acts of the apostles and st. paul’s letters a portrait of the early church

Acts of the Apostles and St. Paul’s Letters A Portrait of the Early Church

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Page 1: Acts of the Apostles and St. Paul’s Letters A Portrait of the Early Church

Acts of the Apostlesand St. Paul’s LettersA Portrait of the Early Church

Page 2: Acts of the Apostles and St. Paul’s Letters A Portrait of the Early Church

Acts of the Apostles• Following John’s Gospel in Canonical Order – the Acts of the Apostles

chronicles the early life of the Church.• It was written between 75-85AD by St. Luke and was meant to be a

continuation of his Gospel.• The book gives a unique perspective on the growth of the Church from

Jerusalem to the far reaches of the Roman Empire and beyond. • It tracks the missionary activity of the Apostles and their companions

throughout the world:

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Pentecost The event which made the

missionary activity of the Apostles possible was Pentecost.

Acts 2:1ff tells of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost was a Jewish harvest feast and the Apostles were all gathered together and there came into the

room, “a great wind” and the Spirit parted upon them, “as tongues, as

of fire”.

The Spirit enabled them to go out and preach and on that day 3000

were baptized.

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The Great Harvest Peter’s preaching at Pentecost

added 3000 to the Church.

In a short period of time the Church goes from being a small group of Jews to a multinational


Acts 2:5-12 describes how there were Jews in Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire; those

new Christians would travel home and spread their new faith.

The event of Pentecost is rightly called the “birthday of the


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The Early ChurchWhat did the early

Church do?

We read in Acts 2:42-45 that the early Church was committed to four basic activities:

1. “And they held steadfastly to the apostles’ teaching”

2. “The Breaking of the Bread”

3. “Prayers”

4. “… and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all"

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St. Stephen The First of Many Martyrs

In Acts 7:54-60 we learn of the martyrdom of Stephen the


Stephen was one of the seven deacons ordained by the apostles

to preach and baptize.

Saul, a member of the Sanhedrin, was present and was most likely responsible for Stephen’s death.

The martyrdom of Stephen reveals three important things: (1) early on in the Church there were levels of Holy Orders (2)

Stephen’s witness to Christ has a great impact on the growth of

the Church, and (3) we are introduced to Saul who will

become St. Paul.

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St. Paul - From Murderer to Saint

Saul was placed in charge of rounding up Christians to be imprisoned and/or

to be put to death.

On his way to Damascus, Saul is thrown from his

horse by a blinding vision.

He encounters the Risen Christ Who asks, “Saul,

Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

Christ reveals Himself as the Lord to Saul and Saul continues into the city, receives his sight back

and is baptized.

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Paul the Missionary After his conversion Paul

becomes a missionary.

He makes three missionary journeys; establishing

Churches and overseers (bishops) in each Church

along the way.

During his travels Paul writes back to many of the Churches he establishes to

address questions and concerns.

Paul becomes the apostle to the Gentiles in Greek

speaking lands and one of the greatest saints of the


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The Council of JerusalemAn issue in the life of the early

Church was whether Gentile converts had to follow the Jewish

customs and laws to be considered Christian.

This issue divided the Church between the Judaizers and Anti-


The early Church met in Jerusalem around 50AD to discuss

and resolve the issue.

In Acts15, Peter delivers his judgment that Gentile converts do not have to follow Jewish laws and customs; they are full members of

the Church through faith and baptism.

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St. Paul’s Letters


Written in about 55-58AD

Purpose: (1) to introduce himself and his teaching prior to his planned visit, (2) to establish

a connection to Rome which Paul hoped to be a new center of missionary work, and (3) to

ease tensions in Rome between Jewish and Gentile Christians.

Key Themes

1. Salvation in Christ – Paul describes how the world was guilty before God, but Jesus’ coming, His

death and Resurrection restored the family of


2. The Restoration of Israel – God has not abandoned

His chosen people, He will save all Israel in Christ. The Gentiles have been grafted onto the tree of


3. Christian Living – Paul discusses the obligations

of a Christian believer and the relationship between

the believer and the state.

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I & II Corinthians – The Sinners Called to Repent

Both letters written in 56AD.

