grade 8 unit 4: understanding words and expressions

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Grade 8 Unit 4:   Understanding Words and Expressions 


Table of Contents   

Introduction 2 

Unit Objectives 2 

Lesson 1: Idiomatic Expressions 3 Warm-up! 3 Learn About It! 3 Check Your Understanding 7 Let’s Step Up! 8 

Lesson 2: Collocations 9 Warm-up! 9 Learn About It! 9 Check Your Understanding 12 Let’s Step Up! 13 

Lesson 3: Words and Expressions Reflecting Local Culture 14 Warm-up! 14 Learn About It! 15 Check Your Understanding 18 Let’s Step Up! 19 

Performance Task 20 

Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn? 23 

Wrap Up 23 

Bibliography 24    



GRADE 8 |English  

UNIT 4    

Understanding Words and Expressions   While reading an article or watching your favorite movie, do you often come across an unfamiliar word? Do you know that you can understand an unknown word or expression based on the context of the passage? Context clues refer to the words or phrases around the unfamiliar word. Taking note of these words or phrases can hold the key to unlocking the meaning of unknown words.   


Unit Objectives   

In this unit, you should be able to:  

● determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and collocations; and 

● determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context clues.   


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Lesson 1: Idiomatic Expressions    

 While most of the phrases that we say have literal                   meanings, some have figurative meanings. They should             not be understood by looking at their individual words.                 This lesson will make you familiar with common idiomatic                 expressions and their figurative meanings.   


Draw what you understand of the following sentences with underlined phrases.   

1. Jessica hit the sack as she was so tired doing her homework. 2. Michael has to think on his feet to finish his Math problem in 5 minutes. 3. The Math homework is just a piece of cake for Jenna. 4. Joana and Karen are in the same boat having a hard time with the Biology class. 5. This time, Matthew hit the books seriously so he could 

pass the History exam. 

 Learn About It!   

 Idiomatic expressions, also called idioms, are a group of words that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. The meaning of an idiomatic expression is different from the literal meaning or definition of the expression’s individual words.   

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Face the music. 

 When you hear this expression, this does not mean that you have to turn your body to the direction of the music and stand in front of it. This means that you have to receive punishment or to accept the unpleasant results of your action.  Idiomatic expressions do not mean exactly what the words say. They have hidden meanings and often rely on analogies and metaphors. Because of this, they make the language more colorful and interesting and are often used to express something in a more vivid and brief manner. They also serve as an image or mental picture.  As a type of informal English, idioms are commonly used in everyday conversation by English native speakers. Idioms have developed over time and are influenced by the culture of its origin.  1. Understanding Idiomatic Expressions  One of the means to improve your English communication skills is by learning common English idioms. There are hundreds of idioms that are commonly used by native English speakers, so it is important that you become familiar with them over time. Having a mastery of these idioms will make your daily conversation more effective and interesting.  Here are some common idiomatic expressions and their meanings. Try to make your own sentence using each of the following idioms and read them aloud.  

Idioms  Meaning 

A blessing in disguise    Something good that is not recognized at first 

Hit the books  To study 

Hit the sack   Go to bed 

Up in the air  Uncertain or unsure 

Stab someone in the back   Hurt someone by betraying him or her secretly and 

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breaking their trust 

Pitch in   Contribute to something or someone or join in  

Get ducks in a row   Get things well organized 

Think on your feet   Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions 

Tricks of the trade  Clever or expert way of doing something 

Not let grass grow under feet  Do not delay in getting something done  

Separate sheep from goats  Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability  

Tickled pink  Made very happy 

Hands down   Without question 

Down in the dumps  Sad or depressed 

Sick as a dog  Very sick 

Till the cows come home  For a very long time 

Under the weather   Sick or not well 

Piece of cake   Very easy 

Slap on the wrist  Mild punishment 

An arm and a leg  Extremely expensive 

Loose canon  Unpredictable 

When pigs fly   Never 

In the same boat   In the same unfortunate circumstances as others 

Back to square one   Having to start all over again 

A taste of your own medicine   When you are mistreated the same way you mistreat others 

Cut to the chase   Leave out all the unnecessary details and just get to the point 

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Add insult to injury   To worsen an unfavorable situation 

Whole nine yards   Everything or all of it 

Last straw   The final problem in a series of problems 

Bite off more than you could chew   To take on a task that is way too big. 

 2. Determining the Meaning of an Unfamiliar Idiomatic Expression Using Context Clues  Another strategy that you can use to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar idiomatic expression is to use context clues.  

If you think solving this algebraic expression is a piece of cake, just try it. 

