2nd ots - 50000&1seaps : anette jahn, easme

50000&1 SEAPs - Open training session – Energy Management for Sustainable Action Plans Anette JAHN Head of Sector – Finance for Energy Efficiency, Public authorities, Energy Services Unit H2020 Energy EASME

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50000&1 SEAPs

- Open training session –Energy Management for Sustainable Action Plans

Anette JAHNHead of Sector – Finance for Energy Efficiency, Public authorities, Energy Services

Unit H2020 Energy EASME

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Energy Union

Making energy more secure, affordable and


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Energy efficiency targets - progress?

• Report on the progress of Member States of18 November 2015 as part of the State of theEnergy Union

• EU is achieving already significant progress: 100Mtoe saved in buildings (43%), transport (33%)and industry (22%) **

• The Commission remains optimistic that the 20% target can be achieved, under certain conditions

• Legislative Review in 2016


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Meeting the 2030 target and "energy efficiency

first" – implementation and review

Energy Efficiency Directive (27-30%)

Energy Performance of

Buildings Directive


Energy Labelling & Ecodesign


Heating and Cooling


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More than 70% of Europe's citizens live in an urban area (80% by 2050)

'The fight against climate change (..) will be won or lost on the ground and in the cities where most Europeans live, work and use about 80% of all the energy produced in Europe'

Pres. Juncker - State of the Union – 9 Sept. 2015

COP21 agreement recognises the role of non-Party stakeholders

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Energy EfficiencyDirective

Member States to encourage public bodies

to purchase EE products/services;

adopt EE plans, introduce energy

managementsystems, and use

energy performance contracting

Covenant of Mayorsfor Climate &


6814 signatories

Pact of Amsterdam (30 May 2016)

• Recognises the lack of coordination between different areas of sectorial legislation and layers of governance

• Establishes the EU Urban Agenda

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IEE/H2020 Support to local leadership

• 40+ projects supported

• 350+ beneficiaries - 800 public authorities supported

• 500+ Sustainable Energy Actions Plans created

• step-change in levels of understanding and operational approaches to sustainable energy planning in public authorities

• important ‘glue’ to help embed the Covenant of Mayors and improve its implementation

• permanent changes - political commitments to sustainable energy

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• Aggregation / Project Development Assistance – 28 projects delivering 650+ mio EUR of investment

• De-risking – Improving financiability

• Market-based culture

IEE/H2020 Support for finance of energyefficiency

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Project Examples




Public buildings retrofitted or in the process

• €30m


• 49% savings

1-2 billion EUR/y


• Greater Region of Copenhagen

• 2050 Strategy

• large regional engagement process


€ 2,3mEPC Streetlight

Joint EPC for streetlight retrofit for 8 European Regions

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Funding Areas?


Heating &Cooling Consumers

Industry &Products

Finance for Sustainable


Deadline 15 September 2016

H2020 Energy Efficiency Call

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EE09 Engaging and activating public authorities

We are looking for projects to either:

• Foster the engagement of public authorities

• Supporting EU policy implementation; innovative public engagement; integrated planning; muti-level governance; qualitymanagement/certification; financing strategies

• Develop peer-to-peer learning for public authorities

• Supporting to facilitating organisations (incl. Energy agencies)

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EE22 Project Development Assistance

Leveraging EU funding €1 in eligible costs €15 or 20 investments


Project development costs:

Technical specifications

Financial engineering

Public procurement

Due diligence


Private equity



€15(EE22 in




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Outlook 2017

• 104 M€ provisionally earmarked for energy efficiency in H2020/Energy WP 2017

• Several topics relevant for public authorities:

Code Funding Topics7


EE-09 Engaging and activating public authorities aEE-22 Project Development Assistance (PDA) aEE-23 Innovative financing schemes aEE-19 Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI) a

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See all EU funding sources on www.covenantofmayors.eu

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Inform yourself

• H2020 Participant Portal

• National Contact Points http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/support/national_contact_points.htm

• Contact us – the EASME energy efficiency team: (No pre-proposal checks)

[email protected]

• Horizon2020 and FP7 projects: CORDIS database

• 300+ Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) projects, including various information platforms ec.europa.eu/energy/intelligent/

Horizon 2020Portal

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Contact our Energy Efficiency Team:[email protected]

Find out morehttp://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020

EASME on Twitter @H2020EE • @H2020SME • @EEN_EU • @EU_ECOINNO