a most peculiar circumstance

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  • 7/28/2019 A Most Peculiar Circumstance


  • 7/28/2019 A Most Peculiar Circumstance


    A Most




  • 7/28/2019 A Most Peculiar Circumstance


    2013 by Jennier L. Turano

    Published by Bethany House Publishers

    11400 Hampshire Avenue South

    Bloomington, Minnesota 55438


    Bethany House Publishers is a division o

    Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Printed in the United States o America

    All rights reserved. No part o this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

    system, or transmitted in any orm or by any meansor example, electronic, photocopy,

    recordingwithout the prior written permission o the publisher. The only exception

    is brie quotations in printed reviews.

    Library o Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Turano, Jen.

    A most peculiar circumstance / Jen Turano.

    pages cm

    Summary: Private Investigator Theodore Wilder is on a mission to nd

    Arabella Beckett. But this eisty suragette may be more trouble than he bar-

    gained or!Provided by publisher.ISBN 978-0-7642-1019-8 (pbk.)

    I. Title.

    PS3620.U7455M67 2013

    813 .6dc23 2013002249

    This is a work o historical reconstruction; the appearances o certain historical gures

    are thereore inevitable. All other characters, however, are products o the authors

    imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Cover design by John Hamilton Design

    Author is represented by The Seymour Agency

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  • 7/28/2019 A Most Peculiar Circumstance


    In Memory o

    W. Calvin Turner

    This certainly would have given you something

    to chat about with the gents at the mall, Dad,

    instead of old football stats. Wish you were still

    around to share this adventure with me.

    Miss you more than I can say.

    All my love,


  • 7/28/2019 A Most Peculiar Circumstance




    November 1880GilmaN, illiNois

    Miss Arabella Beckett had always been proud o theact shed never ended up in jail.

    She could no longer make that claim.

    Her gaze traveled over the roughhewn walls o the cell and

    then dropped to the oor, lingering on rusty stains that ap-

    peared to be splatters o blood. She rowned as she noticed a

    trail o muddy water owing toward and then over the stains.

    She looked down and realized the mud was coming rom thesoaking and lthy hem o her gown.

    Hitching up her skirt, she stepped over the water and hob-

    bled over to a stone bench. She plopped down and released

    a hu when a glob o something undoubtedly vile dribbled

    down her back. She ignored the dribble as irritation began

    to simmer.

    Once again, her propensity or involving hersel in mattersthat were none o her concern had managed to land her in

    a slight bit o trouble.

    She should have stuck to her original plan o traveling

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    directly rom Chicago to her home in New York instead o

    agreeing to help one Mrs. Jamesa woman she had just

    happened upon at the train stationtrack down her errantdaughter.

    She shot a glance to the young lady sleeping soundly on

    the only cot the cell oered and blew out a breath. There was

    no sense dwelling on what might have been. The reality was

    she had gotten o the train in Gilman, and she was simply

    going to have to live with that decision. At least she could take

    solace in the knowledge that Miss James was now somewhatsae rather than enduring what would have certainly been a

    ate worse than death.

    She leaned her head back against the cold wall, ignored

    the sodden abric o the skirt that was now sticking to her

    legs, and orced her weary mind to think.

    She was being charged with our counts o assault, which

    was completely ludicrous considering she hadnt assaultedanyone, let alone our ofcers o the law.

    I those ofcers would have given her the courtesy o an

    explanation beore trying to apprehend her, she would not

    have elt compelled to make a run or it. She also wouldnt

    have chosen an escape route that led through a remarkably

    oul pigpen.

    There was no possible way she could have known aderanged pig lurked on the other side o that completely

    innocent-looking ence. Shed only taken a ew steps ater

    shed bolted over the top beore the beast had charged di-

    rectly toward her. That disturbing circumstance had caused

    her to spin around as best she could through the muck and

    make a beeline or the ence, pushing past the dumbounded

    ofcers whod ollowed her. In hindsight, it might have beenprudent to have given them air warning as to what was

    coming their way, but shed been distracted by a trouble-

    some piece o splintered ence that had snagged her hair.

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    Jen Turano


    As shed struggled to get ree, the pig had set its attention

    on the ofcers.

    It had not been a pretty sight.Bodies had scrambled around in a blur, squeals were

    emittedand not just rom the pigand the oul substance

    that littered the pen had drenched everyone.

    That unortunate result had not endeared Arabella to the

    ofcers in the least, especially Sheri Dawson, whod made

    short shrit o getting her released rom the ence with one

    deliberate slice o a wicked-looking knie.She lited her hand and patted the let side o her head,

    encountering a mess o ragged, blond curls that had been

    a good eight inches longer when shed started the day but

    now appeared to be no longer than the bottom o her chin.

    She gave her hair one last pat, dropped her hand to her lap,

    and noticed the grime clinging to her ngers. She rubbed

    them against the abric o her gown and, realizing she wasonly making them muddier, decided that contemplating her

    current lack o hygiene and missing hair would have to wait.

    There were more important matters to ponder.

    She turned her head and studied Miss James, wondering

    what had possessed the young lady to attempt to procure

    a husband through the mail. Had the young lady resorted

    to such drastic measures because o pressure rom amilymembers, or had the advertisement Miss James answered

    been written in such an enticing ashion that the lady simply

    couldnt help hersel?

    It truly was unortunate, whatever the ladys reasoning,

    that Miss James apparently elt one was not complete unless

    one had the attention o a gentleman, even i said gentleman

    was one shed never met.Deciding her time would be better spent guring a way

    out o jail instead o contemplating the workings o a young

    ladys mind, Arabella closed her eyes and turned to God.

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    Dear Lord, thank you for lending me your guidance and

    support in the matter of rescuing Miss James. Please continue

    to keep her safe, and if you could, would it be possible tosend me some assistance?

    She opened her eyes and nodded. That should do the trick.

    God would show her a way out, but until that time, she needed

    to keep a clear head and mull through her options.

    She had rights. Granted, they were slim to none since she

    was a woman, but she could not be held indenitely, could she?

    Knowing ar too well that the rights o women were castaside on the whims o gentlemen on a daily basis, Arabella

    elt her jaw clench. The reality was that, yes, she might be

    held behind bars or a very long time.

    She should have been more diligent in her attempts at get-

    ting the laws changed.

    It certainly lent a dierent perspective to the inequalities

    acing women when she was the one behind bars, yet nowwas hardly the time to think about that.

    As she smoothed down the wrinkled mess o her skirt,

    her attention settled on the good six inches o mud attached

    to her hem, and she suddenly remembered the money shed

    stashed in that hem. She could oer the sheri the money

    and secure her release.

    No, that would never do. She blew out a breath. The sheriwould surely look at that as a bribe, and then she would never

    escape the connes o the small cell.

    The sound o ootsteps caused her to blink out o her

    thoughts and lean orward on the bench, her attention ocused

    on the narrow hallway in the dank and dreary basement jail

    that led to her cell.

    The ootsteps stopped and a gentleman came into view.It was rather odd, but she got the distinct impression he was

    annoyed, probably because he was glaring at her through

    the bars.

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    Jen Turano


    She swallowed a sigh. As a woman who was known or hav-

    ing strong opinions, dealing with annoyed gentlemen seemed

    to be a common occurrence in her lie. She leaned artherorward on the bench, intent on addressing the gentleman,

    but suddenly ound she was at a complete loss or words

    when she got a good look at his ace.

