alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. her sister was reading a really boring book with no...


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Page 1: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice
Page 2: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice was really fed up and the sun was making her sleepy, she could smell the bluebells that were all around her, hear birds singing in the trees and the frogs jumping into the pool.

Page 3: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Suddenly a white rabbit raced past. This wasn’t strange lots of rabbits lived in the woods near where Alice sat and it was a lovely sunny day. This rabbit was different though to the usual bunnies, this one was wearing clothes, carrying a watch, and shouting “ I'm late, I'm late”.

Page 4: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice followed the rabbit to a hole under a tree. Alice bent down low and peered into the hole. She couldn’t see the rabbit or hear his voice any more. Alice leant in closer and stretched her arm in to see if she could reach the rabbit, then she pushed her shoulders and head into the hole. She wriggled until all her body except the tips of her toes were inside the hole. As she curled her toes in she felt the world start to spin and shake.

Page 5: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

When Alice opened her eyes she realised she was falling down a very long, very wide hole. All around her she could see strange things on shelves and in boxes. Some things were falling past her. As she fell she reached out to grab things from the shelves but was worried she might drop them so pushed them into the next free space. What a strange place to keep your furniture and toys thought Alice

Page 6: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

When Alice stopped falling she found herself in a strange room. She just manage to catch sight of the rabbits white tail disappearing through a tiny door, there was no way Alice would fit through the door. Alice looked around the room, she saw a large table with a golden key and a little bottle on top. The bottle had a tag attached that said ‘DRINK ME’ , Alice looked at the bottle and decided it wasn’t poison so she drank all the liquid.

Page 7: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice felt her body tingle and realised she was shrinking very fast. “Great” she said I will be able to get out the little door now. But when she tried the door she found it was locked. “ I bet that key on top of the table will unlock the door” she exclaimed Unfortunately now Alice was so small she couldn’t reach the top of the table, and it was too slippery for her to climb. Alice looked around the room for something she could use to get up to the top of the table.

Page 8: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

She spotted a small cake under the table, written on the top in currants were the words ‘ EAT ME’ . Alice thought about what had already happened to her and she decided that if the cake made her grow she would be able to reach the key again and if it made her shrink even more than she would be able to get under the door so either way she would be able to follow the rabbit. So she took a bite. Nothing happened. she squashed the rest of the cake in to her mouth. Whoosh she began to grow.

Page 9: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice kept growing until her feet seemed to be miles away. “Oh dear” she wailed “ How am I ever going to get out of here now, I can’t even see my feet. How am I going to tie my laces if I can’t even see my feet. And if I'm not nice to them they might not walk the way I want to, I'll have to send them a present every Christmas so that they do what I want. That would be funny sending presents to my feet.”Alice stretched down and picked up the key and knocked the table over.

Page 10: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice heard a patter patter beneath her and saw the White Rabbit coming running back across the room shouting “ I’m late, I’m late” Alice called down to the rabbit before he ran out the door again “ Please Mr. Rabbit, can you help me?”The rabbit jumped with shock, dropped his gloves and fan and ran through the door.

Page 11: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice picked up the fan and gloves and started to cry. Every thing was going wrong today. She began to wonder if she had changed when she was in the garden. “ Maybe I am not me, maybe I have switched bodies with one of my friends. Well I can’t be Dylan, or Dion, or Jacob, or Ryan or Jhon or Llew because they are boys and I am defiantly not a boy. I could be Emma or Tamara because they are girls and they have blonde hair and my hair is blonde. But I can’t bend my body like Emma does so I can’t be Emma. So maybe I am Tamara”.

Page 12: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice suddenly realised that she was very wet. She also realised that the White Rabbits gloves now fitted onto her hand. She was shrinking, and if she didn’t stop shrinking she would drown in the deep pool of tears that covered the floor. She dropped the fan in fright and she stopped shrinking, but this scared her too and she slipped into the sea of tears .

Page 13: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice climbed into the empty bottle and floated around the pool. As she floated around in the pool of tears she heard a splashing behind her, it was a mouse that had fallen into the pool as well. Alice tried to talk to the mouse but he didn’t want to talk to Alice especially when she mentioned she had a cat. More animals fell into the pool and soon it was full of strange creatures. They swam through a open door and washed up on the shore.