 Solving algebraic expressions is difficult for most people and the phrases If you think and just try it, tells you that the person the speaker is talking to probably thinks solving algebraic expressions is easy. Therefore, a piece of cake means easy. Its meaning is more appropriate to the context of the sentence.  

The prosecutor knew that the public official had stolen public funds, but she wanted to get all of her ducks in a row before she charged him with a crime. 

 The first clause talks about how the prosecutor knew that the public official had stolen public funds. The phrase before she charged him with a crime gives the clue on what the prosecutor needed to do before doing so. The prosecutor wanted to take the time to properly prepare her case. Therefore, to get ducks in a row means to get things well organized.    

That celebrity’s Hermes bag costs an arm and a leg. 

 Hermes bags cost as much as a million pesos. The idiom an arm and a leg therefore means very expensive.  

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  Check Your Understanding   

 Match the idioms in column A to its meaning in column B.  1. when pigs fly a. fake 2. crocodile tears b. go to sleep 3. hit the sack c. it won’t happen 4. break a leg d. source of income 5. bread and butter e. good luck 

 Identify the meaning of the underlined idiom. 

1. The date of the field trip is still up in the air due to the weather changes recently. 2. Finish your project right away and not let grass grow under your feet. You don’t want a 

low grade in that project, do you? 3. She was down in the dumps as she did not expect to get a low grade in her English 

exam. 4. Michelle has been under the weather for 3 days already; her mom said she still has to 

stay in bed for a few more days. 5. Larry did not follow the instructions so he had to go back to square one and do it right 

this time.  

Write a short paragraph using the following idioms:  

1. apple of the eye 2. burn the midnight oil 3. Tell it to the marines 

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4. spill the beans 5. bring home the bacon 

 Let’s Step Up!  


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Lesson 2: Collocations    

 In Lesson 1, you learned about idioms and how to figure                     out their meanings through context clues. In this lesson you                   will learn about collocations to further enrich your               vocabulary.   



What words usually go with these words?   

1. ______________ pain 2. ______________ wine 3. ______________ door 4. walk _____________ 5. snake __________ 

 Learn About It!   

A collocation is a combination of words that plainly sounds right to native English speakers. Other combinations that may mean the same thing would seem unnatural.   It is important to learn collocations because: 

 • Learning collocations help you broaden your scope of expression; 

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• The use of collocations makes your language more natural and easily understood; • Physiologically, it is easier for our brains to remember and use language in chunks rather than as single words.   

1. Common Types of Collocation Here are some common types of collocation. Try to provide another example for each type. 

Types  Examples 

adverb + adjective   completely satisfied 

adjective + noun   excruciating pain 

noun + noun   bar of soap 

noun + verb    lion’s roar 

verb + noun  whisk an egg 

verb + expression with preposition  burst into tears 

verb + adverb  wave frantically 


The instruction says that we need to whisk the eggs. 

In this example, whisk the eggs is a collocation that follows the verb + noun form. Whisk is the verb and the eggs is the noun.  

Theo panicked because Thea suddenly burst into tears. 

Based on this example, burst into tears is an example of a verb + expression with preposition collocation. Burst is the verb, into is the preposition, and tears is the expression.  

I was asked to buy a bar of soap. 

The example bar of soap shows an example of a noun + noun collocation. Bar and soap are both nouns.  

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 2. Tips on How to Improve Your Use of Collocations  The following are steps to improve your use of collocation: 

 1. Pay attention to collocations as you read and listen.  2. Learn whole phrases, not single words. Treat collocations as single blocks or chunks of language. For example, it is better to learn “to insist on doing something” rather than just “insist.”  3. When you learn a new word, take note of other words that collocate with it (for example: enormous amount or enormous impact).  4. Read as much as possible. This is a good way of improving your vocabulary and learning collocations in context and naturally.  5. Revise what you learn in a regular manner. Try to use new collocations in context as soon as possible after learning them.  6. Use a collocation dictionary. 


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Check Your Understanding   

 Match the kind of collocation with its correct example. 

 1. noun + noun a. dance gracefully 2. adverb + adjective b. Average Joe 3. adjective + noun c. injuries attended 4. noun + verb d. terribly sorry 5. verb + adverb e. round of applause 

 Choose the correct word for each sentence.  

casual latest crowning    pronounced terrible 

 1. Franz spoke with a __________ German accent. 2. I don’t know her very well. She is a _________ acquaintance. 3. My friend was involved in a __________ accident. 4. Have you seen the _________ issue of Candy Magazine? 5. This book is her ___________ achievement. 

  Write a paragraph of 10 sentences minimum with at least two of each kind of collocation.        

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 Let’s Step Up!   