    The gentleman was possessed o eatures that could have

    been sculpted by a master.

    Sharp cheekbones complemented a straight blade o a

    nose, and his eyes were as dark as his brows, which werecurrently drawn together as i the man were contemplating

    a weighty matter. Her gaze drited to his hair, which was

    liberally streaked with gold and looked quite untidy at the

    moment, as though the gentleman had been running his hands

    through it out o sheer aggravation.

    She had the sneaking suspicion she might be the cause o

    that aggravation.Her gaze drited downward, lingering on shoulders encased

    in an overcoat o exceptionally ne wool.

    An attorney would wear such a coat.

    Perhaps God was already answering her prayer regarding

    assistance, and perhaps the man was only annoyed with her

    because hed been roused rom his house in the middle o the

    night to bail her out o jail.Feeling a bit more charitable toward the gentleman, she

    allowed hersel a moment to nish her perusal. He was very

    brawny, but no, that wasnt quite right. She tilted her head.

    He was tall, certainly, well over six eet rom what she could

    tell, but his overcoat was tailored at the waist, lending the

    impression o trimness, while his shoulders . . . a risson o

    something unexpected raced down her spine.That was peculiar. Shed never elt a risson o anything

    quite like that beore, but maybe it had only been another

    one o those pesky globs o mud that was still attached to her

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    person. She nodded in relie over that particular reasoning,

    and regarded his shoulders once again, unable to help being

    somewhat impressed. They were so broad, and they gavetestimony to the act that here was a gentleman who could

    handle himsel well in disturbing situations.

    Her eyes widened as she realized he was a gentleman who

    commanded attention, and he was also one who would have

    no trouble getting her and Miss James released rom jail.

    She shited her gaze back to his ace, rowning when she

    realized the gentlemans mouth was moving.Funny, in her consideration o the man, shed neglected

    to realize he was speaking to her.

    Shed apparently been struck dea as well as mute.

    I beg your pardon, sir, she began, nally nding her

    voice. Were you speaking to me?

    The gentlemans mouth stopped moving as he sent her a

    look o what could only be described as disbelie beore henodded.

    Would you be so kind as to repeat what you said?

    I was inquiring whether or not you are Miss Arabella


    His voice was deep and slightly raspy, and it held a distinct

    note o exasperation. She summoned up a smile even as she

    ignored the irritation that had begun to hum through her.I readily admit that I am, indeed, Miss Beckett. May I dare

    hope youve come to secure my release?

    I dont see that I have any other option.

    Temper began to bubble up inside o her, but beore she

    could ormulate a suitable retort to his surly response, he

    ran a hand through his untidy hair and took a step orward,

    shaking his nger at her through the bars.She elt as i she were suddenly back in primary school,

    being taken to task or some silly prank.

    Her temper boiled hotter.

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    You have led me on a merry chase, Miss Beckett, the gentle-

    man growled. You were supposed to be in Chicago, and beore

    that, Kansas. Imagine my surprise when I tracked you to Gilman,only to discover youd somehow managed to get arrested.

    She slowly rose rom the bench. Youve been searching

    or me?

    The gentleman stopped wagging his nger, withdrew it

    rom between the bars, and then gave a short jerk o his head.

    For well over a month. Your amily sent me ater you when

    they became aware o the act youd gone missing.Arabella plucked the wet material o her dress away rom

    her legs and took a step orward, pausing when she realized

    she seemed to be missing a shoe. She lited her skirt, glanced

    down, and elt a grin tug her lips as bare toes peeking through

    tattered and torn stockings came into ocus.

    That certainly explained all the hobbling shed been doing.

    With the chaos surrounding her arrest and subsequent trans-port to jail, shed neglected to realize shed lost her shoe

    somewhere along the way.

    A loud clearing o a throat had her liting her head, even

    as the grin slid o her ace. The gentleman was staring at

    her with clear annoyance stamped on his all-too-handsome

    ace, and that had her gritting her teeth even as she took a

    teetering step orward.Who are you? she asked as she reached the ront o the

    cell, grabbing onto the cold bars separating them and wob-

    bling on her one heel.

    The gentlemans lips thinned. I already told you, Im Mr.

    Theodore Wilder. Were you not listening to a word I said?

    Even though she was in desperate need o assistance, she

    was tempted to demand that the gentleman take his leave. Shetightened her grip on the bars, took a deep breath, released it

    in one hu, and then sucked in another. Youre the amous

    private investigator.

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    I see my reputation precedes me.

    Why would my amily go to the bother o hiring you? I

    assure you, I was not missing. I was perectly aware o whereI was at all times, and, truth be told, I was actually on my

    way home beore I took this detour.

    Mr. Wilder cocked a brow. You might not have gone miss-

    ing, Miss Beckett, but any ool can see you need assistance. I

    would think you would nd it a ortuitous circumstance that

    I came ater you, unless o course you would preer I pretend

    I didnt nd you and leave you here to rot.Although she knew more than her share o unpleasant

    gentlemen, given that she was an adamant supporter o the

    surage movement, she was quite certain shed never met

    one this unpleasant beore. She elt tempted once again to

    demand he leave, but practicality intervened, so instead she

    lited her chin. I you were to abandon me here to rot, you

    wouldnt be able to collect the hety ee youre most likelycharging my amily or your services.

    Im not charging them a ee.

    She blinked. Why not?

    Your brother Zayne is a good riend o mine. When your

    amily needed someone to nd you, I oered my services,

    never realizing you would be so difcult to run to ground.

    Arabella reached through the bars and grabbed Mr. Wildersarm. What happened?

    The gentleman barely glanced at the mud now staining his

    sleeve rom her lthy hand beore his attention shited to her

    ace. I do beg your pardon, Miss Beckett. It was inexcusable

    o me to lend you the impression something horrible has oc-

    curred. I was sent ater you because your presence was desired

    at your brothers wedding.Relie surged over her, but was quickly replaced with con-

    usion. My brother is getting married?

    Mr. Wilder patted her hand, which was still clutching his

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    arm, watched her as she snatched it back through the bars, and

    then shook his head. Im araid I must now be the bearer o

    some distressing news. Unortunately, given the act I was notable to locate you in a timely ashion, you missed the wedding.

    My brother got married without me?

    He did.

    Arabella spun on her heel and tried to pace around the

    room, nally giving up when she realized pacing was not

    practical when one was missing a shoe. She came to a stop

    and caught Mr. Wilders eye. Zaynes been contemplatingmarriage or years. I nd it difcult to believe he was suddenly

    overcome with emotion and simply had to marry Helena

    beore I was able to return home.

    Zayne didnt marry Helena.

    Oh, thank goodness. She limped back across the cell

    and sagged against the bars.

    You dont care or Miss Helena Collins?Im sure shes a perectly lovely woman when shes not

    bemoaning her many ailments, Arabella said. Tell me, who

    did Zayne marry?

    Zayne didnt get married. Your brother Hamilton did.

    Hamilton? He hasnt shown interest in a lady since his

    wie died.

    Hes shown a great deal o interest in Lady Eliza Sumner.How did he become acquainted with an aristocrat?

