vieux (Pascoe), Ayanda Nongauza (Mackenzie), Kevin Smith

(Mackenzie), Aiden Wood (McCormick); in B Block: Christian Dalais (McCormick), Graham Hoal

(Ralfe), Daniel Johnson (Ralfe), Nqobile Manyara (Ralfe), Kofi Mensah (Ralfe), Karl Rindfleisch

(McCormick); and in A Block: Ethan Hartwell (Founders)

Exchange Students:

Three exchange students have joined us for the 1st Quarter of 2020: Julius Hoellermann (Pascoe)

from Wittelsbacher Gymnasium, Germany, Ramiro Quevedo Mendoza (Founders) from the Chase

Foundation, Argentina and Hugo Phipson (Farfield) joins us from Mosman High in Australia. We

wish them a wonderful experience at Michaelhouse.

Samuel Mitchell (Pascoe) is away on exchange at Wittelsbacher Gymnasium, Germany. We wish

him an interesting exchange experience in Germany.

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Academic Achievements

Academic Top 10 Achievers : 4th Quarter 2019

Congratulations to the Top Ten Achievers in each Block at the end of 2019, based on their final

November Examination results:

Block 2020 Position Name House

A 1 Tapiwa Chikwanda Mackenzie

A 2 Nikhil Iyer East

A 3 Tristan Naidoo West

A 4 Michael Gurney Baines

A 5 Timothy Whitaker Founders

A 6 Joshua Baillie East

A 7 Lehlohonolo Mapetla East

A 8 Aidan Browne Baines

A 8 Matthew Winn West

A 10 Timothy Harding Pascoe

B 1 Kwande Dhlomo West

B 2 Jadin Jordaan Pascoe

B 3 Mitchell Flanegan Tatham

B 4 Alexander Brits McCormick

B 5 Callum Porrill Tatham

B 6 Kameran Jinnah Pascoe

B 7 Danilo Ceronio Baines

B 8 David Ferguson Pascoe

B 9 Ntumuluko Mdluli Mackenzie

B 10 Joshua White Tatham

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Block 2020 Position Name House

C 1 Reuben Baldry West

C 2 Benjamin Frost Baines

C 3 James Kennedy Farfield

C 4 James Asherson Founders

C 5 Lusanda Mrasi McCormick

C 6 Adrian Hill Ralfe

C 7 Tristan Hoyle Ralfe

C 8 Joshua Hadley-Grave Ralfe

C 8 Peter Woodland Farfield

C 10 David Nienaber West

C 10 Alejandro Sartini-Kruger Ralfe

D 1 Kofi Asumaning McCormick

D 1 David du Toit Baines

D 3 Kekeli Eni Mackenzie

D 4 Marc du Plessis Ralfe

D 4 Maxim Sutherland Mackenzie

D 6 Aidan Jinnah Pascoe

D 7 Sandiso Hlongwa Tatham

D 8 Thomas Lahaye Mackenzie

D 9 Andrew Beviss-Challinor West

D 9 Erich van Zyl McCormick

TARPS – Top Academic Rewards Programme January – June 2020

This programme is designed to reward a limited number of boys in each Block who achieve academic

excellence, as well as to extend them. It complements the extension work conducted in academic

departments, but does so typically in a broader fashion beyond the curriculum. To qualify, boys must

be in the top five in their Block (sometimes there is a tie for fifth place as you will see below). In the

second half of the year, the group is reconstituted based on the June examination results and the E Block

join the group at this point.

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Well done to the following who are our TARPS for the January to June semester:

(In B Block, some boys on exchange programme were included in addition to those writing exams


Congratulations to Jonathan Segar for completing the Presidents’ Award programme and receiving his

Silver Certificate.

Sporting Achievements

Cricket : Inter-Provincial Festivals

Two boys represented the Kingsmead Mynahs over the holidays. This team is made up of U17

players. Max Latter scored a half century and impressed as a top order bat on tour.

Block 2020 Name House

A Tapiwa Chikwanda Mackenzie

A Nikhil Iyer East

A Tristan Naidoo West

A Michael Gurney Baines

A Timothy Whitaker Founders

B Jaden van der Merwe Farfield

B Gustave de Villiers Pascoe

B Pierre van der Westhuyzen Farfield

B Kwande Dhlomo West

B Jadin Jordaan Pascoe

B Mitchell Flanegan Tatham

B Alexander Brits West

B Callum Porrill Tatham

C Reuben Baldry West

C Benjamin Frost Baines

C James Kennedy Farfield

C James Asherson Founders

C Lusanda Mrasi McCormick

D Kofi Asumaning McCormick

D David Du Toit Baines

D Kekeli Eni Mackenzie

D Marc Du Plessis Ralfe

D Maxim Sutherland Mackenzie

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Campbell Davies-Webb was made player of the tour for his performances on the field as well as his

contribution to the tour itself - a great accolade.

Jared Meiring and Ayanda Cele represented the Inland U17 side at the Inter Provincial Tournament

in Port Elizabeth, Jared making a century against the Coastals side in a warm up game.

Ayanda's bowling established him as the leading spinner in the side. His 5/22 in 14 overs against

Border earned him the Man of the Match trophy.

In December Michaelhouse hosted the U19 Khaya Majola (formerly Coca-Cola) Inter Provincial

Week. It was the first time since 1986 that this premier school’s week has been hosted by the Inland

union. Our academic and support staff worked hard to ensure the huge success of this event.

