2014 九月份總監月報

3520地區總監月報 9 月號 September 2014 國際扶輪 3520 地區新世代 服務交換 New Generation Service Exchange ( NGSE)

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  • 35209September 2014

    3520 New Generation Service Exchange ( NGSE)

  • RI

    RI 3 5

    2016-17 8

    10 ---NGSE 11 NGSE 14 RYE 15 16 - --- 18 ---13 20 --- 21 - 22

    2014-15 3520 248 3520 25


    32 33


    2 3

    Gary C.K. Huang

  • RI RI

    4 5

    Gary C.K. HuanGPresident, rotary international


    One of the great privileges of being president of Rotary International is havingthe chance to visit so many parts of the Rotary world. Usually I travel toparticipate in Rotary events; speak at Rotary clubs, conferences, and institutes; and encourage Rotarians in their service. But as president, I am responsible for all branches of the Rotary family. This means that it is also my privilege to support the service of Rotarys youngest generations: our Rotaractors, Interactors, Rotary Youth Exchange students, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards participants. When I see the work Rotarians do, I am always impressed, always excited, and always inspired. When I see the work of our new generations, I am all of this and frequently I am surprised as well. Not by the quality of their work for I have learned to expect great things from them but by the creativity and ingenuity of their thinking. I look at what they have done and think not just What a great job! but Whata great idea! Because every generation sees the world in a unique way, and every individual has a unique point of view. Faced with the same problems, we arrive at diff erent solutions. is is why, in Rotary, our diversity of culture, language, expertise, gender, and age is our strength. In Rotary, we try to take the long view in our service. We aspire to serve in ways that will make a lasting diff erence, that will continue to have an impact after our participation ends. Our younger generations, in my experience, share this sentiment, and apply it globally, by focusing on environmental issues in new and innovative ways. When I became a Rotarian, environmental issues were barely on our radar. To young people today, these concerns are front and center. eir perspective is a valuable contribution to the world of Rotary service, and it is one that we should all encourage and support. Just as they are learning from us, so should we be learning from them. The young people who are serving in Rotaract and Interact, and participating in Youth Exchange and RYLA today, are the Rotarians of tomorrow. When we support them, we are supporting the future of our entire organization. We are helping to train the men and women who will be the club presidents, district governors, RI directors, and RI presidents of tomorrow.

    14-15 9 30 (Interact) (Rotaract)(RYLA) (RYE) 9 3520 8 2660 3450 8 16 RYE 8 25 125 114 9 2 RYE 114 110 3 1 731 500 3520


  • 6 7

    My dear fellow Rotarians,

    Summer has nearly come to the end as the autumn is coming near. Two months has passed since the fabulous year of 2014-15 started. It is nice to see many activities and services took place as they were planned whether they were carried out by district, sub-districts or clubs.

    Children are the masters of the future. Teenagers are the hope of tomorrow. Young people are the supporting pillars of our society. September is Rotarys New Generations Month. For the young generations, Rotarians are responsible helping and supporting them and further leading this world to a better future.

    Rotary Internat ional has many const ruct ive and meaningful programmes such as Internact, Rotaract, RYLA and RYE, offering a very good and safe environment to assist young people in enhancing health, understanding the value of humanity, providing education, and the ability of self-development in the hope that they could know the purposes and goals of Rotary and that they could, in the future, become Rotarians and then pass on the spirit of Rotary. So, I would like to request each club to promote the meaning of Youth Service of RI through each event.

    Our district has hosted interactors from D2660, Osaka, Japan, and from D3450, Hong Kong, and successfully given those interactors and their parents an experience in which they were communicating and learning from each other. Additionally, the movie premiere of Caf. Wating. Love, which is incorporated in the Life Of Bridge Service Project also took place on the 16th of August. This also signals the start of our supports and cares to the young people who are educationally in need.

    The results of the two proposals regarding redistricting and

    RYE one-stop window have also been decided on August 25th. With respect to redistricting, the total number of votes is 125. Of those 125 votes, there are 114 votes YES with 9 votes NO and 2 spoilt votes. Whereas the proposal regarding RYE received 110 votes YES with 9 votes NO and 2 spoilt votes, out of 114 votes. I would like to hereby thank all the clubs for your regards and supports to these two proposals. Given the positive results, our district will proceed on planning the next procedure and will try to achieve what the proposals plea for

    With regard to the fundraising for the 731 gas explosion in Kaohsiung, we originally set the goal of NT$ 5 millions. Because of your donation, the total amount raised has exceeded NT$ 11 millions. You generosity will bring practical help to those victims and help them to get over with this tragic disaster and furthermore let every one knows the warmth and love of Rotary. For this, I thank you for your supports.

