2015 cloud login - social enterprise

1 Cloud Login Entra in un oceano blu di business con Esprinet #cloudlogin Supporter Media Partner Oscar Partner Premium Sponsor Social Enterprise - IBM Connections: una soluzione per abilitare comunicazioni più efficaci in azienda – Riccardo Bosio Cloud Business Development Esprinet John Campitelli Social, Cloud and Mobile Collaboration Representative at IBM

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Cloud Login Entra in un oceano blu di business con Esprinet




Media Partner

Oscar Partner

Premium Sponsor

Social Enterprise - IBM Connections: una soluzione per abilitare comunicazioni più efficaci in azienda – Riccardo Bosio Cloud Business Development Esprinet John Campitelli Social, Cloud and Mobile CollaborationRepresentative at IBM

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Social Enterprise: un’area di mercato in espansione…

Fonte Osservatori Digital innovation, Politecnico di Milano - 2014

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…più vicina di quanto pensiamo

!  IBM Connection è stata scelta come piattaforma di Social Enterprise da:

!  ESPRINET ! Progetto Custom per abilitare conversazione interna e gestione progetti

!  Sme.UP ! scelta IBM Connection come piattaforma da integrare nel proprio ERP, abilitando in modo innovativo collaborazioni/workflow clienti-fornitori di un’azienda

Integrazione con SW proprietari Integrazione con

SW proprietari

Progetto Custom

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IBM Connections

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Alcune delle esperienze pubbliche internazionali

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Alcune delle esperienze pubbliche italiane

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Helping Consumers Buy!Let’s learn from others…

100% improved exposure

Identified and predicted consumer buying preferences, launching refined digital marketing campaigns to generate more sales to reach a new, younger customer demographic.

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Confindustria A brand new way to communicate to and engage their network

A private and secure social network platform to drive the change and support the new communication & collaboration model

A multichannel social portal to fully adopt the new model by engaging their audience

This way they transformed into a more modern and social organisation and they can better share resources and expertise across their ecosystems of employees, selected partners and associates


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Social Business Patterns!Social business can be combined with mobility and cloud to: !

� Enable organizations to innovate and execute faster !

� Better understand and serve their customers!

� Empower a more engaged workforce!

Ready to use cases or 'pattern' with ROI, analyst studies, and feedback from our customers, please download from:!

http://ibm.biz/IBMSocialPatterns2014 !

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