· 2017. 11. 28. ·...

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Page 1: · 2017. 11. 28. · PAGE 2 DEC.ENIER 1979 DECEl-1.BBR 1979 OHIO RACEWALK.ER ( USPS 306-050) VOL. XV, NO.10

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Page 2: · 2017. 11. 28. · PAGE 2 DEC.ENIER 1979 DECEl-1.BBR 1979 OHIO RACEWALK.ER ( USPS 306-050) VOL. XV, NO.10


DECEl-1.BBR 1979


VOL. XV, NO. 10

The. Ohio Racewalker is published monthly in Col11ml::ue, Ohio , Sub­scription rate is $4.00 per year ($6.oo for First Claes Mail ta.oo for Overseas Air Mail. Editor and Publisher1 John E. (Jack} Mort­lard. Address all correspondence regarding both editorial and sub­scription matters to: Ohio Raeewalker, 3184 Sunvnit St., Colurnbua, Ohio 43202. Second Clase Postage paid at Colwnrua, Ohio


Each year the Ohio Racewalker pits our collective head t~ether (there ia,after all, only' one of us) and ranks walkers of the world and of the u.s., both men and women. Thia marks the tenth year of our World rankings at 20 and 50 km, the eighth year for u.s. rankings at the same distances, and the second year for ranking both world and u s women at 5 and 10 km. • •

Daniel Pantbta site at the top of the 1'/orld at 20 Km for the fifth yea r in a row and his dot~inance has been pretty much unquestioned during that span. He did lose one raoe this year but still d01ninated the world during a year of revolutionary perfonnanc~a . At th~ start of the year, the_ fastest 20 Km ever was 1:23:12. · 'D,at mark was bettered b.r 25 1nen dnrinr, 1979, maJV doing it several times. Leading the assault was &utieta. He eaw several people better hie world record on the track but regai ned it before the year was out. And he shattered all standards with his 1:18:49 on the road to beat the world' 11 best b,y a wide margin in the Lugano Cup Championships.

Raul Gonzales continued at the top over 50 Jon--his third straight year . Though Iiniohing only fourth at Lugano, hie overall record, including an astonishing track record ot )141:39, was superior, Here too the overall BU!nda rd was amazing with 11 walkera urder 3,50.

Britain• e Ma rian Fawkes daninated the \oi0t11en' 9 events and l/8.B ranked ftiat a-t. both 5 Md 10 as the lritish 4nded Swedish danination of the wanen'a events,

So, on to the rankings . Track times are indioated b.r (t).

1979 ORW WORLD 20 KN RAt:KINr,a

l. Daniel &utista , Me)Cico 00 Jalapa 4/8 l:22:l5(t) (1) Valencia 5/19 1 :22:lO(t) (2) Fana 5/26 l:24:18(t) (1) Zabrze 6/3 1:21:04 (1) Vretstorp 6/10 1 :18:49 . (1) Eschborn 9/29 l:20:C17(t) (1) Hontreal lrJf17

2. Domingo Colin, Mexico 1 :27:06 (1) Ja lapa 4/8 l:20:59(t) (1) Fana 5/26 1:40: 12 (6) San Juan 7/13

J. Nikolai Vinnetech~nko, USSR 1 :2J :44(t) (2) Alushta li/22 1:27:00 (l! Donete 6/22 1 :22:29 · 1 Moscow 7/20 1:20:05 b Eschborn 9/29

4. Anatoiliy Solanin, USSR 1:23:00(t} ll) Alushta 4/22 1:22118 t 3 Fana 5/26 l :26:56~t Jive. E.G. 6/20 1:222)9 (2) Moocow 7/20 1:20:13 (4 ) Eschborn 9/29

,t:·~·,· .,., ... . -.. -:-,r-. ........ ... ... ,- - ··- ·· ·~ ..... - .--- ~- ·· ·-· ·-- _, •• --

: '


5. Eoris Yakovlyev, USSR l:24:12(t~ (3) Alushta h/22 l:22 :4l(t (11) Fana 5/26 l:25:13(t (2) vs, E.G. 6/23 1:23:07 (3) Moscow 7/~.JJ 1:21148 (1) Chelyabinsk 9/9 l:J9:/i6 (2} Eschborn 9/29

6, Pyotr Potsohenchuk, l6SR 1:25:0?(t) (7) Fa na $/26 1:23:21 (/1) Moscow 7/21 1:20:28 (5) Eschborn 9/'J!I

7.Felix Gomez, Mexico 1:29:25 (3} Jalapa 4/8 1:28:00 (3) Valencia 5/19 l:22t58(t) (6) Fana 5/26 1:21:19 (2) Vretstorp 6/9 1:28:28 (1) Car. Garnes 1:22:0:) (8) Eschborn 9/29 1:21:211( t} (2) Montreal 10/17

8. Ernesto Canto, Mex.lco 1:29:42 (5) Ja lapa /1/8 1:31 11:2 (1} Cuba 5/211 1:28153 (2) Car. Games 9/29

1:21:12 (6) Eschborn 9/29 l:21:52(t) (3) nontreal 10/17

9. Hartwig Gauder, E.G. 1:2!l:'Jfl (1) ~'.agdeburg 1./13 1: 24: /.,1 (3) Neuunburg 5/1 1:21:39 (1) Vretstorp 6/9 1:'°-:50 (7) Eschborn 9/29

10. Roland Weiser, E.G. 1:23:27 (1~ ?>laumrurg 5/1 l:21:22(t) (1 vs. USSR 6/23 1 :22:32 (9 Eschborn 9/29

ll. Gerard LeliP.VTe, France l:22:20(t) (1) Epinay 4/29 1: 29: 50 ( 1) 1-:ontes 5/6


l:W:18 (1) Orleans 8/11 1:23:1,6 (1) Reue P./25 1 :26:51 (1) Split 9/?.4

12. Reiina Salonen, Finl11nd 1:27:0fi (3) Rns:ie 11/17 1:27:02 (1) ~.asku 6/2 1:24:43 (1) Vsw.and 6/30 1: ;;,.3:23 (5) Moscow 7/21 1:28:24 (1) Haieio e/5 1:32:36 (l) 1\1rku 8/17 1:26:41 (1) Gdansk 8/25 1:21:01 (1) Raisio 9/9

1.3. Maurizio Darnilano, Italy 1:24:56 (11) Na umbure; 5/1 1:21.:18( t) (6) Fana. 5/26 1:28:32 (2) Sensf~llio 7/1 1:32:12 (2) Algiers 7/8 1:23 :42 (6) Moscow 7/21 00 Eschborn 9/29 1:23:00(t) (Ii) Montreal 10/17

14, Vladimir Tvetekov, USSR 1: 24: 56 ( h) SchtschPlkov 5/25 1:22 :18 (1) Klaipeda 5/13 1:23:51 (7) Moscow 7/21 1:2/i:23 (2) Chelyabinsk 9/9

15. Viktor Semyonov, USSR 1:22 : 32 (1) Schtschelkovo J/25 tQ lh111se 4/21 1:22242 (2) Kllipeda 5/13 1:26:lJ. (15)J.loacow 7/21 1:22159 (1) Kaunas 8/12

Biutista is clearly No. l with his Forceful Lngano Cup win followed by hie world record in Montrea 1 ••• Colin had just one serious race l-efore falline ill in the Pa n Am Oames and e the rest of the Eeason but ·in thnt one he shattered the es:iating world record and easily beat 9:iut­iata and two of the top Soviets , , • There is very little t.o choose be­tween the three Soviets in third, fa1rth, and fifth. Vinnet.schenko, however, won two of three fran each of the other two and Solomin '-'On three out of four from Ya kovl,yev, so we rank the lntter fou.rth clesnite his great Lueano C11p eecond pl11ce • , • Fotschenchnk io 11 clear oixth off his L,,eano race •• • Gomez, despite finiohine behind Ca nto and Weiser . at the meet, had the enperior record topped with his great race :m Montreal. At Vretstorp he finfshed ahead of Oa.11dP.r, tho11eh not actually in the same race •• • Weiser ie the only other Lugano finisher to tank • • ,Lelievre and Salonen both won Lueano semis fron walkers who finished well in the final. The!' did not compete in tho final since their teams didn I t qualify. Lelievre seems to ha ve a olichtly sur-e rior record topped by his early season world record • • Darnilano hit practically all of the importa nt races and perfonned well. His I~ while in eecond at the Luga no ineet with juet ll tew hundred meters t.o go cost hiiil a 1n11ch higher ranking ••• Tvetskov and Seiey-onov topped the reet of the ama~ingly deep contingent and have BUpperior records to anyone elee.

