aj2~q~ quality~ individual aquifer protection permit … · 2012. 8. 4. · aj2~q~ of environmental...

of Environmental (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn: Katherine Ann Arnold Mailing Address 4500 Cherry Creek South Drive, Suite #1040 Permittee (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn: Katherine Arnold 4500 Cherry Creek South Mailing Address Drive, Suite # 1 040 1 3 Landowner(s): Section 3.1 INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT APPLICATION I:8J Owner and Operator Phone ________________ _ Business (303) 300-0134 City Denver State CO Zip 80246 I:8J Owner and Operator Phone ---"'(3--'-0"--'3)'-'3--'0--'-0---'0_1_34 _________ _ Firm Name _R--'-o-'-se'---m_o_n_t_C_o"'-pp'-e_r_C_o_m-'p_a_n __ y ______ _ City Denver State CO Zip 80246 I:8J Check this box if the person listed below is not the applicant, include a copy of the Lease or Contract Name Jeanine Derby- U.S. Forest Service Phone Business --.::.52=.:0::....-.:::.3.:::.88::....-.:::.84--'..:2=-:8::....--,-::-___ -=:-_--::-:::-=-::-:--__ Tucson State AZ Zip 85701 Title Forest Supervisor - Coronado National Forest Mailing Address 300 W. Congress St. 6 th Floor City 1 4 Facility Name [A.A.C. R1S-1-503(2)] Facility Name Rosemont Copper Operations I:8J New D CUl1'ently Operating 5 Authorized Agent [A.A.C. R1S-1-503(3)] D Check this box if the person listed below is authorized to act as an "Agent" on behalf of the applicant Name Title Phone ________________ _ Ci Firm Name ---S=---------=Z::-l. ------ tate Address There is not an address for the facility at this time. The local mailing address is: See Section 2.3 P.O. Box 35130 City Tucson County Pima Township l8S Range 18S 19S Latitude 31 GWS FORM 101 (REv. APRIL 2008) l5E 16E 16E State Arizona Zip 85740 Section 24,25, and 36 19,20,21,22,28,29,30,31,32, and 33; 5 and 6; 50 " N Longitude 110 0 45 " W 1110 WEST WASHINGTON, PHOENIX, AZ 85007 WWW.AZDEQ.GOV PAGE 1 oF6 DEQ00013394 ADEQ-3

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Page 1: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:

AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~

(Check One) DOwner D Operator

Name Rosemont Copper Company

Title Attn: Katherine Ann Arnold Mailing Address 4500 Cherry Creek South

Drive, Suite #1040

Permittee (Check One) DOwner D Operator

Name Rosemont Copper Company

Title Attn: Katherine Arnold 4500 Cherry Creek South

Mailing Address Drive, Suite # 1 040

1 3 Landowner(s): Section 3.1


I:8J Owner and Operator

Phone ________________ _

Business (303) 300-0134 City Denver State CO Zip 80246

I:8J Owner and Operator

Phone ---"'(3--'-0"--'3)'-'3--'0--'-0---'0_1_34 _________ _

Firm Name _R--'-o-'-se'---m_o_n_t_C_o"'-pp'-e_r_C_o_m-'p_a_n __ y ______ _

City Denver State CO Zip 80246

I:8J Check this box if the person listed below is not the applicant, include a copy of the Lease or Contract

Name Jeanine Derby- U.S. Forest Service Phone

Business --.::.52=.:0::....-.:::.3.:::.88::....-.:::.84--'..:2=-:8::....--,-::-___ -=:-_--::-:::-=-::-:--__

Tucson State AZ Zip 85701 Title Forest Supervisor - Coronado National Forest Mailing Address 300 W. Congress St. 6th Floor City

1 4 Facility Name [A.A.C. R1S-1-503(2)]

Facility Name Rosemont Copper Operations I:8J New D CUl1'ently Operating

I· 5 Authorized Agent [A.A.C. R1S-1-503(3)] D Check this box if the person listed below is authorized to act as an "Agent" on behalf of the applicant



Phone ________________ _

Ci Firm Name ---S=---------=Z::-l. -----­


Address There is not an address for the facility at this time. The local mailing address is: See Section 2.3 P.O. Box 35130

City Tucson

County Pima Township l8S Range


19S Latitude 31

GWS FORM 101 (REv. APRIL 2008)

l5E 16E


State Arizona Zip 85740

Section 24,25, and 36 19,20,21,22,28,29,30,31,32, and 33;

5 and 6; 50 " N Longitude 110 0 45 " W


PAGE 1 oF6



Page 2: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:

AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT ApPLICATION I 9 Emergency COiltact (A.A.C. R18-9-A202(A)(1l)]

Name Katherine Arnold Phone 520-784-1972

110 Legal Description [A.A.C. R18-9-A201(B)(1)]

Legal Description See Section 2.3

111 Operational Life [A,A.C. R18-9-A201(B)(1)]

The operational life of the facility is Approximately 30 years including construction, operations, and closure activities.