    Mr. Wilder looked at her or a moment and then . . . he

    rolled his eyes.

    He really was an unlikable sort.

    Miss Beckett, Mr. Wilder began beore she could tell him

    exactly what she thought o him, while I certainly under-

    stand your curiosity regarding your brothers new wie, I mustpoint out to you that you are in a somewhat dire predicament.

    Let us dispense with the gossip and devote ourselves to the

    pressing matter o getting you out o jail.

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    While he was quite correct, she did not care or his snippy

    tone in the least. She plopped her hands on her hips and re-

    garded him with narrowed eyes as an uncomortable silencesettled over them.

    A ull minute later, Mr. Wilder rolled his eyes again, put

    his hands on his hips, and sent her another glare. Very well,

    since you seem to be possessed o a stubborn natureone,

    by the way, no one in your amily made me aware oIll tell

    you a condensed version o what transpired in New York.

    You are too kind.As Mr. Wilders dark eyes turned glacial, he ran a hand

    once again through his hair and nally opened his mouth,

    speaking so rapidly she barely caught his words. Hamilton

    met Lady Eliza at a dinner party held at the Watsons. He

    then bailed her out o jail, and when she was dismissed rom

    her position as the Watsons governess, he took her home

    with him where they promptly ell in love.Thats your condensed version?

    I thought it airly sufcient.

    It was just like a gentleman to leave out all the pertinent

    details. You told me absolutely nothing o consequence,

    such as why the lady ended up in jail, and why an aristocrat

    was working as a governess.

    I anything, his words came out even aster. She wasworking as a governess because her ortune was stolen, and

    she was arrested because she was mistaken or a lady o the

    night. He smiled. I think you and Lady Eliza will get along

    amously, since both o you seem to have a propensity or

    attracting trouble.

    I do not have a propensity or attracting trouble.

    Mr. Wilders smile widened as he gestured to the cell.Arabella orced a smile o her own. This is the rst time

    Ive been arrested.


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    I do not make a habit o breaking the law, Mr. Wilder. I

    may occasionally attract unavorable attention as I work to

    secure women the right to vote, but the surage movementis a peaceul movement, not one that lands me in jail on a

    requent basis.

    The surage movement can hardly be considered peace-

    ul, Miss Beckett, Theodore countered. Women are being

    encouraged to rebel, and that certainly does not lend itsel

    to a peaceul home.

    It was ortunate or him that there were bars separatingthem.

    Arabella began tapping her one shoe against the hard oor,

    immediately stilling when she teetered rom the motion. I

    encourage women to stand up or their rights, Mr. Wilder.

    We are held accountable to the same laws as men, and yet we

    have no say regarding the passage o these laws.

    You think all women wish or the same rights as men?Not all o them, but that stems rom a lack o education,

    which is a direct result o unequal rights.

    Most ladies o my acquaintance desire marriage above

    all else.

    You must not have a large group o emale acquaintances.

    A laugh burst out o his mouth, causing her teeth to clench.

    How in the world do you expect me to address that state-ment? Why, i I contradict you, youll think Im a braggart,

    and i I agree with you, Ill be a liar.

    A braggart would actually be an improvement over the

    impression Ive already ormed o you.

    Mr. Wilder let out another laugh and then waved a dis-

    missive hand in the air. While this is certainly a riveting

    conversation, I do believe it is past time we addressed yourreason or being behind bars, instead o our diering opin-

    ions regarding my personality and views on the preposterous

    surage movement.

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    Arabella opened her mouth, ound she once again had no

    words at her disposal, so instead snapped it shut and simply

    watched him as he began to stalk back and orth in ronto the cell. He stopped and crossed his arms over his chest.

    Youre going to have to aord me some explanations.

    There really is not much to explain. My arrest was a

    simple misunderstanding.

    Mr. Wilder let out a grunt. Thats what all criminals say.

    Explain the assault and thet charges.

    I didnt steal anything.Are you inerring that you did assault our ofcers?

    There was just something about the gentlemans tone that

    annoyed her rom the top o her head to the tips o her toes.

    She orced another smile. Mr. Wilder, orgive me, but are

    these questions really necessary? Given your reputation, I

    would assume you are more than capable o securing my

    release with relative ease.Mr. Wilder took a step closer and, or some strange reason,

    waved a hand toward the oor.

    She looked at the oor and then back to him. Surely youre

    not suggesting I take a seat?

    Miss Beckett, your gown is beyond lthy and the oor will

    cause it no additional harm. Since you seem to be a difcult

    sort, and Im somewhat weary rom chasing you around thecountry, I would like to get comortable beore you begin

    explaining what happened, and just so were clear, explain

    it you will.

    She opened her mouth, but beore she could get a single

    word out, the annoying gentleman continued. Even though

    you are a most unusual lady, you are still a lady, and its been

    my experience that ladies are notoriously wordy when theybegin to explain something, so we should take the weight o

    our eet and sit down.

    Realizing that i she responded to that bit o nonsense,

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    he would probably take her response as proo about wordy

    ladies, she kept her lips tightly shut and plopped down on

    the cold oor. She olded her mud-encrusted hands demurelyin her lap and swore she would not speak a single word until

    Mr. Wilder apologized or his all-too-pompous attitude.

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    The seconds ticked away as Mr. Wilder lowered hislarge rame to the ground and sent Arabella an ex-pectant look.

    Keeping her lips pressed tightly together, she lited her

    gaze to the ceiling, where she began contemplating the mold

    that resided there. A shiver suddenly caught her by surprise,

    and then another as the cold rom the oor seeped through

    her sodden gown.

    Her gaze dropped rom the ceiling when Mr. Wilder beganto mutter something under his breath, even as he pushed

    himsel to his eet, shrugged out o his overcoat, and thrust

    it through the bars.

    Put this on.

    She remained perectly still. Shed never been one who

    ollowed orders well and wasnt about to start now.

    He dropped the coat, and it settled to the ground beside her.Dont be ridiculous, put it on. Its apparent youre reezing.

    I certainly dont want to have to explain to your brother why

    I couldnt bring you back because you died rom exposure.

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    Youve caused me quite enough trouble as it is, and Im be-

    ginning to lose patience with you.

    Her eyes narrowed, but another shiver stole over her, caus-ing her to snatch the overcoat as she struggled to her eet. She

    slipped her arms through the sleeves and stied the urge to

    sigh in delight as wonderul warmth stole over her.

    The coat was huge and smelled o sandalwood and some-

    thing that was all male. She snuggled it around her, breathed in

    deeply, lited her head, and ound Mr. Wilder rowning at her.

    I need that back.Chivalry, apparently, was denitely dead.

    Her vow to remain silent disappeared in a split second.

    You cant have it back.

    I dont need it or long. I just need something rom the

    ront pocket.

    Arabella reached into the pocket and pulled out a gun.

    Be careul with that, Miss Beckett. Its loaded, and I haveno wish or you to shoot yoursel.

    I wasnt planning on shooting myself.

    His eyes widened just a touch beore they turned hard. A

    gun is not a toy. Ill thank you to hand it to me gently through

    the bars. It will not help my attempt to get you released i

    the sheri discovers youre armed.

