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April 29, 2018



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Collaborative of St. Peter, San Felipe de Jesús and St. Basil

Catholic Churches

This Week at a Glance

¨First Communion Mass, Sat 10am ¨Annointing of the Sick, Sat after mass ¨Youth & Adult Faith Formation, Sun. 9:15 - 10:15am ¨Annointing of the Sick, Sun. in between masses ¨Mass, weekdays at 8:30am ¨Knitting Group, Mon. 10 - 11am ¨RCIA, Mon, 6pm ¨AA Meeting, Mon. at 8pm ¨Bible Study, Tues. 9am - 10am ¨Open Vessels Women’s Faith Sharing, Tues. 9:30 - 11am ¨Choir Practice, Wed. 7pm ¨Adoration, Thurs. 9am - 9pm ¨Holy Hour, Fri. 6 - 7pm ¨Catholic Men’s Fellowship, Sat. 8 - 10am ¨AA Meeting, Sat. 12 - 1pm ¨Sacrament of Reconciliation, Sat. 3:30-4:30pm ¨May Crowning, this weekend at all masses ¨K of C Pancake Breakfast, Sun. 8 - 12:30 ¨Youth & Adult Faith Formation, Sun. 9:15 - 10:15am

Saint Peter Catholic Church

100 Saint Peter Drive P.O. Box 248

Douglas, MI 49406 Parish Office: 269-857-7951 Fax: 269-857-8164 Website: www.stpeter-douglas.org Facebook: @stpeterdouglas

Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Fabio H. Garzón, VF Parochial Vicar: Fr. Daniel Rodriguez, SSP Deacons/Diáconos: Dcn. Tony Nethercott (Retired) Dcn. Maximino Rodríguez Sisters: Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND Hna. Maryud Cortés, MSDE Hna. Yuliana Rúa, MSDE Hna. Maria Eugenia Gómez, MSDE Hna. Yurani Henao, MDSE Business Administrator: Ralph Hensley Director of Adult Formation, Pastoral Care & Administrative Assistant: Marianne Hoffman Music Director: Sr. Olivia Latiano, SND Director of Faith Formation & Evangelization: Alisha Giles Liturgical Director: Nancy Maslanka Director of Communications: Geri Pantelleria Director of Youth Ministry: Christina Firmiss Maintenance: 857-7951 Funeral Planning: Parish Office Senior Luncheon: Barbara Borst Pastoral Council: Pastoral.Council@stpeter-douglas.org Finance Council: Finance.Council@stpeter-douglas.org ST. PETER MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 am and 10:30 am Week Days: 8:30 am Morning Prayer: 8:15am, M - F Holy Days: 8:30 am and 7:00 pm Confessions: Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30pm HORARIO DE MISAS EN SAN FELIPE Domingo: 12:30pm Jueves: 6:30pm Confesiones: Jueves por la tarde o por cita

Saturday, May 5 5:00pm Gina Maslanka by Terry & Sue Spans Sunday, May 6 8:00am † Louis Hoffman (Anniversary of death) by Bill & Deanna Miller 10:30am † Evelyn Leja Monday, May 7 8:30am † Fr. Tim Cuny, OSA by Joe & Rose Ramirez Tuesday, May 8 8:30am Bonnie Unwin by Joe & Rose Ramirez Wednesday, May 9 8:30am The People of St. Peter Parish Thursday, May 10 8:30am † John C. Petek (Anniversary of Death) by daughter, Carol Friday, May 11 8:30am † Beverly Binder by Joe & Rose Ramirez Saturday, May 12 5:00pm † John C. Petek (Birthday Remembrance) by daughter, Carol Sunday, May 13 8:00am The DeBenedetti Family by Mary Jo DeBenedetti 10:30am † Evelyn Leja

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6th Sunday of Easter 6º Domingo de Pascua

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good Morning! Over the course of the series of catechesis on the Eucharistic celebration, we have seen that the Penitential Act helps us to strip ourselves of our presumptions and to present ourselves to God as we truly are, conscious of being sinners, in the hope of being forgiven. It is in the very encounter between human misery and divine mercy that the grati-tude expressed in the “Gloria” comes alive; “a very ancient and venerable hymn in which the Church, gathered together in the Holy Spirit, glorifies and entreats God the Father and the Lamb” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 53). The beginning of this hymn — “Glory to God in the Highest” — recalls the song of the Angels at Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem: a joyful heralding of the embrace be-tween heaven and earth. This song also engages us, gathered in prayer: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will”. After the “Gloria” or in its absence, immediately following the Penitential Act, pray-

