alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update · alternate vehicles for diagnostic...

Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update Aim. The aim of the present study was to review the literature subsequent to 2001 for recent information on alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing. Aim. Patch testing is a standard tool in dermatoallergology used in particular in the diagnostic pro- cess of allergic contact dermatitis. While petrolatum is employed in most cases, the way vehicles can influence results may not be neglected. Alternate vehicles may clarify hitherto negative or doubtful results. Methods. The authors searched the most important medical databases using as search terms “contact dermatitis”, “patch test” and “vehicle”. Results. Data obtained by local lymph node assay and in vitro percutaneous absorption experiments suggest methods to improve penetration and immunologic response by either adding substances to petrolatum or replacing it altogether. Still, an adequate hypoirritant substitute for petrolatum remains to be discovered. In addition, one study reveals the lack of a general recommendation as to which quantity of petrolatum, and therefore dose, to apply. In the meantime, a negative or unclear patch test in a patient with allergen exposition and maybe even a history of contact dermatitis might be repeated using the scratch method, a higher aller- gen concentration or sodium lauryl sulphate either in the vehicle or as a control. The authors review the literature subsequent to 2001 for recent evolution of knowledge on vehicles. Conclusion. Little conclusive research has been done on alter- nate vehicles in patch testing. However, the authors recognize some interesting tendencies as to either improve the characte- ristics of petrolatum as a vehicle by adding substances that may heighten the immunologic response or replace it. KEYWORDS: Skin - Vehicles - Petrolatum - Patch tests - Dermati- tis, contact. P atch testing, a standard tools in dermatoallergolo- gy, is typically performed using petrolatum as a vehicle; alternate vehicles may confer advantages for certain substances. Generally, enhanced thermody- namic activity increases percutanous absorption, 1 hence improving the solubility of a substance in its vehicle may render results in hitherto negative or unclear patch tests. In addition, alternate vehicles may be more accurate than petrolatum to measure into the patch. Tanglertsampan et al. 2 and Lee et al. 3 summarized publications on alternate vehicles in patch testing until 1992 and 2002, respectively. The authors review the lit- erature subsequent to 2001 for recent information. Materials and methods The authors searched the medical databases Pubmed, Embase and the Science Citation Index using as search Department of Dermatology University of California Medical School San Francisco, CA, USA Received in October 17, 2007. Accepted for publication on April 8, 2008. Address reprint requests to: C. Cyran, University of California Medical School, Department of Dermatology, Box 8989, San Francisco, CA 94143- 0989, USA. E-mail: [email protected] C. CYRAN, H. MAIBACH Vol. 143 - N. 2 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA 91 ORIGINAL ARTICLES G ITAL DERMATOL VENEREOL 2008;143:91-4 MINERVA MEDICA COPYRIGHT®

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Page 1: Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update · Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update Aim.The aim of the present study was to review the literature

Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update

Aim. The aim of the present study was to review the literaturesubsequent to 2001 for recent information on alternate vehiclesfor diagnostic patch testing. Aim. Patch testing is a standard toolin dermatoallergology used in particular in the diagnostic pro-cess of allergic contact dermatitis. While petrolatum is employedin most cases, the way vehicles can influence results may not beneglected. Alternate vehicles may clarify hitherto negative ordoubtful results. Methods. The authors searched the most important medicaldatabases using as search terms “contact dermatitis”, “patchtest” and “vehicle”. Results. Data obtained by local lymph node assay and invitro percutaneous absorption experiments suggest methodsto improve penetration and immunologic response by eitheradding substances to petrolatum or replacing it altogether.Still, an adequate hypoirritant substitute for petrolatumremains to be discovered. In addition, one study reveals thelack of a general recommendation as to which quantity ofpetrolatum, and therefore dose, to apply. In the meantime,a negative or unclear patch test in a patient with allergenexposition and maybe even a history of contact dermatitismight be repeated using the scratch method, a higher aller-gen concentration or sodium lauryl sulphate either in thevehicle or as a control. The authors review the literaturesubsequent to 2001 for recent evolution of knowledge onvehicles.Conclusion. Little conclusive research has been done on alter-nate vehicles in patch testing. However, the authors recognizesome interesting tendencies as to either improve the characte-

ristics of petrolatum as a vehicle by adding substances thatmay heighten the immunologic response or replace it.KEYWORDS: Skin - Vehicles - Petrolatum - Patch tests - Dermati-tis, contact.

Patch testing, a standard tools in dermatoallergolo-gy, is typically performed using petrolatum as a

vehicle; alternate vehicles may confer advantages forcertain substances. Generally, enhanced thermody-namic activity increases percutanous absorption,1

hence improving the solubility of a substance in itsvehicle may render results in hitherto negative orunclear patch tests. In addition, alternate vehicles maybe more accurate than petrolatum to measure into thepatch.

Tanglertsampan et al.2 and Lee et al.3 summarizedpublications on alternate vehicles in patch testing until1992 and 2002, respectively. The authors review the lit-erature subsequent to 2001 for recent information.

Materials and methods

The authors searched the medical databases Pubmed,Embase and the Science Citation Index using as search

Department of DermatologyUniversity of California Medical School

San Francisco, CA, USA

Received in October 17, 2007.Accepted for publication on April 8, 2008.

Address reprint requests to: C. Cyran, University of California MedicalSchool, Department of Dermatology, Box 8989, San Francisco, CA 94143-0989, USA. E-mail: [email protected]








Page 2: Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update · Alternate vehicles for diagnostic patch testing: an update Aim.The aim of the present study was to review the literature



D'Arpino2003 4

Chaudhari2007 5

Betts2007 6

Imai2006 7

Bruze2007 8

Schnuch2006 9

Geier2003 10

Virgilli et Corrazza2005 11

Piroxicam was dissolved in five vehicles (propyleneglycol, Transcutol P ®, petrolatum and petrolatum+ Transcutol P ® 10%) to the point of obtaining asaturated solution. The investigation was perfor-med in vitro using diffusion cells.

Review of contact dermatitis due to ophthalmicallergens

Local lymph node assays (LLNA)

Mice were sensitized to fluorescin isothiocynate(FITC) dissolved in acetone, acetone/di-methylphthalate, acetone/di-ethyl phthalate, acetone/di-n-propyl phthalate, acetone/di-butyl phthalate, ace-tone/di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and acetone/di-isononyl phthalate 1:1. 24 hours later lymph nodeswere pooled and examined for FITC-presentingcells via flowcytometry. 14 days later mice werechallenged with a solution of FITC in acetone/di-butyl phthalate on the right auricle.

Three samples each of patch tests prepared by threetechnicians were collected and weighed.

Retrospective analysis of the patch test data of theInformation Network of Departments of Derma-tology between 1992 and 2004.

Patch tests were performed using standard FinnChambers on Scanpor ® on 1600 patients. Sodiumlauryl sulphate was employed at a concentrationof 0.5% in aqueous solution.

In patients with negative patch test reactions, pre-treatment of the skin with SLS 0.5% for 24 h wasperformed in the sites of patch tests with patients’own ophthalmic products in 15 selected patients.

TABLE I.— Recent publications on vehicles in patch testing.

Source Methods Results Notes

Piroxicam penetration through human skin wasclearly enhanced by propylene glycol and petro-latum + Transcutol P 10%, whereas petrolatumalone inhibited the diffusion of piroxicam.

15 new allergens have been reported and patchtested since their previous review. However, themanufacturers often fail to provide the necessarydrug samples. Standardized ophthalmic trays forpatch testing are required. Negative and doubtfulpatch tests might be repeated with the scratchmethod, an increased drug concentration or addi-tion of sodium lauryl sulphate.

A 1:3 mixture of ethanol (EtOH) and diethyl phtha-late (DEP) is frequently used in the assessment ofthe sensitization potential of fragrances. EtOH:DEP is a suitable vehicle in local lymph node assaycompared to the usual vehicle, a mixture of 4:1acetone and olive oil. EtOH: DEP did not elicitunwanted increases in background proliferativeresponses.

During the process of sensitization to FITC, di-n-propyl phthalate as well as di-butyl-phthalate exertstrong adjuvant effects associated with enhance-ment of trafficking of antigen-presenting dendriticcells from the skin to draining lymph nodes. Extentof the effect was dependent on the length of thealkyl chain, and DPP was the strongest among tho-se tested, the strongest therefore being carbon num-ber 3 followed by carbon number 4. The shorteralkyl chains had some effect, the longer ones less.

The individual technician could keep the variationwithin a limited range, while the inter-individualvariation was significant. This may be due to thelack of a general recommendation as to which quan-tity of petrolatum, and therefore dose, to apply.

True allergic patch test reactions to white petrola-tum are extremely rare and probably due to an indi-vidually increased susceptibility to allergens and/orirritants. This is in agreement with consideringpetrolatum as an almost non-sensitizer.

Patch testing with the known irritant sodium laurylsulphate facilitates the interpretation of patch testreadings. In the presence of a positive reaction toSLS, macular erythematous test reactions to pro-blematic allergens can be interpreted more confi-dently as irritant, especially if there is no history andno known exposure to the allergen.

In patients previously negative to their own pro-ducts tested with conventional patch tests, SLSpre-treatment showed 6 new relevant positive reac-tions and induced a stronger positive reaction in1 patient. SLS pre-treatment could be proposed asan alternative promising method, which mayincrease sensitivity of patch tests with patients’own products.

Human in vitro




Human in vivo

Human in vivo

Human in vivo





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terms “contact dermatitis”, “patch test*” and “vehicle”for the period June 2001-July 2007.


Table I summarizes the results.


Since Lee et al.2 published their review on vehiclesin patch testing in 2002 few related studies have beenpublished. Although the shortcomings of petrolatum,such as false negative results and inconsistent dosingdue to inexact measurement, are widely recognizedno substitute has been developed.

The in vitro experiments performed by d’Arpino etal.4 and the research by Betts et al.6 and Imai et al.7 onenhancing results in the local lymph node assay sug-gest ways of possibly improving the outcome of patchtesting and avoiding false negative results. This may beachieved by supplying petrolatum with additives suchas Transcutol P (diethylene glycol monoethyl ether),sodium lauryl sulphate or phthalates.

The ultimate goal, however, should be to replacepetrolatum with a substance that would offer bettercharacteristics in terms of solubility and thermody-namic qualities and ease of measurement while remain-ing hypoirritant. As mentioned by Chaudhari,5 oph-thalmics especially may require a higher flux and pen-etration in order to render positive patch test resultseven with a positive history of allergic contact der-matitis.

Hansen’s solubility parameters, “Aa user’s hand-book”,11 provides further useful information on howideal solubility in terms of thermodynamics can beachieved. Smith 12 provides still more suggestions onenhancing penetration.

In order to address the problem of dosing this sub-stance ought to be a semi-solid which could be mea-sured using micropipettes while not being as runnyas an aqueous solution.


Although little conclusive research has been done onalternate vehicles in patch testing, the authors recog-nize some interesting tendencies as to either improve

the characteristics of petrolatum as a vehicle by addingsubstances that may heighten the immunologicresponse or replace it.

In the meantime, petrolatum is an adequate standardalthough technicians still lack an official recommen-dation as to which quantity of a given allergen suspen-sion to apply, an issue that ought to be resolved.7, 13

In any case a negative or unclear patch test in apatient with allergen exposition and maybe even a his-tory of contact dermatitis might be repeated using thescratch method, a higher allergen concentration orsodium laureth sulfate either in the vehicle or as a con-trol.


Veicoli alternativi per il patch test diagnostico: un aggior-namento

Obiettivo. L’obiettivo di questo studio è stato quello dirivedere la letteratura scientifica successiva al 2001 per reper-ire informazioni recenti sui veicoli alternativi per il patchtest diagnostico. Il patch test è uno strumento standard uti-lizzato in dermatoallergologia, in particolare durante il pro-cesso diagnostico delle dermatiti allergiche da contatto. Nel-la maggior parte dei casi viene impiegato come veicolo ilpetrolatum, ed il modo in cui i veicoli possono influenzarei risultati non deve essere trascurato. I veicoli alternativi pos-sono chiarire risultati sinora negativi o dubbi.

Metodi. Gli autori hanno condotto la ricerca consultandoi principali database medici, utilizzando come parole chia-ve i termini “dermatite da contatto”, “patch test” e “veicolo”.

Risultati. I dati ottenuti con la valutazione linfonodalelocale e con gli esperimenti di assorbimento percutaneo invitro suggeriscono metodi per migliorare la penetrazione ela risposta immunologica, aggiungendo delle sostanze alpetrolatum o sostituendolo del tutto. Al momento, tuttavia,non è ancora stato scoperto un adeguato sostituto ipoirri-tante del petrolatum e, di conseguenza, la dose da applicare.Nel frattempo un patch test negativo o dubbio in un pazien-te con esposizione ad allergeni e probabilmente con un’anam-nesi positiva per dermatite da contatto potrebbe essere ripe-tuto utilizzando il metodo della scarificazione, con una con-centrazione maggiore di allergene o di sodio lauril solfato onel veicolo o come controllo. Gli autori rivedono la lettera-tura scientifica successiva al 2001 alla ricerca di recenti evo-luzioni sui veicoli alternativi.

Conclusione. Sono state concluse poche ricerche sui vei-coli alternativi per il patch test. Tuttavia, gli autori individuanoalcune tendenze interessanti per migliorare le caratteristi-che del petrolatum come veicolo attraverso l’aggiunta disostanze che possono incrementare la risposta immunologicao sostituirla.PAROLE CHIAVE: Cute - Patch tests - Dermatiti da contatto.





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1. Bronaugh R, Maibach HI. Percutanous absorption. 3rd edition. NewYork: Marcel Dekker Inc.; 1999.

2. Tanglertsampan C, Maibach HI. The role of vehicles in diagnosticpatch testing: a reappraisal. Contact Dermatitis 1993;29:169-74.

3. Lee E, Maibach HI. Role of vehicles in diagnosing contact allergy: anupdate. Exogenous Dermatology 2002;1:107-11.

4. d’Arpino S, Corbrion-Archer V, Marty JP, Lantieri L, Vincent CM,Asti-er A et al. Influence of vehicles on the in vitro percutaneous absorp-tion of piroxicam to optimise the formulation of patch tests in der-matology. Drug Development Research 2003;58:283-90.

5. Chaudhari P, Maibach HI. Contact dermatitis from ophthalmics: 2007.Contact Dermatitis 2007:57:11-3.

6. Betts C, Beresford L, Dearman RJ, Lalko J, Api AP, Kimber I. The useof ethanol:diethylphthalate as a vehicle for the local lymph nodeassay. Contact Dermatitis 2007;56:70-5.

7. Imai Y, Kondo A, Iizuka H, Maruyama T, Kurohane K. Effects ofphthalate esters on the sensitization phase of contact hypersensitivi-

ty induced by fluorescein isothiocyanate. Clin Exp Allergy2006;36:1462-8.

8. Bruze M, Frick-Engfeldt M, Gruvberger B, Isaksson M. Variation inthe amount of petrolatum preparation applied at patch testing. Con-tact Dermatitis 2007;56:38-42.

9. Schnuch A, Lessmann H, Geier J, Uter W. White petrolatum (Ph. Eur.)is virtually nonsensitizing. Analysis of IVDK data on 80 000 patients test-ed between 1992 and 2004 and short discussion of identification and des-ignation of allergens. Contact Dermatitis 2006;54:338-43.

10. Geier J, Uter W, Pirker C, Frosch PJ. Patch testing with the irritant sodi-um lauryl sulphate (SLS) is useful in interpreting weak reactions to con-tact allergens as allergic or irritant. Contact Dermatitis 2003;48:99-107.

11. Corazza M, Virgili A. Allergic contact dermatitis from ophthalmicproducts: can pre-treatment with sodium lauryl sulfate increase patchtest sensitivity? Contact Dermatitis 2005;52:239-41.

12. Hansen CM. Hansen’s solubility parameters. A user’s handbook.Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC; 2000.

13. Smith EW, Maibach HI. Percutaneous penetration enhancers. 2nd edi-tion. Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC; 2006.





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Vaccination strategies based on the mimotope concept

Specific immunotherapies are in broad use for many diseaseslike allergies, cancer, autoimmune diseases or parasitic infec-tions. Although clinical trials show successful application ofthese therapies, several disadvantages hinder the complete suc-cess. High production costs and repeated administrations rep-resent the practical problems, while the possibly occurringside effects are the therapeutic troubles. To avoid these prob-lems, the target specificity should be considered more intense-ly. Epitopes, the particular parts of antigens/allergens wherethey bind specific antibodies, are useful targets. To generatean epitope-specific vaccination, mimotopes can be identifiedvia the biopanning technology. Mimotopes are small peptidesmimicking the epitopes in the structural as well as in theimmunological point of few. They are able to induce antigen-spe-cific antibodies in active immunization form. These antibodiesare directed against the natural antigen/allergen, and there-fore they are able to block the outbreak of the diseases. Currentresearch focuses on the development of mimotopes to achievean epitope-specific induction of blocking antibodies, e.g. forallergy treatment. In cancer therapy, studies with mimotopesshow successful interference with tumor cell growth in immu-nizations of mice. Also in the case of autoimmune diseases andparasitic infections this method was applied, targeting differ-ent molecules, which are key mediators in the disease mecha-nisms. Through the mimotope treatment via the specific anti-body production, the disease symptoms could be hampered.This review gives an overview of the use of the mimotope con-cept and also of related therapeutic trials for the treatment ofallergy, cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases.KEY WORDS: Vaccination - Allergy and immunology - Immunother-apy - Epitopes.

Current immunotherapies

Current treatment of allergy

To date, allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) isthe only specific and curative approach for IgE-

mediated hypersensitivity. The most commonly usedimmunotherapy is the hyposensitization, already suc-cessfully applied against mite, birch and grass pollen,1and Hymenoptera venom 2 allergies. During this treat-ment, allergen extracts are applied in increasing dos-es. This means that specific immunotherapy is the con-frontation of a hypersensitive organism with the diseaseeliciting allergen, and therefore bears the risk of sideeffects, such as large local symptoms, anaphylacticreactions or even death.3-6 In addition, using the wholeallergen extract, there is the possibility of new IgEinduction against irrelevant components in the extract.This phenomenon was observed previously, when denovo IgE responses were observed not only againstirrelevant allergens, but also against irrelevant epi-topes in grass pollen immunotherapy.7, 8 These datawere confirmed by Moverare et al., who reported thedevelopment of new IgE reactivities using birch pollenextract in specific immunotherapy.9 For all these rea-

Department of PathophysiologyCenter of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Immunology

Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Address reprint requests to: I. Pali-Schöll, Department of Pathophy-siology, Center of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Immunology, Medi-cal University of Vienna, Waehringer Guertel 18-20, A-1090, Vienna,Austria. E-mail: [email protected]









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sons, trials are going on to improve safety and to avoidpotential hazardous side effects during these specificimmunotherapies.

Several laboratories started to use DNA technologyto create recombinant allergens 10 or hypoallergenicallergen derivatives, where point mutations or site-directed mutagenesis 11 have been applied. A differentapproach of immunotherapy is based on the applica-tion of peptides lacking B-cell epitopes with simulta-neous preservation of T-cell epitopes of allergens.Clinical studies were already performed using thisalternative for Fel d 1 from cat 12, and Api m 1, thebeen venom allergen.13 These peptides had beenscreened for reduced IgE-crosslinking activity inbasophil histamine release assays, but could still inducenumerous late phase adverse reactions occurring min-utes to hours after the application of the peptide due tothe booster of allergen-specific T-cells.14

As recombinant and hypoallergenic allergens stillpossess the whole protein structure, similar to the nat-ural one, they also present other epitopes maintainingthe possibility for novel IgE antibody production.Therefore, the most promissing solution for this prob-lem would be an epitope-specific treatment.

Current treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases

Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) are essential and suc-cessfully applied in treatment of cancer and autoim-mune diseases.

After the development of the hybridoma technolo-gy by Köhler and Milstein in 1975,15 a number oftumor-specific antibodies have been approved and

eight anti-cancer mAbs have been ratified by the Foodand Drug Administration (FDA).

Autoimmune diseases are the results of the break-down of the mechanism normally responsible for main-taining self-tolerance in B-cells, T-cells or both, involv-ing pathological changes through humoral as well ascellular-mediated mechanisms. Novel therapies focuson the interaction of the co-stimulatory signals, wheremonoclonal antibodies block the receptor or the lig-ands, or delete autoreactive lymphocytes and blockthe progression of autoimmune diseases.

Table I provides a list of the most important mono-clonal antibodies clinically applied against cancer andautoimmune diseases.

Although wide research is going on to develop betterand more specific monoclonal antibodies with optimizedtherapeutic strategies, there are still some limitations inthe daily practice. One is the high required amount of theapplied antibodies, which accounts 5 for the high pro-ductions costs. A related problem is the repeated admin-istration of the therapy, which is an economic problemas well as a physiological stress for the patients. To over-come these problems, a more effective strategy needsto be generated and will most probably be found in anactive (instead of a passive) immunotherapeutic treatment.

Future prospect:epitope-specific immunotherapy with mimotopes

A very promising, alternative strategy for all the abovedescribed therapies may be the epitope-specificimmunotherapy. This strategy aims to direct the immune

TABLE I.—Examples of monoclonal antibodies, which are clinically applied for the treatment of different cancer types or autoimmune disea-ses.

Name Disease Targets

Rituximab Non-Hodgkin lymphoma CD20 on B-lymphocytes

Trastuzumab Breast cancer HER2 receptor

Alemtuzumab Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) CD52 on T- and B-lymphocytes

Cetuximab Colorectal cancer Epidermal growth factor-receptorHead and neck cancers

Bevacizumab Colorectal cancer Vascular endothelial growth factorNon-small cell lung cancer

Panitumumab Colorectal cancer Epidermal growth factor-receptor

Infliximab Rheumatoid arthritis TNF-αCrohn’s disease

Etanercept Rheumatoid arthritis TNF-α and TNF-β





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response solely towards structures relevant for antibodyrecognition, i.e. the epitope of an antigen/allergen. Basedon the exclusive epitope-specificity, this therapy reducesthe unwanted side-effects. Also, the production costscan be lower, compared with the available possibilitiesfor passive immunotherapies.

Theoretically as well as technically a very directapproach to identify epitopes is the generation ofmimotopes,16 which are either small peptides or Fabmolecules mimicking structurally and also biologi-cally the epitopes of the antigens/allergens.

Phage display – peptide mimotopes

Phage display libraries consist of filamentous bac-triophages, where the minor coat protein pIII or themajor coat protein pVIII of the phage particle are usedfor inserting foreign or random peptide sequences.With the random peptide sequence inserted in the gene3 (g3) section of the phage genom, 3-5 copies of thepeptide will be presented on the phage surface (Figure1A), located in the pIII minor protein at one end ofthe filamentous phage particle.17 Inserting the randompeptide sequence in gene 8 (g8), multiple presenta-tion can be achieved (up to 2 700 copies). Differentlibraries may carry diverse lengths of the representedpeptides starting from 6 to 25 amino acids.18-21 Thestructural presentation of peptides can be either linearor cirular. For circular peptides, cystein residues areinserted at both ends of the foreign sequence, caus-ing a disulfid bond between the two cysteine residues,thereby forming a cyclic peptide. Peptide libraries cancarry inserts in high diversity with up to 109 differentpeptides,22 where each phage particle presents a cer-tain peptide on the surface.

Phage display - Fab-mimotopes

An alternative approach for the epitope-specificimmunotherapy is based on the network hypothesisfrom Niels Kaj Jerne. He proposed the network theo-ry in 1974: the immune system responds to a givenantigen besides the production of antibodies (Ab1)with the appearance of anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2).23

He suggested a fraction of these anti-idiotypic anti-bodies (i.e. anti-Ids) to be anti-paratopic and to mim-ic the antigen, presenting “internal images” of the anti-gen`s epitope (i.e. Ab2β). Moreover, upon immuniza-tions with anti-Ids, anti-anti-Ids may be generated(Ab3). They are again directed towards the initial anti-

gen, thereby possibly potentiating a protective immuneresponse.24, 25 In Fab-libraries, the heavy and light chainPCR products, derived from RNA of the B-cell reper-toire of allergic individuals, are inserted into thephagemid vector (Figure 1B), containing also the pIIIminor coat protein of the filamentous bacteriophage.26

Specific antibodies

For the mimotope selection with the help of biopan-ning, the required partner is the specific antibody forthe desired or targeted antigen/allergen.

To select mimotopes for cancer or autoimmune dis-eases, specific antibodies already used in the dailytherapy can be perfect tools. In the case of allergicdiseases, there is a need of screening, high purificationand concentration of allergen-specific IgE antibodiesfrom human allergic patients’ sera. This can be doneby using affinity chromatography columns, coupledwith the respective allergen. These allergen-specificantibodies, purified from allergic patients’ sera, ormonoclonal antibodies towards tumor antigen, virusantigen or autoimmune disease antigens, recognizethe structural epitopes of the natural antigens and canbe used as selection tools.


pIII (minor coat proteins)(3-5 copies/phage)

pVIII (major coat proteins)(~2700 copies/phage)

pVIII (major coat proteins)(~2700 copies/phage)

Filamentous bacteriophages (e.g. M13, fd, fl)

Fab fragmentA B

Figure 1.—Schematic presentation of the two different phage displaylibraries. Panel A shows the random peptide library, where each phageclone represents a different peptide (small rings) on the pIII minor coat pro-tein. In panel B, the grey ovals symbolize the inserted heavy and lightchain PCR products of the Fab parts, expressed also on pIII.





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As already mentioned, phage display libraries pre-sent billions of different candidates for the specificbinding. To select from this huge repertoire the onewhich mimics best the epitope of the antigen/aller-gen, the biopanning procedure is applied. In thismethod, antigen-specific antibodies are used to screenthe phage library. Allergen- or antigen-specific anti-

bodies are coated on microtiter plates, and are incu-bated with the original library, containing the highdiversity of the phages presenting the different peptidesor Fabs. During the procedure (Figure 2), phages car-rying the specific peptides toward the antibody willbind, while unspecific phages will be washed away.Bound phages can be eluted either by acidic pH or bycompetitive elution with the native antigen. There-

Immunization studies in mice(induction of specific antibodies against native antigen)

Specific antibodies(e.g. mAbs or Ab from patients’sera) Biopanning

Phage display library(either with peptide or Fab)

1. Absorption (specific phages will bind)

2. Washing (discards unbound phages)

3. Elution of specific phages3. Elution of specific phages

Colony screening(selection of best-binding phage clones)

Identification of insert in single clones)(sequencing of peptide or Fab fragments)

Amplification of single clones

Specificity and inhibition ELISA

Structural mimickryBiological mimickry

Test with human patients’sera(ELISA)

Computational matching(epitope localization on natural allergen structure)

Mimotope for therapeutic approach

Figure 2.—The most important evaluation steps of the mimotope approach. After the proof of specificity, antibodies are applied with phage librariesin biopanning for the generation of mimotopes. Followed by colony screening, specificity and inhibition ELISAs are required together with humanpatients` sera test for the extensive mimotope selection. To examine the structural mimicry of the mimotopes computational matching can be used, whi-ch is also a further step affirming the selection of the best mimotope. Immunization studies in mice provide the final proof of the mimicking poten-tial. The induced blocking antibodies are directed against the natural antigen with appropriateness for therapeutic trials of allergy, cancer, autoimmu-ne or infectious diseases. M





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after, they will be amplified and used for the nextbiopanning round.

To get the most specific mimotopes with high andspecific binding ability to the antibodies, biopanningrounds with antigen-specific antibodies are repeatedseveral times to amplify the best binding partners.

