august 27, 2010 issue

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August 27, 2010 issue of Duke Chronicle


The ChronicleThe independenT daily aT duke universiTy


Students sound off on orientation week, Page 6

Lester excels after recovering

from injuries, Page 22

onTherecord“We need more spaces like that....”

—Provost Peter Lange on The Energy Hub. See story page 4

Brodhead welcomes largest class ever PTS launches tracking, new campus routes

courtney douglas/the chronicle

Students and parents congregate outside Duke Chapel before Convocation, where President Richard Brodhead urged new freshmen to use the University to embrace their potential.

by Matthew ChaseTHE CHRONICLE

As the members of the largest-ever freshman class sat in the Chapel during Wednesday’s Convocation ceremony, they heard about the economic downturn, a “Star Wars”-obsessed roommate and tales of travels from Prague to Pennsylvania.

For President Richard Brodhead, though, the arrival of the freshmen could be described in one word.

“If you know me, you... know how sel-dom I use the word ‘awesome,’” Brodhead said in his address. “What’s awesome is what begins on this day. You came here to grow into the person you have the capacity to be. Welcome to this great sea of becom-ing.... Welcome to Duke.”

Using the words “unusual uncertainty”—a phrase coined by Federal Reserve Chair-man Ben Bernanke—Brodhead encour-aged freshmen to “ride the waves of change” and use their talents to make a difference in the world.

“‘Unusual uncertainty’ is not some transient condition that can easily be fixed by the Dow,” Brodhead said. “Learn to love it. ‘Unusual uncertainty’ is the normal condition of our interactive and metamorphic world. All this change will indeed be very challenging for people who have few skills for adapting. But all this uncertainty will not necessarily be bad, and it could even actually be fantas-tically stimulating, if you approach it in a different way.”

by Sanette TanakaTHE CHRONICLE

This Fall, many of Duke’s buses will run on different routes as the University seeks to cut costs and better integrate students living on Central Campus.

Changes implemented by Duke Park-ing and Transportation Services include an alternative C-1 bus route—the C-1 Class Change bus, which will replace the C-3 and C-6 routes—and an extended C-2 route will run in place of the C-4.

Additionally, is a new web-site created to track University buses online, said Sam Veraldi, director of parking and transportation. The website, originally devel-oped by Matt Ball, Pratt’10, is currently being revised and updated by members of the Duke Smart Home Program and will be launched within the next few weeks, said junior Dean Chen, chief operating officer of the Smart Home, who also serves as managing director of online operations for The Chronicle.

The new Bull City Connector, which provides transportation between Duke and downtown Durham, is also up and run-ning, Veraldi said.

The C-1 buses will continue to run between East and West campuses, and some buses will

SEE bus ON PAgE 15SEE convocation ON PAgE 13

BP spill in Gulf boosts tourism for NC beaches

Storms flood Keohane Quad, temporarily displace students

by Samantha BrooksTHE CHRONICLE

After this summer’s oil spill in the gulf Coast, some en-vironmentalists were concerned that other coastal states could see damaged beaches if the oil drifted north. But instead of oil, it has been tourists who have been making their way up the coast.

This July, AAA Carolinas predicted a 12 percent in-crease in Fourth of July tourism and more coastal tour-ism than in the previous two years, according to the Charlotte Observer.

Connie Nelson, communications and public relations director at the Wilmington/Cape Fear Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau, wrote in an e-mail that North Caro-lina beach accommodations saw an increase in business from people displaced by the spill.

by Taylor DohertyTHE CHRONICLE

For a few returning students, settling in will have to wait.

A storm Sunday night flooded the rooms of seven students and a residence coordinator on the first floor of Keohane Quadrangle 4D. The students have been temporarily relocated to Central Campus for the first week of school, said Joe gonzalez, associate dean for residential life.

It is likely that the flood was the result of a change in water flow patterns from construction of the K4 res-idence hall, the new dorm that is expected to open in Spring 2012, gonzalez said. Parts of Craven and Edens quadrangles also flooded, but no student rooms were af-fected, gonzalez added.

“We think that change in the landscape pushed the water into the archway of that area, which then went to the residential area,” he said.

SEE tourism ON PAgE 11SEE flooding ON PAgE 16

courtney douglas/the chronicle

Flooding in Keohane Quadrangle 4D from a severe thunderstorm Sunday night resulted in the temporary relocation of seven students and a residence coordinator to Central Campus.

2 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

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MuMBai — india’s push to end a three-decade ban on buying nuclear equipment from abroad may founder on laws passed by its own parliament.

lawmakers in new delhi approved a bill Wednesday night that makes suppliers and builders of atomic re-actors potentially liable in the event of an accident. that is broader than a 1997 accord signed by more than 80 nations in the wake of the chernobyl disaster that limits compensation claims to operators.

the bill, intended to open the world’s second-fastest growing atomic energy market by setting a legal framework, may deter companies from bidding for $175 billion of contracts. india needs suppliers to meet its target of boost-ing nuclear power generation 13-fold by 2030 to drive economic growth.

Washington — With the economy rapidly weakening, some senior demo-crats are having second thoughts about raising taxes on the nation’s wealthiest families and are pressing party leaders to consider extending the full array of Bush administration tax cuts, at least through next year.

this rethinking comes barely a month after democrats trumpeted plans to stage a high-stakes battle over taxes in the final weeks before the no-vember congressional elections.

the Bush tax cuts are set to expire in december. republicans are push-ing to extend them all, while President Barack obama has forcefully argued that the country cannot afford to keep tax breaks on income over $250,000 a year for families and $200,000 a year for individuals.

Democrats may extend tax cuts on wealthy families

Mexico cracks down on money-launderingFAA fines Amer. Airlines

Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home,

and never, ever be both. — David Brown

linda davidson/the Washington Post

New Orleans resident Edward Randolph continues to rebuild his duplex after the destruction of Hurri-cane Katrina five years ago. According to a recent poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation, African-Amer-icans are more than twice as likely as whites to say they have not yet recovered from the aftermath.

“With the 2010 football season just over a week away, duke has sold out its allot-ment of season tickets at Wallace Wade stadium. While it is unclear the last time that duke sold out all of its season tickets, it is clear that it has been at least a decade. ‘i think it’s huge, for the momentum it’s building for this program, for coach cutcliffe, the players, for being more recognizable,’ said Boo corrigan, duke’s senior associate athletic director for external affairs.”

— From The Chronicle’s Sports

True Bluereynolds theater, 10a.m. & 2p.m. Join staff and upperclassmen for a series of monologues and skits that will help you make respon-

sible social decisions at Duke.

Lives in International Lawlaw school 4045, 12:15p.m.

Duke alum Paige Berges shares her experiences from working at the UN International Criminal Tri-

bunal for Rwanda last year.

The UnderpantsBrody theater, 11p.m.

Duke Players presents “The Un-derpants,” a play written by ac-tor and comedian Steve Martin.

Sponsored by Theater Studies.

India approves liability laws on nuclear weapons

offthe wire...


onthe web

TODAY IN HISTORY1975: First night match at US

Tennis Open is held“ ”

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 3

Health Forum on Emerging Challengesin Keeping the Public Healthy


The Honorable Dr. Chih-Liang Yaung, Minister of HealthTaiwan Department of Health

Dr. Georges Benjamin, Executive DirectorAmerican Public Health Association (APHA)

Dr. Paul Halverson, Arkansas State Health OfficerArkansas Department of Health

Moderator: Dr. Jeffrey Engel, State Health DirectorNorth Carolina Department of Health & Human Services

Opening remarks: Dr. Peter Lange, ProvostDuke University

Monday, August 30, 12:00 noon - 1:30 pm

School of Nursing AuditoriumDuke University • 307 Trent Drive

Presented by Policy and Organizational Management Program

For questions or information, please contact

Lunch will be provided to the first 100 registrantsParking available across the street at the Medical Parking Garage 1

This event is free and open to the publicRegistration is required, please visit

Co-sponsored by Duke University Center for International Studies, Global Health Institute, Office of Global & Community Health Initiatives, School of Nursing

Yoskowitz will look to engage students as new campus rabbi

Robinette files new suit in Duke CRdiscrimination caseby Joanna Lichter


The University’s new campus rabbi has wide-ranging work experience: everything from banking to grassroots lobbying, database development and management and, of course, Jewish leadership.

Senior Deena Cowans, president of Duke Hillel, knew Rabbi Jeremy Yoskowitz long before he arrived to Duke—the rabbi was once a counselor at her summer camp. Now, as the leader of the Jewish campus organiza-tion, Cowans will work closely with Yoskowitz.

“I’ve known him for years,” Cowans said. “I think he’ll bring his experience working as a camp counselor and working at a day school to be more personable when working with students.”

Senior Aaron Dmiszewicki, executive vice president of Duke Hillel, said Yoskowitz reminds him of former Cam-pus Rabbi Michael goldman, especially for his open-mindedness and willingness to pursue interfaith work. Yoskowitz officially took over for goldman on Aug. 2 af-ter goldman left to become assistant rabbi at the Temple Israel Center in White Plains, N.Y.

For Yoskowtiz, programming is not just limited to Jew-ish students —he said he hopes to work with several other religious and nonreligious groups on various projects.

A few weeks ago, Yoskowitz met with Abdullah Antepli, Duke’s Muslim chaplain. In the long-term, Yoskowitz said he and Antepli hope to lead a Jewish-Muslim trip to Israel and Turkey in order to facilitate interfaith engagement and demonstrate similarities between the two groups.

“[Antepli and I] have the opportunity to literally en-gage students... where they live,” Yoskowitz said. “The faiths on campus have so much more in common than different, and sharing that respect is a lot of fun.”

Before coming to Duke, Yoskowitz served as campus rabbi at the Solomon Schechter Academy in Dallas, Tex-as. There, he mentored elementary and middle school students and was responsible for much of the school’s programming.

“I’ve spent a tremendous amount of my life working with college-aged students,” Yoskowitz said. “It’s always exciting working with people who are in a place working on exciting new things and becoming more than who they already are.”

Yoskowitz, 34, graduated from Washington Univer-sity in St. Louis in 1997 with degrees in psychology and

by Joanna LichterTHE CHRONICLE

Although his earlier charges of discrimination against the Duke College Republicans were dismissed, senior Jus-tin Robinette is determined to pursue his case.

In April, Robinette, former chair of the College Re-publicans, claimed he was impeached from his position because of his sexual orientation. Members of the club, however, said Robinette, who is gay, was removed for other reasons. The club’s articles of impeachment claimed that Robinette misused funds, fixed elections and neglected his responsibilities as chair.

“All I have ever wanted was to clear my name regard-ing the untrue accusations,” Robinette said. “I’m glad to be free of an organization which has been associ-ated with such a hostile environment, harassment and discrimination. I look forward to moving on, and I am glad to be free of people who have perpetrated this kind of action.”

In April, the Duke Student government Judiciary ruled there was not sufficient evidence to convict the College Republicans of discrimination. Robinette, however, said he did not have adequate time to compile evidence and prepare his argument.

Last week, Robinette and eight other plaintiffs filed a new suit against the club in the Judiciary. The eight addi-tional plaintiffs will remain anonymous in the case due to “multiple death threats... fear of physical or blackmail retali-ation by DCR officers, the serious nature of the allegations, and a past history of student-on-student anti-gay harassment by DCR Executive Board Officers,” the suit reads.

