10 ways to increase engagement at your next corporate or association event

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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You’ve manifested this inspirational event where people can make meaningful connections, share exciting news about their company and projects, and learn all the latest tips and tricks for their industry. But, what if your attendees aren't engaged? Lets face it, better engagement among attendees leads to more and higher quality reviews, testimonials increased attendance of future events, and most importantly better networking.


10 Ways toIncrease

Engagement at your

Next Event

You’ve manifested this inspirational event where people can make meaningful connections, share exciting news about their company and projects, and learn all the latest tips and tricks for their industry. But, what if your attendees are not engaged?

Lets face it, better engagement among attendees leads to more and higher quality reviews, testimonials increased attendance of future events, and most importantly better networking

Here is your personal quick guide to increasing engagement at your next event.

Let’s Begin1

So, now what?


 1. Welcome Note – First

Impression Sets the Mood

OK, I just arrived to your event. Make sure that someone says hello to me, give me the welcome kit (if available) and make a 5 second presentation of the event.o The first impression is very important as it sets

the mood of each participant.


Even more, if you know a little bit about me and you will also recommend some people that I might want to meet at your event, then definitely you win a friend and a promoter for your featured events.


With targeted Facebook advertising through Facebook Power Editor, as well as Facebook Integration onto your website and marketing materials, you can place your Facebook page in front of those who are already interested in your brand. These are the fans you want to like your page and attend your events. Consumers and potential consumers who have landed on your website or picked up one of your business cards are showing interest in your brand and will engage at a higher level at your events because they actually want to be there.

2. Attract the Right Fans



3. Choose the Right Speakers

We all know that speakers can make or break a conference. Avoid the content vs. style debate and arrange for speakers who can deliver both. Speakers should be topic experts and motivational, and they should have experience presenting at conferences, even if they are celebrities. Celebrities help sell tickets, but if the message is not on target or public speaking is not one of their strengths, the session can fall flat.


o The average keynote speech is between 18 and 22 minutes


Encourage speakers to incorporate video in their presentations to provide compelling, time efficient and engaging ways of describing elements, and product demonstrations.


4. Refrain from the Boring PowerPoint Presentation


Explore new mediums to create presentations


An edited video of conference highlights to showcase the event can be posted at the association, corporate or event webs and the social media channels, reminding attendees of what a good time they had and showing non-attendees what an excellent meeting they missed.



5. Send Out a Video of The Conference

The video makes excellent material for a variety of marketing vehicles including blogs, other social media channels, mobile channels, email campaigns, and web content such as next year’s event website for promotion. Include a “save the date” announcement within the video.


Use gamification, social media, mobile apps, and other ways to engage your audience. The number one complaint feedback from almost every conference, meeting and event is the “Death by PowerPoint” one-way presentation.



6. Invite More Audience Participation

Time for an industry-wide change! Today’s technology and new generation workforce is forcing this rapid change!


You hire your speakers because they provide great content and have a wealth of knowledge. When they speak at your event, they create compelling points and educate your audience. Start to work into their contract that they will blog for you on a quarterly basis throughout the year, or at least once in a while.



7. Blog

Writing a blog for them should be no big deal, but it also provides better content for you throughout the year. It allows your attendees to continue connecting with the speaker on a more ongoing basis.


8. Require Your Speakers to Participate

When conference attendees have the opportunity to meet and mingle with your speakers, including the celebrities, the overall impact on the conference is tremendously positive. Whenever possible, require your speakers to participate in the entire conference, at least on the day they are speaking. Their presence at meals, breaks, and happy hours helps bring excitement to the event.



It’s a good idea to let your attendees know what to expect. For example, if you’re planning a small event in someone’s home, you might let the participants know how many people are coming, so they can plan to bring enough business cards plus any flyers, brochures, samples, etc. that they would like to share..



9.Prepare the Participants




10. Follow Up

Follow up with any leads or connections you made, and encourage your fellow participants to do the same. There is a saying, “the fortune is in the follow up.” Call your leads and tell them you enjoyed meeting them. Find ways you can help each other’s business. Send referrals and ask for referrals. Be specific about what you need


That’s a wrap!

I hope these tips help you not only grow your event, but grow its reputation as well. With a more engaged audience, your meeting can quickly become the standard, must-attend event in your industry.

Give us a call for any help you may need in creating great video content, brainstorming and executing on marketing ideas, or any audio/visual support.

Dallas: 214.276.0001 Las Vegas: 702.966.0807



Want more?Download the full ebook

30 Ways to Increase Engagement at your Next Event



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