4th supplement to volume 1 of serbian stud book supplement to volume 1 of... · 2011. 5. 20. ·...


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Page 1: 4th Supplement to Volume 1 of Serbian Stud Book Supplement to Volume 1 of... · 2011. 5. 20. · pastuv i kobila potvrdjeni kao roditelji ždrebeta. SRBSBA arhivira podatak o krvnoj/DNK





Page 2: 4th Supplement to Volume 1 of Serbian Stud Book Supplement to Volume 1 of... · 2011. 5. 20. · pastuv i kobila potvrdjeni kao roditelji ždrebeta. SRBSBA arhivira podatak o krvnoj/DNK


Page 3: 4th Supplement to Volume 1 of Serbian Stud Book Supplement to Volume 1 of... · 2011. 5. 20. · pastuv i kobila potvrdjeni kao roditelji ždrebeta. SRBSBA arhivira podatak o krvnoj/DNK


PRAVILA I ZAHTEVI SRPSKE POREKLOPISNE KNJIGE ZA KONJE ENGLESKE PUNOKRVNE RASE 1. OPŠTE ODREDBE 1.1. Srpska Poreklopisna knjiga za konje engleske punokrvne rase (SRBSB) predstavlja popis odgoja konja engleske punokrvne rase u Srbiji. Komisija za vođenje Poreklopisne knjige (nadalje: Ovlašćena grupa za vođenje Poreklopisne knjige – Serbian Stud Book Authority, SRBSBA) koja nezavisno sačinjava SRBSB, uspostavljena je kao integralni i stalni organ Konjičkog saveza Srbije i zadužena je za uspostavljanje pravila i redovno objavljivanje SRBSB. 1. 2. SRBSB sadrži: a) Indeks svih grla upisanih u SRBSB, b) Popis priplodnih kobila, c) Popis priplodnih pastuva, d) Popis uvezenih grla, e) Statistički pregled, f) Popis izvezenih grla, g) Popis imena onih grla koja su objavljena kao neimenovana, h) Dodatke i ispravke. 1. 3. Sva grla upisana u SRBSB registrovana su pod životnim brojem u skladu sa odredbama ISBC (International Stud Book Committee - Međunarodni komitet za Poreklopisne knjige). 1. 4. SRBSBA prihvata i primenjuje sve odredbe i odluke ISBC kako su propisane članovima 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 i 15 Međunarodnog dogovora o odgoju, trkama i klađenju – International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering – IABRW. 1. 5. Konj engleske punokrvne rase je onaj koji je registrovan u Poreklopisnoj knjizi zemlje u kojoj je oždrebljen, koja je u vreme kada je konj registrovan imala status priznate od strane ISBC. 2. USLOVI ZA UPIS U SRBSB 2. 1. Da bi grlo moglo da biti upisano u SRBSB moraju biti ispunjeni sledeći preduslovi: a) grlo mora biti proizvod parenja između pastuva i kobile koji su oboje upisani u neku od Poreklopisnih knjiga priznatih od strane ISBC, ili b) jedno od njih ili oboje moraju biti prebačeni iz nekog od registara ne-punokrvnih konja pod uslovima postavljenim u članu 13 stav 4.1 IABRW. 2. 2. Punokrvno grlo mora biti proizvod parenja pastuva i kobile koje se sastoji u fizičkom naskakivanju pastuva na kobilu sa uvlačenjem penisa i ejakulacijom semena u reproduktivni trakt. Kao pomoć, deo ejakulata proizvedenog od strane pastuva za vreme takvog parenja može se odmah staviti u reproduktivni trakt kobile koja se oplođuje.

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2. 3. Prirodna trudnoća mora se odvijati u, a porođaj mora biti iz, tela iste kobile u kojoj je ždrebe začeto. Ždrebe nastalo ili proizvedeno postupkom veštačkog osemenjavanja, prenošenja embriona ili transplantacijom, kloniranjem ili bilo kojim drugim načinom genetičke manipulacije koji ovde nije naveden, neće biti podobno za upis u SRBSB. 3. IDENTIFIKACIJA GRLA 3. 1. Pre upisivanja pastuva ili kobile u SRBSB kao punokrvnog grla, mora biti ustanovljen identitet tog grla na sledeći način: a) vlasnik grla mora da priloži sledeće podatke: registrovano ime grla, njegovu boju, datum rođenja, pol, poreklo, odgajivača, vlasnika, zemlju rođenja, promene vlasništva i sekundarne oznake (žig, mikročip itd.). b) svi podaci o prethodnim vlasnicima biće provereni i potvrđeni od strane SRBSBA na osnovu pasoša i važećih dokumenata o prodaji, c) SRBSBA proverava opis grla iz pasoša, d) uzorak krvi za analizu uzima ovlašćeni veterinar a analiza se obavlja u ovlašćenoj laboratoriji. 3. 2. Ako je grlo uvezeno, potrebno je priložiti pasoš. SBA zemlje izvoza šalje Potvrdu o izvozu neposredno SRBSBA. Podaci navedeni u pasošu moraju biti odgovarajući podacima navedenim u Potvrdi o izvozu. SRBSBA zadržava Potvrdu o izvozu. 3. 3. Ako je priplodno grlo uvezeno na manje od 9 meseci, potrebno je priložiti pasoš potvrđen od strane SBA zemlje iz koje je uvezeno. 3. 4. Ni jedno grlo ne može biti naknadno, posle uginuća, upisano kao priplodno grlo, osim po nahođenju SRBSBA i jedino ako su krvna grupa životinje ili DNK tip službeno utvrđeni pre njenog uginuća. 4. VLASNIŠTVO 4. 1. Za svakog pastuva ili kobilu koji su upisani kao priplodna grla, sve promene vlasništva moraju se prijaviti SRBSBA. Ovaj zahtev mora se ispuniti radi uredne i ažurne evidencije i nema uticaja na postupak upisivanja potomstva grla upisanih u SRBSB. 4. 2. Prilikom upisivanja ždrebeta, odgajivač je fizičko ili pravno lice upisano kod SRBSBA kao vlasnik kobile u vreme ždrebljenja. Prijavljeni odgajivač u Zahtevu za registraciju ždrebeta mora biti isti kao i kod SRBSBA.

5. UPIS ŽDREBADI 5. 1. Tekući izveštaji 5. 1. 1. Da bi se upisao potomak neke kobile u SRBSB odgajivač mora da priloži sledeće: a) Službenu Potvrdu o pripustu sa svim datumima opasivanja u prethodnoj sezoni priploda. Potvrda o pripustu kobile podnosi se zajedno sa Izveštajem živo ždrebe/nema ždrebeta. Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama mora se priložiti i biti potvrđen od strane SRBSBA pre ždrebljenja.

Page 5: 4th Supplement to Volume 1 of Serbian Stud Book Supplement to Volume 1 of... · 2011. 5. 20. · pastuv i kobila potvrdjeni kao roditelji ždrebeta. SRBSBA arhivira podatak o krvnoj/DNK


Potvrda o pripustu i Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama moraju biti potpisani od strane vlasnika pastuva. b) Pre prvog opasivanja, vlasnik pastuva mora da proveri identitet kobile i da svojim potpisom jemči da su svi podaci u Potvrdi o pripustu tačni i da je kobila opasana prirodno i da nije bio primenjen postupak veštačkog osemenjavanja, prenošenja embriona ili transplantacije, kloniranja ili bilo kakve genetičke manipulacije. c) Ako je kobila opasana od strane dva ili više pastuva, potrebno je priložiti sve Potvrde o pripustu. d) Zvanični Izveštaj živo ždrebe/nema ždrebeta potpisan od strane odgajivača, ne kasnije od 30 dana od dana ždrebljenja, sa tačnim i potpunim podacima, odnosno bojom, polom, datumom rođenja, mestom ždrebljenja. e) Blizanci moraju biti naznačeni i prijavljeni u odvojenim Izveštajima živo ždrebe/nema ždrebeta, uz samo jednu Potvrdu o pripustu. f) Zvanični Izveštaj o ždrebljenju mora se takođe priložiti i u slučaju kada nema živog poroda, sa naznakom da li je kobila jalova, prerano rodila, pobacila ili je porod mrtvorođen ili je uginuo ili je kobila uginula. Ako je kobila opasana od strane pastuva druge rase, takođe je potrebno dostaviti Izveštaj o živo ždrebe/nama ždrebeta. Ako odgajivač ne priloži potrebnu dokumentaciju, u rubrici SRBSB za potomstvo kobile za tu godinu biće navedeno “nije javljenođ. g) Mora se priložiti Zahtev za registraciju ždrebadi, Veterinarski sertifikat o starosti i oznakama sa poreklom, bojom, polom, datumom rođenja, vlasnikom i opisom, pisanim i grafičkim, belina i cvetova dlake. Potrebno je najmanje pet identifikacionih oznaka. h) SRBSBA izdaje pasoš na osnovu ranije navedenih podataka, po dobijanju rezultata analize DNK koji potvrđuju roditeljstvo. i) DNK analiza dostavljena SRBSBA od strane ovlašćene laboratorije kojom se potvrđuje da su pastuv i kobila potvrdjeni kao roditelji ždrebeta. SRBSBA arhivira podatak o krvnoj/DNK grupi ždrebeta. j) Plaćanje takse za registraciju ždrebeta. 5. 1. 2. Navedeni zahtevi važe za ždrebad upisanu šest meseci posle ždrebljenja. 5. 2. Naknadno upisivanje ždrebadi 5. 2. 1. Ždrebad koja nisu upisana prema paragrafu 5.1. odgajivač može upisati ne kasnije od šest meseci posle roka postavljenog u paragrafu 5.1.2. podnošenjem, uz uslova iz 5.1: a) Potvrde o identifikaciji ždrebeta sa napisanim i potpisanim izjavama veterinara i osobe ovlašćene od strane SRBSBA kojima se utvrđuje identitet ždrebeta. b) Plaćanjem takse za naknadno upisivanje. 5. 2. 2. SRBSBA zadržava pravo da ne upiše u SRBSB grlo staro 12 meseci ili starije u vreme podnošenja zahteva za naknadno upisivanje. 5. 3. Nepotpune prijave 5. 3. 1. SRBSBA će odbiti nepotpune ili neispravne prijave za upisivanje ždrebeta. Takav zahtev biće vraćen odgajivaču radi kompletiranja i smatraće se da postupak upisivanja ždrebeta nije