SEE dcr ON PAgE 12SEE yoskowitz ON PAgE 16

courtney douglas/the chronicle

Campus Rabbi Jeremy Yoskowitz, who succeeded Rabbi Michael Goldman Aug. 2, said he is happy to be working on a college campus.

4 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

$1.5M Energy Hub to open by first day of classesby Taylor Doherty


A new multidisciplinary center for environmental and energy studies is expected to open Monday.

The Energy Hub—located in a renovated space on the first floor of the gross Chemistry Laboratory—will consist of classrooms, meeting areas, a teaching lab and a general gathering area, said Lincoln Pratson, profes-sor at the Nicholas School of the Environment and the director of the new center. Plans for the $1.5 million project were finalized at the end of June, though the concept had been considered more than a year ago, he added.

“[It’s] essentially a crossroads for the University where courses, speakers, workshops and outreach activities all re-lated to the area of energy and the environment can be held at this location and thereby encourage students and faculty from schools across the University to interact with one another,” Pratson said.

Money for the project came from Duke’s transition funding—the $165 million in extra endowment spend-ing that the Board of Trustees approved in May 2009, Provost Peter Lange said. The administration knew that during the economic downturn it would be dif-ficult to add new space to the campus, and therefore Duke pursued renovation to make better use of exist-ing space, he added.

The first floor of the gross Chemistry Laboratory was chosen as The Energy Hub’s location not only be-cause the space was available, but also because it is lo-cated near professional schools and the science and engineering buildings on Science Drive, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs John Simon wrote in an e-mail. Simon, who assisted Pratson on the initiative, said his role has been to reduce administrative barriers be-tween the University’s schools and encourage collabo-ration between them.

Schools that will hold classes in the space include the Nicholas School, the Pratt School of Engineering, Trinity College, the School of Law and the Sanford School of

Public Policy. The first floor will be furnished with tables and chairs, providing students with a gathering area to relax between classes and meet with faculty and visitors, Pratson added.

“We need more spaces like that,” Lange said. “This didn’t come from the head of someone in the Allen Building, it came from the faculty who have been working

for students.”Many of the details of how the space will be used

are still largely to be determined, though Pratson said he is working on a number of ways to display student work. Ideally, there will be someone on site during the day to provide information about upcoming projects, he added.

courtney douglas/the chronicle

The first floor of Gross Chemical Laboratory underwent a $1.5 million renovation this summer and will open Monday as The Energy Hub, a multi-disciplinary center for classes involving environmental and energy studies.

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 5

Would You Be Here Without Financial Aid?


Each year, Duke holds a special event to recognize and celebrate scholarship and fellowship donors, honorees, and student recipients. One of the highlights of the evening is the undergraduate student speaker, who is selected through a competitive process coordinated by the Office of University Development. This year the Scholarship and Fellowship Dinner will take place on Friday, September 24, and will be hosted by President Brodhead and Provost Lange.

If you would like a chance to be the 2010 student speaker, representing thousands of other Duke students who benefit from financial aid, contact Jake Pope at by Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Please note that the competition is limited to sophomores, juniors, and seniors.

If not, would you like the opportunity to say thank you – in person! – to some of the many supporters who have made your Duke experience possible?

In celebration of the installation of Richard B. Hays as the twelfth dean of Duke Divinity School


Rock the Vote campaigns to spark young votersby Indu Ramesh


given the importance of the youth vote in the 2008 presi-dential election, Rock the Vote hope to excite the same

demographic for the November midterm elections. Rock the Vote, a non-partisan organization that regis-

ters young voters and promotes political awareness, has unveiled a campaign targeting five states recognized for youth and university presence: Colorado, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, said Tracy Leatherber-ry, state coordinator for North Carolina.

“In the midterm elections... you consistently see low voter turnout—not only among the youth, but among ev-eryone,” Leatherberry said. “This year, since we had such a huge year in 2008, we wanted to follow up on that and make sure that people know that they need to vote in the midterm elections as well.”

For the 2008 presidential elections, Rock the Vote con-ducted its largest drive, registering 2.2 million new voters, Leatherberry said.

Junior Danni Lin, who interned at Rock the Vote this summer through DukeEngage, said the organization of-ten tries to reach young people by heading to places they

spend their time: bars, music festivals and concerts. “One of our coordinators went bar-hopping on roller

skates to register young people to vote,” Lin added. He added that the unorthodox approach was “totally success-ful.”

Lin also stressed the importance of new media in pro-moting registration, including blogging, Facebook, Twit-ter, online voting registration tools and text messaging.

Rock the Vote hopes to have a presence on Duke’s campus during the upcoming year, Leatherberry said. Representatives from the organization will be on campus for freshman orientation and plan to work with groups on campus—including fraternities and sororities—she added.

“If nothing else, you can always table and seek out peo-ple to register,” Lin said.

Leatherberry called North Carolina an important cam-paign state and said she hopes to register 10,000 young

voters for the midterm elections. “Ten thousand is a really big number for North Caro-

lina, but in 2008, we registered 70,000 in North Carolina, so 10,000 is definitely attainable,” she said.

Leatherberry called the initiative to register voters his-torical because it represents the first major push for youth voters in a midterm election. In fact, this year Rock the Vote’s efforts are focused on not only colleges, but also on high schools. Because of a new law allowing 16-year-olds to pre-register to vote, Rock the Vote has a created a “democ-racy class” for high school students.

Senior Catalina Hidalgo, who also interned at Rock the Vote this summer, called the class a “really cool new initia-tive” for 2010. The class educates youth about the voting process and encourages students to become interested in politics.

“When you engage kids at a young age, you get more people to vote,” she said.

david chou/the chronicle

Tracy Leatherberry, North Carolina state coordinator for Rock the Vote, said the program is currently planning a campaign at Duke.

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6 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

Orientation Week is one of Duke students’ favorite traditions, as new freshmen and seasoned upperclassmen alike flock to campus. After convocation ends and parents head back home, many students experience life on their own for the first time. The incoming freshmen have an entire week to settle into their new dorms, explore the campus and start to learn the names, majors and hometowns of their 1,700 classmates before the rigors of the academic year begin. The Chronicle’s Ashley Taylor asked some of the members of the Class of 2014 to comment on their experiences with O-Week thus far.

“So far it’s been a lot of fun, and I’ve met some really cool people. But I’m ready for classes to start.”

—Nic Gregg

“You end up in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people.” —Kirill Klimuk

“It’s been pretty dull for me so far. The humidity is really pissing me off.”—Zach Gray

“I did P-Build.... It definitely really helps already having a group of friends you can always fall back on.”

—Melissa Miller

“It has opened up a lot of possibilities for the following year.”—Ben Snowdon

“There’s a lot of events that I think are unnecessary, but the Convocation was really cool.”—David Shaughnessy

“Kinda confusing right now, I mean, overwhelming. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be doing so I’m just kinda walking around.”

—Bernard Liu

“Packing into buses has been interesting because freshmen don’t really know how the system works yet.”

—Andreea Rodinciuc

“It’s been a lot of fun minus the sleep deprivation.”—Bay Nixon

“It’s useful. You learn a lot of things and meet new people. Everyone seems really welcoming.”

—Sebastian Giudice

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The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 7

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Photos By courtney douglas/the chronicle

The First Few DaysWhile move-in day was spent

checking in and unloading cars, freshmen got a chance to relax

over the next few days with class outings into durham.

8 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

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The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 9

Out of the Tower, into the Schools: How Relevant Research Can Transform School Practice and Shape Education PolicyJOHN EASTONDirector of the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education

Bold Actions to Reduce Childhood ObesityKELLY BROWNELLDirector of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, Professor of Psychology and of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University

Early Childhood 2011: Policies for the Next GenerationJOAN LOMBARDIDeputy Assistant Secretary and Inter-departmental Liaison for Early Childhood Development, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Income Inequality and Population Health. Dispatches from a Contested Field of ResearchICHIRO KAWACHIDirector of the Harvard Center for Society and Health; Chair of the Department of Society, Human Development, and Health; and Professor of Social Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health

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State steps up efforts to improve college grad rateby Rohan Taneja


As the United States falls behind other de-veloped nations in its number of college grad-uates, President Barack Obama and state-level administrators are trying to break the trend.

Once a world-leader, the United States has fallen to 12th among 36 developed na-tions in its number of citizens with college degrees between ages 25 and 34, according to a July report by the College Board. This

number is even lower in North Carolina, in which only 36 percent of residents have col-lege degrees compared with 37.8 percent nationally, according to the Census Bureau.

gov. Bev Perdue’s administration is looking for North Carolina’s solution not just in re-examining college education it-self, but in looking at the years before col-lege even begins.

“Students must be well prepared at every age,” said Chrissy Pearson, spokeswoman for Perdue. “Preschool is just as important as sixth grade and 12th grade in preparing for college, community college, technical school or whatever path one chooses to follow.”

To address improving public education at all levels, the Perdue administration created the “Career and College: Ready, Set, go!” program that aims to boost reading, writing and math, increase the number of students performing at grade level and expand the number of students taking college credits and receiving post-secondary degrees.

Perdue announced Tuesday that North Carolina will receive about $400 million in grant money as one of 10 winners in the federal “Race to the Top” program. The money will go in part to recruit and retain quality teachers and administrators, create a plan for low-performing schools and pur-chase handheld devices to help teachers continuously track student progress, The (Raleigh) News & Observer reported.

The issue has received national political attention for more than a year. President Ba-rack Obama announced the American grad-uation Initiative in July 2009, advocating for 5 million more college graduates by 2020. In an Aug. 9 speech at the University of Texas, Obama increased his goal, calling for 60 per-cent of Americans between ages 25 and 34 to have college degrees by 2020—an increase of at least 8 million more graduates.

In his Texas speech, Obama called edu-cation “the economic issue of our times.” Michael Schoenfeld, vice president of pub-lic affairs and government relations, said today’s weaker economy could significantly harm North Carolina’s university system.

“North Carolina has a strong history of serious commitment to public universities and can’t let the current economic prob-lems lead to a crippling of one of the best systems in the country,” he said. “College has to be affordable through a combina-

tion of low tuition and assistance to the neediest students.”

Jacob Vigdor, director of graduate studies in the Sanford School of Public Policy and a professor of public policy and economics, said that the strongest growth in college en-rollment is not at places like Duke or even the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but at community colleges.

But Vigdor added that out of those who enter community college with the intent of receiving a two-year degree or transferring to a four-year university, more than half typically end up doing neither.

“The real trick to improving gradua-tion rates is not to bring more people into college, but to get more people out at the other end,” he said.

Vigdor said that the problem of address-ing college graduation rates is especially complex because of the number of factors that can lead a student to drop out.

“In some cases, students just can’t handle the coursework, which suggests that improv-ing K-12 education would help a lot,” Vig-dor said. “In other cases, students run into financial difficulties, or tough family situa-tions, that make it hard to stay in school. This means that there is no single magic bullet so-lution that will magically turn college drop-outs into [bachelor of arts] recipients. An array of strategies could help out: simplifying financial aid, reforming curricula at the high school level and below, offering more courses on study skills and other strategies for coping with the increased workload in college.”

“...there is no single magic bullet solution that will magically turn college

dropouts into [bachelor of arts] recipients.”