Selection of clones

To verify the success of the biopanning, each roundis tested by specificity ELISA, where the quantity ofbound specific phages is monitored within the roundsusing unspecific isotyp as controls. An increase in thenumber of specific phage particles from round to roundgives a hint for the successful selection and amplifi-cation of specific phages. Single phage clones cantherefore be screened from the amplification of thelast biopanning round with the panning antibody. Toprove the biological relevance of the finally selected(i.e. highest binding of a single clone) mimotopes,inhibition studies and tests with human allergicpatients` sera are required.

Keeping the background information of the networkhypothesis in mind, the above described biopanningprocedure can also be performed with combinatorialFab-antibody libraries. Upon selection with an allergenspecific antibody (Ab1), anti-idiotypic Fab-fragments(Ab2) can be identified. If Ab1 is allergen-specific IgE,the selected Ab2 should be a mimic of the IgE epitope.

Epitope-localization with mimotopes

To point out the structural mimicry of the mimotopes,and also to improve the selection criteria, computa-tional matching can give an accurate answer about thestructural characteristics of the epitope on the allergen.In a software program, biochemical and structural fea-tures of the antigens/allergens are compared with theamino acids of the mimotopes. The best fitting mimo-topes with the highest superimpositions are given asthe best-matching mimotope areas on the antigens/aller-gens. Extrapolating the 3D–matched amino acids onthe primary sequence of the allergens, the discontinuityof B-cell epitopes can be confirmed, since amino acidsseparated on the primary sequence come together onthe surface and form the epitope of the allergen.

Molecular mimicry

After the extensive selection of mimotope clones,immunization studies are carried out with peptide

mimotopes using carrier molecules, which make thesmall peptides more immunogenic. The most oftenused immunogenic carriers are keyhole limpet hemo-cyanin (KLH), tetanus toxoid (TT) and albumin bind-ing protein (ABP). The immunological relevance canbe confirmed, immunizing BALB/c mice with mimo-tope-carrier complexes. Specific mimotopes induceantibodies, which recognize the natural antigens/aller-gens. This can be examined by ELISA or in immuno-histochemistry. The functional mimickry can be provenby inhibition studies or by antibody-dependent cellu-lar cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement-dependentcytotoxicity (CDC) assays.

Mimotope-based vaccinations

Advantages of mimotopes

There are several advantages of synthetic mimo-topes which make them attractive tools for vaccinationstrategies:

— since mimotopes are epitope-specific, the appli-cation of them avoids the induction of antibodiesagainst undesired epitopes of antigens/allergens;

— they can be synthesized easily, therefore the pro-ductions costs are much lower then for the productionof monoclonal antibodies;

— the synthesized peptides/Fabs are free from anyinfectious materials or toxins, therefore the usage ofthem is safe;

— to improve their immunogenicity they can becoupled to immunogenic carries.

Mimotopes in allergology

In our research group at the Department of Patho-physiology of the Medical University of Vienna, oneof the major research topics is the characterization ofB-cell epitopes by generating peptide- and Fab-mimo-topes of clinically relevant allergens. After success-ful proof of structural as well as biological relevanceof them, they are applied in mouse models of allergy,to verify the therapeutic effect on allergic symptoms.

Peptide mimotopes were already generated by usfor respiratory allergens such as birch pollen allergenBet v 1 27, 28 and grass pollen allergen Phl p 5,29 Der p1 and Der p 2, the two major allergens from housedust mite,30 for pan-allergen profilin 31 and for foodallergens such as parvalbumin.32





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After critical selection of mimotopes, using theabove mentioned computational matching, the authorscould demonstrate that B-cell epitopes are conforma-tional and discontinuous in structure.30 Mimotopeswere 3D-macthed on the structure of the natural aller-gen, where these amino acids identified separate partsin the primary sequence of the allergen, forming togeth-er a predominant discontinuous epitope patch. Thisfinding has an important impact on cross-reactive aller-gens. Allergens belonging to one allergen group butderived from different species, like group 1 and 2 aller-gens in house dust mites, share high amino acidsequence and also structural homology. Our hypothe-sis based on this fact is that also B-cell epitopes mayshare high similarity within the group. This was con-firmed by us, continuing the idea with house dust miteallergens. The amino acids matched with mimotopesare in the conserved regions of the allergens. Localiz-ing the identified 3D-matched amino acids on the sur-face of other allergens, structurally highly similargroup-specific epitopes could be detected.30 Based onthe epitope homology or cross-reactivity, the generat-ed mimotopes could be used for epitope-specificimmunotherapy for a whole allergen group.

For the proof of biological relevance, immuniza-tions of BALB/c mice were performed and indeedcould induce allergen-specific antibodies.27, 29 Theproduced antibodies were further identified as block-ing antibodies.33

Since the above mentioned selected mimotopes areshort peptides with 9 amino acids, there is a need fora carrier molecule, for example keyhole limpet hemo-cyanin (KLH) to form complete antigens for immu-nization. Our hypothesis was that possibly by the selec-tion of large mimicking structures the necessity of a car-rier could be avoided, rendering even more specificand stronger immune responses. Therefore, we pro-duced Fab-mimotopes of Phl p 5,35 simultaneouslybeing anti-idiotypes to allergen-specific IgE. The phagelibrary used had been constructed from the IgG heavyand light chain PCR derived from mRNA of peripheralblood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients allergicto grass pollen, and was used here for biopanningusing Phl p 5-specific antibodies. The hypervariableregions of selected Fab-clones revealed partial sequencehomology with solvent accessible antigenic sites ofPhl p 5. Phagemid DNA derived from the phage cloneswas used to produce two different soluble recombi-nant anti-idiotypic Fab clones in E. coli. As a proof

of molecular mimicry, both Fabs induced anti-Phl p 5a-specific antibodies in immunization studies of BALB/cmice.34

Applying Phl p 5-mimotopes in a murine model ofallergic asthma, the reduction of Th2 cytokines (Il-4,IL-5), the prevention of eosinophil infiltration and thedrop of mucus production could be observed (Wall-mann et al., manuscript submitted).

Summarizing our results from mimotopes and con-tinuing the examination of the mimicry and safety ofour mimotopes, we strongly suggest their applicationin synthetic form also in human allergic patients.

Mimotopes in cancer therapy

Since biopanning is a very powerful and easy han-dling technique, also research groups focusing on can-cer immunotherapy successfully turned to this method.

Tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens are con-sidered important targets in efforts to develop cancervaccines, also for generating mimotopes. In the pastdecade, peptide mimotopes have been generated forseveral important sugar moities, which are tumor anti-gens, such as Lewis Y,35 sialyl-Lewis X,36 the gan-glioside antigens GD2 35, 37 and GD3.38 Selected mimo-topes have successfully been used in immunizations inpeptide as well as in DNA form.35, 39-42 Applying themin prophylactic or therapeutic studies, the inducedimmune response inhibited effectively the in vitro andin vivo growth of tumor cells expressing the corre-sponding target antigens, like GD2 and GD3.43

Another attractive target antigen in mimotope can-cer immunotherapy is the high-molecular weightmelanoma-associated antigen (HMW-MAA), withhigh frequency of expression in patients withmelanoma. Panning experiments have been done withthe anti-HMW-MAA monoclonal antibody (mAb)225.28S also in the authors’ research group.44 Thisantibody mediates ADCC and has already been usedfor anti-idiotype therapy trials in humans. Selectednonamer peptide mimotopes against HMW-MAAfused to albumin binding protein (ABP) as carriershowed immunogenic properties in immunization stud-ies of BALB/c mice. These anti-mimotope antibod-ies recognized HMW-MAA of human melanoma cells,while sera of mice immunized with the carrier alone didnot show any reaction.44 In parallel, Wagner et al. per-formed a biopanning with the same antibody andlibrary. The selected peptide was coupled to tetanus tox-oid as a carrier. This group could also show the induc-





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tion of HMW-MAA-specific antibodies, which inhib-ited the in vitro growth of a melanoma cell line up to62%.45 These highly concurrent studies show inde-pendently the relevance of this antigen in melanomacancer and the efficacy of the mimotope therapy.

Since the daily medication practice uses monoclonalantibodies against growth factor receptors to hinderthe signaling pathway, growth factor receptors havecome also in the focus of mimotope approach as pos-sible target molecules. The authors’group has focusedon important growth factor receptors, using the clini-cally applied monoclonal antibodies cetuximab (rec-ognizing epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR)and trastuzumab (targeting human epidermal growthfactor receptor 2, HER2).

Performing the biopanning with cetuximab, twomimotopes could be identified. One of them had high-er binding capacity to the specific antibody and alsoinduced antibodies more effectively, inhibiting betterthe cell growth of EGFR-overexpressing cells. How-ever, testing both mimotopes for the biological activ-ity in ADCC and CDC assays, the mimotope-inducedantibodies showed equal potential.46

Focusing the mimotope approach onto HER2,biopanning experiments with trastuzumab resulted in5 highly reactive clones, presenting cyclic decamerpeptides.47 Testing the immunogenicity of them byimmunization of BALB/c mice coupled to tetanus tox-oid, the induced antibodies recognized HER2 on SK-BR3 cell surface, which overexpress the antigen. More-over, internalization studies confirmed the antitumoractivity of the induced antibodies. Similarly as bytrastuzumab, the receptor-antibody complex was inter-nalized and moved into endocytic vesicles and accel-erated degradation could be observed. To define themolecular binding sites, a computational algorithmwas used, where mimotopes were matched on the sur-face of the antigen molecule HER2, and resulted inthe localization of the known trastuzumab epitope.48

Mimotopes in autoimmune diseases

The biopanning technology has also been employedto study human autoimmune diseases, includingrheumatoid arthritis,49 multiple sclerosis,50 autoim-mune thrombocytopenia purpura 51 and autoimmuneinner ear disorders, such as Cogan’s syndrome.52

The major target molecules here are autoantigens. Inthe work of Gevorkian et al., GPIIb/IIIa, the humanplatelet glycoprotein complex, was used as experi-

mental object for autoimmune thrombocytopenia pur-pura.51 The glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65),major autoantigen of diabetes 53 and the islet tyrosinephosphatase-like protein IA-2/ICA512bdc, majorautoantigen in type 1 diabetes 54 have also come intothe interest of mimotope generation. With selectedmimotopes the characterization of structural epitopescould be reached, and further, these mimotopes arepossibilities for therapy application via induction ofblocking antibodies.

An alternative option to treat autoimmune diseasesis the intervention into several steps of the mecha-nism. One of the most important molecules is TNF-α,which plays a central role in infection, inflammationand autoimmune disease. Its functions are mediated bybinding to the high affinity cell surface receptors. Apotential approach to modulate excessive levels ofserum TNF-α is the usage of soluble receptors asblocking molecules. To overcome the already men-tioned problems of monoclonal antibody production,mimotopes were generated mimicking the bindingsites of TNF-α receptor. The identified mimotope wasable to inhibit TNF-α-mediated cytotoxicity in a mousemodel and in a human cell line in a dose-dependentfashion. Furthermore, antibodies induced by mimo-tope immunization recognized the recombinant humanTNF-α receptor, therefore hindering the interactionbetween TNF-α and its receptor.

Since the majority of human B-cell lineage malig-nancies express CD20,55 a nonglycosylated phospho-protein, this protein can be a target for immunothera-py of B-cell lymphomas. Rituximab (Rituxan® IDEC-C2B8) is already used as monoclonal antibody in thetreatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.56, 57 Based onthe high clinical importance of this antibody, but unfor-tunately with possible side-effects, several groups havefocused on the generation of mimotopes with this anti-body.58, 59 Selected mimotopes induced high titers ofspecific antibodies, recognizing the native CD20.Therefore, these mimotopes have the potential toinduce antibodies with the same specificity as rituximabin an active immunization.

Mimotopes in infectious diseases

Viruses, bacteria, fungal and parasitic infectionsaffect a high percentage of the population around theworld. As an alternative therapeutic approach, mimo-topes were generated to define epitopes also for par-asitic infectious diseases. Intensive investigations show





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the importance of this technical approach, since in thecase of some common infectious agents (HIV, Hepati-tis-B, -C), parallel research is going on. Table II givesan overview of identified mimotopes with the respec-tive selecting antibodies and references.


As the above presented literature summarizes, seri-ous investigations focus on the development and gen-eration of mimotopes in many therapeutic fields ofmedicine.

These “small” peptides have “big” advantages com-pared to the daily therapeutic strategies with mono-clonal antibodies or with whole allergen extracts.60

The most important positive aspects of them are thelower costs and the avoidance of unwanted side-effects.These are critical points, since they are most relevantfor patients, who are suffering from serious diseases.The development of a potential vaccine necessitates theextensive selection of the specific mimotope (withoutcross-reactivity) as well as the selection of the typeof the vaccine and the vaccination route.

The successful results from the different applica-tion fields strongly suggest that mimotopes are promis-ing candidates for specific therapy of allergy, cancer,autoimmune as well as for infectious diseases.


Strategie di vaccinazione basate sul concetto di mimotopo

Specifiche immunoterapie sono utilizzate ampiamente permolte patologie quali allergie, cancro, patologie autoimmu-ni o infezioni parassitarie. Sebbene trials clinici dimostrinobuoni esiti di tali terapie, diversi svantaggi ne impediscono unrisultato completo. Alti costi di produzione e somministrazioniripetute rappresentano problemi pratici, mentre i possibilieffetti collaterali rappresentano i problemi terapeutici. Perevitare ciò, occorrerebbe pensare di più alla specificità del ber-saglio. Epitopi, le parti specifiche di antigeni/allergeni doveessi si legano a specifici anticorpi, sono target utili. Per gene-rare una vaccinazione epitopo-specifica, mimotopi possonoessere identificati tramite tecnologia di “biopanning”. I mimo-topi sono piccoli pepitidi che mimano gli epitopi nella strut-tura come pure dal punto di vista immunologico. Essi sono ingrado di indurre anticorpi antigene-specifici in forma diimmunizzazione attiva. Questi anticorpi sono diretti contro inaturali antigeni/allergeni e pertanto sono in grado di bloccarel’esplosione delle malattie. Attuali ricerche si concentranosullo sviluppo di mimotopi per determinare un’induzioneepitopo-specifica di anticorpi, per esempio nel trattamento del-le allergie. Nella terapia del cancro, studi con mimotopi han-no mostrato un buon successo nell’interferenza con la crescitadelle cellule neoplastiche nell’immunizzazione di topi. Anchenel caso di patologie autoimmuni e infezioni parassitarie è sta-to applicato questo metodo, avendo come target differentimolecole, mediatori chiave nei meccanismi patogenetici.Tramite il trattamento con mimotopi attraverso la produzio-ne di specifici anticorpi,si potrebbe impedire l’insorgenzadei sintomi. Questa review fornisce una visione generale sul-l’impiego del concetto di mimotopo e su relativi trial di trat-tamento per quanto riguarda allergie, cancro, patologie autoim-muni e infettive.

PAROLE CHIAVE: Vaccini - Allergie - Immunologia - Immu-noterapia - Epitopi.


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TABLE II.—List of generated mimotopes, targeting pathogenic anti-gens.

Species name Selecting antibody/ Refe-target molecule rences

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VirusesHepatitis-A virus Patients’ sera 65Hepatitis-B virus Patients’ sera 66

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ParasitesPlasmodium vivax mAb D14-3 74, 75Plasmodium falciparum mAb 18/2 76

FungiCryptococcus neoformans Mouse monoclonal antibody 77, 78





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A possible role for vaccination in the treatment of psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a multifactorial immune skin disease whose etiol-ogy involves a strong genetic component, involving severalgenes encoding proteins involved in epidermal differentiationand immune, inflammatory and pathogen responses, in com-bination with microbial environmental factors. Although var-ious microorganisms appear to provoke or aggravate the dis-ease, including Staphylococcus aureus, Malassezia and Candi-da albicans, the association between S. pyogenes throat infec-tions and guttate psoriasis is supported by the strongest clini-cal evidence. Furthermore, the identification of peptidogly-can-specific T cells in psoriatic skin lesions has led to the pro-posal that cell wall peptidoglycan may mediate the link betweenstreptococcal infection in the tonsils and the subsequent induc-tion of skin lesions. These findings suggest that psoriasis maybe a possible candidate for therapeutic streptococcal vaccina-tion. Current treatments for psoriasis have several limitationsincluding toxicity and an increased risk of infection and malig-nancy. In contrast, vaccination could potentially induce long-term tolerance without the side effects caused by globalimmunosuppression. Future research will need to address theidentity of the triggering microbial antigen(s); such knowledgecould open the way for vaccination as a therapeutic tool forpsoriasis.KEY WORDS: Psoriasis - Vaccination - Streptococcal vaccines.

Psoriasis is a common skin disease that occursworldwide but the highest incidence, 2-3%, is

found in the Northern European countries. In the major-ity of individuals the disease presents as a few redscaly patches, but in a small number the skin involve-ment is extensive. Why some patients have extensive

and others minor involvement is not yet known. Pso-riasis tends to be a persistent disease and its severityvaries among patients. In addition, in approximately10% of patients psoriasis is associated with an arthropa-thy. Although psoriasis itself has an extremely lowmortality, its appearance causes psychological andsocial problems and several studies have shown that itaffects the quality of life.

Histologically, the epidermis of a psoriasis lesionis characterised by hyperplasia of the keratinocytes, apoorly formed or absent granular layer and paraker-atosis of the stratum corneum. These features are aresult of increased mitosis of the epidermal basal cellsand a failure of keratinocyte maturation, and are asso-ciated with increased numbers of activated epidermalCD4+ T lymphocytes and Langerhans cells. In the der-mis, a marked infiltrate consisting of predominatelyCD4+ T cells, dendritic cells and macrophages is pre-sent, surrounding capillaries that are characteristical-ly increased in size and tortuosity. These observations,together with various pieces of further evidence includ-ing the effectiveness of immunosuppressive treatmentsin psoriasis, the conversion of non-involved to lesion-al psoriatic skin in a mouse xenograft model after

1Private Practice2Faculty of Medicine

Imperial College, St Mary’s Campus, London, UK

Address reprint requests to: L. Fry, 96 Harley Street, London W1G7HY, UK. E-mail: [email protected]







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injection of CD4+ T cells, and the effects of super-natants from skin T cell clones on keratinocyte pro-liferation, support a pivotal role for T cells in psoria-sis pathogenesis.1 Cytokines produced by activated Tcells are likely to be responsible for the hyperprolif-eration of the epidermal layer. However, the nature ofthe antigen that activates T cells in psoriatic skin hasyet to be determined.

Current immunosuppressive treatments, whichinclude topical, systemic and ultraviolet light regi-mens, vary in their effectiveness and side effects. Fur-thermore, generally they do not alter the course orseverity of the disease. Topical preparations are oftenineffective in clearing the disease and exhibit tachy-phylaxis, whilst the mostly effective ultraviolet lightregimens are time-consuming for the patient who mayhave to travel long distances to obtain treatment. Sys-temic immunosuppressive drugs, such as cyclosporinand methotrexate, are also effective but have long termside effects, e.g. hepatotoxicity (methotrexate) andnephrotoxicity (cyclosporin). The latest treatments,termed “biological agents”, work by blocking specif-ic immune pathways and cytokines implicated in pso-riasis pathogenesis. Immunosuppression, particularlylong term, induced by these various treatments is asso-ciated with an increased incidence of malignancy, asobserved in immunosuppressed organ transplantpatients. Thus there is a need for effective, long-last-ing and safer treatments than are currently available.Vaccination is a possible therapeutic approach that

could fill these criteria. The evidence supporting thepossible use of vaccination as a novel treatment forpsoriasis is presented in this review.


The etiology of psoriasis involves both a stronggenetic component, encompassing several genes encod-ing proteins involved in epidermal differentiation andimmune, inflammatory and pathogen responses (Fig-ure 1), and environmental factors, the most convincingevidence being for haemolytic streptococci.

In any discussion on the etiology of psoriasis it shouldbe stressed that there are two distinct patterns of the dis-ease, guttate (GP) and chronic plaque (CPP) psoria-sis. GP is characterised by a sudden eruption of smallred scaly papules on the trunk (and limbs), which, intwo-thirds of patients, is associated with a preceding βhemolytic throat infection. New lesions may continueto develop for one month, remain for a second monthand then gradually fade during the third month. In con-trast, CPP occurs most commonly on the extensorelbows, knees and scalp and may either resolve spon-taneously, remain the same for years, or graduallyincrease in size with the appearance of new lesions,sometimes coalescing to involve all the skin. Acute GPflares may occur in patients with stable CPP, oftenresolving after 3 months whilst the plaques remain sta-ble. Although the two patterns of psoriasis are undoubt-edly related, their different clinical features suggestthat the etio-pathogenetic factors may be different.

Psoriasis is an polygenic disease

It has been known for many years that genetic fac-tors are important in psoriasis, following family andtwin studies. Some studies have suggested that psori-asis is inherited as a Mendelian dominant with incom-plete penetrance of the gene(s), whilst others haveinterpreted the family studies over generations to implya recessive mode of inheritance with 90% inheritance.The findings of more recent studies have shown thatpsoriasis is a polygenic disorder. Alterations in genesmay not only influence keratinocyte proliferation andmaturation, but also responses to microorganisms viaboth the innate and adaptive immune systems, result-ing in a failure to eradicate and the persistence ofmicroorganisms in tonsils and/or skin.


Innate responseAg persistence

MHC restrictionCytokine production

Cytokine productionDefective regulation

Koebener phenomenonDifferentiationProliferationCytokine/chemokineproductionRespone to immune signalsApoptosis resistance

Dendritic cells


T cells


Figure 1.—Proposed sites affected by genetic factors in the psoriasispathogenic pathway.





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Early genetic studies focused on the association ofHLA alleles with psoriasis. The HLA genes, whichare located within the major histocompatibility region(MHC) region on chromosome 6p21, express a highdegree of polymorphism and association of severalClass I and II antigens with psoriasis have been report-ed. The strongest and most consistent association of aHLA antigen in psoriasis is that of the Class I anti-gen, Cw6, the highest incidence being in Caucasians(36-84%, vs 10-15% in a control population).2 Asso-ciations with various B antigens (B13, 17, 37 and 57)have also been reported, but are considered to be dueto their linkage disequilibrium with Cw6. The presenceof Cw6 correlates with early onset, guttate eruptions,a positive family history and more severe disease.3, 4

However the association with GP is not absolute andthis pattern of psoriasis may occur in patients who areCw6 negative.5

The Class II antigens DR7 (60% in Caucasians vs10% in a control population) and, to a lesser extent,DR4, have also shown an association with psoriasis. Anassociation with DR15 has also been reported in whichpatients expressing this antigen had mild disease, lateonset and no GP eruption.6

Susceptibility loci

Since the mid 1990s several genome-wide linkagescans of families with psoriasis have been performed,resulting in at least 19 different putative loci for genet-ic susceptibility to the disease being reported on 15different chromosomes.7 Nine of the candidate lociwith evidence of linkage have been designated asPSORS1-9 (Psoriasis susceptibility 1-9): PSORS1 onchromosome 6p21.3, PSORS2 – 17q25, PSORS3 –4q34, PSORS4 – 1q21, PSORS5 – 3q21, PSORS6 –19p13, PSORS7 – 1p35-p34, PSORS8 – 16q12-13and PSORS9 – 4q31. These loci have been found in dif-ferent ethnic groups, but are not all present in the var-ious groups studied. Thus different combinations ofgenes may combine to produce psoriasis in differentethnic groups. The most consistently identified sus-ceptibility locus in several independent samples isPSORS1, which is situated within the Class I MHCregion of chromosome 6p21.3 containing Cw6. ThePSORS1 locus confers significant risk for the diseaseand is estimated to account for between 35-50% ofcases of early-onset psoriasis in the Caucasian popu-

lation. It is a major genetic risk factor for GP, but notfor late-onset psoriasis, and is found in less than 20%of patients with psoriatic arthritis.8-10 The PSORS1region contains several genes, 3 of which have beenextensively investigated and shown an association withpsoriasis: HLA-C, coiled-coil α-helical rod protein 1(CCHCR1) and corneodesmosin (CDSN). Nair et al.11 have recently concluded that Cw6 gene is the pso-riasis susceptibility allele in this region, but this find-ing remains to be confirmed as other evidence sup-ports the linkage disequilibrium of Cw6 with a near-by susceptibility variant.

Gene variations associated with psoriasis have beendescribed in regions on PSORS2 and PSORS5 con-taining the ion transport molecules SLC9AR1 (solutecarrier family 9, isoform A3, regulatory factor 1) andSLC12A8 (solute carrier family 12, isoform A8), respec-tively.12, 13 SLC9AR1 is implicated in epithelial mem-brane function and immune synapse formation in Tcells, and is adjacent to a putative binding site for theRUNX family of transcription factors. RUNX1 is essen-tial for haematopoietic development, but is also pre-sent in polarised epithelial cells including keratinocytes.Interestingly, loss of a RUNX binding site has also beenreported in systemic lupus erythematosus and rheuma-toid arthritis in relation to different genes.

Recently JunB, a component of the AP-1 transcrip-tion factor that regulates cell proliferation, differenti-ation and cytokine expression, was proposed as a can-didate gene for PSORS6. JunB expression is down-regulated in the epidermis of psoriatic skin lesions.Furthermore, inducible epidermal deletion of JunBand its proposed antagonist, c-Jun in mice led to thedevelopment of psoriasis-like skin disease and arthri-tis implicating the factor in psoriasis regulation.14

Various possible candidate genes are present in thePSORS4 region on 1q21, which is located within theepidermal differentiation cluster (EDC) region. Theseinclude genes coding for small proline-rich proteins andlate envelope proteins (which code for precursor pro-teins of the cornified cell envelope), members of theS100A calcium-binding protein family who have awide range of immunological functions, and the pep-tidoglycan receptor proteins (PGRP)-3 and -4.15 A sig-nificant association between polymorphisms in or nearthe PGRP-3 and PGRP-4 genes with psoriasis wasfound using family-based analysis, but was not con-firmed in an independent case-control sample.16 Fur-ther evidence to support these genes as candidate pso-





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riasis susceptibility genes on 1q21 has recently beenreported (Kainu K et al., personal communication).

Micro-organisms associated with psoriasis

Various microorganisms are associated with theprovocation of and/or exacerbation of psoriasis (Fig-ure 2).17 These include bacteria (Streptococcus pyo-genes, Staphylococcus aureus), fungi (Malassezia,Candida albicans) and viruses (papillomaviruses,retroviruses). However the strongest evidence for theassociation of a microorganism with psoriasis is thatof S. pyogenes, which has been implicated in bothacute and chronic forms of the disease.

Bacteria: S. pyogenes throat infections

The first significant report of an association betweenpsoriasis and streptococcal infections was made morethan 50 years ago when a raised anti-streptolysin-0(ASO) titre, together with a history of an acute sorethroat 1 to 2 weeks prior to the eruption, was observedin two thirds of patients with GP.18 The isolation ofstreptococcal organisms from the tonsils of psoriasispatients in several subsequent studies has further sub-stantiated these observations.19 Originally it wasthought that only Lancefield Group A streptococci (S.pyogenes) was associated with GP, but streptococciof groups C and G have also been isolated from the ton-sils of GP patients.20 Group A (C and G) streptococciexpress one of several antigenically distinct M pro-

teins on their surface, but no association between par-ticular M serotypes and the triggering of GP by S.pyo-genes has yet been found.20, 21 Similarly the evidencesuggests that guttate flares in patients with establishedCPP are triggered by a streptococcal throat infection.22

Furthermore, higher incidences of recurrent sorethroats 23, 24 and of positive throat swabs 2 in CPP com-pared with controls suggest a further role for strepto-coccal organisms in the chronic form of the disease.