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1979 World LiAt--20 Kilaneters ~ 1:18:49 Daniel Bi.11tista, 1·iexico \...1:23:22 1:19:46 Boris Yakovlyev, USSR 1:23:17 1:20:05 Nikolai v1nnotschenko,USSR 1:23:JJ

. 1:20:13 Anatoil:l.y Solo~in, USSR 1:23:42 1:20:38 P:votr Potschenchuk, USSR 1:23:42 l:20:59t Domineo Colin, Mexico 1123:49 1: 21: 01 Roi1na Salonen, FinUrn h23: 52 1:21:1'! Ernesto Canto, i'lexico 1:23:55 1:21:19 Felix Go?nex, J,:axico l:2J:,59 l:21:22t Roland Weiser, E.G. 1:21,111 1:21:39 Hartwig Cl<111der, E. G. 1:211118 1:21:48 Yevgeniy Yensyukov, USSR 1:24:18 1:22:lf' Vladimir hvetskov, USSR 1:24:19 l:22:2ot G~rard Lel:1.evre, France 1:24:19 1:22:32 Viktor Setoyonov, USSR 1:21.:34 1:22:42 llariman Aitmuhp.nrtov, USS!t 1:24:34 1:22:42 AleXllnder Startschenko,USSR 1124142 1:22:411 Josef Pribilinec, Czech. 1:21.:49 1:22:50 Ronald Wefeel, E.G. 1:2h:54 1:22:52 Fred Sparmann, E.G. 1:24:56 1:22 :54 Alexander Tirfilov, USSR 1:25:07 1:22:59t Ma11rizio Damilano, Italy 1:25 :09 1:23:0 1 Bohdan B.tlakowski, Pol. 1:25:10 1:23:05 Nikolai 11.!ltveyev, USSR lt25:12 1:23:15 Valeri Sunt11ov, USSR 1125:1.3

1979 ORW U.S. 20 KM RAMCilr-.rS

D~Ef.lBER 1979

Pedro Aroche, Mwxico Vyacheslav fursov, USSR V. G8 rm1, USSR Sandro Pexxatini , Italy Vladitnir 1/efyedov, USSR Nikolia Polozov, US~R Karl-Heinz Stadtmuller, E. G. A, Pankov, USSR Erling Anderson, Norway Vladimir Hyakotnych, USSR Zbigniew Gaekoweki, Pol. Jose Marin, Spain Vladimir Rez~yev, USSR Marie Petersone, BSSR Yuriy Benci k, Czech, Leonid Vigota, USSR Janos Szalas, flung. A. R•imb!lnyieke, USSR Martin Bermudez, Hexioo Carilb Mattioli, Italy Olege Andreyev, USSR Antonio Carrera, Sergie Ge:rrilenko, USSR Stefan Petrik, Czech. Bo Ot1etaveeon, Swed.

1. f;eal Pyke


1:27:11 (1) Walnut 6/17 1:30:17 (2} San J1um 7/1.3 1:26:34 (13) Moscow 7/21 1:27:57 (1) Nieg. Falla 8/11 00 Eschborn 9/'J!J 1:·2.~ ·. 2.7 (I) p.,,., "\t,-_ ?>(If

6. Marco Evoniuk

2. Todd Scully l:28:J3t (1) Seatt l e 5/17 1:27:55 (2 )Walnut 6/17 1:32:30 (J) San Juan 7/13

· 1:33:Jl (41) Moecow 7/21

3. Chrie Hansen l:31:45t (2) Grosse Point 4/22 1:29:56 (.3) Walnut 6/17 1:29:07 (3) Niag. Falls 8/11 1:29:56 (.35)Eschborn 9/29

4. Jim Heiring · l:J5:59 (14)Hexico 4/8

'l:30:04t Grosse Pointe 4/22 1:32:42 (6) Walnut 6/17 1:31 :46 (4) Niag. Falls 8/11 1:39:01 (2) Colo. Spri~s7/28 1:28151 (3l)Eschborn 9/29

5. L&rry Walker 1:31 :28 (4) Wa lnut 6/17 l:l+l:02 (3) Col. S~r1nge7/28

1:.32;22 (4) Walnut 6/17 l:J5:10 (1) Col. Springe 7/28 l:JJ:07 (6) Niag. Falls 8/ll

7. Dan 01 Connor l t34:52t Smithtown 5/20 l:29157 (18) Walnut 6/17 l:Jl:37 (5) Niag. Falls 8/11

8. Carl Schueler l:JJ:10 (7) Niag. Falla 6/11

9. Steve Pecinovekt lt33:45t (I.) Grosse Pointe 4/22 1:34:41 (7) Walnut 6/17 l:J7:21 (5) Algiers 7/8 1:l,2:14 (4) Col. Springs 8/26 l:J3:J2 (8) Niag. FaJ.le 8/11 lrJ7:22 (45)Eschborn 9/29 l:.34:22t (3) Groeee Pointe 11/11

10. Ron Laird 1:.36:36 (1) Long Beach 3/17 1:35:51 (8) 'Walnut 6/17 1134:14 (2 )World 7/31


11. Ron Daniel 14.


Martin Kraft 1:32:38t Long Branch 5/20 1:36:15 (9i Walnut 6/17 1:34:02 (9 Niag. Falls 8/11 1:51:29 (5 Col, Springs 7/28

l:32:J5t (J) Grosse Point 4/ 22 1:39:03 (13)Niae;. Falls 8/11 1:40:lOt (6) Groeee Point 11/ll 1:37:52 Mexico 4/8

12. Steve DiP.ernardo - 1:34:l~ (1) M,mroe 3/17

1:35:44 (1) San. Fran, 4/14

13. Dennie Reilly

15. John Ve.nDenllrandt 1:36:33 (J.2) Niag. Falls 8/ll l:3/1:37t (4) Gro~ee Point 11/ll

1:38:27 (2) Ja~o Alto 3/4 1:36:49 i2) San Fran 4/14 1: 37:4.3 ll)l~a lnut 6/17 1:31.:40 lO)Niag. Falls 8/11.

1979 U,S. LIST-- 20 KILOMETERS 1:26:34 t1cal ~yke 1:27:55 Todd Scully 1:28:51 Jim Heiring 1:29:07 Chris Hansen 1:31:28 Larry Walker 1:31:37 Dan O'Connor 1:32:22 f.farco Evoniuk l:32?J5t Martin Kraft l:32:38t Ron Daniel l:JJ:10 Carl Schueler l:33:32 Steve Pecinovsey l:Jll:14 Ron Llli"4 1:34:16 Steve DiBernardo l:34:37t John Va nDenllrandt 1:34:40 Dennis ReiLly 1:35:01 John KnHton 1:35:32 Al Haltur

- 1:.36:00 Ray floriani 1:36:08 Vincent O'Sullivan 1:36: 53 Mike Rurrunelhart 1:37:07 Bill Ranney 1:37:l~ Tdn Dooley 1:)7:17 Pete Timmons 1:37:24 Joe Berendt l:J!l:07 Bob llerrlereon ····

l9290Dk/ wq;u.n 50 KM RANKINGS

It Raul Gonzales, Mexico 3: 49: 52 ( 1) Mexa.huca /,/1 3:41:39t (1) Fana 5/25 31118:56 il) Vretstorp 6/10 4:05:17 1) San Juan 7/10 3:1,6tJ6 h) Eschborn 9/JO

2. Ha rtin Bcnnudez, Mexico 3:59:46 (/1) Mexahuca 4/1 .3:58:41 (3) Fana 5/25 3:50:42 (2) Valencia 5/20 4 11:13 ~2i Sa n Juan 7/10 3 51115 2 Vret11torp 6/ 10 3 43tJ6 l E8ohborn 9/30

l:JS:07 Dan Dudek 1:J8:19 Ray Somera 1:38:55 ~:cG:1.nni11 1:33:12 Ray Sharp l:J9:18 St~ve lhca 1:39:23 Mike I111rrie 1:39:42 Allen Price l:39:li7 Bob Kitchen 1: 39: 50 Bab Falciola 1: 39: 51• l-111-:e DeWitt 1:39:56 Jerry Katz ·r1 l:3?:57 Travis Veon_.. 1:40:02 Jerry Young 1:40:3.3 Don Lawrence 1:40:34 Jack Ebitano 1:40:51 Peter DQYle 1:41:25 Al Bouchekouk 1:42:11 Rick Ma ult 1:42:lJt Jay fyers 1:42:44 Jerry Brown 1:42:L.8 Steve Caesarella 1:43 :14 Sam DeLosSantoa

J. Enrique Vera, Nexico 4:00:19 (5) Mexahuca 4/1 3:43:59 (2) Eschborn 9/30

4. Jore;e Uopart, Spain 3:50:03 (1) Sp. Cham~. 3/25 J:l,4:22 (1) Re•.ISS 8/26

5. Viktor D0 brovsky, USSR 4:09 :27 (6) Nawnrurg 5/1 J:i6:25 (1) Moscow 7121 J:45:51 (.3) F.echborn 9/30

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6. Vladimir Re~ayev, USS~ 3:46:57 (2J Moscow 7/27 3:51:09 (1) KlAipeda 5/5

7. Vyacheelav ~1rsov, USSR 3156:49 (3) Uaumburg 5/1 3:47:56 (3) Moscow-7/27 3:46:55 (5) Eschborn 9/30

8. Daningo Colin, i:exico · 3:47:18 (1 ) V11lencia 5/20

9. Pyotr ~elnlk, USSR 3:48:19 (4) Moscow 7/27 3:49:31 (6) Eschborn 9/30 J:5-t: 1) lr~I 1<1~,;,, .. 5/1"1

10. Jose Marin, Spain 3:5$:18 (4) Sp. Champ.3/25

DNF . Valencia 5/20 3:49:46 (7) Eschborn 9/30

11.. Dietmar t:J.esch, E.G. 3 :55:31 (1) Na11mb11rg 5/1 3:50:02 (P.) Eschborn 9/30

12. Yevgeniy Ivchenko, USSR 3:50:24 (5) Moscow 7/2; 3:54:01 (2) Klaipeda 5/24

13. Ivan Tiohonov, USSR DQ Czech, Ch. 6/17 3:50:40 (6) Moscow 7/27

14. Paolo Grecucci, Italy 4:08:26 (5) Vretetorp 5/20 3:59:22 (16) Noecow 7/27 3:50:51 (9) Eschborn 9/30

15. \villi Sawall, Australia 3:56:07 {l) Melbourne 8/25 3:51:08 (lO)Eac .1born 9/30

Gonzales faltered in the LtJgano Cup at Eschborn, but he won four other races f rom Bermudez and had that shattering world record ••• Bermudez and Vera t11ke the next two spots with their beautiful races at F.schborn in which they outlasted Gom1ales and the Soviets. • .Llopart chose to go at 20 Km at F.schl:orn but ranks next off his brilliant race ln winning the Semifinal at Reuss and another fast time earlier. • • Dob­rovsky proved the best of the usually deep Soviet corps after a slow start. in the f!awnburg race • •• Rezicyev was not picked for the Lugano 11quad far some reason but ,iae a clear winner over both Fursov and l·~elnik in I.Joscow, •• Colin again had a li•nited campaign dus to illness bit easily teat Bermudez in fast tirne in hi.a one race ••• the next three lire ranked off their Luga. no Cup finish . • , Ivchenko and Tichonov both beat Grec11cci in /.:0 scow with a better time than the Italian managed at Eschborn and are thuo given the next two spots ••• Grecuoci and Sawall are then ranked according to their Lugano finish.