— Jacob Vigdor, Sanford dir. of grad studies

10 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

Demetri Martin


Company gives students incentives to bet on gradesby Nicole Kyle


Starting this semester, predict-ing your grades has the potential to pay off.

Ultrinsic Motivator Inc. al-lows students to bet on their ability to correctly predict their

course grades. The company in-corporates data from a student’s academic history in order to cal-culate offers of cash rewards for those seeking to gamble.

“It’s not just about get-ting the grades,” said Jeremy gelbart, one of the company’s

co-founders. “You set your own goals, and you set what your rewards are—I think every stu-dent would like that.”

Students at 36 institutions across the country can sign up for accounts for Ultrinsic. When selecting universities to include,

the company considered factors such as student demand, the size of a student body, types of aca-demic programs, location and a school’s sports conference, gelbart said.

“[Duke] is one of the top schools in [the Southeast],” he said. “Location, sports and aca-demics—that’s why we chose [to include] Duke.”

The program’s success on campus is completely up to stu-dents, though, said Steve Now-icki, dean and vice provost for undergraduate education. He said that he wants students to perform well in the classroom but recognized the possibility that Ultrinsic could become a distraction.

Some students though, are wary of the idea of betting on their coursework. Sophomore Joey Lauer said the fear of los-ing his investment outweighs the incentive.

“I don’t know—personally, I’m not that into gambling,” he said. “I don’t think I would—but may-be I’d try it.”

Sophomore Ryan Boone said the program requires students to be honest with themselves and have realistic expectations. He also said he does not think he will use Ultrinsic, however.

To junior Maha Mourad, the decision not to participate is

largely an ethical issue. Money shouldn’t be a student’s motiva-tion to do well in their classes, she added.

And one student pointed out that adding a monetary risk to their studies could actually make the learning process more stressful.

“Honestly, to add money into the mix would just make things worse,” said sophomore Hillary Martinez.

But as the website approaches the start of its second operational year, gelbart said so far students and faculty have reacted to the company favorably. He added that some professors consider the program to be a tool to motivate students.

“I know Duke students enjoy their classes, and maybe this will make them more enjoyable,” he said. “When students have to choose between going to a party and pulling an all-nighter to study, this provides an incentive to study because you’re going to get paid. It’s that extra push.”

Creative ways to motivate stu-dents are nothing new, though, Nowicki said.

“My view is that what really students should be motivated by is their desire to be successful in this world,” he added. “Ultimate-ly, that’s why students should be taking classes.”

Photo illustration By courtney douglas

Duke was one of 36 institutions across the country chosen to participate in Ultrinsic, a company that calculates payoffs for stu-dents who bet correctly on final grades in their classes.

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 11

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“Accommodation properties have reported that they have had inquiries and/or bookings from visitors who previously va-cationed in the areas affected by the gulf oil spill,” she wrote.

Wit Tuttell, director of Tourism Marketing for North Carolina Division of Tourism, said that despite the original concern that the spill would “dampen” travel, it has had the opposite effect on coastal locations.

“The oil spill was sort of a mixed blessing,” Tuttell said. “It helped us in that some people changed their beach location and came to North Carolina instead of the gulf Coast. Hope-fully we made believers of these people and they’ll come back again and keep bringing their spending to our areas.”

Indeed, tourism on the North Carolina coast saw a ma-jor increase in room demand rates, according to the Smith Travel Research June 2010 Monthly Lodging and Year To-Date Reports, which showed that the Southeast, Northeast and Eastern regions of the state saw increases of 5.1, 7.8 and 5.6 percent, respectively, from last June.

Despite the initial fear that oil would drift to North Caro-lina’s shores, experts say that such a spread is unlikely. Rich-ard Di giulio, professor of ecological toxicology and Direc-tor of the Integrated Toxicology Program for the Nicholas School of the Environment, said he does not predict that there will be damage to the state’s beaches or wildlife.

“There has really been no effect of the gulf oil spill on the North Carolina coast,” said Digiulio. “When it first happened people were concerned, but from what I understand the oil is pretty well contained in the gulf—we’re off the hook so far.”

Still, the government has taken measures to prevent any negative effects the spill could have on the tourism econo-my. governor Bev Perdue signed a bill Aug. 2 intended to lift the cap on damages caused by the spill. The bill states that any businesses affected by damage due to “oil or other hazardous substances” have “cause of action” to recover the cost of clean-up, damaged goods and income losses from those responsible for the release of toxins.

Mark Johnson, communications director for the gover-nor’s office, said the bill was issued to protect the coast as well as to prevent any future disasters.

Johnson said the bill has put North Carolina in a better position to protect its coastline.

“It [will] hopefully help prevent another such disaster.”

TOURISM from page 1

North Carolina has been named one of 12 applicants slated to receive a share of $4.35 billion in federal fund-ing geared toward education reform.

As a winner of the administration of President Barack Obama’s “Race to the Top” competition, North Carolina is eligible to receive up to $400 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Education over four years. Other win-ners include New York, georgia and Massachusetts. Be-sides Hawaii, all the states that have received grants to date lie east of the Mississippi, the New York Times reported.

In its competition application, North Carolina pro-posed wide-ranging reforms that include removing principals from low-performing schools and creating a teacher training initiative modeled after the Teach for America program, according to The (Raleigh) News & Observer.

North Carolina’s application won approval in part by adopting national curriculum standards and setting tar-gets for student improvement that include an increase in the graduation rate to 85 percent by 2016, the N&O reported.

“This grant will give us the resources to more aggres-sively implement our plan to ensure that all of our chil-dren graduate ready for a career, college or technical training,” said gov. Bev Perdue in a statement.

The competition was crafted as part of Obama’s commitment to instituting fundamental school reform across the country. According to the New York Times, Obama’s goals for the competition include “expanding the number and quality of charter schools, updating the way school districts evaluate teachers’ effectiveness, improving student data-tracking systems to help educa-tors know what students have learned and what must be retaught, and turning around thousands of the lowest-performing schools.”

In March, the competition’s first round produced

only two winners: Delaware and Tennessee. Round two granted nine more states and the District of Colum-bia funds apportioned to each contestant’s number of students.

“We want to recognize and reward high-achieving and high-growth schools, offering them the carrots and in-centives that we know drive reform and progress,” said Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in a speech an-nouncing the competition’s finalists last month.

—from staff reports

NC named a winner of up to $400M in education grants

Maya roBinson/the chronicle

Gov. Bev Perdue has focused efforts on improving the state’s educa-tion system and proposed numerous reforms toward this goal.

12 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

This time, Robinette has included about 30 pages of e-mails, photos and other forms of evidence that suggest the club discriminated against himself and other former club

members. “In the course of the summer, going

through the e-mail record... we [found that] we could prove that the articles of impeachment are false,” said senior Cliff Satell, former vice chair of the College Republicans and one of the plaintiffs. “The reason it was not [last year] is be-cause we were running up to the end of the year... and had 24 to 26 hours to pre-pare. We didn’t have the time or ability

to prepare the best possible case.” Chief Justice Matt Straus, a junior, said the Judiciary

will meet for the first time Sunday to decide whether or not to rehear the case. Although the Judiciary typi-

cally does not hear appeals to cases they have previ-ously heard, Straus declined to comment further on the situation.

Club Chair Carter Boyle, a senior, said he is confident that the Judiciary will not rehear the case, adding that he expects the club to run normally this Fall.

“I think the vast majority... of what Justin is submitting is a fabrication of the truth, and I think the whole idea of [anonymous sources] violates due process for us not to confront our accusers,” Boyle said. “Even people who had to testify against Al Capone had to have it in a true judi-ciary court.”

Robinette said he may also file a case against individu-als in the College Republicans in civil court on charges of slander, libel and civil conversion, which is wrongfully using, altering or destroying another person’s property. Robinette claims that the American Civil Liberties Union is currently investigating his case to decide whether or not they will assist him with civil charges. He added that Lambda Legal —a national gay rights organization —is also reviewing the case.

Robinette said harassment continued throughout the summer.

In mid-May, anti-gay graffiti which appeared to be di-rected at Robinette was discovered on the East Campus Bridge. Although the Duke University Police Department did an initial investigation of the incident, it did not pro-duce any suspects, said Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta. Since then, no progress had been made on the incident.

“We’re determined to support all the students and make clear our objection to any form of hate language and/or behavior,” Moneta wrote in an e-mail Tuesday.

During his time as chairman, however, club mem-bers said Robinette was the one who sent threatening e-mails.

“If you think that succession outside of the Constitu-tion is not reversible, if you think that if I step down, the reins will then go to you, Carter, you will have been sorely and entirely mistaken,” Robinette wrote in an e-mail April 13, the day of his impeachment, to Boyle and club Chief of Staff Rachel Provost, a senior. Provost forwarded the e-mail to The Chronicle in April. “I’m going to ask you again to get a life, stay out of trouble with the cops, and stop being a virtual pain every week of my collegiate existence. For real, though, don’t you have class?”

Robinette said he has repeatedly requested interven-tion from University officials, adding that President Rich-ard Brodhead declined to meet with him.

Over the summer, junior Bridget gomez started a Fa-cebook group petitioning the administration to take ac-tion against the hate speech and DCR. The group has 330 members as of 3 p.m. Thursday, most of whom are Duke students.

Robinette said he hopes to use the open forum at Duke Student government’s first meeting of the year to strengthen his case. Robinette and other former members of the College Republicans have also had restraining or-ders in place since May 12 against current club members, Robinette added.

“The entire club was not like this group of people, but I look forward to associating myself with more toler-ant people and facets of the community here at Duke,” Robinette said.

DCR from page 3

Justin Robinette

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The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 13

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And if the diverse talents of the freshman class are any indication of their success, the University’s newest members should have no problem making a difference.

Before Brodhead’s speech, Dean of Un-dergraduate Admissions Christoph gut-tentag presented the “particularly talented and probably the most interesting class” to Brodhead, which he said includes a student who herded yaks in Tibet, a co-author of a book used as required reading for a Duke course, a refugee from a Sudanese civil war and a student who shares the record for the youngest male to bowl 299, a feat he accomplished at age 11.

The class —which consists of about 1,750 students—went through “the most rigorous selection process,” guttentag said, adding that the admissions office received almost 27,000 first-year and more than 800 transfer applications. The class also repre-sents 48 states, 49 nations and almost 1,000 cities and towns, guttentag said.

Traveling was a theme in one of the speeches, as well. Steve Nowicki, dean and vice provost for undergraduate education, compared the Duke experience to a gPS device and used two personal examples to highlight the benefits of traveling “off the beaten path.” Speaking after Brodhead, No-wicki recalled a drive in rural Pennsylvania that led him to the site of the first commer-cial oil well in the United States and a recent trip to Prague when he and his wife stum-bled upon the theater where a Mozart opera premiered more than two centuries ago.

“I am not suggesting that you think of your education as a leisurely drive along back roads and aimless wanders through an unknown city,” Nowicki said. “But I am suggesting that if you set your Duke gPS

only to calculate the most efficient route to get you where you think you want to, and if you never deviate from that direct route, you stand a chance of missing out on the unexpected pleasures and treasures this University has to offer.”

