ch 18 section 1 the french revolution begins. background began 1789 create new political and social...

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Ch 18 Section 1

The French Revolution Begins


Began 1789 Create new political and

social order Causes:

Immediate– Economic Long-range– Inequality in

society Three Estates

(classes/orders of society)

Long Range Cause Three Estates 1st Estate- Clergy

Religious leaders 2nd Estate- Nobility

Leaders in government, military, courts, and church offices

3rd Estate- Commoners Paid taxes the clergy and nobility did not

have to pay Bourgeoisie


Middle Class Merchants, bankers, professionals

Immediate Cause Financial Crisis 1787-88

Bad harvests (crops) Less manufacturing Food shortages Rising prices Unemployment King Louis XVI and Queen

Marie Antoinette High government spending New taxes


3rd Estate wanted more votes in government (Estates-General) Met at Versailles King refused

Formed the National Assembly Created a constitution Declaration of the Rights of

Man and the Citizen

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Inspired by U.S. Constitution and English Bill of Rights

Enlightenment Ideas Freedom of Speech &

Press Equal Rights Public Office No Tax Exemptions

What About Women?

Olympe de Gouges Writer Women should have

same rights as men Declaration of the

Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

National Assembly ignored her

Impact of the Declaration

King was forced to accept the Declaration Mobs of women and

men attacked his castle National Assembly

seized and sold the lands of the Catholic Church Clergy must be elected

“…detachments of women coming up from every direction, armed with broomsticks, lances, pitchforks, swords, pistols, and muskets.”

New Constitution

Constitution of 1791 Limited monarchy Legislative Assembly

makes laws Leads to the downfall

of King Louis XVI

Ch. 18 Sec. 2

Radical Revolution and Reaction

The Move to Radicalism

Paris commoners became radicals Revenge on people who

helped king/resisted revolution

Poor Encouraged to use violence

what they wanted Lead by Georges Danton,

Jean-Paul Marat, & Maximilien Robespierre

Reign of Terror 1793-1794 Lead by Maximilien

Robespierre Committee of Public

Safety 40,000 people killed

16,000 under guillotine Executions held in

places that openly rebelled

Closed churches

End of the Terror

By late 1790s, French defeated most enemies Austrian Netherlands

Robespierre- Obsessed with power Rid France of corruptors National Convention- guillotined on

July 28, 1794 Reign of Terror ended

Moderate rulers

The Directory

Committee of Public Safety lost power

Churches reopened New constitution- Aug.

1795 National Legislative Assembly

Legislative body (makes laws) Chosen by electors (voters)

Must own or rent property worth a certain value

Bell Ringer#3

How did Napoleon Bonaparte impact France?

Ch 18 Sec 3

The Age of Napoleon

Directory Problems

Executive directors Directory (corrupt) Unable to find a

solution to problems Coup d’etat-

sudden overthrow of government Led by Napoleon

Bonaparte Ended Directory

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte Dominated France

and Europe from 1799-1815

Child of the Revolution “I am the revolution”

Early Life- From Military to Emperor

Commander Speed, Deception, & Surprise

Coup d’etat (1799) Overthrew Directory

New Government Consulate

Consul for life (1802) Absolute Power

Crowned himself Emperor (1804)

Domestic Policies

Peace with Catholic Church Papal Agreement

(1801) France will be Catholic,

BUT the French people keep church land seized in the revolution

More Domestic Policies

Codification (organization) of laws

7 codes of Law Civil Code

(Napoleonic Code) Revolutionary Ideas Equality

Even More Domestic Policies

Ability based bureaucracy (system of government)

Merit (not birth right) based nobility Civil or Military

Negative Domestic Policies

Eliminated freedom of press Closed 60 of 73

newspapers Manuscripts were

approved before published

Mail opened by government police

Napoleon’s Empire

1802- Short lasting peace treaty

1803- War broke out with Britain Defeated Austria, Prussia,


Napoleon’s Empire Con’t

1807-1812 master of Europe (3 parts)

1. French empire (inner core)

2. Dependant states (kingdoms under rule of relatives)

3. Allied states (defeated states forced to join Napoleon in defeating Britain)

Spread Revolutionary ideas

European Response

Empire collapsed (2 reasons) Survival of Great Britain

(naval power) Nationalism (unique cultural

identity of people based on commonalities) Language Religion Hated as oppressors Stirred patriotism of others

The Fall of Napoleon

June 1812- Invasion of Russia (600,000 French Soldiers) Russia refused to fight Retreated and burned their own cities

Napoleon started “Great Retreat” 40,000 soldiers

Other countries attacked France’s crippled army Napoleon exiled to Elba Louis XVIII takes power

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