1979 WOELD LIST--50Kll. Ofoi.ETERS 3:41:39t &111 Gonzalea, i·;exico 3: 43: 36 Martin P.ermudez, l·;sxico J:ti3:59 Enri1111e Vera, ... exico 3:44:22 Jorge Llopart, Spain 3:45:51 Viktor Dobrovsky, USSR 3:46:55 Vyatcheslav F'urnw, \/SJ"

3:46:57 Vladimir Rezayev, USSR J:47:18 Domingo Colin, Jr.exico 3 :4R: 19 Pyotr 1·i}relnik, llS~>.R 3:49:46 Jose 1,;arin, Spain 3: L,9: 52 Reina Sa lonen, Finland 3:50:02 Dietmar 1-:eisch, E.G. J:50:24 Yeveen.t.y Ivcehnko, USSR 3:50:40 Ivan Tjchonov, U~SR 3:50:51 Paolo Grecucci, Italy 3 : 51:08 Willi Sawall, A1Jstralia 3:51:20 Sandro Pellucci, Italy 3:52:05 Otto &ttech, USSR 3:52:10 Matthias Ky-oel, E. G, 3 : 52:10 Horst Mattern, E.G. J:52:28 Pedro Aroche, Hexico 3152140 Domenico Carpientieri, lt, 3:5Jtl4 Sergei Ju~, USSR ~t 54t06 Turi7 Andruachenko, USSR

J: 51,: 09 Boguslm, Di1da, Pol, 3:54:40 Alexander Stattechenko, USSR 3: 54: 55 ._'ikola i Uclovenko, USSR

d:55155 Vlad~Tiir Nefycdov, USSR :56:31 Steffen Jlueller, E.G. 156:31 Valeri Sunisov, USSR

3: 56:18 Vladimir Homenko, USSR 3:56:42 Jan Urnoch, Poland 3: 56: 49 Werner Galina, E.G. 3:56:53 Pavlov Zirkhov, USSR 3: 57: 01 I/?or Mikol!l.yev, USSR 3':57:31 Ilana B1nder, W,O. 3:57:52t Gerard L~lievre, France 3: 57: 54 Vlacli111ir Che11enko, USSR J:58:0l Jaromir Vainiu, Czech. 3:58:03 Stan. Schaptsc:ho, USSl1 J:58:12 .Bengt Sitnoneeen, Swed. 3 : 5$:15 Angel Flores, Mexico 3:58rl9 lbhdan B.1lakowski, Pol. 3158127 El:,ris Savstuk, us~n 3158:33 Nikolai Pekatov, USSR )t59i17 Aleardae, USSR 3t59tl9 telik11 Stildhllki, Pol. )159131 t&.zlo Bat.oi+, Huneary


;L979 OR\\' U .s. 50 KM RMKINGS

1. Marco Evoniuk 4:23:33 (7) Mexic:o 4/1 4:10:33 (1) Walnut 6/15 4:24:23 (3) San Juan 7/10 4:15:07 (1) San Francisco 8/26 4tl2:J7 (35)Eschborn 9/30

2. Vincent 01 S1ll.l1van 4120:05 (2) Walnut 6/15 4:41~:'20 (4) Sa n Juan 7/10 4:25r39 (4) San Francieoo 8/26 4il2:15 (34) Eschborn 9/30

3. Dan 01 Connor 4:34:52t (1) Arlington 4/28 DMF Walnut 6/15 4:)4:52 (1) Col, Sprir~s 7/28 4:19:3A (2) San Francisco 8/26 4:IR:34 {38)Eschborn 9/30

4. Jim ~leiring DNF San Francisco 8/26 4:17:47 (1) San Diego 12/10

5. Corl Sch11eler 4:38:2A (8) Mexico 4/1 J,:35 : 31 (6) Walnut 6/15 4141:13 (3) Col, Soringa 7/28 4:211:16 (3) San Francisco 8/26

6. Ray Sornere 4 r 27 :13 ( 5) Sa n Francisco 8/26

7. Karl Johansen 4:29:21 (4) Walnut 6/15 4:43:27 (4) Col, Sprines 7/28 4:30:li2 (8) San Francisco 8/26

1979 U.S. LIST--50 Kll.OMETlllS 4:10:33 Marco Evoniuk 4:12:15 Vincent O'Sullivan 4117i34 Dan O'Connor 4:17:47 Jim Hetrlng 4:24:16 Carl Schueler 4:27:13 Ray Somers 4:28:41 Ray Sharp · 4:2A:55t Martin Kraft 4:29:21 Karl JohAneen _ 4:30:10 John Knirton -4:30:42 Augie Hirt 4:31:16 Wayne GJ.nslcer

- 4:31:J~ Dennis Reilly - ,~131:to Roger Brandwein

4:35:18 DeWitt


8, A11e;ie flirt 4:43:27 (9i MeEico 4/1 4:)2:29 (4 Walnut 6/15 4 :30:li-2 (6 Sa n Francisco 8/26

9. Wayne Glusker 4:45:45 (1~ San Diego 4/22 4:33:10 (5 Walnut' 6/15 4:40:29 (3 Col Springe 7/28 4:31:16 (7) San Francisoo 8/26

10. Ray Sharp 4:28:41 (2) San Diego 12/lO

ll. Martin Kraft li:28t53t (1) Uetroit 5/12

12. John Knifton 4:30:10 (1) Houston 2/18 · DNF Walnut 6/15 5:12:48 (5) Col. Sorines 7/28

13. Dennie Reilly 4:47:30 (2) San Diego 4/22 DQ San Francisco 8/26 4 :Jl:33 (3) San Diego 12/10

14. Roger Erandwein 4:39:57 (ll) San Francisco 5/26 4:31:~0 (4) Sa,n Oiego 12/10

15. Bob Falciola 5:01:26 (1) Acton 5/29 4:35:29 (9) San Francisco 8/26 4: 51: 25 ( 1) a1rlington 9 /16

4:.38:39 4:)9:33 4:43:10 4:41,:43 4:LJ1: 59 4:hP.:27. 4;48:53 4:49:18 4: 51:05 l:52:47 4:53:ll 4:54:48 4:55:Ja 4:5 5:lol.

Jerry Young Randy 11inrn _ 2.,rJ

Floyd Godwin Greg McGuire Steve Pecinovsky Jim Coots Bill Ranney BJ,acl Jacor.s Steve Vaitones Ron Laird Sal Corrallo ,lerry Brown Ray Florian! Brian Sa vilonis J •

4135129 £bb Falcioia Ae at 20 YJ11, this is far and away the most 4137155 Allen Price impreaoive annual list in U.S. history. 4138110 Tcin Dooley There trill be wholesale revisions in the

- a ll-time lists when we updat e them. In the meaht!me, di additions and oo-rectione to these llete are welc001e•

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1. Marian Fawkes, UK 2J:J2t (1) Binningham 6/16 23:47 (1) Ro11en 5/20 23: 19t ( I! Oatersend 6/JO 23:47 (1 Hagrrenas 7/4 23:58 (1 ottsjon 7/1 22: 51 (1) Eschborn 9/:?!J

· 2. Ca rol Tyson, UK 23:57~ (2) B:i."ningham 6/16 24:41 t (2) Enfield 5/19 24:54 (J) Ronen 5/21) 23:llt (l) Osteraend 6/JO 24:11 (2) Ottsjon 7/1 23: 53t (l) Harnoannd ¼8 23:47 (1) HagP,enas 7 4 22:59 (2) Eschborn 9/:?!J

J . Whorill Qo,lder, Norway 24:37 (1) Bergen ¾10 2J:44t (2) Fa na 5 25 2J:3Jt (3) Osteraend 6/30 2J:32t (1) Bislet 8/3 23:231 (1) Uddevalla 8/26 · 23:08 (3) Eschborn 9/29 23151 (4) floras 10/6

4. Britt-l·!Arie Carlsson, Sweden 28:12 (3) City 4/4 24:58 (1) Fahorna 5/12 24:20 (1) Gothenburg 5/1 2J:4ot (1) Fana 5/2 5 23:42t (5) Oetersend 6/JO 24:40 (1) Fecamp 7/22 24:42t (1) Gino 8/3 . 23 I 52 '( 1) Bergen 9 /2 23:43 (1) Vadsteno 9/8 23:JO (7) Eschborn 9/29 23:11 (1) Borae 10/6

S. Elisabeth Ols~on, Sweden 25:22 (2) Mexico City 4/4 24:36 (1) Gothenbnm 'i/1 2L,:ll (1) Orebo 5/24

23:48t (J) J'aM 5/25 2J:45t (7) 0steraend 6/JO 24:05 (30 Ottejon 7/1 23:58 (3) Hargenaa 7/4 24:2At (3) Hanosand 7/8 23148 (1) Falkenberg 7/15 24:oot (1) Gino 8/3 · 23150 (2) Fe0Mlp 7/22 23:10 (4) Eschborn 9/29 23150 (3) &>ras 10/6

W~'-,11.&~II ,&l(l

6. Sue Orr, Australia 25:23 (1) Melbourne 5/5 24:56 (1) Melbourne 5/19 21:37 (1) Melbourne 7/1 24: 37 ( 1) Nelbo11rne 7 /15 24:44 ~l) Perth 8/ll 23:10 5) Eschborn 9/29 23:33 2) llorae 10/6

7. Irene 'lAteman, UK 24:U (2) Rouen 5/20

21.:2Jt (1) Enfield 5/29 24:22t ( 3) Birininghan1 6/16 23: l,4t ( 6) Ostereend 6/30 24:~ (5) Ottejon 7/1 2J:20 (4) Haggens.e 7/4 23:25 (6) Eschborn 9/29