er takes on a particular form in the oration known as the “collect”, through which the very character of the celebration is expressed, with variations according to the days and time of the year. With the invitation “let us pray”, the priest en-courages the people to recollect themselves with him in a brief silence, so that they may be conscious that they are in God’s presence and so that all can formulate within their own heart the personal petitions with which they are partici-pating in the Mass. The priest says, “let us pray” and then there is a brief silence, and each one thinks about the things they need, that they wish to ask for in the prayer. The silence is not confined to the absence of words but rather to preparing oneself to listen to other voices: the one in our heart and, above all, the voice of the Holy Spirit. In the Liturgy, the nature of sacred silence depends on the mo-ment in which it takes place: “within the Act of Penitence and again after the invitation to pray, all recollect themselves; but at the conclusion of a reading or the homily, all meditate briefly on what they have heard; then after Communion, they praise and pray to God in their hearts”. Thus, before the opening prayer, silence helps us to recollect ourselves and to contemplate why we are there. This, then, is the importance of listening to our heart, so as to then open it to the Lord. Perhaps we have experienced days of toil, of joy, of pain, and we want to tell the Lord about it, to invoke his help, to ask that he be at our side; we may have relatives and friends who are ill or who are undergoing difficult trials; we may wish to entrust to God the future of the Church and the world. And this is the purpose of the brief silence be-fore the priest; collecting everyone’s petitions, he expresses aloud to God, on behalf of all, the common prayer, which concludes the Introductory Rites by offering the “collect” of the individual petitions. I strongly recommend that priests observe this moment of silence and not rush: “Let us pray”, and let there be silence. I recommend this to priests. With-out this silence, we run the risk of neglecting the recollection of the soul. The priest recites this plea, this collect prayer, with outstretched arms. It is the prayerful manner practiced by Chris-tians ever since the first centuries — as attested in numerous frescoes in the catacombs in Rome — to imitate Christ with his arms outstretched on the wood of the Cross. And there, Christ is both the One praying and also the Prayer! In the Crucifix, we recognize the Priest who offers God the worship He cherishes, namely, filial obedience. Prayers in the Roman Rite are concise but rich in meaning. One can have beautiful meditations on these prayers. Very beautiful! Returning to meditate on these texts, even outside the Mass, can help us understand how to address God, what to ask and which words to use. May the Liturgy become for all of us a true school of prayer.

POPE FRANCIS, GENERAL AUDIENCE, Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Pope Francis on the Eucharist

“At the beginning of May,

let us invoke the heavenly

intercession of Mary,

Mother of Jesus…

let us learn to pray the simple

and effective prayer of the


Echoing Pope Francis’ invitation, let’s start this month of May, with our hearts set on the tender presence of our Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of the Church. Let’s pray the Holy Rosary at home, pray it before mass and let’s entrust to the care of our Blessed Mother, the life of the children and young people receiving First Communion and the success of those graduating this year from schools and colleges and universities.

With my best regards, in God’s love,

Fr. Fabio



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Why a Child’s First Holy Communion is a Big Deal

As Catholics, we know that the Holy Eucha-

rist is the source and summit of our faith: it is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has called it the “Sacrament of Love”: “The Eucharist is at the heart of ‘Christian initiation’, to-gether with Baptism and Confirmation, and it constitutes the source of the Church’s life itself. From this Sacra-ment of love, in fact, flows every authentic journey of faith, of communion, and of witness.”

For children who are preparing to receive their First Holy Communion, this is a big deal. And for all of us, no mat-ter how many times we have received Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, it should always be a big deal. What makes it so special the first time is the same thing that makes it special every time!

Jesus comes to us in a unique way in the Eucharist. When He comes, we receive Him into our body and our soul. This is very beautiful, personal, and intimate. We should not take it for granted!

This is why the first time a family member makes their Holy Communion, it is and exciting event for the whole family. The boy or girl preparing for this sacrament is going to be profoundly united with Jesus in a way that they never have before! It is such a holy, joyful occa-sion. Our souls become the bride of Christ. That is why girls wear white dresses and boys wear suits. Relatives are invited. Parents take pictures. We celebrate. And the very act of celebrating reveals our belief in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Father Roger Landry of the Diocese of Fall River in New England says,“…what makes one’s first Communion a truly blessed event is not the adjective but the substan-tive: not the ‘first’ but the ‘communion.’ Because of whom we receive, the second, third, next, and last Com-munion should always be as special.“

Unfortunately, for many of us Catholics, First Holy Com-munion has become simply a right of passage. The es-sence of the celebration is lost among the parties and gifts. “Parties and gifts are fine,” says one priest, “as long as the focus never strays from what the celebration is truly about.”

