21 st century notebooking

21 st Century Notebooking Using Wikis, blogs and word processing to enhance learning Created and Presented By Jacob Hayward Northwest Arkansas Educational Cooperative

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21 st Century Notebooking. Using Wikis, blogs and word processing to enhance learning Created and Presented By Jacob Hayward Northwest Arkansas Educational Cooperative. Agenda. Argument for using Notebooks Traditional Notebooking Organization 21 st Century Notebooking. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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21st Century NotebookingUsing Wikis, blogs and word processing to enhance learningCreated and Presented ByJacob HaywardNorthwest Arkansas Educational Cooperative

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•Argument for using Notebooks

•Traditional Notebooking Organization

•21st Century Notebooking

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Why Notebooking?

•Satisfy multiple requirements•Enhance student thinking and deepens

understanding• Improves students’ abilities to

communicate their thinking (Klentschy-page 2)

•Helps students connect content with real world or surrounding world (Klentschy-page 2)

•Encourages organization of materials

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Notebook Structure and Organization

•My non-negotiables▫Table of Contents▫Page Numbers▫Vocabulary- Where to put it? As needed

when students encounter new terms or in a section dedicated to vocabulary

•Notable Mentionables▫Divisions of Content▫Line of Learning

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Determine What to Assess-Taken from Barney Peterson & Anna Williamson

•Notebook format?

▫Text features Date Page number Table of Contents Charts, tables, graphs Labels Glossary

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How I do my vocabulary- Four Square

WORDTextbook Definition

Student Definition


Can also do Flip books or word sorts/ vocabulary cards. - Ideas from SIOP model

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Line of Learning- Taken from Barney Peterson & Anna Williamson•Ask students to draw a line beneath the

last line of text they wrote in their notebooks.

•Discuss the investigation they just completed having them use the reflections they recorded in their notebooks.

•Make sure important content comes out during the discussion.

•Record important information on the board during the discussion.

• Instruct students to add any information they don’t have in their notebooks beneath the Line of Learning

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Line of Learning

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Klentschy’s Notebook Organization

Element Evidence Student/Teacher Comments






“I Wonder” Questions


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Rubrics• How will you assess?

▫ Overall notebook design▫ Specific assignments

• Summative vs. Formative

• Grade level dependent

Information on the next 5 slides is taken from http://www.sciencenotebooks.org/ & Barney Peterson & Anna Williamson

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3 2 1 Table of Contents

I am very careful to record each


I am careful MOST OF THE

TI ME about recording.

I am NOT VERY CAREFUL and need to do a better job of


Drawing My drawings are labeled correctly.

My drawings have some incorrect or

missing labels.

My drawings are not labeled or the labels are


Handwriting My handwriting is ALWAYS the best I can do.

My handwriting is USUALLY the best I can do.

My handwriting is sloppy.

Participation I work well with all my partners

ALL of the time.

I work well with my partners

MOST of the time.

I DI D NOT work well with all of my partners.

Materials I am ALWAYS careful with materials.

I am careful with materials MOST

of the time.

I am NOT careful with the


Assignments I ALWAYS complete the assignments.

I complete MOST of the assignments.

I have SEVERAL (3 or more) incomplete


Daily Entries I ALWAYS put the date and page number.

I put the date and page number

MOST of the time.

I DI D NOT include the date

and/ or page number SEVERAL

(3 or more) times.

Blue – Student’s Self -evaluation Yellow – Teacher’s evaluation

Total Score: / 21

Student’s Name:

Primary Scoring Rubric*

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Rubric for Content- SecondaryCriteria Meets Standard Comments

Format All required components included, in order• Date • Guiding Question• Student’s prediction• Materials list• Procedure steps • Observations and data (notes, tables, graphs, labeled diagrams)• Response to experience including further questions• Answer to guiding question

Verbal Description DetailedMost language descriptiveMost vocabulary lesson-specific

Make use of word banks generated by discussionUse word walls for definitions

Visual Description (diagram, table, graph)

Important parts labeledParts colored as requiredDetailed, accurate, and neatly done

Appropriate graph-labeling: title, increments, scaleScientific, not anthropomorphic

Quantitative Description Dimensions given in appropriate unitsColor compares to standardMost data points recorded

Standard or metric units according to grade-level requirementRealistic coloring for subject

Content Guiding Question answered Answer begins with restated questionAnswer includes evidence from entry data.

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Notebook Rubric- SecondaryAn Organized Science Notebook Entry_____ Date_____ Guiding Question written as question_____ Prediction about answer to question_____ List of materials used_____ Step by step procedure directions_____ Labeled diagram that shows

procedure_____ Identify variable that is controlled_____ Identify variable that is changed_____ Identify variable that is measured_____ Data table _____ Observations_____ Conclusion based upon data and

observationsSuggestions for improvement:

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Possible High School Notebook RubricNotebook Entry/Description Points

PossibleSelf Grade

Teacher’s Opinion/Comments

Table of Contents: Ordered, dated, page numbers, neat/legible


Overall organization: pages numbered, no scratch outs or scribbles (single line through

mistakes), no white out used, references listed on last page, titles and dates on each page (i.e.:

notes, video, lab title, etc)


Sketches: done in pencil or colored pencil, done in Petri dish sized circles, labeled, detailed,

magnification included, neat.


Notes and assignments for ______________completed. Detailed and



Lab grade: see lab report rubric for specifics. 30

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Taking Notebooking into 21st Century

•Using Laptops/PDAs with internet connection to work with:

▫Word Documents



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Word Documents

•Microsoft Word software

•Google Docs



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Blogs• What are they?

Site usually maintained by a person or organization Quick thought or sharing of ideas Many venues- sports, politics, articles, books, etc.


• How can they be used? ▫ Language Arts▫ Math▫ Social Studies▫ Science


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Wikis• What are they?

▫A website that one can create that is used to create a collaborative website for its users. (Taken from Wikipedia)

• How can they be used?▫Like a webpage▫Resource center

TIE CadreTechTalk

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Some questions for you to ponder:

•On Notebooks

•On Technology

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How will your notebooks look?• Table of Contents-• Vocabulary- make a separate section or place at

beginning of each entry when applicable?• How often will we use notebooks?• In science, will you separate Life Science, Earth

Science, and Physical Science?• How can you apply this to Language Arts, Social

Studies, and Mathematics?• What will your rubrics look like? • How will I grade them? All at once, rotation, peer-

to-peer, or combination of the above?• How will the piece on reflection look?

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•How much accessibility to computers/internet do you have?

•What challenges do you currently have within your building? Your district?

• In what ways can you overcome/solve these challenges?

•How would you implement this? •How would you redesign your

lessons/activities to support this?•NWA Tech Talk

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•Klentschy, M. (2008). Using science notebooks in elementary classrooms. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.


•Vogt, M. & Echevarria, J. (2006). Teaching ideas for implementing the SIOP

model. Glenview, IL: Pearson Education