8. Margareta s1mu, Sweden 24:59 (3) Orebo 5/25 24:04 (1) Kunsaov 6/6 25:23 (9) Qttsjon 7/1 25: 17t (5) Hanoeend 7/8 23: l1J ( l) Fecrunp 7 /22 23:48 (8) Eschborn 9/29

9o Mia Kjolberg, Norway 25:31 (6) Fana 5/25 25:31t (f) Hanosend 7/8 25:59 (2) Hallngfors 7/29 2J:56t (2) Bl.alet a;, 2J:59t (1) Oslo 8/5 24:39 (2) Vanesberg 8/19 24:O3t (2) Uddevalla 8/20 23:50 (9) Eschborn 9/29 24 :19 (5) Boras 10/6

10. Ann Janssen, Sweden 24159 (2) Urcbo 5/2, 24:10 ( 1) Vazjo 6/3 24136 (1) Orebo 5/25 ~-412 J (1) Varnamo 6/4 23 :41t (4) 0stersend 6/JO l4107 (4) Ottsjon 7/1 24119t (2) '1anoeend 7/8 24142 (6) Fecamp 7/22

24:20t (2) Gino 8/J 25:13 (1) Sala 8/18 24:45 (J.7) Eschborn 9/29

11. Sue Liers , USA 12. sally Pierson, Australia 13. Froydill Hilaen, Non,ay 14. Monika Karleson, Sweden 15. Klaine CoX, UK

DEC1!14Wl 1979 l'AGE 9

1979 WC1-'.E~:, S '.lffiJ.JJ LI ST--5 Kll,01-'.ET' RS 221 51 Fa1,11<ee, United K~ nr,dom 24: 50 Chris Sakelarios, USA 2~:59 Carol Tyson, United Kinp,dom 24: 52 Hannelore lilaus, 11,G, 23:08 Tl,orill Qylder, 1-!orwty. 24:55 Lillian Earpur, A11stralla 23:10 EJ.isabeth Olsson, Sweden 24:56 Inar i d Adam, : .• r.. 23:10 Sue Orr , A11str al ia 24:57 neei 11e J?roclers, W,G, 23: 11 8:1.rtt-l ·!a.rie Carlsson, Sweden 26: 58 fer it Karlsson, Sweden 23:25 ~ Ir ene futem11n, United Kinedan 25:01 Panla Kath, USA 23 :t..l ie Jant.:sen, Sweden 25:04 Karen &!en, United Kingdom 23:li) Marg11reta Simll; Sweden 25:11 Ann Miller, Auotralia 23: 50 Hi.a KJolberg, 1'orway 25:13 Line Viken, Nornay 24:02 Sue Liers, USA 25114 Monica Gtsta veson, Sweden 24:CJ7 Sne Brodock, USA 25:16 Ann-}:Srie Larsson, s .:eden 24:08 Sally Pierson, Auetralia 25:18 Vi rginia Birch, United King. 24112 Monika Karlsson, Sweden 25:23 Jeannette Oqvist, Sweden 24: 14 Fl:lyodie II~ lsen, liorwny (25: 34 Frances Bourke, ,\,u,tralia 24:18 Elaine CoX, United Kingdom 25;42 Prietina Schenk, W.G. 2l~:22 Gerd Oylder, l\orway 25:42 l·;arianne Ivarseon, Sweden

it24:2 .8 Judy Farr, United Kingdon 25:24 1-:onicka Gloeckler, VI.G, \24 126 .Eva G19tavason, Sweden 25:48 P. Gonzalez, Spain

211!35 Lorrnine Y011ne, Australia 25:49 Ester Lopez, USA 24:36 Je1rnine V11:,not-Piroux, France 25:55 Liz ~1four, USA 24:38 r.argnretta Oleson, Sweden 25:55 Claudine Giireld; France 24:42 Eva Karlsson, Sweden 24146 ~111iano Sa lee, Italy 24!4'l Siv Otetavseon, Sweden


1. Snean Liere , 26:43 (3) Greenvalo 4/14 25:24t (4) Walnut 6/14 25:33 (1) Kings Point 7/15 24:11. (1) Plnp Grunee ¼ 24102 (11) Eschborn 9 ',?!J

2. &lsan Brodock, 25:36t (1) Walnut 4/22 2/i:O?t (1) Walnut 6/16 25:00 (22) Eschborn 9/29

:3. Chri! Sal<elari.os 25:54 (2) Walnut t,/22

25:22 (J) Walnut 6/14 24:50 (19) Eschborn 9/.29

4, Paula Kash 26:02 (3l Walnut 4/22 25:01 (l Loe Angeles 4/t 25:20 (2 Walnut 6/11+ 25:00 (23 Eschborn 9/29

5, Ester Lopez 25:49 (') Wa lnut 6/14

6, Liz D11fo11r 25:55 (6) Walnut 6/14

7. Chris Shea 25:05 (1) College Park 5/27 DQ Walnut 6/14

B. Chris Ramirez 26: 22 ( 7 ) W1.1ln11t 6/14

9. Vickie JonP.B ?.6: 21 ( 2) Loe Aneelee t./7

26:24 (8) Walnut 6/lli

10. Lori Yaynard ?.7:13 (1) Los Gatos 4/1 27:47 (1) Porterville 5/5 ?.6:59 (1) Loo Ge.toe 5/12 26:34 (9) Walnut 6/14 26:39 (1) Hayward 5/28 l,,(.'.111 (3 ) 1-\t1nO~''r ,/,.,V

11. Maryanne Pflreen 27:43 (2) llnr,s Pointy · 15 26:34 (2) Plnp, Oemee 7

12. ,Lorna McKinnon , 27:23 (10) Walnut 6/14

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•• ,..,...,. ,+V DECEMJJER 1979

1979 U.S. LIST-WOMEN'S 5 InOMEI'EliS 24:02 &,,san Liere 27:25 Jody Hart 24:07 Susan Brodock 27:25 Diane Uribe 24:50 Chrls Sakelarioa 27:29 Bonnie Dillon 25: 01 Pauls Kash 27: 42 Jeanne Eocoi 25:05 C!,ris She& 27:4~ Noma Armien 25:49 Ester Lopez ;,..;• J 1,.. 27:4r' Uorothy Kelly p1~. ,.._ u;, 1. &..

25:55 Lie l),1fo11r ' 28:01 Deniae Ran11.nek7

C:26:22 Chris Raiitirez 28:17 &.rbara Cerr;,11 26:24 Vicki Jones 28:18 Mary Clark

,~. ~ Lori HE-.rrll\rd 28:22 J.inda DeWitt 26:34 Y.a~anne Pereen 28:25 Rita Zak 26:46 Aiinee ntrr 28:J5 Wendy Wippert 27:2J LorM McKinnon


l. Marian Fawkee, UK 48:;jt (1) London J/31 49 :18 (l) Rouen 6/2 48:llt (l) "arnoe end 7/8

2. 'lrorlll Cylder, Norway 52:40 (3) JalapA lt/7 l19:53t (1) Fredrik sta d 5/19 49:55t (2) l~rnosend 7/8 47 :24 (l) Valer 9/15

J . Elisabeth Olsson, Sweden 50:41 (1) J*3pa 4/7 48:JJt (1) VaxJo 10/lA

4. Carol Tyeon, UK 53:27t (5) London3/31 t.Fl:44 (1) Chipp!!nham 10/13 50:46 (1) LAesing 10/20

5. Irene Esteman, UK 49:05t !2) London 3/31 50:08 2) Rouen 6/2 50: 4ot 3) Harnos end 7 /8

6 . Siv OJstoTsson, Sweden 49:42 (1) Stallaholmen 4/28

7. Ik-itt-'''arie Carlsson, Sweden 51:41 (2) Jalapa 4/7 49: 50t ( 2) VaxJ o 10/14

8. Susan Brodock, USA 50:33t (1) Walnut 6/16

9. Susan Lie re, USA 51:1.Jt (2) Walnut 6/16 57:39 (1) Lone Ieland 7/ 50:23 (1) &ipire Qunea 7/ 51:46 (1) Niag. Falla 8/11

10. Virr,inia Birch, UK 53: 41 ( 6) Loncion 3/Jl . • 50:~4 ('-) Ohipenhan\ 10/lJ

n. t1argarel.a Si,uu 12. Jutly Farr, UK 13. m.a Kjolberg; i-to:n,ay ·14·. Margaretta. 01..son, Sweden -15, Ckrd q.,lder, tlorwa.y

1979 woru.o LIST-WCHEli 1S 10 Kll.C»-!El'ERS -47:24 Tt,orill Q,rld.,r , Non1ay 51143t Eva Gustaveson, Sweden 48:llt }lario.n Fawkes, UK 51:51 hlaine Cox, UK 48:33t Elieaheth Oleson, Sweden 51154 Panla Kaeh, USA 4€:44 Carol 1\,son UK 51: 56t Monika. Karl sson, Sweden 49:15t Irene &te,~~n, UK $2:12 t Karen &!en, UK . 4C!:28 Mia Kjolberg, Norway 52:1,0t Berit Karleson , Sweden 49 :l,2 S:!.v 0.11,ta.veson, Sweden 52:46 Sal).y 1-IcPhP.reon, USA 4<?: 53t Britt-f t.Arie Carlsson, Sweden 52158 Lin e Viken, Non;ay 50:2J Susan Li.era, USA 52: 59t Ann-Marie Laraeon, Sweden

P11GE 11

1979 OR\-/ U. S. WOMEN'S 10 KM RANKINr,S

1. Sna;1n Erodock 50:33t Walrut 6/16

2. Susan Liera 51:lJt (2) Walnut 6/16 57:39 (1) Long Island 7/ 50:23 (1) F}npire Onmee 7/ 51:46 (1) lHag. Falla 8/11

J. Chris Sakalarios 51:33t (3) Walmtt 6/16

7. Jeanne P,occi 5/,:47 (2) Niae. Falla 6/16

8. Vicki ,Tones 58: o6 ( '-) Indio 2/18 55:38 (5) \·/al.nut 6/16

55:53 (1) Seattle 8/18 56:20 (1) Seattle 9/23 56:31 (1) Seattle ll/19

' . (

9. Anne VanderHoff ,


Paula Kash 10. Lori Maynard 53 141 (1) Irrlio 3/18 56:32 ( '-) Woodside 4/fJ!I 52104 (1) San Francisco 4/1 56:14 (6) Walnut 6/16 51:54 (1) Loa Angeles 7/29 56:,49 (1) Treasure Island 7/1