Page 14: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Everyone was soaking wet. The dodo suggested having a Caucus- race to dry themselves. Everyone stood in a marked out race course that was like a circle but not quite. There wasn’t a “1,2,3” or “Ready, steady, go”, everyone just started running when they wanted and there wasn’t a real finish either. After a while the dodo shouted “ The race is over” so everyone stopped. No one knew who had won so Alice gave everyone a piece of fudge, as they had decided they had all won.

Page 15: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The mouse called everyone to some sit in a circle and he told them his story.

Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, ‘Let us both goto law: I will prosecute you.- come , i’ll take no denial; We must have a trial: For really this morning I’ve nothing to do.’ Said the mouse to the cur, ‘Such a trail, dear Sir, With no jury or Judge , would Be wasting Our breath.’ ‘I’ll be judge, I’ll be jury,’ Said cunning old Fury: ‘ I’ll try the whole cause, and condemn you to death.’”

Page 16: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice enjoyed the story but was very confused by its shape. She started talking about her cat again, saying how good she was at catching mice and birds. The other animals didn’t like this and they all ran away. Alice was left all alone again, she really missed her cat. She heard foot steps behind her and hoped it was the mouse coming back to tell her more stories but it wasn’t.

Page 17: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

It was the White Rabbit running along the path. He was looking for his fan and white gloves. He saw Alice sitting on the ground and ran over. “ Mary Anne, what are you doing out here? Quickly run back to the house and get my gloves and fan” shouted the rabbit. Alice was too surprised to answer and ran off in the direction the rabbit had pointed.

Page 18: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice soon found a small cottage with a sign over the door saying ‘W Rabbit’. Alice ran inside and straight up the stairs to the bedroom. There she found a small table with a fan and pair of white gloves. Next to the gloves was a big bottle, there wasn’t a label saying DRINK ME but Alice was thirsty and she was sure something fun would happen.

Page 19: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Before she had drunk half the bottle her head was touching the ceiling. Alice dropped the bottle and hoped she had finished growing but she hadn’t . Alice kept growing, she tried to move so that she could fit better and ended up lying curled up on the floor with one arm out the window and her foot up the chimney. “ How am i going to live like this?” wailed Alice.

Page 20: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice heard voices outside, it was the White Rabbit. He tried to get into the bedroom but the door wouldn’t open because Alice's knee was pressed against it. When he tried to climb through the window Alice knocked him off the ladder with her arm. When Rabbit asked his friend Bill the Lizard to climb down the chimney, Alice kicked him flying through the air.

Page 21: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Next Alice heard a drumming as lots of hard things hit the side of the house, some fell into the room. They were cakes, Alice guessed that she had to eat them and they would make her smaller again. So she munched her way through them, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and she shrank.

Page 22: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice escaped out the back door because she was scared that the White Rabbit and Bill might be angry. Suddenly a rustling and loud rumbling noise appeared out of the bushes. It was a large puppy. Alice wanted to play with the puppy but it was bigger than her and she was afraid so she threw a stick and then ran and hid behind a group of mushrooms

Page 23: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice noticed smoke flowing from the top of one of the mushrooms. When she looked closer she saw a large blue caterpillar staring back at her. “Who Are You?” said the Caterpillar. Alice wasn’t sure of the answer as she still hadn’t decided who she was so instead she replied “I’m not sure I keep changing size”“Well if size is your only problem, maybe I can help. One side of the mushroom will make you bigger the other smaller.”

Page 24: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice looked at the mushroom trying to decide which side was which. In the end she pulled off a handful of both. She nibbled a bit of the right handful and felt her head hit her foot, she had shrunk. She quickly ate a piece of the left chunk and felt her head shoot up into the trees. By eating tiny bits of each handful Alice finally made herself the right size.

Page 25: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

As Alice continued her waklk through the forest, now at her normal size, she found a small mansion in a clearing. She realised she was too big to get inside and would probably scare the people that lived there if she knocked on the door so she nibbled on the piece of mushroom that would shrink her, and walked up the path.