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započeo. Taksa za upis biće u visini takse koja se plaća u vreme kada stigne kompletirana prijava. 5. 4. Imenovanje 5. 4. 1. SRBSA upisuje imena u skladu sa članom 14 IABRW. 5. 4. 2. SRBSBA vodi spisak zaštićenih imena. 5. 4. 3. Prilikom podnošenja Zahteva za registraciju, odgajivač je dužan da podnese spisak od 3 predložena imena, koja započinju prvim slovom imena kobile. Konačna odluka o tome da li je neko ime prihvatljivo za upis je u nadležnosti SRBSBA. 5. 4. 4. Imena neće biti prihvaćena ako: a) se nalaze na Međunarodnom spisku zaštićenih imena, b) sadrže više od 18 znakova, uključujući znake interpunkcije i razmake, c) se radi o imenu neke javne ličnosti, bez pismene dozvole te ličnosti ili njene porodice, ili o imenima od komercijalnog značaja bez odgovarajuće dozvole, d) se radi o imenu za kojim slede brojevi, e) se radi o imenu koje se u potpunosti ili delimično sastoji ili sadrži inicijale, simbole, crtice, tačke, zareze, znakove, uskličnike, obrnute zareze, otvorenu ili zatvorenu zagradu, dve tačke, tačku i zarez, diakritičke znake, f) se radi o o imenu koje je sugestivno ili ima vulgarno, nepristojno ili pogrdno značenje, ili imenima koja se smatraju neukusnim, ili imenima koja mogu biti uvredljiva za religiozne, političke ili etničke grupe, g) se radi o imenu koje se izgovara na identičan ili sličan način kao neko zaštićeno ime ili ime upisano za grlo oždrebljeno do 10 godina pre grla koje je u pitanju, h) se radi o imenu koje započinje nekim znakom koji nije slovni. 5. 4. 5. Davanje imena uvezenim punokrvnim grlima obaviće se u saradnji sa nadležnim ovlašćenim licem zemlje u kojoj su oždrebljena. Takse se moraju uplatiti unapred. Registrovano ime upisuje se u pasoš grla. 6. ODBIJANJE UPISA 6. 1. Podneta dokumentacija mora biti potvrđena DNK ispitivanjenjem roditeljstva. Ako DNK analiza ne potvrđuje dokumentaciju podnetu za upis ždrebeta, upis će biti odbijen. 6. 2. Bez obzira na valjanost zahteva za upis ždrebeta, SRBSBA zadržava pravo da odbije upis ako boja ždrebeta nije u skladu sa bojom roditelja ili ako je prijavljeno trajanje trudnoće njegove majke značajno različito od prihvaćenih granica.

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7. IDENTIFIKACIONI DOKUMENT – PASOŠ 7. 1. Pasoš, kao osnovni dokument za potvrđivanje identiteta, izdaje se od strane SRBSBA za sva upisana grla oždrebljena u Srbiji. Pasoš sadrži pisani i grafički opis oznaka grla, podatke o uzgajivaču, vlasniku i potvrde o vakcinacijama i laboratorijske analize, kako je propisano zakonskim odredbama. 7. 2. Na zahtev SRBSBA, pasoš se mora vratiti. Posle uginuća grla, pasoš se mora vratiti SRBSBA, gde će biti arhiviran. 7. 3. SRBSBA službeno potvrđuje u pasošu da su pastuv ili kobila upisani u Poreklopisnu knjigu punokrvnih grla kao priplodna grla. 7. 4. Upis podataka u pasoš mogu vršiti samo ovlašćena lica SRBSBA uz overavanje potpisom i pečatom. 7. 5. Upisana kobila može biti opasana samo pošto vlasnik kobile podnese pasoš kobile vlasniku pastuva na uvid. Vlasnik pastuva mora da proveri identitet kobile, što potvrđuje svojim potpisom u Potvrdi o pripustu. 7. 6. U slučaju promene vlasništva, pasoš se mora dostaviti SRBSBA radi evidentiranja, sa pojedinostima o novom vlasniku. 7. 7. Ako pravi vlasnik priplodne kobile nije pravilno upisan u pasošu, SRBSBA neće prihvatiti prijavu za upis potomka. 7. 8. Ako grlo dobije dodatne oznake, vlasnik mora da obavesti SRBSBA, koja će izvršiti uvid na terenu i dopuniti opis grla u pasošu. 8. IZVEŠTAJI O OPASIVANJU 8. 1. SRBSBA izdaje i čuva sledeću dokumentaciju za svakog upisanog pastuva: a) Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama, b) Potvrde o pripustu, 8. 2. Vlasnik pastuva dužan je da popuni Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama sa pojedinostima o svakoj opasanoj kobili i sa svim potrebnim podacima. Ako je kobila opasana od strane dva ili više pastuva u istoj sezoni pripusta, taj podatak mora biti naveden u dokumentaciji. Kobila mora biti navedena u Izveštaju o pripuštenim kobilama svih pastuva koji su je opasivali. 8. 3. Vlasnik pastuva mora da izda Potvrdu o pripustu vlasniku svake kobile koje je opasao njegov pastuv.

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8. 4. Vlasnik pastuva mora da dostavi SRBSBA ispravno popunjen Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama i kopije Potvrda o pripustu do 30. septembra tekuće godine. 8. 5. Ako vlasnik pastuva ne dostavi Izveštaj o pripuštenim kobilama i Potvrde o pripustu, pastuv neće biti registrovan za narednu sezonu pripusta. 9. IZVOZ Pasoš grla pre izvoza se mora dostaviti SRBSBA radi upisa izvoza. 9. 1. SRBSBA izdaje ili otprema relevantnoj stranoj ovlašćenoj organizaciji potvrdu o izvozu sa pojedinostima o identitetu grla ako se grlo izvozi trajno. 9. 2. SRBSBA će potvrditi izvoz kao privremen ako se grlo izvozi privremeno, u slučaju učestvovanja na trkama/treninga ili opasivanja. 10. ISPITIVANJE RODITELJSTVA (Krvna grupa i/ili DNK) 10. 1. Ispitivanje roditeljstva i genetičkog tipa može se obaviti jedino od strane službeno ovlašćene laboratorije, koja dostavlja rezultate analiza SRBSBA. 11. PUBLIKACIJE 11. 1. SRBSB se objavljuje svake četiri godine, a dopune se objavljuju svake godine.

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RULES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SERBIAN THOROUGHBRED STUD BOOK 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. 1. The Serbian Stud Book (SRBSB) is the record of thoroughbred breeding in Serbia. Stud Book Commission (hereinafter: Serbian Stud Book Authority – SRBSBA) which independently keeps the SRBSB, is established as an integral and permanent body of Horsemanship Association of Serbia and is responsible for the rules and regular publication of SRBSB. 1. 2. The SRBSB contains: a) Index of all horses registered in the SRBSB, b) List of Broodmares, c) List of Stallions, d) List of imported horses, e) Statistical overview, f) List of exported horses, g) List of names for those horses which were published unnamed, h) Additions and corrections. 1. 3. All animals entered in SRBSB are registered under the life number in accordance with ISBC (International Stud Book Committee) rules. 1. 4. The SRBSBA accepts and implements all instructions and decisions of the ISBC as prescribed by International Agreement on Breeding, Racing and Wagering - IABRW in Articles 3, 4, 12, 13, 14 and 15. 1. 5. A thoroughbred is a horse which is recorded in the Thoroughbred Stud Book of the country of its foaling, that Stud Book having been granted Approved status by the ISBC at the time of its official redording. 2. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY TO THE SRBSB 2. 1. For a horse to be eligible to be recorded in SRBSB all of the following requirements must be satisfied: a) the horse must be the product of a mating between a sire and a dam, both of which are recorded in an approved Thoroughbred Stud Book, or b) either or both must have been promoted from a Non-Thoroughbred register under the terms set out in Article 13 paragraph 4.1. of IABRW. 2. 2. The thoroughbred must be the result of a stallion’s mating with a mare which is the physical mounting of a mare by a stallion with intromission of the penis and ejaculation of semen into the reproductive tract. As an aid to the mating and if authorized by the Stud Book Authority - SBA of a country certifying the thoroughbred, a portion of the ejaculate produced by the stallion during such mating may immediately be placed in the reproductive tract of the mare being bred.

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2. 3. A natural gestation must take place in, and delivery must be from, the body of the same mare in which the foal was conceived. Any foal resulting from or produced by the processes of artificial insemination, embryo transfer or transplant, cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation not herein specified, shall not be eligible for recording in SRBSB. 3. HORSE IDENTIFICATION 3. 1. Before the registration of a stallion or mare in the SRBSB as a thoroughbred horse, identity of such an animal must be established as follows: a) the horse owner must submit following information: registered name of the horse, his colour, date of birth, sex, pedigree, breeder, owner, country of birth, ownership changes and the secondary markings (brand, microchip etc.), b) All information about previous owners will be checked and confirmed by SRBSBA according to the passport and valid documents of sale, c) the SRBSBA checks the horse’s description, from its passport, d) the blood sample for analyses is taken by authorized veterinarian and the analysis is conducted by authorized laboratory. 3. 2. If the horse is imported it is necessary to submit a passport. The SBA of exporting country directly sends the export certificate to the SRBSBA. Information listed in the passport must correspond with the information listed in the export certificate. The SRBSBA retains the export certificate. 3. 3. If a breeding horse is imported for less than 9 months, it is necessary to submit the endorsed passport by the SBA of the animal’s country of exportation. 3. 4. No animal may be registered as breeding stock retrospectively, after it has died, except at the discretion of the SRBSBA and only if the animal’s blood or DNA type has been officially established prior to the animal’s death. 4. OWNERSHIP 4. 1. For every stallion or mare registered as breeding stock, all changes in ownership must be reported to the SRBSBA. This request must be satisfied for the purpose of accurate and up-to-date record keeping and does not influence the registration procedure of offspring from registered animals in the SRBSB. 4. 2. For the registration of a foal, the breeder is the person or entity registered with the SRBSBA as owner of the mare at the time of foaling. The stated breeder must be the same on the Live foal/No foal report as lodged with the SRBSBA. 5. REGISTRATON OF FOALS BORN IN SERBIA 5. 1. Current Returns

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5. 1. 1. In order to register the offspring of a mare in the SRBSB the following must be received from the breeder: a) Official Covering certificate with all dates of covering during the previous breeding year. The Covering certificate of the mare is submitted together with the Live foal/No foal report. Report of mares bred must be submitted and certified by SRBSBA prior to the foaling. The Covering certificate and Report of mares bred must be certified by stallion owner. b) Before the first covering, the stallion owner must check the mare’s identity and with his signature guarantee that all data in the Covering certificate is correct and that the mare was served naturally and hasn’t involved the processes of artificial insemination, embryo transfer or transplant, cloning or any other form of genetic manipulation. c) If the mare was covered by two or more stallions, it is necessary to submit all Covering certificates. d) Official Live foal/No foal report, signed by the breeder, no later than 30 days following foaling, correctly and completely filled with the requested information, namely colour, sex, date of birth, place of foaling. e) Twins must be indicated and reported on separate Live foal/No foal reports, with only one Covering certificate. f) Official Live foal/No foal report must be submitted also in the event of no live produce indicating whether the broodmare was barren, aborted early, slipped or that the produce was born dead or has died or the broodmare has died. If the mare is mated with stallion of another breed Live foal/No foal report is also required. If breeder does not submit the required documentation, the SRBSB column on mare offspring for that year will be stated “no report”. g) A Foal identification certificate must be submitted with pedigree, colour, sex, date of birth, owner and description, both written and graphic, of white spots and hair whorls. A minimum of five identifying features is required. h) The SRBSBA issues a passport based on above mentioned information, after completion of DNA test for parentage verification. i) DNA analysis submitted to the SRBSBA by authorized laboratory confirming that the stallion and the mare qualify as the parents of the foal. SRBSBA archives the data of foal typing. j) Payment of the fee for foal registration. 5. 1. 2. The above requirements are valid for foals registered within six months after foaling. 5. 2. Late registration of foals 5. 2. 1. For the registration of foals not registered according to paragraph 5. 1. the breeder may register the foal no later than six months after deadline set in paragraph 5. 1. 2. by submitting in addition to 5.1: a) The Foal identification certificate with written and signed statements by the veterinarian surgeon and a person authorized by SRBSBA to establish the identity of the foal. b) Payment of the fee for late foal registration. 5. 2. 2. SRBSBA reserves the right not to register animal in the SRBSB twelve months old or older at the time of application.