    He might have a point.She moved orward, held out the gun, and couldnt seem

    to resist allowing her gaze to wander over him again. With-

    out the overcoat, he really did possess a trim gure and . . .

    somewhat impressive muscles.

    She jumped when his ngers drited over hers and quickly

    pulled her hand back through the bars as soon as he took

    possession o the gun. He shoved it into the waistband ohis trousers and then casually stepped away rom her, appar-

    ently unaware his touch had let her ngers eeling slightly


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    She sank back to the oor and arranged the coat around

    her, hoping he wouldnt notice her cheeks were probably

    aming.What was it about this particular gentleman? He made

    her uneasy, and it was not a eeling she enjoyed.

    Maybe the events o the day really had aected her nerves.

    Her cheeks cooled immediately and she lited her head,

    nding Mr. Wilder once again on the oor, staring at her

    with an unreadable expression on his ace.

    She elt the unusual urge to dget under his regard.May we nally return to why youre behind bars? he


    Her urge to dget ceased.

    By all means, Mr. Wilder, let us move this conversation

    orward. What would you care to know?

    I need you to explain the assault charges. Assaulting o-

    cers o the law is a very serious oense, one that usuallyresults in a sti punishment.

    I didnt assault anyone. A pig did.

    I see, Mr. Wilder said slowly. Very well, let us move on

    to the thet. From what Ive been told, a Mr. Brown is insist-

    ing you made o with his horse without his permission.

    I paid Mrs. Brown ve dollars or the use o that nag,

    which I might add was exorbitant, given the act I only neededthe animal or a brie period o time while I checked on Miss


    Who is Miss James?

    Arabella waved toward the cot. Thats Miss James.

    Mr. Wilder craned his neck. May I suggest you wake her

    so I can get a clear picture o what occurred?

    It would be exactly what the gentleman deserved i shetook his advice and woke Miss James, but she would also be

    aected by the chaos that would take over the cell i the lady

    awoke. That would not be wise, Mr. Wilder. From what Ive

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    discovered o Miss James, shes the dramatic sort and prone

    to hysterics. Youll get no worthy explanations out o her.

    Its best i we allow her to remain sleeping.May I assume shes a riend o yours?

    Ive never seen her beore today, and quite rankly Ive

    been rethinking the whole rushing-to-her-rescue business,

    Arabella muttered.

    Im araid I dont understand.

    Since it was rapidly becoming clear that Mr. Wilder was

    not going to negotiate her release until she gave him sometype o explanation, Arabella decided she might as well give

    in and tell him her story. I was minding my own business

    at the train station in Chicago when a lady by the name o

    Mrs. James sat down next to me and burst into tears. She

    told me that her daughter, Miss Alice James, had run away

    rom home to answer an advertisement or a mail-order bride.

    Mrs. James was desperate to get some news o her daughter,so I agreed to stop in Gilman, the place the advertisement

    originated rom, and see i I could nd the young lady and

    give her a message rom her mother. From what I gathered

    rom Mrs. James, she shares a tumultuous relationship with

    Alice and was araid her daughter would reuse to meet with

    her i she made the trip hersel.

    Are you in jail because you tried to intercede betweenMiss James and this groom?

    There was no groom to be had. Miss James managed to

    land hersel smack in the middle o what Ive come to believe

    is a prostitution ring.

    Mr. Wilder closed his eyes and began muttering under

    his breath. When the muttering continued or a ull thirty

    seconds, she elt it was time to move the conversation along.I believe Miss James was lured here or the express purpose

    o selling her o to the highest bidder.

    Mr. Wilders eyes ashed open. Why do you believe that?

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    Arabella shrugged. From what little Ive been able to get

    out o her, she was met at the station by a gentleman who

    told her he was escorting her to her uture husband. Whenshe arrived at a armhouse about a mile out o town, instead

    o encountering an eager groom, she was tied to a chair and

    let there to await her ate.

    How do you know she was tied to a chair?

    Arabella elt the unusual urge to scoot to the opposite side

    o the cell, even though she was separated rom Mr. Wilder

    by bars. Thats how I ound her.Mr. Wilder leaned orward, and Arabella couldnt help

    but notice that a vein was now throbbing on his orehead.

    You went out to the armhouse?

    How else would I have given Miss James that message

    rom her mother? Unortunately, she continued as Mr. Wilder

    began to sputter, I did not nd Miss James in a happy state,

    and the situation deteriorated rather quickly.Should I ask what happened next? he asked between

    gritted teeth.

    Well, not i its going to upset you.

    I do not get upset.

    Feeling it would be unproductive to point out the obvious,

    Arabella curled her legs underneath her. Ive come to the

    conclusion that the gentleman who gave me directions asto where I could nd Miss James was most likely in on the

    dastardly plot. I think he might be the same gentleman who

    escorted Miss James rom the train station, but I cant swear

    to that, as Ive not been able to get much out o Miss James

    as o yet. Ive also come to the conclusion that he sent me

    out to the armhouse with the same ate in mind or me as

    was intended or Miss James. I believe it was only due to theact that God was watching out or me that I was not taken

    and orced into a lie o prostitution. A shudder caught her

    by surprise. Ive never had a reason to think about such a

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    degrading lie, but now, considering what almost happened to

    me, I shall denitely have to explore options to help women

    in such appalling circumstances when I get home.When you get home, you should explore ways to stay out

    o trouble, Theodore returned. But enough about that. Tell

    me, where did you come into contact with this man who just

    happened to have the whereabouts o Miss James on hand?

    He was lurking around the train station.

    And it never crossed your mind that a man who was lurk-

    ing might not be the best source o inormation?I didnt actually think o him as lurking at that particu-

    lar moment. I you must know, the gentleman was perectly

    pleasant and only too willing to assist me. He helped me stow

    my luggage at the station and told me where I could rent a

    horse. He then gave me detailed instructions on how to locate

    the armhouse and bid me a cheerul arewell.

    But things went wrong once you reached the armhouse?I must admit that they did, although at rst it didnt ap-

    pear to me as i anyone was around. I pounded on the door

    or a good ew minutes, and no one ever opened it.

    Did it never occur to you to leave when no one answered

    the door?

    I was about to leave when I heard the distinct sound o

    someone crying rom inside the house. She arched a browat him. You cannot tell me you would have let under those


    I wouldnt have, but Im a man.

    Anyway, I ound the door locked, but the crying soon

    intensied, so I made my way to the back o the house and

    peered into a window.

    Why didnt you peer into a ront window?They were boarded up.

    That didnt alarm you?

    Shed be lucky to have any teeth let considering she was

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    quite certain she was grinding them down to mere stubs.

    O course it did, but again, someone was crying, and that

    someone turned out to be Miss James. She dropped her headand ocused on her mud-splattered gown, knowing perectly

    well Mr. Wilder would not react avorably to what she was

    going to say next. Ater I broke the glass in the window to

    gain entrance, Id just started untying Miss James when that

    man burst into the room.

    The man who gave you directions?

    No, a dierent man.Miss Beckett, you are not very adept at explaining, are


    She elt the strangest urge to throttle Mr. Wilder, which

    was odd considering she wasnt normally the violent type.

    She cleared her throat and opened her mouth to deliver a

    scathing retort, but beore a single word could pass her lips,

    Mr. Wilder pushed himsel to his eet, stalked closer to thebars, and let out a shrill whistle.