It has now been shown that, in streptococcal tonsil-litis, the organisms can gain entry into the epithelialcells of the tonsils and persist at this site indefinitely,forming a reservoir of streptococcal antigens that canpotentially maintain disease.25, 26 This persistence ispartly due to the fact that the antibiotics usually pre-scribed for streptococcal throat infection, such as peni-cillin, cannot penetrate the cell wall of the tonsillarepithelial cell to kill the organisms. Support for thepossibility that psoriasis is maintained by a reservoir ofstreptococci in the tonsils is given by the observation thatsome patients have a significant improvement in theirdisease after tonsillectomy.27, 28 However the psoria-sis tends to recur in the majority of these patients, prob-ably due to recolonization of the other lymphoid tissuein the oropharynx by streptococcal organisms. Fur-thermore it has been shown in patients with psoriasisand psoriatic arthritis that there are elevated levels of IgAantibodies directed against streptococcal peptidoglycan-polysaccharide cell wall complexes suggesting persis-tence of the antigen.29 In contrast, evidence of the pres-ence of streptococci in the skin of patients with psori-asis is lacking. A recent study using the polymerasechain reaction (PCR) technique to detect DNA specif-ic for the mitogenic factor and/or streptolysin expressedby S. pyogenes found only 2 of 19 patients with CPPgave a positive result, despite the fact that almost halfof them had raised anti-streptococcal antibodies or apositive throat swab indicating exposure to the organ-ism.30 However, a small number of case reports havedescribed the eruption of GP lesions in perianal skin asa result of S.pyogenes infection, suggesting that theorganism may be more likely to be detected in the skinin the acute rather than chronic form of the disease.31

Triggering of psoriasis by S. pyogenes

The appearance, distribution and natural history ofGP and CPP are different; so it is likely the mechanismsby which streptococcal organisms induce or exacerbatethese eruptions also vary.



S. aureusC. albicans


GutC. albicans

TonsilsS. pyogenes(S. aureus)

Figure 2.—Routes of entry of microorganisms that provoke or exacerba-te psoriasis skin lesions. Reprinted from Clin. Dermatol., 25(6), Fry L ,Baker BS, Triggering psoriasis: the role of infections and medications, p.606-15, © 2007, with permission from Elsevier.17





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In GP it has been suggested that the skin eruption isinduced by streptococcal superantigens, T cell-acti-vating toxins produced by S. pyogenes (as well as byS. aureus and other microorganisms) that bind to thevariable region of the β chain (Vβ) of the T cell recep-tor. Two characteristics of superantigens may con-tribute to the triggering of psoriasis. Firstly, super-antigens can induce the expression of a skin homingreceptor, cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA) on Tcells.32 Thus superantigens released by streptococciin the tonsils may induce skin-seeking T cells in lymphnodes draining the pharynx, which then home to theskin where they are further activated. Secondly, super-antigens stimulate T cells polyclonally on the basis ofthe Vβ family they express rather than according totheir antigen specificity. Polyclonality of T cellsexpressing the T cell receptor Vβ2 has been reportedin the very early skin lesions of patients with GP infect-ed by streptococci producing streptococcal pyrogenicexotoxin-C, a stimulator of Vβ2+ T cells, suggestingthat the disease process was triggered by superanti-gen-induced T cell activation.33 The initiation of GPmay, therefore, be similar to that of scarlet fever. How-ever, unlike the rash in scarlet fever that fades within2 weeks, the GP skin lesions are maintained over sev-eral weeks before they begin to resolve. Furthermore,in CPP, the psoriatic plaques can persist over manyyears. This suggests that an antigen-specific T cellresponse may be involved in maintenance of the pso-riatic process. This is supported by the presence ofoligoclonal expansions of particular T cell receptorVβ families in lesional skin of CPP patients.34

Antigen priming of T cells may occur in the skin-draining lymph nodes and/or in the tonsils, as sug-gested by the presence of the same clonal T cell recep-tor rearrangements in both lesional skin and tonsillarT cells expressing CLA in patients with recurrent pso-riatic skin flares induced by streptococcal tonsillitis.35

The nature of the antigen responsible for activationof these potentially pathogenic T cells in the skin isunknown, but has been proposed to be either a strep-tococcal antigen, or a skin-specific antigen with orwithout homology to a streptococcal antigen.

T cell activating antigen: Streptococcal peptidogly-can

Research has focused on the identity of the strepto-coccal antigen(s) responsible for T cell activation inpsoriasis.36 Increased numbers of interferon-γ-pro-

ducing Th1 cells with specificity for group A strepto-coccal antigens have been isolated from the skin lesionsof both GP and CPP patients, a subset of which rec-ognizes streptococcal cell wall antigens.37-39 Cell wallfractions containing proteins of 20-50 kDa were shownto be responsible for the skin T cell response.39 Thesefindings, and those of a deletion mutation study, exclud-ed the larger molecular weight M protein, a majorantigenic determinant in the streptococcal cell wall, asa candidate antigen.38, 39 Valdimarsson et al. had pre-viously postulated that streptococcal M protein trig-gered T cell activation in psoriasis, and that the diseaseprocess was subsequently maintained by a skinautoantigen, keratin 17, via molecular mimicry.40

Although an increased frequency of interferon-γ-pro-ducing CLA+ CD8+ T cells specific for keratin-derivedpeptides that shares sequences with streptococcal Mproteins have been reported in the peripheral blood ofHLA-Cw6+ psoriatic patients compared with HLA-Cw6+ healthy controls,41 the presence of T cells spe-cific for streptococcal M protein and/or keratin in pso-riatic skin lesions has yet to be demonstrated.

Recently it was shown that at least half of the strep-tococcal cell wall-specific Th1 cells in psoriasis skinlesions were specific for streptococcal peptidoglycan(PG).42 PG is a major constituent of the bacterial cellwall of Gram-positive bacteria such as S. pyogenesand S. aureus, and composed of repeating disaccharidesof N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acidcross-linked by peptides. The response to streptococ-cal PG was self HLA-DR allele-restricted, demon-strating that PG could act as a classical antigen, inaddition to its more commonly observed proinflam-matory effects.43 Additional support for the ability ofPG to induce an antigen-specific T cell response wasshown by the lack of cross-reactivity between thesestreptococcal PG-specific T cells and a further subsetof T cells specific for staphylococcal PG present inthe same psoriatic skin lesions.42

Furthermore, in close proximity to the PG-specificT cells in the dermis were increased numbers ofmacrophages containing PG (compared to non-lesion-al psoriatic or normal skin) in both GP and CPPlesions.42 It was shown that, in most cases, the PG wasnot staphylococcal in origin, but it was not possible toconfirm that the cell wall PG was streptococcal due tothe lack of availability of a specific antibody. In sup-port of the possibility that the PG was derived fromstreptococci, macrophages containing S. pyogenes or





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PG have been observed in the crypts of tonsils afterremoval from patients with recurrent streptococcaltonsillitis.44 Thus it is likely that at least some of the PG-containing macrophages observed in psoriatic skincells have migrated to the skin from the tonsils,although the gut may be an additional source of the bac-terial antigen.45

PG-containing macrophages are not specific to pso-riasis or to inflammatory skin diseases, and have beendetected in increased numbers in various chronicinflammatory diseases of other organs, includingCrohn’s disease,46 rheumatoid arthritis 47 and multi-ple sclerosis.48 However, the possible presence of PG-specific T cells in these conditions has not yet beeninvestigated. Although streptococcal cell wall-reactiveT cells have been isolated from non-psoriatic skindiseases such as eczema, lichen planus and pityriasisrosea, they differ from those of psoriatic skin lesionsin that they proliferate, but do not produce IFN-γ inresponse to streptococcal antigens.49, 37 A lack of cor-relation between proliferative and IFN-γ responsesto streptococcal PG by psoriatic T cells implies dif-ferent T cell epitopes might be involved in each case.These findings suggest that a Th1 cell clone(s) thatrecognises a streptococcal PG epitope(s) in the con-text of psoriasis-associated HLA alleles may be spe-cific for psoriasis and contribute to diseaseimmunopathogenesis.

Bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus

There is increased colonisation of psoriatic skin byS. aureus as compared to normal, healthy skin, and inat least half of the cases, the isolates secreted one ormore staphylococcal enterotoxins.50, 51 Patients withtoxin-positive S. aureus colonisation had a signifi-cantly higher Psoriasis Area and Severity Index thanthose with toxin-negative S. aureus or who lacked bac-terial colonisation, consistent with the proposal thatexacerbation of psoriatic lesions by the organism ismost likely mediated via superantigen(toxin)-inducedT cell activation.51

As mentioned above, T cells specific for PG from S.aureus have been cultured from psoriatic skin lesions;however, macrophages carrying S. aureus-specific PGconstituted only a very small proportion of the totalnumber of PG-containing macrophages detected.42

These findings suggest that activation of S. aureusPG-specific T cells may not be important in diseasepathogenesis, and that the main role of S. aureus in

psoriasis may be that of an exacerbator of existing dis-ease, via the production of superantigenic toxins.

Fungi: Malassezia “Pityro sporum”

Malassezia (the yeast phase of which was former-ly known as Pityrsporum) are thick-walled yeast fun-gi that form part of the normal human skin flora and arefound predominantly on the scalp, face and uppertrunk, areas rich in sebaceous glands. This distribu-tion is probably explained by the organism’s require-ment for exogenous fatty acids that results from adefect in fatty acid synthesis. The scalp is a commonsite for psoriasis, and several reports have suggested anassociation between Malassezia and the developmentof skin lesions. Treatment of patients with psoriasiswith the oral antifungal drug, ketaconazole, producedmarked improvement of their scalp lesions after adecrease in yeast cell numbers.52, 53 Conversely, patchtesting with sonicates of heat-killed Malassezia onthe intact non-lesional skin of 10 patients with inactivepsoriasis induced the formation of skin lesions clini-cally and histologically resembling psoriasis.54

In addition, Malassezia are implicated in so-calledseborrhoeic eczema, but there is a school of thoughtdeveloping who propose that this disorder should bereferred to as seborrhoeic psoriasis. In support of thissuggestion is the observation that this type of erup-tion on the face and scalp is often found in associationwith plaque psoriasis and has a higher incidence infamily members of patients with psoriasis.

Various immune cell types have been shown torespond to Malassezia and its components in psoriasis.Antibodies that recognize N-acetyl glucosamine ter-minals of glycoproteins expressed by the organism,and T cells with differential specificity to the roundand oval forms of Malassezia, isolated from scalp (andnonscalp) skin lesions, have been reported in psoriaticpatients.55, 56 In addition, soluble components producedby the fungi were demonstrated to act as chemoattrac-tants for psoriatic polymorphonuclear leukocytes.57

Malassezia can also upregulate keratinocyte expres-sion of various molecules associated with hyperprolif-eration and cell migration of the epidermis, which aremore highly expressed in psoriatic skin colonised withthe organism than in non-colonised psoriatic skin.58

More recently it has been shown that toll-like receptor(TLR)-2 mediates intracellular signalling in humankeratinocytes in response to Malessezia furfur.59 Thesefindings suggest that these organisms may play a role





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in the pathogenesis of psoriasis, via both the innate andadaptive immune systems.

Fungi: Ringworm fungi

Psoriasis of the nails, particularly toenails, can be dif-ficult to distinguish from a fungal infection particularlywhen the main feature is subungual hyperkeratosis.However, an increased incidence of onychomycosishas been found in patients with psoriasis, and in fam-ily members of those with the disease. It has been pro-posed that fungal infection may induce the prolifera-tive response of the nail bed in psoriasis, although itmay be difficult to demonstrate the presence of theorganism.

Fungi: Candida

The pathogenic yeast Candida is frequently foundin intertrigenous psoriasis, but it is not known whetherthis is a secondary invader or whether the organismplays a role in either initiating or maintaining thelesions. Increased incidence of C. albicans in the fae-ces of psoriasis patients compared to controls has alsobeen reported.60-62 No correlation between the quantityof Candida in faeces and the PASI score was found,although there was a significant association betweenearly age of onset of psoriasis and increased levels ofthe yeast.62 Furthermore, more than half of a group of50 psoriasis patients treated with the oral anti-fungaltreatment, nystatin showed significant skin improve-ment, supporting a role for Candida in the exacerba-tion of psoriasis.63 The mechanisms used by Candidato aggravate psoriasis are presently unknown, but mayinvolve the production of superantigens that stimu-late non-specific activation of T cells.64

Viruses: Human papilloma virus (HPV)

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been asso-ciated with both benign and malignant skin tumours.In addition, it is now accepted that HPV is the aetio-logical agent for the mucosal tumour, carcinoma ofthe cervix.

One of the HPVs, HPV-5, has been found in approx-imately 90% of a large series of patients with psoria-sis, but not in patients with atopic eczema, althoughHPV36 was detected in the latter.64 Furthermore, HPV-5-specific antibodies reactive with the L1 capsid pro-tein have been reported to be increased in psoriasis

patients.65 HPV-5 is also associated with epider-modysplasia verruciformis, a susceptibility locus forwhich maps to chromsome 17qter in a region con-taining a susceptibility locus for psoriasis, PSORS2.66

This may imply a susceptibility to HPV-5 if individu-als have a mutation of a gene in the17q region. It hasalso been proposed that HPV5 may be the putativeantigen recognized by oligoclonal epidermal CD8+ Tcells in psoriatic skin lesions.67

Viruses: Retroviruses (HIV)

A common feature of HIV infected patients is thatpsoriasis may appear for the first time, or pre-existingdisease is made worse and becomes difficult to treat.The virus appears to be an aetiological factor in thesepatients as treatment with antiretroviral drugs canimprove the psoriasis.68 Whether the virus itself, orone or more of the opportunistic infections (e.g. staphy-lococci in the skin or streptococci in the respiratorytract) associated with AIDS aggravates or precipitatesthe disease remains to be determined.

Innate immunity and psoriasis

Recent evidence suggests that interaction betweeninnate and adaptive immune responses are involvedin the pathogenesis of psoriasis.69 Furthermore, theinnate immune system in psoriasis appears to be dys-regulated, with upregulation and activation of variouscellular and humoral components of the innate immuneresponse.69, 70

The innate immune system is designed to provide arapid response, without antigen specificity or long-lasting memory, to protect the body against microor-ganisms. This is achieved by recognition of conservedmolecular patterns expressed by the organisms, bynon-clonal receptors termed pattern-recognition recep-tors (PRRs). One such conserved component of Gram-positive bacteria is PG, whose inflammatory biologi-cal effects result from its recognition by two familiesof proteins, the NOD (nucleotide-binding oligomer-ization domain) proteins and peptidoglycan recogni-tion proteins (PGRPs).

NOD1 and NOD2 are intracellular PG recognitionmolecules that recognise PG peptides containing meso-diaminopimelic acid (present in mainly Gram-negativebacteria), or muramyl dipeptide (in both Gram-posi-tive and Gram-negative bacteria), respectively.71, 72





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Mutations in NOD2 contribute to disease susceptibil-ity in Crohn’s disease,73 an inflammatory bowel diseasein which the prevalence of psoriasis is significantlyincreased.74 A susceptibility locus for psoriasis thatoverlaps with a susceptibility locus for Crohn’s diseasehas been identified on chromosome 16q12,75 but var-ious studies that have investigated the Crohn’s-asso-ciated NOD2 mutations in psoriasis patients have failedto find any association with the disease, with the excep-tion of one study of psoriasis arthritis patients in New-foundland.76-79

PG stimulation of NOD2 (or Toll-like receptor(TLR)-2) in keratinocytes induces the production ofantimicrobial peptides that target Gram-positive andGram-negative bacteria, and fungi.80 In psoriasis, lev-els of human β-defensin (HBD) peptides, HBD-2 andHBD-3, and cathelicidin LL-37 are increased in the epi-dermis,81, 82 probably resulting from stimulation of thePRRs by bacteria colonising the surface of the skin,and/or by cytokines present in the epidermis. It hasbeen shown that the abundance of HBD-2 in ker-atinocytes after induction by cytokines is correlatedwith its basal expression.83 It is interesting in thisrespect that an association between risk of psoriasis anda higher genomic copy number for β-defensin geneshas been recently reported.84

A family of four PGRPs (PGRP-1, 2, 3. 4) havebeen recently been found in humans, the genes forthree of which are located at chromosomal loci con-taining susceptibility genes for psoriasis. The genes forPGRP-3 and PGRP-4 are found in the region con-taining the PSORS4 locus on chromosome 1q21,85

whilst the gene for PGRP-2 is located on chromosome19p in a region containing the PSORS6 locus.86 Arecent study found an association between polymor-phisms in or near the PGRP-3 and PGRP-4 genes andpsoriasis using family based analysis, but not in anindependent case control sample.87 Another study justcompleted has also reported the association of poly-morphisms of these genes in Irish and Finnish, but notin Swedish, families with psoriasis (Kainu K et al.,personal communication).

PGRP-3 and PGRP-4 are secreted by epithelial cellsof the skin, gut and tonsils and, through interactionwith cell wall PG, are directly bactericidal againstpathogenic and non-pathogenic Gram-positive bacte-ria, but not normal bacterial flora.88 PGRP-2 is anenzyme (N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase), pro-duced by the liver and secreted into the blood stream,which cleaves the stem peptide from the glycan chainof PG.89, 90 Mutations in the genes coding for thesePGRPs could result in persistence of bacteria and/or analtered inflammatory response to PG. The recentdemonstration of PG-specific T cells in close prox-imity to PG-carrying macrophages in the dermis oflesional skin suggests that PG could be an exampleof a bacterial component able to activate both innateand adaptive immune responses in patients with pso-riasis.

Model of immunopathogenesis of psoriasis

The immunopathogenic pathway leading to thedevelopment of psoriasis remains to be fully eluci-dated. However, the evidence suggests that interac-tion between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, dendritic cellsand keratinocytes leading to the production of a definedpattern of cytokines forms the basis of the diseaseprocess (Figure 3).

Activated CD4+ and activated CD8+ T cells coexistin equal numbers in the epidermis of CPP skinlesions,91 and both subsets appear to play vital roles.It is proposed that initiation and maintenance of thepsoriatic process requires antigen presentation to apathogenic CD4+ T cell subset by MHC Class II-pos-



KeratinocytesAuto Ag(keratin?)


IFN-γ IL-17 IL-22



IL-12 IL-23


Streo Ag(PG?)

Figure 3.—Model for the pathogenesis of psoriasis.

Strep Ag






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itive dendritic cells in the epidermis and/or dermis,resulting in activation and cytokine production. Thenature of the antigen is unknown, but the strong clin-ical association of psoriasis with streptococcal infec-tions suggest that it is likely to be of streptococcal ori-gin. The isolation of PG-specific T cells and PG-car-rying macrophages in psoriatic skin lesions raises thepossibility that PG may be a candidate for this role.

Once initiated, dominant epidermal CD8+ T cellclones may contribute to the persistence of the dis-ease process.92, 93 It is unlikely that PG is the activat-ing antigen for these IFN-γ-producing cells asmacrophages carrying PG are predominately observedwithin CD4+ T cell dominated clusters in the dermis.42

Circulating CD8+ T cells that recognize peptides fromkeratin 17 and streptococcal M protein with sequencehomology, and which express homing receptors forthe skin, have been reported in psoriatic individuals.41

Thus it is conceivable that a skin autoantigen(s), withor without cross-reactivity to a streptococcal antigen,drives epidermal CD8+ T cell activation and maintainsthe chronicity of CPP skin lesions.

Production of IL-12 and IL-23 by dendritic cells inresponse to microbial stimulation induces two types ofCD4+ T cells in psoriasis; Th1 cells producing IFN-γ,and the more recently identified Th17 cells whichsecrete IL-17 and IL-22.94 These T cell-derivedcytokines play a key role in the disease process throughtheir effects on keratinocytes, including upregulationof adhesion and accessory molecule expression,enhanced production of Th1 cell-attracting chemokinesand of various cytokines, regulation of proliferation anddifferentiation, and upregulation of S100 proteins andβ-defensins.95-97 In turn, cytokines produced by ker-atinocytes such as Interleukin-8 and transforminggrowth factor-α have autocrine effects on keratinocyteproliferation, whilst other keratinocyte-derivedcytokines stimulate T cell growth and IFN-γ produc-tion. This sets up a self-perpetuating cycle of events inwhich dendritic cells, activated T cells and ker-atinocytes, interact via the production of a definedmixture of cytokines and chemokines, thus maintain-ing the pathology of the psoriatic skin lesion. Fur-thermore, a lack of regulatory T cell function leadingto unrestrained effector T cell proliferation, is a furthercontributory factor to the stability of skin lesions inCPP.98 Recent evidence suggests that this may be dueto inherent genetic programming passed down frombone-marrow-derived haematopoietic cells.99

Treatment of psoriasis: a role for vaccination?

Until the mid-1980s, the use of both topical andsystemic treatments for psoriasis were largely empir-ical. This changed with the discovery that T cellsplayed an essential role in the disease process, leadingto the development of evidence-based approaches totherapy. Immunosuppressive treatments such as cor-ticosteroids and cyclosporin have been used withfavourable results in the management of psoriasis, buthave several limitations including toxicity and anincreased risk of infection and malignancy. Morerecently, a new class of immuno-modulating biologi-cal agents (monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins)that target specific steps in the disease pathway havebeen developed as a result of progress in the elucida-tion of the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis.100 Theseagents are proving effective in various inflammatorydiseases as they target common molecules with non-antigen specific functions. Although biological agentsare more selective than immunosuppressive drugs,they are not without side effects and the possible con-sequences of long-term immunosuppression with theseagents are unknown.

A therapeutic approach, such as vaccination, tar-geting the initiating antigen or pathogenic T cellswould have the advantages of minimising side effectscaused by global immunosuppression, and inducinglong-term tolerance in psoriasis.

The use of vaccination as a therapeutic tool in pso-riasis has been investigated in only a small number ofstudies. Vaccination of psoriasis patients with M. vac-cae met with little success, but the basis for using suchan approach was empirical, not evidence-based.101

However components of S. pyogenes, especially PG,are strongly implicated in psoriasis, raising the possi-bility of vaccination against the organism as a thera-peutic option. The aim of such an approach would beto stimulate the immune response to streptococci inpsoriatic individuals so as to improve bacterial clear-ance and prevent persistence of streptococcal antigensthat maintain the disease via T cell activation. However,there is also the possibility that vaccination against S.pyogenes could also stimulate expansion of the path-ogenic T cell subset, resulting in disease exacerba-tion.

An alternative strategy that has been used in psori-asis (multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis) is Tcell receptor peptide vaccination, which involves the





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induction of a regulatory Th2 subset specific for por-tions of the T cell receptor of clonally expanded path-ogenic Th1/Tc1 cells.102 T cell receptor peptides cor-responding to the mid region of the BV3 and BV13S1genes, which are overexpressed in epidermal CD8+ Tcells in CPP skin lesions, were injected in low dosesinto a total of 177 psoriasis patients in two studies.Unsurprisingly, as CD8+ T cells are likely to con-tribute to maintenance rather than initiation of thepsoriatic process, only a modest clinical effect relat-ed to significant immunological responses to the pep-tides were reported.102 Targeting of oligoclonal CD4+

T cells, which are essential for initiation of the disease,would be predicted to produce a better clinical out-come.

The possible use of these vaccination approachesin psoriasis will be dependent upon identification of theinitiating antigen(s), and characterisation of the path-ogenic antigen-specific T cells, both of which areachievable in the near future.

It is salutary to reflect that, in 1896 in his Textbookof Dermatology, Radcliffe-Crocker stated that psori-asis was due to microorganisms in the skin. It has tak-en over a 100 years for evidence to support that pre-diction to accumulate. Future research will need toaddress the identity of the triggering microbial anti-gen(s); such knowledge could open the way for vac-cination as a therapeutic tool for psoriasis.


Quale ruolo della vaccinazione nel trattamento della pso-riasi?

La psoriasi è una patologia cutanea immunitaria multi-fattoriale, la cui etiologia ha una forte componente geneti-ca, con numerosi geni che codificano proteine coinvoltenella differenziazione dell’epidermide e le risposte immu-nitarie, infiammatorie e patogene, in combinazione con fat-tori ambientali microbici. Sebbene diversi microrganismi,tra cui lo Staphylococcus aureus, la Malassezia e la Candidaalbicans, sembrino provocare o aggravare la patologia, l’as-sociazione tra infezioni delle vie respiratorie alte da S. pyo-genes e la psoriasi guttata è sopportata da evidenze clinichemolto forti. Inoltre, l’identificazione di cellule T peptido-glicano-specifiche nelle lesioni cutanee psoriasiche ha por-tato a proporre che il peptidoglicano della parete cellularepossa costituire il collegamento tra l’infezione streptococ-cica a livello tonsillare e la successiva induzione delle lesio-ni cutanee. Questi dati suggeriscono come la psoriasi pos-sa essere una possibile candidata alla vaccinazione tera-peutica streptococcica. Gli attuali trattamenti della psoria-

si hanno diversi limiti, tra cui la tossicità e un aumentatorischio di infezioni e neoplasie maligne. Al contrario, lavaccinazione potrebbe indurre una tolleranza a lungo terminesenza gli effetti collaterali causati dall’immunosoppressio-ne globale. Sono necessari ulteriori studi per valutare l’i-dentità degli antigeni microbici trigger; tali conoscenzepotranno aprire la via alla vaccinazione come arma tera-peutica della psoriasi.Parole chiave: Psoriasi - Vaccini - Vaccino streptococcico.


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85. Capon F, Semprini S, Chimenti S, Fabrizi G, Zambruno G, Murgia Set al. Fine mapping of the PSORS4 psoriasis susceptibility region onchromosome 1q21. J Invest Dermatol 2001;116:728-30.

86. Lee YA, Ruschendorf F, Windemuth C, Schmitt-Egenolf M, Stadel-mann A, Nurnberg G et al. Genomewide scan in German familiesreveals evidence for a novel psoriasis-susceptibility locus on chro-mosome 19p13. Am J Hum Genet 2000;67:1020-4.

87. Sun C, Mathur P, Dupuis J, Tizard R, Ticho B, Crowell T et al. Pep-tidoglycan recognition proteins Pglyrp3 and Pglyrp4 are encodedfrom the Epidermal Differentiation Complex and are candidate genesfor the Psors4 locus on chromosome 1q21. Hum Genet 2006;119:113-25.

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91. Baker BS, Swain AF, Griffiths CEM, Leonard JN, Fry L, Valdimars-son H. Epidermal T lymphocytes and dendritic cells in chronic plaquepsoriasis: the effects of PUVA treatment. Clin Exp Immunol 1985;61:526-34.

92. Nickoloff BJ, Wrone-Smith T. Injection of pre-psoriatic skin withCD4+ T cells induces psoriasis. Am J Pathol 1999;155:145-58.

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95. Griffiths CEM, Voorhees JJ, Nickoloff BJ. Characterisation of inter-cellular adhesion molecule-1 and HLA-DR expression in normal andinflamed skin: modulation by recombinant gamma interferon andtumor necrosis factor. J Am Acad Dermatol 1989;20:617-29.

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98. Sugiyama H, Gyulai R, Toichi E, Garaczi E, Shimada S, StevensSR et al. Dysfunctional blood and target tissue CD4+CD25high reg-ulatory T cells in psoriasis: mechanism underlying unrestrainedpathogenic effector T cell proliferation in psoriasis. J Immunol2005;174:164-73.

