20. mpi netherlands chapter bus plan strat plan

MPI Netherlands Chapter Business Plan 2007-2009 6/26/2022 1

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Page 1: 20. Mpi Netherlands Chapter Bus Plan   Strat Plan

MPI Netherlands Chapter Business Plan



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Table of content

Executive summaryCurrent situation

Basic informationVision, Mission, ValuesHistoryResourcesChapter organizationProducts and services

External environmentThe industryMarket analysisCompetitor analysisCompetitive advantages

Strategy and plansObjectivesBusiness strategyOperating plan


Risk analysisOverviewSWOTLimiting factorsCritical success factorsAlternative scenariosSpecific risks and their solutions


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Executive summary The successful “Dare to..” campaign has led to an increased awareness to MPI Netherlands members, across the boundaries of their reach, of their own boundaries and how to challenge them. A strong retention rate and a successful national conference were the results of relentless enthusiasm and efforts by volunteers to make things happen. Challenges were in the area of funding and sponsoring the activities.

MPI Netherlands chapter is now daring to change its theme. Tref & Overtref in Dutch means, Meet & Exceed in English, where the idiom of Tref also has a triple connotation of

1) “to reach & touch on a deeper level” 2) “a chance or unique opportunity”

Focus on running the association as a business. With funding having been identified as the number 1 obstacle in growing the chapter, a strong focus will be laid on that business principle before we attempt to expand volume. A sponsor adoption program (amongst board members) and increased awareness within MPI European HQ for the need of support in building that financial structure are 2 key themes.

Autonomous tasks adopted at board level, allowing the committees to propel their initiatives will increase the need for a professional support structure. This we intend to do by centralising front and back office functionality in a paid external secretariat. Carefully examining the cost structure and making choices in what we can and cannot afford to do using flow through budgeting techniques.

For our volunteer leadership experience we intend to start applying new sharing techniques. A state of the art online collaboration tools available to all our volunteers. This will allow them to co-create through web 2.0 publication and collaboration on a wiki farm platform. Gain experience in project working environments and adopt new technologies as they are coming more widely available.

All these actions are for the sake and benefit of the members. They need to experience a smooth running high quality operation of MPI in the Netherlands. We will be exploring the threshold of growing the chapter to 300 members but with Dutch business rational. Will the current support structure be able to handle that volume? Will we need to make the business decision of employing a (part-time) executive director for the chapter in the coming 2 years to target growth? That we will determine in our 2008 board retreat. For now it is quality before quantity, retention before recruitment and user experience to grow the level of authority and recognition MPI has in the Netherlands.

Current situation

Basic dataName of Chapter : Meeting Professionals International (MPI) Netherlands Chapter Status : FoundationOffice : MPI Nederland Secretariat, Rijnsburgerweg 159, NL-2334 BP Leiden Head Office : MPI Head Quarters, Dallas, Texas, USA

Vision MPI International Build a rich global meeting industry community


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Vision MPI Netherlands To build an enriched Dutch Meeting Industry Community To exceed in growth (knowledge and members); value (members) and authority

Theme for 2007-2008 Meet & Exceed

(in Dutch = Tref & Overtref)

Mission Make our members successful by building connections to:- Knowledge/Ideas- Relationships- Marketplaces

Values - As a chapter we: Are member centric Flawlessly execute our programs Forge powerful partnerships with our members, headquarters and other groups DORIS

Brief history of the Chapter and current status

The Chapter Leadership had accepted a two year term when the Chapter was created. For this year that means that all positions were open for elections. 50% of the original Board has accepted another 2 year term in different positions and we have 4 positions with new board members (coming from the respective committees).

The Netherlands ChapterCharter Date : 12/9/94Chapter Location : Amsterdam, NetherlandsChapter Website : www.mpiweb.nl

Target 2006-2007

Per month

Total 20062007

Expected total YTD

Total year end membership projection

Current membership total

Actual year end membership total achieved 06/07

Year end numbers 05/06

Netherlands 84 7 63 84 233 233 233 200Retention AVG 2005-2006

Target 2006-2007


Netherlands 79.39% 75% 85,43% 85,15%


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Resources The Netherlands Chapter has a history of being financially sound. To begin with, the owner’s equity is roughly € 30.000 and as per July 1 2007 we have € 24.000 on our bank account (Rabobank Our Chapter resources consist of funding, time & talent of our volunteers and MPI resources.

