changing business of testing - testing assembly helsinki 2014

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Testing jobs will move to cheaper countries unless the role of testing changes. This is a trend that is happening already, we see large teams of testers being moved to other countries, simply because it is cheaper to do bad testing there! Testing is a critical part of the product and software development process, and if we don't change its role it will slowly become obsolete. The fact is, that the traditional view of testing endangers testing jobs: now here, and later also in cheaper countries. I propose a different view of testing. I propose that testing is about enabling business results, not just technical quality. I propose that the tester's job goes far beyond finding issues to track, but also finding users to acquire, finding methods to succeed in the software business. Testing in my view is about making businesses succeed, not about avoid failures in software. In this presentation I'll describe how a very simple change can profoundly transform the role of testing in a way that it directly enables and supports our businesses! Testing is about making our businesses succeed! The road ahead is not easy, and not every tester is ready to embrace this view of testing. But the road ahead is inevitable. And we have to start on that journey now!


Changing the business of

testingVasco Duarte


Vasco Duarte@duarte_vasco

Act I – The problem

~16 000€ / YearAverage Software Engineer salary in China


~5 000€ / YearAverage Software Engineer salary in Vietnam


~18 000€ / YearAverage Software Engineer salary in Portugal


~54 000€ / YearAverage IT salary, TTL ry 2013 data

Source: ht

Up to 10 times higher!

Cost Productivity

How ?

Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that

created themParaphrasing a quote from Einstein

We need a paradigm shift! How can we achieve it?

Act II – Why do we get poor results?


1. Customer need

2. Product managers

3. Business analyst

5. Designers / Programmers

4a. Designers / Architects

4b. Test designer

6. Testers

Chronic Pain!

Analytical design - prototypeSilo 1 Silo 2 Silo 3

Business Knowledge Execution Knowledge Actual execution

Silo design leads to ineffective processes. A


Trying to reduce costs

with analytical mindset

= Drive costs up!

You know who tests your software, but who tests

your business decisions?

Act III – The solution: a paradigm shift!

1. Create constancy of purpose towards improvementReplace short-term reaction with long-term planning

2. Management must adopt the new philosophyThe implication is that management should actually adopt his philosophy, rather than merely expect the workforce to do so

3. Cease dependence on inspectionThe implication is that we must relentlessly remove the root causes for defects rather than inspecting them out of the final product

4. Move towards a single supplier for any one itemMultiple suppliers mean variation in the quality of work as well as lost knowledge in hand-over

5. Improve constantly and foreverConstantly strive to improve how you work, focusing on the purpose rather than short term perspectives only.

6. Institute training on the jobIf people are not trained properly they will not all work in a consistent way. This leads to defects, mis-communication, etc.

7. Institute LeadershipDeming makes a distinction between Leadership and mere Supervision. “Banish targets, substitute leadership” Deming used to say

8. Drive out fearManagement by fear is counter-productive because it prevents workers from acting the best interest of the organisation

9. Break down barriers between departmentsEach department servers not the management but the needs from other departments that use its outputs.

10. Eliminate slogansIt is not the people who make mistakes (in 95% of the cases). It is the process. Slogans do not help improve processes and harass the people doing the actual work!

11. Eliminate management by objectivesProduction targets subvert the system. Workers start working for the targets instead of working for the purpose of the organization. Metrics: yes, targets: no!

12. Remove barriers to pride of workmanshipMany of the other problems outlined above reduce worker satisfaction and therefore reduce focus on quality

13. Institute education and self-improvementA result of pride of craftsmanship is the desire to learn and improve. This, in turn leads to better quality.

14. The transformation is everyone’s jobIt is manager’s job to lead, but it is everyone’s job to contribute to the needed transformation of our business.

3. Cease dependence on inspectionThe implication is that we must relentlessly remove the root causes for defects rather than inspecting them out of the final product

9. Break down barriers between departmentsEach department servers not the management but the needs from other departments that use its outputs.

In other words…

1. Customer need

2. Product managers

2. Business analyst and…

Co-operationColaboration …

4. Testers

3. Testers

3. Business analyst


3. Test designer and…

3. Designers / Programmers


4. Testers

4. Designers / Programmers

Your product rockz!

Happy(!) Customer

Act IV – The action plan

Cost Productivity

Paradigm shift!

Organize your process around your customer need, not your

silo-based organization

You can start today by applying the following principles

3. Cease dependence on inspectionThe implication is that we must relentlessly remove the root causes for defects rather than inspecting them out of the final product

9. Break down barriers between departmentsEach department servers not the management but the needs from other departments that use its outputs.

Later you can apply the other 12…

Recommended readingInteresting links

ReadingDeming, Out of the CrisisReinertsen, Flow in product development

Video on a different paradigm for process design:

Systems thinking intro, presentation:

About the speaker:


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