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Lesson 3: Words and Expressions Reflecting Local Culture 


Have you encountered words in an English text that is in a                       different language, or words that refer to an unfamiliar                 culture? You will notice them since they are usually                 italicized by the author. You will find more about these                   local expressions in this lesson.  



 Think of unique English words that can only understood by Filipinos. Share them with your seatmate. Also, guess where these words originated or how they came to be called as such. 


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 Learn About It!   

According to James L. Watson, a professor of Anthropology, “the term local culture is commonly used to characterize the experience of everyday life in specific, identifiable localities. It reflects ordinary people’s feelings of appropriateness, comfort, and correctness—attributes that define personal preferences and changing tastes.”  Different culture may have a different vocabulary and other different ways of expressing their thoughts and emotions. All societies have their own jargon, slang words, or expressions that are shared within the culture. Learning such words or expressions is the key not only to understanding the local culture and language but also to expanding your vocabulary.  Idioms and collocations are words and expressions that reflect local culture.   Collocations   There are times when language learners make mistakes called literal translation. This happens because they are not familiar with the collocations that exist in the target language for a particular word. Let’s take a look at the examples below:  

English   strong tea, weak tea 

Italian   strong tea, long tea 

Japanese   dark tea, thin tea 

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Russian   strong tea, liquid tea 

In these four different languages, notice that different descriptive words or adjectives are used with the word “tea” to describe the same meaning.  In English, the unacceptability of some combinations is based on convention and not on compatibility in meanings of the individual words. Not knowing these conventions may make one produce unacceptable combinations. Learning collocations is learning typical expressions in a language.  Idiomatic Expressions  As discussed previously, an idiomatic expression or an idiom is a word or a phrase in which the figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning of the grouping of words. In learning about idioms, one also learns about culture. This is because idioms are usually derived from local culture and customs in each individual language.  Let’s examine some idioms and their meanings and take a look at its origin.   

Idioms  Meaning  Origin 

red tape   It denotes anything that may delay or hold us up and refers to a lot of unnecessary bureaucracy or paperwork.  

During the 16th century, legal and official documents were tied up or bound with red tape. By doing so, it was often difficult to access them. Hence, the term “red tape.” 

mind your P’s and Q’s   

It means mind your manners, mind your language, or be on your best behavior. 

This idiom dates back to a time when local pubs and bars served their patrons drinks by the quart and the pint. Bar maids were tasked to keep an eye on the customers and keep the drinks coming. They had to pay special attention to who was drinking pints (P’s) and 

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who was drinking quarts (Q’s). 

ballpark figure  It means an estimate of what the actual figure will be like.  

The origin comes from how a baseball sports commentator in America would give an estimate of the number of audience by just looking around. 

 Using context clues is an effective way to determine the meaning of these words. Different ways on how context clues are used include: synonyms or translation, antonym, description, explanation, and comparison.  Synonym  

There are still some people in Siquijor who believe in barang or sorcery. 

 Notice the word "barang" and how its synonym or translation - "sorcery" came after it.  Antonym  

Filipinos value the bayanihan system, unlike in Western culture wherein individuals prefer self-reliance. 

 Notice the concept "bayanihan" and its opposite, "self-reliance," which came after it. With this in mind, we can deduce that "bayanihan" is associated with helping each other out and camaraderie.  Description  

The origami that Hiro created came in different colors; he folded the paper systematically to create different animals like cranes, frogs, and pandas. 

 Notice the word "origami" and how the text described what it is. 

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Jan makes sure to maintain his gengsi, since it is important for Indonesians to project a positive outer appearance to create an aura of status. 

 Notice the concept of “gengsi” and how the text explained what it is.   Comparison  

It is important for Thais to practice sanuk, this is to offset their everyday struggles with work. 

 Notice how the concept of sanuk was used; it was compared to everyday struggles with work. You can deduce that it means having fun.             


Check Your Understanding   

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:  Before, women do not choose to become a geisha. They are usually bought by zegens from poor farming families who could use a few thousand yens for new farming equipment or for feeding the rest of their family. 

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 When the girls sold look beautiful or have talent in dancing or singing, they were taken to a geisha okaasan to be sold. Once accepted, they live in an okiya together with 2 or 3 more geisha. These girls would start off as maids who took care of the household work, run errands for the okaasan, and assist in preparations for their onee-san’s work in the evening. These girls are expected to respect the okaasan as she is considered as the head of their household and should be treated like their mother in the house. The younger members of the okiya should also respect the senior geisha like their older sisters.   

1. What does a zengen do for a living? 2. How should a geisha look like? 3. What kind of a building is an okiya? 4. Why should geishas respect the okaasan? 5. What kind of relationship should a geisha have with her onee-san? 

