5 famous quotes that were stated during the civil war time period

CIVIL WAR RESEARCH PROJECT 5 famous quotes that were stated during the Civil War time period

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Page 1: 5 famous quotes that were stated during the Civil War time period



5 famous quotes that were stated during the Civil War time period

Page 2: 5 famous quotes that were stated during the Civil War time period

“A house divided against itself can not stand”-Abraham Lincoln

This quote was stated by Abraham Lincoln because a lot of families were being divided for there opinions on what they believed for the Union or the Confederacy. This quote means that if a house is divided it won’t stand up it would collapse. So if the family was divided into different beliefs it can’t stand as a family and be a family that can live happily together.

Page 3: 5 famous quotes that were stated during the Civil War time period

“All we ask is to be let alone”-Jefferson Davis

This quote was stated by Confederate President Jefferson Davis because the Confederacy wanted to be let alone because the Union kept bugging them about all the problems that were going on between the Union and Confederacy. The quote means that the Union would not stop giving up to solve all there problems between the Confederacy.

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Continued from last pageThe Union would keep on fighting more and more battles and asking more and more times to get a long as a Union. The Confederacy got annoyed and asked to be let alone.

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“I freed a thousand slaves. I could of freed a thousand more if only the knew they were slaves”-Harriet Tubman

This quote was stated by abolitionist/Union spy/underground railroad conductor Harriet Tubman saying that she freed a thousand slaves but could of saved more if they knew they where slaves. This quote means that Harriet Tubman could have saved many more slaves if they didn’t know how nice living free was compared to being a slave. The slaves thought they were living a normal life for an African-American person

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Continued from last pageBut were wrong.

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“The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend”-Abraham Lincoln

This quote was stated by Abraham Lincoln because he wanted to try to work out the differences between the Union and the Confederacy in a peaceful way. This quote means that instead of fighting your enemy you try to work together toward a compromise. The Confederacy felt they could not compromise their beliefs with the Union so they attacked Fort Sumter which

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began the Civil War.

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“Why do men fight who were meant to be brothers.”-Confederate Gen. James Longstreet

This quote was stated by Gen. James Longstreet because he thought that men weren’t created to fight but to live peacefully. Although he ordered men to kill other men he still thought it was wrong that people fight. This quote may make people stop and think about if killing other men is worth the reason they’

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“Famous Quotes of the Civil War” www.pccwrt.org/images/Famous_Quotes.htm

“Quotes About Civil War(93 quotes)- Goodreads” www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/civil-war

Levine, Kevin “The Civil War Monitor” www.civilwarmonitor.com/front-line

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“QuotationBest’ www.quotationbest.com/civil-wars.htm/

“Always Question Authority” www.alwaysquestionauthority.com/tag/american-civil-war/

“Holidays Bee” www.holidaysbee.com/famous-abraham-lincoln-quotes-on-slavery/

“Civil War Blog| Civil War News| The Civil War Monitor” www.civilwarmonitor/book-shelf

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“James Longstreet- Civil War Trust” www.civilwar.org/education/history/biographies/james-longstreet.htm/