1.12 Facility Description [A.R.S. § 49-243(K)(8)]

I have attached a facility description that includes the following information: A) General description of what the facility does. B) When operations began or are estimated to begin. C) A general description of your process as it relates to the discharge. List all operational and closed discharging facilities,

source of the wastewater, and where the wastewater is discharged. [8] Yes include as attachment See Attached A lication Re ort

13 Existing Environmental Permits [A.A.C. R18-9-A201(B)(1)]

List any other federal or state environmental permits issued for or needed by the facility, including any individual permit, Groundwater Quality Protection Permit, or Notice of Disposal that may have previously authorized the discharge (insert additional rows if necessary). See Section 2.5 and Appendix C

Federal Permits

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Resource Conservation and Recovety Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste ID Number

United States Department of Transportation (DOT)

Hazardous Materials Transportation Registration

United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)

Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 404 Permit

Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)

MSHA ID Number

United States Forest Service (USFS)

National Environmental Policy Act (NEP A) Record of Decision (ROD)

Permit to Operate

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE or ATF)

Blasting Operator Registration

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Radio Licenses for IndustriallBusiness Pool Conventional Use

State Permits

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)

Area-wide Aquifer Protection Permit (APP)

APP Type 2.02 General Permit(s) for Intetmediate Stockpiles at Mining Sites

APP Type 4 General Pennit(s) On-site Wastewater Treatment Facility

Arizona Pollution Discharge Elimination System (AZPDES) Multi-Sector General Pennit (MSGP)

Solid Waste Management Inventory Number

Hazardous Waste Management Number

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Page 3: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:


Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification

Water System ID for Non-transient, Non-community Water System

Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR)

Groundwater Withdrawal Permits

Safety of Dams Pennit

Arizona State Mine Inspector (ASMI)

Mine Reclamation Plan

Local Permits

Pima County Depatiment of Environmental Quality (PDEQ)

Air Quality Permit

114 Certificate of Disclosure [A.A.C. RI8~9~A201(B)(2)] Are you required to file a ceitificate of disclosure according to A.R.S. § 49-109? D Yes (include as attachment) ~ No See Section 2.6

115 Compliance with Zoning [A.A.C. R18..,9-A201(B)(3)]


I have attached evidence that the facility complies with applicable municipal or county zoning ordinances, codes and re lations? ~ Yes include as attachment See Section 2.7 Technical Capability [A.A.C. RI8~9-A202(B)]

I have attached evidence that the applicant has the ability to cany out the terms of the pennit (design, constlUction, operation, closure). The attached evidence includes: A) Pertinent licenses or certifications held by the person. B) Professional training releyant to the design, constlUction, or operation of the facility. C) Work experience relevant to the design, constlUction, or operation of the facility. ~ Yes (include as attachment) See Section 12.0 CosfEstimates [A.A.C. RI8-9-A201(B)(5)]

Description ..•... . .' '.' .•.... ". .. ' . ? .. \ . Cost li:stiJ)ljl,te " '" . " ......... .." .

ConstlUction $ 897,000,000

Operation $ 143,000,000

Maintenance $ 41,000,000

Closure (APP) $ 1,175,000

Post-closure $ 650,000

I have attached documentatlOn suppOltmg the cost estImates hsted above? ~ Yes (mclude as attachment) See Section 13.0 and the Rosemont Copper Project Updated Feasibility Study Volume I NI 43-101 Technical Report, M3 Engineering & Technolo Cor., 2009

18 Financial Demonstration [A.A.C. RI8-9-A203]

A) I have attached a letter by the Chief Financial Officer stating that the applicant is financially capable of meeting the costs listed in the above item. ~ Yes (Check if letter attached)

B) For government entities, submit a statement that indicates how the entity is capable of meeting the costs in item 15 above. D Yes (Check if statement attached)

C) For non-government entities, submit the information required for at least one of the financial assurance mechanisms listed below that covers the closure and post-closure costs submitted in item 15, including: 1. The selected financial mechanism or mechanisms; 2. The amount covered by each financial mechanism; 3. The institution or company that is responsible for each financial mechanism used in the demonstration; and 4. Any other details that demonstrate how the applicant is financially capable of meeting the costs described in item 15.

