alumni convocation booklet 2015


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The 2015 Alumni handbook is a resource for new grads. This year, we've highlighted two Dalhousie alumni who are carving out their own path. New alumni can also find information on how to stay involved and connected to Dalhousie through alumni events, volunteer opportunities, benefits programs and much more.


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WELCOME TO THE alumni FamilyConvoCation 2015

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aFter many years of hard work and planning, it’s fi nally happening. The goal you’ve been striving for has been achieved. As you walk across the stage to accept

your hard-won degree at Convocation, it may feel like a bit of an ending. In many ways, however, it’s just the beginning.

You are starting a whole new phase in your life and career — a phase fi lled with exciting possibilities. Although your time on campus is coming to a close, your relationship with Dalhousie does not end here.

As new alumni, you are now one of over 125,000 Dal grads located around the world. There are many reasons for you to connect with this wide-ranging and welcoming community. You’ll benefi t from practical advantages like great discounts from our affi nity partners and also fun and valuable networking opportunities and events. Plus, it just feels great knowing you’re part of a community of like-minded people who share both your alma mater and your fondness for the time spent here.

In today’s digital world, you’re never truly far away from Dal. There are many ways for you to stay in touch, outlined in this booklet. We want to hear from you, often, as you embark on this next chapter. As you go out into the world you are our best ambassadors, and we want to share your successes with others. The Dalhousie Alumni community has always felt like a family; we are pleased and proud to welcome you to it.

Barrie BlaCk

President, Dalhousie Alumni Association


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JoIn a VIBRant coMMUnItY 125,000 strongWe hope you enjoy this booklet welcoming you to the Dalhousie Alumni family. In it, you’ll fi nd grad profi les, a map of regional alumni chapters, photos of our networking events and information on how you can benefi t from staying in touch.

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Visit to stay up to date on news and events, fi nd opportunities to get involved, and make sure we have your most recent contact info

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Tell us about your news and successes — you just might fi nd yourself profi led in our magazine or on our website. Email [email protected]

As a new grad, there are many ways for you to stay connected to Dal — no matter where you go:

We’Re heRe For you

Share the excitement of Convocation! #dalgrad##Share the excitement of Convocation! #Share the excitement of Convocation! #######Share the excitement of Convocation! #Share the excitement of Convocation! #Share the excitement of Convocation! #Share the excitement of Convocation! #######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################

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SaRah cooPeR: the ethiCal outFitter

Meet oUR alumniEach one of our graduates have their own unique story. Here are just two examples of those who saw a need and carved out their own path.

When Sarah Cooper (BA’96) couldn’t fi nd organically and ethically-produced clothing for her children, an idea was born. Realizing other parents likely shared her concerns, Cooper and her husband launched their own clothing line in 2013.

Working with a designer, they developed clothing that is durable, attractive and sustainable. “The name comes from ‘Fable,’ because we tell the whole story of our clothes — and it’s a moral tale,” says Cooper. “It also comes from ‘Activist’ because we are making changes for the better.” Cooper’s business is run out of the United Kingdom and can be viewed at

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tYLeR ZeMLaK: it’s all aBout ConneCtions

No matter what your background, networking can open doors and put you in touch with others in your chosen fi eld. It’s an incredibly valuable tool, especially when you’re just starting your career, says Tyler Zemlak (PhD’11). “Networking has a way of creating serendipitous opportunities that can change everything,” he says.

After fi nishing his doctorate in biology and genetics, Zemlak turned his eye to entrepreneurship. He built solid relationships through the Starting Lean Initiative at the Rowe School of Business and other entrepreneurial ventures, and has recently accepted a project management position at the University of Guelph.

tYLeR’S tIPS: Network your way to success

start with startuPs: Events being put on by the startup communities are excellent venues for networking. “If you’re in Atlantic Canada, check out the Dal Starting Lean Initiative, Propel ICT or Volta,” says Zemlak. If not, seek out startup organizations in your community, as well as alumni chapters, small business networks and incubator groups.

introduCe yourselF: Networking is about having genuine conversations. Confi dence, eye contact and a smile are all you need to make a good impression and start the conversation, he says. “Everyone is shy the fi rst time. Keep at it, and it’ll get easier.”

keeP ContaCts organiZed: “If I strike up a great conversation with someone at a networking event I will often ask for a business card and permission to follow-up with a LinkedIn invitation. LinkedIn is a great way to organize your contacts and stay connected.”

Republished with permission from The Chronicle Herald | TYLER ZEMLAK (RIGHT)

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GLoBaL alumniConneCtionsEstablished in 1871, the Dalhousie Alumni Association (DAA) proudly represents the 125,000 Dalhousie graduates around the globe.

For more information on what’s going on in your region, visit

DaL ChaPtersIf you live outside of Halifax, there may be an alumni chapter in your area. Chapters host social events, share Dalhousie news, network and participate in a variety of initiatives on behalf of Dal and their communities. If there isn’t a Chapter in your area, start one of your own!

ChaPters/volunteer ContaCt

[email protected]

CanadaWith over 85,000 alumni in Canada, we are represented in every Province and Territory.

united statesWith over 4,000 alumni in the USA, we are represented in all 50 States.

north ameriCa—Cont’dnorth ameriCa—Cont’dOver 800 alumni reside in countries alumni reside in countries throughout the rest of North America.throughout the rest of North America.

Central and south ameriCaOver 150 alumni hail from across Central and South America, from 18 diff erent countries.













CaPe Breton




new york


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euroPeOver 800 alumni in Europe once called Dalhousie home.

aFriCaaFriCaOver 400 Dalhousie alumni reside in the Dalhousie alumni reside in the Dalhousie alumni reside in the continental region of Africa.continental region of Africa.continental region of Africa.

australia/PaCiFiC islandsOver 290 alumni live in 10 countries in this part of the world.

asia/middle eastasia/middle eastThere are over There are over 1,9001,900 alumni in alumni in 30 Asian and Asian and Middle Eastern countries.Middle Eastern countries.



CaPe Breton

london, uk

hong kong

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Get ConneCted

There are many ways for you to build your professional network and stay engaged with your alma mater:

•Find casual networking opportunities at our alumni receptions

•Build your professional network through faculty-hosted social events

•Donor receptions are great get-togethers that thank and recognize Dal supporters

•Reunions and Homecoming are the yearly traditions that welcome you back to campus, allow you to reunite with friends, and relive some of your best memories

•Engage with local alumni in your area through Chapter events

•Host your own Dal event, with support from our Alumni Engagement team

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the dal advantage contactdid you know? Dal alumni can access a range of products and services at discounted rates. For instance:

•Get preferred group rates on home and auto insurance with TD Insurance Meloche Monnex

•Find competitive rates on health, dental and life insurance through Manulife Financial

•Secure a no fee, low interest MBNA Mastercard

•Save 20% on your annual Dalplex membership

•Get 10% off Dal-crested gear at the Bookstore

•Stay at Dal when visiting in the summer and get 10% off accommodations

As a Dal grad, you can also access valuable career advice through the Career & Leadership Development Centre to assist in your job search.

Find out more


dalhousie alumni relations

Tel: 902.494.8801

Toll Free: 1.800.565.9969

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news and events:

or email: [email protected]

Chapter or volunteer information:

[email protected]

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