case study competition - how can the eu do better in your country - balkans?

Post on 19-May-2015






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In this paper, I will try to focus clearly on assessing the EU performance, primarily in Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in the Balkans, through “The School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in B&H” and “Educational cycle of Political Academy of the Party of Democratic Action B&H”. I'm very familiar with these two programs because I have recently attended them. The aim of this paper is to provide constructive criticism regarding EU performance of these two programs of political education for young people, which would help the EU to raise its efficiency and maximize its results in B&H and the Balkans by offering fresh and creative approaches that address its shortcomings.


Sanel Prelic


„How can the EU do better in your


Lukavac, February 2013

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



In this paper, I will try to focus clearly on assessing the EU performance, primarily in

Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in the Balkans, through “The School of Political

Studies of the Council of Europe in B&H” and “Educational cycle of Political Academy

of the Party of Democratic Action B&H”. I'm very familiar with these two programs

because I have recently attended them.

The aim of this paper is to provide constructive criticism regarding EU performance of

these two programs of political education for young people, which would help the EU

to raise its efficiency and maximize its results in B&H and the Balkans by offering

fresh and creative approaches that address its shortcomings.

The School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in B&H

The School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in B&H is currently one of the

best programs of “the continent's oldest political organization“1 – Council of Europe.

Council of Europe, through its Office in Sarajevo and under the project "Network of

Schools of Political Studies of the Council of Europe”, organizes this school for ten

years successfully in order to educate and train future generations of political,

economic, social and cultural leaders in B&H with the help of national and

international experts. I was a participant of this tenth jubilee generation of the school

which held its activities during 2012.

The aim of the School of Political Studies of the CoE in B&H was to gather, through a

series of seminars, young leaders from almost all political parties and all parts of B&H

and various areas of professional life.

Participants in the program introduce each other and analyze the different views that

other young people have, work together, and discuss the important and sensitive

political topics in a polite manner with the aim of fostering and improving the culture

of dialogue. Ultimately, it all together should ensure the giving of importance to the

“Council of Europe’s main goals and values”2 in the future political and public life in


1 The Council of Europe is the continent's oldest political organisation, founded in 1949. (Source: Website Councile of Europe –

Sarajevo Office, accessed on December 1, 2012) 2 The primary aim of the Council of Europe is to create a common democratic and legal area throughout the whole of the

continent, ensuring respect for its fundamental values: human rights, democracy and the rule of law. These values are the foundations of a tolerant and civilised society and indispensable for European stability, economic growth and social cohesion. On the basis of these fundamental values, we try to find shared solutions to major problems such as terrorism, organised crime and corruption, cybercrime, bioethics and cloning, violence against children and women, and trafficking in human beings. (Source: Website Councile of Europe accessed on December 1, 2012)

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



It is important to note, “when Bosnia and Herzegovina became a full member of the

Council of Europe (on April 24, 2002) it has accepted an obligation to foster and

promote democratic values and standards of the Council of Europe”.3

Educational cycle of Political Academy of the Party of Democratic Action B&H

For the past three years, Political Academy of SDA, “as a program of political

education and training for young leaders”4, offers a one-year educational cycle to its

students that takes place through the curriculum of the Academy. I was a participant

of the second generation of PA SDA which held its activities during 2011.

In addition to contribution to the quality of political processes in B&H through political

education of staff and motivating them to political and social action, other aims of PA

SDA’s one-year educational cycle are development of a democratic political culture

among youth and social actors, encouraging dialogue & cooperation between young

leaders on issues of common interest, preparation of young leaders for the future

social and political roles that they will perform, and especially successful leading of

B&H through the process of important reforms.

During educational cycle of PA SDA participants, namely young leaders from politics,

private sector, public administration, civil society and media, had an opportunity to

gain knowledge through intensive seminars from areas that are relevant to their work

in society, regardless of the sphere of the society in which they acted.

Among the covered areas in the curriculum of PA SDA were the topics that seek to

improve the future work of the participants, such as political communication, human

resource management, the use of new technologies in the campaign, as well as

those relating to broader areas such as European integration, introduction to

decision-making in the European Union, the use of pre-accession funds of the

European Union, etc.