First Holy Communion is, without question, a time of great joy. The saints in heaven, who are delighted to intercede for us, are celebrating along with your family. “You come to me,” says Saint Maximilian Kolbe to Je-sus, speaking for all of us, “and unite Yourself intimately to me under the form of nourishment. . . . What miracles! Who would have ever imagined such!”

Yes, the celebration of a child’s First Holy Communion IS a big deal. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

The Catholic Company By Whitney Hetzel This was originally published . © The Catholic Company.

There will be a funeral Mass at St. Peter celebrated on June 16 at 10am, for Lee Sheffer. There will be no luncheon.

Outstanding Opportunity St. Peter’s is looking for that person, who wants to make a difference in the world, help their parish, and have the best time with parishioners. Under the direction of Fr. Fabio, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal Chairperson (couples invited to apply) will lead this year’s campaign.

All materials, timeframes and resources are provided. Just add your desire to serve, using your time and talent with a big dose of enthusiasm for your church, and you will be a winner, and so will the parish. Serious inquiries only. Please direct all inquiries to Fr. Fabio at the office. We need You!

Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2018

We are Called… So faith, hope and charity may flourish.

Year to Date 04/30/2018

Income Summary 17-18 17-18 16-17 16-17

Sources of Income MTD YTD MTD YTD

Sunday and Holy Day 26,262$ 282,151$ 38,183$ 289,076$

Stipends and Stole Fees 220$ 2,190$ 265$ 3,270$

Flower Collections -$ 2,453$

General Donations and Bequests 5,000$ 18,985$ 21,086$

Maintenance Donations 1,236$ 11,456$ 1,060$ 11,496$

Interest and Dividends 22,170$

Fund Raising Income 1,496$ 1,496$

Rental Income 89$ 6,106$ 139$ 7,373$

Votive Candles 426$ 3,177$ 498$ 3,812$

Christian Service 800$ 3,600$ -$ 3,800$

Other Funds 364$ 1,420$ 2,495$

Church Service Income 1,100$ -$ 1,272$

Parish Hall/Center Income 3,550$ 500$ 3,560$

Other misc income -$ 1,075$

Religious Ed Income 10$ 7,954$ -$ 5,151$

Pass through collections -$ 37,914$ 500$ 33,254$

Total All Parish Income 35,539$ 404,722$ 42,973$ 387,039$

Total Parish Expenses 52,650$ 386,118$ 27,717$ 365,283$

Surplus /Deficit (17,111)$ 18,604$ 15,256$ 21,756$

Provision for BAA Shortfall Paid Paid

Est Surplus After Shortfall (17,111)$ 18,604$

5 View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com

6th Sunday of Easter 6º Domingo de Pascua

“Lord, the one You love is sick.” Jn 11:3

Analilia Salinas, Fr. John Flynn, OSA, Dolly Leonard, Madison McAllister, Deacon Tony Nethercott, Pat Rummer, Br. Larry Sparacino, OSA, and all the sick on St. Peter’s Prayer Line St. Peter offers, as a community, the gift of prayer. The sick named above are remembered at each Mass. Please also pray for them at home. To add a name, get permission to publish the name, call Pat Rummer @ 269-561-2252 with your name, phone number and name of the person who is ill.

For the Week of May 6, 2018 Sun: 6th Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 Mon: Acts 16:11-15; Ps 149:1-6 and 9; Jn 15:26-6:4a Tue: Acts 16:22-34; Ps 138:1-3, 7-8; Jn 16:5-11 Wed: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1; Ps 148:1-2, 11-14; Jn 16:12-15 Thu: St. Damien de Veuster, Priest Acts 18:1-8; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 16:16-20 Fri: Acts 18:9-18; Ps 47:2-7; Jn 16:20-23 Sat: Sts. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs; St. Pancras, Martyr Acts 18:23-28/Ps 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; Jn 16:23-28 Next Sun: The Ascension of the Lord; Mother's Day Acts 1:1-11; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Eph 1:17-23 or Eph 4:1-13 or 4:1-7, 11-13; Mk 16:15-20

Señor, él que amas está enfermo.” Jn 11, 3

Pedimos que oren por los enfermos de nuestras parro-quias, especialmente Ramona Galván, Aurora Sauce-da, Ernesto y Elena López, Analilia Salinas, Aurelio y Eva Sánchez, Anita Martínez, Abel y Carmen Peña, Jirusco Peña, Amparo Martínez, Martha Sánchez, Gonzalo Álvarez, Alicia Cerda, Esperanza Cerratos, Lindy Martínez, Emmanuel Flores & Brisa. Queremos ofrecerles el regalo de nuestra oración. Si quiere que pongamos alguien más que tiene necesidad de la ora-ción, llame a la oficina parroquial de San Felipe (269-561-5029) y deje un recado con su nombre. Que Dios les ayude con su gracia a sobrellevar su enfermedad.