    Miss James, wake up, he called.

    Had he not listened to what shed said regarding Miss


    She scrambled to her eet and turned just as Miss James

    shot upright on the cot, her ace already screwed up in an

    expression that seemed, based on the short time Arabellahad been acquainted with the young lady, to oreshadow a

    hysterical episode.

    At least Mr. Wilder could not claim she hadnt warned him.

    Miss James let out a ragged sob, but then the ladys eyes

    widened as she glanced past Arabella. The sob turned to a

    sigh, and Miss James smiled and released a giggle. The young

    lady rose to her eet, shook out her gown, and glided acrossthe room, her goal obviously to get to Mr. Wilder as soon as

    her dainty eet would allow.

    Arabella spun on her one heel, expecting to see Mr. Wilders

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    ever-present scowl, but instead the gentleman was smiling a

    charming smile and . . . bowing in Miss Jamess direction.

    Hed certainly never bowed to her.Miss James, I do beg your pardon or waking you in

    such an abrupt manner, Mr. Wilder said, but I ear Miss

    Becketts thoughts have been addled by her experience. Im

    hopeul youll be able to give me the answers I so desperately

    need. Im Mr. Wilder, at your service.

    My thoughts are not addled, Arabella snapped.

    Mr. Wilder ignored her and took the hand Miss Jamesthrust through the bars, bringing it to his lips in a move that

    was all too practiced. Miss James giggled again and began

    batting her lashes.

    I will be more than happy to answer any questions you

    might have, Mr. Wilder, Miss James purred. I have suered

    a truly horrendous day, but I must say that my ears have

    simply melted away, knowing a big, strong gentleman hascome to my rescue.

    How do you know hes here to rescue us? Arabella couldnt

    resist asking.

    Why, one only has to look at the gentleman to know hes a

    knight in shining armor come to lie, Miss James simpered.

    Miss James was obviously the easily impressed sort.

    You may rest assured that I am here to rescue you, MissJames, Mr. Wilder said, but rst, I do need to ask you

    some questions.

    Miss James looked mildly disappointed when Mr. Wilder

    released her hand and took a step back, but she rallied quickly

    and sent him an adorable smile as she pressed hersel against

    the iron bars. What do you need to know?

    Miss Beckett told me that there was a man who enteredthe armhouse while she was attempting to untie you. Have

    you ever seen that man or seen the man who escorted you

    there beore, and do you happen to know their names?

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    Miss James nibbled on her lip. Im araid Id never seen

    either man beore, Mr. Wilder, and neither one o them both-

    ered to give me their names. She gave a small sni. I rst metthe larger o the two men at the train station, and he told me

    hed been charged with delivering me to my intended. Once

    we reached the armhouse, he handed me over to that gentle-

    man you just asked me about, who was short in stature and

    possessed little hair on his head. That gentleman proceeded

    to tie me to a chair and told me they would be back shortly.

    It was my understanding they were o to etch my groom.She batted her eyes again. I still have no idea why they elt

    the need to tie me up. I can assure you, I was only too willing

    to get married. I recently turned eighteen and have no desire

    to obtain the title o spinster.

    That explained the reasoning behind answering the ad-


    Arabella swung her head and watched as Mr. Wilderssmile aded.

    Miss James, he said, surely you must realize that there

    was never any groom?

    Miss James giggled. O course there was. She sobered

    and sent Arabella a scowl. Miss Beckett must have scared

    him o when she shot that man.

    You conveniently orgot to mention anything about shoot-ing a man, Miss Beckett, Mr. Wilder snapped.

    Arabella lited her chin. I was about to tell you, but you

    decided to wake Miss James, and with all the pleasantries

    being exchanged, I havent had a chance to nish my tale.

    She was quite erocious when she red that pistol, Miss

    James said. Why, Im surprised she didnt hit me in the pro-

    cess, since the man she shot was rather close to me at thetime.

    He was across the room rom you, and his intention was

    clear. He did not want me to ree you, Arabella muttered.

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    He only wanted to keep me sae or my soon-to-be hus-

    band, Miss James argued.

    This was what happened when ladies were not given thebenet o a suitable education.

    Where did you get a gun? Mr. Wilder asked, drawing

    her attention.

    I always have a pistol at my disposal.

    Did you kill him?

    Good heavens, I should think not. I aimed or his shoulder.

    Mr. Wilder cocked a brow.Im an expert markswoman. I dont re a pistol unless

    Im completely certain o what Im about to hit.

    Mr. Wilders other brow joined the rst one.

    He didnt believe her.

    He was the most obnoxious, chauvinistic, old-ashioned

    gentleman shed ever had the misortune to meet.

    There was blood everywhere, Miss James said, andsome o it even got on my avorite dress. She pointed to a

    small smudge on her skirt and then gestured to Arabella. I

    still do not understand what happened to Miss Beckett. She

    was not covered in lth when I rst met her, but then, ater we

    were thrown into a wagon, she had taken a turn or the worse.

    I readily admit the scent o her made me quite nauseous.

    How did you come to be in such disrepair? Mr. Wilderasked.

    Perhaps you should ask Miss James, Arabella said sweetly.

    That is why you woke her.

    Miss James just stated she doesnt know.

    Arabella blew out a breath. There was nothing to do but

    nish her story. She was tired o being in jail, longed to take a

    bath, and longed to part ways with Mr. Wilder. She ploppedback down on the cold oor and looked up. Ater I shot the

    manhe was the balding one, in case youre wonderingI

    nished untying Miss James, and then we were just about to

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    make our escape when the sheri showed up. Unortunately,

    he took one look at the man bleeding on the oor and im-

    mediately placed me under arrest.And thats the entire story? Mr. Wilder asked.

    Youre orgetting the pig.

    Miss Beckett started to act all unny when the large man

    whod graciously given me a ride out to the armhouse showed

    up. For some reason, she didnt appear to like the act that

    the gentleman was known to the sheri. Beore I could stop

    her, she darted away, Miss James said. As I said beore, thenext time I saw her, she was lthy and missing a large chunk

    o her hair.

    Mr. Wilders gaze sharpened as he peered down at her.

    Your odd hairstyle is not intentional?

    Hardly, nor is this circumstance o only sporting one

    shoe. The blame or both situations can be laid at Sheri

    Dawsons eet.Can they now?

    Right beore her eyes, Mr. Theodore Wilder went rom

    annoying to lethal.

    Ill be back, he rasped as he spun on his heel and strode


    Where are you going?

    Sheri Dawson and I need to have a little chat, he calledover his shoulder beore he disappeared down the hallway.

    Arabella struggled to her eet and looked through the bars,

    turning when Miss James let out another giggle.

    Oh, he is divine, the young lady breathed.

    Divine was not the word Arabella would have used to

    describe Mr. Wilder. Arrogant, annoying, and inuriating t

    him better, but . . . something about nding out the sherihad cut o her hair had changed his attitude toward her,

    and she knew without a shadow o a doubt they would soon

    be ree.

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    She limped over to the stone bench, sat down, and couldnt

    hold back a smile.

    Mr. Wilder was certainly not who shed thought God wouldsend her, but he was what shed gotten, and she couldnt help

    but be thankul or the assistance.

    She raised her eyes to the ceiling.

