advice from latin ii to latin i

Advice from Latin II to Latin I

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Post on 18-Jun-2015




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At the end of Latin II in 2013-14's Spring Semester, I had my students answer a questionnaire about what they found most (and least) useful in the class, what we should do more (and what less) of in future courses, and what advice they had both for me and for you. They spent quite a bit of time with it and gave some thoughtful answers. We looked at this at the beginning of this semester, but I'm posting it here so you can see it again. (Repetita juvant!)


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Advice from Latin II to Latin I

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Advice from Latin II to Latin I

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Advice from Latin II to Latin II. Which of your own practices

have helped you the most?

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Advice from Latin II to Latin I

“Reading the book multiple times.”“Listening to [Magister’s] recordings.”“Taking time to analyze the chapter slowly and completely, a few sentences at a time.”“Flashcards. Tables.”“Memorizing charts.”“Re-reading the chapter and listening to the chapter while reading.”“Making my own notes: underline, circle, arrows – all to help show meanings.”“Reviewing the chapter and looking at the noun charts.”“Working with [a classmate].”“When I actually read the text at home it really helps.”“Reading the text every night.”“Skimming the chapter while studying the pictures. Studying all the charts.”“Reviewing charts and dicta.”“Charts and labeling the cases while reading the text.”“Re-reading.”

I. Which of your own practiceshave helped you the most?

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“Reading over the text.”“Looking over the chapter and thinking carefully about the meaning.”“Listening to the audio.”“Studying carefully at home and then just listening in class.”“Not being shy during whole-class activities.”“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the [exercitia latina] on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”“Reading the chapters multiple times.”“Doing the green sheets.”“Reading to myself.” (“[But when other people make] noise in the classroom it distracts me too much and sometimes makes me not even want to try.”)

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“Reading over the text.”“Looking over the chapter and thinking carefully about the meaning.”“Listening to the audio.”“Studying carefully at home and then just listening in class.”“Not being shy during whole-class activities.”“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the [exercitia latina] on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”“Reading the chapters multiple times.”“Doing the green sheets.”“Reading to myself.” (“[But when other people make] noise in the classroom it distracts me too much and sometimes makes me not even want to try.”)[Note from the teacher: remember Hillel’s Golden Rule: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary. Go and study it[!].” Please try to be the kind of neighbor you’d like your condisciples to be.]

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“Reading over the text.”“Looking over the chapter and thinking carefully about the meaning.”“Listening to the audio.”“Studying carefully at home and then just listening in class.”“Not being shy during whole-class activities.”“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the [exercitia latina] on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”“Reading the chapters multiple times.”“Doing the green sheets.”“Reading to myself.” (“[But when other people make] noise in the classroom it distracts me too much and sometimes makes me not even want to try.”)“Studying carefully at home and then just listening in class.”“Not being shy during whole-class activities.”

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“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the exercises on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”

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“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the exercises on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”II. What advice do you give to people

starting Latin II next fall?

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“Using the pictures to understand the story.”“Using index cards.”“Making my own charts and notes on forms.”“Doing the exercises on the green sheets.”“Watching [Magister] act out while reading the chapter.”“Studying the Latine Disco and looking back at the stories.”“Re-reading over and over and over...”“Stopping after each paragraph to make sure I understand what’s happening.”“Reading the context and looking at the charts to see which [forms] the words were in.”“Probably the green sheets, if I actually did them[!]”“Re-reading the chapters.”II. What advice do you give to people

starting Latin II next fall?“Listen in class.”“Study a lot.”“Learn your [noun and pronoun] charts better than the back of your hand.”“It’s not an easy class but it helps you become open about trying things that you think are hard.”“Be patient. Repetition of what’s difficult helps.”

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“Read the stories repeatedly!”“You need to get into it. Then you’ll keep your focus.”“Be ready to memorize. Understand every aspect of the story. Listen to what [Magister] says; it’ll be extra credit.”“Re-read the chapter.”“Pay attention to the forms and write them in your binder. Have sheets where you write down the things you have figured out. [Magister] will give you helpful charts but you should also make your own.”“Try your best and ask lots of questions.”“Read/review repeatedly.”“Read and review the text! Do your homework! I think that if I had done more of both I would have understood things much better and faster.”“Be willing to actually put forth a lot of effort. Ask a lot of questions or just don’t take Latin.”“Pay attention.”“Study grammar often, as it is the most difficult, and enjoy the class.”“Pay attention early on. Give Latin the most attention of all your classes. Put in extra time.”“Be prepared.”“Latin is a fun class but you have to pay attention and work hard outside of class to keep up. Do the exercises and be prepared for tests.”“Always review the chapter.”

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“Pay a lot of attention and don’t goof off like I did. Latin II doesn’t get any easier.”“Use notecards.”“The endings mean everything.”“Be organized! Have fun! Learn your lit.”“Pay lots of attention. Don’t distract others!”“Study every night! Always look over your work!”“Be committed.”“Get a binder. Do not go to sleep – you miss a lot and he thinks it’s rude. Study your behind off. Listen. Ask numerous questions. Do not bother your neighbors! Enjoy...”“Be willing to step out of the box.”“Only take the class if you have great patience.”“Study and read over the chapter every day.”“Do your homework, listen to the audio, and read until you can understand. Get the basics down or you won’t get the new stuff.”“Come into the class with a mind to do Latin. You can’t horseplay.”“They have to stay committed and focused; if not they will fall into a deep hole and have to struggle their way out. They should also dedicate time every night to go over material.”“Always ask questions if you don’t understand something. And make sure to know your [forms].”“Stay commtted [plus drawing of fist of power].”

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“Pay attention the first day or you will get busted.”“Learn the forms.”“If you don’t try you’ll be a failure. If you do try your best and still fail, ask for help, ’cause even if you fail now you’ll soon get it and it will all come to you. Also, do your homework and read over the content diligently.”“Don’t fall asleep and be ready for lots of charts. And do the homework! That way you’ll not make a D, [as] I probably did.”“Go through each sentence and try to comprehend it completely. Don’t get behind on comprehension.”“Don’t sleep.”

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“Pay attention the first day or you will get busted.”“Learn the forms.”“If you don’t try you’ll be a failure. If you do try your best and still fail, ask for help, ’cause even if you fail now you’ll soon get it and it will all come to you. Also, do your homework and read over the content diligently.”“Don’t fall asleep and be ready for lots of charts. And do the homework! That way you’ll not make a D, [as] I probably did.”“Go through each sentence and try to comprehend it completely. Don’t get behind on comprehension.”“Don’t sleep.” [Note from teacher: do sleep at home! Nine to ten hours!]

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“Pay attention the first day or you will get busted.”“Learn the forms.”“If you don’t try you’ll be a failure. If you do try your best and still fail, ask for help, ’cause even if you fail now you’ll soon get it and it will all come to you. Also, do your homework and read over the content diligently.”“Don’t fall asleep and be ready for lots of charts. And do the homework! That way you’ll not make a D, [as] I probably did.”“Go through each sentence and try to comprehend it completely. Don’t get behind on comprehension.”“Don’t sleep.”

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