5 tips to improve customer service in manufacturing

5 Tips for Improving Customer Service in Manufacturing

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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5 Tips for Improving Customer Service in Manufacturing

When you’re running a business…

Customer service should be your #1 priority.

And if it isn’t, you should get a jump on it right away!

Recent studies have shown that:

76% of consumers view customer service as the best indicator of how much a company values them.

45% of consumers say they can’t remember any recent customer experiences that have been positive.

55% of consumers have actually backed out of a purchase due to poor customer service.

So, how can YOU avoid falling down the bad customer service rabbit hole?

Here are 5 tips to help…

Know Your Business

Providing great customer service is all about knowing your business and your industry.

So, make a point to know why customers order from you…

…and keep providing them with that same level of service.

Focus on the Customer

While you may be anxious to make a sale, you should be more focused on developing a lasting relationship with your customer.

Try to make transactions more personal and get to know why that particular comes to you.

Anticipate Customer Needs

Part of providing great customer service is having the ability to anticipate customer needs.

You can do this by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes. Ask yourself:

Do I understand and recognize their pain points?

Can I find ways to alleviate their most important concerns?

Seek Feedback

You’ll never know how well you’re doing without soliciting feedback from your customers.

To gain insight into how well you’re serving your customer base, ask them to fill out satisfaction surveys and write online reviews.

Did you know? 88% of customers are influenced by online reviews when making purchasing decisions.

Develop Improvement Processes

When doing this, take into account what kinds of services your customers are looking for…

…and be sure to weigh the pros and cons of adopting new ways to do business with them.