02 regret

Post on 28-Mar-2016






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This series of booklets present the results of an online questionnaire I circulated worldwide, focussing on 4 aspects of the expat lifestyle - 01 Arrivals - 02 Regret - 03 Home - 04 Returning




Missing the chance to say goodbye Nan Blue Water, The Wilde Rover, Babalouis, The Palace, The Brass Monkey, CBH, Roasters, Bojangles, Novaks, Central, Hectors, The Three Brasseurs

the little boy with the fifty dollar notes, coming back again and again

the smiling face in the paddy field

stepping through sand that squeaks

showbags and scoundrels

that journey, there and back again

the nodding monk in the minibus

potato juggling racoons

all the colours under the sea

flying fish at the market

flying fish in the ocean

sixty seconds free falling

firing a glock seventeen

stepping into fresh snow each day

riding huskies and sculpting snow

the lizard in the bin, next to the broom

watching shooting stars in the outback

sunset on yellow water river

the view from the harbour bridge on the way to work

creatures that crawled out of the toaster at night

playing piano with my feet

watching two hands

sweet cherry pie at twede’s cafe

peanut butter and honey on toast

possoms in the tree

my hair frozen

uluru heights

the burger robbing bush turkey

driving from dawn til dusk

cowboys singing around the campfire

a moose in the middle of the street

the eagle-eyed vulture

how lucky you are.

72%of expats

questioned believe their

work / life balance has been improved by living abroad.

‘My 23th birthday. I felt like a nobody. I used to have many friends to celebrate it with me. But this year, I celebrated it with 3 of my classmates as well as a sweet n sour chicken fried rice. Its even worst than having a lonely Xmas or being single on St. Valentine day.’

“The first day of the Lunar New Year. this is the first time that I had my lunar new year abroad, without my family beside me. I received two ‘red packets money’ (‘Lai Si’) from my elder sister by post together with a letter. In the letter she told me that Dad’s situation was getting worst. I need to be prepared that he would leave this world when I am still in UK. I couldn’t stop crying after reading it. I know I need to be beside Papa. And I really hope ‘that day’ (the day that papa leaves the world) will not come forever.’

‘I haven’t had any days in dk where I can remember being truly happy. In general, my best times living abroad have consisted of traveling elsewhere in Europe. For instance, in 2010, I visited about 10 other countries, with some countries visited multiple times. I think the best part of living in Europe is the ease of travel to other destinations.’

‘The day I found out my Mum had cancer I was living in the USA. All I could think about was getting home to be with her & my family. At that point we didn't know how long she had. She had to tell me this from hospital over the phone. All I wanted to do was give her a hug but I couldn't. I just wanted to be there. I was home within 2 days, but those 2 days seemed to take forever. Sitting alone at NY airport looking at the Christmas tree wondering if Mum was going to be with us for Christmas. Time with those you love is precious...’

‘The day I see my room packed with sheets off the bed and the dresser empty of all my things, that is the day I realized we are really leaving the only home I ever knew. I am seven years old and there is a mix of sadness and excitement that takes my breath away.

I feel the room spinning and flashes of where I've been, the friends I am leaving and expectations of new places excite and terrify me at the same time. I recall saying goodbye to my best friend, not through words but just looking at each other we spoke silently, sadness etched on her face. Forty years later I still see the look on her face in my mind's eye.’

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