2/6/20141 the reformation. 2/6/20142 the christian church itself was created by reform

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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04/10/23 1

The Reformation

04/10/23 2

The Christian Church Itself Was Created by Reform

04/10/23 3

St Paul’s new covenant

04/10/23 4

St Augustine’s Neo-Platonism

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St Aquinas’s Scholasticism

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Marsiglio, Wyclif and Huss

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Signs of Disorder

At the local level- vulgarized and semi pagan, but still spiritual

Reforms needed: Clerical immorality Clerical ignorance Pluralism

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The Condition of the Church

The Babylonian Captivity

The Great Schism

The Councilor Movement

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Woolsey in England

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Borgia Family in Rome


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Signs of Vitality

Brethren of the Common life


Ecumenical Councils

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Pope needs money to complete a special project.

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Martin Luther

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Early Years

Studied Law Masters Degree at 21 Thunderstorm – Friar

At 26 –PHD in Theology

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Luther and Paul

Through Paul Luther determines

Salvation cannot be earned

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Luther’s need to reform

Through Paul Luther determines: Salvation cannot be earned

Salvation is determined by faith ALONE!

Salvation comes as a gift from the grace of God.

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Indulgences John Tetzel is given permission to collect money

to grant sinners forgiveness

“As soon as coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs”

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Ninety Five Thesis:Leo X allows pluralism in Mainz

Albert borrowed a vast amount from the Fuggars

Pope Allows him to collect indulgencies

Pope gets half for St. Petes

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Luther defends Hus

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1517 Luther posts his theses

Indulgencies have no Biblical basis.

The debate turns on the legal authority of the Pope.

If not the pope then who has legal authority


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Luther receives a Papal Bull

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The Diet of Worms (1521) Germans begin to call for a revolt

Charles V summons Luther

Luther refuses to recant

Luther is declared an outlaw

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Charles V – The protector of the faith

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Luther before the Diet

“ I am bound by the scriptures”

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Frederick of Saxony

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All vocations have equal merit

1. Abolition on monasticism

2. The Christian home

3. No confessionals

4. Protestant school

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No one is as free as a Christian Stirs a series of peasant revolts

Luther rejects and condemns revolts. ( God hates a rebel )

100,000 peasants are killed

Luther and the power of Language The Catechisms Sermons and Psalms Music-

Excellent teaching device Appeals to most segments in

society on an emotional level

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Luther :The greatest German ever to live… perhaps the greatest of all Europeans.

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Four theological issues

1. How is a person saved?

2. Where does religious authority reside?

3. What is the church? 4. What is the highest form of

Christian life?

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A person may be saved by faith alone

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Authority rests in the word of God as revealed in the Bible

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The Church is the entire Christian community

The SacramentsCatholic


Eucharist – Communion


Penance- Confession


Holy Orders

Anointing the sick

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Wine and bread become the blood and body of Christ

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The spirit is present but the wine and bread remain unchanged

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All vocations have value as every person should serve God according to his or her calling.

Link capitalism. Which makes the Reformation – in the mind of many intellectuals “ the greatest event in modern history”

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Social Impact of the Reformation

1. Resentment of clerical privileges

2. Preacherships - Sermons over Eucharist

3. On Christian Liberty 4. Publishing in the vernacular

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Social Impact of Luther’s Beliefs

1. Reduce the privileges of the clergy

2. Preacherships – became leaders – sermons not the Eucharist.

3. Peasant unrest – “On Christian Liberty.”

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Protestantism and Women

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The Christian Home

1 Abolition of monasticism

2 All vocations are worthy

3 abolition of private confession

4 Sexuality is as natural as eating or drinking

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Germany and Protestantism

1 No central power

2 Loose confederation of states

3 The rise of the Habsburgs

4 Burgundy and Austria – other nations wage war Habsburgs marry

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Charles V (1500 –58)

1 Duty to maintain political and religious unity of Western Christendom

2 German interests were subordinate to Habsburg interests

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Political impact of Luther’s beliefs