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5. 3. Incomplete Returns 5. 3. 1. SRBSBA will reject any incomplete or incorrect returns for foal registration. Such request will be returned to the breeder for completion and it is considered that the procedure for foal registration did not begin. The registration fee will be at the rate of fee payable on the date when the completed return is received. 5. 4. Naming 5. 4. 1. The SRBSBA registers names in accordance with Article 14 of the IABRW. 5. 4. 2. The SRBSBA keeps a list of protected names. 5. 4. 3. A breeder is required to submit a list of 3 suggested names, beginning with the first letter of the mare’s name, while submitting registration application. The final decision whether a name is acceptable for registration is within jurisdiction of the SRBSBA. 5. 4. 4. Names will not be accepted for registration if: a) appear on the International list of protected names, b) contains more than 18 characters, including signs and spaces, c) it is a name of public person, without the person’s or their family’s written permission, or names of commercial significance without the appropriate permission, d) it is a name which is followed by numbers, e) it is a name which is made up entirely of or include initials, figures, hyphens, full stops, commas, signs, exclamation marks, inverted commas, forward or back slash, colon and semi-colon, diacritical marks, f) it is a name which are suggestive or have a vulgar, obscene or insulting meaning, names considered in poor taste, or names that may be offensive to religious, political or ethnic groups, g) it is a name which is in pronunciation identical or similar to a protected name or a name registered for a horse whose year of foaling is within 10 years of that of the horse in question, h) it is a name which begins with sign other than a letter. 5. 4. 5. Naming of imported thoroughbreds will be done in liaison with the competent authority of the country of foaling. The fees must be paid in advance. The registered name is recorded in the passport of the horse. 6. REJECTION OF REGISTRATION 6. 1. The submitted documentation has to be verified by DNA parentage testing. If the DNA analysis does not confirm the submitted documentation for foal registration, the registration will be rejected. 6. 2. Regardless of proper request for registration of a foal, the SRBSBA reserves the right to reject the registration if the colour of the foal is inconsistent with the colour of the parents, or if the reported gestation period of its dam is significantly varied with generally accepted limits.

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7. IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT – PASSPORT 7. 1. Passport, as a basic document for the confirmation of identity, is issued by SRBSBA for all registered horses foaled in Serbia. Passport contains both a written description and a drawn description giving the markings of the horse, information of the breeder, owner and of vaccinations records and testing for transmittable diseases, as prescribed by the legal regulations. 7. 2. The passport must be returned to the SRBSBA on demand. After the death of the horse, passport has to be returned to the SRBSBA, where it will be archived. 7. 3. SRBSBA officially confirms in the passport that stallion or mare is registered in Thoroughbred Stud Book as breeding stock. 7. 4. Any entry of information in the passport can be only made by officials of SRBSBA with confirmation by a signature and rubber stamp. 7. 5. Registered broodmare can only be covered after the broodmare’s owner submits the broodmare’s passport to the stallion’s owner. The stallion’s owner must check the broodmare’s identity which he confirms with his signature on the Covering certificate. 7. 6. In the case of a change of ownership passport must be handed to the SRBSBA for endorsement with details of new owner. 7. 7. If the true owner of the broodmare is not properly registered in the passport, the SRBSBA will not validate a return for registration of foal. 7. 8. If the horse receives additional markings, the owner must inform the SRBSBA, which will pay a field visit and supplement the horse description in the passport. 8. COVERING RECORDS 8. 1. The SRBSBA issues and keeps the following documentation for each registered stallion: a) Report of mares bred, b) Covering certificates, 8. 2. Stallion owner is obliged to enter Report of mares bred with the details of every broodmare covered with all demanded information. If the mare is covered by two of more stallions in the same covering season, this information must be listed in the documentation. The mare must be listed in the Report of mares bred for all stallions she was covered by. 8. 3. Stallion owner must issue the Covering certificate to the owner of each mare covered by his stallion.

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8. 4. Stallion owner must return to the SRBSBA the correctly filled Report of mares bred and copies of Covering certificates by the 30th September of the current year. 8. 5. If the stallion owner does not return the Report of mares bred and Covering certificates, the stallion will not be registered for the following covering season. 9. EXPORTS The passport of a horse must be submitted to the SRBSBA prior to export for registration of export. 9. 1. SRBSBA issues or transmits directly to the relevant foreign authority an export certificate with details of horse’s identity if the horse is exported permanently. 9. 2. SRBSBA will endorse the export as temporary if the horse is exported temporarily, in case of racing/training or covering. 10. PARENTAGE TESTING (Blood typing and/or DNA) 10. 1. Parentage testing and genetic typing can be carried out only by an officially designated laboratory which delivers the analyses results to the SRBSBA. 11. PUBLICATIONS 11. 1. The SRBSB is published every four years with supplements published annually.

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INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SUFFIXES ALG Alžir/Algeria ARG Argentina/Argentina AUS Australija/Australia AUT Austrija/Austria АZE Azerbejdžan/Azerbeijan BAR Barbados/Barbados BEL Belgija/Belgium BHR Bahrein/Bahrain BIH Bosna i Hercegovina/Bosnia - Herzegovina BOL Bolivija/Bolivia BRZ Brazil/Brazil BUL Bugarska/Bulgaria CAN Kanada/Canada CEY Cejlon/Ceylon CHI Čile/Chile CHN Kina/China COL Kolumbija/Colombia CRI Kostarika/Costa Rica CRO Hrvatska/Croatia CUB Kuba/Cuba CYP Kipar/Cyprus CZE Česka/Czech Republic DEN Danska/Denmark DOM Dominikanska Republika/Dominican Republic ECU Ekvador/Ecuador EGY Egipat/Egypt FIN Finska/Finland FR Francuska/France GB Velika Britanija/Great Britain GEO Gruzija/Georgia GER Nemačka/Germany GR Grčka/Greece GTM Gvatemala/Guatemala HK Hong Kong/Hong Kong HOL Holandija/The Netherlands HUN Madjarska/Hungary IND Indija/India IRA Iran/Iran IRE Irska/Ireland ISR Izrael/Israel ITY Italija/Italy JAM Jamajka/Jamaica JPN Japan/Japan KAZ Kazahstan/Kazakhstan KEN Kenija/Kenya KOR Koreja/Korea KSA Saudijska Arabija/Saudi Arabia

LEB Liban/Lebanon LIB Libija/Libya LTU Litvanija/Lithuania LUX Luksemburg/Luxemburg MAL Malezija/Malaysia MAU Mauricijus/Mauritius MDA Moldavija/Moldavia MEX Meksiko/Mexico MOR Maroko/Morocco MTA Malta/Malta NDO Indonezija/Indonesia NOR Norveška/Norway NZ Novi Zeland/New Zealand PAK Pakistan/Pakistan PAN Panama/Panama PER Peru/Peru PHI Filipini/Philippines POL Poljska/Poland POR Portugal/Portugal PR Portoriko/Puerto Rico PRY Paragvaj/Paraguay QA Katar/Qatar RUM Rumunija/Romania RUS Rusija/Russia SAF Južna Afrika/South Africa SEN Senegal/Senegal SLV Salvador/El Salvador SPA Španija/Spain SRB Srbija/Serbia SRH Rodezija/Rhodesia SUD Sudan/Sudan SVK Slovačka/Slovakia SVN Slovenija/Slovenia SYR Sirija/Syria SWE Švedska/Sweden SWI Švajcarska/Switzerland THA Tajland/Thailand TRI Trinidad i Tobago/Trinidad & Tobago TUN Tunis/Tunisia TUR Turska/Turkey UAE Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati/United Arab Emirates UKR Ukrajina/Ukraine URU Urugvaj/Uruguay USA Sjedinjene Američke Države/United States of America VEN Venecuela/Venezuela YUG Jugoslavija/Yugoslavia ZIM Zimbabve/Zimbabwe

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ABBREVIATIONS A. D. G. B. - Nemački Stud Book/German Stud Book A. S. B. (electronic) – Američki Stud Book (elektronski)/American Stud Book (electronic) Cz. St. B. – Češki Stud Book/Czech Stud Book CZE St. B. – Čehoslovacki Stud Book/Czechoslovakian Stud Book D. St. B. – Danski Stud Book/Danish Stud Book Fr. St. B. – Francuski Stud Book/French Stud Book G. S. B. – General Stud Book/General Stud Book H. St. B. – Madjarski Stud Book/ Hungarian Stud Book Srb. St. B. - Srpski Stud Book/Serbian Stud Book Sw. St. B. – Švedski Stud Book/Sweden Stud Book YU St. B. – Jugoslovenski Stud Book/ Yugoslav Stud Book Vol. – Tom/Volume p. – strana/page c. – ždrebac/colt f. – omica/filly b. – dorat/bay db. – zatvoreni dorat/dark bay ch. – alat/chestnut gr. – zelenko/grey barren – jalova slipped foal – pobacila slipped twins – pobacila blizance not covered – nije opasana

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AGNES (YUG) ch., 1995, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 26), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Aljaska (YUG), by Inquisitor (AUT), out of Aragua (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 38, p. 26), by Bold Lad (IRE). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 15 2009 (Jun 10), b. c., ASSASSINO (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Mr Nenad Paunovic

ALPINA PIKOVA (SRB) b., 2004, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 15), by Lydhurst (USA), out of Agnes (YUG), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Aljaska (YUG), by Inquisitor (AUT), out of Aragua (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 38, p. 26), by Bold Lad (IRE) 2009 barren to Johansson (USA)


b., 2003, bred by Roland Muller in Germany and imported in 2004, by Perugino (USA), out of Annabelle (GER), by Esclavo (FR). See A. D. G. B. Vol. 36, p. 44. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 29 2009 (Mar 26), b. c., ASTA LA VISTA BABY (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB)Stud Farm Surcin

