three dynasties: sui, tang, song dynasties all three brought progress and stability to china china...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Southeast Asia

Three Dynasties: Sui, Tang, Song Dynasties All three brought progress and stability to

China China invented block printing, gunpowder,

participated in foreign trade Used civil service exams

Three Dynasties

Came after the Han Dynasty 581- new emperor came into China and began

Sui dynasty Lasted from 581-618 Dynasty did not last long but did unify China Sui Yangdi- second emperor- completed Grand

Canal Grand Canal linked the Huang He and Yangtze


The Sui Dynasty

Cruel ruler:

Used forced labor to complete Grand Canal Used high taxes Lived an extravagant life Military failures Caused rebellion He was murdered

Sui Yangdi

700 year period- used same principles from

Qin and Han dynasties Monarchy Bureaucratic government Civil Servant exams Government based on provinces, districts,

villages Confucian ideals


Based on trade, agriculture, and

manufacturing Majority of population were peasants and serfs Technology: used steel to make swords Gunpowder- to make explosives Mathematics Made new economy- based on money instead

of trade Trade= silk road= cultural diffusion!


New forms of entertainment Rise in gentry Few Chinese had power Female children were considered less

desirable When a girl married, she became part of the

husbands family Poor families sold their daughters


Section 2: The Mongols

Military nomads From present day Mongolia 1206- Mongol people elected Genghis Khan Genghis Khan was a strong military ruler

The Mongols

Genghis Khan’s army= 130,000 men Brought Eurasian landmass under one ruler New capital: Karakorum When Khan died- empire split

Khanates- each under the rule of one of his sons

Mongols and Military

1231- Mongols attacked Persia and defeated

the Abbasids in 1258 Kubali Khan- Genghis Khan’s grandson- ruled

China until his death in 1294 Kublai Khan set up a capital- Khanbalik which is

Beijing today Mongols expanded into Vietnam Mongols won support of many Chinese people Fell: too much spreading of foreign conquests,

corruption at court, and growing instability.

Mongol Impact

Under Kublai Khan In attack, Mongols encountered gunpowder Inventions came too late to save China from

Mongols Kublai ruled not only China, but Korea, Tibet,

parts of Vietnam

Yuan Dynasty

Chinese came to respect the stability and

prosperity they experienced under Mongol rule Chinese believed the Mandate of Heaven

could be passed to foreign rulers Chinese merchants benefitted from extensive

trade networks Mongols brought peace and order Great cities flourished under Kublai Khan

Pax Mongolia

Pax Mongolia: political stability throughout

much of Asia resulted from Mongol rule Allowed for an exchange of goods and ideas

between the east and west

Pax Mongolia

Silk Road was very dangerous before the

Mongols Traders were using it less because of fear Mongols provided safe passage along the Silk

Road Trade increased as a result

Silk Road

Disease that followed along trade routes Millions were killed Impacted the Mongols Plague began with infested rats Killed 1/3 of Europe 35 million in China were killed

Black Plague

Italian merchant Traveled to the court of

Kublai Khan Remained there for several

years Marco Polo’s writing

introduced Europeans to the beauty of riches of China

Marco Polo

Scholar from Morocco Traveled at the same time as Marco Polo Recorded his travels Traveled for 30 years- 73,000 miles

Ibn Battuta

Confucian teachings Song and Tang- Buddhist and Daoism Buddhism was brought in from India

Daoism- rival of Confucianism Buddhism criticized Buddhist monasteries had acquired thousands

of acres of land and serfs- with that came corruption

Tang Dynasty destroyed Buddhist temples

Religion and Government

Revived Confucianism- became the heart of

the state government Teaches that the world is real, not an illusion Divided the world into a material and spiritual

world Goal: move beyond the material world to

reach Supreme Ultimate


Period between Tang and Ming dynasties Invention of printing Used Calligraphy Most Chinese were illiterate Poetry- heavy focus Paintings and ceramics- influenced by Daoism Porcelain- a ceramic made of fine clay baked

at very high temperatures

Golden Age in Literature and Art

Buddhist themes

dominated Chinese architecture

Pagoda- temple with roof that curved up at corners Religious building of

the Far East Used as a memorial or


Golden Age: Architecture

China’s economy depended on farming Agriculture grew in size and complexity Most lived on what was produced Subsistence farming- no surplus to sell


Tang Dynasty saw the development of steel

making Cotton began being used to make clothing Development of gunpowder led to the

production of powerful explosives and new weapons

New Technology

Many women held great

authority in Tang and song than in earlier dynasties

Tang Dynasty had one of the few women rulers: We Zhao

Women’s roles included: managing family finances, imposing discipline, and supervising servants.

Boys were still valued over girls

Song Dynasty- footbinding


During the mid 1300s- fell due to corruption

and revolts Mongol efforts to conquer Japan and

Indonesian islands were unsuccessful Mongol lands too large and diverse to govern

effectively Excellent fighters but Mongols had little

experience in government

Fall of the Yuan Dynasty

Known as the Golden

Horde Mongols conquered most of

Russia Controlled Russia for 200

years Many Mongol words,

customs, and clothing found their way into Russian culture

Mongols in Russia


Japan is made up of a chain of mountainous islands in the Pacific Ocean

Archipelago- chain of many islands Off the coast of mainland Asia Four main islands and about 3,000

smaller islands Islands are apart of the Ring of Fire Land is vulnerable to earthquakes

and volcanoes

Early Japan

Japan’s islands are mountainous- land was

difficult to farm Only about 11% of the land was farmable Volcanic soil was very fertile Farming was the basis of Japan’s economy Known for growing wet rice Most of the population lived around narrow

river valleys

Japanese Life

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