    Thank you, Lord.

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    Miss Arabella Beckett was opinionated, bossy, andnot at all what Theodore had expected when hedagreed to etch her home.Her brother Zayne was a likable sort, but Miss Beckett was

    one o those odd ladies who wanted to turn the world upside

    down and take over roles that gentlemen had held orever.

    She was not his cup o tea in the least, but she was a mem-

    ber o the airer sex, and as such he was honor-bound to

    assist her.

    It didnt sit well with him that shed been sorely mistreated.Granted, he now knew rsthand she was exasperating, but

    someoneSheri Dawson it seemedhad divested Miss

    Beckett o her hair.

    That simply was never done.

    The good sheri had also tossed her into a gloomy cell

    without allowing her the benet o a good washing, and

    besides being orced to wallow in her own lth, Miss Becketthad most likely been terried as shed waited to learn her ate.

    He paused when he reached the top o the steps. Funny,

    she hadnt seemed terried. Although he had detected a slight

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    trembling in her voice when shed talked about almost being

    orced into a lie o prostitution. His attitude toward her had

    sotened in that moment, until shed rallied a mere secondlater and proclaimed the disturbing idea that she was now

    determined to assist women down on their luck.

    Proper ladies were supposed to leave nasty business like

    that to gentlemen.

    They were also expected to be charming, not hoydens who

    were all too annoying and who, or some unathomable rea-

    son, seemed to believe they were entitled to equal rights.Hed always been o the belie that ladies should appreciate

    their delicate status and the act that they were not required

    to provide a living or train or a proession. No, all they were

    truly required to do was produce children and ease a gentle-

    mans lie.

    Why any lady would balk at that was beyond him. It was

    also beyond him why a lady wouldnt preer to act docile andsweet and look to a man or guidance.

    He highly doubted Miss Beckett looked to a man or any-

    thing, let alone guidance. It was clear she was quite lovelyat

    least the bit o her hed managed to see beneath the grime

    but she was obviously strong-willed, and she seemed more

    intelligent than most gentlemen he knew.

    It gave a man pause.It should have been an easy matter to retrieve Miss Beckett

    and escort her back to New York. Unortunately, the lady

    appeared to possess a restless spirit, which her mother, Mrs.

    Gloria Beckett, had conveniently neglected to mention when

    shed convinced him to go ater her daughter. Hed spent

    weeks traveling rom city to city, always one step behind the

    elusive Miss Beckett. He was about to give up in Kansas, buta lucky circumstance had him making the acquaintance o

    Mrs. Ellen Wallaby. Ater that woman orced him to listen

    to a rambling lecture on her dismal views o men in general,

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    she nally inormed him that Miss Beckett was on her way

    to Chicago to attend a rally.

    Hed immediately boarded a train or Chicago, but oncethere, discovered the rally over and Miss Beckett gone. It was

    only due to the act that Miss Beckett was a beautiul woman,

    when she wasnt covered in pig slop, that hed been able to

    learn shed traveled to Gilman. Most people hed spoken with

    had taken note o her presence, each and every one o them

    more than willing to describe her in minute detail. It seemed

    her strikingly dramatic ace, large blue eyes, delicately archedbrows, and rosy sot lips were obviously difcult to orget.

    More than one person had waxed on about her honey-blond

    hair, and now some o that hair had apparently gone missing

    rom her head.

    She didnt seem overly distressed about that.

    It was disconcerting, this lack o expected eminine dra-

    matics.His sister would have dissolved into a t o the vapors i

    her hair suddenly went ying o her head.

    A shout o laughter pulled him abruptly back to reality. His

    eet set to motion, and a ew seconds later he was standing

    in ront o a closed door, the sound o laughter still driting

    through it. He twisted the knob and stalked into the room.

    Sheri Dawson was sitting behind a desk, a cigar clampedbetween his teeth. Three deputies were sprawled around

    him in wooden chairs, glasses o whiskey clenched in their

    hands. His temper changed to amusement when he noted the

    dismal state o their clothing. Liberal streaks o something

    oul coated every man, and a glimmer o satisaction owed

    through him. At least Miss Beckett was not the only one

    whod suered rom the encounter with the pig.Gentlemen, he exclaimed as he strolled across the oor

    and stopped in ront o the sheris desk, we have matters

    to discuss.

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    Is she the lady you sought? Sheri Dawson asked.

    She is.

    The sheri took a pu o his cigar. Did she tell you sheshot a man and caused me and my deputies no small amount

    o distress?

    Theodore eased down into a chair and crossed his ankle

    over his leg. I nd it difcult to believe one rened lady was

    capable o causing too much distress. As or the shooting

    incident, well need to discuss that in private.

    Sheri Dawson rowned. That woman is no rened lady,and I see no need or privacy, since my men were the victims

    o her crime spree.

    Rescuing a woman rom a prostitution ring hardly con-

    stitutes a crime spree.

    We dont have a prostitution ring here in Gilman, one

    o the deputies said as he ambled to his eet and moved to

    a table where he proceeded to pour himsel another drink.Prostitution may be nonexistent in your small town, but I

    can assure you, something o a disturbing nature is happening

    on the outskirts. Theodore looked to Sheri Dawson. As or

    Miss Beckett, you and your men arrested the only daughter

    o Mr. Douglas Beckett, owner o Beckett Railroads.

    An uneasy silence lled the room.

    Shes a railroad Beckett? Sheri Dawson asked as a beado sweat dribbled o his nose.

    She is, and thats why Im going to suggest you immedi-

    ately release her and Miss James into my custody.

    Sheri Dawson settled back in his chair. Im araid I cant

    do that. Railroad royalty or not, she did shoot a man and

    then tried to evade arrest.

    Which I nd perectly understandable, considering MissBeckett was conronted by a man o the criminal persua-

    sion who tried to stop her rom saving Miss James. I would

    have shot the man too, and I certainly would have tried to

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    evade arrest i the authorities didnt seem very interested in

    apprehending the true criminal.

    Sheri Dawson released a boisterous laugh. Dont tell meyou believe all that nonsense, boy? These are women youre

    dealing with, and everyone knows you cant trust a woman to

    tell the truth. Dont let Miss Beckett and Miss James hood-

    wink you into believing theyre innocent just because they

    are pretty ladies.

    Dont call me boy, and dont presume that Im an idiot.

    He reached into his pocket, drew out his billold, extracteda card, and tossed it across the desk toward Sheri Dawson.

    You already told me youre a private investigator.

    Read the card.

    Sheri Dawson plucked the card o the table, scanned it,

    and turned a little pale. He gestured to his men. I need to

    speak with this gentleman, alone.

    I dont think thats wise, boss, the deputy whod spokenearlier said beore he tipped his glass back and took a noisy

    swig. I dont trust him.

    Sheri Dawson pulled open a drawer on his desk, extracted a

    pistol, and sent the deputy a wink. Ill be ne, Cunningham.

    Even though the three deputies began to mutter under their

    breaths, they did nally meander rom the room. Theodore

    waited until the door closed behind the last deputy beore heturned back to the sheri and arched a brow.

    Whats going on in your town?

    You work or the government? Sheri Dawson asked,

    ignoring Theodores question.

