cum sa evitati atacul albinelor

Post on 07-Dec-2015






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Instructiuni de protejare impotriva albinelor


Cum evitam atacul albinelor? / How we avoid the bees attack?

1. Incercati sa evitati accesul in zonele invadate de albine in numar mare, daca nu aveti treaba in acel


Try to avoid the access in areas invaded by bees in large numbers, if you don’t have work to do

in that place.

2. Pe albine le irită mişcările bruşte şi repezi ale oamenilor. Evitati sa alergati, sa faceti gesturi

ample, sa faceti orice fel de miscari bruste atunci cand sunteti langa un roi de albine.

The bees are iritated by the sudden and fast movements of people. try to avoid running, making

large gesture, any sudden movements when you are near a swarm of bees.

3. Bararea căilor de zbor este un factor de stres pentru albine. Nu incercati sa le alungati cu cartoane,

haine, plase sau alte obiecte ce le blocheaza zborul.

Blocking theirs flight paths is stressing for the bees. Do not try to chase the bees away with

cardboard, clothes, nets or other objects that block their flight.

4. Mirosurile puternice sunt un factor declansator al atacului. Nu purtati haine murdare de benzină,

de ulei sau de alcool. Nu folositi deodorant sau parfumuri atunci cand veniti la munca. Nu folositi

sapunuri cu mirosuri puternice si nu purtati haine spalate cu balsam de rufe sau detergenti cu miros

floral puternic.

Strong smells are a trigger for the attack. Do not wear dirty clothes with gasoline, oil or

alcohol. Do not use deodorant or perfume when you come to work. Do not use soaps

with strong odors and do not wear clothes washed with fabric softener or detergent with

strong floral scent.

5. Daca fumati trebuie sa stiti ca fumul de ţigară irita albinele. Nu fumati in zona invadata de albine.

Nu suflati fumul spre albine.

If you smoke you should know that cigarette smoke irritate the bees. Do not smoke in

area invaded by bees. Do not blow the smoke to the bees.

6. Hainele de culori întunecate, din material gros, de asemenea provoacă atacul lor. Vestele

reflectorizante de culoare galbena le atrag. Folositi veste de culoare portocalie. In zonele invadate

de roiuri puteti renunta la purtarea vestelor reflectorizante, dar numai in acele zone, purtarea lor

ramane obligatorie in santier.

The dark color clothes made of thick material also causes their attack. The bees are atracted by the

yellow reflective vests. Try to use orange ore green vests. In the areas invaded by swarms you may

give up wearing the reflective vests, but only in those areas, the wearing of the reflective vests

remains obligatory on the site.

7. Sunetele puternice de o anumita frecventa si vibratiile sunt un factor de stres pentru albine. La

punctele de lucru invadate de roiuri puteti opri semnalizarile acustice ale utilajelor, dar numai in

aceste locuri. Nu lasati motorul pornit atunci cand nu lucrati cu utilajele ce produc zgomot si

vibratii puternice.

Loud sounds of certain frequencies and vibrations are stressful for the bees. On the working

points invaded by swarms the acoustic signal of the equipment can be turned off, but

only in those places. Try not to keep the engine running when you are not working with

the equipment that produce noise and vibrations.

8. Daca nu aveti neaparat treaba in zona, ramaneti in masina.

If you do not necessarily work in the area, stay in the car.

9. Tineti usile de la autovehicule inchise. Inainte de a pleca de pe loc verificati daca au intrat albine

in interior. O intepatura in timpul mersului reprezinta un risc major de accident rutier.

Keep the car doors closed. Before leaving the place check for bees in the cars. A bite when you

are driving represents a major accident risk.

10. Nu lasati usile deschise la birouri.

Keep the office doors closed.

11. Nu consumati in zonele infestate alimente sau bauturi racoritoare din pahare. Nu lasati resturi

alimentare la locurile de munca.

Do not consume food or beverages from the glasses in the infested areas . Do not leave food

scraps at workplaces.

12. Daca in urma excavatiilor gasiti stupi de albine salbatice sau viespi, nu le deranjati si anuntati

imediat responsabilul S.S.M. Cuiburile de viespi pot exista si pe cladiri sau alte structuri deja

ridicate. Nu le daramati singuri. Va fi contactat un apicultor pentru indepartarea lor.

If after the excavations you find wild beehives or wasp, do not disturbed them, and immediately

notify the responsible OHS. The nests of wasps may be already on high buildings or other

structures. Do not try to knock it down alone. A beekeeper will be contacted for their removal.