ATLANTIDA IV (YUG) db., 1992, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 21), by Atlantik (GB), out of Agava (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Afrodita II (YUG), by Malatom (GB), out of Alenka (YUG), by Jadran II (YUG), out of Atina (YUG), by Kondor (YUG), out of Amazonka III (YUG), by Jadran II (YUG), out of Addis Alem (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 24, p. 70) by Xandover (FR). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 81 2009 (May 25), b. f., AMBRELA (SRB), by Wild Waltz (USA) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo

AVANTI DONA (YUG) b., 1998, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 28), by Welsh Arrow (GB), out of Ana II (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Angela (YUG), by Time City (GB), out of Aljaska (YUG), by Inquisitor (AUT), out of Aragua (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 38, p. 26), by Bold Lad (IRE). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 15 2009 barren to Remedy For Love (IRE)

BARBARELA (YUG) gr., 1999, bred by Stud Farm Ljubicevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 39), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Bambika (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 611), by Law Society (USA). Refer to 3rd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 19 2009 (Mar 3), b. c., BUTTERFLY ON TRACK (SRB), by Wild Cougar (USA)Mr Velibor Vidovic

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BARBARELLA PIK (SRB) b., 2001, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 16), by Welsh Arrow (GB), out of Blanka II (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Becejka (YUG), by Palladio (GER), out of Buborek (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 21, p. 31), by Seebirk (GER). 2009 barren to Remedy For Love (IRE)

BASTIJA (YUG) b., 1994, by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 41), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Becejka (YUG), by Palladio (GER), out of Buborek (HUN) (See H. St. B. 21, p. 31), by Seebirk (GER). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 15 2009 barren to Johansson (USA)

BELLA (SRB) gr., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 16), by Welsh Arrow (GB), out of Blanka II (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Becejka (YUG), by Palladio (GER), out of Buborek (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 21, p. 31), by Seebirk (GER). 2009 (Apr 19), b. c., BLACKBERRY (SRB), by Johansson (USA) Stud Farm Becej

BLANKA II (YUG) gr., 1993, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 41), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Becejka (YUG), by Palladio (GER), out of Buborek (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 21, p. 31), by Seebirk (GER). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 16 2009 barren to Johansson (USA)

BLUE BELL (YUG) b., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Ljubicevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 46), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Buck Rose (USA) (See A. S. B. Vol. 29, p. 4287), by Buckfinder (USA). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 16 2009 barren to Farqad (USA)

CATARINADIMEDICI (GB) b., 1997, bred by Gatebest Ltd in Great Britain and imported in 1998, by Lion Cavern (USA), out of Crimson Shower (GB), by Dowsing (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 584. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 43 2009 barren to Big Dancer (GB)


b., 2004, bred by Mr Danilo Cerovic in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 56), by Vireo (IRE), out of Carolina (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 530), by Terimon (GB).

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2009 (Jan 23), b. c., COUNT DE GRANDE (SRB), by Gilgames (GB) Mr Milos Nikolic

CIJANA (SRB) ch., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Ljubicevo in Serbia (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 81), by Girotto (USA), out of Curica II (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Cesna (YUG), by Our Brigadier (GB), out of Cana II (YUG), by Faktor (GDR), out of Cica II (YUG), by Jupiter (YUG), out of Cingar (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 12), by Galgoczy (HUN). 2009 (May 3), b. c., unnamed (SRB), dead, by Farqad (USA) Stud Farm Ljubicevo

COOLE SWAN (USA) b., 2001, bred by Hinkle Farms & Brian Grassick in United States of America and imported in 2003, by Stravinsky (USA), out of Dancin’ On Water (USA), by Salt Lake (USA). See A. S. B. (electronic). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 58 2009 (Mar 6), b. c., CADILAK (BIH), by Naltchik (IRE) Mr Muhamed Alijagic

CUPID’S CHOICE (GB) b., 1999, bred by Mrs M. Burrell in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Pursuit Of Love (GB), out of Hence (USA), by Mr Prospector (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1111. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 24 2009 barren to Depth (USA)

DALMINA D (GB) b., 2002, bred by D. R. Wellicome in Great Britain and imported in 2003, by Mark Of Esteem (IRE), out of Becalmed (GB), by Dilum (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 45, p. 105

2009 (Apr 22), b. f., DALAKHARI (SRB), by Arkad (GB) Man-Coop


ch., 1996, bred by Raffin Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2008, by Grand Lodge (USA), out of Tisza (GB), by Kris (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 2507. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 58 2009 (Feb 11), ch. c., DANTE BOY (SRB), by Lateral (GER) Mr Nenad Paunovic

DZINDZER (GB) gr., 1998, bred by Giles W. Pritchard-Gordon (Farming) Ltd in Great Britain and imported in 1999, by Highest Honor (FR), out of Kalymnia (GER), by Mondrian (GER). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1277. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 24 2009 (Apr 29), b. f., DZODI FOX (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

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EAST STAR (YUG) b., 1998, bred by Mr Milos Ivanovic in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 62), by Stereo Dancer (GB), out of Easily Led (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 42, p. 541), by Beveled (USA). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 24 2009 (Apr 25), b. c., EVENING STAR (SRB), by Johansson (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

EASY ARROGANCE (GER) b. f. 2004, bred by Gestut Lindenhof in Germany and imported in 2005, by Perceive Arrogance (USA), out of Elektra (GDR), by Ablauf (GDR). See A. D. G. B. Vol. 37, p. 210. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 60 2009 (Jan 29), b. f., EVGENIA UNI (SRB), by Don’t Loose (GER) Uniexport D & D

EN SU SALSA (IRE) ch., 1999, bred by F. Hinojosa in Ireland and imported in 2001, by Persian Bold (IRE), out of Salsola (GB), by Salse (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 2324. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 17 2009 barren to Depth (USA)

GELSEMINE (GB) b., 1993, bred by Dunchurch Lodge Stud in Great Britain and imported in 1996, by Mtoto (GB), out of Gelatine (GB), by Bold Lad (IRE). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 879. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 17 2009 (Feb 23), db. f., GIA GLORY (SRB), by Depth (USA) Mr Nenad Paunovic

GILGAMESHKA (GB) b., 2000, bred by J. P. Shally in Great Britain and imported in 2001, by Atraf (GB), out of The Strid (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 2595. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 45 2009 (Apr 23), b. c., GEORGISIMUS (SRB), by Depth (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

GINNA (SRB) b., 2005, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 45), by Atollos (GER), out of Gilgameshka (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 2595), by Atraf (GB) 2009 (Apr 27), b. c., GLOGOVAC (SRB), by Ababeel (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

GONDOLA IV (YUG) db., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 72), by Atlantik (GB), out of Golubica IV (YUG), by Bali Dancer (IRE), out of Gruzanka (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Gajana (YUG), by Rtanj (YUG), out of Galipoljka (YUG), by Antimon (YUG), out of Glorieta (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Glorioza (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out

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of Tabasco (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 614), by Wildfowler (IRE). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 82 2009 not covered in 2008

GORICA GEA (SRB) b., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 65), by Safe River (USA), out of Gejsa III (YUG), by Remooz (USA), out of Gruzanka (YUG), by Erahnild (FR), out of Gajana (YUG), by Rtanj (YUG), out of Galipoljka (YUG), by Antimon (YUG), out of Glorieta (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Glorioza (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Tabasco (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 614), by Wildfowler (IRE). 2009 (Apr 2), db. f., GOLDEN SPRING (SRB), by Atlantik (GB) Mr Milan Mrdja


b., 1986, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 6, p. 34), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Galiba II (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Gajana (YUG), by Rtanj (YUG), out of Galipoljka (YUG), by Antimon (YUG), out of Glorieta (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Glorioza (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Tabasco (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 614), by Wildfowler (IRE). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 83 2009 not covered in 2008

IDILA (BIH) b., 2001, bred by Mr Muhamed Alijagic in Bosnia and Herzegovina (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47), by Naltchik (IRE), out of Idylle De La Barre (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 45, p. 99), by Shining Steel (GB). 2009 (Apr 4), b. c., IMPERIAL CLASSIC (BIH), by Autocrat (GB) Mr Muhamed Alijagic

IRREVOCABLE (IRE) b., 1999, bred by Eddie O’Leary in Ireland and imported in 2001, by Revoque (IRE), out of Nellie’s Away (IRE), by Magical Strike (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1853. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 60

2009 (Feb 15), b. c., ILE DE FRANCE (SRB), by Farqad (USA) Mr Vladimir Vukojevic


b., 1998, bred by Brook Stud Ltd. in Great Britain and imported in 1999, by Saddlers’ Hall (IRE), out of Cornelian (GB), by Great Nephew (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 559. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 17 2009 (Feb 14), b. f., IMAN SUR (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

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IVET (YUG) b., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 79), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Ivona (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 451), by Nishapour (FR). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 17 2009 barren to Johansson (USA)

JAMNA (SRB) ch., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 49), by Welsh Arrow (GB), out of Jalna (YUG), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Jessica (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Judas Kiss (USA) (See A. S. B. Vol. 30, p. 3179), by Robellino (USA).

2009 (Apr 6), b. f., JESSIE JAMES (SRB), by Johansson (USA) Stud Farm Surcin


ch., 2001, bred by Alain Fracas in France and imported in 2002, by Septieme Ciel (USA), out of Protective Custody (USA), by Alleged (USA). See Fr. St. B. Vol. 54, p. 338. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 29 2009 barren to Ababeel (USA)

KENTUCKY GOLD (FR) b., 2000, bred by Suc. S. Niarchos in France and imported in 2008, by Hector Protector (USA), out of Too Advanced (USA), by Nijinsky (CAN). See. Fr. St. B. Vol. 54, p. 405. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 59 2009 (Mar 2), b. c., KANT (SRB), by Mamool (IRE) Mr Nenad Paunovic

KORONA VETPROM (SRB) b., 2001, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See 1st Supplement to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 46), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Kirena (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Kallista (YUG), by Forlano (USA), out of Kostana VI (YUG), by Time City (GB), out of Ksenija (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Kadifa (YUG), by Jadran II (YUG), out of Kontesa (YUG), by Bombarder (YUG), out of Kitica (YUG), by Victory Roll (GB), out of Kiang Sou (FR) (See Fr. St. B. Vol. 24, p. 315), by Asterus (FR). 2009 barren to Johansson (USA)


ch., 1996, bred by L T K Meat Processors in Ireland and imported in 2008, by Be My Guest (IRE), out of Lake Poopo (IRE), by Persian Heights (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 1289. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 59 2009 (Apr 4), ch. f., unnamed (SRB), by Toylsome (GB) Mr Nenad Paunovic

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b., 2003, bred by Limetree Stud Ltd and Tower Bloodstock in Ireland and imported in 2004, by Spectrum (IRE), out of Quiescent (GB), by Primo Dominie (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 45, p. 975. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 60 2009 (Apr 8), b. c., LIBERTY ALEX (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

LUCYBOD (GB) ch., 1994, bred by Major and Mrs R. B. Keenard and Whitsbury Manor Stud in Great Britain and imported in 1996, by Night Shift (USA), out of Splintering (GB), by Sharpo (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 2340. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 18 2009 barren to Gilgames (GB)