    Two could play that game. Who are the men at the arm-


    Sheri Dawson narrowed his eyes. You tell me about thegovernment and Ill tell you about the men.

    I work or the government.


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    Thats all you need to know, Theodore said. And maybe

    the act that i you dont cooperate, I wont leave your town

    as soon as I get the ladies released. I can assure you, thatwont be something youll enjoy.

    More sweat popped out on the sheris orehead. The

    only names I have or those men are Carl and Wallie. They

    moved here a ew months ago, and I dont know much more

    about them.

    What about the prostitution ring?

    Im not at liberty to discuss that.Every muscle in Theodores body tensed. Why not?

    Its somewhat o an internal aair.

    Understanding was immediate, as was trepidation. Theo-

    dore pushed out o his chair, snatched up the pistol Sheri

    Dawson had laid on the desk, and directed it toward the

    sheri. Im going to need the keys to the cell.

    Have you lost your mind?Not at all. I I understand you correctly, you suspect some-

    one on your sta o participating in whatever shady business

    is going on in your town, and that someone could even now

    be prowling the halls o this building. Youve let the ladies

    at that mans mercy.

    Sheri Dawson eyed him or a second, brushed away the

    river o sweat that was now covering his ace, and got to hiseet, hurrying over to a peg on the wall where he grabbed a

    ring o keys. He gestured to the door.

    You rst, Theodore said as he casually pointed to the

    door with the pistol.

    Theres no need or that, Sheri Dawson muttered as he

    strode out o the room, Theodore dodging his steps.

    Theodore tightened his grip on the pistol. Oh, Im araidtheres every need.

    He ollowed the sheri down the hallway, but then brushed

    past the man and broke into a run when he suddenly heard

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    a high-pitched squeal. He took the steps two at a time, but

    skidded to a stop at the unusual sight that met his eyes.

    Miss James was pressed against the bars, holding handswith one o the deputies and giggling as i she were in the

    midst o a party.

    Perhaps Miss Beckett had been right and he should not

    have woken the lady.

    Step away rom the cell, he ordered, drawing the deputys

    attention as he directed his pistol at the man.

    Mr. Wilder, Arabella exclaimed as she pressed her aceagainst the bars and stared at him with wide eyes. Whatever

    in the world are you doing?

    Getting you released, he said beore he returned his at-

    tention to the deputy, who still retained possession o Miss

    Jamess hand.

    I would have thought your diplomatic skills would have

    allowed you to secure our release without actually shootingour way out o jail.

    Annoyance snaked through him. Im not busting you out

    o jail. Im simply trying to get this deputy to release Miss

    Jamess hand.

    Oh, well, thats somewhat disappointing.

    He elt his jaw clench. Did you want me to shoot someone?

    While that idea is vastly appealing, I suppose we shoulddo this the normal way and just pay bail. Arabella bent over,

    ddled with the hem o her skirt, and then straightened,

    thrusting what looked to be slimy bills in his direction. This

    should cover it.

    He edged orward and took the bills. Do you always carry

    money in that unusual place?

    I must admit that I do. I also must admit that Im a bitbewildered as to why I wasnt given an opportunity to pay

    bail beore this. Arabella sent a glare to the sheri, whod

    come to stand beside him. You have been quite negligent in

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    your treatment o me, Sheri, and . . . Her voice trailed o

    as she rowned and shited her attention back to Theodore.

    May I suggest you lower your weapon, Mr. Wilder? I ithas escaped your notice, there are two deputies right behind

    you, and both o them have guns currently pointed in your


    He looked over his shoulder, discovered the deputy Sheri

    Dawson had called Cunningham, and another deputy stand-

    ing ve eet away rom him with their weapons drawn. Im

    araid I wont lower my gun until that deputy steps awayrom Miss James.

    Miss James suddenly let out a shrill laugh. He blinked

    when she batted her lashes at him and wiggled the ngers

    o her ree hand through the bars. Mr. Wilder, there is no

    need to become distraught because Im showing Deputy Jud

    Hansen some attention. She beamed at the deputy. Hes just

    been a dear, holding my hand and soothing away my ears.Miss James, orgive me, but i he doesnt let go o your

    hand soon, Im araid I really am going to have to shoot him,

    and then that lovely gown o yours will sport more than just

    a smidgen o blood.

    Miss James withdrew her hand rom Deputy Hansens

    grasp so ast that Theodore elt the distinct urge to laugh.

    You, sir, are despicable, Deputy Hansen spat as he steppedaway rom the cell and glared at Theodore. My mother

    brought me up to respect ladies and to cater to their delicate

    sensibilities. Poor Miss James, rom what Ive learned, is

    completely innocent o all the wrongdoings that transpired

    today. I was simply trying to reassure her that all will be well

    in the end.

    Oh, that was lovely, Miss James cooed.Theodore resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Lovely or not,

    Miss James, Im araid youre going to have to bid Deputy

    Hansen goodbye now. Sheri Dawson has agreed to release

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    you and Miss Beckett into my custody, and we really do need

    to take our leave.

    Deputy Hansen took a step orward and jerked his headtoward Arabella. But she shot a man.

    Sheri Dawson cleared his throat. Thats enough, Dep-

    uty Hansen. Mr. Wilder is now responsible or these ladies,

    and I say good riddance. He turned and nodded to the two

    deputies who were still standing with their pistols at the

    ready. All o you may go. Ill meet up with you in my ofce

    momentarily.But . . . you cant just let Miss Beckett go, Deputy Han-

    sen argued. Justice has not been served.

    Well discuss it later, Sheri Dawson snapped.

    Deputy Hansen spun around and, without speaking an-

    other word, stalked down the narrow hallway and disap-

    peared rom sight, the other two deputies ollowing him a

    moment later.Well, that was interesting, Arabella said beore she waved

    the sheri orward. I Im to assume that we really are going

    to be reed, dont you think it might be prudent to unlock

    this cell?

    Sheri Dawson eyed the slimy money Theodore still held

    in his hand. I really should demand you give me that or all

    the aggravation this lady has caused.But since you and I both know she didnt do anything

    to warrant arrest, I think Ill give it back to her, Theodore

    said as he handed Miss Beckett her money through the bars

    and watched as she stued it down her bodice.

    Was she opposed to carrying the always-present emale ac-

    cessory o a reticule, or did she simply nd it more convenient

    to keep her money close at hand at all times?Come, Miss James, Arabella said as Sheri Dawson

    stepped to the cell door, pushed the key into the lock, and

    pulled the door open. We must get you home. She took

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    hold o Miss Jamess arm, but then dropped it a second later

    when the young lady reused to budge.

    You didnt say anything about returning me to Chicago,Miss James said with a sni.

    Chicago is your home, Miss Beckett pointed out.

    But . . . what about my husband? Miss James wailed.

    Miss Beckett muttered something under her breath beore

    she took hold o Miss Jamess arm once again and tugged

    the lady out o the cell and into the hallway. She let out a

    grunt when Miss James dug in her heels and stopped moving.Im not going back to Chicago without a husband by

    my side.

    To Theodores surprise, Miss Beckett gave Miss James an

    awkward pat on the shoulder.

    I dont mean to distress you, but that advertisement you

    answered was simply a ploy to get you down here. Those two

    men rom the armhouse had nearious plans or you, andIm araid there was nevera husband to be had. She gave

    Miss James another pat. Youre a lovely young lady, one

    Im certain any gentleman would be proud to call his own.