99. Zhang K, Li X, Yi G, Liu Y, Niu X, Hou R. Functional characteri-zation of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells differentiated in vitrofrom bone-marrow-derived haematopoietic cells of psoriasis patientswith a family history of the disorder. Brit J Dermatol 2008;158:298-305.

100. Baker BS, Fry L. Immunotargeting: A biological approach to thetreatment of psoriasis. Drug Discovery Today: Ther Strategies2007;doi:10.1016/ j.ddstr.2007.11.002.

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A novel vaccine (Zostavax) to prevent herpes zoster

Varicella-zoster virus is the causal agent of varicella and herpeszoster (HZ) in humans. HZ results from reactivation of latentvaricella-zoster virus (VZV) within the sensory ganglia. Theincidence and severity of HZ increase with advancing age;more than half of all persons in whom HZ develops are olderthan 60 years. The most frequent debilitating complication ispostherpetic neuralgia, a neuropathic pain syndrome that per-sists or develops after the dermatomal rash has healed, andcan be prolonged and disabling. There are many limitationsof the current therapies for HZ and postherpetic neuralgia. Alive attenuated VZV vaccine has been developed and recentlyapproved by the United States Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the European Union for the prevention of HZ inindividuals 60 years of age and older. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial 38 546 adults of 60 years of ageor older, the use of the HZ vaccine reduced the burden of illnessdue to HZ by 61.1% (P<0.001), reduced the incidence of pos-therpetic neuralgia by 66.5% (P<0.001), and reduced the inci-dence of HZ by 51.3% (P<0.001). In this review, the authors willdiscuss the history of the use of the varicella vaccine in children,and the subsequent development of the new HZ vaccine.KEY WORDS: Herpes zoster - Neuralgia, postherpetic - Vaccines.

Herpes zoster (HZ) is a reactivation of latent vari-cella zoster virus (VZV) from the dorsal root

ganglion. It produces a characteristic rash accompaniedby sensory changes which classically occur in a der-matomal pattern. HZ occurs in older adults and

immunocompromised individuals due to VZV-spe-cific decline in cell mediated immunity. The princi-pal risk factor for HZ is prior history of VZV exposure(Table I). The risk for developing HZ increases withincreasing age, with approximately 1 million cases ofHZ occuring in the Untied States per year. Compli-cations of HZ infection (Table II) include severe painduring the infection as well as postherpetic neuralgia,herpes opthalmicus (which can lead to blindness),pneumonia, myelopathy, paresis, vasculopathy, andmyocarditis. These complications have impact onhealth care costs and productivity and quality of life forthose afflicted.

Varicella virus is a ubiquitous herpes virus that caus-es chickenpox in childhood. On resolution of the pri-mary varicella infection, residual provirus segmentstravel from sensory nerve endings up sensory fibers,eventually lodging in the cranial or dorsal root ganglia.These viral fragments settle in neuronal or satellitecell nuclei, where they are protected from the highlevels of antibody that persist in the circulation inresponse to the primary infection. This migration andcolonization of virus along the neural route may inpart explain why HZ primarily affects the sensory gan-glia and its rash is distributed locally along a sensorynerve dermatome.

Department of DermatologySt. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center

Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, New York, USA

Conflict of interest. Dr. Weinberg is on the speakers’bureau for Merck..

Address reprint requests to: J. M. Weinberg, MD, Department of Der-matology, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, 1090 Amsterdam Avenue,Suite 11D, New York, NY 10025. E-mail: [email protected]







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Once inside the neuronal nucleus, the virus remainslatent and does not multiply, although it retains the abil-ity to revert to an infectious state at any time. It is unclearwhat induces reactivation of VZV, but it certainlydepends on waning cell-mediated immunity to achievepopulations sufficient to incite HZ disease. Further-more, although memory CD4 and CD8 T cells are high-ly detectable in the young, who are largely resistant toHZ, they are substantially diminished among the elder-ly and in immunocompromised individuals.

A new vaccine (Zostavax) intended for the preven-tion of HZ was approved in the United States andEuropean Union in 2006.3 This vaccine is a morepotent version of the varicella vaccine (Varivax), whichis indicated for use in children.

Use and impact of the varicella vaccine

The varicella vaccine (Varivax) was developed inJapan, and data was first reported in 1974 by Taka-hashi et al.4 The live attenuated virus, known the Okavirus, was derived from a child with varicella virusinfection. The Oka vaccine virus can be differentiatedfrom wild-type virus found in the United States byrestriction enzyme analysis and PCR.5 It was approvedfor use in the United States in 1995 for use in healthyindividuals.6 In 1999, the Advisory Committee onImmunization Practices stated the varicella vaccinemay be used in patients with humoral immunity defi-ciency, and that it may be considered in children withHIV, with no to mild HIV symptomology and a CD4%greater than or equal to 25%. It is also available freethrough a research protocol for children with acutelymphoblastic leukemia.7 The vaccine has demon-strated a good record of safety. No serious adverseevents have been noted since its release,8 and only 3

cases of transmission of the Oka virus have been report-ed out of over 15 million doses of vaccine.5

Postexposure studies of the varicella vaccine withwidespread use in the United States have demonstrat-ed approximately 84% efficacy.9 Health care expen-diture due to varicella infection decreased by $ 100million per year from 1993 to 2001, and total annualsavings including non-medical expenditure (loss oftime from school/work) is $ 384 million.6, 10, 11 Fromthe prevaccination period to 2002, hospitalizationsdue to varicella declined by 88% (from 2.3 to 0.3 per100 000 population) and ambulatory visits declinedby 59% (from 215 to 89 per 100 000 population). Hos-pitalizations and ambulatory visits declined in all agegroups, with the greatest declines among infantsyounger than 1 year.11 In vaccinated patients who dodevelop varicella (breakthrough infection), the pre-sentation is usually mild.12

While varicella infection has decreased, incidenceof HZ has remained the same. There is concern thatwith less children developing wild-type varicella infec-tion, there will be an increase in HZ incidence in adults.This is explained by the theory that exposure to infect-ed individuals allows for cell-mediated immune boost-ing of adults and protection from HZ activation.13

However, in studies in children with leukemia, and inadults who received 2 doses of the vaccine 3 monthsapart, decreased rates of HZ were observed.14-16

TABLE I.—Risk factors and potential risk factors for VZV reactivation.

— Prior VZV exposure (chickenpox, vaccine)— Age >50 years— Immunocompromised state— Immunosuppressive drugs— HIV/AIDS— Bone marrow or organ transplant— Cancer— Chronic steroid therapy— Psychological stress— Trauma

Modified from Arvin. A. Clin Microbiol Rev 1996;9:361-81.1

TABLE II.—Potential complications of VZV can contribute to chronicpain and impairment.

Neurologic— Postherpetic neuralgia— Motor paralysis— Meningoencephalitis— Transverse myelitis— Cerebral vasculitis— Cranial palsy

Ocular— Lid ulceration— Conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis— Optic neuritis— Retinal necrosis— Secondary glaucoma

Visceral— Pneumonitis— Myocarditis— Hepatitis— Esophagitis

Adapted from Wood and Easterbrook. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press; 1995. pp. 193-209.2





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Clinical development of the HZ vaccine

Oxman et al.3 enrolled 38 546 adults aged 60 yearsand above, in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of an investigational live attenuatedOka/Merck VZV vaccine (“zoster vaccine”). The min-imum potency of the HZ vaccine administered to sub-jects in the study was at least 14 times greater thanthe minimum potency currently licensed varicella vac-cine. A preliminary study demonstrated that increasedpotencies were necessary in older adults in order toelicit a significant increase in the cell-mediated immu-nity to VZV.3 Therefore, a high-potency vaccine wasformulated for this study.

HZ was diagnosed according to standard clinicaland laboratory criteria. In patients who developed HZ,the associated pain and discomfort were measuredrepeatedly for six months. The primary end point of thestudy was the burden of illness due to HZ, a measureaffected by the incidence, severity, and duration of theassociated pain and discomfort. The secondary endpoint was the incidence of postherpetic neuralgia.3The incidence of HZ was also evaluated.

There was no significant difference in demograph-ics or general health status between the vaccine andplacebo groups. Surveillance times raged from 1 dayto 4.9 years with the mean being 3.13 years. The vastmajority of subjects (95.3%) completed the trial, withonly 0.6% withdrawing and 4.1% dying during thestudy. These percentages were similar in both the vac-cine and placebo groups.3

Subjects in the vaccine group received 0.5 mL sub-cutaneously of the live attenuated Oka/Merck VZVvaccine. The median potency of this dose was 24,600plaque-forming units per dose. The average potency ofthe varicella vaccine is 1350 plaque-forming units.17

Burden of illness

The burden of illness (BOI) score, the primary end-point of this study, incorporates the incidence, sever-ity, and duration of the pain and discomfort associat-ed with HZ.18 Each subject who had an episode ofzoster rated their worst pain on a pain inventory. Therating was used to calculate a severity-of-illness score(ranging from 1 to 1 813 in this study); this score wasdefined as the area under the curve of zoster pain plot-ted against time during the 182-day observation peri-od after rash onset. The BOI Score was the mean sever-ity-of-illness score for each treatment group. In total,

957 cases of confirmed zoster and 107 cases of pos-therpetic neuralgia were included in the burden of ill-ness analysis.3

Vaccine efficacy with respect to the burden of illnessdue to HZ (VEBOI) was defined as the relative reduc-tion in the burden-of-illness score in the vaccine groupas compared with that in the placebo group. In thestudy by Oxman et al.3, the HZ BOI score was sig-nificantly reduced in the vaccine group as comparedwith the placebo group (P<0.001) (Table III). Overall,VEBOI was 61.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 51.1to 69.1) for the total study population, a result thatmet the prespecified criteria for success.

Incidence of postherpetic neuralgia

Vaccine efficacy with respect to the incidence ofpostherpetic neuralgia (VEPHN) was defined as the rel-ative reduction in the incidence of postherpetic neu-ralgia in the vaccine group as compared with that in theplacebo group.19 There were 107 cases of postherpet-ic neuralgia, 27 in the vaccine group and 80 in the

TABLE III.—Effect of HZ vaccine on burden of illness in HZ.

BOI Score* VaccineefficacyBOI

Vaccine Placebo (95% CI)N=19 254 N=19 247 (%)

All subjects 2.21 5.68 61.1(51.1-69.1)**

60-69 yrs 1.5 4.33 65.5(51.5-75.5)

≥70 yrs 3.47 7.78 55.4(39.9-66.9)

*Burden of Illness Score; **P<0.001; Modified from Table II in Oxman MN etal. N Engl J Med 2005;352:2271-84.3

TABLE IV.—Effect of HZ vaccine on PHN.

Vaccine PlaceboVaccineN=19 254 N=19 247

efficacyPHN(95% CI)No. of Incidence No. of Incidence

confirmed per 1000 onfirmed per 1000

All subjects 27/19 254 0.46 80/19 247 1.38 66.5*(47.5-79.2)

60-69 yrs 8/10 370 0.26 23/10 356 0.74 65.7(20.4-86.7)

≥70 yrs 19/8 884 0.71 57/8 891 2.13 66.8(43.3-81.3)

*P<0.001; Modified from Table III in Oxman MN et al. N Engl J Med2005;352:2271-84.3





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placebo group (0.46 case vs 1.38 cases per 1 000 per-son-years, respectively; P<0.001) (Table IV). Over-all, the VEPHN was 66.5 percent (95% CI, 47.5 to 79.2).In a time-to-event analysis, the cumulative incidenceof postherpetic neuralgia was significantly lower inthe vaccine group than in the placebo group (P<0.001).3

Incidence of HZ

The overall incidence of HZ per 1 000 person-yearswas significantly reduced by the zoster vaccine, from11.12 per 1 000 person-years in the placebo group to5.42 per 1 000 person-years in the vaccine group(P<0.001) (Table V). The VEHZ was 51.3% (95% CI,44.2 to 57.6). In a time-to-event analysis, the cumu-lative incidence of herpes zoster was significantly low-er in the vaccine group than in the placebo group(P<0.001). The VEHZ was 37.6% among subjects 70years of age or older and 63.9% among younger sub-jects (P<0.001). There was no difference in VEHZaccording to sex.3

Adverse events

Over the entire study period, the numbers and per-centages of deaths were similar in both the vaccineand placebo groups. During the first 42 days after vac-cination, the number and types of serious adverseevents were similar in the two groups, as was the dis-tribution of serious adverse events according to bodysystem. During this period, varicella-like rashes at theinjection site occurred more frequently among those inthe vaccine group than among those in the placebogroup, but varicella-like rashes at other sites occurredat similar rates in the two groups. There were 7 con-firmed cases of herpes zoster in the vaccine group and

24 in the placebo group during the first 42 days aftervaccination.3

In an adverse-events substudy performed, a signif-icantly greater number of subjects in the vaccine grouphad one or more adverse events than in the placebogroup, reflecting a greater frequency of adverse eventsat the injection site among subjects in the vaccinegroup. In the vaccine group, the most frequent adverseevents at the injection site were erythema (in 35.8% ofthe vaccine group), pain or tenderness (in 34.5%),swelling (in 26.2%), and pruritus (in 7.1%).3

There were 5 serious adverse events during the studybelieved to be vaccine related. After unblinding, 2 of theevents were in the vaccine group and 3 in the placebogroup (no significant difference). The 2 reactions in thevaccine group were an asthma exacerbation and a newdiagnosis of polymyalgia rheumatica. There was a diag-nosis of polymyalgia rheumatica in the placebo groupas well. Throughout the entire duration of the clinical tri-als, there was a significant difference in total seriousadverse events between the two groups (1.9% in thevaccine group and 1.3 percent in the placebo group.)These events were each reviewed post hoc, and no clin-ically meaningful difference between the vaccine andplacebo groups was identified by the writing committe.3


This novel HZ vaccine is an important new preven-tion strategy in the treatment of HZ. Current strate-gies for treating HZ demonstrate variable efficacy anddo not prevent its appearance. The newly approvedvaccine is a more potent form of the VZV vaccine cur-rently approved for use in the prevention of varicellain children. The HZ vaccine decreases the incidence ofHZ and burden of illness in adults aged 60 years andolder, and appears more efficacious in patients aged 60-69 than in those over 70 years. Importantly, the inci-dence of postherpetic neuralgia is significantly reducedin patients who receive HZ vaccine, irrespective ofage or sex. The duration of postherpetic neuralgia isalso significantly reduced. The HZ vaccine has demon-strated a favorable safety profile. Most treatment-relat-ed adverse events are related to the site of injectionand are generally mild. The HZ offers a significantstep forward in the treatment of HZ and its sequlae.

Based on the results of the Shingles PreventionStudy, the United States Food and Drug Administra-tion (FDA) and European Union approved the HZ vac-

TABLE V.—Effect of HZ vaccine on incidence of HZ.

Vaccine PlaceboVaccineN=19 254 N=19 247

efficacyHZ(%)No. of Incidence No. of Incidence

confirmed per 1000 confirmed per 1000 (95% CI)cases person-yrs cases person-yrs

All subjects 315/19 254 5.42 642/19 247 11.12 51.3(44.2–67.6)

60-69 yrs 122/10 370 3.90 334/10 356 10.79 63.9≥70 yrs 193/8 884 7.18 308/8 891 11.50 37.6

Adapted from Table II in Oxman MN et al. N Engl J Med. 2005;352:2271-2284





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cine for the prevention of herpes zoster in adults age60 years and older. The US Advisory Committee onImmunization Practices of the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention now recommends standarddelivery of the HZ vaccine to immunocompetent adultsage 60 years and older with a history of varicella.


Given that as many as half of the 1 million cases ofherpes zoster occur in the age group for which thevaccine is indicated, and that the vaccine reduces theincidence of herpes zoster by slightly over 50%, wideapplication of the HZ vaccine in the indicated popu-lation could prevent as many as 250 000 cases of HZevery year.3


Un nuovo vaccino (Zovastax) per prevenire l’herpes zosterIl virus varicella-Zoster è l’agente eziologico della vari-

cella e dell’herpes zoster (HZ) nel genere umano. L’HZ èdovuto alla riattivazione del virus Varicella-Zoster (VZV)latente all’interno dei gangli sensitivi. L’incidenza e la gravitàdell’HZ aumentano con l’avanzare dell’età; oltre la metà del-le persone in cui compare HZ hanno un’età superiore a 60anni. La complicanza debilitante più frequente è rappresentatadalla nevralgia posterpetica, una sindrome neuropatica dolo-rosa che persiste o si sviluppa dopo la guarigione dell’esantemadermatomerico e che può essere di lunga durata e disabili-tante. Vi sono molte limitazioni circa le terapie attuali perl’HZ e la nevralgia post-erpetica. E’ stato sviluppato un vac-cino con VZV vivo attenuato che recentemente è stato appro-vato dalla Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Statuniten-se e dall’Unione Europea per la prevenzione dell’HZ in sog-getti di 60 o più anni di età. In uno studio randomizzato, in dop-pio cieco versus placebo in 38 546 adulti di 60 o più anni l’u-tilizzo del vaccino ha ridotto il carico patologico dovuto all’HZdel 66,5% (P<0,001) e ha ridotto l’incidenza dell’HZ del51,3% (P<0,001). In questa review gli autori discutono l’uti-lizzo storico del vaccino anti-varicella nei bambini e il suc-cessivo sviluppo del nuovo vaccino anti-zoster.PAROLE CHIAVE: Herpes zoster – Nevralgia posterpetica –Vaccini.


1. Arvin A. Aging, immunity, and the varicella-zoster virus. N Engl J Med2005;352:2266-7.

2. Wood MJ, Easterbrook P. Shingles, scourge of the elderly. The acu-te illness. In: Sacks SL, Straus SE, Whitley RJ, Griffiths PD, editors.Clinical management of herpes zoster. Washington, D.C.: IOS Press;1995. pp. 193-209.

3. Oxman MN, Levin MJ, Johnson GR, Schmader KE, Straus SE, GelbLD et al. A vaccine to prevent herpes zoster and postherpetic neural-gia in older adults. N Engl J Med 2005;352;2271-84.

4. Takahashi M, Otsuka T, Okuno Y, Asano Y,Yazaki T. Live vaccine useto prevent the spread of children in hospital. Lancet 1974;2:1288-90.

5. Breuer J. Vaccination to prevent varicella and shingles. J Clin Path2001;54;743-7.

6. Kamiya H, Ito M. Update on varicella vaccine. Curr Opin Pediatr1999;11:3-13.

7. Prevention of varicella: Update recommendations of the AdvisoryCommittee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 1999;48:1-12.

8. Black S, Shinefield H, Ray P, Lewis E, Hansen J, Schwalbe J et al. Post-marketing evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of varicella vac-cine. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999;18:1041-6.

9. Vázquez M, Shapiro ED. Varicella vaccine and infection with varicella-zoster virus. N Engl J Med 2005;352;439-40.

10. Zhou F, Harpaz R, Jumaan AO, Winston CA, Shefer A. Impact ofvaricella vaccination on health care utilization. JAMA 2005;294;797-802.

11. Davis MM, Patel MS, Gebremariam A. Decline in varicella-relatedhospitalizations and expenditures for children and adults after intro-duction of varicella vaccine in the United States. Pediatrics2004;114:786-92.

12. Miron D, Lavi I, Kitov R, Hendler A. Vaccine effectiveness and seve-rity of varicella vaccine among previously vaccinated children duringoutbreaks in day care centers with low vaccination coverage. Pedia-tr Infect Dis J 2005;24:233-6.

13. Jumaan AO, Yu O, Jackson LA, Bohlke K, Galil K, Seward JF. Inci-dence of herpes zoster, before and after varicella-vaccination-associateddecreases in the incidence of varicella, 1992-2002. J Infect Dis2005;191:2002-7.

14. Hardy I, Gershon AA, Steinberg SP, LaRussa P. The incidence ofzoster after immunization with live attenuated varicella vaccine. Astudy in children with leukemia. N Engl J Med 1991;325:1545-50.

15. Brunell PA, Taylor-Wiedeman J, Geiser CF, Frierson L, Lydick E.Risk of herpes zoster in children with leukemia: varicella vaccinecompared with history of chickenpox. Pediatrics 1986;77:53-66.

16. Hammerschlag MR, Gershon AA, Steinberg SP, Clarke L, Gelb LD.Herpes zoster in an adult recipient of live attenuated varicella vacci-ne. J Infect Dis 1989;160:535-7.

17. Poland GA. The growing paradigm of preventing disease: vaccines toprevent herpes zoster and pertussis in adults. Ann Int Med2005;143;539-41.

18. Chang MN, Guess HA, Heyse JF. Reduction in burden of illness: a newefficacy measure for prevention trials. Stat Med 1994;13:1807-14.

19. Guess HA, Lydick EG, Small RD, Miller LP. Epidemiologic pro-grams for computers and calculators: exact binomial confidence inter-vals for the relative risk in follow-up studies with sparsely stratifiedincidence density data. Am J Epidemiol 1987;125:340-7.





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Vaccinations against cutaneous Leishmania infection

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an endemic disease with increasingincidence, even in Europe. Recently, it has attracted more atten-tion due to reactivation in immunocompromised hosts, e.g. inthe context of HIV. Therapeutic options range from topicaltreatment to systemic therapy for more complex cases. A vac-cine does not exist at present. Despite of several attempts, vac-cine generation has proven to be difficult even though protec-tive immunity against this obligate intracellular protozoanparasite is dependent on the development of antigen-specificCD4+ and CD8+ T cells capable of releasing IFN?. IFN?, inturn, activates phagocytic host cells to generate oxidative rad-icals and to eliminate the parasite. This review will describethe basic immunology leading to the development of protec-tive immunity in infected individuals. In addition, the authorswill focus on highlighting the different approaches utilized forvaccine development and describe what a efficient vaccine mayconsist of. Combined intensive research in the fields of basic par-asitology and immunology may allow for the generation of anefficacious vaccine against this important human pathogen inthe near future.KEY WORDS: Vaccination - Leishmaniasis - Leishmaniasis, thera-py - Immunity.

Infections with Leishmania parasites are worldwideincreasing in number, central Europe is no exception.

Infections often first become apparent after returnfrom an endemic region. Depending on the Leishma-nia species and the host immune status, cutaneous,mucocutaneous or visceral leishmaniasis may devel-op (Table I).1, 2

Leishmania infections are transmitted by the biteof a sand fly.2, 3 The initial infection of tissuemacrophages (MΦ) most often occurs in the absenceof inflammation, because the parasite invades phago-cytic cells without notice of the immune system. With-in MΦ, Leishmania parasites silently replicate andthus the infection is established. At this time, clinicalsymptoms are not apparent yet. In the further course ofthe following weeks post infection, inflammatory cellsare recruited to the infected skin - neutrophils, moreMΦ, dendritic cells (DC) - and become infected withLeishmania.3 Infection of DC by the parasites leads tocell activation and DC migrate to the draining lymphnodes to present Leishmania antigen to naïve T and Bcells.4, 5 The development of antigen-specific lym-phocytes is critical both for the formation of a tissuegranuloma (responsible for a restriction of the infec-tion to the site of inoculation) and ultimately for elim-inating the parasite from the host organism.6

How does cellular immunity against Leishmaniadevelop (Figure 1)? Healing and lesion resolution is pri-marily triggered by tissue infiltrating T cells capableof producing interferon (IFN)-γ.6 IFNγ activates infect-

1Department of Surgery, University of RegensburgRegensburg, Germany

2Department of DermatologyJohannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany

Address reprint requests to: Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. E. von Stebut, Depart-ment of Dermatology, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Langenbeckstrasse1, 55131 Mainz, Germany. E-mail: [email protected]







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ed MΦ to produce oxidative radicals, especially nitricoxides (NO), which efficiently kill the parasite. WhichT cell subtypes produce IFNγ is dependent on thepriming environment. Infection of DC leads to thesynthesis of IL-12, the most important cytokine respon-sible for induction of MHC class II-dependent CD4+

T cells of a T helper type 1 (Th1) phenotype.6 Thesecells primarily produce IL-2 and IFNγ upon antigen-specific restimulation. In addition, antigen presentationin the MHC class I pathway also induces priming ofIFNγ-producing cytotoxic T cells (CD8+, Tc1 cells).Previously, it was demonstrated that both, IFNγ-secret-ing Leishmania-specific CD4 as well as CD8 cellscontribute to protection against natural infection withthis pathogen.7-11 If, however, Th1/Tc1 development ishampered in an individual (e.g. due to low CD4 countsin HIV-infected humans or due to inadequate devel-opment of Th2 immune responses characterized byproduction of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 as observed inpatients with allergic and some autoimmune diseases),progressive disease with a non-healing phenotype andeven visceralization of the infection can be observed.1Interestingly, in the most recent years, it was alsodemonstrated that Leishmania-specific regulatory Tcells suppress full elimination of the parasite from thehost (thus maintaining protective memory responses viaIL-10).12

In mice recovered from infection with L. major, thepersistence of viable parasites in secondary lymphoidorgans was important for the development of protec-tive memory responses, because sterile cure in IL-10-deficient mice resulted in loss of long-term immunityagainst re-infection.13 However, it has been shownrecently that anti-Leishmania CD4+ T cells includeparasite-dependent T effector cells as well as para-site-independent central memory T cells.14 Thus, thecontinued presence of live parasites may not absolute-ly be required for the maintenance of protective mem-ory immune responses. It is of note to mention that

TABLE I.—Dependent of the subspecies of Leishmania, typical forms of disease associated with characteristic immune responses develop.

Leishmania spp. Form of Leishmaniasis Immune response

L. donovani Visceral disease (Kala Azar) Th2-predominantL. bras. brasiliensis Mucocutaneous disease (Espundia) Mixed responseL. major Dermatotrophic disease (Oriental score) Th1-predominantL. tropicaL. mexicanaL. brasiliensis

Figure 1.—Upon infection with L. major or, optimally, vaccination, pro-tective Th1/Tc1-dependent immunity develops. L. major parasites are inoc-ulated into a mammalian host by the bite of a sand fly. The promastigote lifeform is then internalized by macrophages (MΦ), in which they transforminto obligate intracellular amastigotes. Amastigotes released into the tissueinfect dendritic cells (DC) capable of priming Leishmania-specific CD4+

and CD8+ Th1 and Tc1 cells, respectively. Alternatively, targeting DC withantigen in the presence of adjuvant leads to induction of Th1/Tc1 immunitydirected against Leishmania in a vaccination approach. Healing and lesionresolution in leishmaniasis is dependent on the release of IFNγ from Leish-mania-specific T cells (Th1/Tc1) homing to the lesion. If in an immuno-compromised host Th2 immunity develops, progressive disease associat-ed with visceralization is observed. Upon restimulation of antigen-specif-ic T cells in an immune host (due to a resolved primary infection or a suc-cessful vaccination), IFNγ is rapidly released from antigen-specific effec-tor Th1 cells (Th1eff) and Tc1 cells. Thus, infection is prevented. The main-tenance of Th1eff is dependent on a few life parasites persisting in the host.In addition, central memory cells (TCM) capable of becoming Teff afterproliferation in the draining lymph node upon re-challenge can also main-tain protective immunity. TCM development is independent of persisting par-asites and can be induced by recombinant vaccines.





