7 tips for making creative visualization work for you

7 Tips For Making Creative Visualization Work For You Brought to you by: http://

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Post on 15-May-2015



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In this short presentation, you'll discover the secret of manifesting your desires. It's all about creative visualization. Visualize effectively and often enough and there's no limit to what you can be, have, or do in your life. Relaxation is the first key to tapping your unlimited mind power. Then it's just a matter of...


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7 Tips For Making Creative Visualization Work For You

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Before you can begin to visualize effectively, you need to first

achieve a peaceful state of mind. Detach, relax and quiet the mind.

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But for most, this simple step is anything but easy on the first attempt. Our minds are often

running at full speed, managing multiple tasks and a barrage of

thoughts and concerns.

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There are so many things to do... so many issues to deal with... so many worries... that we are perpetually juggling everything at once, trying to keep our heads above water.

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But creative visualization is a welcome retreat from our hurried and stressful lives. It's a peaceful oasis amidst a world of chaos.

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With these tips, you’ll quickly find freedom and peace of mind

whenever life gets to be too much. All you need is a few moments to relax and rejuvenate your body,

mind and spirit.

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Visualization delivers relief. No longer are you being pulled in different directions trying to multitask, or put out multiple fires. With a quiet mind you,

resistance fades away.

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Once you reach this magical state, visualize what you want to attain and you’ll get back on track and

begin moving towards it.

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Settle your mind so you are no longer focusing on unwanted

things. Do this and you are free, completely unencumbered by events, demands and worries.

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It's a state of pure bliss and it's available to you whenever you can go within for even a few minutes at a time. To jump-start your way to the life you want, be sure to visit:


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Here are 7 easy visualization steps to help you achieve peace, clarity

and a single-minded focus on whatever it is you really want:

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1. Find a quiet place where you can relax and go within.

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2. Make yourself at home. Wear loose-fitting clothes. Find a seat that's comfortable enough for the

time you plan to visualize.

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3. Close your eyes. Relax. Take a few deep, relaxing breaths. Take in air as pure energy and as you

breathe out, imagine letting go of every thought that comes to mind.

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4. Continue to focus just on your breathing for the next few

minutes. Follow your breath and let every competing thought go.

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5. As you notice the appearance of outside thoughts, simply release

then as you exhale. Give them any attention whatsoever and you also

give those thoughts energy.

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6. With a clear mind, focus on a specific result you want. Free

your mind of every other thought. Stay relaxed and see yourself already in possession of your


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7. Once you’ve imagined your goal in detail and felt the presence of it

in your life, simply release it to the Universe. Don't be attached to

it. Visualize it. Accept it as yours. And release it.

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You're engaging the subconscious mind and infinite intelligence to

assist you. The more you visualize, the easier it is for your imagination to create a spiritual

prototype of your desire.

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You may find it easier to use a guided visualization CD. With background music and a soothing voice, it’s easier to reach a deeply relaxed state and to visualize the outcome you want.

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Whatever you want - you can have it through creative visualization. And the sooner you get started, the sooner you gain complete

control of your destiny.

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Start today to tap into your amazing mind power through

creative visualization. Whatever you can imagine – can be yours. For more helpful information,

visit us today: http://visualizationFX.com