патриотизм и космополитизм 2

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism.

Patriotism - moral and political principle, social feeling, its content is the love of country. Patriotism assumes pride in the achievements and culture of their country.

Patriot - man devoted to his people, loves his country ready to sacrifice for their country.

Species of patriotism:

1) polis patriotism - existed in the ancient city-states

2) imperial patriotism - maintains feelings loyalty to the empire and its government

3) ethnic patriotism - is of a feelings love for their ethnic group

4) state patriotism - are at the base of love for the government

5) cheers-patriotism - love for the people

The most famous among the patriots of Russia was Stalin

Russian patriot V. I. Ulyanov


Genuine patriots of Russia:

1) Alexander Nevsky

2) Dmitry Donskoy

3) Kuzma Minin

4) Dmitry Pozharsky

5) Alexander Suvorov

6) Mikhail Kutuzov

Cosmopolitanism - ideology that preaches rejection of national traditions and culture, patriotism.

Cosmopolitanism always accused of idealism.

Cosmopolitan - a free and independent person.

Cosmopolitan does not like humiliation, harassment and abuses of rights by religion, color of skin (eyes, hair), and physical and mental disabilities, beliefs or misconceptions, personal preferences that does not have a negative influence and pressure forced on other people, passions and traditions.

First cosmopolitan proclaimed himself Diogenes the Cynic

The modern cosmopolita

n –Novodvorska

ya Valeria

did the job:

Kudryavtseva Julia, Grade 9

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