Most freshmen and parents spoke high-ly of the speeches. Many students watched Convocation from the Chapel, while some latecomers watched a video broadcast of the speeches with their parents in Page Au-ditorium.

“I surreptitiously saw a lot of people brushing away tears, so I was glad that

I was not the only one,” said London-native Kristina Borsy, the mother of a freshman.

Borsy added that she liked that the speeches emphasized that students should not merely focus on attaining a degree. “I think it gives a very good impression of how this education here is different from [the education of] England.”

Although visibly excited about their ar-rival at Duke, many freshmen said they are also feeling anxious—a concern included in Duke Student government President Mike Lefevre’s speech.

“When I was sitting where you are three years ago, I was five days away from com-plete and total meltdown,” said Lefevre, a senior, who went on to discuss how he was disappointed during his first days at Duke.

Lefevre added that he was initially con-cerned about his roommate, who was a “Star Wars” fanatic at the time. “But I realized that the reason you remember first impressions is because they are so often wrong.”

For freshman Maria Romano, hearing Lefevre’s story was helpful.

“It rang true that everyone is kind of masking their anxiety,” Romano said.

CONVOCATION from page 1

courtney douglas/the chronicle

Freshmen look on as campus leaders gave inspirational speeches welcoming the new class of Blue Devils during Convocation in the Duke Chapel.

14 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 15

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include a stop at Smith Warehouse, which was primarily serviced by the C-6 last year. The C-1 Class Change bus will also travel to Towerview Drive and Science Drive six times a day be-tween Monday and Friday, replacing the C-3 route that previously ran every 15 minutes. In place of the C-4, the C-2 will extend its hours.

Duke employees will also experience some changes. The H-3 bus, which travels between Duke Hospital and Hillsborough Road, no longer operates midday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Furthermore, the H-5, which runs from Broad Street to Hock Pla-za on Erwin Road, will now stop at the West Campus bus stop.

The condensed schedule, which was finalized during the summer, will reduce the department’s work by 7,500 hours and results in $500,000 in savings this year, Ve-raldi said. The new plan serves to better ac-commodate students traveling to Central Campus and Smith Warehouse and reduce transportation-related carbon emissions, he added. The new stipulations coincide with Duke’s commitment to its Climate Ac-tion Plan, which pledges to achieve climate neutrality in the University by 2024.

Students who designed their class sched-ules factoring in the old bus routes should not find themselves scrambling for rides, Veraldi added.

“When you look at the schedule in to-tal, the adjustments students would have

to make... are extremely minimal,” he said. “I don’t think there will be a lot of people whose classes have to change because there are not enough buses.”

The University will continue to have drivers on standby and adjust the schedule if needed, Veraldi said. The preliminary version of, the gPS-based bus tracking site, will also serve to gather information that the department can use.

“We can look at the data and decide which stops to nix and which need more boarding time,” he added. “We can adjust some of those routes if needed.”

The bus-tracking system uses prepaid Motorola phones installed onto each bus and provides real-time updates on all routes, including the Robertson buses.

Duke Student government awarded a $5,000 Student Development Directive grant to fund the project, said DSg President Mike Lefevre, a senior. Parking and Transportation

supplemented the grant with $10,000.Senior Andrew Brown, who also serves

as co-head of mobile development for The Chronicle, also collaborated on the project. He said he plans to alter the program to im-prove mobile functionality. Brown said in the long-term students should be able to receive text updates about the buses. Eventually, Brown added that he would like to create an algorithm to predict bus arrival times.

“It will make it so much more conve-nient to take the bus, especially for those who live off campus and take the bus less frequently,” he said. “Right now, [DuTrack] is already a huge improvement.”

Veraldi said the changes are part of a larger plan to transform the transportation system at Duke.

“We’re changing the entire structure of our transit system,” he said. “This is a story that is going to continue. We’re just at the beginning.”

BUS from page 1

courtney douglas/the chronicle

While C-1 buses will continue to run between East and West campuses, several other changes in the bus system will take place this year, including the addition of a C-1 Class Change bus to replace the old C-3.

16 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

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He added that Duke has placed sand-bags in the area that flooded and also plans to install a drain next week to prevent fu-ture issues. Students were relocated so that Duke could repair the water-damaged dry-wall in the rooms and prevent the develop-ment of mold and mildew.

Not all of the rooms were occupied when they flooded, but five students had arrived early, gonzalez said. Sophomore Katie Barasch, one of the five students, said the University hired movers to haul her

possessions to Central and provided the students with laundry cards to be used in the next week.

Despite the standing water in her room and a few inches of water in the hallway, none of senior Alex Japhet’s ex-pensive belongings were damaged, she said, but some small items she left on the floor were ruined. Moving to Central was a nuisance, she added, and she was disap-pointed that other rooms were not avail-able on West Campus.

“For me it’s really just the hassle and the inconvenience—but I’ll get over it,” Japhet said.

Jewish and near eastern studies. In 2008, Yoskowitz was ordained as a rabbi at the Jewish Theology Seminary in New York where he also received a master’s degree in Jewish Education.

“I think he’ll be a great campus-wide spokesperson for Jewish life, a terrific counselor and chaplain to individual stu-dents, a strong administrator in support of the broader [Jewish life] needs and just a person to friend, know and engage,” Vice President for Student Affairs Larry Moneta wrote in an e-mail Tuesday.

Director for Jewish Life Rebecca Simons said Yoskowtiz brings a unique skill set to Duke given his past experience in various occupations.

“Rabbi Yoskowtiz brought with him a va-riety of experience that we thought was in-credibly important for Duke students and the Duke community,” Simons said.

Yoskwitz said he looks forward to building on a “home away from home” environment

at Duke by getting to know students on cam-pus and sponsoring and attending events.

This week, Yoskowitz said he is focusing on the High Holy Days —Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur —adding that he hopes to attract Jewish students from all religious de-nominations and teach them more about leading Jewish lifestyles.

“I’m trying to engage students at all lev-els,” he said. “One of my main roles and goals is the facilitation of student empowerment. While I’m happy to lead services, I’m happy when students come in and take charge.”

Yoskowitz also feels he will have several opportunities to bring various faiths to-gether and demonstrate the importance of religious groups on campus.

“I’d heard about things going on here—how the [Jewish] campus continued to expand... with a Hillel only 11 years old,” Yoskwotiz said. “Part of the joy is that work-ing at a college campus is an amazing, ener-getic environment. People want to explore things…. To develop that and having to be a part of that is exciting.”

Taylor Doherty contributed reporting.

YOSKOWITz from page 3

crimebriefsbad sight?

A laptop was stolen Wednesday at the Duke Eye Center but later re-covered.

boozer bustedJust before midnight Wednesday, an underage drinker was cited for alco-

hol consumption near Markham Avenue.

make it snow!In Kilgo Quadrangle, a fire extinguisher was illegally discharged early

Thursday morning.

a sip of the best medicineMonday at Duke South Hospital wing, a laptop computer and dictaphones

were stolen.

struck by lightningIn the East Campus Union, someone was assaulted by an umbrella last


friends with benefitsThere was a reported theft of a Social Security card and Medicare card at

Duke Hospital North Aug. 16.

Passed gasgasoline was reportedly stolen from a vehicle Aug. 12 at Parking ga-

rage II.

bad creditA credit card was stolen Aug. 11 at Duke North Hospital.

Home wreckerA drill, charger and tool belt was stolen at Duke North Hospital Aug. 10.

Pocket changeCoins were stolen from a fountain at Duke North Hospital.

FLOODING from page 1

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 17




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N. Korea frees US citizen after Carter’s visitby Bomi Lin


SEOUL—Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter secured the release of an American citizen who had been detained in North Korea for illegal entry, the state-run Korea Cen-tral News Agency said.

Carter, who has already left the country, according to KCNA, arrived in Pyongyang two days ago on what U.S. officials described as a “private humanitarian mission” to free Aijalon Mahli gomes, who has been detained in the North for seven months.

The release of gomes may help defuse tension on the Korean peninsula that has risen since one of the South’s warships sank in March, later blamed on a North Ko-rean torpedo.

gomes was sentenced to eight years of hard labor in April after he was captured on Jan. 25 for illegally cross-

ing the border from China, KCNA said. The 31-year-old Boston resident attempted suicide last month because he felt his government had not done enough to get him free, KCNA reported.

Former President Bill Clinton flew to Pyongyang and met with the country’s leader, Kim Jong Il, last August, winning the release of two U.S. journalists arrested in March 2009 enter-ing the country illegally. The meeting helped end speculations Kim may be too sick to run the country after he reportedly suffered a stroke in 2008. Kim was photographed grinning and looking healthier than he had in previous images.

It wasn’t clear whether Carter had met Kim, although no meeting was reported by KCNA and the North Korean leader is believed to have made a surprise trip to China, according to South Korean government officials and media reports.

Clinton’s trip also led to a U.S. concession to North Korea’s demand for direct talks, with President Barack

Obama’s envoy Stephen Bosworth traveling to Pyongyang in December. The contact fueled optimism the stalled six-party forum on the North’s nuclear weapons program would soon resume.

That mood turned sour after the March 26 sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan that claimed the lives of 46 sailors. A South Korean-led international panel said in May North Korea torpedoed the ship, an accusation the communist country has repeatedly denied.

North Korea faces tighter U.S. trade restrictions that will further cripple an economy already hit by United Nations sanctions and a botched currency revaluation late last year. The North’s economy shrank 0.9 percent to 24.7 trillion in 2009, with international commerce falling 11 percent to $3.4 billion, according to the Bank of Korea in Seoul.

“This latest gesture may represent a bid by the faction favoring better relations with the outside world to promote a resumption of the stalled six-party talks,” William Keylor, a professor of international relations at Boston University, said. “There is obviously a furious struggle within North Korea over the succession. Which side will win this latest struggle is anyone’s guess.”

North Korea is planning to elect new leaders of the ruling Worker’s Party in early September, which South Korean officials have said may provide some insight into the succession, most likely to be made to Kim’s youngest son, Kim Jong Un. In his latest appearance in May during an earlier trip to China that was his first venture abroad in four years, Kim Jong Il was seen limping and dragging his left foot.

Carter traveled to Pyongyang in 1994 when he met with Kim Jong Il’s father, Kim Il Sung, and discussed terms to freeze the country’s nuclear program.

Representatives from nations in six-party talks aimed at dismantling North Korea’s nuclear weapons program last met in December 2008. The group also includes China, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the U.S.

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Feed your future at

Quick, hundreds of freshmen vo-raciously reading The Chronicle for the first time, name a coach of a Duke sports team. Bonus points for correct spelling.

I’m guessing you said Mike Krzyze-wski. (But I’m also guessing you didn’t spell it right—don’t worry, you’ve got time.)

Now, for some extra credit, name a Blue Devil coach who doesn’t pace the

sidelines of Cam-eron. I’m guessing that this question was a little harder for all of you. But it shouldn’t have been.

Need a hint? It’s this coach who will

define your first semester as a Blue Devil fan. It’s this coach who has coached two of the more famous professional athletes of our era.

And most importantly, it’s this coach who could have bolted from Durham for a more prestigious, higher-paying job over the summer, but instead chose to finish the job rebuilding a struggling Blue Devil program.