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CD4+ T cells that secrete IFNγ have only limited capac-ity to develop into memory cells compared with IL-2-or IL-2- and IFNγ-producing cells.15, 16 A recent studyshowed that the degree of protection against L. majorinfection in mice can be predicted by the frequency ofCD4+ T cells simultaneously producing IFNγ, IL-2and TNFα.17

Most of the above mentioned knowledge has beeninvestigated in detail in a mouse model that closelymimics natural L. major infection in vivo and the crit-ical findings have already been verified in infectedhumans.6 Due to the specific T cell response, immuno-competent humans heal their infection with L. majorafter several months and develop life-long protectiveimmunity against the same subspecies of Leishma-nia. Specific antibodies initially contribute to DCinfection thus promoting establishment of T cell-depen-dent protection.18 Later on, they worsen disease out-come due to alternative MΦ activation via Fc receptorsleading to pathological IL-10 release responsible forparasite persistence.19

Therapeutic options range from topical treatmentof simple cutaneous leishmaniasis to systemic thera-py, which is needed for more complex cases of cuta-neous as well as mucocutaneous and visceral disease.20

The efficacy of each therapy is dependent on itsspecies- and stage-specific effect on Leishmaniagrowth. In addition, most therapeutics have in parteven severe side effects and are relative cost intensivemaking treatment in endemic regions problematic anddifficult. The immunological facts described aboveindicate that due to the development of life-long immu-nity after resolution of infection, the development ofa vaccine should be possible.21 Despite of severalattempts, this has proven to be difficult. This review willfocus on describing the different approaches used sofar and what a future efficient vaccine may consist of.

Vaccination with whole parasites

In some endemic regions, artificially induced orprovoked infections of children at body sites distantfrom face or extremities are used to avoid the devel-opment of disfiguring scars later in life. This approachis called “leishmanization”.6 Inoculation of life, wild-type L. major remains the only really successful vac-cine in humans so far.22 Interestingly, in this case,injection of L. major subcutaneously provided evenbetter protection than intradermal vaccination against

reinfection 22 which was due to the rapid co-recruitmentof IL-10-producing CD4+ T cells to the rechallengesite together with effector Th1/Tc1 cells positive forIFNγ after physiological intradermal antigen applica-tion. This fact may have to be considered when design-ing new vaccine approaches.

Because of the potential risk of parasite persistenceand the fact that immunosuppression (e.g. due to HIVco-infection or diabetes) may occur in an individual lat-er on, vaccination with wild type parasites is nowadaysconsidered unethical. The ability to manipulate theLeishmania genome created new options to generatemodified parasites with attenuated growth or infectabil-ity. For example, silent information regulatory 2 gene(SIR2)-deficient L. infantum were unable to replicateonce transformed into the obligate intracellular lifeform.23 Thus, after inoculation in vivo, these parasitespersisted in the host for ~6 weeks, but did not establishan infection. In parallel, however, SIR2-/- L. infantumgenerated robust IFNγ responses in vivo leading toprotection against re-infection later on.23 But again,if long-term memory responses can be maintainedwithout persisting parasites as in this approach, isunclear. Other examples of genetically altered parasiteswere centrin-/- L. donovani 24 with reduced replicationin both the promastigote and amastigote stage, glu-cose transporter gene family-/- L. mexicana,25 leish-manolysin-/- L. major 26 and Leishmania phosphogly-can (LPG)1-/- or LPG2-/- L. major.27, 28 Of concern wasthe fact that, after some time, the LPG2-deficient par-asites partially reverted to virulence using a compen-satory mutation.29 More genetically modified para-sites have been generated (compare e.g. Table II andSelvapandiyan et al.24). In addition, parasites non-pathogenic for humans such as L. tarentolae may besuccessful vaccine candidates eliciting cross-reactiveimmune responses (e.g. against L. donovani).30

In summary, using attenuated parasite strains tworequirements would be met that are potentially impor-tant for vaccination: first, the parasite would persistafter infection thus promoting long-term memory CD4and CD8 responses, and – at the same time – not induceharm because of its persistence in the infected host.24

However, several disadvantages of attenuated para-sites are obvious: 1) similar to natural infections, pro-tection against one subspecies of Leishmania usingthese strains does not (necessarily) induce cross-pro-tection against other Leishmania strains; 2) inductionof protection would require activation of intrinsic DC





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which may be incapable of inducing protective immu-nity as observed in susceptible individuals such asBALB/c mice,1, 31 and 3) the reproducibility and prac-ticability of life vaccines is limited.

Adjuvants in leishmaniasis

Adjuvants were originally used to enhance theimmunogenicity of antigens and to increase resultingimmune responses. Strong immunological memoryto the immunizing antigen is the primary objective ofa vaccine and successful adjuvants must therefore becapable of inducing long-term immunity. Moreover,adjuvants in Leishmania vaccines should modify theimmune response towards protective Th1/Tc1 immu-nity. The most frequently used Th1-promoting adju-vants are IL-12 and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CpGODN).

One drawback of cytokines as adjuvants is their rel-atively short half-life in vivo and even in leishmania-sis, sustained IL-12 production is necessary for long-term immunity.32, 33 In mice vaccinated with killedpromastigotes 34, 35 or recombinant LACK protein 34

plus IL-12 as adjuvant, only short-term protectionagainst reinfection with L. major was observed. Long-lasting immunity was achieved when protein/rIL-12were administered repeatedly or when antigen/adjuvantwere delivered as plasmid DNA.34, 35 In visceral leish-

maniasis, co-administration of IL-12 DNA and recom-binant protein antigen also resulted in long-term immu-nity.36

Synthetic oligonucleotides with unmethylated CpGdinucleotide motifs are strong Th1-promoting adju-vants. CpG ODN have been shown to activate MΦand DC via TLR9 to synthesize Th1-associatedcytokines including IL-12, IL-18, TNF-α, IFN-α/β,and IFN-γ and to up-regulate costimulatory moleculessuch as CD40 and MHC class II.37-40 In leishmaniasis,CpG efficiently induced IL-12-dependent protectiveimmunity in otherwise susceptible BALB/c mice.41,

42 Furthermore, coinjection of CpG ODN with liveparasites resulted in significantly decreased course ofdiseases and maintained long-term, anti-Leishmaniaimmunity.43 This resulted in the induction of fewerregulatory T cells due to increased IL-6 productionfrom local, infected DC resulting in even more promis-ing vaccination efficacy.44

As described above, live vaccines are hardly applic-able in humans and alternative vaccination strategiesmust be chosen. Mice vaccinated with killed pro-mastigotes or recombinant leishmanial protein andCpG as adjuvant induced long-lasting, CD4+ and CD8+

T cell-dependent anti-Leishmania immune respons-es. Protection against infectious challenge was detect-ed even six months after vaccination.45 More recentapproaches utilized CpG ODN coencapsulated in lipo-somes together with recombinant Leishmania anti-

TABLE II.—Examples for life (mutant) parasites used for vaccination.

Organism used for vaccination Genetic or other alteration

Dermatotrophic parasites— L. major [Tabbara 2005 22] Wild type parasites

±combination with CpG— L. mexicana [Burchmore 2003 25] Glucose transporter genes-/-

(reduced infection of MΦ in vitro)— L. major [Joshi 2002 26] Leishmanolysin-/-

(impaired lesion formation in vivo)— L. major [Spath 2000 ???, Spath 2003,27 or 28??? Spath 2004 29] LPG-/-

LPG1-/- no survival, LPG2-/- persisted in vivoand protected without disease, compensatory mutation)

Viscerotropic parasites— L. donovani [Selvapandiyan 2006 24] Centrin-/-

(reduced replication for limited time)— L. tarentolae [Breton 2005 30] Non-pathogenic for humans

Cross-reacts with L. donovani— L. infantum [Silvestre 2007 23] SIR2-/-

(unable to replicate in host)





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gens 46, 47 and in vivo experiments in mice confirmedenhanced immunogenicity of the Leishmania antigenin these settings. In summary, Th1-promoting CpG iscapable of inducing long-lasting, CD4+ and CD8+ Tcell-dependent immune responses and is therefore themost promising adjuvant for vaccines against infectionwith Leishmania spp. so far.

Imiquimod, an immune response modifier whichcan be applied topically, was originally used for thetreatment of genital warts caused by human papillo-mavirus infections.48 Furthermore, it has been shownthat imiquimod activates Leishmania-infected MΦ torelease nitric oxide, thus killing intracellular parasites,and that it efficiently ameliorates the course of infec-tion in murine leishmaniasis.49 The exact mechanismby which imiquimod activates the immune response isunknown yet, but activation of immune cells by liga-tion of TLR7 seems to be pivotal resulting in the secre-tion of proinflammatory cytokines and the expressionof costimulatory molecules.50

Thus, in the future, imiquimod, CpG motifs suit-able for humans and/or other Toll-like receptor (TLR)agonists may serve as promising adjuvant candidatesfor the development of anti-Leishmania vaccinationstrategies.

Protein-based vaccines against leishmaniasis

As described above, a successful vaccine againstleishmaniasis should induce Leishmania-specific CD4+

and CD8+ T cells,6 sustained IL-12 production 33 aswell as long-lasting memory immune responses. Non-live, protein-based vaccines which are capable ofexpanding memory T cells that can survive indepen-dently of life, persisting parasites and that are capableof producing both IL-2 and IFNγ might therefore also

be efficacious and become an alternative solution to livevaccines.

Parasite promastigote lysate in combination withBCG as adjuvant was one of the first safe, non-livingvaccine tested in cutaneous leishmaniasis, but failed toconfer substantial protection in humans.51, 52 In vivostudies in experimental murine cutaneous leishmani-asis revealed that heat-killed parasites plus rIL-12 asadjuvant were able to mediate short-term protection,but completely failed to induce long-lasting immuni-ty.35 In addition to its missing potency and durabilty,vaccines based on promastigote lysate also possesslow reproducibility, because of versatile variationsamong different parasites preparations. Therefore,well-defined, recombinant proteins may be morepromising antigens for a successful vaccination.

Indeed, several Leishmania-derived proteins havealready been identified as candidates for a second gen-eration vaccine (Table III). These include the Leish-mania surface glycoprotein 63 (gp63) and the histoneH1, which have been tested in mice 46, 53-55 and mon-key 56, 57 and which were able to improve the course ofinfection. Immunization with the promastigote sur-face antigen-2 (PSA-2) resulted in complete protectionagainst infectious challenge with L. major in resistantmice, but mediated only partial protection in suscep-tible animals.58 Cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinases(CP), which are mainly expressed and active in theamastigote life form, have received considerable atten-tion.59 Three classes of CP have been identified inLeishmania.60 Vaccination with a recombinant hybridprotein of cysteine proteinase type I (CPB) and II(CPA) partially protected BALB/c mice against infec-tion with L. major.61 One of the most promising Leish-mania-antigens appears to be the Leishmania homo-logue of receptors for activated C kinase (p36/LACK).It is a well-conserved 36 kDa protein, highly immuno-

TABLE III.—List of antigens used for vaccines (for references compare text).

Protein used for vaccination Protein mixture of wild type parasitesPromastigote lysate —Heat killed parasites —Leishmania surface glycoprotein (gp) 63 —Histone (H)1 —Promastigote surface antigen (PSA)-2 —Cathepsin L-like cysteine proteinase (CP) —Leishmania homologue of receptors for activated C kinase (p36/LACK) —L. major homologue of the eucaryotic thiol-specific antioxidant (TSA) Leish-111f (tri-fusion protein)L. major homologue of the eucaryotic stress-inducible protein-1 (LmSTI1) —Leishmania elongation and initiation factor (LeIF) —





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genic,62 expressed in both life forms of all Leishmaniaspp.63 responsible for the rapid expansion of Vβ4-Vα8+

CD4+ T cells.64 Furthermore, deletion experimentswith L. major revealed that LACK is required for par-asite viability as well as pathogenesis.65 Consequent-ly, LACK was utilized as target antigen in several vac-cine strategies. Immunization of mice with rLACKprotein in combination with rIL-12 resulted in partialprotection of BALB/c mice against infectious chal-lenge with L. major.33, 34, 63

It is now known that components of the sand flysaliva coinjected with parasite exacerbate the course ofdisease due, in part, to an upregulation of Th2 immuneresponses.66 However, immunization with sand flysaliva prior to infection completely abrogated the sali-va effect in BALB/c as well as C57BL/6 mice andmoreover conferred protection against infection withL. major infections transmitted by sand fly bites.67 Inthe meantime, two defined saliva proteins, SP15 andmaxadilan, were identified and vaccinations of micewith these proteins protected animals against a chal-lenge inoculation containing L. major and sand flysaliva.68, 69

All protein-based vaccines mentioned above wereable to efficiently induce short-term immunity againstLeishmania nfection, but over all failed to elicit long-lasting memory immune responses as obtained byDNA-based vaccine strategies 34, 70, 71 due, in part, toinsufficient induction of CD8+ T cells 35 as well aspoorly sustained presentation of antigen. Antigenscapable of targeting DC in vivo would therefore beappropriate candidates for protein-based vaccines.Fusion proteins comprised of defined antigens and theHIV-1 TAT protein transduction domain are knownto translocate directly into the cytosol of cells 72-74 andmay thus be utilized to target skin DC in vivo. More-over, utilizing TAT fusion proteins would additional-ly ensure antigen presentation via MHC class I as wellas class II pathways 75-77 leading to induction of bothCD4 and CD8 anti-Leishmania responses. Indeed, uti-lization of a fusion protein comprised of TAT andLACK as vaccine promoted significantly better pro-tection against L. major as compared to LACK alone.78

To develop a recombinant vaccine that results insimilar protection as obtained with live vaccines, morethan just one antigen may have to be used. Such mul-ti-antigen vaccines should contain highly immuno-genic proteins present in both amastigote and pro-mostigote life forms. For example, Leish-111f, a tri-

fusion protein consisting of TSA (L. major homologueof the eucaryotic thiol-specific antioxidant), LmSTI1(L. major homologue of the eucaryotic stress-inducibleprotein-1) and LeIF (Leishmania elongation and ini-tiation factor) is one example for a poly protein-basedvaccine.79 Mice immunized with Leish-111f togetherwith MPL-SE (monophosphoryl lipid A plus squa-lene) as adjuvant were protected against challengewith L. major even three months after the last immu-nization.80, 81 Currently, Leish-111f is tested in humantrials and as a first step, a Phase I, double-blind, dose-escalation trial in normal volunteers has been per-formed in the USA.79

Plasmid-based vaccines

DNA based vaccines are based on the direct injec-tion of eucaryotic expression vectors, which encode theantigen of interest.82 Regardless of the route of admin-istration, the plasmid has to reach the nucleus of thetransfected host cell in order to be transcribed tomRNA. The mRNA will then be translated inside thehost cell and the resulting antigen is presented to theimmune system in order to induce a full range ofimmune responses. It is important to note that theamount of antigen produced in vivo after DNA inoc-ulation is usually in the pg to ng range. Given the rel-atively small amounts of protein synthesized by DNAvaccination, the efficient induction of immune respons-es must relate to the type of antigen presenting cell(APC) transfected and/or the immune-enhancing prop-erties of the DNA itself. There are at last three differ-ent mechanisms by which DNA vaccines are processedand presented in vivo to elicit immune responses: 1)direct priming by somatic cells (e.g. myocytes or ker-atinocytes); 2) direct transfection of professional APC;and 3) “cross-priming”, in which plasmid DNA trans-fects a somatic cell and/or professional APC and thesecreted protein is processed by untransfected DC andpresented to T cells.

It is well known that plasmid DNA derived frombacteria – in addition to carrying the antigen of choice- acts as non-specific adjuvant by stimulating a Th1response.83 However, several lines of evidence indicatethat the protection induced by multicomponent DNAvaccines was not based on this non-specific immunos-timulatory effect of the vector DNA alone, but ratheron their antigen-specific sequences. In addition, DNAvaccinations are sometimes associated with low or





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absent humoral responses. This is discussed contro-versially, but it seems to be a common feature of DNAvaccines that they favor cellular rather than humoralresponses.70, 84-86

Even in the case of successful protective recombi-nant vaccines against cutaneous leishmaniasis, theirplasmid DNA counterparts had the additional advan-tage of being more stable and easier to prepare.86 Asdescribed above, recombinant protein vaccines in miceshowed that protein antigens such as gp63,56 PSA,87,

88 or LACK 89 induced strong immune responses, butweak and short protection against Leishmania infec-tion. In contrast, when these antigens were used asDNA vaccines they induced a stronger immuneresponse and significantly better protection than therecombinant form. In BALB/c mice, a eukaryoticexpression vector driving the gp63 gene under thecontrol of CMV or RSV promoters was used.90, 91 TheNH36 DNA vaccine induced strong protection againstvisceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis, suggesting thatthis DNA vaccine represents a good candidate for useagainst several Leishmania species.86 Administrationof LACK-DNA was used in various DNA vaccinationmodels leading to protective immunity of mice infect-ed with L. major.84 The vaccination effect was long-lasting, associated with antigen-specific IFNγ pro-duction, and IL-12 dependent.33 A recent study 92 com-pared the candidate DNA vaccines LACK, PSA2,Gp62, LeIF, two p20 and ribosomal like proteins, inaddition to different truncated LACK variants. Themost promising results were obtained with the LACKgene and it was even more protective when used as ap24 truncated form. Furthermore, the presence of atandem repeat of immunostimulating sequences (ISS)in the plasmid backbone played an important adju-vant effect in the observed protective effect induced bythe DNA vaccine encoding LACK p24.

Vaccination with plasmid DNA has been shown toinduce protective immunity through both MHC classI- and class II-restricted T cell responses in a varietyof experimental infection models.93 Thus, in leishma-niasis, the ability of DNA vaccines to elicit MHC classI responses may be advantageous over conventionalprotein vaccinations in providing a more broad-basedand potentially durable immune response. As such,long-lived LACK-responsive CD8+ and CD4+ T cellswere induced by LACK DNA in BALB/c mice.34, 94

Several routes of administration for DNA basedvaccinations were described so far. Intranasal vacci-

nation of LACK DNA was shown to be a feasible vac-cination route and promoted rapid and durable pro-tective immunity.95 Mice injected intramuscularlydeveloped significant resistance against challenge withL. major parasites associated with preferential Th1response. Nonetheless, intradermal applications in thefootpad or the ear were the major routes of adminis-tration of DNA vaccines against murine L. major infec-tions.33, 35, 43, 95

A comparison of the degree of protection induced bythree vaccination strategies (DNA/DNA, protein/pro-tein and DNA/protein) against L. major infection usingsignal peptidase type I in BALB/c mice indicated thatthe DNA/DNA strategy led to more effective protec-tion than the two other approaches and induced a 81%reduction in lesional parasite loads.96 Among immu-nization protocols against other parasitic infections,e.g. malaria, vaccination strategies based on DNApriming followed by a boost with either protein or aviral vector encoding this antigen has proven suc-cessful. A recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV) express-ing the same parasitic antigen as the initial DNAsequence has provided significant protection that cor-related with activation of cellular immune response,especially CD8+ T cells.97-99 A recent study showedthat vaccination of BALB/c mice by priming withLACK-DNA followed by a boost with modified vac-cinia virus Ankara (MVA)-LACK triggered a Th1immune response leading to high protection against L.major, which correlated with induction of high num-bers of antigen specific CD8+ T cells.100 An addition-al plasmid DNA vaccination method is based on theusage of linear minimalistic, immunologically definedgene expression (MIDGE) vectors that contain only theminimal sequence required for gene expression, whichwas considered to be a good alternative to plasmid forimmunization.101

Studies in different disease models showed that ani-mals primed with a DNA vaccine and boosted withrecombinant protein acquired a higher level of immuneprotection compared with DNA or recombinant proteinregimens alone.102,103 Previous attempts to enhanceimmunity by use of a similar heterologous prime-boostvaccination strategy have also been successful againstmurine cutaneous leishmaniasis.104, 105 In addition, aregimen of ORFF DNA priming followed by a boost-er dose of rORFF protein was effective in triggeringprotection against visceral leishmaniasis correlatingwith a skewing toward Th1 immunity.36 The efficacy





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may rely, in part, on the ability of DNA vaccines to gen-erate high-affinity T cells, whose numbers are expand-ed after the following antigen boost. This mainly relieson their relatively low-level, but persistent, expres-sion of immunogenic proteins in vivo. The resultingprimed T cells may display higher average affinities forMHC peptide molecules after multiple exposures toantigen. Moreover, limiting the doses of antigen mayselect for T cells that have receptors of increased affin-ity.106, 107

Finally, the choice of antigens seems to be critical forthe vaccination efficacy using plasmid DNA. Immu-nization with a large group of antigens encoded by aDNA library (1 000 to 3 000 clones) was effective invaccinating mice against Mycoplasma spp 108 and L.major.109 Another study demonstrated that immu-nization with sequential fractions of a cDNA librarywas a powerful strategy for identifying anti-infectivevaccine candidates against visceral leishmaniasis.110

Two different cocktail DNA vaccines composed onone hand of the Leishmania genes LACK, LmSTI1,and TSA, and, on the other hand, DNA encoding cys-teine proteinases of L. major conferred protective,long-lasting immunity.35, 111 In addition, immuniza-tion with different groups of cDNA encoding for his-tone proteins (subpool FL-O-B and FL-O-D) induceda strong Th1 response and protection against L. dono-vani challenge.110, 112 It should be noted that immu-nization with full-length cDNA encodes potentiallyall possible T cell epitopes, which may be a reasonfor it’s efficacy.

Despite of such promising results, there are no DNAvaccines in active clinical and veterinary medical tri-als. Therefore, further investigations on different meth-ods, such as DNA vaccines using a cocktail of antigensor prime/boost approaches have to be performed.

DC-based vaccination strategies

Due to their ability to initiate and regulate adaptiveimmune responses, to induce both CD4+ and CD8+ Tcells and to elicit long-lasting memory responses, DCare the most potent APC of the organism.113 Since DCcan be long-lived, sustained presentation of antigenand stimulation of T cell in the draining lymph nodesmay be possible.114 Thus, DC-based vaccines seem torepresent a promising and successful strategy.

In the model of murine leishmaniasis, (epi-)dermalDC play a key role in initiating and maintaining pro-

tective anti-Leishmania immune responses. Upon Fcreceptor-mediated phaygocytosis of amastigotes,18

DC become activated,5 migrate to the draining lymphnodes 115 and initiate Leishmania-specific T cell prim-ing. In murine cutaneous leishmaniasis, DC infectedwith viable parasites efficiently activated CD4+ andCD8+ T cells and vaccinated against progressive infec-tion in susceptible BALB/c mice, when injected intra-dermally.116 Comparable results were obtained whenmice were immunized intravenously with Langerhanscells (LC),117, 118 bone marrow-derived DC 119, 120 orplasmacytoid DC,121 which were pulsed with pro-mastigote lysate.

Moreover, DC seem to be the source of secreted IL-12,5, 122 which is required during T cell activation toenable the development of protective Th1 immunity.However, a recent study suggests an additional IL-12-independent, but CD70-dependent pathway of DC-mediated Th1 cell activation.123 DC-derived IL-1αadditionally contributes to protective immunity inresistant C57BL/6 mice,31, 124 whereas DC-derived IL-12p40 homodimer facilitates susceptibility in BALB/cmice.125 In DC-based vaccination protocols, protec-tion was dependent on DC-derived IL-12.117 Protectionmediated by lysate-pulsed DC could be enhanced,when DC were engineered by retroviral gene transfertechniques to secrete high levels of biologically activeIL-12.126 However, IL-12 expressed by the immuniz-ing DC was not required, when DC were pre-stimulatedin vitro by exposure to CpG ODN.120

The route of immunization is pivotal for develop-ment of protective immunity since homing of CD8+ Tcells into the skin was only detected when DC wereadministered i.d. 127 leading to the conclusion that aDC-based anti-Leishmania vaccine should preferen-tially be applied intradermally.

Since immunisation with DC infected with viableparasites or pulsed with promastigote lysate are notsafe and therefore hardly applicable in humans out ofethical reasons, DC pulsed with defined, recombinantantigens would be more appropriate vaccine candi-dates, especially because of higher reproducibility.LC loaded with a mixture of the recombinant proteinsLACK, gp63, PSA and LeIF or pulsed with the singleantigens LACK or LeIF alone were able to mediatesignificant protection against infectious challenge withL. major in susceptible BALB/c mice.117 The observedprotection was comparable to the immunity obtainedwith promastigote lysate-pulsed LC. Thus, vaccines





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based on single, defined proteins can be potentiallyas efficacious as immunisations with crude antigenmixtures as present in whole parasite preparations.Recently, a study suggested that pulsing DC withrecombinant antigens in the presence of CpG ODN isbeneficial for the development of protective immuni-ty.128 In addition, bone marrow-derived DC loadedwith a mixture of histones (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4) ofL. infantum and CpG ODN were capable of mediatingprotection against infectious challenge with L. major.Reduced lesion volumes were accompanied by sig-nificantly decreased lesional parasite burdens. How-ever, DC pulsed in the absence of CpG failed to inducecomparable anti-Leishmania immune responses.

Induction of CD8+ T cells necessary for substantialprotection against natural L. major infection 7 requirespresentation of antigens via MHC class I moleculesand, therefore, cytosolic distribution of proteins afterantigen uptake by DC. DC pulsed with antigens ingestproteins predominantly by endocytosis, thus facilitat-ing antigen presentation in the MHC class II pathway.Therefore, transduction of DC with TAT-fusion proteinsor transfection of DC with RNA/DNA encoding forappropriate antigens as utilized routinely in tumorimmunology 75, 76, 129, 130 would be promising strategiesto enhance the induction of antigen-specific CD8+ Tcells.

Although DC-based immunisations have been shownto have a high potency and are very efficacious, theyare hardly applicable in Leishmania-endemic coun-tries. Isolating DC from humans or their generationfrom buffy coats are laborious and expensive proce-dures. Thus, DC-based vaccinations can only serve asproof-of-principle experiments for the developmentof protein-based vaccines. Ultimately, vaccines whichare capable of targeting and activating DC in vivowould be highly desirable.


In summary, none of the reported vaccination strate-gies have solved the problem of generating a suffi-cient vaccine against Leishmania infections so far. Totackle this question, a number of complex problemsrelated to this parasite and the immunity directedagainst it have to be considered. The parasitic strain,the mouse model adopted, the parasite load, the routeof administration, the candidate antigen and - in addi-tion - the experimental procedure (e.g. high dose vs

low dose of parasite inoculation) may explain the dif-ferent vaccination outcomes shown in the differentreports.

Development of new vaccines that induce long-last-ing Th1 immunity is based on a detailed understand-ing of the regulation of Th1/Tc1 effector and memo-ry differentiation. First, the vaccine itself and/or anadjuvant must have the capacity to stimulate the appro-priate cytokines. A vaccine that is “too” efficient andwhich generates mostly terminally differentiated IFNγsingle-positive CD4+ T cells may mediate protectionover a relatively short period of time, but would belimited in its capacity to mediate sustained protec-tion.131 A successful vaccine must thus induce an appro-priate balance of Th1 lineage cells: first, cells thatmediate protective functions and, second, those whichcan be maintained following subsequent antigenencounter (memory response). In addition, an effica-cious vaccine must also induce Leishmania-specificCD8+ T cells as well as CD4 cells.

As discussed above, several vaccination approach-es have been tested with limited success. From theinformation collected, one can conclude that two com-ponents appear to be critical for vaccine design againstLeishmania: first, the choice of antigen and second, theroute of administration combined with the adjuvantchosen. As antigens, whole (attenuated) parasites, par-asite lysates, protein preparations, and plasmid DNAencoding for Leishmania proteins have been used. Allof these have been combined to various degrees withDC or adjuvants targeting APC in vivo (such as skin-derived DC). Recently, new substances have beenintroduced (such as TLR-agonists) which may havesuperior adjuvant activity as compared to the ones pre-viously tested. Interestingly, combinations of thesestrategies appeared to be most effective overall, sothat a promising future vaccine against Leishmaniainfections may be comprised of several antigens indifferent application forms which require a differentialprime-boost strategy to induce long-lasting protectiveimmunity against this important human pathogen.


