by: wyatt davenport michigan, ohio, indiana, illinois, missouri, iowa, kansas, nebraska, south...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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By: Wyatt Davenport

Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa,

Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin

Lansing, Columbus, Springfield, Indianapolis, Jefferson City, Madison, St. Paul, Des Moines, Topeka, Lincoln, Pierre, and Bismarck

Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Erie

Mt. Rushmore that honors four US presidents and Crazy Horse is being carved in. Crazy Horse was a native American tribe leader.

The Mississippi and the Missiouri rivers.

The Ohio river borders these states.

Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin

Mt. Rushmore monument, Mall Of America, And O’Hare Airport.

Canada is the country that is north of the Midwest.

Minnesota, Wisconsin, andMichigan

Detroit Michigan!!!! There is a lot of stuff to see and a lot of history too… Motown, Auto Industry, and the Fist and many other historical and great buildings but many bad people now a long time ago Detroit was a very famous city. Full of nice great people. Some people are still nice and good but now robberies are taking place to keep families alive so now Detroit is a bad place. But it is very nice.

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