GWS FORM 101 (REv. APRIL 2008)




Page 4: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:


'~~f~~'~lli~~~~~fM~~~~~~jlii(~ti'~f~~lf~l{6~~IiJ?lr)?j'" D Financial Test for Self-Assurance Letter of Credit

lSI Perfonnance Surety Bond (See below & Section 13) Insurance Policy (See below & Section 13)

D Certificate of Deposit Cash Deposit (See below & Section 13)

lSI Trust Fund (See below & Section 13) Guarantees (See below & Section 13)

The Rosemont Project is cU11'ently in the final design process and financial assurance mechanisms have not been fully defined for this APP application submission. However, Rosemont intends to provide one or a combination of the above Financial Mechanisms as part of a larger financial assurance package covering reclamation and closure of the entire facility. This package will be part of the overall project financing, and funding tied to issuance of the Record of Decision from the Environmental Impact Statement process under National Environmental Protection Act.

Note: Please reference A.A.C. RI8-9-A203 for s ecific financial mechanism re uirements. Conformance with Area-wide 208 Quality Management Plan FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES (STF) ONLY A.A.C. R18-9-A201 B 6] Is the STF in conformance with the 208 plan? DYes D No (submit request to detelIDine conformance) lSI NA

I 20 Compliance History (A.A.C.R18-9-A202(A)(11»

lSI Has been no compliance or enforcement actions relating to this facility within the last 5 years. D I,have rovided a histOl of com liance and enforcement actions relatin to this for this facili

21 Design Flow [A.A.C. R18-9-101(l3)]

Please provide the design flow in gallons per day for all the discharging facilities located at the Site. Calculations for determining design flow must be attached part of this application. "Design flow" means the daily flow rate a facility is designed to accommodate on a sustained basis while satisfying all Aquifer Protection Permit discharge limitations and treatment and operational requirements. The design flow either incorporates or is used with appropriate peaking and safety factors to ensure sustained, reliable operation. The design flow will be used to calculate the Annual Registration Fee in accordance with Arizona Revised Statutes §49-242. See Sections 6.5 and 7.0 Design Flow In Excess of 10,000,000 gallons per day

122 Process Flow Diagram [A.A.C. R18-9-A202(A)(11)]


Describe the activity producing the discharge. (Example - wastewater treatment, dewatering, cooling, manufacturing, etc.). Include pertinent elements of water processing or treatment that could affect the quality of the water discharged in a process flow diagram. lSI h k' fl d' h d C ec Ifa process ow lagram IS attac e . See Figure 06 List of Discharging Facilities [A.R.S. § 49-241]

Operational Discharging Facilities

See Sections 2.3, 6.5, and 7.0 F'itcilitr Name ~ (De~cii:pti9n) .1' '.

. ' .. '.'

;. Latitude .' LOIlgitud~ . j. i j •..•. " .. . ..

Coarse Ore Stockpile - (intelIDediate ore stockpile) 31° 49' 59.23"N 110° 44' 47.67" W

Tempormy ROM Sulfide Ore Stockpile - (intermediate ore stockpile) 31° 49' 57.46"N 110° 44' 52.74" W

Sewage Treatment Facilities - (septic tanks and leach fields) 31° 50' 30.43"N 110° 44' 46.43" W

Dry Stack Tailings Facilities - (tailings impoundment) 31 ° 50' 22.64" N 110° 43' 52.26" W

Process Water Temporary Storage Pond - (non-sto11'llwater pond) 31° 50' 10.34"N llO° 44' 28.62" W

PrimalY Settling Basin - (non-stonnwater pond) 31 ° 50' 20.93" N 110° 44' 38.92" W

Raffinate Pond - (process solution pond) 31 ° 49' 33.04" N 110° 44' 14.52" W

Heap Leach Pad - (heap leach pad) 31° 49' 24.40"N 110° 44' 48.48" W

PLS Pond - (process solution pond) 31° 49' 31.63"N 110° 44' 11.08" W

Stormwater Pond - (non-stOlIDwater pond) 31° 49' 34.74"N 110° 44' 9.62" W

Open Pit - (open pit mine) 31° 49' 53.54"N 110° 45' 28.58" W

Waste Rock Storage Area - (waste rock dump) 31°49' l.37"N 110° 44' 25.94" W

Waste Management Area - (solid waste facility) 31° 50' 39.28"N 110° 45' 0.49" W

GWS FORM 101 (REv. APRIL 2008) PAGE 4 OF 6



Page 5: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:

AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT APPLICATION Discharging Facilities to be. Closed Under this Permit


Please inseli additional rows if more space is needed.