Vaccinazioni contro l’infezione cutanea da Leishmania

La leishmaniosi cutanea è una patologia endemica conincidenza in crescita, anche in Europa. Recentemente, hasuscitato maggior attenzione a causa della riattivazione inospiti immunocompromessi, per esempio nei soggetti HIV





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positivi. Le opzioni terapeutiche variano dal trattamentotopico alla terapia sistemica nei casi più complessi. Attual-mente, non esiste un vaccino. Nonostante numerosi tentati-vi, la generazione di vaccini è risultata difficile, sebbenel’immunità che protegge contro questo parassita protozoariointracellulare obbligato dipenda dallo sviluppo di cellule TCD4+ e CD8+ antigene-specifiche capaci di rilasciare INFγ.L’INFγ, a sua volta, attiva i fagociti dell’ospite a produrreradicali dell’ossigeno e ad eliminare il parassita. Questareview descrive le nozioni di immunologia di base per losviluppo dell’immunità protettiva in soggetti infetti. Inol-tre, evidenzieremo i differenti approcci utilizzati per lo svi-luppo del vaccino e descriveremo in cosa dovrebbe consistereun vaccino efficace. La ricerca intensiva combinata nel cam-po della parassitologia e dell’immunologia di base potrebbepermettere, nel prossimo futuro, la generazione di un vacci-no efficace contro questo importante patogeno umano.

PAROLE CHIAVE: Vaccinazione - Leishmaniosi - Leishma-niosi, terapia - Immunologia.


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Immunotherapeutic strategiesfor the treatment of malignant melanoma

The incidence of cutaneous malignant melanoma is increas-ing at a faster rate than any other cancer worldwide. Despitenew advances in surgical management of melanoma, this malig-nancy remains one of the most aggressive and intractable totreat among other solid tumors. Continuous search for bettertherapeutics led to the development of various immunologicalapproaches applicable to the treatment of this melanocyticmalignancy. Multiple peptide, dendritic cell, adjuvant, lym-phocyte, and virus-based strategies were established and test-ed in preclinical and clinical studies with varying degrees of clin-ical success. However, the most recent investigations inmelanoma immunotherapy have clearly demonstrated thatcomplex vaccines and the combination of different approach-es, such as the use of dendritic cell vaccines in conjunction withcostimulatory molecules, are superior to conventional immu-nization protocols in induction of tumor-specific immuneresponses. These recent studies open new perspectives for thedevelopment of efficient melanoma immunotherapeutics suit-able for the treatment of primary and metastatic disease.

KEY WORDS: Melanoma - T-lymphocytes, cytotoxic - Dendriticcells - Chemokines - Vaccines.

In the human body, pigment-producing cells(melanocytes) normally reside in the skin, eyes,

ears, leptomeninges, oral and genital mucous mem-branes. Tumorigenic transformation of these cells leadsto the development of a melanocytic malignancy alsoknown as melanoma. Based on the site of occurrence,

melanoma can be classified as skin, mucosal, anduveal. Out of these three, skin melanoma is the mostfrequent. Although it accounts for only 4% of all skincancers, it causes the greatest number (77%) of skincancer-related deaths worldwide.1 Despite newadvances in surgical management, which is curative inmany cases of thin melanomas, this malignancy con-tinues to be one of the most aggressive and intractableto treat among other solid tumors.

Better understanding of the human immune systemover the last 50 years along with the discovery oftumor-associated antigens (TAAs) in the 1980s 2 led tothe development of the two new closely related fieldsof modern biomedical science: tumor immunologyand tumor immunotherapy. For malignancies likemelanoma, which are often resistant to chemo andradiation therapy, especially on advance stages,immunotherapy is considered one of the most promi-nent treatments. To achieve effective immune-basedmelanoma rejection, several vaccine therapies utiliz-ing peptide vaccination, tumor-associated antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs), and tumor-infiltratinglymphocytes have been tested on pre-clinical animal

1Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous BiologyJefferson Medical College

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA2Jefferson Vaccine Center

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Address reprint requests to: V. Alexeev, Ph.D., Department of Derma-tology and Cutaneous Biology, Jefferson Medical College, 233 S. 10thStreet, BLSB, Suite 430, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA.E-mail: [email protected]







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models and in multiple clinical trials. However, therapid progression of melanoma and its ability to escapetreatment present serious challenges for the develop-ment of immunotherapeutics. This review will dis-cuss some of these immunotherapeutic approachesdeveloped during last decade and future directions ofmelanoma immunotherapy.

Peptide vaccines

The discovery of tumor-associated antigens (TAAs)in the 1980s led to the rebirth of immunotherapeuticapproaches for cancer treatment. In early 1990s, anumber of genes encoding melanoma associated anti-gens and their peptide products that can be recognizedby cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) have been defined.3-

8 Most of them were identified as immunogenic epi-topes from the variety of melanocyte/melanoma-spe-cific proteins including Melan-A, tyrosinase, tyrosi-nase-related proteins, MART-1, and gp-100, whichwere found in association with major histocompati-bility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Non-melanoma specific antigens, such as MAGE, NY-ESO-1 and E-cadherin and tumor-specific antigens derivedfrom mutated genes, such as mutated p16, or sequencesnot transcribed under physiologic conditions, which arelimited to tumor cells of individual patients were alsofound to be presented on MHC class I molecules.9Since these antigenic epitopes consisted of small pep-tide fragments, it was suggested that synthetic pep-tides could elicit a strong anti-tumor immune responsewhen presented to the naïve T cell by antigen pre-senting cells (APCs). Despite the ability of the peptidevaccines to induce potent immune response againstviral and bacterial infections, early studies on vacci-nation of tumor-bearing hosts with synthetic peptidesdeterred their use because of limited immunogenicityand their rapid, peptidases-mediated hydrolysis invivo. To address this question, Blanchet et al. ana-lyzed a series of 36 non-natural Melan-A/MART-1peptide derivatives and identified 8 of them, whichwere protected against proteolysis and retained anti-genic properties of the parental peptides. Three of theeight analogs were twice as potent as the parental pep-tide in stimulating in vitro Melan-A specific CTLresponses.10 Although being potent in induction ofmelanoma-specific cytotoxic responses in vitro, sim-ilar peptides showed limited success in clinical appli-cations.9

To enhance the efficacy of peptide vaccines and theoverall tumor-specific immune responses, several com-binational strategies were proposed and tested. Thesestrategies included the administration of peptide vac-cines along with the co-stimulatory cytokines such asIL-2 and IL-12, with adjuvants, such as GM-CSF,Montanide ISA 51, or CpG-containing oligodeoxynu-cleotides. A concurrent use of peptides with cytokinesand/or adjuvants enhanced the amplitude, duration,and polarity of peptide vaccinations and showedpromise in animal model studies. However, in sever-al clinical trials it was challenging to assess clinicalimpact of the peptide vaccination on metastaticmelanoma because of a lack of effective “measure-ment” tools. For instance, when different cytokineadjuvants including IL-2 were used along with gp100-derived peptide, a lower level of immunity was detect-ed, although clinical response was observed.11 In oth-er phase I and II clinical studies it was determined thatdespite initial immune response, antigen-positivemelanoma cells continued to proliferate after a fewmonths of treatment. Collectively, several clinical tri-als reported that in melanoma patients the respon-siveness to the vaccination is time-limited and rarelysustained.

Another approach to enhance the immunogenicityof peptide vaccines was proposed and tested in early1990s. As it was shown that expression of antigenicproteins is often downregulated in tumors after acti-vation of immune response, it was suggested that intro-duction of more than one peptide into the vaccinationshould improve immune-mediated tumor targeting.Although, initial clinical studies did not show any sig-nificant benefits, very recently, Slingluff and co-work-ers re-visited and refined this approach and tested mul-tipeptide vaccines in phase II clinical trials.12 In thisstudy, 12 defined shared melanoma peptides frommelanocytic differentiation proteins (tyrosinase andgp100) and cancer testis antigens (MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A10, and NY-ESO-1), as well as five pep-tides that had not previously been evaluated forimmunogenicity in humans were used. Although nodefinitive clinical assessment can be made after 2 yearsfrom the initiation of this trials, the up-to-date resultsappear promising. It is demonstrated that there is noincrease in toxicity when using 12 peptides and noevidence of competition at MHC class I sites. More-over, 10 out of 12 vaccines were immunogenic andinduced potent T cell response in all treated patients.12





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Although an ultimate combination of peptide vac-cination therapy that results in cure and complete,long-lasting remission of the tumor has not yet beenfound, several recently developed approaches of com-bination peptide vaccines hold much promise 12-14 andsupport future investigations of complex vaccines formelanoma.

Dendritic cell vaccines

Adaptive antigen specific immune responses sole-ly depend on the activation of T- and B-lymphocytes,which is regulated by the APCs, including DCs. Thesecells have a unique ability to capture, process and pre-sent foreign antigens to the naive T-cells leading totheir activation and clonal expansion.15, 16 DCs aregenerated from bone-marrow progenitors, which giverise to immature DCs that circulate in the blood andlymphatic systems and reside in different tissues, wherethey are primarily involved in immune surveillanceand protection from infection and maintenance ofhomeostasis.

Understanding of the immuno-regulatory functionsof DCs and the molecular mechanisms involved in thecapture, processing and presentation of antigens byDCs led to the hypothesis that DCs could be used forcancer immunotherapy. As many studies have shownthat tumors express unique proteins, it was suggestedthat TAA-loaded DCs could be delivered to a tumor-bearing host to trigger a tumor-specific immuneresponse.17, 18 To explore this possibility, in the mid1990’s, several pre-clinical and clinical studies wereconducted. Most of them demonstrated that autolo-gous DCs pulsed with melanoma-associated antigenscan trigger active melanoma specific immune respons-es against the tumor.19, 20 Although consequent clini-cal investigations showed that the immune system ofadvanced (stage IV) melanoma patients allows only atransient, antigen-specific immune response,21 theresults of these pioneering investigations demonstrat-ed the applicability of DCs as adjuvants forimmunotherapy and opened new perspectives for thedevelopment of melanoma immunotherapeutics.

There are three major subsets of human DCs, whichoriginate from CD34+, bone marrow-derived progen-itors. Under physiological conditions, these progeni-tors differentiate into immature DCs that subsequent-ly circulate via the blood to the peripheral tissues. Sev-eral phenotypically different DC populations reside

in the skin, the primary site of melanoma occurrence.CD14+ precursor cells develop into CD14+ CD1a+ andlangerin/CD207+ Langerhans cells, which home to theepidermis.22, 23 CD11c+ and langerin/CD207- cells rep-resent blood-derived myeloid DCs that indigenouslyreside in epidermis and primarily in the dermis of nor-mal skin. PDCA-1+ CD11c- or CD11clow CD123/BDCA-2+ plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) are home to thedermis, especially in pathologic conditions.24, 25 Acqui-sition of antigens by these DCs induces a cascade ofintracellular events that leads to the differentiation ofDCs into terminally differentiated, mature APCs.Unlike immature DCs, which specialize in antigencapture and are characterized by weak T-cell priming,mature DCs can induce strong inflammatory T-cellresponses.15, 26 These observations were tested in sev-eral clinical studies, which confirmed that activation ofpotent, melanoma-specific T cell-mediated immuneresponses could only be induced by properly matu-rated DCs.21, 27, 28

For most of these clinical studies, autologous DCswere obtained from blood-derived monocytes orCD34+ stem cells by ex vivo differentiation in the pres-ence of granulocyte monocyte–colony stimulating fac-tor (GM-CSF) in combination with tumor necrosisfactor alpha (TNFα). Then, these cells were used forthe in vitro priming with TAA, maturation, and trans-plantation into the tumor-bearing host. In studies usingmature monocyte-derived DCs, vaccination ofmelanoma-bearing patients led to significant expansionof antigen-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and broadT-cell immunity.20, 29-31 However, despite persistent T-cell activation with antigen-loaded mature DCs, inmost cases of stage IV melanoma, tumor-specificimmune responses were transient and sufficient onlyfor targeting of individual tumors/metastases. Fur-thermore, it was observed that persistent and grow-ing tumors develop escape mechanisms and establisha state of specific T-cell tolerance that in most casescannot be overcome by conventional vaccination.32

Nevertheless, clinical studies on stage II melanomapatients demonstrated that after surgical removal, vac-cination with peptide-pulsed DCs resulted in strongand long-lasting MelanA/MART-1 specific T cellresponses.32, 33 Collectively, these studies demonstratedthat DC-based vaccination of melanoma patients is asafe approach, which is suitable for the stimulation ofan efficient anti-tumor response in patients at earlierstages of the disease. These studies also revealed the





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necessity for a better understanding of the molecularmechanisms, which allow established tumors to escapeimmune-mediated rejection.

One of the major challenges in immunotherapy formalignant melanoma (as well as all other cancers) isthat most TAA are self-antigens.34 Generally, theseantigens include melanocyte-specific proteins such asgp100, MART-1, tyrosinase and Melan-A, which areexpressed in both normal and malignant melanocytes.Therefore, to launch an efficient immune-mediatedtargeting of melanoma, the immune system must over-come tolerance against self. Multiple studies havedemonstrated that a population of CD4+ CD25+ regu-latory T cells (Treg) is involved in suppression of activeimmune responses against self and prevention ofautoimmunity.35 Therefore, downregulation of anti-tumor responses and poor clinical outcome of DC-based vaccination in advanced-stage melanoma patientscan be explained, in part, by activation of Treg cells,which naturally suppresses anti-tumor immuneresponses.36 However, suppressive mechanisms thatallow tumors to escape immune-mediated rejectionare not limited to the Treg cells only.

A more detailed analysis of immuno-targeted tumorsdemonstrated that often tumors are characterized by thedown-regulation of MHC molecules, tumor-associat-ed antigens,37, 38 costimulatory molecules and/or intra-cellular molecules involved in antigen presentationsuch as TAP1 and 2.39 In addition, tumors are able tosecrete immuno-suppressive cytokines such as IL-10or TGFβ thus repressing an inflammatory response.40,

41 For instance, IL-10 was originally described as a“cytokine synthesis inhibitory factor” that down-reg-ulates cell-mediated immunity.42 In physiologic con-ditions, it is produced by T cells, macrophages, B lym-phocytes, DCs, and keratinocytes.43 This cytokineinhibits T cell proliferation and suppresses the pro-duction of various cytokines. Also, IL-10 has inhibito-ry effects on IFNγ and TNFα expression by NK cells,IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF, MMP-9, reactive nitrogen oxideproduction by macrophages, and on IL-12 secretion byDCs.44-47 In addition, IL-10 is involved in induction ofTreg in both human and mouse. CD4+ T cells, repeat-edly stimulated in the presence of IL-10, differenti-ate into a new subset of CD4+ T cells, termed Tr1 (Tregulatory 1) cells.48 These T cells have a poor prolif-erative response, secrete high levels of IL-10, anddown-regulate Th1 and Th2 responses in vitro and invivo.49, 50 In particular, the differentiation of Tr1 cells

is controlled by DCs, which produce IL-10and expresstolerogenic molecules such as B7-H1.51-53 Several pre-clinical studies demonstrated that IL10 directly sup-press immunity against allogeneic tumors [54]. Inaddition, pretreatment of Langerhans cells with IL-10 abrogated their ability to present tumor antigen.55

Moreover, other studies showed that the functionaldomain of human IL-10 down-regulates expressionof MHC class I and TAP 1/2 transporters in humanmelanoma cells.56 Therefore, tumor cells with elevat-ed expression of IL-10 have more chances to escapeimmune-mediated eradication. Although, the molec-ular mechanism that regulates IL-10 expression intumors is not well-understood, there is considerable evi-dence that IL-10 is expressed by a variety of humancancer cells including melanoma.57-59 Collectively,these findings demonstrate that immuno-modulatorycytokines such as IL-10 can reprogram immature DCsinto tolerogenic DCs, which support the developmentof suppressive T cells rather than effector T cells andresult in the overall inhibition of tumor-specificimmune responses.60

To facilitate tumor immunotargeting, it is necessaryto overcome tolerance against self, reduce the activi-ty of immunomodulatory cytokines, and facilitate TAApresentation. To achieve these goals, several strate-gies can be employed. To eliminate CD4+ CD25+ Tregcells and break self-tolerance, it was suggested to uti-lize recombinant proteins, where cytotoxic moleculesare fused to cell-type specific receptor ligand. Thisapproach was recently tested in pilot clinical studiesusing IL-2-diphteria toxin fusion protein (Ontak) forthe targeting of Treg cells in melanoma patients.61

Unfortunately, none of the patients enrolled in thisstudy experienced an objective clinical response, sug-gesting that further optimization of fusion proteinstructure and localized delivery is required to makethis strategy practical. Alternatively, CD4+ CD25+ Tregcells can be depleted using systemic administrationof anti-CD25 antibodies. Although this approach isfeasible, in clinical settings complete depletion of Tregraises a high risk of the development of autoimmunediseases. Moreover, because the CD25 may also beexpressed on activated T cells, inhibition of these cellsmay block tumor-specific immune responses. Otherstrategies may employ upregulation of MHC mole-cule expression in MHC-negative melanomas usingIFNγ,38, 62 or in vivo gene transfer of MHC transacti-vators.63 Alternatively, targeted inhibition of cytokines,





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such as IL-10 using cytokine-specific antibodies orsoluble receptors may lead to inhibition of immuneresponse modulation. The enhancement of anti-tumorimmunity could also be achieved by the optimizationof tissue resident DC activation through Toll-like recep-tors ligands (TLRL) as adjuvants. Stimulation of DCswith TLRL may significantly enhance the proliferationof naïve and effector T cells and abrogate the negativeinfluence of Treg cells.64, 65 Another alternative strat-egy to enhance tumor-specific immune responses aftervaccination with TAA-loaded DCs might be to enhancetumor infiltration with naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T-cellsto allow more effective priming of these cells. Per-haps, a combination of these strategies applied con-currently with DCs-based vaccination is necessary toachieve clinically significant outcome of the treat-ment.


Over the past few years, there has been growinginterest in chemokines within the fields of tumorimmunology and immunotherapy. Chemokines aresmall protein molecules that are involved in immuneand inflammatory responses. One of them, secondarylymphoid chemokine, CCL21 (also known as SLC,C6kine), which is expressed in high endothelial venulesand within T-cell zones of secondary lymphoid organssuch as lymph nodes, strongly recruits naïve T-cells andmaturating DCs to these organs via a mechanismknown as chemoattraction.66 This mechanism is basedon the CCL21-mediated activation of G-protein cou-pled receptor, CCR7, which is expressed in matureDCs and T-cells. Interaction between the ligand(CCL21) and the receptor (CCR7) triggers a cascadeof intracellular events that promotes cytoskeletalrearrangement, changes in the expression of severaladhesion molecules, and results in directional migra-tion of the CCR7-positive cells along the CCL21 gra-dient.

Based on the chemoattraction properties of CCL21,it has been suggested that this chemokine can recruitAPCs and different subsets of T cells to solid tumors,facilitating antigen recognition, presentation, and acti-vation of tumor-specific immune responses. Chemoat-traction properties of CCL21 have been tested on sev-eral animal models. Recently it has been shown that thepresence of the recombinant CCL21 administered viadirect intratumoral injection induces strong cytotoxic,

CD8+ lymphocyte-dependent antitumor responses thathas led to temporal inhibition of melanoma and Lewislung carcinoma growth.67, 68 It has also been shownthat constitutive expression of the chemokine withinexperimental colon carcinoma significantly reducedtumor growth in vivo due to the enhanced infiltrationof DCs and CD8+ T-cells in the tumor mass. Spleeno-cytes isolated from treated mice showed greatlyenhanced cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activityagainst colon carcinoma.69 In addition, Kirk and et al.exploited the chemoattraction properties of CCL21 indeveloping DC-based vaccines. By using adenoviralgene transfer, they expressed the chemokine in TAA-pulsed DCs and showed that immunization of the pre-existing mouse melanomas with these geneticallyaltered DCs resulted in inhibition of tumor growth.Distal site immunization with CCL21-expressing DCspulsed with melanoma lysates in tumor bearing miceelicited an anti-tumor response, whereas control DCsdid not.67 As most of these studies were conducted onsmall tumors and complete eradication of the tumorswas reported only in several cases, utilization of therecombinant CCL21, or genetically-altered CCL21-expressing DCs may not be sufficient in the clinical set-ting.

However, recent studies from our group demon-strated that elevated level of tumor-derived CCL21 isrequired for the effective recruitment of CD11c+ DCs,CD4+ and CD8+ naïve T cells to deeper recesses ofthe tumor mass and activation of systemic cytotoxicimmune responses.70 Using mouse B16 melanomamodel it was shown that CCL21-stimulated melanoma-specific immune responses were sufficient for eradi-cation of primary experimental melanomas and gen-eration of functional CD4+ and CD8+ memory T-cellspermitting continuous melanoma-specific protectiveimmunity against secondary and even tertiary tumors.

Overall, these studies showed that chemokines canbe effective in facilitating tumor-specific immuneresponses. It may be hypothesized that application ofthese natural adjuvants, in combination with DC-based,peptide, or DNA vaccines may lead to a highly favor-able immunotherapeutic outcome. These finding alsosuggest that targeted, tumor-specific expression ofchemokines (CCL21 in particular) could be used toincrease infiltration of accessible tumors, such as cuta-neous melanomas, with T cells, which further can beisolated from the excised tumors and used for T cell-mediated tumor immunotargeting.





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T cell-mediated tumor immunotargeting

A continuous search for better immuno-therapeuticshas led to the development of the T cell-based cancervaccines, which have been selected based on theirability to induce strong T cell expansion in vivo.Recently developed strategies utilizing the adoptivetransfer of ex vivo expanded tumor-reactive/tumorinfiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) to patients with can-cers, particularly with melanoma, has offered a pow-erful proof that in some cases tumor-reactive CD8+ Tcells can mediate objective clinical responses.71-73

Primary cutaneous melanomas are developed fromtransformed melanocytes that normally reside in thebasal layer of human epidermis. At first, melanomaundergoes radial expansion and then invades the der-mis, forming the so-called vertical growth phase/metastatic tumor. At early stages of development, cuta-neous melanomas are surrounded by stroma and over-lying epidermis, which are naturally infiltrated withAPC, lymphocytes and macrophages. However, asmelanoma progresses slowly, it “acclimates” theimmune system, renders immune cells anergic andescapes immune-mediated destruction. As a result,even with application of active vaccination strategies,only a small portion of T cells in tumor infiltratesremain tumor antigen reactive. Nevertheless, mereexistence of antigen-reactive TILs suggested that thesecells can be isolated from excised tumors, propagatedex vivo, and transferred back into a tumor-bearinghost. To test this hypothesis, studies on different ani-mal tumor models were conducted, and various cellularcharacteristics, required for therapeutic efficacy of theadoptive cell transfer were defined.74-77 Subsequentstudies with melanoma patients demonstrated thatTILs generated from melanoma lesions contained bothCD8+ and CD4+ T cells and were highly lytic againsttheir autologous tumors.78-80 In the clinical setting,about 34% of immuno-competent patients withmelanoma who were treated with bulk TILs and high-dose IL-2 therapy achieved objective clinical respons-es.81

However, despite progress in the “formulation” of Tcell-based vaccines, approximately 50% of cases ofadoptive cell transfer did not demonstrate any objec-tive response,36 suggesting that the generation of alarge population of tumor-reactive cytolytic CD8+ T-cells alone is insufficient to mediate clinically signif-icant tumor rejection. Therefore, further refinement

of T cell-based vaccines, such as the optimization ofin vitro TILs cultures,82 in vitro generation of tumor-reactive TILs with T cell receptors that recognize spe-cific tumor-associated peptides bound on class I MHCmolecules,83 and engineering of tumor-targeting lym-phocytes in patients without ex vivo cultures, arerequired to achieve effective tumor immunotherapy.

Another critical question related to TIL-mediatedtumor immuno-targeting is the acquisition of tumor-specific immunologic memory. Several groups haverecently demonstrated the critical importance of bothCD4+ and CD8+ memory T-cells in the induction andmaintenance of tumor-specific immunity. Memory Tcells are direct descendants of naïve T-cells thatencounter antigen in the appropriate context of co-stimulatory signals. With respect to the CD4+ T cells,it has been demonstrated that CD4+CD25- T-helper(Th) cells facilitate CD8+ T cell activation, survivaland function.84 In the absence of the CD4+CD25- Thcells, memory CD8+ T cells exhibit impaired func-tionality and inability to control secondary tumor chal-lenge.85 In contrast, CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T-cells(Treg) have been shown to suppress T cells, negative-ly regulate CD8+ memory T-cells, and control immuno-logic tolerance to self-antigens.84

It is known that CD8+ memory T-cells are hetero-geneous with respect to phenotypic markers, effectorfunction, and tissue homing capabilities. CD8+ mem-ory T-cells have been divided into two broad cate-gories: central memory T cells (TCM) and effectormemory T-cells (TEM). TCM are antigen-experiencedcells that constitutively express two surface molecules- CD26L and CCR7. In contrast, TEM are antigen expe-rienced T-cells in which these markers are signifi-cantly down-regulated. These cells have an ability topopulate peripheral tissues and inflammatory sites. Ithas been suggested that these two distinctive popula-tions of memory T-cells have different functions: TEMcells function as sentinels for the immediate protectionfrom a peripheral challenge, while TCM cells provideprotection against a systemic challenge and can gen-erate a second wave of effector cells. In addition tothe ability of TCM to preferentially migrate to sec-ondary lymphoid organs, due to the expression of theCCR7 (receptor for the secondary lymphoidchemokine, CCL21) and CD26L, these cells are alsocapable of secreting interleukine-2 (IL-2). In mice andnon-human primates, CD8+ TCM cells have been shownto be superior mediators of host protection against





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viral and bacterial challenges as compared to TEMcells.86, 87 It is also been shown that adoptively trans-ferred tumor reactive CD8+ TCM cells are superiormediators of therapeutic antitumor immunity to anestablished cancer compared to TEM cells, when givenin combination with systemically administered tumorantigen vaccine.36 TCM cells also have greater prolif-erative capacity upon antigen re-encounter comparedwith TEM cells. However, the superiority of the TCMcells has not been uniformly observed. The question ofwhich of these two T cell memory populations shouldbe targeted in future vaccine trials is a subject of con-siderable interest.

Micro-organisms and viruses

The history of cancer immunotherapy dates far backto the 1800s. ‘‘Coley’s mixed toxins,’’ an extract ofStreptococcus and Serratia were employed to inducesystemic anti-cancer responses for many years until themid 1930s.88 It was hypothesized that these toxinsinduce the immune system to fight cancer. The use ofmicroorganisms to boost immune responses resur-faced in the 1960s, when it was shown that BacilliCalmette-Guerin (BCG) and Corynebacterium parvum(C. parvum) could generate immune responses againsttumors.89, 90 Morton et al. demonstrated that postop-erative systemic BCG adjuvant immunotherapy inpatients with stage II melanoma resulted in a decreasedsize of primary lesions and regression of distant metas-tases, as well as increased survival in some patients withcutaneous melanoma.91, 92 The use of certain viruses asimmunologic modifiers in the treatment of specificcancers began to gain popularity in the1970s. Influen-za virus-modified tumor lysates were of particularinterest. In 1977, Wallack et al. described the genera-tion of an alternative system for tumor cell modifica-tion that employed vaccinia virus-lysed tumor cells.93

It was suggested that vaccinia modifies membrane-associated tumor antigens and, therefore, enhancesthe expression of antigen-chaperoned heat shock pro-teins, induction of tumor-specific CTL and overallimmunogenicity of cancers. Since then, vaccinia-basedmelanoma immuno-targeting was tested in multiplepre-clinical and clinical studies. Some of these studiesexplored the possibility of using vaccinia for the re-expression of B7.1 co-stimulatory molecules in thetumor microenvironment to overcome T cell toler-ance. Others utilized a DC transduced with a modified

vaccinia virus encoding a human tyrosinase gene.94, 95

Very recently, Adamina et al. proposed to conduct aphase I/II controlled clinical trial investigating theeffectiveness of a novel vaccination protocols. In thisstudy, it is planned to use five melanoma epitopes,two costimulatory molecules CD80 and CD86, andthe CD40 ligand, encoded in a recombinant vacciniavirus, for the induction of tumor-specific immuneresponses.96 If successful, these clinical studies willopen new perspectives in the use of vaccinia-basedcomplex vaccines for tumor immunotherapy.