__., • 1. , c I l .-::, • u / · ., I 1,. S-~ , 1 1 r,. > 1-1 ... ., • ., • ,or ., I , 1 rJJ ,. , "' ;,-. v1--r1,.,, o ' 1 Jod i; t, ·) ~ frvt• /• ( ' 5. S&lly McPhereon 1 • e e ~hint ' r l•t\

52:46 (1) Woodeide 4/29 59 :07 (1) San Diego J/25 56:44 {7) Walnut 6/16

6, Ester Lopez 53:58 (4) Walnut 6/16 l '-, Debornh Scha11ble

56:54 {2) F>npire Oiunee 7/

1979 U.S. LIST--WOHEN1S 10 lCil.OiETERS 50:23 Suean L:\.ere 57:24 Aimee !brr i-lt, 50:33 Susan Brodook f".1 11_.,,._ 57:59 LorM McKinnon

• 1 · 51133 Chria Sakelarioa 58: 09 Cynthia Best S-~la Jta sh ,a.1:e 9iane thibe 52:/,6 Sally McPherson 58:35 Wemly l·/ip rert 53:58 Ester Lopez 58:58 Kathy Curtis 51, !L~7 JeA.nne Bocci 5A: 58 Karen Sadler 55:33 Vicki Jones / !,l.'. -\ 1 ~ Ihnnie Dillon

5;,lf~ Lori 11ayhard , 59:04 Tracey Mcell.logh 5,-·,tl Anne Vanderhoff 11,.. 1, .., 59:08 Rita Zak

r~>1~1:l• Jodee Htm't° p,e.," t ' 59:42 Carol 56:54 Doborah Schauble 59:1,7 Doborah Reidel 57 I 14 Mary Clark 57:18 Dorothy Kelly


The final two N/\AU titles of the yenr went to Jim Heiring at 25 Km am John Knifton at 35. Ihth races were show pieces for C11n.idals ever ­improving l-farcel Jobin, however, In the 25 et Lno Vf)f.1.lO, l·!arce l led by I,~ rninlltlto in a sp11rklinr, 1: 52: 27. lleiring had an easy race for the U.S . title, le11ving Marco Evoniuk nearly 5 ndnutes back. It wao much tiP,hter after that with 6 ndnntee covering thP. next seven fin ­ishers. Yo1ne Ra. y Sh11rp had. an excellent race to take Demis Reilly 11nd Tan Dooley for the third spot. Kn:l.f.ton war· eeventh in this one .

50:29 Gerd 0\•lder , Nnwway 53:03 Hannelore Klaus, W,C. 50:33 Susan Brodock ~?, ', ll 53:03 M, Zalof , lloll .apg_ L..>..-, /Y1•J" .. 1,,,~-,ei 50: 34 Virginia B.1.rch 53 : 29 Regine Brod era, ""W~ G,

Three werks lat er in Houston, Jobin went even fastPr, covering the first 25 km in 1:51: 08 and completing the c011ree in 2:37:16, His 2:14:02 at 30 Km would have !f;e'l a world best not tq_o long ago. Following a leis11r.ely 23: ll on hie:5 l<rn, which still haa;nearl,.v a lllinute and a half in front, Marcel ac celerated to 21:39, 22:00, and 22:00 to hit the 20 Km mark in 1121:!150. He slowed elightl.7 from there, but etil.l. finiehed in world claaa time.

50:44 Margareta Simu <>,· ) ~3t40 Froydie Hilaen, Noww~ · s~ • ._ ..... ,, 50:52 JudyFarr,UK ::, .'l ,J 158 .l!ieterLppe:s,USA,.,..,. . , .... L /\•dt• lc 51109 Margareta Oleson, Sweden 5410St AM-Marie Ivaraaon, S'lfeden 51133 Chria Sakel.arioe , USA 54113 Liebeth Aalvik , Noni~ 51135 lnerlt Franch, UK 54116 Suaan 'Pill, UK

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PAGE 12 lJJ!;CE11BER 1979

The race for the U,S, title wn11 a r11.ce-lone; duitl between Knifton and Tom Dooley, with John ed~ing away over the final 10 km. After they pused 25 in 2:05:58 (Dooley) and 2:o6:00-, Knifton accelerated to pnt in his fastest 5 km split or the raoe (24:28), leavin c Dooley 22 seoonda back at 30 Km. Both alowed ap r-reciably over the laot 5, after t)tis effobt, rut John continued ~ pull out.

Bill Ranney walked in a rather isolated fourth place tht·oughout to finish in that spot. Roeer Brandwein, in a sUrring d.ual with

· Crill'lln Reaper, did close to within a minute of B.1.11 a t 30 Km, but the canl"\Y' old . veteran Ranney was able to pick up slightly the final five as Brandwein slowed. Grimm Reaper, 1rteanwh.Ue, waa the one to die on this day as he folded to a 32 :t.l fin11l 5 and watched kl.e Bl p!)Oaed victim disapnear in the distance. fort11n11tely, BriRn Snazelle, who had led both Brand"lein and Reaper early, s11ffered even more over the last 15 Ion to finish a distant seventh , Perhaps he was the one the Grimm Reaper was after on thil!J day, An.other stirring dual was tMt beh1een John Stowers nnd Bob Mimn for first in the 50-59 catep,ory , Stowers w.,s able to p111l a,1ay the last 10 as both hit the wall rather badly,

Re011l ts of the two rnces: 25 Km

1 Las Vegas, Nov. 25--1. J.laroel Jobin, Canada 1:52:57 2, Jim

Heiring, 11n. 1:57:28 3. 1-'.arco Evoniuk, Ool. TC 2:02:23 ). Ray S),arp, un. 2:03:24 5, Dennis Reilly, Pauchet Street Walkers 2:0h:24 - 6. 'f(jn Dooley West Valley TO 2:05:59 7. John Knirton, llew York I\C 2:06:58 (let f-iaeter - I ehoold have more mention of this a hove. John has just joinP.d the Ji:ABter'e rarike flnd in the 35 may have been the first to win both a Senior and 1-'.aeter' s title,) 8. Roger Brandwein, Cal. Walkers 2:<Y]:J6 9. Steve Elaca, Terlinqua TC 2:08:41 10. Jerry Young, Colwnbia TC 2:10:43 11. Steve Pecinovsky , Green & Gold AC 2 :131 39 12. Ron Kulik, Shore AC 2:ll~:00 (2nd Master) 13. Sal Corrallo, Potomac Valley-TC 2:14:36 (3rd I-laster) 111• non Daniel, Shore AC 2:21139 15. John Kelly, California Wa lkers 2: 22: 34 16. Neil Picken ( Gt'i11un Reaper), terl.ineua re 2:24:35 17. Dave Gwyn, Terling11a TC 2124136 18. Ron laird, NY/\C 2:28:10 (5th Haet,er, I forgot to designate ,John Kelly as Mh) 19. ::~n Stanek, Magara RW 2:29:49 20. Jim Hanley, Cal. Walkers 2:37:08 21. Milt Cre11nee, Cal, Walkers 2:50:12 22. Oordon Wallace, un 2:51:36 (7th Maeter, Creance was 6th) Teams: 1. Terlingua TC--61M112 2, California Walkers-7:07:18 Women: 1. Paula Kash 2121:59 2. Diane Uribe 2:30:03 3. Lori Maynard 2:31:03 Paula rnisr.ed S11e IJ.ers 1 U,S . end World best by 61 seoonds. 15 Km, P.ouston

1 Dec, 16-1. l'.arcel Jobin, Canada 2:37:16 (23:11, 4h:50,

1:06:50, 1:2e:5ot 1151:08, 2:1/1:02) 2. John Knifton, t/YAC 2:55:47 (50:18, 1:41105, 2i30:28J (lnt J.laater) 3. Ton Dooley, West Valley TC 2156:44 (50118

1 1:41:03, 21)0148) 4. Bill Ranney, WVTC J:<Yl:20 (50:17, l:IJ :OJ,

2:39:05) 5. Roger Brandwein, Cal, Walkers 3:(1):04 (52,00, l:J.5:01, 2:40:03) 6, Grilmi Reaper, 'l'erlingua TC J:l/.:(1} (51133, l:/ili:53, 2:4.1:28) 7. Bri1rn Snat.elle , liVTC 3:26:03 (51,33, lt46:09, 2:52133) 8, Stephen a:tca, Terlinena 'IC 3:27:24 9, Joh n Stowers, Terlinge.a TC_3:30:t.6 10. B:,b, Shore AC 3:)6:36 11. Craig Haugaard, Lal<3 C~., -~1y \·/alkere J :511 27 12. Don Johm,on, Shore AC J:52:57 13. Toney l·:edeiroe, VFW Post 662 3153:37 14. Mike Kleinl!enz, 'l'erlincua 4:0l.:02 15. Jim Rowley 4:05:46 16. ~!att Stein, Terlingua 4:68:54 17. Boria Ealic, Terlineua 4:10:15 18. Phil Bradley, Terlingna 4Jl0:15. Team81 1. West Velley- TC 9:1J)1<Yl 2 . Terlingu.a 10: 12~19 ~l&ater' e Race: l. Knifton, 2. Ranney 3. Stowers (lat 50-59) 4. MiJrvn 5. Johnson (lat 60 am up) 6. Medeiros Clase B1 1. Reaper 2, Snazelle 3, Haugaard 4. Johnson 5. Klelnhene 6.Rowle;r 7. Stein

