can you hear me now? - the way leaders listen

Post on 21-Apr-2017



Leadership & Management



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Can You HearMe Now?The Way Leaders Listen

What innovators and thought leaders knowabout communication that you don't.

By Jane Marquardt 10 Great Habits to Build.

Be PurposefulA productiveconversation is likely tocover a variety oftopics. However, it isalways important toremember what theoriginal purpose of theinteraction was. Do notlet the dialogue veertoo far off course. Besure you questions andcontributions ultimatelyserve to achieve thatoriginal goal.

Stay RelaxedStriking the rightbalance betweenbeing attentive andmaking yourconversation partnerfeel comfortable iscrucial. Mentally filterout any externaldistractions. Instead,focus on presentingyourself in a way that isillustrative of youreagerness to sincerelyhear what is being saidto you.

Open Minds,Open EarsListen withoutjudgment. A negativeinternal monologuecan do the dualdamage of prohibitingyou from listeningclosely enough andalso manifesting in theform of an unintended,unsavory change inyour tone or facialexpressions.

Use MentalPicturesCreate a mental imageof the informationbeing shared in theconversation.Visualizing abstractconcepts in a way thatmakes sense allowsyou to better keep yoursense on full alert. It is form of active listeningthat will be sure tobenefit your ability toengage effectively.

Eye ContactIs KeyFacing the speaker andmaintaining eyecontact is more thanjust a sign of respect -it actually helps centeryour focus and keepyour attentionundivided. Clearlyindicating that theconversation isimportant to you is agreat first step to aproductive dialogue.

Do NotInterruptInterrupting, regardlessof intentions, isunproductive in thelong-run. Firstly, itindicates you do notrespect the personspeaking enough toallow them to completetheir message.Secondly, it preventsyou from receiving allthe information theyintended to share.

Listen forPausesA good speaker willknow to leave plenty ofopportunity forinteraction, so theconversation doesn'tdevolve into aone-sided lecture. Takeadvantage of naturallulls in the flow ofinformation to askclarifying questions,which prove you areinvested in the convo.

Know WhatWasn't SaidThe majority ofinterpersonalcommunication isnonverbal. Pay attentionto small details likeposture, tone of voice,and cadence to pick upon what is not beingexplicitly expressed. Knowledge is powerand these clues hold atreasure trove ofinformation.

Empathy IsUnderstandingYour mannerismsshould mirror theemotion beingconveyed to you by thespeaker. This is themost natural indicationthat the informationthey are sharing isbeing heard exactly asintended. Put yourselfin the other person'smetaphorical shoesand be considerate.

Give GoodFeedbackClarifying questions areone good way toillustrate yourinvestment in theconversation, butsincere interjectionsand affirmations areequally effective, aswell as less likely tounintentionally breakthe speaker's flow ofthought.

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