Page 26: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

As Alice walked towards the door a fish in clothes came running out of the woods and knocked on the door. He gave an invitation to the frog that answered the door, saying it was an invitation for the Duchess to go play croquet with the Queen. While the frog sat on the doorstep reading the invitation, Alice slipped into the house .

Page 27: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice found herself in a large kitchen full of smoke. The Duchess was sitting on a stool in the middle, nursing a baby, and the Cook was leaning over the fire stirring a pan of stew. A large cat sat on a mat near the fire, he was grinning from ear to ear. The baby was crying so the Cook started throwing pots and pans at it. When everyone was busy throwing things Alice reached down and took the baby and ran away.

Page 28: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

When she was safely outside with the baby, she took a closer look at it. “Gosh, what an ugly baby” said Alice . It looked like a PIG . Alice dropped the fat little pig and it ran off into the trees.

Page 29: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

“MIOW”, Alice looked up to see the big Cheshire Cat grinning back at her. Well sometimes it was just a smile, as he kept disappearing and reappearing which made it hard to hold a conversation. “Please, Cheshire Cat. Can you tell me which way to go” asked Alice “Well” said the cat “ That depends on where you want to end up. In that direction is the March Hare, and in this direction is the Hatter. Both are mad, but then we are all mad here”And with that he slowly disappeared for the final time .

Page 30: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice walked in the direction the Cheshire Cat has pointed and it wasn’t long until Alice came to a clearing. There was a long table set for tea. Sitting around it were the Mad Hatter, March Hare and a sleeping mouse. As Alice walked over they shouted “No room, no room!”.“There’s plenty of room” shouted Alice, and she sat herself in a large armchair at one end of the table.

Page 31: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

As soon as Alice had sat down the Mad Hatter offered her a cup of tea. They sat in silence for a minute then the Hatter asked “ What day of the month is it?” when Alice told him it was the fourth he got annoyed as his watch was two days wrong and it was all times fault. Alice wondered what on earth he was talking about so the Hatter told her his tale.

Page 32: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

It all started in March, I was singing for the Queen and she didn’t like it, so she ordered her guards to chop off my head because I was murdering time. Well Time wasn’t happy that I was murdering him so he now refuses to do anything I ask so it is always six o’clock. That's why there are so many tea things as its always tea time but there is not time to wash them in-between, so we just move around.

Page 33: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

To cheer every one up, and because he had just woken up again the Mouse sang a little song

“Twinkle, Twinkle, little bat!How I wonder what you’re at!Up above the world you fly,Like a tea tray in the sky. Twinkle, Twinkle—”.

He fell asleep again. The Hare shock the tea pot he was in and woke him up once more. To stay awake the Mouse told a story about three sisters that lived in a treacle well, ate treacle and who drew lots of things that begin with the letter M.

Page 34: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice had had enough of these mad characters, so said her goodbyes and walked away before they swapped places again. Alice soon found herself back in the first room with the table and key. This time she knew what to do to get out to the gardens. She took the key from the table and then ate some of the shrinking mushroom, unlocked the little door, and walked through.

Page 35: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

A large rose bush was growing by the entrance, the roses were white but four gardeners were painting them red. “Why are you painting the roses red?” asked Alice. “All the roses must be red, but we accidentally planted a row of white bushes. If the Queen finds out we will all loose our heads.”Alice offered to help them paint the roses before the Queen arrived as she didn’t want to see them have their heads chopped off.

Page 36: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Alice heard the sound of many footsteps, and looked around to see rows of card men with clubs, diamonds and heart fronts, followed by the King and Queen of Hearts. The gardeners threw themselves to the floor and Alice wasn’t sure if she should do the same so she just stood and waited. The Queen wasn’t impressed by this or that the roses were dripping red paint. “Off with their heads”

Page 37: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The King reached out and touched the Queen “She is only a child dear”.The Queen stormed off a little way then turned around and said “Do you play croquet?” “ Yes” called back Alice and she ran to catch up with the party. As she joined the procession she realised the White Rabbit was hopping next to her, he looked grumpy now and not pleased to see her.

Page 38: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

“Get to your places!”shouted the Queen with a thunderous voice. Alice was surprised to find that the mallets were actually flamingos, the balls were hedgehogs and the arches were made by soldiers bending over. This made playing very difficult as the balls could run away or change direction whenever they wanted and the flamingos were very hard to hold as they wriggled. Also the hoops made of soldiers had a tendency to walk off.