1 Different religions represented a political threat

2 Local Princess began “legal confiscation” of Roman Catholic property

3 Proved to be a political disaster for Germany

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Germany Divided

Turkish Threat

Divided Germany

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American Territories

Habsburg Valois Wars

Peace of Augsburg –1555 left a fragmented Germany

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The Growth of Protestantism

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Calvin Theocracy in Geneva Switzerland

The Church is the state


Redemptive work of Jesus

Hard work is its own reward

The Consistory

“The Institutes of the Christian Religion”

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The Anabaptists

Only adults could make a free choice

Only a few received the inner light

Religious toleration

Women as ministers

By their fruits you shall know them


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The English Reformation

The Lollards – Individual interpretation- they were few

Sacraments were of no value

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Henry VIII

The Catholic Church was healthy in England

The Kings emotional life – brought about the English Reformation

Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived

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Henry removes the Catholic Church

1. The Act of Restraint of Appeals – 1533

2. The Act of Submission of the Clergy – 1534

3. The Supremacy Act – The King is the head of the Church

4. By 1539 Henry with the help of Thomas Cromwell dissolves all the English


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Opposition to the King

Little evidence from the lay people because few knew what was happening

The Pilgrimage of Grace 1536 – Multi class rebellion in the north of England- all the leaders were executed by 1546

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Internal Reforms in England

Cromwell centralized govt.

New departments of state were created The Office of the Exchequer

Surpluses were liquid and applied to deficits to balance the budget

Growth of the modern bureaucratic state

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The Church in Scotland

Weak political authority

James V (I) Mary Queen of Scots Catholics: Stuarts -France

John Knox – Reformer – Studied Calvin – Presbyterian becomes state religion… Much like the Puritans: Book of Common Prayer

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The protest becomes political

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Protestanism in Ireland

English wanted to exterminate the Irish … but it cost too much

The Church of Ireland was patterned after the The Church of England

Many Irish remained Roman Catholic

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Lutheranism in Scandinavia

Denmark was ruling the area

These areas become Lutheran

1520 Sweden breaks away

Norway will not be independent until 1814

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The Catholic Reformation and the Counter Reformation

1517 – Catholic Reformation – Promote Catholicism

1540 Counter Reformation – Coerce dissidents or heretics to return to the church

They were not mutually exclusive

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Slowness of institutional Reform

The preoccupation of the Popes with Italian politics

Popes fear of conciliar power

More interested in obtaining and sponsoring art: Clement VII

Hapsburg – Valois conflicts

1527 – The Protestant sack of Rome

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The Council of Trent 1545 -63 Reconcile with Protestants

The argument over the scripture made reconciliation impossible

The Conciliar movement again Sacraments remain

Educational requirements for priests

Jurisdiction over marriage

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Reaffirmed Catholic DoctrineRejected Lutheran and Calvinist positionsLaid the foundation for spiritual renewal Served as the foundation for Catholic doctrine for four centuries

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Jesuits - Ignatius Loyola

Set up Church schools Recruited from Schools Missionary Zeal

The best of the church go on missions

Converts millions to Christianity India Asia The Americas

Teresa of Avila

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A reaction to raise the spiritual condition of the clergy and the laityThe Ursuline Order

Religious order for womenVery popularRaised the intellectual and moral level or the clergy and the people

I saw in his hand a long spear of gold, and at the iron's point there seemed to be a little fire. He appeared to me to be thrusting it at times into my heart, and to pierce my very entrails; when he drew it out, he seemed to draw them out also, and to leave me all on fire with a great love of God. The pain was so great, that it made me moan; and yet so surpassing was the sweetness of this excessive pain, that I could not wish to be rid of it...

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The Ecstasy of St Teresa - Bernini

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The Congregation of the Holy office

Find heretics

The index of Prohibited Books Weak enforcement outside of

Papal States

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Topics of Discussion

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Topic Three

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Real Life

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What This Means

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