3 Source: Website Ministry of Foreign Affairs B&H,, accessed on December 2, 2012

4 Political Academy of the Party of Democratic Action is program of political education and training for young leaders from

politics, private sector, public administration, civil society and the media from B&H, the region and the world (Source: Facebook page of Political Academy of SDA, accessed on December 2, 2012)

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



Anyway, PA SDA is “the first academy of its kind in B&H, modeled on programs of

political education in the major parties across Europe”.5

Projects that provide hope for a better tomorrow

Based on the facts presented so far, it can easily be concluded that projects such as

“The School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe in B&H” and “Educational

cycle of Political Academy of the Party of Democratic Action B&H” are "Ambassadors

of the main aims and values of the EU" and trying to educate young people, surely

the most important group, about these aims and values.

I therefore believe that projects of this type are necessary and really provide hope for

a better future of B&H and the Balkans from multiple aspects.

In article “Develop and improve society“6 Director of Political Academy of SDA Senad

Sepic says that in PA SDA they are of the opinion that acquirement of knowledge,

skills and attitudes can affect political process which will bring change for the better,

and this change can only come with more activity of young people. Sepic adds that

this method of education of the entire civil society was long-rooted in Western

democracies and for B&H this is especially important because of the fact that

democracy in this country is still in the development stage.

Thus, some of the main topics covered by the curriculum of PA SDA are those

relating to European integration, introduction to decision-making in the European

Union, the use of pre-accession funds of the European Union, etc.

Among other things, one of the aims of the School of Political Studies of the CoE in

B&H is improvement of the culture of dialogue between young participants for the

purpose of development of Bosnian society. In her statement for “South East News

Service Europe (SENSE)”7 Head of the Council of Europe Office in Bosnia and

Herzegovina Mary Ann Hennessey points out that, with the gathering of current and

future leaders from almost all political parties and areas of professional life in Bosnia

5 Source: Facebook Page of Political Academy of SDA, accessed on December 5, 2012

6 Newsletter of Political Academy of SDA, Number VII, September/October 2011, strana 1

7 Source: Website of South East News Service Europe, accessed on December 10, 2012

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



and Herzegovina, they are trying to learn to discuss the very important and sensitive

topics through this school.

Some of the main topics studied in Schools of Political Studies of the Council of

Europe are “European integration, processes of democratization, intercultural

dialogue, post-conflict reconciliation, globalization, organization of free elections,

strengthening of democratic institutions and civil society development”.8

Participants - primarily young and well-educated

Young candidates who have already established themselves in their workplaces and

want to deepen knowledge and share experience on the socio-political processes are

mainly requested during the selection of candidates for both programs. Well-

educated people who have specific program of work for the next period and speak

foreign languages have an advantage during selection process.

Candidates for educational cycle of PA SDA are required “to have expressed desire

for new knowledge acquirement, skills improvement and introduction with new ideas

& techniques“.9

Participants of the School of Political Studies of the CoE are “young leaders (average

age 35) in the public and private sectors, selected according to their level of social or

professional responsibility, taking account of relevant political, social, cultural and

ethnic factors in each country”.10 Gender balance is another criterion of the schools’

selection procedure.

This is exactly the target group of candidates which only, if of course meets all the

necessary criteria, can provide and build a new future for the countries in the Balkans

region in the European Union.

I therefore believe that education and training of these young people should lie in the

center of “strategy for success” of each serious society whose strategic aim is

membership in EU.

8 Source: Website European Association of the Schools of Political Studies of the Council of Europe,

accessed on December 10, 2012 9 Source: Facebook Page of Political Academy of SDA, accessed on December 11, 2012

10 Plaquette „The schools of political studies of the Council of Europe“, Council of Europe, 2010, page 2

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



High-quality education programs that truly promote the goals and values of the


PA SDA, in cooperation with partner “Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation from Sweden”11,

organized seminar entitled “European integration and political brending” for

participants of the second generation of PA SDA on October 2011 in Sarajevo.