The answer is David Cutcliffe, a man who not only coached both Manning brothers, but was so coveted by Tennessee, one of the

SportsThe Chronicle

FRIDAYAugust 27, 2010



The FIBA World Champion-ship begin Saturday, Aug. 28. Our preview: Page 22For the first time in over a decade, Duke Football sold out of season tickets.

Appreciate Cutcliffe’s decision



Duke holds last public scrimmage

See rich oN pAge 28

After injury-plagued career, Lester shines

women’s soccer

margie truwit/the ChroniCle

Desmond scott had 82 yards on just four carries in the scrimmage, including a 51-yard run off a counter.

lawson kurtz/ChroniCle file photo

molly lester and the rest of the rejuvenated blue Devils face missouri and stanford in chapel Hill this weekend.

FRIDAY, 4 p.m.Chapel Hill, N.C.


No. 19 Duke


See scrimmage oN pAge 21

See lester oN pAge 30

SUNDAY, 11 a.m.Chapel Hill, N.C.

No. 2 Stan.

No. 19 Duke


by Alex KrinskyTHe CHRoNICLe

Senior tri-captain Molly Lester has worked tirelessly through rehab to be-

come healthy and make an impact for No. 19 Duke follow-ing three frustrating seasons plagued by knee injuries.

And it’s paid off—in the season opener against georgia in her first career start, she de-livered with a game-winning goal.

The Atlanta na-tive scored the goal in front of friends and family in her home state, not to

mention eight former club teammates, who were starting for georgia. It was a gratifying and sweet moment for Lester. She was allowed the opportunity to be on the field with her teammates and help them win after years of rehab and feeling helpless on the sideline. She finally had the chance to make her mark on Duke soccer.

“She was here all summer working... ev-ery single day,” head coach Robbie Church said. “For her to go to her home state of georgia, play against a ton of her former club players, and score the winning goal and the first goal of her career… it was out-standing.”

Lester’s career at Duke has been a try-ing and difficult journey. She arrived on campus as a freshman already injured from playing during the summer. Although the setback was upsetting, Lester said she ulti-mately used it as a learning experience. She

by Jason PalmataryTHe CHRoNICLe

even though there was no opposition on Tuesday night as the Blue Devils com-pleted their second intrasquad scrim-mage on the practice turf adjacent to Wallace Wade Stadium, there was certain-ly a great deal of intensity. A team consist-ing of mainly first and second-string play-ers defeated reserves and redshirts 28-0 in a tune-up for the season opening tilt against elon Sept. 4.

on the very first play from scrimmage, first-year signal caller Sean Renfree hit sophomore wideout Conner Vernon in stride over the middle, and the Miami na-tive turned the short pass into a 33-yard touchdown, utilizing his electric playmak-ing ability after the catch.

But while passing fireworks may be the story of the offense during the season, Duke’s running backs showed themselves capable of handling their role. While Ren-free struggled a bit to get in sync early on drives after the first series touchdown, sophomore running back Desmond Scott tallied 82 rushing yards on just four carries. From the looks of Scott’s play, Duke fans may have reason to be optimistic about the rushing attack, which could lead to a more balanced offense this year.

“We’re going to see,” Scott said. “our passing game speaks for itself, but I can tell you we’re going to be running the ball more effectively this year.”

on one particular play, the Durham product turned a simple counter into a 51-yard scamper. He used his pulling guard’s kickout block and then made a cut outside

22 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

CulAnth 121.01: Culture and Politics of China: Migrant China: the Cultural Politics of Life and LaborInstructor: Ralph LitzingerTuesdays and Thursdays 10:05-11:20

The largest rural to urban migration in human history has occurred in China over the last two decades. What has driven over a hundred million people to abandon the countryside for lives of struggle, discrimination, and lack of respect in China´s cities? What does it mean to live without equitable access to education, health care, and worker´s rights? Why, throughout the spring of 2010, were workers in Foxconn´s factories committing suicide? How were these events under-stood in China? How were they represented in the western press? What is now happening with the labor movement and the everyday lives of migrants, factory, service, and migrant sex workers in China?

The course provides a critical introduction to the culture and politics of migrant life, labor, and love in contemporary China. Course materials will draw from ethnographies of migrant communities, journalistic reports on factory life, policy debates about working conditions and labor law, and the role of NGOs and human rights groups in the migrant struggle for better working conditions, access to health care and education. Documentaries, film, photography, and artist rep-resentations of migrant lives will be examined. You will likely come out of this course thinking differently about China’s “economic miracle,” the Beijing Olympics, the jeans you buy, and the Apple products you so dearly love.

CulAnth 180S.05 From Engagement to Research DesignInstructor: Ingrid ByerlyThursdays 6:00-8:30PM

This interdisciplinary course is designed to help students transform their summer engagement experience into meaning-ful research questions that will frame a future senior thesis. Both reflective and proactive, students will work collectively to build upon summer engagement experiences (international or domestic, DukeEngage or Study Abroad). Each student will identify an academic literature to interrogate, critically assess and interpret one’s own experiences, and develop a research design for a thesis. This course will present students with a twofold opportunity: to analyze and compare their immersion in foreign cultures immediately on their return, and prepare for a future senior thesis grounded on data and experience. The primary target group is Rising Juniors returning from either study abroad, Duke Engage or other scholarship-affiliated, research- orservice-related summer experiences.

CulAnth 280S Writing EthnographyInstructor: Carol Stack, Professor Emeritus UC BerkeleyThursdays 4:25-6:55

Writing ethnography is the other side of the coin when you finish your fieldwork, although the writing process is never far from your mind as you conduct your research and your engagement in the field is always on your mind as you move into the writing process. In this seminar we will read a variety of magnificent classic and contemporary ethnographies in order to contemplate the ways anthropologists construct their narratives out of long engagements in the field. Our readings will enable us to witness the imaginative process as ethnographers move theory through their field notes, and move their findings through theory. We will ponder the politics of representation and positionality, pay close attention to social constructions of race, difference, gender, diaspora, and citizenship, and mull over narrative conventions, writing practices, and issues of interdisciplinarity as they have changed over time. We will observe how ethnographers themselves are implicated in a historical relationship with those they study and reflect on the ways ethnographers become a part of the story they are writing.

Cultural Anthropology

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maya robinson/ChroniCle file photo

mike Krzyzewski now leads a different squad, the U.s. national team, competing in the fIba world championship.

Coach K and Team USA ready for FIBAIt’s been 16 years since the the U.S. won

the FIBA World Championship—an un-precedented amount of time for a country that has always been considered the world’s premier breeding ground for basketball talent. It lost in 1998—a lockout year for the NBA—with a squad made up of college players; it lost on its home turf in 2002 in Indianapolis; it lost in 2006 with LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Dwyane Wade due in part to defensive lapses.

Now, head coach Mike Krzyzewski, who helped make the Redeem Team possible, will be counted on again to restore Team USA to its position atop the international basketball world. And he’s forced to do it without a single player from the 2008 olym-pics, nor Rajon Rondo, who went home af-ter struggling in the team’s exhibitions.

His squad is certainly off to a good start, despite its B-team status, winning all four of its exhibition games, including a thrashing of greece, 87-59 Wednesday night in Athens. Kevin Durant tallied 15 points and seven boards in the contest, while Derrick Rose was named player of the game after going 6-of-7 from the field and scoring 13.

“We went out with a bang,” Rose said. “We played well. At halftime, we just tried to come out, play aggressive and not let them back in.... That’s something we’ve been working on and it’s coming along.”

While the Americans were not chal-lenged in greece, they don’t expect an easy path in the World Championship. They may play Spain again, which they barely beat in its exhibition last Sunday, and which features Marc gasol, Ricky Rubio

and Rudy Fernandez. And they may have to play Argentina—which is always a threat-ening squad and boasts NBA veterans Luis Scola and Fabricio oberto.

Krzyzewski reflected to the media while in Athens on where a FIBA win would rank among his accomplishments, which now in-clude four national championships at Duke and an olympic gold medal.

“I would think anytime you have a chance to win a championship with your country’s team, it’s the ultimate honor,” he said. “You can’t separate one from the oth-er. We’ve won some championships in col-lege, but they can’t compare to the olym-pic gold medal. The World Championship, if we were fortunate to win it, that would be an amazing thing also.”

Team USA has a chance to help Krzyze-wski find out how it feels to win on yet another platform. After traveling back to Instanbul, Turkey, the U.S. will play Cro-atia—a team it has never faced in World Championship play—Saturday. Then, Sun-day, Krzyzewski and company face Slovenia, which fell to the U.S. 114-95 in 2006.

—from staff reports

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The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 23

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Duke Athletics not profitable, NCAA saysby Laura Keeley


Just 14 of the 120 schools in the Football Bowl Subdivi-sion made money from their athletic departments in the 2009 fiscal year, according to an Aug. 17 NCAA report.

Duke is not among the 14, Deputy Director of Athletics Chris Kennedy told The Chronicle.

While it had been previously reported by the Knight Commission that Duke’s athletic program is not profit-able, this marks the first time that the NCAA has recog-nized this.

Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, ohio State and Ten-nessee are the only known profitable athletic departments, according to the Associated press. Those schools share postseason success, especially in football—every school but Tennessee participated in a postseason football bowl game in 2009, and four also made it to the postseason men’s bas-ketball tournament.

Kennedy, however, did not attempt to draw compari-sons between those schools and Duke.

It is “very hard” to compare different athletic depart-ments because they each have their own ways of account-ing for revenues and expenses, he said.

Still, the report paints grim predictions for the future of athletic spending, especially since schools are spending more money than ever to maintain their athletic programs.

According to data compiled by Daniel Fulks, professor of accounting and faculty athletic representative from Tran-sylvania University, the median amount of money spent in athletics rose to $10.2 million from about $8 million.

“While some might be quick to claim that the increases are the result of runaway spending, the more likely sce-nario is that due to the economy, institutions did not real-ize anticipated revenue to keep up with fixed costs,” NCAA Interim president Jim Isch said.

Isch, previously the organization’s chief financial offi-cer, noted that institutions tend to set their expenses two or three years in advance, and revenue is a “more real-time budgetary phenomenon.”

Coaches’ and staff salaries and athletic scholarships continued to make up nearly half of the total expenses for the FBS, with salaries accounting for 33 percent and schol-arships 15 percent, according to the report.

Ticket sales and charitable contributions from alumni and others fuel revenue intake for FBS schools. Together they make up more than half of the generated revenue and 49 percent of the total income.

Duke, however, unlike some schools, does not charge students admission to any athletic events, including men’s basketball—meaning Duke misses out on a fraction of the

zaChary traCer/ChroniCle file photo

Despite its passionate fan base and success in men’s basketball, Duke was not one of the 14 schools which had profitable athletic programs in 2009.

See report oN pAge 26

24 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

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The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 25

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Blue Devils travel to Colorado for opener

Duke will be used to the trials of air travel—and thin air—after this weekend.The Blue Devils travel to Fort Collins, Colo. this weekend for the Coors Rocky Moun-

tain Challenge. Friday, they play No. 17 Colorado State at 7 p.m. in the host’s Moby Arena. Saturday, they head to Boulder, Colo. and battle Colorado.

Duke does have a hometown connection to the slate of games. All-ACC senior middle blocker Becci Burling, who is the Blue Devils’ active leader in kills, blocks and attacks, is a native of Monument, Colo. Burling led Duke in blocks and total points last year, with 119 and 424.4, respectively.