Daca ati fost intepat de o albina / If you have been stung by a bee: 1. În caz de atac din partea unei sau a mai multor albine, nu se vor face mişcări bruşte sau încercări

de alungare a insectelor. În cazul atacului a câtorva zeci de albine sau a unui roi întreg, cel atacat

trebuie să-şi acopere faţa cu mâinile şi să se retragă repede dar fără panică în direcţia opusă locului

atacului. Daca exista vehicole sau spatii inchise folositi-le pentru a scapa de atac. Odata cu

intepatura, albina a emis si un semnal pentru celelalte albine si este posibil sa va mai atace si

altele, acul albinei, prin feromonii pe care ii contine, este semnul pe care acestea il pun pe tinta lor.

In case of attack by one or more bees do not make sudden movements on the attempts to drive out

the insects. If you are attacked by a few dozen or a whole swarm of bees, the attacked

persone must cover his face with the hands and retire quickly but without panic in the opposite

direction of the attack site . If there are vehicles or indoors use them to escape from

the attack. With the sting, the bee gave a signal to other bees, and it is possibly that the

others will attack the person. by the pheromones contained in the neadle , the bees

sign their target.

2. Daca sunteti singur si ati fost intepat de mai multe albine, anuntati imediat o persoana care sa

cunoasca locul unde va aflati dar si traseul pe care urmeaza sa il parcurgeti. Reveniti cat mai

repede in organizarea de santier. Daca starea dumneavoastra generala se agraveaza asteptati ca

cineva sa vina sa va preia. Nu conduceti atunci cand se intaleaza primele semne ale unei reactii


3. If you are alone and and you have been stung by several bees, immediately notify a person telling

her where you are and the route you are about to go through. Came back as soon as you can

to the site organization. If your general condition worsens call someone to come over. Do not

drive when the first signs of an allergic reaction are seen.

4. Chemati urgent salvarea daca persoana intepata este o persoana alergica. Reprezentantii S.S.M.

vor face o lista cu persoanele care se stiu alergice la intepatura de albina sau viespe. Daca

persoanele nu cunosc acest lucru, indicat ar fi sa isi faca un test pentru a afla daca sunt sau nu

alergice. In cazul unei persoane ce prezinta o alergie, riscurile sunt extrem de mari, putand vorbi

chiar si despre moartea persoanei intepate din cauza socului anafilactic.

Call the emergency rescue if the person stung is an allergic person. The HSE responsible will

make a list of people who know that they are allergic to bee or wasp stings . If are people who do

not know this, would be indicated to do a test to determine whether or not allergic. If a person

has an allergy to bees, the risks are extremely high and we can even talk about the death due

toanaphylactic shock at the stunged person.

5. Verificati daca acul a ramas in piele la locul intepaturii (cautati un punct negru in zona in care ati

fost intepat) si indepartati-l imediat. Se recomanda sa nu-l trageti cu ajutorul degetelor, pentru ca

astfel comprimati sacul cu venin de la capatul acului si injectati o cantitate suplimentara de venin,

ci sa il indepartati cu ajutorul unui obiect dur aflat la indemana (un card, o lama de cutit) cu care

sa raclati zona in care s-a produs intepatura.

Check that the needle was left in the skin puncture point (look for a black dot in the spot

where you were stung) and remove it immediately. We recommend you do not pull it out with

your fingers because you compress the venom sac at the end of the needle and you inject some

extravenom, ty to remove it with a hard object (like a card, ore a knife ) with which toscrape the

spot where the sting occurred.

6. Aplicati gheata sau comprese reci pe zona pentru a reduce raspunsul inflamator.

Apply ice or cold compresses to reduce the inflammatory response.

7. Curatati zona cu apa si sapun, apoi aplicati o crema pe baza de cortizon pentru a limita inflamatia.

Este bine ca toate echipele ce lucreaza in teren sa aibe la ele creme de acest fel.

Clean the area with soap and water, then apply a cortisone based cream to limit the

inflammation. It's good for all teams working in the field to have on them such creams.

8. Va puteti administra un antihistaminic (medicament) care se foloseste impotriva alergiei) oral si

un antialgeic precum ibuprofenul.

You can take an antihistamine (medicine that is used in allergy) and an oral anti-inflammatory,

like Ibuprofen.

9. Intepaturile in nas, gat sau gura sunt periculoase si pentru persoanele care tolereaza veninul

albinelor, pentru ca edemul (inflamatia) produs poate cauza dificultati de respiratie mergand pana

la asfixie. In acest caz trebuie sa va prezentati urgent la camera de garda. De asemenea si

intepaturile in zona ochilor sunt extrem de periculoase.

The bites on the nose, throat and mouth are dangerous even for people

who tolerate bee venom, because the inflammation may cause shortness of breath ways going up

to asphyxia. In this case you must go to the emergency room immediately. Also a sing in the

eyes is extremely dangerous.

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