"The speakers at the seminar were prominent experts from Sweden as Par

Henriksson, Head of campaigns for Swedish centre-right Moderate Party and

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, and Klas Hjort, Political Advicer of the

Moderate Party Office in the European Parliament. They have spoken about how

institutions of the European Union work and its values and goals.“12

Vice president of SDA and Member of Parliament of B&H Semsudin Mehmedovic

held lesson about European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and negotiations

of that country with the European Union.

Bakir Izetbegovic, member of the Presidency of B&H talked with the participants

about the issues that are within its competence as member of the Presidency, but

also about other strategic issues that are important for B&H such as membership in

the EU and NATO.

“The culture of dialogue in B&H” was title of the first seminar of the tenth School of

Political Studies of the CoE in B&H, held on February 2012 in Vlašić.

Head of the CoE Office in B&H Mary Ann Hennessey spoke at the seminar on topic

"Political Dialogue for European Integration" while Ambassador of the United States

to Bosnia and Herzegovina Patrick Moon had the speech entitled "Political dialogue

for Euro-Atlantic integration”.13

Representatives of Legal - Constitutional Committee of the House of Representatives

B&H Sefik Dzaferovic, Lazar Prodanovic and Mato Franjicevic have spoken and

created discussion on topics “Political dialogue within political parties” and “Political

dialogue for reforms”.


Founded after the fall of the Berlin wall and the iron curtain, the Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation aims to promote co-operation and European development based on freedom, democracy and market economy. This is done through education and information on democracy and European integration directed to political parties and organizations. ( Source: Website of Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation,, accessed on December 11, 2012 12

Newsletter of Political Academy of SDA, Number VII, September/October 2011, page 3 13

Source: Blog Z.U.I.T., accessed on December 11, 2012

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



Within their study trip to administrative center of the European Union in Brussels on

January 2012, participants of the second generation of PA SDA visited the

headquarters of the European Commission, European Parliament and NATO where

they had a chance to talk with Head of Mission of BiH to NATO, Branimir Jukic. They

also visited the headquarters of Mission of B&H to the EU and had meeting with

Ambassador at Mission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU, Osman Topcagic.

“The aim of this visit was to introduce participants of Political Academy of SDA with

the way of functioning of these institutions, Euro-Atlantic associations and with the

importance of our country's accession into them as well as to demonstrate that, in

Bosnia and Herzegovina there are promising political forces whose goal is B&H’s full

membership in EU and NATO”.14

Over fifty participants of School of Political Studies of the CoE in B&H attended the

first “World Forum for Democracy” in Strasbourg that was organized by the Council of

Europe and the City of Strasbourg on October 2012.

„Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland officially opened the

Forum, followed by the presentations of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,

Yemen politician and human rights activist and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureate

Tawakkol Karman, French Minister in charge of European Affairs Bernard

Cazeneuvre, German Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble and many others“.15

The assessment of the first Strasbourg World Forum for Democracy was eighty hours

of debate, several dozen encounters, more than 200 experts from around the globe

and 1500 participants representing 120 countries.

Apart from young leaders, participants of the Network of schools of political studies of

the CoE, the Forum also gathered leaders of European institutions, members of

European as well as national parliaments, high level politicians, leading public figures

and civil society activists, in order to work together on identifying possible answers to

today’s economic, social and political challenges


Newsletter of Political Academy of SDA, Number X, January/February 2012, page 2 15

Source: Website of Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, accessed on December 12, 2012

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



In addition to attending the different events of the Forum, the participants from Bosnia

and Herzegovina exchanged views with their peers in regional meetings of Schools

and met their country’s judges from the European Court of Human Rights.

„The aim of this first Forum was not to find global consensus on democracy, but

rather to allow discussions and exchanges of experience between politicians, global

leaders and members of the civil society to identify possible answers to challenges

arising in today's societies“.16

Concluding Remarks

Taking into consideration all above mentioned facts, we can conclude that two

projects, described in detail in this paper, are very good models that promote the true

values and standards of the EU in B&H and the Balkans.