124 Disposal Method (Check all that apply) [A.R.S. § 49~241]

0 Outfall to Navigable Water 0 Land Treatment Area

0 Recharge 0 Injection Well

r;gJ Surface Impoundment 0 Reuse

r;gJ Leach Field 0 Other

125 Technical Requirements (Check all that have been attached. See Rule Citation for Specific Requirements)

De~criptil>n .. .. ' ... "" """ .. ... Page # .". '." ; Attached?


. .. . ...

A) Maps [AA.C. R18-9-A202(A)(1)] See Attached Figures

B) Site Plan [AAC. R18-9-A202(A)(2)] See Attached Figures

C) Design Documents [AAC. R18-9-A202(A)(3)] See Attached Figures and Provided Documentation

D) Characterization of Discharge [AAC. R18-9-A202(A)(4)] See Section 7.0

E) Description of Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology [A.AC. RI8-9- See Section 7.0 A202(A)(5)]

F) Compliance with Aquifer Water Quality Standards at the Point of Compliance See Section 9.0 [AAC. R18-9- A202(A)(6)1

G) Contingency Plan [AAC. R18-9-A202(A)(7) and R18-9-A204] See Section S.O

H) Hydrogeologic Study or 0 Justification that a limited study or no hydrogeologic See Section 5.0 study is required [AAC. RI8-9-A202(A)(8)]

I) Detailed proposal indicating alert levels, discharge limitations, aquifer quality limits, See Section 9.0 monitoring requirements (discharge, groundwater and operational monitoring), and compliance schedule items. [AA.C. R18-9-A202(A)(9)]

J) Closure and post-closure plans [AAC. R18-9-A202(A)(1 0)] See Section 11.0 and Provided Documentation


K) For a STF provide a map demonstrating that setbacks have been met [AA.C. RI8-9-B201(I)l

L) Design Report [AAC. R18-9-B202 and B203]

M) Engineering Plans [AA.C. RI8-9-B203]

Point of Compliance (POC) [A.A.C. R1S-9-A202(A)(6)]

See Section 9.0 and Figure 22

Latitude 31

Latitude 31



49.62 "N

48.58 "N



110 0 42 ----:-1-:-:10:- 0 43




r;gJ r;gJ


r;gJ r;gJ




0 0

34.73 "W

17.91 "W

Latitude 31 49 23.74 "N Longitude 110 0 43 50.40 "W

Latitude 31 48 35.11 "N Longitude 110 0 43 48.81 "W

o Existing Well 0 Proposed Well r;gJ Proposed Point (well not proposed). Add additional rows ifneeded.

127 Reclaimed Water Classification (FOR STF ONLY)

Reclaimed Water Classification: 0 A+ 0 A 0 B+ 0 B 0 C

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Page 6: AJ2~Q~ Quality~ INDIVIDUAL AQUIFER PROTECTION PERMIT … · 2012. 8. 4. · AJ2~Q~ of Environmental Quality~ (Check One) DOwner D Operator Name Rosemont Copper Company Title Attn:


I 28 Certification Statement IA.A.C~ R18"9~A201(B)(7)1 I certify under penalty of law that this Aquifer Protection Permit application and all attachments were prepared under my direction or authorization and all information is, to the best of my knowledge, true, accurate and complete. I also certify thallhe APP discharging facilities described in this form is or will be designed, constructed, operated, andlor closed in accordance with the terms and conditions the Aquifer Protection Permit and applicable requirements of Arizona Revised Statutes Title 49, Chapter 2, and Arizona Administrative Code Title 18, Chapter 9 regarding aquifer protection permits. [am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false infOlmation, including permit revocation as well as the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.

me~Katherine Ann Arnold / I )

~IIJ,.L':::.~~/~-=--~~~-::::5f.=.?::!.....::....--=-:::s... ______ l f .w.::"-~:;, .) (J ~OO ') Date U

GWS FORM 101 (REV. APRIL 2008)