    Im quite certain i you put your mind to it, youll be able to

    secure the attention o some nice gentleman back in Chicago.

    Then you wont need to worry about becoming a spinster.

    She looked at him. Wouldnt you agree, Mr. Wilder?He blinked. Ah, o course. Why, I would be astonished i

    Miss James wasnt happily married within the year.

    Miss Jamess gaze suddenly sharpened. Are you married,

    Mr. Wilder?

    Beore he could address that piece o nonsense, Miss Beck-

    ett grabbed Miss Jamess arm and began pulling her down

    the hallway, and something that sounded very much like Setyour sights a little higher dear, drited back to his ears.

    Honestly, Miss Beckett was a nuisance. There was no other

    way to describe her.

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    We should probably ollow them, Sheri Dawson said,

    prompting Theodore to grimace even as he began to trudge

    up the steps ater the ladies.He reached the top and moved to where Miss Beckett was

    whispering something to Miss James, stopping when she

    caught sight o him. She straightened, sent Miss James a look

    that clearly stated she was beginning to lose patience with

    the lady, and then opened her mouth. Youve neglected to

    mention what our plans are rom here, so Miss James and I

    were uncertain how to proceed. She let out a breath. MissJames believes we should scurry over to the hotel and get a

    restul nights sleep, but I was hoping you have a carriage

    at your disposal, which would allow us to depart rom this

    pleasant town immediately.

    Im araid I have no carriage at my disposal, I learned

    this aternoon that the hotel has no vacancies, and Im quite

    certain well have to spend the night at the train station, sinceno trains run through Gilman this time o night.

    My mother would never approve o me spending the night

    in a train station with a gentleman, Miss James proclaimed.

    Miss Beckett narrowed her eyes. Miss James, orgive me,

    but you ran away rom home to rendezvous with some un-

    known man whom you apparently were convinced you would

    marry. I dont believe your mother will care i you accompanyMr. Wilder and me to the train station because, again, its

    a train station. Mr. Wilder is a well-respected private inves-

    tigator, and Im certain hes spent more than a ew nights

    guarding his clients in unusual places.

    Oh, private investigators are so . . . compelling, Miss

    James breathed.

    Here was a reminder o why he was not getting marriedanytime in the near uture. Ladies were trouble wrapped up

    in pretty packages, or in Miss Becketts case, wrapped up in

    clothing that could most likely walk on its own.

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    Tell me, Sheri, Arabella said, causing Theodore to blink

    back to the conversation at hand, what happened to the two

    men who were back at the armhouse?With all the intrigue swirling around, hed completely ne-

    glected to ask that pertinent question, which certainly didnt

    say much about his investigating skills at the moment.

    Sheri Dawson turned rather red. Im araid those men

    have disappeared.

    Miss Becketts expression turned ormidable. Surely youre

    not suggesting they escaped, are you?Sheri Dawsons color increased. They took o on Mr.

    Browns horse, and no one has seen them since.

    Miss Beckett crossed her arms over her chest. I those

    men took Mr. Browns horse, explain to me why Im being

    charged with its thet?

    Someone had to be held accountable.

    It really was somewhat impressive how the lady couldmake everyone aware o her displeasure without speaking

    a single word. Sparks were literally spewing rom her eyes,

    her lips were pinched, and annoyance radiated rom her

    every pore.

    Ill need your gun, Miss Beckett said as she held out her

    hand to Theodore.

    My gun?Yes, that object you have clenched in your hand.

    I dont think that would be wise, and besides, this isnt

    actually my gun. I took it rom Sheri Dawsons desk.

    Miss Becketts gaze locked on the gun in his hand, and

    she suddenly released a snort. Thats my gun, and Ill have

    it back, i you please.

    Sheri Dawson stepped orward and shook his head. Imaraid that wont be possible, Miss Beckett. You did use that

    weapon to shoot a man, so Im going to need to enter it into


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    Since the man I shot is nowhere to be ound, you have no

    witness to the shooting, Miss Beckett snapped.

    I saw you shoot that man, Miss James said.Miss Beckett turned ever so slowly and cocked a brow at

    Miss James, who inched and retreated rapidly back into


    Theodore tucked the gun into the waistband o his trou-

    sers, believing it would be the saest place or it, beore he

    extended his arm to Miss Beckett. Ill return your gun once

    we get on a train and once the temptation o shooting SheriDawson is removed.

    Thank you or that, Sheri Dawson muttered.

    Youre welcome, he replied beore he looked at his arm

    and then to Miss Beckett. Shall we go?

    She reused the oer o his arm and stuck her nose in the

    air. What about my hair?

    O course she would turn difcult. He blew out a breath.While I would adore nothing more than to return your hair

    to your head, I do believe you are going to have to accept the

    act that its gone or good.

    I dont want it back. I want the sheri to apologize.

    For a split second, Theodore thought Sheri Dawson was

    going to reuse, but then the sheri sent Miss Beckett a glare

    even as he inclined his head. My apologies, maam.Her nose went urther up in the air. Come, Miss James,

    it is past time we took our leave o this horrible place. She

    grabbed Miss Jamess hand and towed her toward the door.

    I cant say Ill be upset to see the last o her, and you or

    that matter, Sheri Dawson mumbled.

    Who said youve seen the last o me? Theodore asked

    as he pulled his gaze away rom the ladies and settled it onthe sheri.

    I gave you what you wanted.

    Did you?

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    Im letting you take Miss Beckett.

    Only because shes annoying and you dont want to deal

    with her any longer.The sheri opened his mouth, and then snapped it shut

    beore a sliver o a grin crossed his ace. Speaking o annoy-

    ing, she just let the building without you.

    She was going to be the death o him.

    Until we meet again, he said to the sheri beore he

    turned and strode out o the jail. Temper stole over him

    when he caught sight o Miss Beckett limping down the road,apparently oblivious to the danger that stalked her every

    uneven step.

    Miss Beckett, stop right there, i you please, he called,

    somewhat amazed when she actually tottered to a stop and


    Mr. Wilder, we cannot dawdle in the middle o the street.

    I youve orgotten, there are real criminals on the loose.He broke into a slow run, caught up to them, took a rm

    grip on her arm, and hustled her back into motion, their

    rapid pace causing Miss James to begin to whine.

    Im perectly aware o the danger, Miss Beckett, although

    I cannot say the same or you, he said, steering her toward

    the train station while ignoring the overly dramatic breaths

    Miss James was now expelling.He was orced to stop when Miss Beckett ceased mov-

    ing. He assumed what he hoped was a somewhat pleasant

    expression. Yes?

    I your attitude is going to continue to be disagreeable,

    Mr. Wilder, we should part ways right now.

    I only that were a viable choice.

    Miss Beckett assumed an expression that was downrightalarming. She shook o his arm and pulled Miss James into

    motion. Come, Miss James. The train station is just in sight,

    and I or one am desperate to use their washroom. She didnt

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    bother to see i he was ollowing her but began to stomp away

    on her one remaining shoe.

    She was beyond aggravating, a nightmare o a lady with apushy attitude that was certain to haunt him or quite some


    Why then did he eel compelled to go ater her?