Funding: Our chapter has a total of € 67.000,-- , to fund chapter activities this year (See appendix A for the budget).

Time & talent: Our chapter has 11 board volunteers, who, in total, can devote an average 2 hour per week* to our Chapter. We have a structure of 19 committee volunteers (Educational 8 volunteers, Membership 5 volunteers, Educational 6 volunteers) who, in total, can devote an average 1 hour per week* to our Chapter.Next to the volunteers we have chosen for a paid secretary in our chapter that we can utilize as both a back and front office. In this way we have an extra 8 hours per week* devoted to our Chapter in addition to the above mentioned number of hours.

*: based on 42 weeks per year the total of man/woman-hours is 11x2x42 + 19x1x42 + 1x8x52 = 2138 hours)

MPI Resources: Our chapter will make full use of the tools and assistance* provided by headquarters.

Organization and management The Board of Directors shall be composed of planner and supplier members. The chapter may use the best effort to maintain balanced ratio. Effective with the installation of chapter boards for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, the following positions constitute the minimum requirement for chapter board structure:

President : plannerPresident-Elect : not applicable yetImmediate Past President : supplierVP Membership : supplierVP Education : plannerVP Finance : plannerVP Communications : supplier

Any additional board (and committee) positions will be at the full discretion of the chapter.

Other board and committee positions that are in place in this chapter are:

VP Administration : plannerDirector of Community Outreach : -Director of Monthly Programs : - Director of Publications : -Director of Educationals : planner (= Director of Education and PD) Director of PR and Marketing : supplierDirector of Sponsoring : planner (= Director of Strategic Alliances)Director of Recognition and Awards : -


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Director of NL Conference : planner (= Director of Special Events)Paid staff : external secretariat office

Lisiting of all Board members: See Appendix E

Listing of all Committee members: See Appendix F

Products and services MPI offers its members a wide range of products and services. In addition to the general MPI services (such as member solutions, research, educational conferences, magazine, website, newsletter) and tools (Skills Assessment, Resource Centre and CultureActive tool) the Netherlands Chapter offers:- Education - 6 educationals per year, general assembly with speaker and our annual 'NL-Conference'- Networking opportunities during chapter and industry events- A chapter website and in 2007-2008 an email newsletter will be re-instated- Member support through a paid administration- MPI Netherlands is also present at most industry events and strives to provide benefits and discounts for its members.

Market analyses

The Industry (economy, trends):Our chapter is particularly affected by:

An upmarket trend as far as the economy is concerned nationally Increased international competition & pressure on Dutch destinations & city marketing organisations Increased pressures on members to devide attention Strong Euro versus foreign currencies

The local industry:Our chapter is particularly affected by:

Traffic congestion Focus on the Randstad area as main economic hub Attention for development in secondary / feeder cities Increased business reasoning and focus on performance and productivity Aversion to too much international influence Tendency to focus on Dutch Market place and domestic issues

Market analyses/ who are our potential membersMPI members in The Netherlands are typically from:

corporations (event managers, meeting managers, meeting procurement professionals) associations (meeting planners, organisers) government (meeting officials, organisers) independent meeting planner organisation (PCO’s, DMC’s, AMC’s, Travel and Meeting management

organisations) suppliers (venues, hotels, av-companies, meeting services, support services)


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Competitor analyses Genootschap van Event Managers (100 members, planner only), national association

o Specifically this association overlaps with MPI on the planner side as it is focused on membership and services to Corporate Event Managers

HSMAI (750 + members), national chapter of international associationo Predominantly supplier oriented (s&m professionals), competes with MPI through highly

appreciated educational sessions Centrum voor Live Communicatie (CLC 250 members Industry/Trade Association), national association

o As trade association completely different services are provided, but on educational content members (suppliers and independent organiser companies) will have a choice. MPI should consider teaming up incidentally on educational content

SITE (100+ members), national chapter of international associationo Focusses mostly on incentives and is not perceived as real competition for mpi

Competitive advantages 1. Membership value through exclusive tools (Self assessment, CultureActive Tool)2. Most international and comprehensive network3. Open structure with peer-peer assistance and knowledge bank4. Exceptional educational experiences and offerings5. Rewarding closeknit network of MPI minded professionals6. Preferred buying experience from MPI member to MPI member and from non member to MPI member.