Purpose: to call the Corinthians to repent from their many vices, to strengthen Paul’s

relationship with the Church, and to assert Paul’s apostolic


Key themes

1. Renounce Pride – the Corinthians valued human

knowledge above the Divine knowledge of the Scriptures.

2. Renounce Selfishness – the formerly pagan city of

Corinth was known for sinful practices. Paul reminds

them that, as Christians now, they need to act differently.

It is only thought living in Christ that we can be delivered from self-


3. Paul’s Apostleship – Paul affirms his authority and his deep desire to be a father to

the Corinthian Church.

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Galatians – Are we Jews or Something Else?

Written in the early to mid 50s.

Purpose: (1) to defend Paul’s teaching against the teaching of the Judaizers, and (2) to explain how Jesus’ establishment of the

New Covenant does away with the unnecessary rituals of the Old


Key themes

1. The New Covenant has fulfilled the Old – the Judaizers has some success among the Galatians, but Paul insists that Jesus’

Covenant has made the rituals of the Old Law


2. The Cross of Christ – Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross has sealed the

Covenant; there is no more need for the Law of Moses for Jesus has

instituted a Law of Love and Faith.

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Ephesians –Christ, a Mystery Revealed

Written in the early 60sAD.

Not so much a letter in the typical Pauline sense – Ephesians is more of

a liturgical and theological homily on Christ and His rule of the world.

Purpose: to draw the Church at Ephesus into a deeper appreciation of the grace of Christ won for us on

the Cross and Christ’s reign in heaven.

Key themes

1. Christ Reigns – Jesus is reigning from heaven and

renewing the Earth through the Church.

2. Jesus the Mystery – God once hidden was revealed

in Christ, especially through His death and


3. The Grace Continues – Jesus’ death and

Resurrection are not past events; they are still alive in us through grace. And

through this grace we participate in His royal, priestly, and prophetic


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Philippians – Paul’s Thank You Note

Written around 62AD.

Purpose: Paul sends his personal thanks to the Christian Church at

Philippi for their support and prayers during his imprisonment.

He also writes to resolve some conflicts within the community and

to warn against the Judaizing message.

Key Themes

1. Jesus the Servant – the Church at Philippi

experienced some problems with pride,

so Paul points to Christ Who emptied Himself and became

our servant.

2. Paul the Servant – through persecution and imprisonment,

Paul remains faithful to the mission by

imitating the example of Christ.

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Colossians – Living God’s Will

Key Themes

Written in the 60s AD.

Purpose – to dispel some false philosophies held among the

Colossian community.

Paul also emphasizes doing the will of God on His terms – not

through any of our own designs

1. Doing the will of God – Paul writes to

confront the Colossians tendency toward Gnosticism.

Gnosticism – an early heresy which exalted “secret knowledge”

instead of God’s

2. Christ is God’s Wisdom made visible

– “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above”


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I & II Thessalonians – Faithfulness leads to Holiness

Key Themes

Purpose – to call the Thessalonians to holiness through

the close following of Apostolic teaching.

Written around 50AD with the aid of Silas and Timothy.

1. A holy life leads to eternal life – Paul

tells of the importance of

keeping the moral law and leading a life

of holiness even in the midst of persecution.

2. Stand fast to the Apostolic teaching –

some began to speculate that Jesus’

return was immanent; Paul

reminds them to only follow Apostolic


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I & II Timothy

Key Themes

Written between 64-67AD

Purpose: Paul establishes the guidelines for the various ministries of

the Church.

Also, the various ministries of the Church are acted out through the gifts

that God gives.

1. Holy Orders – Paul writes instructions to

Timothy on the requirements for a candidate for Holy

Orders (Bishop, Priest & Deacon).

2. The duties of ministers – Paul specifically calls

ministers of the Gospel to care for widows,

orphans, & the elderly.

3. Keep the Faith – all who have roles of

responsibility within the Church are called to live lives of holiness, “Fight

the good fight of the faith” (6:11)

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Titus & Philemon

Key Themes

Titus – written 63-65AD

Philemon – written 61-63AD


Titus = keeping the Church true to the teaching of Christ, against false


Philemon = (was a slave owner) whom Paul writes and encourages

him that even a slave is free in Christ.

Titus1) Ordain sound Bishops

– good Bishops ensure solid teaching and encourage moral


Philemon2) Christ saves us from

the real slavery of sin death.