The Blue Devils hold the top spot, along with Florida State, in the ACC preseason coaches poll and boast six returning starters, including All-ACC selections Kellie Catanach and Claire Smalzer, from a team that went 27-6 last year. Colorado State has five starters left over from an NCAA semifinalist team, while Colorado is in a bit more disarray—the Buffaloes have 14 new players and went 7-22 last year.

Duke returns home after this weekend in time to play Campbell Tuesday, Aug. 31 in Cameron Indoor Stadium.

—from staff reports

Caroline rodriguez/ChroniCle file photo

becci burling, Duke’s active leader in kills, blocks and attacks, returns home to play colorado and colorado state.

26 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

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to escape down the sideline untouched. “our offensive line has done an excellent job this off-

season,” Scott said. “They have been doing a great job opening up creases for myself; it’s evident that we’ve been working hard in that area.”

Before it was all said and done, Renfree found his rhythm, and it was a familiar sight for Duke fans as Vernon continually got loose in the secondary, on his way to five receptions totaling 87 yards.

“The play of Sean Renfree was for the most part con-sistent,” head coach David Cutcliffe said. “He played the strategy of the game well, threw the ball well, and managed the offense well.”

While Donovan Varner had a quiet day with just two catches and 22 yards receiving, the coaching staff was quick to point out that several youngsters stepped up in his place. True freshman wide receiver Brandon Braxton had three receptions for 25 yards including a tough grab along

the sideline. Freshman quarterback Brandon Connette also got some snaps with the first teamers, and Cutcliffe continued to say that the youngster will see time under center in certain situations.

on the defensive side of the ball, the team was suc-cessful in preventing the backups from putting any points on the board. Yet, the first team did allow the reserves to move the ball a bit, and Cutcliffe stressed that the unit needs to attack the line of scrimmage much harder.

on special teams, kicker Will Snyderwine contin-ued to struggle with his accuracy. The preseason groza Award finalist missed a 34-yard field goal wide right and then watched as Nick Maggio connected from the same distance.

While it is too early to speculate if Maggio will seize the starting job, it is fair to say that the scrimmage provided viewers with a look at an offense that hopes to develop a consistent ground game.

And, as Cutcliffe said, no one was injured—the goal of any intrasquad scrimmage.

scrImmage from page 21

margie truwit/the ChroniCle

sophomore wideout conner vernon caught five passes for 87 yards and a touchdown to lead the first and second string over the scout team.

sylvie spewaCk/the ChroniCle

brandon braxton had three catches, but couldn’t snag the ball this time.

generated revenue received through ticket sales. Duke executive Vice president Tallman Trask

told The Chronicle in June that, by his estimate, individuals who sit on top of the student section in Cameron Indoor Stadium donate about $25,000 per year. The combination of free admission for students and the arena’s favorable student section mean Duke limits donors’ access to the best seats in the house—and the school, in turn, misses out on much of the money the profitable schools may be making.

While the report does say that athletic spending is rising, one budget line has remained constant.

The percentage of athletics expenses compared with total institutional spending stayed at about 5 per-cent in Division I, a level that has been relatively consis-tent since 2004, according to Fulks’ data.

“It continues to be all about an institution’s determi-nation of the value athletics adds to overall operation,” Isch said. “It appears more institutions are having to face these difficult decisions about where to invest their money. The top end—while it is not as populated as it was a year ago—still does not have to rely on insti-tutional subsidies. But those that do are falling further behind.”

report from page 23

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 27

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28 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The ChRonICle

most storied programs in college football history, that he was offered its head coaching position this offseason.

That’s right—Cutcliffe actually chose to remain the football coach at Duke over Tennessee, a school he’s dreamed of coaching at since he was a coordinator there in the 1990s. Amazingly enough, the football program that’s been the joke of Division 1A for a decade somehow found, and kept, one of the few college football coaches with integrity. Just ask North Carolina and Butch Davis how hard that is.

But not only is Cutcliffe loyal, he’s quite the maestro with X’s and o’s.

In fact, he may be one of the best in the ACC. He was able to win four games in his first season in Durham—a number that matched the amount of wins the Blue Devils had in the previous four seasons combined. Last season, Duke won five games total, including a streak of three straight conference victo-

ries that had a berth in the ACC Championship game legitimately within reach.

And this was all done by coaching a team largely made up of two-star recruits brought in by his predecessor, Ted Roof.

Keep in mind that this is a team that, mere months before Cutcliffe first took the field at Wallace Wade, was sued by Louisville after the Blue Devils backed out of a contract to play four games against the Cardinals. The contract stated that Duke would have to pay a fine if Louisville couldn’t find an opponent of “similar stature” to replace the Blue Devils. But Duke successfully avoided that fine, in a legitimate court of law, by arguing that they were far and away the worst program in Division 1A, and literally any other opponent would be of higher stature than the Blue Devils.

Imagine seeing that argument on Law & order.Now sit back and watch what this Duke team—now

with two full Cutcliffe recruiting classes and two years under his system—does this season. Yes, the Blue Devils are still overcoming the remnants of a decade of mismanagement. But they now have Cutcliffe’s

prized recruit, former four-star quarterback Sean Renfree, under the helm after two full seasons learn-ing Cutcliffe’s complex spread offense. They have a plethora of speedy skill position players who also have experience under Cutcliffe. And they (finally) have legitimate Division 1A talent on the defensive side of the ball.

So thank David Cutcliffe for bringing genuine Division 1A football back to Durham. Thank him for creating a winning atmosphere in a locker room that was once more depressing than the Detroit Lions’. Thank him for assem-bling a first-class coaching staff and a recruiting class full of ACC-caliber talent. (And while you’re at it, thank him for the opportunity to see Alabama in Wallace Wade in a mere few weeks.)

Coach K and Cameron Indoor will always be the main course of a Duke student’s athletic meal. But thanks to Coach Cut making the decision to not sing Rocky Top all night long, you freshmen have the opportunity to sample a now tantalizing appetizer on the football field. Take advantage of it.

rIcH from page 21

sylvie spewak/ChroniCle file photo

cutcliffe has given Duke fans much to be thankful about, rich writes.

The ChRonICle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 29



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was able to attend practices, roam the sidelines and try to learn all she could about Duke soccer.

As a sophomore Lester played in twelve games as a de-fender and helped the Blue Devils record 13 shutouts, ty-ing a school record.

However, that time on the field would be short-lived. Lester injured her knee again before her junior year, and the beleaguered Blue Devils had a disappointing season, going 9-8-4.

“Junior year was much more frustrating,” Lester said. “We struggled last year. It was a .500 season, we had very few subs and a lot of people were playing 90 minutes. It was frustrating not being able to help.”

Due to a spate of injuries along with Lester’s, Church was forced to play more freshmen, and every healthy mem-ber of the team had to play more minutes. Lester joined the other injured Blue Devils on the sidelines, watching her teammates struggle.

“Mentally it was a challenge, but there were a lot of us that were injured last year so it was a tight knit sup-port system,” Lester said. “That was really helpful, being able to help each other through the ups and downs of rehabilitation.”

After the year of seemingly endless rehab from her microfracture surgery, Lester was finally ready for her career to be reborn at Duke. She took full advantage of the spring season, using it to hone her skills and find her place on the team. She received more minutes, and she established herself as a leader, both on and off the field.

“even though we have experienced players there’s still a lot of youth on our team,” Lester said. “So I think leading both vocally and by example is my role.”

Despite having no career starts and very limited play-ing experience, Lester was voted a tri-captain by her team-mates and her coaches.

“It speaks volumes of their work rate and their commit-ment,” Church said. “one of the strengths of our team is the character of our team…. You don’t give up. You just

hang in there and fight through all the adversity, and good things happen.”

With three years of struggle and unforeseen chal-lenges now behind her, Lester is finally in a position to lead her teammates to a successful season. She is healthy. The team is healthy. Maybe she won’t score a game-winning goal every game, but she’ll try to be a leader and work hard to make a positive impact on the squad this year.

Lester and the rest of the Blue Devils play in the UNC Nike Classic in Chapel Hill this weekend. They face Mis-souri (0-1-0) Friday at 4:00 p.m. and Stanford (1-0-1) Sun-day at 11:00 a.m.

lester from page 21

go to

for your daily Duke sports fix, including a blog updated daily.

the chronicle FriDAY, AUGUSt 27, 2010 | 31

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32 | FriDAY, AUGUSt 27, 2010 the chronicleClassifieds

The Chronicle’s publisher, Duke Student Publishing Company Inc. (DSPC), is looking for a graduate student to join its Board of Directors. Candidates should be available for a two-year term starting this fall.

Members gain real-world business experience as they help guide the campus news media into the future.

DSPC, a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, is neither governed nor funded by Duke University.

Application Deadline: Sept. 15, 2010

Join the Board of Directors of a million-dollar-a-year organization.

Please send a resume and a cover letter to Rich Rubin, chair of the nominating committee, at

College Smokers Interested in new discoveries about smoking?

Duke University Medical Center is looking for college smokers, ages 18-21 who smoke cigarettes, to be part of a study exploring who is or is not at risk for smoking related harm. This is not a smoking cessation study. You will get paid $100 for completing all parts of the study. For more information, and to see if you qualify, call 919-956-5644.

#7967 Duke University Medical Center


GRE, GMAT, LSAT, SAT PREP: In partnership with se-lect programs of Duke, UNC, FSU, and Campbell University, PrepSuccess has helped over 2,700 students prepare for en-trance exams. Early Bird rates are $462 to $546 for courses that begin August 28, Septem-ber 7, 8 and 11. Attend classes in person throughout the Triangle or Live Online Webcast. To visit a class or to learn more and reg-ister, visit or call 919-791-0810.

WE NEEd TuToRS!!! We are hiring excellent tutors for the following subjects (high school and college level):

Math: Calculus, Statistics, Alge-bra, Geometry

Languages: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin, Japanese

Sciences: Physics, Chemistry, Bi-ology

SAT: Verbal, Math

Music: Piano, Guitar, Voice, Flute, Violin

Also: Essay Writing, Math Com-petition, History, Differential Equations, Computer Science

Email us your resume to

LookiNG foR SoMEoNE cooL to help our awesome 11 yr old with homework. 3-5-ish, M-F or 2-3 days/wk. Watts-Hil-landale neighborhood. Contact Kathy at


A LoT of cARS iNc. 250+ Vehicles. Layaway w/$500.

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Most Cars $1000/$1500 down. $275/month.

Duke Student/Employee Hospi-tal ID $100 discount.

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dukE uNivERSiTy has opened a new on-campus res-taurant and bar; the Devil’s Bistro. The Bistro is the per-fect hangout for undergrads, grad students and their peers throughout the Durham com-munity. This semester, we’re looking for up and coming local artists to showcase their talents to the Duke community at this great new venue.

Thurs, Fri or Sat nights preferred. We provide the venue and food/beverage, you provide anything else you may need.

Contact Sarah at 315-240-6276 or sarah.mcgowan@ for more info.

Find out more about the Bistro at

ReseaRCH sTUdies

ARE you A STudENT de-siring RESEARCH EXPERIENCE? Busy cognitive psychology lab looking for responsible, inter-ested undergraduates to start right away. Flexible schedule plus a relaxed working environ-ment for 8-15 hours per week @ $8.00/hour. Work-study pre-ferred. Email today.