DECEl·JI.EH 1979 l'iiGE 13

Past Winners 2~ Kilcmeter 2:11:36 1%3 Wllli !'m Hihalo 2:23:43 1961 Hon Laird

19/14 WiJJ.iam Mihalo 2:21:20 1962 Alex 2:03 :1/,

1945 Williru~ l'.ihalo ?:28:/'8 1963 Ron Laird (short) l:J.7:20

1946 William l1J.halo 2:14:32 1964 Rassmussen 2:18:18

191.7 William Hihalo 2:16:25 1965 Ron Laird 2:01:42

1948 Ernest vle~r 2:20:09 1966 llon Laird 2:06 :16

1%9 l'lillirun Mihalo 2:12:13 1967 Ron Laird 1:59:18

1950 Ador,ph Weinacker 2:52:11 1968 Don Del:oon 1: 55:13 1951 ,li1rJl\Y Sidun 2:12:27 1969 Ron Laird 2:02:32 1952 Adolph \!einacker 2:?.1:05 1970 Dave Ro111ansky 1: 59 :05 1953 John Deni 2:16:35 1971 Ron Laird 2:01:48 1954 ,John Allen . 2:13:<Yl 1972 Larry Young 1:57:28 1955 Jamee Hewson 2:14:32 1973 John Knifton 2:05:50 1956 Henry Laskau 2:04:35 1974 John Knifton 1:56:03 1957 Carl Kurr 2:16:17 1975 Ron laird 1: 56: 38 . 1958 Ron Laird 2:16:05 1976 Ron Laird 1:59:09 1959 Rudy Halut.a 2:14:04 1977 Dan 01Connor 2: 05:11 1960 John Allen 2.203:28 1978 Neal Pyke 1: 51:02

Paet Kiloneter W nnere 949 Adolph WeinR.cker 3:lE!:00 196l~ Chris ~cCa.rthy 2:5 0 :53

1950 fldolph \-/einacker 3118:40 1965 Ron Laird 3:<Yl:09 1951 John Deni 3:07:00 1966 Ron Laird 2:55:50 1952 Willlrun Hihalo 3:23 :ll~ 1967 Ron Laird 2:57:40 1953 John Deni 3:1.1:rfl 1968 Larry Young 2:53:16 1954 L4!lo Sjogren ):28:t.l 1969 Ron Laird 2:55:57 1955 Leo Sjor-;ren 3:17:57 1970 Dave Romansky 3: lJ:11~ 1956 Adolph Weinacker 3:35:03 1971 Larry Yrung 3:02:22 1957 J-1m Hewson J:07:00 1972 Larry Young 2:52:t.l 1958 Leo Sjogren 3:25:35 1973 John Knlfton 3:00:31 1959 Ferenc Sipos 3:12:44 1974 Floyd Godwin 2:55:29 1960 Ron Zinn 3122:54 1975 John Knifton 2:53:04 196r Ron laird 3:28:05 1976 John Knifton 2:59:52 1962 Ron Laird 3:W:21 1977 Wayne Glusker and 3:03: 50 1963 Bob Bowman 3:28 :36 Dave Hillllnelberger

1978 John Knifton 3:05:42

QTH!iR RESUL1'S NEAAU 40 KM, t..'ewton, }lass .• Nov. 18-1. Geor~e Lattarulo 4:08:47 2. Tol"\Y'

. J.:edeiroe 4:33:38 3. Ralph Car<larelli 4:52:119 5.5 1-'dle Hdcp, Lowell, Hass. Nov. 28--1. Kevin Ryan 54:03 2. Ralph CArdarelli 56:00 3. Georee Latta­rulo 49:51 4. Toey Medeiros 53:36 5. Chlirlee Scott 66:57Coney Islnnd 10 Mile liBmic11p 1 Nov. 2 5--1. Dominic DiC0 et.;inzo 1:53:30 2. Dorothy Kelly l:l15140 3. Joseph Duc;an 1:53:42 4. Scott P11ller l:l,2:53 5, Gail Jane­zioh 1153:23 6. Keit,h Lifton 1138:38 7. Ta.nya McIntosh (arie l?.) 1:1,4:<Y] 8. Larey Kalf 1: 57:27 9. ~:ich11el CoughUn l:l10:00 10. Ronald Valiente l:l16:08 11. Don Cherrin 1:56:22 12. Flill Oneltchenko 1:46: 52 13. Chris FlanagM lt27:42 14, Robert,one 1:34: 53 15. lionna Arnesen 1:36:55 16. Don ,Johnson l:)A:03 17. Carol Brown l : JS:20 18 . Tim Dyas 1:38:34 19. Hara f'ertally 1:51:50 20. Robert Ge.llanty 1:49:01 21. Lon \·/ilson 1:31• 05 22, l)ave Lakrtit. (70) 1:57:29 2J. Eel Granowitz 2:07:39 24, Stephen Johnson 1:49:49 25, flay Floriimi 1:21:50 26, Peter Doyle 1:20 :19 27.0va Wilson 1:42:47 28, Da n 01Ctlnnor l:lJ:49 (fast time) 29. Troy Engle 1:26:08 JO. Sain DeLoesanto s 1:23:21 31. Stephen Moonnan 1:46:43 32. Robbie Titnrnons 1: 34: 47 33 , Thoma.a Costigan 2: 09: 53 34, CleJrton Heydorn 1 :36:53 35. Mary Clark 1:36:54 36, John Shilling 1:32:11 37. Jack Boit­ano 1:24127 38, Joseph Prokop 1:46:50 39. Susan Lters 1:30:53 {fastest ~omen, and don't take that 1'?'ong) 40. Toey DeL011Santos (age ll) 1:5 8:58 41. Mike Hor-rie 1:21!33 42. llernard Kaufman 1:54:34 43. Elliott Denman l1461SO 44. kichael Prince 2116112 45. Pete 'l'itrunone 1:25!31 46. Henrt

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PAGE 1,4 DECrilBEn 1979

Monroe 1:46 :05 47, Stanley McIntosh (age 8) 2:08:116 48 , Eileen &nith 1: 5:1:47 1.9, Addie Kustin 2 :04:51 50. Roger Gainey (11) 2:08:53 51, Yarnice Lentzer 2:ll:44 52, Robert Fist)er 1157 : 16 53, Sima Holte 1:31:40 51 •• Michael Co~an 2:13:lJ 15, Andrea McIntosh (9) 2:29:JO 5 ?-file, Des Moines, l!ov, 22--1. Dave Eidahl 38:58 2, Stan &nith 39:40 WOl'!en's 2 Mile, same place--1, Dory Hammer 20:52 50 Km, San Diego, Deo, 10--1 , J:iJD Heirif'18 4:17:47 (25:30, 52:02, 1:44:12, 2 :34:37, 3:24:18) 2, Rs.y Sharp 4:28:41 3, Dennis Reilly 4:31:33 4, Roger Brandwein 4:31:50 5. Dave Hugener 5:34:36 Women' 0 Kin eame laoe--1, Paula

· Kash 2:57:03 (27:36, 55:38, 1:21.:3 , 1:54:42, 2:25:12 --Women1s World Bestl Previous best is listed as 3: 18:15 by Jeanne &>cci in 1970, How­ever Jean ·ne had a 3:26:04 for 35 Km in 1976, The chanc::es are she bettered 2:57 during that one , In any case, a great perfonnance by Paula, In the 50 km race, Sharp put in a 24:41 for his last 5 km, includin g 4:36 for the final kilometer, to break up a tight three man race fer second, 10 Km, Seattle, Nov, 19- - 1, Chris Hansen 43:05 , 5 2. Steve Di&rnsrdo 44:29 3, Bruce Cabter 50:45 h, Anne Vanderh off 56:31 5, Dave !laskin 60:16 6, Dick Vanderhoff 56:JO (handir.ap race) 7, Paul Kadd 57104 0. George &h:ards 59: 57 9. Phil Millard 521 54 30 Xm, Ki ev, USSR, ?--1 , N, Udovenko 2:08:16 (track--under listed world record just short.of Jose Marin's 2:08:00 earlier this year, And who is N, lldovenko?) 20 Km, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 1-1, \~illy Sawall 1:25:26 2, D, Smith 1:32:16 3, T~n Erikson l:3~:49 4, Peter fullager 1 :35:53 5, R. Huxley 1136: 15 6. R. Mee 1136:47 20 Mile 1 Canberra, Aust , ,tune 17-1, Willy Se.wall 2 :23:10 2. Tim F..ri.ckson 2133:45 3• T. 0 1 Neill_ 2 :41:06 4. J, Sheard 2143:42 5, J. Smith 2:1+6:02 6. G, Jack 21h6:51 7, G, Sockhill 2:47:f:R 8, B, Mee 2:50111 9, R, Whyte 2:51123 10. I. Jack 2:52:43 11. D. Knox 2152:l~5 12. B, Gook 2155102 Junior {umer 19) 10 Km, same place-1. M. Woode 45112 2. R. Huxley 46:16 3. B, Dyer 46:46 4, B. Birtchnell 47:56 5. T. Stone 48120 6. I, J ,iques 49:58