Strategy and plans

MPI’s 2007 – 2009 Strategic Imperatives:• Build a Great Organization

– Create a remarkable culture and structure• Evolve from Association to Global Community

– Deploy programs, knowledge platforms and brand architecture to align with vision• Reinvent Business Relationship with Chapters

– Invest in chapters to create channel partnerships around community results• Elevate the Member Conversation and Experience

– Elevate programs and services to a higher level of experience and business return

ObjectivesObjective 1 – Create professional development pathways and resources that enable members to evolve their careers toward positions or perspectives of strategic understanding and influence

Objective 2 – Aggressively pursue opportunities to influence executives about the value meetings bring to their organizations.

Objective 3 – Intensify business opportunities for supplier members.


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Operating plan Membership Plan (Nico Meyer)

Objectives How to get there Target Date Budget Measure-ment Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

Membership – Exceed a net membership of 300 by July 1st 2008

Create and implement ‘prospect contact plan’ for potential members, with thorough contact and follow-up steps to ensure that conversion from suspect to prospect and to member is conducted optimally

January 2008

Tba - Conversion rate from prospect to member- MPI member statistics- drop rate

VP Member-ship + committee

- Improve conversion into member-ship- Drop rate after first 2 years reduced by 25%

Recruit new members in areas where MPI

Actions deployed in

Tba - MPI member

VP Member-

Grow member-


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Netherlands is not yet represented well, both by member type and geographically

Focus on transparacy and added value of member benefits (both general and chapter specific)

Q1&2 2008, result to be expected by Q4 2008

statistics for chapter

ship + committee

ship to exceed 300 net by July 1st 2008

90% Retention of excisting membership

Create transparancy of member benefits and show added value of membership by special printed materials in Dutch, informational sessions, emailings, personal visits en dedicated sessions during NL Conference

Throughout the yearResults per July 1st 2008

€ 500 –€ 8.500(amounts depends on whether European Council Marketing Grant is provided

- # attendees to informationsessions- Evaluation of sessions- Needs Assessment- MPI member reports

VP Member-ship + committee

90% retention

Focus on new members (0-2 years) with intensive ‘contact-plan’ in order to prevent drop-outs + conduct exit interview with every member that leaves

Plan ready by Q4/07. Exit interviews implemented in Q1/08

Tba # of members cancelling

VP Member-ship + committee

Conduct needs assessment among membership to determine areas where chapter is strong and where improvement is needed. Also provides valuable information on topics/education etc

December 1st 2007

Tba We strive for a 60%+ return on the survey

VP Member-ship + committee

- 60% response

Recruitment goal


Recruitment goal


Per month2007-2008

Retention goal

2007-2008Targets by MPI International 84 98 8 78%Target by MPI Netherlands 84 65 5 90%

Education Plan (Nicolette van Erven, Caroline van Egmond, Jochem Treu)

Objectives How to get there Target Date Budget Measurement Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

Meet and exceed the quality of the present professional education

alliance with speakers platform

Install a Think thank (of meeting

Alliance = October 2007Think Tank Q4 2007 Multiple levels in

€ 6.000 Quality benchmark on member experience at educationals = Report card

Nicolette van Erven


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levels professionals)

To organize educational tracks in multiple levels or segments

educationals by Q1 2008

Target and deadlines for actions listed above to be determined and communicated to board by Q3 2007 in Business plan format

level figure = 8 out of 10

Educational planning: See Appendix B

Communications Plan (Jeroen Sirag & Michiel Middendorf)

Objectives How to get there Target Date Budget Measurement Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

Meet & Exceed international communications developments on a local level

Keep up to date with objectives from Dallas / Luxembourg -> synergi. Create ‘out of the box’ ideas to communicate new theme ‘Meet & Exceed’.