HelP WaNTed

oNE AfTERNooN per week, Fridays preferred. Nearby but transportation required. Email

LARGE, fRiENdLy Pediatric Practice in need of a Full-Time Certified MLT or equivalent ex-perience. Applicants MUST be organized, meticulous and pos-sess pediatric phlebotomy skills along with detailed knowledge of laboratory tests, operations and procedures. Knowledge of coding, medical terminology and experience in a clinic setting is preferred. Knowledge of elec-tronic medical record systems and computer skills also highly preferred. Hours are Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm with a need for flexibility for possible evening and weekend work. Please email resume to

NoW hiRiNG Referees for Duke fall intramurals (flag foot-ball, soccer, volleyball). $11/hour. Work 1-4 nights per week. for more info.

SEEkiNG A hEALTh cARE cAREER or want to gain expe-rience at a non-profit? A Help-ing Hand is accepting applica-tions for unpaid internships in Orange/Durham counties. We have two internship programs.

1: Service Learning - Gain di-rect care experience working one-on-one with older adults in the home setting and serve as patient escorts to medical appointments and outpatient procedures.

2: Community Outreach - Use your writing, design, commu-nication and technical skills to make a lasting impact on our organization and gain valu-able career experience. Please contact our Executive Director, Cathy Ahrendsen, at (919) 493-3244 or

EARN $1000-$3200 a month to drive our brand new cars with ads placed on them.

CHild CaRe

NANNy for our awesome 3-yr-old son. Ideal hours: Mon-Thu 12-5. Responsibilities include pick-up from pre-school @noon three days/wk.

Our son is an outdoor, sports-loving, no-TV-watching, book-reading, art-making kind of kid so we want a nanny to support/encourage same. Non-smoker.

Contact Jocelyn at with resume/references.

chiLd cARE NEEdEd for boy 9 and girl 7. Transport to sports and piano. Mon-Thurs 3p-630.p Email or call 919-451-9796

PART-TiME NANNy NEEd-Ed for infant and 3-year-old on Wed and Thurs, 2:15-6:15pm, Fri 12:15-5:15pm and some Fri. mornings. 13-17 hours a week. Prior infant experience a must. Minimum 2010-2011 year com-mitment please. Rate negotia-ble. Email resume or call 919-402-8718

Help needed to drive 9 yr. old to sports activity on Mondays at 6pm and T/Th at 4:30. Oc-casional Sat. evening babysitter needed also. Please email if you are interested in any of these times ( or call 403-0559.

ThE coNGREGATioN AT dukE chAPEL is hiring week-ly nursery attendants for Sun-day morning worship. Contact Sonja Tilley at or 919-684-3917 for more information.

HOMes fOR sale

dEScRiPTioN Adorable, hap-py home in HVF. Open & versatile flrpln. 4th BR would be fabulous media rm/bonus! Living rm has a bay window & FP. Updated nickel hardware & new lighting. Maple cabinets in kitchen. Large MBR w/trey ceiling. Peaceful & private fenced yd w/mature landscaping. Minutes to South-point, Duke & UNC.

virtual tour at

BEEch hiLL coNdo - 1 Creekview Lane. One exit south of Duke off 15-501. Recently renovated. One level with 2 bedrooms/2 baths. Over 1300sq-feet.$150,000 Call: 919-489-1952or 919-724-3929.


2 BEdRooMS, 1 BATh-RooM, fAMiLy RooM, LARGE LiviNG RooM, diN-iNG ANd kiTchEN WiTh STovE, REf. ANd dW. NEW WAShER ANd dRy-ER. cENTRAL hEAT (GAS)ANd AiR. Wood BuRNiNG fiRE PLAcE. hARWood fLooRS. BASEMENT SToR-AGE. LARGE BAck yARd. 1.5 MiLES fRoM EAST cAMPuS of BRoAd ST. cALL 919-306-3512

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MiNT coNdiTioN, black stethoscope with original box and accessories. Lightly used, less than 1.5 years old. Email

doRM, LofT; cuSToM BuiLT dorm lofts built to your dimensions! Can be painted in just about any color you choose. $450 covers materials, construc-tion, finishing, delivery, AND SETUP! Discounts given for mul-tiple orders (ie. both roommates buy a loft). Email Check us out on Facebook!

BEAuTifuL kAWAi PiANo- in tune. Built in Japan. Barely used. Goregous piece of furni-ture as well as piano. In excel-lent shape. Need to sell to make room for a piano we inherited. Email

2008 hyuNdAi ELANTRA SE, sunroof, heated leather seats, cd/mp3, plus other up-grades. 33K miles, great con-dition. Asking $12,000 O.B.O. Email


LookiNG foR A NoN-SMokER, responsible roomate to share 3br, 3ba house in pretty neighborhood. 10 minute drive to Duke. Price negotiable.





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the chronicle FriDAY, AUGUSt 27, 2010 | 33

diversionsShoe Chris Cassatt and Gary Brookins

Dilbert Scott Adams

Ink Pen Phil Dunlap

Doonesbury Garry Trudeau

Sudoku Fill in the grid so that every row, every col-umn and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. (No number is repeated in any column, row or box.)

Answer to puzzle

the chronicle why our wire service sucks:

it has no stories: ........................................................................ tweiit’s not a f*****g sentence!: ...................................adolph, tdoughit disappears! page 2 just disappears: one!wapo, a lesser publication : ............................................... bro-stuff2 stories about nfl in england is its sports: ........... andyk, sabreezefiba stories have phallic plays: .................................c-diddy, truwithon— so sexy on the internet: ............................................... x-tinaeveryone’s at SHOOTAHS: one!Barb Starbuck doesn’t watch the wire: .................................... Barb

Student Advertising Manager: ..............................Margaret PotterAccount Executives: ................... Chelsea Canepa, Phil DeGrouchy

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In the race for federal education funds, North Car-olina appears to have come out on top.

The administration of President Barack Obama an-nounced this week that $4.35 billion in educa-tion funding will be awarded to 11 states and the District of Columbia, which were selected as the winners in the U.S. De-partment of Education’s “Race to the Top” program.

“Race to the Top” was de-signed to promote reforms of K-12 education in local and re-gional districts by encouraging states to compete for pools of federal money. The program marks a major initiative of Sec-retary of Education Arne Dun-can and it is a key component of the 2009 stimulus package.

When it comes to deter-mining the success of this pro-gram, there is plenty of space for political debate. Education reform is a complex business, and when the federal govern-

ment becomes involved it is even trickier.

For example, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the hallmark education initiative of the President George W. Bush administration, drew sig-nificant local criticism in North Carolina schools. Additionally, Texas and Alaska opted not to submit “Race to the Top” ap-plications to avoid federal over-sight. Texas Gov. Rick Perry ex-plaining that he did not want to cede control of education to “federal bureaucracy.”

The selection of the winners themselves has also provoked

scrutiny. Critics have contend-ed that the process was biased toward Eastern states with large urban centers or states with Democratic governors.

Despite these concerns, we commend North Carolina for compiling a winning “Race to the Top” proposal. The state is still recovering from the impact of a severe recession and passing up such a rare funding opportunity would be foolishly ideological. In addition, North Carolina schools lag behind the rest of the country in many key met-rics and reform is badly need-ed. The state plans to spend its $400 million on attracting and keeping teaching talent, revitalizing low-performing schools and purchasing new technology that will monitor students’ performance.

But money itself is not a cure-all for the education chal-lenges the Tar Heel state faces, and it should not be viewed as the sole reward of North Caro-lina’s winning proposal. The process that it took to compile a successful application should serve as a model for future re-forms throughout the state. In order to win “Race to the Top” funds, states needed the joint cooperation of lawmakers, teachers’ unions, school ad-ministrators and various other citizen groups. States like Colo-rado and New Jersey were con-sidered favorites to be named winners, but they fell short when union and other groups were unable to get on the same page with policymakers.

North Carolina’s education stakeholders exhibited greater cooperation. The state battled

through the adversity of failing to win the first round of grants awarded in the spring and per-severed to reap the monetary benefits of a winning applica-tion this month. Education policy requires innovation and experimentation, but at some point all parties must unify be-hind a single goal.

North Carolinaians should view its “Race to the Top” award as a lesson learned rather than a singular achievement. The policymaking process the state used to prepare its application should serve as a rallying point for an even greater commit-ment to education reform.

North Carolina may have reached the top in this com-petition, but when it comes to providing the state’s children with quality education there remains a long way to climb.

commentaries34 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The chRonIcle

The c








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staff editorial

A world together

A long way to climb

”“ onlinecomment

Cool story, bro

—“Suggestion” commenting on the story “Duke nears ‘final stages’ of naming external review body in Potti case.” See more at

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Kate Whetten, the director of the Center for Health Policy at Duke, was one. So was Gregg Trahey, a professor at the Pratt

School of Engineering. Likewise for Margaret Ri-ley, who heads Duke’s Global Education Office for Undergraduates.

Returned Peace Corps Volunteers are every-where at Duke, from the student health center to the library. Hundreds of Duke alumni also served as volunteers. For almost all of us, the ex-perience changed how we see the world and our place in it.

Several dozen recent Duke grad-uates are now taking their turn as Peace Corps Volunteers, working to educate children, fight HIV/AIDS, build water systems, empower women, promote sustainabil-ity and assist in other ways across the developing world. They are speaking local languages and liv-ing simply, working for two years to improve life in communities whose poverty contrasts with our lives here at Duke. They may be the first Ameri-cans some of their new neighbors have ever met.

I served with the Peace Corps in Nepal. Dur-ing my first year, I taught English in a Himalayan school where as many as 70 students crowded into each of my classes, crammed behind rick-ety desks on mud floors. Our town had one tiny road, little electricity and running water for just a few hours a day.

I came home a different person. My goal had been to serve others, and I did, but I feel I ben-efited even more from the experience than they did. Many other returned Peace Corps Volunteers feel the same way.

It’s a feeling that may be familiar to Duke stu-dents who have just returned from a DukeEngage experience abroad. Perhaps they spent this past summer working with underprivileged youth in India, promoting environmental education in Peru or assisting kids with disabilities in Egypt. To paraphrase the DukeEngage slogan, they chal-lenged themselves and helped change the world. Almost certainly, they learned more—or at least differently—than they ever could have in a class-room alone.

They are not the only ones at Duke inter-acting with the developing world. Programs like DukeEngage and the Global Health Insti-tute tend to receive the most attention, but the University is involved in many other ways. [The Sanford School of Public Policy’s] Center for International Development trains both master’s students and visiting professionals from devel-oping countries. The Nicholas School of the En-vironment has a Center on Global Change, the

Divinity School is working in places from South Africa to South America and the Fuqua School of Business is pursuing major initiatives in sev-eral countries. The Duke community includes Engineers Without Borders, legal advocates for international human rights, medical teams from Tanzania to Haiti, nurses in the Caribbean and a TIP program in India. Our students study dances from Asia and martial arts from Brazil. Hundreds of them were born in developing

countries themselves.I could have cited many other

examples and apologize for the omissions. The fact that there are so many amplifies my point that

Duke’s embrace of global development now ex-tends far beyond those of us who were fortunate enough to serve as Peace Corps Volunteers. It has become an essential part of the University’s mis-sion: “knowledge in service to society” at an in-creasingly global university.

