214 ns leadership lecture 24.08.13

214NS Leadership 28.08.13 Phillippa Seaward You can find this resource in Moodle and slideshare

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Leadership 28.08.13

Phillippa Seaward

You can find this resource in Moodle and slideshare

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• Get back into understanding the requirements of this 214NS module.

• Consider the assessment process.• Think about about some theories of

Leadership, and reflect on how this could help us in our group project work.

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214NS CW1 : 50% of the module mark

Write a 1500 word (+/- 10%) reflection on your involvement in both online and face-to-face interprofessional teams. You must complete the Leadership Framework self-assessment tool, attaching it as an appendix to your writing, and analyse your own leadership styles and behaviours. You are required to demonstrate the learning outcomes, clearly evidencing understanding of relevant theory through critical evaluation, reflection and analysis.

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214NS CW2 : 50% of the module mark

Prepare a 1500 word management report, summarising your team’s service improvement proposal for senior management. You are required to demonstrate the learning outcomes, clearly evidencing understanding of relevant theory through critical evaluation, reflection and analysis.

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Learning Outcomes 2 and 5 in Module Guide

• 2. Discuss leadership and/or management theories and use of best evidence in the subject, to professional practice at department or team level

• 5. Consider the impact of management and leadership on interprofessional team work

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• Is there a difference between Leadership and Management?

• What’s the difference?

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What’s the difference between Leadership and Management?

• A manager administers, a leader innovates

• A manager maintains, a leader develops

• A manager focuses on systems and structure, a leader focuses on people

• A manager relies on control, a leader inspires trust

• A manager has their eye on the bottom line, a leader has an eye on the horizon

• A manager does things right, a leader does the right things

• (Mullins)

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Do you see the difference in leadership and management behaviour?

The manager

RationalConsultingPersistentProblem solvingTough-mindedAnalyticalStructuredDeliberateAuthoritativeStabilising

The leader

VisionaryPassionateCreativeFlexibleInspiringInnovativeCourageousImaginativeExperimentalInitiates change

From the head

From the heart

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Clinical leadership competency framework

• NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement• Health & Social Care Bill 2011• From need to drive leadership capability in service

design and improvement• Embedding leadership awareness and capability for

clinicians• Built in concept of shared leadership• Five core domains• Incorporated into professional regulatory and

educational standards

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NHS Clinical Leadership Competency Framework

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1. Demonstrating Personal Qualities

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2.Working With Others

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3. Managing Services

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4.Improving Services

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5.Setting Direction

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Other easy theories about Leadership for CW1 and CW2

Lewin – Autocratic, Democratic, Laissez Faire style

McGregor – Theory X or Theory Y outlook of management

Tannenbaum & Schmidt – continuum of autocratic and democratic styles

Contingency theory.

Goleman (2000) combine leadership styles for different situations.

Transformational Leadership – to be able to inspire and transform others into action, without authority (Kouzes & Posner 2007)

Kotter (1990) functional approach to leadership

Kellerman - followership

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McGregors Theory X and Theory Y – management assumptions about how to motivate

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Tannenbaum & Schmidt 1958

• Continuum of autocratic – democratic style• Tells – Sells – Consults – Joins• Read up about this in www.businessballs & Mullins p292• 3 ‘forces’ determine the best style to adopt

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How to use this CLCF in CW1Reflect on ways in which the model applies to you and your colleagues in your SI team. How did everyone display the competencies?

Do the CLCF self assessment in Moodle. Notice what things you are good at. Try to use them in practice! Notice what things you need to improve on, and decide what you could do.

Which competency/ies did you actually try to improve on while working with your SI team? How did it go? An authentic reflection will be welcomed, as it’s unlikely that everything you tried worked well every time!

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Any final questions?