digital marketing masterclass - alastair banks

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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Using digital tools to help you source experts, promote and market yourself and your products!

!The whole ‘business to business’ social media space is in a huge state of flux with new means of getting information on markets and industries and targeting and reaching customers. In this masterclass, we review the latest tools, techniques and platforms, and give you the chance to

practice them.

12:30pm – 1:00pm: Registration

1:00pm – 1:20pm: Intro’s and Digital Challenges - !

1:20pm – 2:20pm: A look at the digital landscape

2:20pm – 3:00pm: Personal Branding What is personal branding?

How can you setup the main platforms for your advantage (Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Other Networks)

3:00 – 3:30pm: Coffee Break

3:30 – 4:30pm: Exercises – Create in groups a plan for how you could use digital

marketing methods and your own personal brand to help promote a research project !

4:30pm – 5:00pm: Question and Answer session


No Social Media!!!

A bit about you…

35% marriages - 2005 & 2012 started online!!

50% through dating sites !!

20% social networks!!

15% chat rooms / messaging

• World’s largest taxi company owns no taxis (Uber)!!• Largest accommodation provider owns no property (AirBnB)!!• Largest phone companies owns no telco infrastructure (skype,wechat)!!• Most valuable retailer owns no inventory (Alibaba) !!• Most popular media owner creates no content (Facebook)!!• Largest movie house owns no cinemas (Netflix) !!• Largest software vendors don’t write the software (Apple and Google)

Source: @ibmge

Digital Disruption

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy

is the noise before defeat.”!!

Sun Tzu

A quick look back at 2015 !!

The Rise of the YouTuber

4,908,576 subscribers • 349,515,420 views

7,376,939 subscribers • 829,433,481 views

9,920,949 subscribers • 946,861,280 views

10,079,850 subscribers • 675,172,769 views

10,079,850 subscribers • 675,172,769 views

Two Lessons

Lesson 1.

10,079,850 subscribers • 675,172,769 views

Lesson 2.

The Rise of the Millennial


plural noun: millennials!a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000.


How long do you spend online each day?!!

I'm online for my job and my downtime. I'm constantly connected, even down to my entertainment, it's all streamed through Netflix, Now TV or

Catch up channels. When I'm awake: I'm connected. !!

Can you imagine a world without the internet?!!

I can imagine it, but it would be a struggle! !!!!

Millennials turn to YouTube before Google

2016 - What’s Important !RIGHT NOW

1). The space I own


Define ‘Reach’: In the application of statistics to advertising !and media analysis, reach refers to the total number of different people or households

exposed, at least once, to a medium during a given period.

2). Influencer Marketing

diff between celeb and influencer - show of hands

Is this an Influencer? - lady Ga Ga

diff between celeb and influencer

Is this an Influencer? - Paul Boag

3). Persona Development

Buyer personas are fictional, generalised representations of your ideal customers. !

!They help you understand your customers (and

prospective customers) better, and make it easier for you to tailor content to the specific needs, behaviours, and concerns of different groups.



Data / Data / Data!!

Key themes of academics - answer the public !

Speak to your academics/teams/past projects !

Google Analytics - Affinity categories !

Google Display Network !!

4). Becoming a Social Selling Expert

5). Understand Context Marketing

Definition: Delivering the right content, to the right people, at the right time across the right channels

6). Consistent Content Marketing





7). Google is still HUGE

100 Billion Searches Per Month

Source: MOZ

! 1. Outreach


2. Content Review


3. Site Improvements

Search is changing…

Google voice - 2011

8). The rise of Visual Platforms

9). Team Engagement

Questions / Thoughts

Personal Branding

Your brand is your reputation – the perception of you held by the external world. It is the combination of personal

attributes, values, drivers, strengths, and passions you draw from that differentiates your unique promise of value from your peers, and helps those assessing you to determine if

they should hire you or do business with you.

1. What are your vision and purpose? !

2. What are your values? !

3. What are your passions? !

4. What are your top goals for the next year, 2 years, and 5 years? !

5. What words do you use to define your personality? !

6. What are your core strengths or motivated skills? !

7. Do a SWOT analysis (Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats). !

8. Who is your target audience? !

9. Who is your competition in the marketplace and what differentiates you from them?

Most Important Point for Me

Be Human

Forms of Online Personal Brand

1. Leadership!!2. Authority!!3. Supporters!!4. Broadcasters


Leadership presence is based on uniting people & creation of community!