MADONA II (YUG) b., 1993, bred by Stud Farm Ljubicevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 109), by Remooz (USA), out of Mirjana (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1346), by Kind Of Hush (GB). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 18 2009 barren to Ababeel (USA)

MAGIC SYMBOL (GB) gr., 1997, bred by Angmering Park Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Be My Chief (USA), out of Moon Magic (GB), by Polish Precedent (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1767 2009 (Feb 25), b. c., MAGIC BOY (SRB), by Arkad (GB) Man-Coop


db., 2001, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47), by Remooz (USA), out of Mirna (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Mirjana (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1346), by Kind Of Hush (GB). 2009 barren to Depth (USA)

MEREGSZAK (HUN) db., 1995, bred by Babolna Rt., Kerteskol menes Kft. in Hungary and imported in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1999, by Bin Shaddad (USA), out of Masolat (HUN), by Andor (HUN). See H. St. B. Vol. 27, p. 182. Refer to 3rd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 25 2009 barren to Guarnari (USA)


db., 1998, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 110), by Wild Waltz (USA), out of Misk El Khashab (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 2195), by Touching Wood (USA). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47

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2009 (Apr 23) b. f., MINESOTA (SRB), by Guarnari (USA) Mr Nenad Paunovic

MUNJA III (YUG) db., 1990, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 110), by Bali Dancer (IRE), out of Misk El Khashab (IRE) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 2195), by Touching Wood (USA). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 18 2009 (May 30), b. c., MILANCE (SRB), by Atlantik (GB) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo

NADA VI (YUG) b., 1992, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 116), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Nevenka (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1721), by Capricorn Line (GB). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 18 2009 barren to Remedy For Love (IRE)

NASTA (YUG) db., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 118), by Titanik (IRE), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out of Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 19 2009 (May 16), db. f., NARANDZA (SRB), by Atlantik (GB) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo

NATALY (SRB) ch., 2001, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47), by Titanik (IRE), out of Nata II (YUG), by Atlantik (GB), out of Nikoleta (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). 2009 (Mar 16), b. f., NADALINA (SRB), by Wild Waltz (USA) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo


ch., 1997, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 115), by Atlantik (GB), out of Neva (YUG), by Safe River (USA), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out of Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 48

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2009 barren to Wild Waltz (USA)

NATIONAL ICON (GB) b., 2004, bred by Cheveley Park Stud Ltd in Great Britain and imported in 2006, by Pivotal (GB), out of National Treasure (GB), by Shirley Heights (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 45, p. 831. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 60 2009 (Feb 11), b. c., unnamed (SRB), dead, by Seattle Sur (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

NEVA II (YUG) ch., 1999, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 114), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Neoplanta (YUG), by Floral Charge (GB), out of Nevenka (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, 1721), by Capricorn Line (GB). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 19 2009 (Mar 1), b. c., NO LIMIT (SRB), by Johansson (USA) Stud Farm Becej

NIVEA (SRB) db., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 105), by Wild Waltz (USA), out of Norma II (YUG), by Atlantik (GB), out of Nikoleta (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out of Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). 2009 foal by non-thoroughbred stallion

NOKIA (YUG) db., 1999, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 113), by Wild Waltz (USA), out of Nata II (YUG), by Atlantik (GB), out of Nikoleta (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out of Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 28 2009 (Feb 21), b. f., NAJ NAJ (SRB), by Farqad (USA) Mr Nikola Djurovic

NORMA II (YUG) ch., 1993, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 117), by Atlantik (GB), out of Nikoleta (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Nivela (YUG), by Casanova (GDR), out of Nemirna (YUG), by Quadrant (GB), out of Nevera (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Nevenka II (YUG), by Philister (HUN), out of Ninet Ko (YUG), by Komodo (YUG), out of Nikolica (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Dunavka (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Devaj (CZE) (See CZE St. B. Vol. 1, p. 76), by Dagor (FR). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 19

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2009 barren to Wild Waltz (USA)

PERSA (SRB) db., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 113), by Remooz (USA), out of Persian Spirit (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 274), by Persian Bold (IRE) 2009 (Jan 27), b. c., unnamed (SRB), died after birth, by Seattle Sur (GB) Mr Nenad Paunovic


b., 1998, bred by Southill Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2001, by Persian Bold (IRE), out of Big Story (GB), by Cadeaux Genereux (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 274. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 48 2009 (May 8), b. f., PUSTINJSKA LISICA (SRB), by Depth (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

PLAZMA (BIH) b., 2005, bred by Mr Muhamed Alijagic in Bosnia and Herzegovina (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47), by Naltchik (IRE), out of Pipedream (DEN) (See D. St. B. Vol. 12, p. 89), by Latino (BRZ) 2009 (Mar 18), b. c., PARADISE (BIH), by Autocrat (GB) Mr Muhamed Alijagic

PLEZIR (GB) db., 1995, bred by T. G. Mills and Brick Kiln Stud in Great Britain and imported in 1996, by Midyan (USA), out of Petite Rosanna (GB), by Ile De Bourbon (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 1853. Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 20 (Died in 2009) 2009 barren to Gilgames (GB)

PLIMA PIKOVA (SRB) gr., 2004, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 57), by Lydhurst (USA), out of Premier Down (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Premier Girl (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1598), by Petong (GB).

2009 (May 31), b. f., PARIS EXPRESS (SRB), by Remedy For Love (IRE) Stud Farm Becej


ch., 2005, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 49), by Atollos (GER), out of Persian Spirit (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 274), by Persian Bold (IRE) 2009 barren to Depth (USA)

PRETTY GIRL (GER) db., 1995, bred by Gestut Auenquelle in Germany and imported in 2008, by Surumu (GER), out of Pretty Ballerina (IRE), by Sadler’s Wells (USA). See A. D. G. B. Vol. 34, p. 633. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 60

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2009 barren to Guarnari (USA)

PRETTY SUNSHINE (YUG) gr., 1996, bred by Mr Miodrag Sazdevski in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 127), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Plazma Plus (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Plazma (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 827), by Gorytus (USA). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 47

2009 barren to Middlenight (FR)

QUEEN OF SPEED (IRE) b., 2000, bred by R. N. Auld in Ireland and imported in 2001, by Victory Note (USA), out of Kalisz (IRE), by Polish Precedent (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1276. Refer to 3rd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 61 2009 (Mar 12), db. f., QUEEN OF BEAUTY (BIH), by Naltchik (IRE) Mr Muhamed Alijagic

RIDGEWAY SUNSET (IRE) b., 1999, bred by Mount Coote Stud in Ireland and imported in 2001, by Alhaarth (IRE), out of Floralia (GB), by Auction Ring (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 893. Refer to 3rd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 50 2009 (Feb 18), b. f., RENGY (SRB), by Depth (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

SANGRIA (SRB) ch., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 50), by Atlantik (GB), out of Sindirela (YUG), by Safe River (USA), out of Second Star (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 71), by Final Straw (GB). 2009 (Apr 28), b. c., SIMKE (SRB), by Wild Waltz (USA) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo

SANSONA II (YUG) b., 1996, bred by Mr Zlatko Bogdanovic in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 138), by Elephant Point (IRE), out of Shuger Baby (YUG), by Ajvanho (YUG), out of Sapcanka (YUG), by Deep Profile (GB), out of Shocking Miss (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 38, p. 1166), by Electrify (GB). Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 48 2009 barren to Tornado III (YUG)

SHAMAL (SRB) b., 2001, bred by Mr Dejan Milosavljevic & Mr Aleksandar Gavrilovic in Serbia (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 49), by Remooz (USA), out of Shiva (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Sheslikethewind (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 749), by Shareef Dancer (USA). 2009 (Mar 15), b. f., SUBIDUBIDU (SRB), by Gilgames (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

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SICILIJA (YUG) ch., 1994, bred by Mr Dragoljub Marjanovic in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 139), by Echo Of The Deep (USA), out of Sierra d’Or (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1670), by Never So Bold (IRE). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Srb. St. B., p. 49 2009 not covered in 2008

SINDIRELA (YUG) b., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 136), by Safe River (USA), out of Second Star (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 71), by Final Straw (GB). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 50 2009 barren to Wild Waltz (USA)

SMREKA (YUG) db., 1997, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 142), by Safe River (USA), out of Smrca (YUG), by Atlantik (GB), out of Suada (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1729), by Full Of Hope (GB). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 50 2009 not covered in 2008

SRECNA (YUG) ch., 1991, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 143), by Safe River (USA), out of S S Santo (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 40, p. 2013), by Monsanto (GB). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 20 2009 barren to Atlantik (GB)

SREMCICA (FR) b., 2002, bred by M. Hubert Honore, M. Jean Biraben, Mme. Pascale Menard in France and imported in 2003, by Septieme Ciel (USA), out of Lead Cora (GB), by Lead On Time (USA). See Fr. St. B. Vol. 58, p. 279. Refer to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 29 2009 (Apr 2), b. c., unnamed (SRB), dead, by Ababeel (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

STA BI BI (YUG) b., 1997, bred by Mr Miodrag Panic in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 138), by Remooz (USA), out of Sheslikethewind (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 749), by Shareef Dancer (USA). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 50 2009 (Apr 23), b. f., SARLIZ (SRB), by Gilgames (GB) Stud Farm Surcin

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STOLEN BEAUTY (GB) ch., 1995, bred by Buckram Thoroughbred Enterprises Inc in Great Britain and imported in 1996, by Magical Wonder (USA), out of First Appeal (GB), by Star Appeal (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 790. Refer to 1st Suppl. to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 51 2009 (Mar 30), ch. c., STOLEN STAR (SRB), by Don’t Loose (GER) Uniexport B & B

TEA (YUG) gr., 1997, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Yugoslavia, (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 150), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Teodora (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Tankosava (YUG), by Faktor (GDR), out of Terminus (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 65), by Merengo (HUN). Refer to 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 51 2009 (Feb 27), gr. c., TRUMAN (SRB), by Ababeel (USA) Mr Nenad Paunovic

TINA II (YUG) b., 1992, bred by Mr Ljubisav Kostic in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 150), by Remooz (USA), out of Teodora (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Tankosava (YUG), by Faktor (GDR), out of Terminus (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 65), by Merengo (HUN). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 20 2009 (Mar 13), b. c., TAHIR SESTI (SRB), by Depth (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

VALENTINA DI (GB) b., 1999, bred by The Queen in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Spectrum (IRE), out of Spanish Knot (USA), by El Gran Senor (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 2541. Refer to 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 105

2009 (May 17), b. c., VERY BEST FRIEND (SRB), by Middlenight (FR) Man-Coop


ch., 1996, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 164), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Wilma (YUG), by Forlano (USA), out of White Vila (YUG), by Inquisitor (AUT), out of White Queen (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 40, p. 2221), by High Line (GB). Refer to Srb. St. B. Vol. 1, p. 21 2009 (Feb 23), ch. c., VIOLENT STORM (SRB), by Johansson (USA) Stud Farm Becej