Target and deadlines for actions listed below to be determined and communicated to board by Q3 2007 in Business plan format

Allign website mpiweb.nl with mpiweb.org

Reserve specific ‘web budget’ in order to keep up to date with MPI brand standards.Re-connect with web peers from Dallas / Luxembourg.

MPI most present association in Dutch media

Content Management.Alligment with preferred media partners.Become leading authority and knowledge leader.Establish a ‘great’ and


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strong relationship with key media influencers.

Leading authority and knowledge leader

Content Management.Alligment with sprekersplatform in order to secure quality of speakers educationals.

Innovation in internal and external communication

Research into new possibilities and opportunities e.g. second life.Explore creative ideas.Keep up to date with trends.

Attract new sponsors

Adopt new sponsor by boardmember.Build MPI to ‘A’ status brand.Translate sponsor opportunities (MPI tools etc.) in a clear and efficient way.

Detailed programme will follow it the forthcoming months.

Finance & Sponsorship Plan (Max Schreuder & Jarno de Boer)

Objectives How to get there Target Date

Budget Measurement Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

Increase number of new sponsors

Professionalize committee, account management by all board members, and just contact potential sponsors, invite potential sponsors for a drink/lunch before educational or activities

Set up sept 08 - Ongoing process

Appr.10% of income on sponsoring

Number of new sponsors

JdB Increase in cash

sponsoring and better relation to

guarantee a high level of retention in the future

High retention in current sponsors

Account management sponsor committee assign board member to individual sponsor & involve in account management task. sponsor lunch

End of august 08

€ 500,- 5 out of 6 current sponsors//List of sponsors and account team by Q3 2007



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Hire external sponsor company

If granted by MPI EMEA

Chapter Grant MPI(5000 euro)

JdB.Board Increase sponsor income

Leadership Plan (Ruud Janssen, president-elect & Chris Lindeboom)

Objectives How to get there Target Date

Budget Measurement Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

Ensure preparation of leadership for president elect position per April 08

Start nomination committee per january 08

April 08 Suitable candidate

CL President for 2009-2011

Check suitable chapter leaders in committees

Visit committees and involve committee chairs in evaluation

January 08

Personal visit committee meetings throughout year by RJ & CL

RJ/CL Board members

and or election by nomination committee

Evaluate performance and training of Paid Secretariat

Quarterly evaluation of Secretariat

1 October 2007

Member & board member satisfaction rating

RJ/PO Tender or contract


Monitor Board Performance

Develop Board Monitor online for bi-monthly check and reporting


Tbc Report card figure Board Monitor

RJ Benchmark tool for board performance

In case of paid administrator in the chapter, don’t forget to plan for training and development for this person.

Administration Plan (Patricia Oosterhof VP Administration & Monique Hak, Paid secretariat)

Objectives How to get there Target Date

Budget Measurement Criteria

Lead Contact

Expected Outcome

To establish a professional back and front office

Managing paid secretariat

As per direct

Fee versus delivery/performance


Improved balance in secretariat contract to service

January 2008

12500-16350 More hours (read money available) for paid secretariat.Actual hours: 8



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membership adequately

Preffered hours: 12 at least

VP Admin is process manager of board issues

August 2007

Decrease of 4000 of Burg & de Raadt and increase of secretariat for finance handling

Milestones of reporting & project delivery


Integrated financial administration for MPI NL and MPI Conference NL

January 2008

Tbc Debt ratio and term, efficienty and improvement in tracking and administrative support


Automatic renewal membership



Collaboration tool boardmembers(Central Desktop Mindmapping eg)

September 2007

Central Desktop : € 873 per year Mindmanager € 3000 one off


Innovate website(more information)

October 2007 MPI International to create satelite site for local website



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In the frame work of this strategic plan we ask you to establishing a budget: A budget is a description of the monetary requirements to accomplish goals and objectives and the expected income from chapter activities. Process of establishing a budget:

- Board of directors determines chapter goals (actie Board)- Committees establish their objectives for the year (actie committees)- Committees submit expected income and expense relating to objectives - Budget and Finance committee (or VP of Finance) reviews all submissions and prepares a complete

chapter budget- Budget and finance committee presents proposed budget with recommendations for revision of

committee budgets - Board of directors approves budget ( Action Board meeting September)- Budget and finance committee periodically reviews the budget and income and expenses. Revisions in

the budget should be made on a timely basis (actie Max 1x per kwartaal & report in board)- At the end of the year a communication of the Chapter’s financial situation should be given to all board

members (actie Max & Chris voor 2006-2007, actie Max & Ruud 2007-2008, 2008-2009)