Page 39: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Soon the Queen was getting impatient and started shouting “ Off with his head” and “ Off with her head”. Alice was worried that hers would be the next head to be chopped off. Alice noticed a strange flickering in the sky and after a minute realised it was the Cheshire Cat. They started to chat about the game and the queen, when Alice turned around she found a crowd of people all looking at the head floating in the sky. The queen wanted to chop off its head but as it was just a head the executioner didn’t think he could. So the cat solved the problem by vanishing

Page 40: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

When the Queen calmed down and they had chased the hedgehogs for quite a while, the Queen turned to Alice and asked “ Have you seen the Mock –Turtle yet?”. Without waiting for an answer she dragged Alice away to a corner of the grounds were a Gryphon was sleeping. “Get up you lazy thing and take this girl to see the Mock –Turtle”The Gryphon flew Alice to a small island in the middle of a lake to meet the Mock-Turtle.

Page 41: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

They found the Mock Turtle sitting on a ledge of rock looking very sad. The Gryphon introduced Alice to the Turtle and asked him to tell her his story. “Once I was a real Turtle. When I was little I went to school in the sea. Our teacher was an old turtle we called him Tortoise because he taught us. I went to school everyday, the first day was for ten hours, the second was nine, the third was eight hours, that's why they are called lessons as they get less everyday.

Page 42: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

With that the subject changed to dancing. The Gryphon and Mock-Turtle described the Lobster Quadrille, a strange dance like folk dancing that is danced by seals and turtles under the sea, and they gave Alice a short demonstration. All three talked for a long time about Alice's adventure today and how everything kept coming out wrong . In the end the Mock Turtle decided to sing another song about Mock turtle soup.

Page 43: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

Beautiful Soup! Who cares for fish,

Game, or any other dish?who would not give all else for

twopennyworth only of beautiful

Soup?Pennyworth only of beautiful

Soup?Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!Beau- ootiful Soo-oop!

Soo-oop of the e-e-evening,Beautiful,beauti-ful- Soup!

Soo-oop of the e-e-evening,Beautiful, beautiful Soup!”

While the Mock Turtle was busy singing the chorus over and over again, the Gryphon took Alice back to the main land. When they landed he pointed her towards the palace and told her to go in and watch the court as there was a big case going on.

Page 44: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The King and Queen of Hearts were seated in their thrones, with all sorts of animals and card men around the room. In the centre in chains stood the Knave of Hearts. The White Rabbit read the accusation.

“The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts,

All of a summers day:The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts,

And took them quite away!”

After reciting the poem to the court, White Rabbit called upon the first witness, the Mad Hatter.

Page 45: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The Hatter as always had a cup of tea in his hand and when asked to give his evidence he talked complete rubbish about tea and parties and Time, he was a useless witness. The next witness was the Cook, who gave evidence about the ingredients of tarts, which she was sure were made of pepper, which was wrong so wasn’t much help either. The final witness the White Rabbit read out was ...

Page 46: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

“ALICE !” Only now did Alice realise the familiar tingling in her body, she was growing back to her normal size. When court started again things didn’t go any better. Alice only answered one question before the King shouted“ Out!, get out! You are too tall to be in court.”“I am not too tall I am not even my proper size yet” replied Alice. At this the Queen ordered her head to be chopped off. When Alice tried to fight the card men off, they raised up into a wave and fell upon Alice. “ AAARRGHHH”

Page 47: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The cards kept falling, no wait they weren’t cards they were leaves, fluttering down from the tree. “Wake up Alice” said her sister “ You’ve been asleep for hours and you looked like you were having a very strange dream”Alice told her sister all about her adventure in Wonderland, before she realised she hadn’t eaten in ages and ran inside for her tea. Her sister sat for a while and thought about Alice’s dream.

Page 48: Alice was sitting in the garden with her sister. Her sister was reading a really boring book with no pictures and the words were to hard for Alice. Alice

The pool rippling against the reeds

Rustling grass

Tinkling of sheep bells

Farm noises Cows in the distance

A Shepherd boy shouting

Alice’s cat walking around her