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LIST OF STALLIONS AND THEIR PRODUCE ABABEEL (USA), b., 2004, by Rahy (USA), out of Curriculum (USA), by Danzig (USA) 2009 TRUMAN (SRB), gr. c., Feb 27, out of Tea (YUG) GLOGOVAC (SRB), b. c., Apr 27, out of Ginna (SRB) unnamed (SRB), b. c., Apr 2, out of Sremcica (FR) ARKAD (GB), gr., 1999, by Spectrum (IRE), out of Fairer (GB), by Fairy King (USA) 2009 DALAKHARI (SRB), b. f., Apr 22, out of Dalmina D (GB) MAGIC BOY (SRB), b. c., Feb 25, out of Magic Symbol (GB) ATLANTIK (GB), b., 1985, by Imperial Fling (USA), out of Alidante (GB), by Sahib (GB) 2009 GOLDEN SPRING (SRB), db. f., Apr 2, out of Gorica Gea (SRB) MILANCE (SRB), b. c., May 30, out of Munja III (YUG) NARANDZA (SRB), db. f., May 16, out of Nasta (YUG) AUTOCRAT (GB), b., 1996, by Polar Falcon (USA), out of Dame Helene (USA), by Sir Ivor (USA) 2009 IMPERIAL CLASSIC (BIH), b. c., Apr 4, out of Idila (BIH) PARADISE (BIH), b. c., Mar 18, out of Plazma (BIH) DEPTH (USA), db., 1999, by Danzig (USA), out of Quinpool (USA), by Alydar (USA) 2009 GEORGISIMUS (SRB), b. c., Apr 23, out of Gilgameshka (GB) GIA GLORY (SRB), db. f., Feb 23, out of Gelsemine (GB)

PUSTINJSKA LISICA (SRB), b. f., May 8, out of Persian Spirit (GB) RENGY (SRB), b. f., Feb 18, out of Ridgeway Sunset (IRE) TAHIR SESTI (SRB), b. c., Mar 13, out of Tina II (YUG) DON’T LOOSE (GER), b., 2002, by Dashing Blade (GB), out of Dubara (GER), by Suave Dancer (USA) 2009 EVGENIA UNI (SRB), b. f., Jan 29, out of Easy Arrogance (GER) STOLEN STAR (SRB), ch. c., Mar 30, out of Stolen Beauty (GB) FARQAD (USA), b., 1999, by Danzig (USA), out of Futuh (USA), by Diesis (GB) 2009

ILE DE FRANCE (SRB), b. c, Feb 15, out of Irrevocable (IRE) NAJ NAJ (SRB), b. f., Feb 21, out of Nokia (YUG)

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GILGAMES (GB), b., 1996, by Batshoof (IRE), out of The Strid (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE) 2009 COUNT DE GRANDE (SRB), b. c., Jan 23, out of Catrin (SRB) SARLIZ (SRB), b. f., Apr 23, out of Sta Bi Bi (YUG) SUBIDUBIDU (SRB), b. f., Mar 15, out of Shamal (SRB) GUARNARI (USA), b., 1994, by Slip Anchor (GB), out of Dance Flower (CAN), by Northern Dancer (CAN) 2009 MINESOTA (SRB), b. f., Apr 23, out of Moravica II (YUG) JOHANSSON (USA), b., 1992, by Seattle Dancer (USA), out of Baby Grace (ARG), by Cipayo (ARG) 2009 BLACKBERRY (SRB), b. c., Apr 19, out of Bella (SRB) EVENING STAR (SRB), b. c., Apr 25, out of East Star (YUG) JESSIE JAMES (SRB), b. f., Apr 6, out of Jamna (SRB) NO LIMIT (SRB), b. c., Mar 1, out of Neva II (YUG) VIOLENT STORM (SRB), ch. c., Feb 23, out of Vivien (YUG) LATERAL (GB), b., 2003, by Singspiel (IRE), out of Ligona (GB), by Aragon (GB) 2009 DANTE BOY (SRB), ch. c., Feb 11, out of Dancin’ Doll (GB) MAMOOL (IRE), b., 1999, by In The Wings (GB), out of Genovefa (USA), by Woodman (USA) 2009 KANT (SRB), b. c., Mar 2, out of Kentucky Gold (FR) MIDDLENIGHT (FR), b., 1999, by Midyan (USA), out of La Gran Senorita (USA), by El Gran Senor (USA) 2009 VERY BEST FRIEND (SRB), b. c., May 17, out of Valentina Di (GB) NALTCHIK (IRE), b., 1995, by In The Wings (GB), out of Another Hero (GB), by High Top (IRE) 2009 CADILAK (BIH), b. c., Mar 6, out of Coole Swan (USA) QUEEN OF BEAUTY (BIH), db. f., Mar 12, out of Queen Of Speed (IRE) REMEDY FOR LOVE (IRE), ch., 1987, by Cure The Blues (USA), out of Oatlands (USA), by Secretariat (USA) 2009 PARIS EXPRESS (SRB), b. f., May 31, out of Plima Pikova (SRB)

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SEATTLE SUR (GB), b., 2001, by Septieme Ciel (USA), out of Sangha (USA), by Rahy (USA) 2009 ASSASSINO (SRB), b. c., Jun 10, out of Agnes (YUG) ASTA LA VISTA BABY (SRB), b. c., Mar 26, out of Annagina (GER) DZODI FOX (SRB), b. f., Apr 29, out of Dzindzer (GB) IMAN SUR (SRB), b. f., Feb 14, out of Istar (GB) LIBERTY ALEX (SRB), b. c., Apr 8, out of Lili For Love (IRE) unnamed (SRB), b. c., Feb 11, out of National Icon (GB) unnamed (SRB), b. c., Jan 27, out of Persa (SRB) TOYLSOME (GB), ch., 1999, by Cadeaux Genereus (GB), out of Treasure Trove (USA), by The Minstrel (CAN) 2009 unnamed (SRB), ch. f., Apr 4, out of Lake House (IRE) WILD COUGAR (USA), b., 1999, by Storm Cat (USA), out of Fast Nellie (USA), by Ack Ack (USA) 2009 BUTTERFLY ON TRACK (SRB), b. c., Mar 3, out of Barbarela (YUG) WILD WALTZ (USA), db., 1988, by Wild Again (USA), out of Waltz Me Sue (USA), by Olden Times (USA) 2009 AMBRELA (SRB), b. f., May 25, out of Atlantida IV (YUG) NADALINA (SRB), b. f., Mar 16, out of Nataly (SRB) SIMKE (SRB), b. c., Apr 28, out of Sangria (SRB)

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ALPINA PIKOVA (SRB), b., 2004, Stud Farm Becej, Serbia

Red God (USA) Blushing Groom (FR)

Runaway Bride (GB) Call The Witness (USA)

Runaway Groom (CAN) Yonnie Girl (USA)

Po’Chile (USA) Lyphard (USA)

Lydian (FR) Miss Manon (FR) Whitesburg (USA)

Lydhurst (USA)


Release The Lyd (USA) Elease Baby (USA)

Tudor Gleam (USA) Stop the Music (USA)

Cure the Blues (USA) Quick Cure (USA) Secretariat (USA)

Remedy For Love (IRE) Oatlands (USA)

Gamba (USA) Indikator (GER)

Inquisitor (AUT) Baguette (AUT) Bold Lad (IRE)

Agnes (YUG)


Aljaska (YUG) Aragua (GB)

Catchatartar (GB)

CATRIN (SRB), b., 2004, Mr Danilo Cerovic, Serbia

Northern Dancer (CAN) Sadler’s Wells (USA)

Fairy Bridge (USA) Shirley Heights (GB)

In The Wings (GB) High Hawk (IRE)

Sunbittern (GB) Sharpen Up (GB)

Kris (GB) Doubly Sure (GB) Lyphard (USA)

Vireo (IRE)


Virelai (IRE) Lyric Dance (GB)

Omentello (GB) Busted (GB)

Bustino (GB) Ship Yard (GB) Track Spare (IRE)

Terimon (GB) Nicholas Grey (GB)

Rosy Morn (GB) Northern Dancer (CAN)

The Minstrel (CAN) Fleur (CAN) Secretariat (USA)

Carolina (GB)


Crown Angel (USA) State Treasure (USA)

Diomedia (USA)

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COOLE SWAN (USA), b., 2001, Hinkle Farms & Brian Grassick, United States of America

Nearctic (CAN) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Natalma (USA) Forli (ARG)

Nureyev (USA) Special (USA)

Thong (USA) Red God (USA)

Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Bride (GB) Mr Prospector (USA)

Stravinsky (USA)

1996 Fire The Groom (USA)

Prospector’s Fire (USA) Native Street (USA) Vice Regent (CAN)

Deputy Minister (CAN) Mint Copy (CAN) Queen City Lad (USA)

Salt Lake (USA) Take Lady Anne (USA)

Lovita H (USA) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Imperial Falcon (CAN) Ballade (USA) Poker (USA)

Dancin’ On Water (USA)

1994 Falcon Dancer (USA)

Poke Salad (USA) Tom’s Sal (USA)

DALMINA D (GB), b., 2002, D. R. Wellicome, Great Britain

Mill Reef (USA) Shirley Heights (GB)

Hardiema (GB) Abdos (FR)

Darshaan (GB) Delsy (FR)

Kelty (FR) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Ajdal (USA) Native Partner (USA) Vaguely Noble (IRE)

Mark Of Esteem (IRE)

1993 Homage (GB)

Home Love (USA) Homespun (USA) Fappiano (USA)

Tasso (USA) Ecstacism (USA) Pitcairn (IRE)

Dilum (USA) Yanuka (IRE)

Strong Light (GB) Secretariat (USA)

General Assembly (USA) Exclusive Dancer (USA) Riverman (USA)

Becalmed (GB)

1997 Fair Seas (IRE)

Seven Seas (FR) Ya Ya (IRE)

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DANCIN’ DOLL (GB), ch., 1996, Raffin Stud, Great Britain

Northern Dancer (CAN) Danzig (USA)

Pas De Nom (USA) Secretariat (USA)

Chief’s Crown (USA) Six Crowns (USA)

Chris Evert (USA) Sir Gaylord (USA)

Habitat (USA) Little Hut (USA) Tudor Melody (GB)

Grand Lodge (USA)

1991 La Papagena (GB)

Magic Flute (GB) Filigrana (GB) Atan (USA)

Sharpen Up (GB) Rocchetta (GB) Reliance (FR)

Kris (GB) Doubly Sure (GB)

Soft Angels (GB) Sir Gaylord (USA)

Habitat (USA) Little Hut (USA) Nijinsky (CAN)

Tisza (GB)

1990 Twyla (GB)

Running Ballerina (GB) Running Blue (GB)

EASY ARROGANCE (GER), b., 2004, Gestut Lindenhof, Germany

Turn-To (USA) Hail To Reason (USA)

Nothirdchance (USA) Tom Fool (USA)