Next to this the MPI bylaws require the following financial statements to be created and reported back (All three reports are due to MPI on or before the first working day in October): (Actie MAX)

- Balance sheet - Statement of Income and Expense- Audit (review) of Chapter Finances and audit statement

See appendix C for sample budgets (both committee budgets and chapter budgets) and samples of the financial statement documents.


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Risk Analysis

SWOT – Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threaths


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Limiting factors

Critical success factors 1. Team work within the Board based on the DORIS model (Duidelijkheid, Openheid, Respect, Integriteit,

Samenwerking) (oftwel the CORIC model Clarity, Openess, Repect, Integrity, Cooperation)2. Accept a task only if we fully understand it and ask for help or support when that is required to fullfil the

task within the deadline and expectation of the commitment. 3. Something is good when we achieve the results we have set out to reach 4. Quality is only quality and relevant when it leads to more satisfied and more members. 5. Speak -> Speak out -> Discuss -> Agree -> Adress // Spreken -> uitspreken -> bespreken -> afspreken -

> aanspreken


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Monitoring and Evaluation Tools (Actie Chris/Ruud nav sessie Board retreat olv Paul)To ensure that we accomplish our plans and remain committed to our objectives, we will:

1. Board Monitor to monitor board member interaction, satisfaction and effectivity2. Team work within the Board based on the DORIS model (Duidelijkheid, Openheid, Respect, Integriteit,

Samenwerking) (oftwel the CORIC model Clarity, Openess, Repect, Integrity, Cooperation)3. Accept a task only if we fully understand it and ask for help or support when that is required to fullfil the

task within the deadline and expectation of the commitment. 4. Something is good when we achieve the results we have set out to reach 5. Quality is only quality and relevant when it leads to more satisfied and more members. 6. Speak -> Speak out -> Discuss -> Agree -> Adress // Spreken -> uitspreken -> bespreken -> afspreken -