St. Peter 80th Anniversary Event! June 29th - July 1st

Volunteers are needed to help plan and execute this fun-filled event.

There is a list of Volunteer Opportunities in the kiosk located in the vestibule. Also, if you have any old photos or memorabilia that we could borrow, please bring them to the parish office.

Congratulations to the twelve that recently completed the BeFriender Listening Work-shop sessions.

Eight members of this class were from St. Basil Parish as they begin the process of creating this Ministry in their community.

As we grow this ministry at St. Peter Parish, we are looking for ways to help our community understand our purpose and how we may help those in need. We will gladly speak with any group of parishioners that are interested - just ask our Leadership Team (Dennis Dreyer, Kate Godwin or Joe Marble.)

MC & SONS Lawncare Landscaping Service

May Crowning Mother’s Day Weekend

May 12 & 13

May Crowning will take place at all

Masses the weekend of May 12 & 13.

Please bring a flower to present to

Our Lady.

Youth Ministry Habitat for Humanity Service Day!

Saturday, May 26th HAS BEEN CANCELLED

Calling all gardeners or " want-to-be gardeners". We've had 2 families move from our parish and now have 5 garden spots available in the Memorial Garden. There are some events that will occur in the gardens this anniversary year so we want them to look extra good. If you have any interest in maintaining a garden please call either Denise Adams 248.505.2900, or Rick Parent 513.839.5051. We will provide any help you need as far as planning, care of plants and flowers, deer repellent, and mulch.



View this bulletin online at www.parishesonline.com

Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...

Los Candidatos Para la Confirmación

Felicidades a los jóvenes que se presenta-

ron en la Misa de hoy. La Confirmación se

va a celebrar en octubre o noviembre de este año. Que

el Espíritu de Dios le ayude siempre.

Estudiantes del Segundo Año

Van a traer su padrino/madrina a la siguiente clase el

domingo 20 de mayo. Note bien que la clase será a

las 3:30 p.m. en vez de las 5 p.m.

Desafío de Vivir en Una Caja (Box City Challenge)

Una actividad para los jóvenes

que se llevará a cabo en San

Pedro el viernes 22 y sábado 23 de junio.

Van a pasar la noche en su casa

de cartón y pasarla bien con actividades. Va a haber

una conferencista que va a presentar sobre su trabajo

en la Republica Dominicana, un película con palomitas,

una fogata.

También van a lavar carros para juntar dinero para un

viaje en 2019 para una conferencia-campamento de

servicio. Pueden traer sus amigos. Se necesitan

chaperones. Hojas de inscripción disponibles.

Felicidades a los Niños y Niñas

Que Hicieron la Primera


Ayer 17 muchachos recibieron por primera vez

a Nuestro Señor en el Santísimo Sacramento. La otra

Misa el próximo sábado 12 de mayo será a la 1 p.m.

y 26 niños y niñas recibirán su

primera comunión. Rezamos por

ellos para que su relación con Cristo

crezca a lo largo de su vida.

La Vigilia de Pentecostés

Sábado 19 de mayo en San Felipe.

Desde el 11 de mayo hasta el 19 va a

haber una vigilia en cada parroquia con

comunidad Hispana de 6 p.m. a 10 p.m.

Nos toca la última vigilia.

El Pentecostés Juvenil

Sábado 19 de mayo durante el día vamos a

tener una jornada espiritual para los jóvenes para

prepararnos para celebrar la venida del Espíritu

Santo. Vamos a dar más detalles adelante.

Los Graduandos de 2018

Queremos saber quienes se gradúan

este año para festejarlos en la Misa del

domingo 20 de mayo. Avise a Joe si

su hijo o hija, quiere asistir ese día para pedir la bendi-

ción de Dios sobre sus logros y su futuro camino.

Vienen ese domingo en su bata de graduación.

La Próxima Misa de Niños

Domingo 27 de Mayo a las 9 a.m.

Vamos a tener la siguiente Misa de Niños. Todas las familias de la parroquia están invitadas a participar. Es un momento para ayudar a su hijo a disfrutar nuestra fe.