During the coming academic year, Duke will celebrate its commitment to global devel-opment through an initiative called “A World Together.” President Brodhead, Provost Lange, the deans and others have endorsed this effort as a way to call attention to the challenges fac-ing the developing world and what Duke is do-ing in response.

The alumni association has been a leader of this effort. Its annual Duke in Depth conference in February 2011 will feature speakers and activi-ties exploring global development, bringing to-gether for the first time alumni who served with the Peace Corps and other development organi-zations. You can learn more at, and in a recent series of ar-ticles available off the Duke home page.

This initiative began when several of us at Duke discussed how we might best commemorate this year’s 50th anniversary of President John F. Ken-nedy establishing the Peace Corps. The more we talked, the more we recognized this to be an occa-sion not for nostalgia about our own service, but for celebration of how much Duke is now doing in the same spirit.

We’re proud to work at a university that has embraced what we learned years ago: We all live in this world together. We invite others who share our interest in global development to join us in making “A World Together” a success.

David Jarmul is Duke’s associate vice president for news and communications. He served in the Peace Corps in Nepal.

david jarmulguest column

The start of the semester is a lot like New Year’s. For one thing, students toss their inhibitions to the wind and celebrate with the kind of carefree atti-

tude that quickly erodes away once classes begin again. More importantly, though, we make genuine (albeit tenu-ous) promises to ourselves that we will eat healthier, stay ahead of our studies and live honorably. And, inevitably, these resolutions snap under the stress of deadlines and lack of sleep.

Part of the problem is that it’s easy to foresee yourself ad-hering to your resolutions even under stress, but it’s much more difficult to deal with going for a run or taking care of some outside reading when you actually find yourself at the end of a long day. The difference between running today and running tomorrow isn’t a big one, and it’s certainly not tough to make up a few pages of extra reading at some point later on.

The best defense for this backlogging problem can be to remember that as the days go by, it all adds up. Take the example of outside reading, a pastime that becomes lamen-tably buried and lost behind mountains of assigned text. Al-though a pile of outside reading books might seem like the straw to break your camel’s back, holding yourself to a small, daily allotment of pages can keep the resolution alive.

For instance, a student who wishes to engage in more outside reading over the course of the semester might, instead of selecting a stack of books to be read over the course of a semester, choose to hold himself to 20 pages every night. In doing so, his or her goal for the semester be-comes one that he must meet daily and that cannot be put off until some ambiguous date in the future. Furthermore, for those of you resolved to do more outside reading this semester, 20 pages every night from the first day of classes to the last adds up to a total of 2060 pages (20 pages doesn’t have to be the ceiling either, especially not on particularly uneventful evenings). In the end, depending on the re-spective lengths, this could land you anywhere between 4 and 7 moderately sized books a semester.

Semester resolutions don’t necessarily have to be about racking up pages or shaving off calories, though; they can concern things like saving money, as well. For example, say that you’re a soda drinker and that you drink one can of soda per day. Assuming that these cans are com-ing from soda machines like the one in the basement of Wannamaker Dormitory, you’ll be paying 85 cents a day for your soda. By the end of the semester, you will have purchased 103 sodas from the drink machine for a total of $87.55. However, had you bought those 103 sodas at Target (in 9 packs of 12, which also gets you 5 extra sodas, for $3.33 apiece), you would have spent $29.97. The dif-ference between the two comes to $57.58, which at least covers much more than the gas you’d spend getting there. To be sure, this is not a staggering sum of extra cash, but it grows when other individual snacks that could also be bought in bulk are taken into account.

As for calorie counters, the sodas put up some inter-esting numbers in other areas as well. If you’re drinking regular old Coca-Cola, still at one a day and at 140 calories per Coke, you’re ingesting 14,420 extra calories over the course of the semester. This isn’t really a cause for alarm, because all in all that isn’t really that many calories, and because they are also being regularly expended. However, it just serves to illustrate the ways in which a small amount of basic math can help to reinforce the daily desire to work towards a semester-long resolution.

All that being said, a warning is also warranted against over-obsession with these kinds of simple calculations. Cer-tainly it’s okay to have a Coke everyday if you choose, and if outside reading is of no concern to you, then the added advantage of all those pages under your belt is inconse-quential. And even if these resolutions are similar to yours, there’s little need for worry over a day or two missed here and there. In fact, taking breaks from these relatively rig-orous little schedules ensures against over-saturation and exhaustion.

Be careful though, because if you’ve set a resolution for yourself this semester, all of those little breaks can add up, too.

Chris Bassil is a Trinity junior. His column runs every


commentariesThe chRonIcle FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 | 35

It all adds up Bull City connectedThere’s some buzz around a bus. It’s in the news-

papers. On TV. Even has a new hit single from ages past:

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round,The wheels on the bus go round and round,All the way downtown!You think it sounds childish? Already been done?

Alright, but before you skip to the next column, let me back up a minute.

There is a new bus, introduced just two weeks ago. It’s yellow, but also orange, and no, it’s not taking you to kindergarten.

Here are the facts: It’s called the Bull City Connector. It has a website: It runs every 15 minutes from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ev-ery 20 minutes from 6 p.m. till midnight during the week (on Saturdays, the bus runs on 20 minute intervals). The route starts at the Duke Hospital then moseys over to Main Street via Erwin Road before continuing all the way to Golden Belt, passing through town favorites like Bright-leaf Square, American Tobacco District and City Center.

The best part: it’s free!I got a sneak preview this summer, but I was still sur-

prised at the level of excitement evident around campus. At orientation events at the beginning of this week I

spoke to employees tabling for Parking and Transporta-tion Services: they gave nearly unanimous good feedback. I cornered people in front of the Sustainable Duke table: unanimous good feedback. Across campus and at the bus stop itself, only a few of the people I spoke with had rid-den the bus, saying it was easy and convenient; a lot more had heard about it and wanted a test drive.

I counted myself among them, so I embarked on a field trip. I set out from my office Tuesday afternoon under a threateningly dark sky for a free ride around the city.

This was my first foray on a city bus. While Duke pledged matching monetary contributions up to $375,000 for the service (making Durham eligible for $3 million in federal stimulus dollars used to purchase hy-brid diesel buses for the project), the Connector is oper-ated and maintained by the city. It’s a partnership.

Think an economic downturn is a bad time to be com-mitting funds to run buses around town? Think again. In a number of ways, the Connector’s inception was long over-due. With Duke’s significant investments in leased space downtown, coupled with annoyingly painful parking on campus, it was time. You might chalk it up to a strong com-mitment to sustainability that finally got this bus rolling, but don’t discount the fact that Durham’s star is obviously rising as evidenced by the popularity of major downtown attrac-tions and renovations to living, entertainment and business areas. Whatever the reasons, it was definitely time.

As per usual with such projects, there are downsides. This is not a party bus, à la big city transportation. First,

you have to find it. On West, it intersects campus near Flowers Drive, which is a short but confusing walk through the Duke Hospital or around the buildings from the main bus stop. On East Campus, you need to walk out to Main Street. This isn’t actually such a bad thing. With thousands of medical center employees stationed on Duke’s campus, this bus is for the hospital-minded folks as much as it is for students and academics holed up elsewhere who need some fresh air. The real kicker is the hours; undergrads, this is not your chariot home from Shooters on Thurs-

day night, unless you’re Cinderella and you have a midnight curfew. Early shift employees starting before 7 a.m. at the hospital may be similarly out of luck for a commuting option.

As for my turn around the route, for a Tuesday afternoon, the ride was well attended. The bus was clean, new and shiny. The bus drivers wear yellow shirts and they’re pleasantly courteous. As I rode around, recorded announce-

ments informed passengers that the bus was approach-ing Ninth Street and other destinations along the route.

And about the route: it’s great, it’s easy and the maps are color coded. The marketing department gets an A plus. This is how easy and straight forward navigating any public transportation system should be, especially for first-time riders. The bus stops are easy to locate, the route is easy to visualize and the information provided about the areas of the city the route serves makes what might seem like an impen-etrable jungle more easily accessible.

I got my map from Sustainable Duke at the graduate student orientation activities fair, but there are more waiting for you on the bus, online or at Parking and Transportation Services.

Perhaps you prefer your bike to roll around town? When I got to Durham several years ago, I went in search of a bike map at a local bike shop to no avail. Now there are bike maps and bus maps and buses with bike racks, including the Bull City Connector! Oh, how far we’ve come. And the places we’ll go…

So I rode the bus round and round, and got back to the Duke Hospital stop in about 45 minutes (20 minutes to the end of the line at Golden Belt). Not bad. With most of the kinks in the schedule hope-fully worked out by now, my bus driver reported an increase in ridership this week over last. Better yet, that’s only likely to increase as people stop talking and start riding the bus!

The Bull City awaits you. And seriously folks, if you don’t dig my nursery rhymes, there’s better entertain-ment to be found downtown.

Liz Bloomhardt is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in mechani-cal engineering. Her column will run every other Friday.

chris bassiljust a minute

liz bloomhardtgreen devil

36 | FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2010 The chRonIcle

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Mobile broadband not available in all areas. Coverage not available in all areas. See coverage map at stores for details. Offer available on select phones. Limited-time offer. Other conditions & restrictions apply. See contract & rate plan brochure for details. Subscriber must live & have a mailing addr. within AT&T’s owned wireless network coverage area. Up to $36 activ. fee applies. Equipment price & avail may vary by mrk & may not be available from independent retailers. Phone Return Policy/Early Termination Fee: None if cancelled in first 30 days; up to $35 restocking fee may apply to equipment returns; thereafter $150 or $325 depending on device (check Agents may impose add’l fees. Subject to change. Unlimited voice services: Unltd voice svcs are provided solely for live dialog between two individuals. No additional discounts are available with unlimited plan. Offnet Usage: If your mins of use (including unltd svcs) on other carriers’ networks (“offnet usage”) during any two consecutive months or your data use during any month exceed your offnet usage allowance, AT&T may at its option terminate your svc, deny your contd use of other carriers’ coverage, or change your plan to one imposing usage charges for offnet usage. Your offnet usage allowance is equal to the lesser of 750 mins or 40% of the Anytime mins incl’d with your plan (data offnet usage allowance is the lesser of 24 MB or 20% of the KB incl’d with your plan). AT&T Promotion Cards:Samsung Strive price before AT&T Promotion Card; with 2-year wireless svc agreement on voice & minimum $20/mo. messaging and/or data plan required is $69.99. Offer valid 7/25/10–9/18/10. Allow 60 days for fulfillment. Card may be used only in the U.S. & is valid for 120 days after issuance date but is not redeemable for cash & cannot be used for cash withdrawal at ATMs or automated gasoline pumps. Card request must be postmarked by 10/28/10 & you must be a customer for 30 consecutive days to receive card. Sales tax calculated based on price of unactivated equipment. Smartphone Data Plan Requirement: Smartphone requires minimum DataPlus (200MB); $15 will automatically be charged for each additional 200MB provided on DataPlus if initial 200MB is exceeded. All data, including overages, must be used in the billing period in which the allowance is provided or be forfeited. For more details on data plans, go to ©2010 AT&T Intellectual Property. Service provided by AT&T Mobility. All rights reserved. AT&T and the AT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

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