    Last ly , I wish you and your club as well as your family a prosperous and healthy future.

    Rotary International District 3520District Governor

    Audi Lin

  • 8 9


    (Chattanooga) John F. Germ 2016-17 10 1 passion enthusiasm perseverance -- integrity

    -- -- 2016-17 4 1965

    1970 1992 1976 2 Judy T.D. Griley Jos Antonio F. Antirio Keith Barnard-Jones Kenneth R. Boyd Michael Colasurdo Sr. Yash Pal Das John Eberhard Barry Matheson - Shekhar Mehta Carlo MonticelliSamuel Owori Ekkehart Pandel John C. Smarge Barry E. Thompson Thomas M. Thorfinnson

    Ryan Hyland 2014 8 5

  • 10 11


    --- , , human family we are one family contact hypothesis 1920 8,000 80 Rotary Youth Exchange Seeds of Peace Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program Rotary Youth Exchange 911 Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program Santa Fe InstituteArgentine antin-groupparochial altruism ---

    3520 New Generation Service Exchange ( NGSE)


    , , , , ,

    New Generations Exchange( NGE) 1997 ( YEP or RYE) 18-25 , Young Adult Exchange 2010 : 2012 , 2013 7 01 RYE New Generation Exchange (NGE) RYE New Generation Service Exchange ( NGSE) . Youth Service (New Generations Service) Committees ( RYE) RI ** RI 1 July 2013 RYE 30 June 2014**

    1. : , , , ,2. : , 3. ,

    Individual Vocational tour (group) 4-6 (Team) Service Project Team

    PP Hermes PP JC

  • 12 13

    1. : 18-30 2. , 3. ( ) ( , )4. , 5. , ( ) , ( , ) 6. , 7. RYE 8. : 9. 10. (individual) Focused on an individuals profession or area of study , Unpaid internship/apprenticeship Organize placement at corporation or organization for up to 6 months , Home hosting is suitable Involve intern in local Rotaract/ROTEX activities /Rotex 11. : Vocational tour (group) Group performing multiple activities surrounding a certain profession (law, tech, etc.) , Group can stay in both host family homes and hotels/hostels / Ensure time for fellowship and Rotary events GSE ( GROUP STUDY EXCHANGE ) 12. ( ) Service project teams (group or individual) Group of young adults interested in particular area of focus (water, education, etc.) , Organize participation in Rotary service project abroad

    Give participants leadership opportunities! Ideal for Rotaractors and ROTEX /Rotex

    , , , , 18-30 Rotex


    1. , / / 2. , GSE NGSE 3. , , , , , , 4. / , RYLA NGSE 5. 6.

    Resources Letter bulletin from RI NGSE Presentation (New Generation Service Exchange) by Kate Hoeppel RI Senior Supervisor.

  • 14 15



    home GroupNGE GroupNGE


    3520 2014 8 25 ( ) 2:00 114 9 2 10 110 3 1 21


    NGSE Outbound Sunny

    2013 GroupNGE

  • 16 17

    2014/08/16 2014-15 Audi ! - 1% , 8/16 ! 14 2000 Timothy !

    , : ~ ! :

    : ! PS:

    CP Sara

  • 18 19


    Bill ENT PP DavidPP ConstantPP House S Alex Aquei PatrickENT 15

    - ---

    8 16

    40 C

    Rtn. ENT

  • 20 21


    7/26 3520 13 2 ( ) Jim Lawyer 2 1-3 4 , 1 170 340 348 DM 500cc 250cc 500cc ( ) PP Milk 5


    2014 8 16 17 42 8 17 CCSA 1617 8 16 8 30 10 DG Audi 50

    P Karl Michael

  • 22 23


    3520 13 13 9 AG Lee 60 13 DG Audi 3520 13 3520 13 1. 15% 2. 3. 4.