FROM HEEL 'ID 'IOI!: We hope to have a full report on happenings at the race walk1f'18 c011Unittee meeting at the NAAU convention in next 111onth1 e isime. A few things here. The eites and tentative dates of next year ' e championeh:!.ps are lieted elsewhere in this issne , The 100 km 1a-not lhtad end it tnity eHll M 8f!el'I, If ag, Sf!Phlt:f!eld, Ohie 111>a:ih i+n II B11 chainpi onehips have been eliminated, so the Orimm Reaper reaped the laet of those titlee , Perhaps the mes timportant event l,'OS the switch of the 50 Km Olympie Trial from the T&F trials site in Eugene to Niagara Falls, The race will be held !t.ay 10 and sponsored by Kennecott Copper through its subsidiary, the Carbol'lmdum G0 1npany. They ere also 11pomo ring the ~iarathon trial in Niagara Falls. Dan Stanek will be race director . , • There will hfl a 10 Km walk st the Drake Relays this year, onl_y the sec­ond walk in their hieto-ry, ( The first ~,aa a 1 Mill!, more or less an e:vhihition, in 1961 won by Jack Blackburn over Ri1nas Vaicaitis, J~ck Mortland, and Rutyna) The rae " will be on Sunday April 27 etarting at 9 a ,,n, It 'fill be on t!ie track , It 1 e important to get a good field for the race to encourage its continuation. Write Bob Ehrhart, Track Coach, Drake University, Des Moines, IA 50311 for information ; Or oall him at (513) 271-2115 , , ,In the wcmen1 e National 20 lfm, for which we had results last month, Sue Liers splits were 26:23, 53:44, 1:22:15, 1:52:59, Her first 5 was well ahead of the pace of her World ' s beat of 1: 48: 18 b11t the effects of strained ankle from cross country and her hard 40 lan 2 weeks .earlier caught up with afte r 15 Ian. Jeanne Bocci, with splits of 2 8:32, 56:37, 1:25:42, and l:54t45, was olosing at the end •• Wayne G1usker will be tea ch.i.!lg a course in 11&,ginning Race Walking'' at De An~a C011111unity College during the winter quarter • • • Wayne Nicoll at Fini sh Line Sports in Aug11et&; Georgia hllll two more r-aoe walker t-shirts &ffilabl.e, Hie firet one, which we told )'OU &bout llome time ago, featured


DECJ!;l-1lliR 1979 P1tGE 15

a Herb Parsons' print of five Ereats of the U.S. w.'\.lkinc scene locked in a tlrht struggle. Hore some of yon ordered tlmt on7• !:ow he has another Parsons' print of a sinr,le rnce w:ilker on II cr;iy sh!.rt, which looks very nice s.tnd A blue shirt with the Ohio Racew;ilker logo on it ( he had my pel'­misslon and I have t,hree free t-sh:lrts). I don't kno-.-1 if the first shirt is still Available or not, but lll'\Y of the three would be e.iccellent for giving out at r~ces a:,d certainly belong in your personal "":rdrobe, (I get no corruoission.) They are ;'JJ4,95 each, plus postrge. Write Wayne Nicoll, Finish Line Sports of A1tg11sta, 1710 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904, • , t.BJ has a forthcm1inc JO-week series "The Road to Moscow", 'which will pres­ent Olympic proopects in action. One see;ioent will feature rarco Evoniuk. Watch your local schedules since this is a syndicated and will ehow at dif ­ferent times in different markets. The seement will show on February 2 in Denver, eo that insy be a clue, • ,Our front page f1ir this iss 11e was done by Corinn m.ackburn Jack's mommy, and first appeared in t:ove!~ber 1971- • o'ne mystery solved.' The two misdng winners from our list of past 3Km/2 . Hi1e/5Km winners in the June issue are: 1957 Heu :· Lar.l<au 14:2 8,3 and 1958 : John Hwncke 15:07,5. Grilrun Reaper sent me the info on thet.>1958 race, which he hnd r,leaned from Track and Field liews. That alerted rne,.how_ poorly I was using my own resources, eince my complete file of ~,F t,ews dates back to the fall of 1953, Besides that, the 1957 race wss held in Dayton and I was there to see Henry win, althotlf,h canr,eting in the 440 hu~dles myself, Still do1,'t know about the 1964 40 Km. Larry l.arson tried to help out on that one, but merely rd .terated infonnation I a lready had that I knew to be incorrect , , , Phil E?:rndley in Texas is interes tc d in "bir, people" records . Phil st11nde 616 E.:id weighs 180. He would like to kno,:, what others of similar height and weight have accomplishe:i for the mile, 5, 10, and 20 Km. Anybody out t here know? • ,

THANKS TO ALL- ·-Since typing the last line above, ChrietrnAB 179 has cooie and gone, On Sunday, Jack mack burn brought to my door an envelope with my ·11/line upon it, giving strict orrlers not to open until Ct,rietmas. M:l.n of intei:trity that I am, I did indeed wait until Ci,riebn!\6 rnorn. Upon on opening said enve l ope, I found a check of very generous prorortiona from "Ol'nv re11dere anrl fans", I can only say I was oven1helmed. You didn't really need to bribe me to keep thie rag coming, but it's certainly nice to be soprec.l.ated. NY s:l.ncere thanlcs to everyone who contributed, Yo1Jr reward ~ill be preparation of forthcaning iss11ea on a new typewriter, ,ihich unfortunately, won't do much about the inept typist. fut thinP,e should look a little neater, especially as this 25-year - old gem has star ted to skip again, llB you ,nay have noticed, The purchase of the typewriter shruld still leave a eizeable e11J11 .from the all-too-generous gift, Maybe the kids can ha:n shoes this winter. Again, thanks - - and a Happy New fear to All l May it brif'18 prosperity and faster times to walkere through­out the world.

CIW,1'l0t-.SHIP A~liuIDS FOR 1980 Senior lOKilarteter 15 KHaneter 20 Kilanete-r 2_5 KUaneter 30 Kilaneter ,35 K:tlaneter 40 Kilaneter ,0 KlUaneter l!OO Ki,laneter 2 Hour Po11tal 100 MUe

Ghica~o 1-lay 24 Niagara ,Falls July-Aueust Seattle April 19 or 20 Mfami Peac h November 30 Houston J.',arch 23 Palo Alto September Long Branch November 1 Ne~ York City A~ril 5 Longmont, Col, October 4 to be handled ~ New Englan:I. Aseociation Columbia Septanber

Page 9: · 2017. 11. 28. · PAGE 2 DEC.ENIER 1979 DECEl-1.BBR 1979 OHIO RACEWALK.ER ( USPS 306-050) VOL. XV, NO.10

PAGE 16 DECEMl:lER l,979

Junior 3 Kilcmeter Metropolitan Association ? 5 Kilaneter Metropolitan Aaeociat.ion ? 10 Kilometer Knoxville, Tenn. June 16 or 17 15 KilCUleter Niaeara Falls July-Anguet 20 Kilaneter Westlake Village, Ca, May 3 25 KUometer M.tami B!ach tlovember 30 1 Hrur Postal To be handled by Oregon A1111ociation

Masters 5 & 20 Kilometer With National Masters T&F Chrunpionehipe, whereever 50 Kilrnteter Metropolitan Association April 5 l Hrur Postal To be hanrlled by Oregon A8eociat~on Others the ea~e ae Seniors


Sun. Jan. 13 S J.lile Men, 2~ Mile \'/omen,. Ottumwa, Ia., 1130 (A) Sat. Jan, 26 6 Mile, Orchard Park, N.Y., lOa.rn , (B) S11n. Feb, 3 TFA?USA National Indoor 5 Km, Racine, Wie., 11150 a,m, (0) Sun. Feb. 3 4 Mile Men, 2 Mile Wcrnen, Oskaloosa, Ia,, 1130 (A) S11n, Feb, 10 $! Mile Hen, 3½ Mile Women, take IJarling, I.A,, 1:30 (A)

Contacts: A-Dave Eidahl, Box 209, Richland, IA 52585 &--Erie Co11nty Parks, Recreation, & Foreatry Dept., 95 Franklin St.,

B1ffalo, ti! 14202 C-- Bob Lawson, Track Coach, u. of Wie, -Parkeide, Kenosha, WI 53140

Get 1980 schedules to me as eoon as poeeible if you want your races listed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * From time to time we have .inquiries regarding shoes for race walking, including en-eral fairly recently . So the following article by .Ma.rtin Rudow ill timezy, and, we hope, helpful to our readers.


Ha ny people aek about the proper shoes for race wnllcing, The folJ.mdne 1111m:~11ry ill an attempt to ans v er some of their questions 11nd as sist walkers in choosing the beet shoes for Din needs. T1mee magazine recently rated running shoes in a manner that lends itself well to race walking interpretation, Accordingly, I've taken their finriinge and applied them to race wnlking criteria. There i,s no neP.d to seek 011t "special walking ehoee 11-you won't find acy anyway-since standard runnine shoes fit our needs so well. It•e simply l\ matter of finding ont the running shoe beet suited f<r race -walking.

Running 'I'J.mee rated shoes on four criteria. Shock absorption at the heel, shock absorption at the forefoot, motion control at the heel, and motion control at the forefoot. or these four criteria, the two dealing ldth the heel are the most important to walkers, the motion control at the forefoot ie next, with shock abeorption at the forefoot least important.

DEClli•J;.ER 1979 f'i1GE 17

A rev iew of the race walkinP, strirle gives the re;ison for this ra nking of the R11nninc: Tir~es' criteria. \;'e land hart! on the hf'el, 110

adequate shock absorption is a m1tot. Just as vital is control of this heel plant, since motion in either direction is injurious, at least pot ­entially, to the knee. IinportMt a lso is a cood forward roll anrl thri1st off the toe, for motion control here is irnrortant as well, Little shock is trnnsm:l.tted frorn the forefoot on race walkinrr., so this criterion is less vital tha n others.

Among rnen1s trainin;:i shoes, three rated "very high" in all three vital areas: ·n1e Nike Daybreak and Tailwind, and the llew &lance 620, but the TailwinP, is not well GUited for wnlldne, 'I',e AdirlM SI.,130 rat,ed 11very high" in t~,o areao: motion control at the heel and forefoot, And "high" in shock absorption at the heel. Also enjoying a "very hieh'' rating in one of OtU' two rnost critical areas was the Etonic Sta hilizer, which wao thus ra ted in the motion control at the heel cate~ory; aa well as "high" in shock absorption at the heel and in motion control at the forefoot.

Moving to women~o training shoes, we find that two shoes rated "very high" in the three vital areas: the Nike Liberator .e.nd the New &lance 620W. The Nike Tempest wao "very hieh" in !!hook absorption 11ncl motion control at the heel and "high" in motion control at the forefoot. other shoes enjoying a "vel"y hieh" rating in one of our oateeories include the Adidas Lady Super Flt Mer (motion control at the heel), which was "high"

in the ot.her arena, and the Bl:'ooks Lildy Vantaee Supreme (motion control Jt the forefoot), also "high" in the other two ar ea s.

