filming pics

Post on 16-May-2015






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Filming Photographs

The pictures below are of myself and Larelle setting up the lighting equipment. I found it simple to set up as all we had to do was attach

the lights to the stand and adjust the height of the stand.

We set it up so that each light was either side of the bed, bent down so that the light will be directly on our characters. I think the lighting came as an advantage because it increased the overall lighting of our setting. The colour of my room also helped because it was bright and

contrasted well with the red.

Setting up the lighting

In the images below we tested the lighting in different areas of the room to see if it would be clear whilst filming. However, we had a slight problem with one of the lights because the light bulb blew

after having it on for some time. Luckily, this wasn’t a major problem because the lighting was still good because we were able to see our characters, Chris and Louise clearly. This means that in

the end will have good footage for our music video.

Testing the lighting

Setting Up & Checking the camera

In the three pictures below myself and Larelle set up the camera and checked how it looked with the lighting. We done this so that we were prepared for when Chris and Louise came as well as to save

time. Once we checked everything was good and operating correctly, we were ready to start.

Chris & Louise The pictures below is of our characters in our music video, Chris and Louise. The pictures show them chilling together. This is part of the narrative in our video, whereby Chris is looking back on the good times that they had together. Some of these pictures are in the

footage also. The way in which positioned our characters reflected that they had a good relationship and are enjoying each others company.

Chis and Louise worked well with us and were able to take on anything we asked them to do. They also were relaxed and felt comfortable

throughout the filming session which in turn maked it look natural and realistic.

Chris &


Setting Up in Location 2: The Park

The pictures below is in our second location which is South Norwood Lakes (local park). In the next slide, we've shown the main area of the

location, Larelle setting up the camera and the cast on set.

This part of the filming didn’t take too long because it was only for the start of our video. We filmed and took pictures of Chris and Louise

walking down the hill, a few times from different angles so that we have more to work with when we are editing.

Location 3:Shopping Centre

The pictures below are of Chloe in our third location - Central shopping centre, Croydon whereby she filmed Chris. We didn’t manage to take

many pictures at this location because we were limited with time. Nonetheless, we filmed Chris walking in the shopping centre and going down the esculator a few times to get different angles. We also filmed Chris and Louise hugging, looking down out the window this is another part that we will use as Chris looking back reminiscing their good times


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