> aanspreken


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Appendix A

CONCEPT Budget MPI The Netherlands 2007/2008

Description Expenses Income Saldo

1. General      

Board expenses 1.750,00  


Stationary 750,00  


Secretarial expenses 16.350,00  


Accountant + Financial administration 1.500,00  


Bank costs 100,00  


Membership chamber of commerce 50,00  


Board retreat 1.500,00  


Sub total General 22.000,00 -


       2. Educationals & Social Events      

Committee costs 500,00  


Presents 500,00  


Educationals 6.000,00

6.000,00 -

NL Conference * 33.000,00


Sub total Educationals & Social events 40.000,00



       3. Communications      

Committee costs 500,00  


Hosting and domain costs website 1.000,00  


Upgrade website 2.500,00  


Sponsor packages - 7.000,00


Internet advertising - 500,00


Sub total Communications 4.000,00



     4. Membership    


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Committee costs 500,00


Recruitment costs 500,00


Sub total Membership 1.000,00 -


     5. Various    

Rebates MPI Europe   17.500,00


MPI's equity (EV)   3.000,00


Unforseen - - -

Sub total Various - 20.500,00


TOTAL 67.000,00

67.000,00 -

* see separate budget

CONCEPT Budget NL Conference 2008

Description Expenses Income  1. General   1. Registration fees

Board expenses 500,00

Members 5000,00

Accountant + financial admin


non-members 3000,00

Membership Chamber 50,00

students -

Secretarial costs + postage


early birds 14000,00

Subtotaal General 4.000,00 Subtotal


  2. Speakers   2. Sponsorships

Dagvoorzitter en sprekers 6.000,00

Hoofdsponsor / partner cash bijdrage


Subtotaal Sprekers 6.000,00

Subsponsors / Tabletops cash bijdrage


  Subtotal 11.000,00

3. Communications  

Huisstijl ontwikkeling 750,00

Vooraankondigingen (3 x 4/8/2023


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teaser) 1.500,00

Publiciteit en advertenties 8.000,00

Drukwerk 750,00

Fotograaf 500,00

Aanpassing website 2.500,00

Subtotaal Communications


4. Ledenwerving   Actie voor potentiële planners


new member breakfast -

Subtotaal Ledenwerving


5. Suplliers  

Venue -

Registration -

Banqueting 4.000,00

AV techniek -

Hotelrooms 1.000,00

Hostes bureau 1.000,00

Subtotaal suppliers 6.000,00  

6. Various  

Decoration 1.500,00

Unforseen 1.000,00

Subtotal various 2.500,00  

TOTAL costs 33.000,00

TOTAL income 33.000,00


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Appendix B

Planning Educationals 2007-2008


Venue Speaker Date Responsible

ALV 2007Dare to change the theme…

RAI Strand Zuid

Annual Meeting, followed by a speaker, sports and bbq

August 24 Benjamin Nicolette

Educational, Meet the Marketing Guru and exceed your orginal expectations

Movernpick hotel

Frank Wouters18 Nov 07

Ingmar Sloothaak

End of year or New Years meeting

Amstel Intercontinental

18 January 2008

Caroline van Egmond

NL ConferenceMeet & Exceed!

tbcFebruary Task Force

NL Conference

Educational Jaarbeurs Utrecht

9 April //Session as part of the educational program of the trade fair “Evenement”

Caroline van Egmond


5 JuneCaroline van Egmond


29 AugustCaroline van Egmond


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Listing of all Board members Appendix E





President Ruud Janssen PO Box 302 Amsterdam

NL-1000 AH

+31 20 5040264 +3120 5040 225

[email protected]

Immediate Past President

Chris Lindeboom Generaal Eisenhowerplein 1

Rijswijk NL-2288 AE

+31 70 4141500 +3170 4141510

[email protected]

Vice President Administration

Patricia Oosterhof-Sanders

Koninginnegracht 43 The Hague

NL-2514 AD

+31 70 3107979 +3170 3622174

[email protected]

Vice President Finance Max Schreuder Van Marumstraat 9 Amsterdam

NL-1098 RN

+31 655374774   [email protected]

Vice President Education

Nicolette Van Erven P.O. Box 77 Harmelen NL-3480 DB

+31348 443251 +3134 8446920

[email protected]

Vice President Membership

Nico Meyer W. Klooshove 20 Nieuwegein


+3130 6300688 +3130 6300117

[email protected]

Vice President Communications

Jeroen Sirag Museumplein 9 Amsterdam

NL-1071 DJ

+3120 3052255 +3120 3052613

[email protected]

Director Public Relations

Michiel Middendorf Churchillplein 10 Den Haag NL-2517 JW

+3170 3066206 +3170 3557299

[email protected]

Director Marketing Michiel Middendorf Churchillplein 10 Den Haag NL-2517 JW

+3170 3066206 +3170 3557299

[email protected]

Director of Educationals(Director of Educations & PD)

Caroline Van Egmond A.J. Ernststraat 55 Amsterdam

NL 1083 GR

+3120 3010 334 +3120 3010338

[email protected]

Director of Sponsoring(Director of Strategic Alliances)

Jarno de Boer P.O. Box 83005 Amsterdam

NL-1080 AA

+3120 679 3218   [email protected]

Director of NL Conference(Director of Special Events)

Jochem Treu Postbus 113  Geldrop NL-5611 KE

+3140 2852212  +3140 2851966

[email protected]

Paid Staff Monique Hak Rijnsburgerweg 159 Leiden NL-2334 BP

+3171 5191094 +3171 5175835

[email protected]

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Listing of all Committee members Appendix F

MPI Netherlands Membership Committee 2007-2008COMMITTEE NAME








VP Membership Nico Meyer Qmatters W. Klooshove 20 Nieuwegein 3438 PP

030 - 6300 688

030 - 6300 117

[email protected]

member (past VP)

Esther Van der Meer

BCD meetings & incentives

Watermanweg 42

Rotterdam 3067 GG

020 - 5603725

020 - 5603725 [email protected]

member (will leave Sept 07)