DNA vaccination

The original idea of DNA vaccination emanatedfrom the observations that intramuscular injection ofplasmid DNA encoding influenza A virus proteinresulted in the induction of specific humoral and cel-lular responses that protect against viral challenge.97

These findings have led to the development of simpleand potentially powerful technology of DNA vacci-nation. Initial studies on DNA vaccination were carriedout using an intramuscular route of vaccine adminis-tration. Later, DNA vaccination through skin was sug-gested to be superior over the intramuscular route.Skin has evolved as a barrier to prevent the entry ofpathogens, with efficient immune surveillance complexincluding Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, lympho-cytes, and cell types that actively participate in innateimmunity. Skin also is rich in lymphatic vasculature todrain body fluids, and this network provides an efficientroute for the trafficking of APC and T lymphocytes.Depending on the physical methods of into-skin DNAdelivery, DNA-based vaccines can be targeted to spe-cific locations in the skin,98 and in conjunction with tra-ditional or genetic adjuvants, they can elicit specificimmune responses.99 DNA vaccination approach hasseveral advantages: 1) multiple expression vectorscoding for different proteins (e.g. antigen and costim-ulatory molecules) can be concurrently delivered intoskin; 2) the use of cell-type-specific promoters canprovide specificity of protein expression; 3) proteinexpression from designed plasmids can be controlledby inducible promoters, the use of ubiquitous chro-matin opening elements (UCOE), or chemically (e.g.sodium butyrate). These attractive characteristics ofDNA vaccines have prompted extensive research inthe field within last 5 years. Multiple studies on pre-clinical animal models of melanoma and other can-





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cers have been conducted. Studies on canine modelof aggressive and metastatic melanoma (stages II-IV)presented by Bergman and et al., demonstrated thatxenogeneic DNA vaccination of dogs with DNA cod-ing for human tyrosinase led to the overall clinicalresponse in most of vaccinated dogs.100 A long-termsurvival of dogs with advanced stage IV disease withbulky lung metastases (on average 400 days) wasobserved. Vaccinated dogs with stage II/III diseasealso had long-term survivals (on average 500 days)with no evidence of melanoma on necropsy. Overall,median survival time for all treated dogs was 389 days.Other recent canine model study 101 showed that xeno-geneic DNA vaccination induces melanoma-specificantibody response, which coincides with observedclinical responses. However, up to date only a fewhuman clinical trials on DNA vaccination were con-ducted. One of such study, aimed at evaluation ofimmune response in patients with hormone-refracto-ry prostate cancer showed that DNA vaccination witha prostate-specific antigen (PSA) encoding plasmidvector, given with GM-CSF and IL-2 is safe and indoses of up to 900 µg, and that vaccination can inducecellular and humoral immune responses against PSAprotein.102 Unfortunately, for this and other few humanclinical trials, the follow-up reports on patient sur-vival or characterization of immune responses are notavailable at present time. Nevertheless, an activeresearch and optimization of the DNA vaccines con-tinues. Several recent studies on tumor animal modelsdemonstrated that DNA vaccination, especially whenused synergistically with other treatments, can be suc-cessful in eliciting tumor-specific immune responsesand protective immunity against the tumors.103-108

However, the effectiveness of these DNA vaccines inhuman clinical trials remains to be seen.


During last decade, various melanoma-specificimmunotherapeutics have been developed and testedin pre-clinical and clinical studies with varying degreesof clinical success. Recent identification of multiplecostimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules, chemokinesas natural adjuvants, and better understanding of mol-ecular mechanisms involved in the induction and main-tenance or suppression of an anti-tumor immuneresponse has allowed for the fine-tuning ofimmunotherapeutics and led to the development of

novel, combinational approaches for melanomaimmunotargeting, many of which already demon-strated promising clinical results. These advances invaccine formulation provide us with the hope that in thenear future melanoma immunotherapy will becomecurable for all melanoma patients.


Strategie immunoterapeutiche per il trattamento del mela-noma

L’incidenza del melanoma cutaneo è in aumento con unacrescita più rapida rispetto a qualsiasi altra neoplasia mali-gna. Nonostante le innovazioni nel trattamento chirurgico delmelanoma, questa neoplasia rimane una delle più aggressi-ve e difficili da trattare tra i tumori solidi. Continue ricercheper migliorare il suo trattamento hanno portato allo svilup-po di diversi approcci immunologici da applicare nel trat-tamento del melanoma. Multiple strategie basate su pepti-di, cellule dendritiche, linfociti e virus sono state testate instudi preclinici e clinici con diversi gradi di successo clini-co. Comunque, le più recenti ricerche nel campo dell’im-munoterapia del melanoma hanno chiaramente dimostratoche vaccini complessi e la combinazione di diversi approc-ci, come l’utilizzo di vaccini di cellule dendritiche insiemea molecole di costimolazione, sono superiori ai protocolli diimmunizzazione convenzionali nell’induzione delle rispo-ste immunitarie tumore-specifiche. Questi recenti studiaprono nuove prospettive per lo sviluppo di efficaci immu-noterapie per il trattamento della malattia primitiva e meta-statica.

Parole chiave: Melanoma - Linfociti T citotossici - Celluledendritiche - Chemochine - Vaccini.


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97. Ulmer JB, Donnelly JJ, Parker SE, Rhodes GH, Felgner PL, Dwar-ki VJ et al. Heterologous protection against influenza by injection ofDNA encoding a viral protein. Science New York, NY1993;259:1745-9.

98. Alexeev V, Uitto J. DNA pharmaceuticals for skin diseases. In:Schleff M. DNA pharmaceuticals: formulation and delivery in genetherapy, DNA vaccination and immunotherapy. Verlag: Wiley-VCH;2005. pp. 173-87 .

99. Peachman KK, Rao M, Alving CR. Immunization with DNA throughthe skin. Methods San Diego, CA 2003;31:232-42.

100. Bergman PJ, McKnight J, Novosad A, Charney S, Farrelly J, CraftD et al. Long-term survival of dogs with advanced malignantmelanoma after DNA vaccination with xenogeneic human tyrosinase:a phase I trial. Clin Cancer Res 2003;9:1284-90.

101. Liao JC, Gregor P, Wolchok JD, Orlandi F, Craft D, Leung C et al.Vaccination with human tyrosinase DNA induces antibody respons-es in dogs with advanced melanoma. Cancer Immun 2006;6:8.

102. Pavlenko M, Roos AK, Lundqvist A, Palmborg A, Miller AM, Ozen-ci V et al. A phase I trial of DNA vaccination with a plasmid express-ing prostate-specific antigen in patients with hormone-refractoryprostate cancer. Br J Cancer 2004;91:688-94.

103. Kang TH, Lee JH, Song CK, Han HD, Shin BC, Pai SI et al. Epi-gallocatechin-3-gallate enhances CD8+ T cell-mediated antitumorimmunity induced by DNA vaccination. Cancer Res 2007;67:802-11.

104. Nchinda G, Kuroiwa J, Oks M, Trumpfheller C, Park CG, Huang Yet al. The efficacy of DNA vaccination is enhanced in mice by tar-geting the encoded protein to dendritic cells. J Clin Invest2008;118:1427-36.

105. Peng X, Treml J, Paterson Y. Adjuvant properties of listeriolysin Oprotein in a DNA vaccination strategy. Cancer Immunol Immunother2007;56:797-806.

106. Shi FF, Gunn GR, Snyder LA, Goletz TJ. Intradermal vaccinationof MUC1 transgenic mice with MUC1/IL-18 plasmid DNA sup-presses experimental pulmonary metastases. Vaccine 2007;25:3338-46.

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108. Zhang X, Yu C, Zhao J, Fu L, Yi S, Liu S et al. Vaccination with aDNA vaccine based on human PSCA and HSP70 adjuvant enhancesthe antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell response and inhibits the PSCA+tumors growth in mice. J Gene Med 2007;9:715-26.





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Terbinafine-induced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis

Terbinafine is an allylamine antifungal agent, effective in thetreatment of dermatomycoses. Many cutaneous adverse reac-tions have been reported (in about 3% of treated patients).Futhermore terbinafine has been associated with pustulareruptions, as well as the induction and exacerbation of pre-existing psoriasis and acute generalized exanthematous pustu-losis (AGEP). AGEP is an uncommon aseptic pustular eruption,classified for many years as a pustular psoriasis, that usually fol-lows recent administration of oral or parenteral drugs. Thedisease is most frequently triggered by antibiotics, most of allaminopenicillins and macrolides. Characteristic AGEP featu-res include the sudden onset of fever above 38 ∞C with wide-spread erythematous eruption, rapidly progressing to a fine,non-follicular, micropustular rash. Leucocytosis is generallypresent, sometimes associated with eosinophilia. The illnessusually resolves spontaneously with the fever and the pustula-tion clearing within 15 days, sometimes followed by desqua-mation. Hystopathology shows non-follicular spongiotic pustu-les in the epidermis filled with neutrophils, a mixed periva-scular infiltrate of neutrophils and occasional eosinophils withpapillary dermal oedema. On this subject, Sideroff et al. recen-tly elaborated a validation score based on morphology, histo-logical criteria, and disease course. The pathogenetic mechanismwhich leads to the induction of AGEP by some medicines hasstill not been clarified, but T cells seem to play a crucial role. Theauthors report a case of a patient with terbinafine-inducedAGEP and a review of the literature about this topic. The caseillustrates once again the role of terbinafine in AGEP andreminds us that early diagnosis of AGEP is important to avoid

unnecessary investigations and/or the administration of anti-biotics.KEY WORDS: Dermatomycoses - Terbinafine - Drug eruptions.

Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis(AGEP) is an uncommon aseptic pustular erup-

tion that usually follows recent administration of oralor parenteral drugs; it is therefore considered to be aclinical reaction pattern.1 The disease is most fre-quently triggered by antibiotics, most of all aminopeni-cillins and macrolides.2 Characteristic features includethe sudden onset of fever above 38 °C with widespreaderythematous, scarlatiniform eruption, rapidly pro-gressing to a fine, non-follicular, micropustular rash.3Leucocytosis is generally present (blood neutrophilsabove 7×109 L-1), sometimes associated witheosinophilia. The illness usually resolves spontaneouslywith the fever and the pustulation clearing within 15days, sometimes followed by desquamation. As regardsdifferential diagnosis, AGEP can be difficult to dis-tinguish from other pustular dermatoses, in particu-lar from pustular psoriasis. On this subject, Sideroff etal. recently elaborated a validation score based onmorphology, histological criteria, and disease course.3

Terbinafine is an allylamine antifungal agent, effec-tive in the treatment of dermatomycoses, including

Department of Clinical Medicine and Immunological SciencesSection of Dermatology, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

Received on February 13, 2007.Accepted for publication on April 8, 2008.

Address reprint requests to: P. Rubegni, Dipartimento di Medicina Cli-nica e Scienze Immunologiche, Sezione di Dermatologia, Policlinico “LeScotte”, Viale Bracci, 53100 Siena (SI). E-mail: [email protected]








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onychomycosis.4 The most common reported sideeffects involve the gastrointestinal, hepatic, cutaneousand central nervous systems. Many cutaneous adversereactions have been reported (in about 3% of treatedpatients) including erythema, pruritus, urticaria, fixeddrug eruption and alopecia. Rarer but severe cutaneousreactions include Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxicepidermal necrolysis, erythroderma with severe desqua-mation, erythema multiforme, severe urticarial erup-

tion, pityriasis rosea 5-6 and drug hypersensitivity syn-drome.7 Moreover, terbinafine has been associatedwith pustular drug eruptions, as well as the inductionand exacerbation of pre-existing psoriasis and AGEP.5-

10 The authors report a case of a patient withterbinafine-induced AGEP.

Case report

A 68-year-old male presented a 4 day history of a rapid-ly spreading, non scaling and non pruritic generalizederythematopustular eruption. The rash developed fourdays after starting oral terbinafine (250 mg/day) for treat-ment of onychomycosis due to the Trichophyton rubrumspecies (confirmed by positive culture). The patient hadsuffered from minimal plaque psoriasis for about 20 yearsand from chronic myeloid leukemia for 7 years. Thepatient had not had previous therapy with terbinafine andreported no adverse reaction to other drugs. Physicalexamination revealed large, non scaly, erythematousplaques, with multiple pustules spread over the entirebody surface (Figure 1A). Particularly, papules and pus-tules were sparsely distributed over the trunk, buttocksand thighs. Palms and soles, face and mucous membraneswere spared. Body temperature was 38.5 °C, white bloodcells count was 17.50 × 109 L-1, with 14.22 × 109 L-1 neu-trophils and 0.7 x 109 L-1 eosinophils. Histopathology ofa punch biopsy taken from affected skin of the forearmshowed non-follicular spongiotic pustules in the epider-mis filled with neutrophils. Papillary dermal edema witha mixed perivascular infiltrate of neutrophils and occa-sional eosinophils were also evident (Figure 2). Thesefindings were consistent with the clinical diagnosis of

Figure 1.—(A) Terbinafine-induced acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) clinical appearance: erythematous background and desqua-mation with multiple pustules (hand detail); (B) patient appearance 15 days after terbinafine suspension and antipyretic treatment with paracetamol(100 mg day).

Figure 2.—[Haematoxylin-Eosin ×100] Subcorneal and intraepidermalpustule with peripheral edema, neutrophils and scattered eosinophils in theupper dermal infiltrate. M





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AGEP. Based on the scoring system devised by Sideroffet al. for the diagnosis of AGEP, in which a score of morethan 8 confirms the diagnosis, the patient of the caseobserved in this study scored 11 (Table I). Terbinafinetherapy was interrupted and treatment with paracetamol(1 000 mg/day) was started. Skin eruption completelyresolved within 15 days (Figure 1B). No relapse wasobserved at a 12 month follow-up.


AGEP is considered to be an uncommon pustulareruption most often triggered by systemic drugs.1

It was classified for many years as a pustular pso-riasis. In 1968 Baker and Ryan assumed that this dis-ease represented a distinct entity.11 In 1991, in a reportof 63 cases, Roujeau et al. differentiated AGEP fromacute generalized pustular psoriasis (AGPP) for thefirst time.2 All the same, the differential diagnosisbetween these two pustular dermatoses is even nowparticularly strenuous because AGEP frequently occursin psoriatic patients, as in the case described here, andit can subsequently simulate an exacerbation of pso-riasis, as well as of psoriasis de novo.9 Latency periodsbetween administration of drug and onset of AGEPare typically short, most often starting within 1-2 daysafter drug intake. In contrast, the development of pso-riasis de novo or its exacerbation often requires weeks.1Regarding the differential diagnosis between AGEP andAGPP, the distribution pattern in AGPP is more gen-eralized than in AGEP, where there is predominance inthe folds. The duration of both fever and pustules are

TABLE I.—Scoring system for the diagnosis of AGEP in the patientobserved.

Characteristic of our patient Score

Development of small sterile pustules 2Erythematous background 2Distribution 2Postpustular desquamation 0Absence of mucosal involvement 0Acute onset (≤10 d) 0Resolution ≤15 d 0Fever ≥38 °C 1PMN ≥7 000/mm3 1Spongiform subcorneal pustules with papillary Oedema on 3histopathological examination

Modified from Sidoroff A. et al.3

Antibiotics:β-lactam antibiotics MacrolidesCephalosporinsQuinolonesTetracyclinsChloramphenicolGentamycinImipenemIsionazidMetronidazolTrimethoprimSulfamethoxazoleVancomycin


Other anti-infectives:HydroxychloroquineDiaphenylsulfoneNifuroxazidePyrimethamineProtease inhibitors

Acetylsalicylic acidAllopurinolAmoxapineAzathioprineBuphenineBufexamacCalcium-channel blockersCarbamazepineCarbutamide CelecoxibChemotherapy (high dose)Chromium picolinateCimetidineClemastineClobazamClozapineDexamethasoneDisulfiramEnalaprilEprazinoneFenoterolFurosemide

TABLE II.—Anti-infectives vs non-anti-infectives as causative drugs for AGEP.

Anti-infectives as causative drugs for AGEP Non anti-infective drugs as causes of AGEP

LansoprazoleNadoxololNifedipineNimesulideMercuryParacetamolProstaglandinPiperazine ethionamidePneumococcal vaccinePseudoephedrineQuinidineSulbutiamineSulfasalazineThalidomideThalliumTopical agentsValdecoxibPUVAHerbal remedy (Ginkgo Biloba)

Modified from Sidoroff A. et al.3





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shorter in AGEP (mean duration of 9.4 days) than inAGPP. Furthermore AGEP is very frequent subsequentto recent drug administration and usually there is apositive history of drug reactions. Some histopatho-logical differences have also been reported. In partic-ular in AGEP histopathology shows non-follicularspongiotic pustules in the epidermis filled with neu-trophils, a mixed perivascular infiltrate of neutrophilsand occasional eosinophils with papillary dermal ede-ma. Instead in AGPP histological findings include nonspongiotic subcorneal and/or intraepidermal pustules,papillomatosis and acanthosis. All the same, consid-ering the multiple similarities between these two erup-tions, a study group (EuroSCAR Study Group) hasrecently been formed, and has elaborated a diagnosticalgorithm to use in those cases where the diagnosis isdubious.3

In front of cases like the one described here, however,other differential diagnoses need to be taken into con-sideration., in particular, the following: subcornealpustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson syndrome),pustular vasculitis, toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN),pustular erythema multiforme, bullous impetigo,Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS), drughypersensitivity syndrome (DRESS), atypical Sweet’ssyndrome (acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis), foli-aceous pemphigus, infantile chronic acropustulosis,pyoderma vegetans, chicken pox, dermatophyte infec-tions, generalized contact dermatitis, acne vulgarisand bacterial folliculitis. In the present case all thesediseases were fairly easily excluded based on clini-cal, histopathological and anamnestical findings.1, 4

The optimum management of AGEP has not beenagreed upon. In the past, many cases have been report-ed in which short term oral corticosteroids were usedin those cases where AGEP lasted for longer than 15days.12 Most authors currently suggest using onlysymptomatic therapy. In the present case, in fact, theauthors obtained complete resolution of the case withthe use of an antipyretic alone.

The pathogenetic mechanism which leads to theinduction of AGEP by some medicines has still notbeen clarified, but T cells seem to play a crucial role.1In fact previous studies in patients with AGEP haverevealed a high rate of strongly positive patch tests todrugs compared with patients with other drug erup-tions.13-16 Britshcgi et al. confirmed that an involvementof T cells could be implied by positive skin patch testsand lymphocyte transformation test (LTTs).17 Their

analysis of cytokine/chemokine profiles revealed thatIL-8 is produced significantly more by drug-specificT cells from patients with AGEP compared with drug-specific T cells from patients that had non-AGEP exan-themas.17

The onset of AGEP as a consequence of treatmentwith terbinafine and other oral antifungal medicamentshas been recently described.18-28 Considering thatantimycotics are widely prescribed for various fungalskin infections, AGEP seems to be a very rare adversereaction. However, in a recent review from France,antimycotics accounted for about 10% of all AGEPcases, with terbinafine heading the list.29 It is thereforelikely that with the increasing use of oral terbinafine anincreasing number of significant adverse cutaneousdrug reactions to terbinafine (including cases of AGEP)can be expected.4 Patients should be alerted to the riskof developing an adverse cutaneous drug reaction toterbinafine and advised to seek medical help prompt-ly if they experience any adverse reaction. Recently, acase of AGEP with a relapse after reintroduction ofterbinafine, eight years after the initial AGEP, has alsobeen described,30 so patients should also be alertedabout the risk of developing a relapse after reintro-duction of a drug that had previously caused AGEP.


This case illustrates once again the role of terbinafinein AGEP and reminds that early diagnosis of AGEP isimportant to avoid unnecessary investigations and/orthe administration of antibiotics.


La terbinafina e la pustolosi esantematica acuta generaliz-zata

La terbinafina è un antimicotico derivato dell’allilaminaefficace nel trattamento di alcune dermatomicosi. In circa il3% dei pazienti trattati con tale farmaco sono state segnala-te reazioni cutanee avverse. L’assunzione di terbinafina èstata inoltre associata alla esacerbazione di una preesisten-te psoriasi volgare ed, in casi molto rari, alla induzione dipustolosi esantematica acuta generalizzata (acute generali-zed exanthematous pustulosis, AGEP). L’AGEP è una der-matite pustolosa di non frequente osservazione, associata, nel-la gran parte dei casi descritti in letteratura, alla assunzionedi farmaci per via sistemica. Fra questi ultimi, quelli più fre-quentemente associati alla insorgenza dell’AGEP sono gliantibiotici, soprattutto i β-lattamici ed i macrolidi. Sideroff





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et al. hanno recentemente proposto una scala di punteggio checostituisce un valido ausilio diagnostico, basato su criterimorfologici, istologici e clinici. Gli elementi clinici peculiariconsistono in un’eruzione eritematosa generalizzata accom-pagnata da febbre (>38 °C), che rapidamente evolve in un rashpapulo-pustoloso non-follicolare. Gli esami ematochimici diroutine mettono in luce nella fase acuta della dermatosi, unaleucocitosi neutrofila, talvolta associata ad ipereosinofilia. Lamalattia per definizione risolve spontaneamente entro 15giorni dalla insorgenza dell’esantema. In alcuni casi la resi-dua desquamazione può protrarsi per un periodo di tempo piùlungo. L’esame istopatologico è caratterizzato dalla presen-za di pustole intraepidermiche, non follicolari ed amicrobi-che, contenenti numerosi neutrofili. Il quadro patologicopuò inoltre essere corredato da un infiltrato perivascolareneutrofilico, con occasionali eosinofili ed edema del dermapapillare. Gli autori riportano il caso di un paziente affetto dalclassico quadro clinico di AGEP indotta dall’assunzione diterbinafina. PAROLE CHIAVE: Dermatomicosi - Terbinafina - Reazionicutanee avverse ai farmaci.


1. Beltraminelli HS, Lerch M, Arnold A, Bircher AJ, Haeusermann P.Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by the antifun-gal terbinafine: case report and review of the literature. Br J Derma-tol 2005;152:780-3.

2. Roujeau JC, Bioulac-Sage P, Bourseau C, Guillaume JC, Bernard P,Lok C et al. Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis. Analysis of63 cases. Arch Dermatol 1991;127:1333-8.

3. Sidoroff A, Halevy S, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Vaillant L , Roujeau JC.Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) – a clinicalreaction pattern. J Cutan Pathol 2001;28:113-9.

4. Hall AP, Tate B. Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis associ-ated with oral terbinafine. Australas J Dermatol 2000;41:42-5.

5. Gupta AK, Shear NK. Terbinafine: An update. J Am Acad Dermatol1997;37:979-88.

6. Gupta AK, Lynde CW, Lauzon GJ, Mehlmauer MA, Braddock SW,Miller CA et al. Cutaneous adverse effects associated with terbinafinetherapy: 10 case reports and a review of the literature. Br J Dermatol1998;138:529-32.

7. Gupta AK, Porges AJ. Hypersensivity syndrome reaction to oralterbinafine. Australas J Dermatol 1998;39:171-2.

8. Wach F, Stolz W, Hein R, Landthaler M. Severe erythema anularecentrifugum-like psoriatic drug eruption induced by terbinafine. ArchDermatol 1993;131:960-1.

9. Gupta AK, Sibbald RG, Knowles SR, Lynde CW, Shear NK.Terbinafine therapy may be associated with the development of pso-riasis de novo or its exacerbation: four case reports and a review ofdrug-induced psoriasis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1997;36:858-62.

10. Wilson NJ, Evans S. Severe pustular psoriasis provoked by oralterbinafine. Br J Dermatol 1998;139:168.

11. Baker H, Ryan TJ. Generalized pustular psoriasis. A Clinical and epi-demiological study of 104 cases. Br J Dermatol 1968; 80:771-93.

12. Bajaj V, Simpson N. Oral Corticosteroids did not prevent AGEP dueto terbinafine. Acta Derm Venereol 2006;86:448-9.

13. Wolkenstein P, Chosidow O, Flechet ML, Robbiola O, Paul M, DumeL. Patch testing in severe cutaneous averse drug reactions, includingSteven-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. ContactDermatitis 1996;35:234-6.

14. Demitsu T, Kosuge A, Yamada T, Usui K, Katayama H, Yaoita H.Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by dexametha-sone injection. Dermatology 1996;193:56-8.

15. Jan V, Machet L, Gironet N, Martin L, Machet MC, Lorette G. Acutegeneralized exanthematous pustulosis induced by diltiazem: value ofpatch testing. Dermatology 1998;197:274-5.

16. Kempinaire A, De Raeve L, Merckx M, De Coninck A, Bauwens M,Roseeuw D. Terbinafine induced acute generalized exanthematouspustulosis confirmed by a positive patch-test result. J Am Acad Der-matol 1997;37:653-5.

17. Britschgi M, Steiner UC, Schmid S, Depta JP, Senti G, Bircher A. Tcell involvement in drug-induced acute generalized exanthematous pus-tulosis. J Clin Invest 2001;107:1433-41.

18. Dupin N, Gorin I, Djien V, Helal H, Zylberberg L, Leibowitch M.Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis induced by terbinafine.Arch Dermatol 1996;132:1253-4.

19. Condon CA, Downs AM, Archer CB. Terbinafine-induced acute gen-eralized exanthematous pustulosis. Br J Dermatol 1998;138:709-10.

20. Papa CA, Mille OF. Pustular psoriasiform eruption with leukocytosisassociated with terbinafine. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;39:115-7.

21. Bennett ML, Jorizzo JL, White WL. Generalized pustular eruptionassociated with oral terbinafine. Int J Dermatol 1999;38:596-600.

22. Lombardo M, Cerati M, Pazzaglia A. Acute generalized exanthema-tous pustulosis induced by terbinafine. J Am Acad Dermatol2003;49:158-9.

23. Taberner R, Puig L, Gilaberte M, Alomar A. Acute generalized exan-thematous pustulosis induced by terbinafine. Eur J Dermatol2003;13:313-4.

24. Heymann WR, Manders SM. Itraconazole-induced acute generalizedexanthematous pustulosis. J Am Acad Dermatol 1995;32:130-1.

25. Park YM, Kim JW, Kim CW. Acute generalized exanthematous pus-tulosis induced by itraconazole. J Am Acad Dermatol 1997;36:794-6.

26. Alsadhan A, Taher M, Krol A. Acute generalized exanthematous pus-tulosis induced by oral fluconazole. J Cutan Med Surg 2002;6:122-4.

27. Rosenberger A, Tebbe B, Treudler R, Orfanos CE. Akute general-isierte exanthematische Pustolose, indziert durch Nystatin. Hautarzt1998;49:492-5.