People unite around three things: common person, common cause, common enemy.!

Common traits are:Passionate, Outspoken

AUTHORITY (Thought-Leader)

Typically more niche than Leadership.!

This presence is an authority in an area of expertise. Is active in its engagement.!

Common traits are Expert in a niche area, Less experiential and emotive, more product or service, drives people to action


Supporters deliver the practical help that the Authority points to in their content marketing.!

The key feature is the one-to-one delivery of support.!

Responding to individuals based on keyword monitoring/direct questions.!

Common traits:Applies niche-expertise, Very personal


Publishing regular updates to those who want them!

Often Automated or Ghost Written!

Common traits:Broadcast style (non-active engagement)To succeed they need to be either: niche, viral or have existing popularity

Set Your Stall Out

Trust, Authenticity, Consistent

What Social Media Is Not

It’s NOT what you’ve just eaten for breakfast

It’s NOT going to take you all day...although there is a cost



It’s NOT about celebrities - although maybe it could be for you...

It’s NOT an’s a process

It’s NOT a quick fix

It’s NOT just for kids

It’s NOT going to hide/solve a poor business plan or customer service

...or lunch ...or dinner

What Social Media Is... Social Media is about engagement and conversation

Social Media is about engagement and conversation

Broadcast media Social media

Broadcast Discussion

One way Two way

Repeating the message Adapting the message

Entertaining Influencing / Involving

Company creating Co-creating

Public Relations Personal Relationship

Governed Guided

Static Dynamic

Social Media is great for networking – as an enabler

Social Media is about participation

Social Media is not just about the tools – Needs business fundamentals and strategy

Blog/Content on Website

WHY?!!Position yourself/your product as thought leaders/experts!!Writing leads to clarity !!Search engine results - attract people to you!!Build an audience


Free Blogs - Wordpress!!

Learn about Titles - Copy Blogger!!

Learn basic SEO!!

Build Email/RSS Subscribers!


Show examples of profiles

WHY?!!Position yourself/your product as thought leaders/experts!!Build an audience !!Realtime - Trending - Up-to-date!!Listening - This is key (clients, staff, competitors, keyphrases)!


Download and Use Hootsuite!!

Retweet People of Value !!

Promote Content Elsewhere!!

Build Relationships - Engage


WHY?!!Position yourself/your product as thought leaders/experts!!Build an audience !!How you bring value - not your CV !!More opportunity for Rich Content !!Getting introductions !!Keeping relationships going

The basics - set your stall out

Connections are Currency

Get Proactive

Be Useful!Be Engaging!Be Different

Using your networks


WHY?!!Position yourself/your product as thought leaders/experts!!Build an audience !!Second biggest search engine in the world!!Results show up in Google!!Video is a compelling medium!!Reach a different audience


Be Consistent!!

Be Engaging !!

Be Human !!

Learn to Edit

Instagram & Snapchat


Engaging Content Wins!!

Be Valuable to Others!!

Be Human !!

Live and Learn

Useful Tools

Project 1 !!Creating superdense data storage – University of Southampton !!

At the University of Southampton, researchers are working to create a way to store data in a superdense form for centuries, using nanostructured glass. Researchers at the university are moulding silica glass into a very stable and safe form of portable memory, which could be utilised by organisations with large archives. Coined as the ‘Superman memory crystal’, the data is recorded via self-assembled nanostructures created in fused quartz. The storage method allows for up to 360 terabytes of data capacity per disk (enough to hold 72

million photos) and a practically unlimited lifetime, in addition to thermal stability up to 1000°C. !!!Project 2!!

Carbon Capture Pilot Plant – Imperial College London !!The Carbon Capture Pilot Plant at Imperial College London is the most advanced facility of its kind in the world. Stretching over four stories,

the plant demonstrates best practice in capturing and storing harmful carbon dioxide before it is released into the atmosphere. The plant brings together academics, students and industrial partners, to test and develop new ways of capturing and harnessing carbon dioxide emissions. The £2 million plant was unveiled in 2012, and features a wide variety of advanced control and instrumentation technology,

meaning students are trained to work with a range of different industrial plant systems. !!!


Connect with me:!!Blog:!YouTube:!Twitter: @banksy6!LinkedIn:!Instagram: !Snapchat: banksy_66

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