There is no doubt that this approach is the only one that can bring us all closer to

European integration, but it is necessary that young people participate in existing

programs of this type as much as possible, and in this way upgrade their knowledge,

as well as get the opportunity to travel and meet other young people, creating

thereby a network of friends who will perhaps be able to help participant’s country or

the community to further develop.

I could finish this work with the recommendation that more projects of this kind are

needed “that will conduct the training of young generation for the future political

leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina through their professional programs of

education”17 in all spheres of society, while relying on the modern achievements of

the EU.

Therefore, I consider that, full utilization of all capacities of these young leaders in

practice and on the field, in order to implement everything what they, through the

training and education gained, is missing.


What are the forces shaping democratic societies in the future? Will the emerging voices of the Arab Spring bring about lasting stability? And can they be a source of inspiration for reforms in established Western democracies? By confronting conventional concepts with new realities, the Forum gauged how democracies can satisfy the expectations of citizens and adapt to their different values and traditions. ( Source: Website of European Association of the The Schools of Political Studies of the Councile of Europe, accessed on December 12, 2012) 17

Source: Blog Z.U.I.T., accessed on December 17, 2012

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



Although it sounds unbelievable, it is a painful truth unfortunately, that knowledge

which these young people with excellent professional and personal characteristics

are acquiring through above mentioned programs is, instead of being useful to their

societies, in fact, very dangerous. Because of that, it is very difficulty for them to get

opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities in existing structures of society.

Many “old school leaders” in various managerial positions in the society, which they

acquired in various ways, are afraid of these young leaders, they do not want to

recognize them and they try to find a way to marginalize them. Why? Well, primarily

because of the fact that these types of persons are their competition and jeopardize

their current positions.

And all this is even supported by the fact that “democracy in B&H is characterized by

partisan politics that are tied to ethnic principle, confrontational discourse, political

pressure on the press and media, delays in reforms, incendiary political rhetoric and

the perpetuation of the political crisis. Democracy is not consolidated, as confirmed

by the low rating of the country in numerous comparative tables of democratic


In B&H, leaders still prefer to deal with these matters, rather than, for example, to

focus on constitutional reforms, including the enforcement of European Court of

Human Rights decision.

On the other hand, the EU also supports this status quo by asking, from the very

beginning, a comprehensive reform as a condition for membership negotiations but

not as its ultimate goal. It seems like EU secretly fears that these issues are highly

emotional for the actors in the reform process, and that there is a high risk of

prolonging the political paralysis that would ultimately lead to the disintegration of the


From my point of view, the group of young people that we talked about is the only

one able to find different views on things that are plaguing the “Balkan policies”, and

who are ready for negotiation and building of positive political environment. They are

the ones who are looking into the future and who do not want to go back a lot into the


The EU policy of democratization in BiH - Correct principles, misguided policies, 2007-2008, Fond Otvoreno društvo BiH, page 1

CASE-STUDY COMPETITION „How can the EU do better in your country/Balkans?”



past. Past should not be forgotten, but at least for young people it should be a little

aside. Past should give way to the brighter future, namely to the EU integrations.

Just because of that, EU should insist and give its assistance in order to ensure that

these young people rapidly lead the key reforms in their countries, which ultimately

should result in joining the European Union.

Thus, the participation of young people should lie at the center of policy-making

concerning the European integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkan


They should be considered as partners and recognized as social actors with the skills

and capacity to present constructive solutions to those problems that directly affect

the delays in reform processes. Therefore, the EU itself should insist on their

participation and request that their advice be obeyed and implemented. Its

instruments can be “persuasion, dialogue and socialization, and exposure to new

ideas”.19 Also, such a policy should be supported by financial and instrumental

motivation, even through the use of methods of conditioning.

However, much of the problem lies in the minds of current leaders. Their "mindset"

should be changed, but that is very difficult.

In response to these problems, generational turnover is often the key causal variable

behind certain changes.


Kubicek, Paul, The European Union and Democratisation: Reluctant States (London, Routledge, 2003) page 12

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