aggressionppt final faheem


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AggressionPresentation Topic

Presented by: M.Faheem Abbas

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Aggression can be defined as any behaviour intended to hurt others.

While most of the people would assume that aggression is always anti social, there are both anti social and prosocial forms of aggression.

Aggression refers to behaviour between members that can be physical or verbal. People can avoid such treatment or can fight back.

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TYPES OF AGGRESSION Hostile Aggression: defined as aggression stemming from

feelings of anger and aimed at inflicting pain or injury. Proactive Aggression: aggression is initiated against a target

without immediate provocation. Reactive Aggression: it is a type of defensive, reactive, or

impulsive aggression in sense that the actor is responding to a threat.

Physical or verbal aggression Direct or indirect aggression.

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Causes Of Aggression

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Causes of Human Aggression

Social Determinants

Cultural Factors

Personality Factors

Situational Determinants

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Social Determinants



Heightened Arousal

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Personal Causes of Aggression

Gender differences ○ Overall males report engaging in more aggressive

behavior than do females. ○ The extent of gender differences depends on the

situation and the type of aggression. Males are significantly more likely than females to aggress

against others when they have not been provoked in any manner .

Males are more likely than females are to use direct forms of aggression (physical assaults, shouting).

Females are more likely than males are to use indirect forms of aggression (gossiping, spreading rumors).

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ARE WE BORN AGGRESSIVE OR IS AGGRESSIVENESSLEARNED THROUGH EXPERIENCE? Innate aggression: an inevitable, biological inclination to

violence Learned aggression: aggression taught through experience

and imitation

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Aggression is Innate... Freud and Lorenz argued that aggression is an innate, natural,

and biological characteristic Freud described his theory of the ‘death instinct’ as a being a

method of escaping life by playing dead whereas the ‘life instinct’ is meant to preserve life and reproduce. Lorenz stated that the will to live and aggression are compatible in the fact that both are directed at securing the advantages necessary to survival and reproduction

However, these theories of innate aggression are cyclical in the fact that they are shut off from testable alternatives and linear reasoning (Humans are aggressive because its instinctual and we know its instinctual because humans behave aggressively) (Brehm et al. 2008)

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Aggression is Learned...

When children are socially taught to be aggressive to get what they want, they tend to be aggressive adults

If it is learned at a young age that aggressive behavior has a positive result this method of obtaining such effects will continue (De Souza 2007).

Rewards will increase violent behavior (a kid hits another and gets his candy) whereas negative results can stop aggressive and violent behavior

Punishment is most effective when it is administered immediately after unwanted behavior occurs, is strong enough to stop the behavior, and is consistently fair. Punishment can also instigate retaliation however, and act as a model to imitate.

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Negative Affect A wide variety of noxious stimuli can create

negative feelings and increase aggression Hot temperatures are associated with

increased aggression and violence Positive emotional responses are

incompatible with negative affect and reduce retaliatory aggression

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Prevention& Control of Aggression

Some Useful Techniques Punishment: Delivery Aversive Consequences is a major technique for

reducing aggression.○ Two beliefs regarding its implementation

Aggressive behavior deserves to be punished.Punishment of aggressive behavior deters(Discourage) future


Punishment can reduce aggression ,but only if it meets four basic requirements

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Prompt: It must follow aggressive actions as quickly as possible.

Certain to Occur : The probability that it will follow aggression must be high.

Must be Strong: Strong enough to be highly unpleasant to potential recipients.

Justified or Deserved: It must be perceived by recipients as justified or deserved

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