Ingrid Tuinstra Global Event Management

Jachtwerf 26 Zoetermeer 2725 DP

079 - 3437381

084 - 2203384 [email protected]

member Anne De Haas Shell Exploration & Production

Kessler Park 1 Rijswijk 2288 GS

070 - 4474544

070 - 4475486 [email protected]

member Brenda van Oel Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Stadhouderskade 12

Amsterdam 1054 ES

020 - 6075572

020 - 6075567 [email protected]

member Marije Hooijer NH Conference Centres

Langelaan 3 Noordwijkerhout

2211 XT

0252 - 378430

0252 - 378891 [email protected]

member  Simone

Geerts  Evoluon World Class Conference Centre

 Noord Brabantlaan 1A

 Eindhoven  NL-5652 LA

 040 -2504611

 040-2504676 [email protected]

member  Liesbeth

Van Heiningen

 Disneyland Resort Paris Business Solutions

 Taurusavenue 9  Hoofddorp  NL-2132 LS

 31237993443  31237993512 [email protected]

Member Gijs Verbeek Helmsbrisco Int Schoterstraat 33 Haarlem 2010 HH

31235458509  31877841176 [email protected]

MPI Netherlands Communications Committee 2007-2008COMMITTEE NAME






Vice President Communications

Jeroen Sirag Stage Entertainment

Museumplein 9 Amsterdam

NL-1071 DJ

+3120 305 2255

+3120 3052613

[email protected]

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Director of Sponsoring

Jarno de Boer ICS International

P.O. Box 83005 Amsterdam

NL-1080 AA

+3120 679 3218

  [email protected]

Director of Marketing & Communications

Michiel Middendorf World Forum Convention Centre

Churchillplein 10 Den Haag NL-2517 JW

+3170 3066206

+3170 3557299

[email protected]

Member PR Nancy Uitdewilligen Starwood Hotels Amsterdam

Schipholboulevard 101 Schiphol Airport


+ 31 20 316 4320

+ 31 20 316 4316

[email protected]

member Martijn Reinhold De congresorganisatie van het AMC

Postbus 23213 Amsterdam

 NL 1100 DS

 + 31 205668645

31206963228 [email protected]


MPI Netherlands Educationals Committee 2007-2008COMMITTEE NAME







Vice President Education


Van Erven P.O. Box 77 Harmelen NL-3480 DB

+31348 443251

+3134 8446920 [email protected]

Director of Educationals

Caroline Van Egmond Koninklijk NIVRA

A.J. Ernststraat 55

Amsterdam NL 1083 GR

+3120 3010 334

+3120 3010338 [email protected]

Director of NL Conference

Jochem Treu Mediscon Postbus 113  Geldrop NL-5611 KE

+3140 2852212 

+3140 2851966 [email protected]

member Jo-Ann Venema Bilderberg Hotels

Vaalsbroek 1 Vaalsbroek NL-6291NH

 +31433089314 + 31 433089389 [email protected]

member Edwin Leenheer Hotel Theater Figi

Het Rond 2 Zeist NL-3701 HS

+31 306927578 [email protected]

member Margreet

Lubbinge GT Hotels, Inns & Resorts

Postbus 448 Amersfoort NL-3800 AK

+31 332544800 + 31 023 566 28 27 [email protected]

member  Benjamin

Rochet  NH Hoteles Po Box 619  Hilversum  NL-1200 AP

     Krijgt nieuw adres, nog niet bekend.

member Sven Boelhouwer The Hague P.O. Box 85456 The Hague NL- +31 70 361 88 +31 70 361 54 59 [email protected]

4/8/2023 25

Page 26: 20. Mpi Netherlands Chapter Bus Plan   Strat Plan

Convention Bureau

2508 CD 49

member  Ingmar Sloothaak Moevenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre

 Piet Heinkade 11  Amsterdam  NL-1019 BR


 +31847376023  [email protected]

Member René Vlieger Guideline Meetings & Incentives

Wembleylaan 22 Amsterdam NL-1098 WG

+31 20 6920087

31 206635391 [email protected]

Member Peter Boogaard Cygnea Copikerhof 18 Schoonhoven NL-2817 PV

+31 182 321 0126

31 182 32 0127 P. [email protected]

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