chapter 19 protists - ms. simpson's class...

Post on 28-Mar-2018






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Prokaryote Eukaryote

Archaea Bacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

I) Characteristics

A) mostly single-celled organisms

1) microscopic

2) eukaryotes

a) nucleus, organelles

3)asexual and sexual reproduction

4)great variation in form and life style



II) 3 types

A) animal-like protists (aka protozoans)

1) heterotrophs

a) eat prokaryotes, protozoans, organic wastes

2) some parasitic

a) energy from host

3) examples

a) Amoeba (Cercozoan)

i) special characteristics: pseudopods

-locomotion and ingestion

ii) live in salt water, fresh water, mud,


b) paramecium (Ciliates)

i) special characteristics: cilia

- locomotion and ingestion

ii) live in fresh water

c) Flagellates i) special characteristic: Flagella

- for locomotion

ex. Trypanosoma (African Sleeping sickness)

Trichonympha (mutualism/ termites)


d) Sporozoa

i) special characteristic: No locomotion

ii) parasitic

Ex. Plasmodium (malaria)

B) Fungus-like protists

1) heterotrophs (absorb nutrients)

2) examples

a) slime molds

i) found in damp soil, logs

ii) crawls as mass of cells

b) mildew and water molds

i) most are decomposers, some


C) Plant-like protists (aka phytoplankton, algae)

1) autotrophs (photosynthesis)

a) different pigments/ different colours

i) ex. chlorophyll = green

2) examples

a) diatoms

i) special characteristic:

cell wall made of silica

ii) salt water

b) dinoflagellates

i) special characteristics:

- 2 flagella

- armoured shell

ii) may produce algal bloom

- red tide

iii) may be bioluminescent

iv) may live in coral

-mutualism, coral bleaching


c) Euglenoids i) special characteristic:both plant-like and an animal-like

-- plant-like : undergoes photosynthesis

-- animal-like: moves (flagella) & eats

- Eyespot ... positive phototropism

ii) fresh water

d) Multicellular Algae i) Largest of the protists

ii) Plant-like (no cell differentiation)

- evolution of green plants

- holdfast (no roots)

iii) Red, brown, green

ex. kelp, spirogyra, fucus, ulva)

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