    5. DJ Roger Jessica 6.

    P Yokon

  • 24 25

    2014-15 3520

    2014 8 9 3520 DRFS CP May PDG Jackson DG Audi

    DG Audi 10 DG Audi 500 3520

    DG Audi


    8 3520

    2014 8 PP Nina

    P Gear PP Steve 11 Audi 2014-15 P William Amanda

    Appraiser PP Hermes

  • 26 27

    DS Casio 9 9 9 19 P Roger Davy 20042013 Davy Davy

    13 Poppy Kincaid Davy You can do it 1983 20 Davy 13 1990 96 Davy Davy Davy Davy nobody KENDU

  • 28 29

    Frank Bures Elizabeth Svoboda What Makes a Hero?--- The Surprising Science of Selflessnesswisdom community pro-siciallybio-philia

    Elizabeth Svoboda group selection---

    Charles Dawkins MEMEculture gene Charles Goodnight 20

    Davy You can do it Davy Davy Davy You can do it I can do it We can do it 2014 8 9

  • 30 31

    RIP Gary

    Svoboda Svoboda Dopamine

    Svoboda make things happenhuman familyharness their desire to care for others and make an extraordinary commitment

    What Makes a Hero? Elizabeth Svoboda delves into the science of how and why people act selflessly.If heroes seem to be everywhere these days, thats because they are, according to Elizabeth Svoboda, who, in What Makes a Hero? The Surprising Science of Selflessness (Current Hardcover, 2013), delves into the science of how and why people act selflessly. The definition of a hero has expanded from a quasi-mythical figure, she says, to include soldiers, firefighters, and social heroes such as professional football players who speak out about head injuries, and kids who stand up to bullies. This reflects our cultures assumption that anyone can be a hero, and creates the expectation that we all should act heroically, or at least pro-socially, to help those in need.But there is a fine line between behaving altruistically and acting heroically, and Svoboda spends much of the book examining new research into why we help others and whether humans have evolved an instinct for whats called group selection meaning that we help others because group survival is better for all of us. As evolutionary biologist Charles Goodnight explains: You put one person in the middle of the jungle and theyre dinner. Twenty people, you have a village. We cant survive on our own, but we can collectively. Svoboda reports on neuroscience research that has found that donating to a worthy cause activates the same brain regions as our craving for food and sex, suggesting a similarly deep motivation. She also explores how volunteering can boost health and life satisfaction.The book closes with a practical look at how to cultivate a more altruistic mindset. Altruistic people tend to see themselves as capable of getting things done, and consider themselves part of a larger human family. They also, she says, see life through a redemptive lens, focusing on the good that comes out of the bad. These things make the difference. Heroes, Svoboda writes, are mostly regular people who harness their desire to care for others and make an extraordinary commitment to reach out to them. Frank Bures

  • 32 33

    3520 3520 6 2014 (1914 1991) 1932 1971 :

    Londonderry Air The Turtle Dove Hiney Mah Tov

    Les Misrables

    > Le Calmant

    (Marie Laurencin, 1883 1956) Pauline-Melanie Laurencin, 1861-1913Alfred Toulet 1913 30 lOrangerieLes Biches