Michaelhouse hosted the ISF last week before the start of school. We won both matches that we

played against Zimbabwe opposition. Well done to the team:

vs Falcon: Won by 120 runs (Roeland vd Berg 51, Josh White 40, James Fleming 3/11, Oyama

Ntshona 3/20)

vs St John’s: Won by 8 wickets (Oyama Ntshona 3/37, Callum Porrill 78*, Jared Meiring 53)

Sport Information

Sport Information

Sport communication occurs through the school’s sports app, SOCS. Team lists, fixtures, sports results

and coaches’ details can be found on SOCS. Instructions and various details for using SOCS are

included below, and are also attached separately to this newsletter for your attention.

For all sport information and fixtures, please go to the Michaelhouse website and click on the “Sport”

tab at the top or follow this link: https://www.michaelhouse.org/sport/, Please scroll down the page,

click on “Fixtures, Results and Team Lists” then click on the date that you are interested in and the

particular sport and you will be able to view which sport is played on that day together with the team

lists and information. (The fixtures are downloaded here as soon as they have been confirmed).

If you have any queries or concerns regarding sport, fixtures, coaches etc. please do not hesitate to

contact our Senior Master Sport, Mr Ryan Strudwick on [email protected] / 082 223 0101 or

contact the coach directly (contact details of the coaches are listed on our website, under Sport

Contacts under the ‘Sport’ tab or click on the following link:


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Programmes for Sport Fixtures at Michaelhouse

All sport programmes are downloaded onto a QR Code; this is currently also printed and a copy is given

to you on arrival at the Michaelhouse main gate. To view, please download the QR Code reader on your

cell phone by following the steps below:

Step 1: Open your App store / Google store

Step 2: Search for QR Code Reader and download the app

Step 3: Using the QR Code Reader scan the QR Code provided at the gate (on the day)

Step 4: Open the downloaded pdf version

Inter-House Gala : Friday 17 January 2020

The annual Inter-House Gala takes place this Friday, 17 January, starting at 16h00. Parents are welcome

to attend the event, as with any other event at Michaelhouse.

Strong Mothers/Strong Sons Course : 10-12 February 2020

Please find attached, separately to the this eNews, information about the Strong Mothers/Strong Sons

Course. For a booking form and any further details, please contact Mrs Caryl Ballance at:

[email protected]

Michaelhouse Channels of Communication

There have been a few queries about the lines of communication with staff at the school. For most issues

in boys’ lives the Housemaster is the first point of contact. The Housemaster will engage with relevant

staff members in order to resolve problems. A brief summary of communication channels is listed below

for your information:

I am concerned about First contact Also Contact/Notify If Issue not resolved then


My son in the classroom Class Teacher/Head of


Housemaster Deputy Rector Academic

Academic Support Head of Academic Support Housemaster Deputy Rector Academic

My son in his House Housemaster Deputy Rector Pastoral

General Medical Issues San Sister/relevant practitioner Housemaster Deputy Rector Pastoral

Specific medical treatment Medical Practitioner San Sister Deputy Rector Pastoral

General Academic Issues Deputy Rector Academic Rector

Cultural Issues Senior Master Culture Deputy Rector Co-Curricular

Psychological Issues Housemaster Counsellor Deputy Rector Pastoral

Spiritual Issues Chaplain Housemaster Rector

Sport Issues Senior Master Sport Deputy Rector Co-Curricular

Sport teams, fixtures etc sport.michaelhouse.org Senior Master Sport Deputy Rector Co-Curricular

Finance: Account queries Bursar’s PA Assistant Bursar Bursar

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Marketing Marketing Manager Rector

Community Partnership CP Manager Rector

Transport Transport Co-ordinator Deputy Rector Pastoral

We hope this helps you establish the appropriate channel of communication.

Important Reminder : Transport Bookings

Please ensure you place your bus bookings for the Durban and Johannesburg buses timeously and inform

Nirvana Naicker, the School’s Transport Co-ordinator of any flight details and airport drop-


Nirvana can be reached at:

Email: [email protected] Tel: 033 234 1170

Parent Evenings

I intend to provide a new opportunity, if this initiative is well received, by holding annually an evening

for current parents in our two major centres, Johannesburg and Durban. The purpose of this is to give

parents an opportunity to meet and get to know each other better, to create a sense of a Michaelhouse

community away from Balgowan and also to meet informally with the Rector, at least one member of

staff and one boy. The first such meeting will be in Johannesburg on Monday 10 February from 6-8pm

and more details relating to the venue will follow next week. The evening for Durban parents will take

place in the Second Quarter. Again more detail will follow in a few weeks’ time.

Community Partnerships Trust School Shoe Donation

Thank you to our parents and boys who donated their school shoes at the end of 2019.

10 boxes of shoes were filled and sent to Soul2Sole. The shoes are being cleaned and will then be

distributed to those in need.

In early February Blue Sky Society Trust’s Soul2Sole project will donate new school shoes to the

Michaelhouse Community Partnerships, who will then distribute new shoes, socks and polish to our

partnerships schools.

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Prize Giving Ceremony & 1st Quarter Half-Term

Please note that the school’s annual Prize Giving Ceremony takes place on the evening of Wednesday

12 February 2020 at 18h30. Boys in A- D Block will be able to leave for the Half-Term weekend with

their parents after this event. All buses to airports, Durban and Pietermaritzburg, the Johannesburg bus

and Pavilion bus will depart Michaelhouse on Thursday 13 February at 08h30. Please could you ensure

that you book any flights accordingly.

E Block

It is important to note that the E Block boys do not attend the Prize Giving Ceremony (as opposed to

Speech Day), as it is for A-D Block boys. The E Block have their Academic Open Day on Wednesday

12 February and the annual Athletics Sports Day takes place that afternoon from 14h00. The E Block

may go home after Athletics Day is finished on that Wednesday. Should you have any queries around

this please contact your Housemaster for clarification.

With my best wishes

Antony Clark