Stop The Music (USA) Bebopper (USA)

Bebop (FR) Bold Ruler (USA)

Envoy (USA) Monarchy (USA) Imbros (USA)

Perceive Arrogance (USA)

1985 Stellar Envoy (USA)

Quasar (USA) Fighting Marge (USA) Ballymoss (GB)

Balustrade (GB) Minstrel’s Gallery (GB) Baba (GDR)

Ablauf (GDR) Abbitte (GDR)

Angabe (GDR) Fahnentraeger (GDR)

Wildschuetz (GDR) Wiener Operette (GDR) Derzkij (SU)

Elektra (GDR)

1988 Eroika (GDR)

Erida (SU) Expertisa (SU)

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GINNA (SRB), ch., 2005, Stud Farm Surcin, Serbia

Birkhahn (GER) Literat (GER)

Lis (GER) Reliance (FR)

Surumu (GER) Surama (GER)

Suncourt (GB) Le Haar (FR)

Frontal (FR) Favreale (FR) Kronzeuge (GER)

Atollos (GER)

1989 Attelage (GER)

Ankerwinde (GER) Ankertrosse (GER) Music Boy (GB)

Clantime (GB) Penny Pincher (GB) Beldale Flutter (USA)

Atraf (GB) Flitteriss Park (GB)

Geopelia (GB) Bold Lad (IRE)

Persian Bold (IRE) Relkarunner (GB) Riverman (USA)

Gilgameshka (GB)

2000 The Strid (GB)

Riverine (FR) Hurricane (FR)

GORICA GEA (SRB), b., 2003, Stud Farm Karadjordjevo, Serbia

Nasrullah (GB) Never Bend (USA)

Lalun (USA) Prince John (USA)

Riverman (USA) River Lady (USA)

Nile Lily (USA) Paresa (GB)

Prologo (CHI) Despejada (CHI) Prince d’Orange (GB)

Safe River (USA)

1982 Protectora (CHI)

Dauka (CHI) Darika (CHI) Red God (USA)

Blushing Groom (USA) Runaway Bride (GB) Never Bend (USA)

Remooz (USA) Fun Forever (USA)

Fairway Fun (USA) Vatellor (FR)

Eranhild (FR) La Fougueuse (GB) Rtanj (YUG)

Gejsa II (YUG)

1991 Gruzanka(YUG)

Gajana (YUG) Galopoljka (YUG)

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JAMNA (SRB), ch., 2002, Stud Farm Becej, Serbia

Tudor Minstrel (GB) Tudor Melody (GB)

Matelda (GB) Court Martial (USA)

Welsh Pageant (FR) Picture Light (FR)

Queen Of Light (GB) Nearctic (CAN)

Nonoalco (USA) Seximee (USA) Dr Fager (USA)

Welsh Arrow (GB)

1984 Tripolitaine (FR)

Tick Tock Baby (USA) Fleet (GB) Stop the Music (USA)

Cure the Blues (USA) Quick Cure (USA) Secretariat (USA)

Remedy For Love (IRE) Oatlands (USA)

Gamba (USA) Key To The Mint (USA)

The Dice Man (USA) Bases Loaded (USA) Robellino (USA)

Jalna (YUG)

1995 Jessica (YUG)

Judas Kiss (USA) Persian Melody (USA)

KENTUCKY GOLD (FR), b., 2000, Suc. S. Niarchos, France

Raise A Native (USA) Mr Prospector (USA)

Gold Digger (USA) Buckpasser (USA)

Woodman (USA) Playmate (USA)

Intriguing (USA) Never Bend (USA)

Riverman (USA) River Lady (USA) Damascus (USA)

Hector Protector (USA)

1988 Korveya (USA)

Konafa (CAN) Royal Statute (USA) Nearctic (CAN)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Natalma (USA) Bull Page (USA)

Nijinsky (CAN) Flaming Page (CAN)

Flaring Top (USA) Derring-Do (GB)

High Top (GB) Camenae (GB) Saint Crespin (IRE)

Too Advanced (USA)

1991 Crystal Queen (GB)

Crystal Drop (GB) Chandelier (GB)

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LAKE HOUSE (IRE), ch., 1996, L T K Meat Processors, Ireland

Nearco (ITY) Nearctic (CAN)

Lady Angela (GB) Native Dancer (USA)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Natalma (USA)

Almahmoud (USA) Owen Tudor (GB)

Tudor Minstrel (GB) Sansonnet (GB) Stymie (USA)

Be My Guest (USA)

1974 What A Treat (USA)

Rare Treat (USA) Rare Perfume (USA) Bold Lad (IRE)

Persian Bold (GB) Relkarunner (GB) Reliance (FR)

Persian Heights (GB) Ready And Willing (IRE)

No Saint (GB) Kaiseradler (GER)

Windwurf (GER) Wiesenweihe (GER) Priamos (GER)

Lake Poopo (IRE)

1990 Bolivia (GER)

Boccia (GER) Bonnie (GER)

MAGIC SYMBOL (GB), gr., 1997, Angmering Park Stud, Great Britain

Northern Dancer (CAN) Danzig (USA)

Pas De Nom (USA) Secretariat (USA)

Chief’s Crown (USA) Six Crowns (USA)

Chris Evert (USA) Sir Gaylord (USA)

Sir Ivor (USA) Attica (USA) Princely Gift (GB)

Be My Chief (USA)

1987 Lady Be Mine (USA)

My Advantage (GB) My Game (IRE) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Danzig (USA) Pas De Nom (USA) Buckpasser (USA)

Polish Precedent (USA) Pas Example (USA)

Bold Example (USA) Zeddaan (GB)

Kalamoun (GB) Khairunissa (GB) Right Royal (FR)

Moon Magic (GB)

1992 Castle Moon (GB)

Fotheringay (FR) La Fresnes (GB)

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NATIONAL ICON (GB), b., 2004, Chevely Park Stud, Great Britain

Northern Dancer (CAN) Nureyev (USA)

Special (USA) Jefferson (GB)

Polar Falcon (USA) Marie d’Argonne (FR)

Mohair (FR) Caro (IRE)

Cozzene (USA) Ride The Trails (USA) Bustino (GB)

Pivotal (GB)

1993 Fearless Revival (GB)

Stufida (GB) Zerbinetta (GB) Never Bend (USA)

Mill Reef (USA) Milan Mill (USA) Hardicanute (GB)

Shirley Heights (GB) Hardiemma (GB)

Grand Cross (GB) Sir Gaylord (USA)

Habitat (USA) Little Hut (USA) Runnymede (GB)

National Treasure (GB)

1993 Brocade (GB)

Canton Silk (GB) Clouded Lamp (GB)

PERSA (SRB), db., 2003, Stud Farm Surcin, Serbia

Nasrullah (GB) Red God (USA)

Spring Run (USA) Wild Risk (FR)

Blushing Groom (FR) Runaway Bride (GB)

Aimee (GB) Nasrullah (GB)

Never Bend (USA) Lalun (USA) Prince John (USA)

Remooz (USA)

1984 Fun Forever (USA)

Fairway Fun (USA) Fast Line (USA) Bold Ruler (USA)

Bold Lad (IRE) Barn Pride (GB) Relko (GB)

Persian Bold (IRE) Relkarunner (GB)

Running Blue (GB) Young Generation (IRE)

Cadeaux Genereux (GB) Smarten Up (GB) Be My Guest (USA)

Persian Spirit (GB)

1998 Big Story (GB)

Strike Home (IRE) True Rocket (IRE)

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PLAZMA (BIH), b., 2005, Mr Muhamed Alijagic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Northern Dancer (CAN) Sadler’s Wells (USA)

Fairy Bridge (USA) Shirley Heights (GB)

In The Wings (GB) High Hawk (IRE)

Sunbittern (GB) Derring-Do (GB)

Hight Top (GB) Camenae (GB) Northfields (USA)

Naltchik (IRE)

1995 Another Hero (GB)

Angelus Chimes (GB) Twelwe O’Clock (IRE) Hyperio (BRZ)

Sabinus (BRZ) Truite (FR) Kurrupako (BRZ)

Latino (BRZ) Trevisa (BRZ)

I Love You (BRZ) Cambremont (FR)

Belmont (FR) Belle De Retz (IRE) Salvo (GB)

Pipedream (DEN)

1991 Ramlosa (DEN)

Marlova (FR) Marching Song (GB)

PLIMA PIKOVA (SRB), gr., 2004, Stud Farm Becej, Serbia

Red God (USA) Blushing Groom (FR)

Runaway Bride (GB) Call The Witness (USA)

Runaway Groom (CAN) Yonnie Girl (USA)

Po’Chile (USA) Lyphard (USA)

Lydian (FR) Miss Manon (FR) Whitesburg (USA)

Lydhurst (USA)


Release The Lyd (USA) Elease Baby (USA)

Tudor Gleam (USA) Mr Prospector (USA)

Fappiano (USA) Killaloe (USA) What A Pleasure (USA)

Mr Bush (USA) Future Fun (USA)

Imminence (USA) Mansingh (USA)

Petong (GB) Iridium (GB) Dance In Time (CAN)

Premier Down (YUG)


Premier Girl (GB) Rest (GB)

Restive (GB)

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PLISANA NEMICA (SRB), ch., 2005, Stud Farm Surcin, Serbia

Birkhahn (GER) Literat (GER)

Lis (GER) Reliance (FR)

Surumu (GER) Surama (GER)

Suncourt (GB) Le Haar (FR)

Frontal (FR) Favreale (FR) Kronzeuge (GER)

Atollos (GER)

1989 Attelage (GER)

Ankerwinde (GER) Ankertrosse (GER) Bold Ruler (USA)

Bold Lad (IRE) Barn Pride (IRE) Relko (GB)

Persian Bold (IRE) Relkarunner (GB)

Running Blue (GB) Young Generation (IRE)

Cadeaux Genereux (GB) Smarten Up (GB) Be My Guest (USA)

Persian Spirit (GB)

1998 Big Story (GB)

Strike Home (IRE) True Rocket (IRE)

PRETTY GIRL (GER), db., 1995, Gestut Auenquelle, Germany

Alchimist (GER) Birkhahn (GER)

Bramouse (FR) Masetto (GER)

Literat (GER) Lis (GER)

Liebeslied (GER) Tantieme (FR)

Reliance (FR) Relance (FR) Hyperion (GB)

Surumu (GER)

1974 Surama (GER)

Suncourt (GB) Inquisition (GB) Nearctic (CAN)

Northern Dancer (CAN) Natalma (USA) Bold Reason (USA)

Sadler’s Wells (USA) Fairy Bridge (USA)

Special (USA) Busted (GB)

Bustino (GB) Ship Yard (GB) Tudor Melody (GB)

Pretty Ballerina (GER)

1987 Bugle Sound (GB)

Melodina (GB) Rose Of Medina (GB)

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QUEEN OF SPEED (IRE), b., 2000, R. N. Auld, Ireland

Nearctic (CAN) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Natalma (USA) Bold Reason (USA)