La corresponsabilidad diaria

"Get Together" fue una canción popular en 1967 de los

Youngbloods. Yo no estaba vivo cuando salió la canción, pero era una canción que toqué muchas

veces cuando empezaba a aprender a tocar la guitarra cuando era joven. La canción nos llamaba a reunirnos e "intentar

amarnos ahora." Era una canción que salió en la era de la Guerra de Vietnam y fue como una revolución hippy,

pero tal vez estas palabras no pertenecen a algún momento

específico. Son simplemente los mandamientos de Jesús.

A veces minimizamos el poder del amor con canciones lindas de pop y slogans que no tienen mucho significado sin acción. Pero nunca podemos subestimar el poder del

amor. El amor puede derribar barreras entre la gente, cambiar lágrimas en risas, y reparar relaciones que

han sido destrozadas por el pecado.

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6th Sunday of Easter 6º Domingo de Pascua

Un vistazo a San Felipe esta semana...

Jueves 10 de Mayo 7:00 pm Lectores Yolanda Martínez

Ministros Extraordinarios Guillermo & de la Comunión Berenice Suárez

Monaguillos Jasmín Esparza (cruz) Yasid Izquierdo (vela) Jaciel Ruiz (vela) R.J. García (libro)

Domingo 13 de Mayo 12:30 pm Lectores Socorro Carrnaza(1) Mario Carranza(2)

Ministros Extraordinarios Juanita Rodríguez, de la Comunión Xochitl Flores, Tim & Margarita Kramer

Monaguillos Juan Rosas (cruz) Perla Marín (vela) Merissa Mendoza (vela) David Fernández (libro)

Ministerios Litúrgicos

Quinto Domingo de Pascua - 29 de Abril

La Primera Colecta $ 1,006.00

La Segunda Colecta $ 154.00 La Cocina $ 337.00


San Felipe de Jesús Catholic Church 5586 117th Ave.

PO Box 558 Fennville, MI 49408

Oficina Parroquial/Parish Office: 269-561-5029 Fax: 269-561-2192 Página Web/Website: www.stpeter-douglas.org

En caso de emergencia: Llame al Coordinador Parroquial (Joe Marble) al 269-501-9865.

Calendario de la Semana

6 de mayo - Sexto Domingo de Pascua 12:30 p.m. La Santa Misa con la Presentación de Candidatos para la Confirmación

Martes – 8 de mayo 6:30 p.m. Las Clase de Catequesis del Primer Año

Miércoles - 9 de mayo 6:30 p.m. El Estudio de la Biblia

Jueves - 10 de mayo 6:30 p.m. La Santa Misa Después de la Misa: La Segunda Plática de Bautismo y El Ensayo de las Comuniones de Este Sábado

Sábado - 12 de mayo 10 a.m. Los Bautismos 1:00 p.m. La Misa de la Primera Comunión

13 de mayo - La Ascensión del Señor 12:30 p.m. La Santa Misa

¡¡¡Comenzamos La

Cooperación Anual

con el Obispo 2018

este domingo!!!

Ya es tiempo para hacer nuestro

compromiso económico con el Sr. Obispo

Bradley y llenar y devolver a la parroquia su ficha

que recibieron en el correo. Los domingos de

Mayo vamos estar hablando en Misa de los ser-

vicios que dan las oficinas de la Diócesis a todas

la parroquias. Cada año el Obispo necesita

dinero para seguir en su ministerio de animar la

fe y vida de nuestras parroquias y proveer por

las necesidades espirituales de cada católico.

¡Sean generosos!

Las lecturas de la semana del 6 de mayo de 2018

Domingo: Hch 10, 25-26. 34-35. 44-48; Sal 98, 1. 2-3. 3-4 1 Jn 4, 7-10; Jn 15, 9-17 Lunes: Hch 16, 11-15; Sal 149, 1-6 y 9; Jn 15, 26-16, 4 Martes: Hch 16, 22-34; Sal 138, 1-3. 7-8; Jn 16, 5-11 Miércoles: Hch 17, 15. 22--18; Sal 148, 1-2. 11-14; Jn 16, 12-15 Jueves: Hch 18, 1-8; Sal 98, 1-4; Jn 16, 16-20 Viernes: Hch 18, 9-18; Sal 47, 2-7; Jn 16, 20-23 Sábado: Hch 18, 23-28; Sal 47, 2-3. 8-9. 10; Jn 16, 23-28 Domingo siguiente: Ascensión: Hch 1, 1-11; Sal 47, 2-3. 6-9; Ef 1,17-23 o Ef 4, 1-13 o 4, 1-7. 11-13; Mc 16, 15-20

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