"Racing shoes" should certa inly not be purchaoecl for training; this is e rule even more important to walkers than to :r,1nners, since our need for BUpport and cuehionine is vita .l, However, for those of as serious enough to invest in shoes just for racing, here are Th1Ming Ti.l~es' r;;ci11f$ shoe ranking, oosed on the earne fcur criteria (three of importance to us>,

The Adlrlas TRX Cl+,retition and the New &lance Comp 100 are olearzy the class of the fi e ld here, with both enjoying "very high" ran kings in all three areas. T!,e Nike ChallenP,er is a"very high" in shock absorption at the heel Md "high" in motion r.ontrol at the heel and forefoot.

To Bt1Jn•1arize, here are the shoes th11t fared the best under Rt nning Times• and our criteria. We have not included the la ilwi~. Refer to the leeend below for ehoee far erecial

Hiehest !leting 1. 'l'l•eining Shoes

Nike Daybreak (F) New ll:llan ce 620 & 620W

( F ,W, t1)-Anidee SL 60 (F,B) Nike Libera tor ( F) Nike Ternpest ( F)

2' ~1!~ ~e~~npetition

(W,H) New &lance Coritp 100

(N,1~,F) Nike Challenger

Ver.r Good 1. Training Shoes

!like LDV Et:ooks Lady VantaP,e

Suprene (N,F) Brooke Vantage ( F) Brooke Vantaee S.1)::ir ene

(N, F') Et.Onie St11hilizer (W, F) Etonic Streetfinht er( W, F) Adidas Lady S~perrunner

( F,H) Ad ides ha ra thon 80 ( H) New Bl.lance 322 & 322W (N,111,F)

Tred lwo Double D (w)

Good I:"Trainlne Shoes

?-.'Ike l\,.nnuda ( M) Convers World Class

Trainer 11 ( WJ Adidas Lady Orion

( H) Tigress( N, H) Brooke R'l'-1 ( F) Oeaga K- Ra.'cer

2, Racing Shoes Nike Elite (w)

Nike Lady Waffle Trainer(H)

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N--especially good for narrow feet

W--especially good for wide feet

F-especially good fctr flat feet

H--esr,ecially good for hi5h-arch feet

DEC.1::h.l:M 19TL

F.ditor• s Comre nts: One shoe I fenl mieht be addnd ie the Brooke Super Villanova, One renson ia thi,t I ain timing the,~ (Juite satisfattory. However, I can also t11rn tb the R11nner1 s World shoo rRnkinga in a re cent issue, They rate the eame criteria 1·:.iirtin has selected, albeit with different tenninol<>eY and also include two other categories I feel are irnport11nt to the ra oe walker--weir,ht and flexibility. Flexibility is the first thine; I check when looking at a new shoe,

The ehoes }4>.rtin has disc11soed above all ccrao out very well in R.1nner 1 s lforld ran ki~s, too--certainly supportine his r ec01nrrendations, All t:ut the Temnest are given"5 Star" rankings--topa--ancl the Temneot ie 1'4 Star" , However, my Super ViUanovas are also 5 Star and stnck· up very •1ell with the ehoes above in the important categories, In addition, only the New &lance 620 is lighter and none are a o flex ib le, And to top it all, the Super Vill.Anova lists at JlO to ~5 cheaper th11n the others, ( No, I don't e;et a corruoission fron Brooks elthr,,r.) It all comes do·,,n to a matt.e r of personal choice and personal needs-any new shoe is a hit of a gamble; you really don't know until it has been urder you for a few mUes. Bit it ' a good to hnve eome euidelines to start with and those Hartin hae provided are very good, And check the running magazines for subet.antitive articles and ratin1;s, ke eping in mind those criteria that nre important to walkers. (I forgot to mention, the Supe r Villanova aJ.110 011tranks the others in sole wear--a key criterion to we mizers.)

LC(JKII\G &CK 10 Years Ago (From the Dec. 1969 omi)-According to the om,, the IAAF had paeeed a rule to the effect that all shoes worn in trac k and field con petitio n, including walking, were to be solid white. Had to do with advertising nnd all the money su pposedly given to athletes t.o wear a partic11lar shoe, Etther it, ·WRs just proposed and never PflSSed or some­one realized in time it wae um,orkable, hut aprarentzy it ncve r got off th o grooncl . As "We pointed out then, it wruld not have been beneficial to )ialkers--contact appears inore distinct the darker the shoe--at le Mt it eppenrs 110 on sane film I once took of Chris ~ioCarthy wearin g one white shoe and one black one, • , We had a review of the decade, sono ­thinp, perhaps we should have done in thie iesue, and made a ¥,an or the Decade ard l~alker of the Uecade A)tl\rd, • Tne !on ner went to Charlie 811-c-ock, t!ie latter to Ron Laird. Hon Zinn, Rudy Ila luze, nnd Larry Yrung r anl-:ed second, third, and fourth, , • Goetz Klopfer blitzed a late-season 20 KJn in 1:J2:24 on a San Francisco tr ack 5 Yearc, Aeo ( From the Deo, 1974 ORIY)-- Jack Boitnt10, the f:Stional Race Walking Oh,u!.inMn, won the c,.,ney Isla nd 1!' mile harxlicap in 1134:43, Fast t.lJne honors wont t.o Ron Laird in ltl.J1 29 ••• Loird also ocored a 1500 meter/2 mile double at an indoor meet tin Pittsburgh with 6 :06,7 ard 14:05 , •• He ran a bunch of 1n11terial fran a 1910 book on race wal king by Hue,h Innes. LAT:t: i<J:t>UL'IS: Marat !-.on, Seattle, Nov, 2 4-1. Phil Millard h:25:08 2, E!ruce Carter 4:1.5:45 J, Gwen Robert.eon 4:47:05 10 Km, Seattle, Sept . 2J-l. &teve Di!lernardo /16:Jl 2. Dick Vl!.nderhoff 56:17 J. Paul Kaald 56:19 Women: 1. Anne Vanderhoff 56120 2 , Wendy Hackle 62:52 5 Mile, Seattle, 0 0 t. 20-1, Mat-tin nudow '.381lJ1 2. Knrl Johansen J9:30 J. Bruce Carter 4l1JJ 11• Diok Vandttrhd' t 41t1J2 5, Larry Avilee 45146 6. Anne Varderho!! 46148 7. Dave Raskin 491JO 8. Dean Ingram 50:10

Dl!:GBMlnill J979 PAGE J3.


College racewaJ.king has 1110.cle tre 1•1enrlous progresa this year, yet in another way, it has rea .chcd a et: ndstill. The munher of excellent co U.cge ,-•alkers is increasing ra pidly as more conferences 9-n~ colleees are con­dnctin" walking rn ces . llowever, the syif1418th.etic at.b.t.ude expr~ssed by the NCAA Rules Comi•tiltee does lit.t.le to override their conviot 7on that the of money and popUl11rity inhibits acceptance for the tJJ11e beine.

Tue New York State hie;h schools continue to be the source of a P,row­ine niunber of college wAlkern. As more are goi~ to col~eees where the coaches and conferences are sympathetic, more op are l:eing created. Most are in Division 2 and J 11choole or I.he predominantly small Ni\IA c0..,0e8es i•here money anrl scholarships are not the erune problem .

A number of conf erences have added a scc,rinr, or exhibition walk . Tt,e NAIA cont:! .nnes its indoor anti outcloor evento . The ICl1A arlcled an e,thibition 20 Ion outdoors this year and hes ,Jus t voted to lengthen its indoor ra~e from 1 to 2 The College Track Conference in the metropolitan t,ew York arefl and the Ci ty College · of New York City Conference have scoring evento while the Maine State and Ea.stern Int.Elrcollegiated Conferences have c~mhtcted exhibitions. Tue New .«igland Smell Vollege Athletic ) Conf.erence ( Amherst, Entee, l))wdoin , 'l\lfts , Colby, Williams, Wesleyan is scheduling an indoor and out.door race.

I have continued my lobbying efforts with the !\'CAA Track and Field Rules Commit.tee which ,net at the Di vision I meet in CJ,runpaign, Illinois, Our cause ,nade leas pr ogr ess this year becanse the "s1trprise ele:nent" has van :! sred and the Couunittee has taken a firm stand on the financial un-;­willirvmese of the major shcools to nccept n new event. I do not believe fonnalunreserrtations at the national level will . do any good for the next

year or two ,

Our beet opnortunity lnl\Y be to work with the TFA/USA "rean12.ation. I epolle with the Execnt.ive Dtrect.or Eeriv Wagner and quick,zy had set:. up a 'fFA/UAS eponeored national collegiate walk to be held at 1'-orthc Central c ll Naperville IUinois in m njunction with the NCAA Division nr m~~t:gt; y 29-Jl . The race will be a. track walk, 18 or 20 km! !Jrobably Frida~ mornin,:, J.!ny 30. Final details are stil.l pending ccnf~r1~atio.n. The race ~,cold be open to any 1·111llcer nt l\ college, I\C,.A, l\AIA, or other conference . 'l),is race needo our full support .

In the next year we sho-ilc' have two priorites. First, putt.ine exhib­ition or scoring walks in more and rnore conference ineets, Di,al lneets and other non-conference r 11ces are excellent, too , Second, we need to ade ­qu1ttely train more walking j11df;88, The NAIA is et.ill not out of the woods in this matter, nor the t:ew York State hir,h schools, Cl.inics sho11ld be arriU'lged for the regular t.rack officials, not just specialized walki l'l& jude,es We still haws a .lone way to bo, but we are making great progress at the· "grass roots". Our guidins principle eho1,1ld he to eive colleee walkers ample conapetition and retra rd and to give the high echool walker something to look forward to.

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