    PP Hermes

  • 34 35


    1920 Les Annees Folles ( ) ( ) metaphor ---

    --- 73

    G P S Oprah WinfreyG P S GPSi


  • gain or loss Attendance Number of

    Net gain Rate



    1-1 Taipei North 85 92 92 93 1 77.60% 4 82 11

    1-2 Taipei Hsinsheng 27 30 31 31 0 72.00% 4 31

    1-3 Taipei Pei An 46 43 46 46 79 0 65.70% 5 46

    1-3-1 Taipei Pei-An Chi-An 20 20 20 33 0 16 4

    1-3-2 Taipei Pei-An Lao-An 13 13 13 0 5 8

    1-4 Taipei Changan 43 37 33 30 -3 78.00% 4 13 17

    1-5 Taipei Ruian 50 54 58 57 -1 69.70% 4 30 27

    1-6 Taipei PoleStar 26 26 26 0 62.00% 4 14 12

    251 315 319 316 79 33 -3 191 125

    2-1 Taipei East 46 50 51 51 0 75.10% 4 51 0

    2-2 Taipei Jen Ai 46 48 48 57 9 87.72% 5 57 0

    2-3 Taipei Poai 31 30 29 31 2 89.75% 4 28 3

    2-4 Taipei Da-Jen 49 53 53 54 1 83.32% 4 39 15

    2-5 Taipei Full Wealth 27 32 32 32 0 89.55% 4 29 3

    2-6 Taipei Ricardo 28 29 34 34 0 77.70% 4 0 34

    2-7 Taipei Songren 41 45 46 48 56 2 63.50% 2 34 14

    2-7-1 Taipei Songren Songyong 8 8 8 8 0 2 6

    268 295 301 315 56 8 14 240 75

    3-1 Taipei South 54 55 58 58 0 84.00% 5 49 9

    3-2 Taipei Evergreen 45 43 44 43 -1 82.00% 5 43 0

    3-3 Taipei Sung Shan 30 31 31 31 0 79.00% 3 30 1

    3-4 Taipei Min Shen 31 32 32 32 0 78.00% 4 25 7

    3-5 Taipei Yie-shian 21 31 32 31 -1 71.00% 4 0 31

    3-6 Taipei Songjing 27 31 31 34 40 3 82.25% 4 22 12

    3-6-1 Taipei Songjing East 5 5 6 6 1 2 4

    208 228 233 235 40 6 2 171 64

    4-1 Taipei Shihlin 86 86 87 86 -1 79.46% 4 86 0

    4-2 Hsichih 38 39 40 40 0 75% 4 40 0

    4-3 Siou Fong 15 13 12 12 0 67.50% 4 9 3

    4-4 Taipei Nei Hu 49 55 58 58 0 72.19% 4 58 0

    4-5 101 Taipei 101 51 55 57 58 1 54.21% 5 44 14

    4-6 Taipei Precious Love 29 29 30 29 -1 80.00% 4 0 29

    4-7 Taipei Wenhu 32 37 40 40 0 70.63% 4 19 21

    4-8 Taipei Cloud 35 34 34 0 57.90% 4 24 10

    300 349 358 357 0 0 1 33 280 77

    5-1 Taipei Yangming 45 46 46 46 0 86.41% 4 40 6

    5-2 Taipei Pailing 52 55 55 55 0 93.82% 4 46 9

    5-3 Taipei Huakang 38 40 42 43 1 76.80% 4 26 17

    5-4 Taipei Fuling 46 42 45 45 0 77.42% 4 38 7

    5-5 Taipei Hua-Yu 31 25 25 26 1 70.00% 4 15 11

    5-6 Taipei Huapeng 44 51 51 50 -1 70.00% 4 40 10

    5-7 Taipei Union 30 25 26 25 41 -1 68.25% 4 14 11

    5-7-1 Taipei Union Elite 16 16 16 16 0 13 3

    5-8 Youngming e-club 29 29 29 0 75.86% 4 17 12

    286 329 335 335 41 16 0 249 86

    6-1 Taipei Southeast 33 33 34 34 0 89.36% 4 31 3

    6-2 Taipei New East 50 51 52 52 0 81.20% 5 52 0

    6-3 Taipei Tungmen 55 54 55 55 0 86.25% 4 55 0

    6-4 Taipei Tungho 27 24 25 25 0 90.00% 4 15 10

    6-5 Taipei An Tung 21 29 30 30 0 82.00% 3 20 10

    6-6 Taipei Dragon River 23 23 23 22 -1 73.00% 4 11 11

    6-7 Taipei Tunghong 24 23 24 1 70.00% 2 10 14

    6-8 Taipei Anlien 22 21 21 0 52.00% 4 12 9

    209 260 263 263 0 0 0 206 57

    7-1 Taipei Southwest 50 50 53 53 0 72.50% 4 44 9

    7-2 Taipei Nanhwa 40 38 42 42 49 0 82.50% 5 37 5

    7-2-1 Taipei Nanhwa Dazzling 7 7 7 7 0 0 7

    7-3 Taipei Jian Kang 21 27 25 23 -2 70.50% 4 12 11

    7-4 Taipei Summit 27 25 20 21 1 83.00% 3 10 11

    7-5 Taipei Nanshan 40 39 41 41 0 61.25% 4 28 13

    7-6 Taipei Wenhwa 25 21 21 21 0 76.50% 4 14 7

    7-7 Taipei Henyang 22 22 22 0 67.70% 2 12 10

    203 229 231 230 49 7 1 157 73

    8-1 Taipei Northeast 73 71 71 71 0 77.20% 5 71 08-2 Taipei Sunrise 60 56 56 55 -1 80.25% 4 55 0

    8-3 Taipei Orient 33 29 31 31 0 71.77% 4 22 9

    8-4 Taipei Harvest 29 31 31 33 2 75.66% 3 31 2

    8-5 Taipei Oriental Integrity 31 30 30 31 1 75.00% 4 21 10

    8-6 Taipei Glory 40 50 53 53 0 70.28% 4 32 21


    31 Aug



    30 Jun



    31 Aug




    31 Jul


    1 3

    36 37

  • 38




    ---- ---13----

    2014-15 35208 3520