28. Saissi EH, Beau-Salinas F, Jonville-Béra AP, Lorette G. Médicamentsassociés à la survenue d’une pustulose exanthématique aiguë général-isée. Ann Dermatol Venerol 2003;130:612-8.

29. Fabre B, Albès B, Belhadjali H, Bazex J. Pustolose exanthématiqueaiguë généralisée induite by oral fluconazole. Ann Dermatol Ven-eroil 2002;129:294-7.

30. Greco M, Plantin P. Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis(AGEP) induced by terbinafine with involuntary positive reintroduc-tion. Eur J Dermatol 2005:15:116.





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Zuska’s disease

Cutaneous signs and symptoms in subareolar abscesses of thebreast or lactiferous fistula (Zuska’s disease, ZD) are commonand frequent, but generally dermatologist ignore this clinicalentity. An epithelial squamous metaplasia causes plugging andobstruction of the ducts is a pathogenetic event. Subsequentinflammatory reaction and infection produce local and gen-eral symptoms. Nipple retraction, recurrent episodes oferysipela and presence of painful nodules under the areola ina non-lactating woman are suspect. The presence of a milkydraining sinus in the areola is characteristic. The diagnosticchallenge is to differentiate these benign condition from a breastcancer. Treatment with antibiotics in the acute and chronicphase is mandatory, surgical removal of abscess and duct issometimes resolutive. The authors describe a case of ZD in apathologically obese woman treated with a long term penicillinschedule with no favorable effects.

KEY WORDS: Abscesses - Nipples - Erysipelas.

Subareolar abscesses of the breast or lactiferousfistula (Zuska’s disease, ZD) is a rare recurring con-dition characterized by draining abscesses aroundthe nipple of one or both breasts.1 Since little is known

about the condition it is often misdiagnosed and inap-propriately treated. Despite the frequency of cuta-neous involvement in ZD, reports in dermatologicalliterature are lacking. A bizarre long-lasting historyof recurrent inflammatory painful subareolar nodu-lar lesions, discharging fistulas of the nipple and anerysipela-like reaction is commonly referred. Thepresence of an obstructive mammary duct squamousmetaplasia is probably causative and a subsequentinfection confirms the disease.2-4 Its managements—underestimated, not only by dermatologists —isdifficult because of the high risks of therapy failureand relapse.

Case report

RE, a 60-year old Italian woman, presented an erysipela-like manifestation on her left breast. The eruption had start-ed one month before with malaise, low grade fever and apainful nodule under the areola.

The patient referred a two year troublesome history ofsimilar episodes and a consistent number of consultations,examinations and tests without a clear-cut diagnosis. Of allthe previous scheduled treatments only systemic antibioticsimproved the condition.

She suffered from pathological obesity with an hypothy-

Dermatology Operative UnitS. Andrea Hospital, La Spezia, Italy

Fundings.—No funding sources have been stated for this work.Conflict of interest.—The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.This work has been presented at 79° SIDEMAST Congress 26-

29/05/2004 Castellana Marittima (Ta).Received on October 25, 2006.Accepted for publication on April 7, 2008.

Address reprint requests to: M. Guadagni MD, Dermatology Operati-ve Unit S. Andrea Hospital, Via Vittorio Veneto 131 19100 La Spezia,Italy. E-mail: [email protected]







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roidism treated with substitutive opotherapy. A pale rederithematous-edematous, “peau d’orange”-like eruptionaffected her left breast (Figure 1); a 3 cm polilobulated ten-der painful node under the external-inferior face of the are-ola was present; on squeezing it, a milky discharge emergedon the skin (Figure 2). A sample taken for microbiologicalinvestigation demonstrated a Staphilococcus Aureus colo-nization. A 4 mm punch biopsy was obtained pointed to thelactiferous fistula.

The histological findings revealed an iperplasia of thelining epithelium of the duct with hyperplasia and hyper-granulosis (Figure 3). A simil-cystical enlargement was pre-sent on the glandular side of the specimen. Mammograph-ic and ecographic findings showed an aspecific cellulitis-likeaspect.

On the basis of the historical, histologic and clinicaldata, subareolar abscesses, draining fistula, nipple dis-charge, tenderness on palpation and mastalgia, the authorssuggest a diagnosis of ZD. The authors treated the patientwith an oral course of betalactamic antibiotics (Amoxi-cilline Velamox© tablets 1gr) 3 g a day for two weeks obtain-ing a rapid improvement of cutaneous and subareolar symp-toms.

A two months scheduled, 1.2×106/weekly intramuscularinjection of penicilline-based (Benzilpenicilline Diaminocil-lina© 1200000 U/L im fl) treatment has been attempted toreduce number and frequency of episodes, failed. Acutephase antibiotic essay guided therapy was planned in case ofnew episodes.

Figure 1.—Left breast erysipelas: a pale red erithematous-edematous,“peau d’orange”-like eruption.

Figure 2.—Polilobulated tender painful node under the external-inferiorface of the areola with a milky discharge which emerges on the skin.

Figure 3.—Iperplasia of the lining epithelium of the duct with hyperpla-sia and hypergranulosis EE 20×.





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Chronic recurrent abscesses of the breast, lactifer-ous fistula (ZD) is a misdiagnosed disease of the breast.The incidence in the majority of reports is 1-2% 5 inwomen but in disease-oriented series it rises up to10%.6

Non lactating and non pregnant women are fre-quently involved and two spikes of incidence in youngand in postmenopausal woman are reported. Men arerarely affected at any age.

Epithelial squamous metaplasia with plugging ofthe duct is the first step of the syndrome. Duct engorge-ment and subsequent bacterial infection causes themajority of symptoms. No familiarity but some ciga-rette-smoking predisposition is referred.7

A typical clinical course of irregularly bilateralpainful growing nodule recurrences under the areolaof one or both sides is characteristic. Lymphnodeswelling and general symptomatology with malaiseand fever are common accompanying symptoms. Amilky draining sinus in the areola is another typical signand retraction or oozing eczematous reactions on thenipple are frequent. Erythematous eruption anderysipela-like reaction on the skin of the breast areoften reported. Each episode lasts for weeks and alarge number of episodes are referred before a correctdiagnosis is established.

Clinical course is diagnostic; mammographic orecographic investigations are unhelpful. Breast canceris the most important differential diagnosis thereforea complete instrumental evaluation of the breast toexclude a neoplasm is necessary.

A fine needle aspiration of the mass can contributeto a correct diagnosis but its performance is difficult.The wide range of dysplastic and metaplastic squa-mous cells can create difficulties even to expert pathol-ogists. In ZD, squamous cells are benign-looking andoften mixed with anucleated squames. They are mitot-ically inactive and show a regular maturation pattern.The presence of abundant, foamy macrophages sug-gests a benign lesion.8, 9

ZD treatment has been as yet undefined. Patientsare frequently mastectomized due to cancer suspect.More conservative surgical options consist in exci-sion of the abscessual mass together with the retroare-olar ducts and fibroglandular tissue (Hadfield’s pro-cedure).1, 2 Restricted fistulectomy and duct excisionor abscess drainage can resolve uncomplicated

episodes.10 In case of repeated relapse more aggressivesurgery is recommended. In recent years the opportu-nity of a surgical approach to ZD is discussed as aconsequence of the increasing number of recurrencesreported.11 Antibiotic treatment in the acute phase ismandatory. Usefulness of a very conservative approachwith a large-spectrum high dose antibiotic therapycombined or not with prolactin inhibitors is also report-ed.12 The results show that an early conservative treat-ment is important to prevent abscesses formation.12

In the case observed a long term treatment with ben-zilpenicilline (1.2 ×10 UI/weekly im for two months)had no favorable effects.


The evolution of benign conditions of the breastrequires vigilance in relation to diagnosis, treatment,and have to be distinguished from breast cancer.

It is important to suspect the diagnosis of ZD inwoman who present chronic recurrent swelling inflam-matory breast masses and draining abscesses from thesubareolar tissue

This case emphasizes the importance to make a cor-rect diagnosis in the presence of this recurrent, trou-blesome clinical conditions especially to prevent unnec-essary mutilating surgery with poor results and, impor-tantly, exclusion of carcinoma.


La malattia di ZuskaL’ascesso sottoareolare della mammella o fistola galat-

tofora (malattia di Zuska) è una rara condizione morbosacaratterizzata da ricorrenti ascessi e tragitti fistolosi attornoal capezzolo, mono o bilateralmente. Segni e sintomi cuta-nei sono di frequente riscontro, eppure, in genere, i derma-tologi ignorano tale entità clinica. Una metaplasia squamo-sa dell’epitelio in grado di ostruire i dotti ghiandolari è allabase del processo patologico. I sintomi locali e sistemicisono dovuti al conseguente processo infiammatorio ed infet-tivo. La comparsa di noduli dolorosi al di sotto dell’areola,una retrazione del capezzolo, la presenza di una fistola da cuifuoriesce secreto lattiginoso, episodi ricorrenti di erisipela,devono indurre al sospetto diagnostico. La difficoltà dia-gnostica risiede nella distinzione di questa condizione beni-gna dal cancro della mammella. Il trattamento è spesso inef-ficace e raramente previene le ulteriori recidive. L’antibioticoterapia in fase acuta e cronica determina significativo se purtransitorio miglioramento. L’asportazione chirurgica degli





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ascessi e delle fistole talora risulta la soluzione migliore. Lagestione terapeutica nel suo complesso è quindi decisamentecomplessa perché gravata dalla estrema frequenza delle reci-dive e dalle mutilazioni per gli interventi chirurgici pratica-ti. Gli Autori descrivono un caso di malattia di Zuska com-mentandone decorso clinico ed iniziative terapeutiche.PAROLE CHIAVE: Ascessi - Capezzoli - Erisipela.


1. Passaro ME, Broughan TA, Sebek BA, Esselstyn CB Jr. Lactiferousfistula. J Am Coll Surg 1994;178:29-32.

2. Powell BC, Maull KI, Sachatello CR. Recurrent subareolar abscess ofthe breast and squamous metaplasia of the lactiferous ducts: a clini-cal syndrome. South Med J 1977;70:935-7.

3. Meguid MM, Oler A, Numann PJ, Khan S. Pathogenesis-based treat-ment of recurring subareolar breast abscesses. Surgery 1995;118:775-82 Comment in: Surgery 1996;120:902-3.

4. Kummer EW. Juxta-areolar mastitis. Neth J Surg 1987;39:55-8.

5. Dixon JM. Periductal mastitis/duct ectasia. World J Surg 1989;13:715-20.

6. Petersen L, Graversen HP, Andersen JA, Dyreborg U, Blichert-Toft M.The duct ectasia syndrome-an overlooked disease entity. Ugeskr Lae-ger 1993;155:1540-5.

7. Schafer P, Furrer C, Mermillod B. An association of cigarette smokingwith recurrent subareolar breast abscess. Int J Epidemiol 1988;17:810-3.

8. Ng WK, Kong JH. Significance of squamous cells in fine needle aspi-ration cytology of the breast. A review of cases in a seven-year period.Acta Cytol 2003;47:27-35.

9. Silverman JF, Lannin DR, Unverferth M, Norris HT. Fine needle aspi-ration cytology of subareolar abscess of the breast. Spectrum of cyto-morphologic findings and potential diagnostic pitfalls. Acta Cytol1986;30:413-9.

10. Bundred NJ, Webster DJ, Mansel RE. Management of mammillaryfistulae. J R Coll Surg Edinb 1991;36:381-3. Comment in: J R CollSurg Edinb 1992;37:284.

11. Hartley MN, Stewart J, Benson EA. Subareolar dissection for duct ecta-sia and periareolar sepsis. Br J Surg 1991;78:1187-8.

12. Pohl C, Decker K, Schindler AE. Nonpuerperal mastitis. Geburtshil-fe Frauenheilkd 1985;45:302-7.





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Randomized prospective study on the efficacyof a new revitalizing filler composed

of hyaluronic acid (Wipeline®)

Aim. The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of a new revi-talizing filler (Wipeline®) formed by a buffer physiologicalsolution of hyaluronic acid (HA). Methods. A prospective study was performed on 100 patients(aging between 40 and 70 years), with clear signs of prema-ture facial aging. Patients were randomly assigned to twogroups, one treated with a HA concentration of 1.6%, the oth-er with a concentration of 2% in the tested product. The treat-ment protocol consisted of three sessions with a four weeksintervals between them. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and dig-ital photos were used to evaluate results after 1, 3, 6 and 12months from treatment end. Results. An improvement of turgidity, elasticity and luminos-ity of the skin and a reduction of folds and wrinkles of thetreated areas were observed in both groups. The higher con-centrated solution of HA had a more prolonged effect and agreater filling effect. Products were well tolerated and noadverse reactions observed. Conclusion. The efficacy of Wipeline® has been clinically sup-ported. This revitalizing filler succeeded in increasing skinelasticity and tone by dermal hydration. The procedure is sim-ple and little invasive. It represents a good treatment optionto restore vitality and turgidity of skin presenting the signs ofaging.

KEY WORDS: Hyaluronic acid - Skin aging - Skin care.

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of gly-cosaminoglicans (GAG) that constitute the basic

dermal matrix. It has a great ability to bind water mol-ecules (until 500 times its weight) due to its high mol-ecular weight; it also has an important anti-oxidantaction. The sodium salt of hyaluronic acid is formed byrepetitive units of the disaccharide formed by N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucuronic acid and is one of thechief component of extracellular matrix of most tissues,particularly of the skin.

The aging and photo-aging processes result in areduction of hyaluronic acid (HA) production in thecutis. This causes a decrease of the cementing andmoisturizing ability of the amorphous part of the der-mis, resulting in skin aging, decreased deep hydra-tion, and folds and wrinkles formation.

In order to correct aging effects, HA has been usedfor several years as absorbable filler and in differentformulations to fill and wipe wrinkles and folds or toaugment lips and zygomas.1-5 Moreover, HA cre-ates the physiological conditions in the extracellularmatrix for proliferation, migrations and organiza-tion of dermal cells, protecting them from UV raysaction, free radicals, xenobiotics and superficialcutaneous traumas.

Department of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseasesand Plastic Surgery

“La Sapienza” University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Fundings.—The authors did not receive any financial support for thisstudy.

Conflict of interest.—The authors were not in any way commerciallyinvolved with any company.

Received on December 12, 2007.Accepted for publication on April 8, 2008.

Address reprint requests to: L. A. Dessy, Via Irpinia 8, 09032 Assemi-ni (CA), Italy. E-mail: [email protected]








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The various HA based fillers can be of animal ornon-animal origin, the so-called non-animal stabi-lized hyaluronic acid (NASHA).6, 7 Recently, a sub-cat-egory of HA based filler called revitalizing has beenintroduced (f.e. Ial System ACP, Restylane Vital).8As a consequence of an appropriate injection tech-nique, this creates in the dermis a reserve of stabi-lized HA hat is slowly and gradually released. Due toits high molecular weight, HA retains molecules ofwater, increasing the degree of cutaneous hydration,and consequently improving skin elasticity, tone andturgidity.

The authors present their experience in using a newrevitalizing filler formed by a buffer physiologicalsolution of HA called Wipeline® (Fasel S.r.l., Bologna,Italy) for facial rejuvenation.

Materials and methods

From January to December 2006, at the Departmentof Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases and PlasticSurgery of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome, aprospective study was performed on 100 patients, rag-ing from 40 to 70 years of age, that were suitable forintradermal injection of a revitalizing filler in the face.Inclusion criteria were clear signs of premature agingof the lower face, as prominent nasolabial folds, relaxedsoft tissues, and decreased skin hydration, turgidityand elasticity. Exclusion criteria from the study werethe presence of connective tissue diseases, coagula-tion disorders, severe cardiopathy, phlebopathy, hyper-tension, neuropathy, allergy to filler components, viral,bacterial and traumatic dermatits, and pregnancy. Fur-ther exclusion criteria were previous facelift or injec-tion with permanent fillers, injection within six monthsof an absorbable fillers and the intention by the patientto undergo other cosmetic procedures in the followingtwelve months.

Patients were informed about indications, benefitsand risks of treatment, and were proposed to be enrolledin the study protocol of injections with either one of thetwo available formulations of Wipeline® in a patientblinded design. Patients who accepted the study termssigned a proper consent form.

Patients were then randomly assigned to two groupsof 50 patients each. One group was treated withWipeline® 1.6%, the other with Wipeline® 2%. Thetreatment protocol consisted of three sessions with afour weeks interval between them.

The treated area was disinfected with an antisepticsolution and the filler was injected following the tech-nique advised by the producer.

A self evaluation was requested to patients 1, 3, 6 and12 months after the end of the treatment. A VisualAnalogue Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate results. Thepatients gave a score between 1 and 10 (1 = absence ofimprovement; 10 = disappearance of the defect). Dig-ital photograms of the treated area were taken beforefiller injection and during each follow-up visit.

A group of three doctors not involved in the studyevaluated the patients before the treatment and at eachfollow-up by using previous photograms, withoutknowing which of the two formulations was used(evaluator-blinded design). A VAS scale was used toevaluate turgidity, elasticity and luminosity of theskin of treated areas giving a score between 1 (noimprovement) and 10 (the best result obtainable). Anoverall evaluation was also expressed with the samescale.

The eventual onset of adverse reactions were alsorecorded from treatment beginning to follow up end.

Wipeline® features

Wipeline® is a revitalizing filler formed by a bufferphysiological solution of HA, obtained in a fermen-tative way without chemical modification. HA is inform of sodic salt, highly purified, characterized byweak bonds, and with a molecular weight of about 1million Daltons. Its tridimentional molecular aspectallows it to have a long permanence time in the tis-sues, where it integrates without altering its biocom-patibility. An other feature is the isovolemic degrada-tion that allows to maintain the initial volume evenduring the phase of degradation. It means that as thehyaluronic acid degrades in smaller molecules, with aconsequent decrease of its initial concentration, eachmolecule progressively binds more water, prolongingHA permanence time. Wipeline® is a viscous solu-tion available in two formulations with a different con-centration of hyaluronic acid: 1.6% (16 mg/mL) and2% (20 mg/mL) in 1 mL syringes with a 27 gaugeneedle. The other components of Wipeline® are sodi-um chloride, sodium phosphate and water for injectablepreparations. The technique of injection is a slow lin-ear inoculation in the middle-deep dermis, as provid-ed for by the intra-dermal injection technique named“hydro reserve”. This procedure is neither a filling/cor-rective technique nor a skin bio-stimulation. The gel





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must be injected tangentially to the skin surface in thedeep dermis, realising micro-drops while extractingthe needle.


In the study, 78 women and 22 men were recruited.The average patients’ age was 54 years.

Tables I, II show patients’ evaluations of groups Aand B respectively during follow up visits. Table III andIV show external observers’evaluations of both groups.

In both groups, there was an improvement of turgid-ity, elasticity and luminosity of the skin and a reduc-tion of folds and wrinkles in the treated areas (Table III-IV, Figures 1-3). In group B, the filler (Wipeline® 2%)had a slightly more prolonged effect, as underlinedby the evaluations at the six months follow-up, (Tables

TABLE I.—Self-assessment VAS of patients in group A.

Monthsafter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 — — — 6 14 20 6 1 — —3 — 1 7 15 16 7 1 — — —6 5 13 14 12 3 — — — — —

12 44 3 — — — — — — — —

TABLE II.—Self-assessment VAS of patients in group B.

Monthsafter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 — — — 5 9 21 8 4 — 13 — — 3 12 17 11 5 — — —6 2 10 13 15 5 3 — — — —

12 44 4 — — — — — — — —

TABLE III.—External assessment by VAS of patients in group A.

Monthsafter Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 Turgidity — — — — 10 20 12 5 — —Elasticity — — — 12 16 16 3 — — —Luminosity — — — — 5 21 14 7 — —Overall — — — 6 17 23 4 — — —

3 Turgidity — — — 11 18 11 5 2 — —Elasticity — 2 12 15 15 3 — — — —Luminosity — — — 9 19 13 6 — — —Overall — 2 8 15 19 6 — — — —

6 Turgidity 2 11 16 11 5 2 — — — —Elasticity 12 16 16 3 — — — — — —Luminosity 1 6 21 13 6 — — — — —Overall 3 12 15 11 4 2 — — — —

12 Turgidity 47 — — — — — — — — —Elasticity 46 1 — — — — — — — —Luminosity 46 1 — — — — — — — —Overall 47 — — — — — — — — —

TABLE IV.—External assessment by VAS of patients in group B.

Monthsafter Evaluation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 Turgidity — — — — 4 14 19 8 3 —Elasticity — — — 10 15 19 4 — — —Luminosity — — — — 4 21 15 6 — —Overall — — — 5 10 24 8 3 — —

3 Turgidity — — — 6 13 17 5 7 — —Elasticity — — 3 15 16 12 2 — — —Luminosity — — — 8 14 19 2 — — —Overall — — 3 12 20 11 2 — — —

6 Turgidity — 5 15 15 11 4 — — — —Elasticity 3 16 17 12 — — — — — —Luminosity — 6 16 19 7 — — — — —Overall — 12 18 12 4 6 2 — — —

12 Turgidity 46 2 — — — — — — — —Elasticity 47 1 — — — — — — — —Luminosity 46 2 — — — — — — — —Overall 46 2 — — — — — — — —

Figure 1.—A) frontal view of a patient of group A before Wipeline® 1.6%infiltration in the cheeks, nasolabial and orbital folds; B) follow-up visit afterone month; C) follow-up visit after six months.M





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II) if compared to group A (Tables I, III). Wipeline® 2%had also a greater filling effect in group B, comparedto Wipeline® 1.6% in group A (Table III,-IV Figure 3).

Fillers were well tolerated and no adverse reactionsobserved, apart from 4 patients (2 in each group), whosuffered from a localized erythema healed in 24 hours;3 cases of ecchymosis in group A, healed in 3-5 days;1 case of hematoma of the left cheek in group B, prob-ably caused by puncture of the facial artery, healed in8 days.

Two patients (1 in each group) have not completedthe treatment protocol for a subjective intolerance to

the pain caused by the injections during the first appli-cation. Three patients (2 of group A and 1 of groupB) did not attend the follow-up visits.


HA is a polysaccharide normally present in the humanbody, whose main function is to maintain a proper tis-sue hydration due to its intrinsic ability to bind a largeamount of water. Furthermore, inside the extracellularmatrix, HA creates the physiological conditions for pro-liferation, migration and organization of dermal cells,protecting them from UV rays, free radicals, xenobi-otics and superficial cutaneous traumas. The HA sodi-um salt is formed by the repetition of disaccharide unitscomposed of N-acetylglucosamine and D-glucoronicacid and is a basic component of extracellular matrix ofmost tissues, particularly the skin.

HA based fillers have been used for several years to filland correct wrinkles or to augment zygomas and lips.2,

3, 5, 9 HA-based fillers can be of animal or non-animal ori-gin, the so-called NASHA.6, 7 Recently a subcategory ofHA based fillers has been introduced, the so-called revi-talizing fillers (f.e. Ial System ACP, Restylane Vital).8 Asa consequence of a proper injection technique, they cre-ate in the dermis a reserve of gradually released and sta-bilized HA of high molecular weight, which binds watermolecules, increasing skin hydration with a consequentimprovement in elasticity, tone and turgidity.

The results of the authors’ clinical experience havebeen very satisfactory. Wipeline® improves skin deephydration and reduces folds and wrinkles of the cheek andof the connection areas among cheeks, nose and lips.

Figure 2.—A) frontal view of a patient of group B before Wipeline® 2%infiltration in the cheeks and nasolabial folds; B) follow-up visit after onemonth; C) follow-up visit after six months.

Figure 3.—A) 3/4 view of a patient of group B before Wipeline® 2% infil-tration in the cheeks and nasolabial folds; B) follow-up visit after onemonth.





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Both groups were satisfied with results. The level ofsatisfaction was subjective and depended on the defectextent and skin type.

In particular, group A, treated with Wipeline® 1.6%,showed an improvement of turgidity and skin textureone month after treatment. This effect remainedunchanged after three months, remarkably decreasedafter six months, and completely disappeared afterone year. In group B, treated with Wipeline® 2%, agreater zygoma augmentation and nasolabial foldsreduction was produced (Figure 3), in addiction to theeffects noted in group A. These effects are due to themain differences between Wipeline® 1.6% and 2%that are the more cohesiveness and less malleability ofthe second one. Moreover, Wipeline® 2% produced amore enduring effect due to its higher concentration ofHA. However, also the effect of Wipeline® 2% com-pletely disappeared after a year.

The shortness of treatment program promoted its con-clusion. Effects become evident in 4/5 days (as report-ed by patients and confirmed by external observers).

Wipeline® proved to be effective in mitigating thesigns of the aging process. The viscoelastic and hydrat-ing properties of HA allow tissues rehydration andcreate the best conditions to prevent and oppose theeffects of the aging process and to help tissue remod-elling. Moreover, Wipeline® intradermal injectionallows to bring directly in the skin the optimum quan-tity of HA necessary to oppose the cytotoxic actionof free radicals on fibroblasts.

The authors’clinical experience on Wipeline® leadsthem to advice the use of the 1.6% formulation twotimes a year in the early phases of skin aging processwith an hydration alteration and initial appearance offine wrinkles. Instead, the authors advice the use of the2% formulation every 6-8 months in advanced agedskin, with pronounced folds and wrinkles.

Finally, being Wipeline® a biocompatible product,it is possible to combine it with other ancillary proce-dures (such as radiofrequency, intense pulsed lightand other riabsorbable fillers) or in preparation of inva-sive surgical procedures.


The efficacy of Wipeline® has been clinically tested.It represents a low invasive solution to increase skinelasticity and tone and to hydrate dermis. It is advis-able for every subject presenting signs of skin aging.


Studio prospettico randomizzato sull’efficacia di un nuovofiller rivitalizzante composto da acido ialuronico (Wipeline®)

Obiettivo. Gli autori hanno testato l’efficacia di un nuovofiller rivitalizzante (Wipeline®) formato da una soluzionefisiologica tamponata di acido ialuronico (hyaluronic acid,HA).

Metodi. Su 100 pazienti di età compresa tra 40 e 70 anni,con chiari segni di invecchiamento precoce del viso, è statoeseguito uno studio prospettico. I pazienti sono stati assegnatiin modo random a due gruppi, uno trattato con il prodottotestato con una concentrazione di HA pari all’1,6%, l’altrocon il prodotto testato con una concentrazione del 2%. Ilprotocollo di trattamento prevedeva tre sessioni, ognuno adintervalli di quattro settimane. Per valutare i risultati dopo 1,3, 6 e 12 mesi dalla fine del trattamento sono state utilizza-te la Scala Visiva Analogica (Visual Analogue Scale, VAS) efoto digitali.

Risultati. In entrambi i gruppi si è avuto un miglioramentodel turgore, dell’elasticità e della luminosità della cute e unariduzione dei solchi e delle rughe delle aree trattate. La solu-zione a maggiore concentrazione di HA ha evidenziato uneffetto più prolungato e un maggior effetto-riempimento. Iprodotti sono stati ben tollerati e non sono stati osservatieffetti collaterali.

Conclusioni. L’efficacia di Wipeline® è stata confermataclinicamente. Questo filler rivitalizzante è stato in grado diaumentare l’elasticità e il tono della cute attraverso l’idrata-zione del derma. La procedura è semplice e minimamenteinvasiva. Essa rappresenta una buona opzione terapeuticaper restituire vitalità e turgore alla cute che presenti segni diinvecchiamento.

Parole chiave: Acido ialuronico - Invecchiamento della pel-le - Cura della pelle.

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