 Let’s Step Up!  


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 Performance Task  

 Helping a Foreign Neighbor 


Goal:  • Your task is to help a foreign neighbor understand some of the English words that are exclusively used in the country.  Role:  • You are a helpful neighbor who was approached by a new foreigner in town to help him/her understand some of the English words that we use that s/he cannot understand.  Audience:  • You will be conversing with a foreign neighbor who has just moved in to your village to stay for good in the country.  Situation:  • Your foreign neighbor would like to ask for help in making him/her understand some of the English words unique to our vocabulary.  Product/Performance and Purpose:   

1. You will perform a skit that will show how Student 1 helps Student 2 (foreign neighbor) understand some English words used only in the Philippines. 

2. Choose a minimum of 5 English words for your skit. 3. Make sure to use the English words in a sentence so that the foreign neighbor can 

understand how it is used.       

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Standards and Criteria for Success:  • Your work will be judged by looking at the following:   


Criteria  Beginning (0-12 points)

Developing (13-16 points)

Accomplished (17-20 points)





Less than 3 words were included in the skit and were thoroughly discussed including context clues. 

3-4 words were included in the skit and were thoroughly discussed including context clues. 

5 words were included in the skit and were thoroughly discussed including context clues. 


Skit Flow  Two or more scenarios in the skit appears confusing and disconnected from the rest. 

One scenario in the skit appears confusing and disconnected from the rest. 

There was a smooth organization of dialogues in the skit. 


Language (spelling, mechanics, grammar and usage) 

More than 3 errors were found 

One to three language error/s were found 

No language error was found 


  Research  Did not use interesting information from his/her research 

Used a few interesting information from his/her research 

Used many interesting information from his/her research 


  Vocal Delivery  Did not use the right volume, speed, pitch, 

Used the right volume, 

Used the right volume, speed, pitch, 


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juncture and stress most of the time.  

speed, pitch, juncture and stress occasionally and effectively 

juncture and stress consistently and effectively. 

  Body Movements and Gestures 

Both actors did not use any gesture and body movement. 

Both actors used gestures and body movements but not done naturally and effectively. 

Both actors used gestures and body movements naturally and effectively. 


  Rapport with Partner  The pair did not connect well with each other during the skit; they appear robotic and mechanical. 

The pair connected really well with each other during the skit; however, it does not look very natural and realistic. 

The pair connected really well with each other during the skit; it looks very natural and realistic. 


  Total Score:   


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Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn?  

Do a self-check on how well you learned the lessons in this unit. Place a checkmark in the                                   appropriate box.  

Skills I think I need more 

practice and assistance 

I am familiar and can perform well 

with minimal assistance 

I am confident that I can perform this on 

my own 

I can determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and collocations. 


I can determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the local culture by noting context clues. 



Wrap Up  

● Idiomatic expressions, also called idioms, are a group of words that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers. The meaning of an idiomatic expression is different from the literal meaning or definition of the expression’s individual words. 

 ● A collocation is made up of two or more words that are commonly used together 

in English. This combination of words plainly sounds right to native English speakers. Other combinations that may mean the same thing would seem 

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unnatural.  ● Diverse cultures may have a different vocabulary and other different ways of 

expressing their thoughts and emotions. All societies have their own jargon, slang words, or expressions that are shared within the culture. Learning such words or expressions is the key not only to understanding the local culture and language but also to expand your vocabulary. 

● Idioms and collocations are words and expressions that reflect local culture.   



 20 English Idioms with their Meanings and Origins. 2014. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

40 American Slang Words and Phrases You Need to Know. 2015. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Beare, Kenneth. What is Collocation? 2017. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Collocations. 2017. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

English Grammar Today. Cambridge University Press. 2017. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Famous Idioms—Meaning. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Idiomatic Expressions. My English Pages. 2016. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Levine, Joy. Common Idioms and Phrases: Meanings and Origins. 2016. Accessed May 31, 2017. 

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Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Sadeghi, Zahra. The Importance of Collocation in Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. 2010. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Shvidko, Elena. Learning Collocations for Effective Writing. 2016. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Watson, James L. Cultural Globalization. Anthropology. 2017. Accessed May 31, 2017.  

Wright, Turner. Expressions that Define Cultures. 2009. Accessed May 31, 2017. 

  Recommended Links for This Unit:  Collocations List. n.d. English Club. Accessed February 17, 2018.  Koltai, Anastasia. 2014. 1000+ Most Popular English Idioms and Their Meanings. Accessed 

February 17, 2018. -idioms-and-their-meanings/ 


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