a story about albatross © sophie webb 2004 tracking their travels and tracking plastic trash

A Story About Albatros s © Sophie Webb 2004 Tracking their Travels and Tracking Plastic Trash

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Page 1: A Story About Albatross © Sophie Webb 2004 Tracking their Travels and Tracking Plastic Trash

A Story About


© Sophie Webb 2004

Tracking their Travels and

Tracking Plastic Trash

Page 2: A Story About Albatross © Sophie Webb 2004 Tracking their Travels and Tracking Plastic Trash

“If we didn’t clean our shorelines, where

could the litter go?”

“How can your coastal clean-up efforts benefit these

unique birds?”

Page 3: A Story About Albatross © Sophie Webb 2004 Tracking their Travels and Tracking Plastic Trash

Seabird Diversity

Four main orders of seabirds: Sphenisciformes - Penguins

Procellariiformes – Albatrosses, Shearwaters, Fulmars, & Petrels

Pelecaniformes - Pelicans, Cormorants, Boobies, Frigate birds

Charadriiformes - Gulls, Terns, & Alcids





H. Nevins

H. Nevins

J. Harv






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Seabird Feeding Methods

(Ashmole 1971)



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What is a seabird?

© W.Henry

© J. Adams

Diagram credit: Lars Löfgren

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Photo credit: P.Pyle

Black-footed albatross

Laysan albatross

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Unique characteristic of Procellariiformes?

• Tubular nostrils – often called “tube-nosed seabirds”

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Black-footed albatross

Sophie Webb


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What makes seabirds vulnerable?What makes seabirds vulnerable?

• Long-line and other fishery interactions

• Oiling from oil spills

• Threats at colonies: introduced mammals, habitat destruction

Photo: W. Henry


• Marine debris

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What are some threats to seabirds?

• entanglement

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What makes seabirds vulnerable?

Photo: Cynthia Vanderlip

• Plastic ingestion

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Seabirds most susceptible to plastic ingestion



• Black-footed and Laysan Albatross

• Northern fulmar


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Photo credit: Kinnan

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Photo credit: Kinnan

Should contain:•50% fish•32% squid•5% crustaceans•10% stomach oil(Harrison et al. 1983Fry 1987)

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Analysis of Albatross Chick Boluses

• Kure Atoll, Hawaiian Island Chain (Kinan 2000)– Analyzed 144 boluses from Laysan and

Black-footed albatrosses– Plastic found in every single one (100%)

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Photo: C. Vanderlip

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Effects of plastic ingestion?

• Large plastic items – ulcerations, infection & obstruction

• Small plastic items – reduce meal size, dehydration

• Leaching of toxic chemicals from the plastic ?

• Lower breeding success ?

Long-term effects of plastic ingestion?

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• everywhere - both marine and coastal environments

• floating

• water column • on the seabed

• on beaches and shores


Where is marine debris found ?

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90% of floating marine debris is plastic2.5 cm

1 inch

Photos: Kathy Cousins / Irene Kinan

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How does plastic get into the sea?

1. Littering by beachgoers

2. Run-off from land e.g. rivers and storm drains

3. Direct dumping into the ocean

4. Accidental loss from ships

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2. Run-off from land e.g. rivers and storm drains


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Major Ocean Currents

North Pacific GyreAlaskan Gyre

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1 Shoe Spill May 27, 19902 250 recovered, March 26, 19913 200 recovered, May 18, 19914 100 recovered, Jan-Feb 19915 200 recovered, Nov.-Dec.1991

6 200 recovered Feb.Mar 19917 150 recovered April 19918 200 recovered May 19919 Several recovered Jan-Mar 199310 Predicted Jan-July 1994

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Drifting Tots Tub Toys!!!

Twelve years and counting: (http://www.beachcombers.org/)

January 10, 1992

Sitka AK, Aug.- Sept., 1992

2,200 miles adrift

Dean Orbison

2004 – still finding them!!

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Algalita Marine Research Foundation

Learn more about studies of the Eastern / Western garbage patches conducted by the Algalita Marine Research Foundation http://www.alguita.com/

“Eastern garbage patch”

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Facts about Plastic in the Gyre(Algalita Marine Research Foundation)

• 6 lbs of plastic for each pound of surface zooplankton in the North Pacific central Gyre

• Plastic does not biodegrade; it’s broken down by sunlight into smaller pieces

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Studying Albatrosses in California…………..

Do seabirds venture into this plastic zone?


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Why research is needed?

What will satellite tracking and remote sensing allow us to do?


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Captured 18 birds within Cordell Bank NMS in July - Aug. 2004 & 2005

Equipped birds with Sirtrack Kiwisat 202 transmitters (54 g)

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Ready for release……..

Size: 7 x 4 x 2 cm Weight: 54 g Antenna: 18 cm


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Tracked albatrosses ventured outside of U.S. EEZ, with 61% locations in the high seas

Three birds ranged into the western north Pacific Ocean, west of the dateline (180 o W)

Unpublished data Hyrenbach et al. 2004

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Black-footed Albatross tracks overlap with Algalita Marine Research Foundation’s

“Eastern Garbage Patch”

Unpublished data Hyrenbach et al. 2004

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Pop Quiz !!!!!

1. What do albatross regurgitate? A bolus

2. How much of floating debris is plastic? 50% 90% 20%

3. Most marine debris comes from land sources. True or False

4. How is marine debris moved around bays and oceans?

Winds & Currents

5. What seabird feeding method can result in eating lots of plastic?

Diving for food Picking food from the ocean surface

6. Why?

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“If we didn’t clean ourbeaches, where could

the litter go?”

“How can your coastal clean-up efforts benefit these

unique birds?”

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How can you be part of the solution?

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Photos courtesy Captain Charles Moore - AMRF

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Trash Monster!!

Artist: Keary Sorenson

Beach litter collected October-March 2003 Fort Ross to Rodeo Beach, California

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Acknowledgements & Credits

Primary author: Carol Keiper, Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge This presentation is adapted from presentations funded by the California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail Grant Program Contributing authors: Dr. David Hyrenbach, PhD, Duke University; Hannah Nevins & Michelle Hester, Oikonos-Ecosystem Knowledge; Cheryl Baduini, PhD, Claremont Colleges; Josh Adams, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories & USGS Jennifer Stock, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary; William Henry, University of California Santa Cruz; Captain Charles Moore, Algalita Marine Research Foundation Funding for Black-footed Albatross conservation research provided by National Fish & Wildlife Foundation

Photos and Slides: P.Pyle, B.Saenz, B.Henry, S.Webb, D.Hyrenbach, M.Danzenbacher, J.Stock, H. Nevins, J. Adams, J. Harvey, C VanderlipK.Cousins, I. Kinan, Myra Finkelstein

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