Fairy King (USA) Fairy Bridge (USA)

Special (USA) Sham (USA)

Jaazeiro (USA) Rule Formi (USA) Primera (IRE)

Victory Note (USA)

1995 Three Piece (IRE)

Trinity Term (FR) Hilary Term (GB) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Danzig (USA) Pas De Nom (USA) Buckpasser (USA)

Polish Precedent (USA) Past Example (USA)

Bold Example (USA) Sir Gaylord (USA)

Habitat (USA) Little Hut (USA) Shantung (FR)

Kalisz (IRE)

1994 Housefull (GB)

Full Dress (FR) Fusil (GB)

SREMCICA (FR), b., 2002, M. Hubert Honore, M. Jean Biraben, Mme. Pascale Menard, France

Boldnesian (USA) Bold Reasoning (USA)

Reason To Earn (USA) Poker (USA)

Seattle Slew (USA) My Charmer (USA)

Fair Charmer (USA) Nijinsky (CAN)

Green Dancer (USA) Green Valley (FR) Swaps (USA)

Septieme Ciel (USA)

1987 Maximova (FR)

Baracala (USA) Seximee (USA) Northern Dancer (CAN)

Nureyev (USA) Special (USA) Halo (USA)

Lead On Time (USA) Alathea (GB)

Ballade (USA) Raise A Native (USA)

Mr Prospector (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Crème Dela Creme (USA)

Lead Cora (FR)

1992 Cora Pearl (USA)

Belle Of Dodge Me (USA)Dodge Me (USA)

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JALNA (YUG) ch., 1995, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Yugoslavia (See YU St. B. Vol. 7, p. 81), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Jessica (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Judas Kiss (USA) (See A. S. B. Vol. 30, p. 3179), by Robellino (USA). 2002 (Feb 6), ch. f., JAMNA (SRB), by Welsh Arrow (GB) Stud Farm Becej See ISBC 2010 Minutes


ch., 1995, bred by Stetchworth Park Stud in Great Britain and imported in 1996, by Keen (GB), out of Other One (GB), by Hadeer (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 1780 2002 (Apr 28), ch. f., OTRISA (SRB), by Dixie Jamboree (USA) Mr Slavoljub Cvetkovic

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LIST OF IMPORTED MALE HORSES PROVOKATOR (IRE), ch. c., 2008, bred by Waterford Hall Stud in Ireland and imported in 2009, by Indian Haven (GB), out of Please Be Good (IRE), by Prince Of Birds (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 46, p. 1848 SECURITY TAG (USA), ch. c., 1999, bred by Juddmonte Farms Inc in United States of America and imported in 2007, by Known Fact (USA), out of Secret Angel (GB), by Halo (USA). See A. S. B. (electronic)

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LIST OF IMPORTED FEMALE HORSES BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST (GER), ch. f., 2007, bred by G. Sysath u. Frau G. Ryser in Germany and imported in 2010, by Platini (GER), out of Banatee (IRE), by Thatching (IRE). See A. D. G. B. Vol. 37, p. 91 BIG ROSE (GER), db. f., 2000, bred by Gestut Auenquelle in Germany and imported in 2010, by Big Shuffle (USA), out of Bowl Of Flower’s (GB), by Sir Ivor (USA). See A. D. G. B. Vol. 36, p. 121 DALMINA D (GB), b. f., 2002., bred by D. R. Wellicome in Great Britain and imported in 2003, by Mark Of Esteem (IRE), out of Becalmed (GB), by Dilum (GB). See G. S. B. Vol. 45, p. 105 RED CAILIN (IRE), b. f., 2008, bred by Paddy Kinsella in Ireland and imported in 2009, by Antonius Pius (USA), out of Red Stone (IRE), by Bigstone (IRE). See G. S. B. Vol. 46, p. 1911

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LIST OF EXPORTED MALE HORSES DZONI TRAVOLTA (SRB), db. c., 2007, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia, by Depth (USA), out of Dzindzer (GB), by Highest Honor (FR). (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 25). Exported to Croatia in 2010 KORDERO REZZAR (SRB), b. c., 2007, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia, by Depth (USA), out of Katarina Sur (FR), by Septieme Ciel (USA). (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 27). Exported to Croatia in 2010 MAGIC BOY (SRB), b. c., 2009, bred by Man-Coop in Serbia, by Arkad (GB), out of Magic Symbol (GB), by Be My Chief (USA). (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 25). Exported in Croatia in 2009 SECURITY TAG (USA), ch. c., 1999, bred by Juddmonte Farms Inc in United States of America and imported in 2007, by Known Fact (USA), out of Secret Angel (GB), by Halo (USA) (See A. S. B. electronic). Exported to Croatia in 2010. TRECA SRECA (SRB), b. c., 2006, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia, by Depth (USA), out of Torina (YUG), by Remooz (USA) (See 1st Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 31). Exported to Croatia in 2010 TRINITROTOLUOL (SRB), b. c., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia, by Atollos (GER), out of Tina II (SRB), by Remooz (USA) (See 1st Suppl. to Srb. St. B., p. 106). Exported to Croatia in 2009 VERY BEST FRIEND (SRB), b. c., 2009, bred by Man-Coop in Serbia, by Middlenight (FR), out of Valentina Di (GB), by Spanish Knot (USA) (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 31). Exported to Croatia in 2009

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LIST OF EXPORTED FEMALE HORSES DALAKHARI (SRB), b. f., 2009, bred by Man-Coop in Serbia, by Arkad (GB), out of Dalmina D (GB), by Mark Of Esteem (IRE) (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 21). Exported to Croatia in 2009 DIMISHA (SRB), db. f., 2008, bred by Man-Coop in Serbia, by Seattle Sur (GB), out of Magic Symbol (GB), by Be My Chief (USA) (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 69). Exported to Croatia in 2009 MAGIC SYMBOL (GB), gr. f., 1997, bred by Angmering Park Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Be My Chief (USA), out of Moon Magic (GB), by Polish Precedent (USA) (See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1767). Exported to Croatia in 2009 OTRISA (SRB), ch., f., 2002, bred by Mr Slavoljub Cerovic in Serbia, by Dixie Jamboree (USA), out of Olga (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 43, p. 1780) by Hadeer (USA) (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 49). Exported to Croatia in 2005 TACA (SRB), b. f., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia, by Remooz (USA), out of Tea (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA) (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1. of Srb. St. B., p. 113). Exported to Croatia in 2008 unnamed (SRB), db. f., 2008, bred by Man-Coop in Serbia, by Seattle Sur (GB), out of Dalilad (GB), by Revoque (IRE) (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 65). Exported to Croatia in 2009

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page 43 CAROLINA (GB) 2004 please read (Apr 11), b. f., CATRIN (SRB), by Vireo (IRE) Mr Danilo Cerovic and not as publihed page 44 ESKALIBUR (YUG) 2005 please read (Mar 23), db. f., ESPERANSA INN (SRB), by Blizar (YUG) Stud Farm Ljubicevo and not as published page 46 KISS OF PLEASURE (YUG) 2002 please read (Feb 17), b. f., KISS OF NIGHT (SRB), by Dashing Knight (IRE) Stud Farm Ljubicevo and not as published page 49 PREMIER DOWN (YUG) 2004 please read (Feb 2), gr. f., PLIMA PIKOVA (SRB), by Lydhurst (USA) Stud Farm Becej and not as published, see ISBC Minutes 2010 page 50 SMRCA (YUG) 2005 please read (Mar 26), b. f., SOFIJA (SRB), by Napon (YUG) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo and not as published, see ISBC Minutes 2010

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TACA (SRB) b., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Surcin in Serbia (See 2nd Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 113), by Remooz (USA), out of Tea (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Teodora (YUG), by Vicenzo (USA), out of Tankosava (YUG), by Faktor (GDR), out of Terminus (HUN) (See H. St. B. Vol. 18, p. 65), by Merengo (HUN). 2007 (May 12), b. c., TED PIT (SRB), by Depth (USA) Stud Farm Surcin

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page 82 GEJSA II (YUG) 2003 please read (Apr 3), b. f., GORICA GEA (SRB), by Safe River (USA) Stud Farm Karadjordjevo and not as published, see ISBC Minutes 2010

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DALMINA D (GB) b., 2002, bred by D. R. Wellicome in Great Britain and imported in 2003, by Mark Of Esteem (IRE), out of Becalmed (GB), by Dilum (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 45, p. 105 2008 (Feb 8), b. f., DIMISHA (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Man-Coop


b., 2003, bred by Stud Farm Karadjordjevo in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 65), by Safe River (USA), out of Gejsa II (YUG), by Remooz (USA), out of Gruzanka (YUG), by Eranhild (FR), out of Gajana (YUG), by Rtanj (YUG), out of Galipoljka (YUG), by Antimon (YUG), out of Glorieta (YUG), by Ariel (FR), out of Glorioza (YUG), by Royal Eagle (FR), out of Tabasco (FR) (See Fr. St. B., Vol. 18, p. 614), by Wildflower (IRE). 2008 (Apr 24), b. f., GITANA (SRB), by Atlantik (GB) Mr Milan Mrdja


ch., 2002, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 49), by Welsh Arrow (GB), out of Jalna (YUG), by Remedy For Love (IRE), out of Jessica (YUG), by The Dice Man (USA), out of Judas Kiss (USA) (See G. S. B. Vol. 30, p. 2179), by Robellino (USA). 2008 (Apr 15), b. c., JOSHUA THE STORM (SRB), by Lydhurst (USA) Stud Farm Becej

MAGIC SYMBOL (GB) gr., 1997, bred by Angmering Park Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Be My Chief (USA), out of Moon Magic (GB), by Polish Precedent (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1767 2008 (Mar 7), db. f., unnamed (SRB), by Seattle Sur (GB) Man-Coop


gr., 2004, bred by Stud Farm Becej in Serbia (See 4th Suppl. to Vol. 1 of Srb. St. B., p. 57), by Lydhurst (USA), out of Premier Down (YUG), by Mr Bush (USA), out of Premier Girl (GB) (See G. S. B. Vol. 41, p. 1598), by Petong (GB). 2008 (Mar 18), gr. f., PRIME ATTRACTION (SRB), by Remedy For Love (IRE) Stud Farm Becej

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LIST OF IMPORTED MALE HORSES THIS MAN (GB), b. c., 1997, bred by Bjorn E. Nielsen in Great Britain and imported in 1998, by Shirley Heights (GB), out of Habibay (IRE), by Habitat (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1068

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LIST OF IMPORTED FEMALE HORSES MAGIC SYMBOL (GB), gr. f., 1997, bred by Angmering Park Stud in Great Britain and imported in 2000, by Be My Chief (USA), out of Moon Magic (GB), by Polish Precedent (USA). See G. S. B. Vol. 44, p. 1767

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KOMISIJA ZA STUD BOOK Paštrovićeva 2 11030 Beograd

Srbija [email protected]

Za izdavača

Dragan Satarić

Urednik Miloš Stanić

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