5 ways improving your office space can boost productivity


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5 Ways Improving Your Office Space Can Boost Productivity


5 Ways Improving Your Offce Space Can Boost ProductivityBy Guest PostThe average adult spends a considerable amount of time at work. In fact, over the course of a lifetime, a person can spend the equivalent of 11 consecutive years behind the same desk.With employees spending so much of their day in one building, it is no wonder a dull and lackluster environment could be affecting the way they approach their work. Seeing the workplace as a second home is not unusual, considering the amount of time spent there, so the design and structure of your ofce should really re!ect this. "fter all, you wouldn#t want your family to live in a cramped cubicle for hours on end.When it comes to the architecture of your ofce, you need to think about the mood it is creating. Small, articially lit areas are an instant productivity drain, as your employees won#t be in the right frame of mind to e$press themselves. %nderstanding that minor improvements in settingcan make a ma&or difference to productivity is often key to getting the most from your staff.Let Your Creative Team Breathe'reativity is not something that can be forced out in a crowded ofce environment. (owever, many traditional layouts see departments such as marketing and copywriting conned to the center of the pack, with senior e$ecutives occupying the window)lit e$terior.*ne studyshowed that employees who worked in windowed ofces spent 1+ percent longer staying on task than those sub&ected to more enclosed spaces. This marked improvement in productivity signals the need for youridea people to be located closer to the outside world.*f course, that isn#t to say your e$ecs should go without natural light. Installing interior windows, which allow a clear view through to the outer ones, can be an effective solution.Choose a Softer Approach,old, intrusive colors have been found to overstimulate workers, prompting a trend towards softer shades. The color red is certainly one to avoid, as reports suggest it is linked to increased levels of an$iety and an inability to focus on mental tasks. ,ut this doesn#t mean you should opt forthe e$act opposite. "n employee surrounded on all sides by spotless whiteis even more likely to see a reduction in morale, due to the clinical feel of the paint.*n the whole, you are better off choosing warmer colors, such as a subtle shade of blue. -ot only is blue regarded as the most productive color, in low saturation it can have a very soothing effect.Dont Settle for Restrictive Office FurnitureThe comfort of your staff is paramount to the amount of work they are likely to produce. If an employee is constantly having to ad&ust his chair or is conned to a solitary seat all day, he#s not going to be at the top of his game. Installing furniture that allows freedom and movementcan be a great wayto keep your team on task. It could simply mean upgrading from $ed seating to ad&ustable chairs, or it could also lead to a whole new ofce layout.The numbers of hours sitting behind a desk should not be a measure of productivity. In order to coa$ the most innovation from your brain, you need to e$perience the world from more than one vantage point. Studies have actually shown that sitting for more than three hours a day can causeserious health problems. having somewhere to relieve some of this tension will boost both your employees# well being and their productivity./esign a space where staff can walk around with a tablet, phone, or even &ust a cup of coffee and watch their creativity blossom.Design to Reduce Distractions*nce the hum of the printer or the chatter from the water cooler gets intoyour head, it can be very difcult to focus on anything else. Shaping your work space to avoid these kinds of distractions can result in a far more harmonious environment.Try to keep communal areas separate from employee cubicles, in order to minimi0e the noise that lters through them. If you are working in a restricted space, consider ways to dampen the sound. 1liminating hard surfaces in favor of fabric partitions can be one solution, or alternatively you could look to bring in more potted plants. ,oth materials are effective acoustic sponges and will immediately soak up any e$cessive noise.Create a Better AtmosphereIt#s all well and good shifting desks and promoting creativity, but if you haven#t got the basics in place then everything else will fall short. 2eeping your rooms well ventilated and maintaining a steady temperature will ensure your employees feel comfortable throughout the day./esigns that encourage better air!ow and place employees in areas of optimum ventilation will result in a far more comfortable working environment. /esigning a building that uses cross)ventilation to actively dispel hot air from its walls can save you a considerable amount of money compared to the installation of an air)conditioning system. *ther environmental factors to keep in mind include light intensity and humidity.,y understanding the needs of your workers, you can begin to create the perfect setting for your workplace . 3ust remember, if you want your employeesto work hard, then make staying focused as easy as possible.