human body systems and functions. skeletal 1. serves as the anchor for all the body’s movements 2....

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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•Skeletal 1. Serves as the anchor for all the body’s movements

2. Provides support

3. Protects soft organs inside the body

•Muscular1. Provide movement

2. Maintain body temperature

3. Maintain posture

•Digestive 1. Absorb nutrients

2. Absorb water

3. Remove waste

•Respiratory1. To get oxygen from the environment

2. Remove carbon dioxide and other waste

•Urinary1. To filter liquid waste from the blood

•Circulatory1. Deliver oxygen to the body

•Immune1. Defends against pathogens and disease

•Integumentary1. Repels water

2. Guards against disease

3. Helps maintain homeostasis

4. Senses the environment

•Endocrine1. To control the conditions in your body by making and sending

chemicals from one part to another.

•Nervous1. Detects and interprets information

2. Controls most of the body’s functions



•Skeletal 1. Bones

•Muscular1. Cardiac Muscles – The Heart - Involuntary

2. Smooth Muscles – Digestive - Involuntary

3. Skeletal Muscles – Voluntary

4. Cartilage – cushion between your bones that acts as a shock absorber

5. Tendons- attaches muscle to bone

6. Ligaments- attaches bone to bone

•Digestive 1. Salivary Glands – moisten foods and enzymes break down food.

2. Esophagus – carries food from the throat to the stomach through peristalsis.

3. Stomach – mix and mash food particles

4. Small Intestine – nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream.

5. Large Intestine - absorbs water and some other nutrients

6. Pancreas – to regulate glucose in the bloodstream

7. Liver – secretes bile for digestion and removes toxins from the blood.

8. Gall Bladder – stores bile

9. Rectum – eliminates waste from the body

•Respiratory1. Nose – allows oxygen to enter the body

2. Trachea – connects the throat to the bronchial tubes

3. Larynx/Voice Box – helps with breathing and sound production

4. Lungs – responsible for breathing in oxygen and exhaling out CO2

5. Bronchial Tubes – branches which connect the trachea to the lungs

6. Alveoli – tiny sacs (1-cell thick) at the end of the bronchial tubes which exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide within the blood

7. Ribs – encloses the thoracic cavity

8. Diaphragm – a large muscle that stretches across the floor of the thoracic cavity

•Urinary1. Kidneys – filter blood

2. Ureters – tubes which carry waste from the kidneys to the bladder

3. Bladder – sac that store liquid waste and has a wall of smooth muscle

4. Urethra – tube that carries liquid waste outside of the body

•Circulatory1. Heart – pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs and oxygen-rich blood

to all parts of the body.

2. Veins – blood vessels that carry blood toward the heart

3. Arteries – blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

4. Capillaries – tiny blood vessels that connect arteries with veins

•Immune1. Lymph Nodes – acts as a filter or traps foreign particles

2. Spleen – remove old red blood cells and stores blood

•Integumentary1. Skin

a.Epidermis – outer layer of skin

b.Dermis – inner layer of skin

2. Hair

3. Nails

•Endocrine1. Thyroid – Necessary for metabolism

2. Pancreas – regulates glucose

3. Adrenal Gland – regulates carbohydrates, proteins, fats, metabolism, water and salt levels

•Nervous1. Central Nervous System

a. Brain

b. Spinal Cord

2. Peripheral Nervous System

a. Sensory Nerves

b. Motor Nerves

3. Autonomic Nervous System – involuntary (heart, stomach)

4. Voluntary Nervous System – voluntary (skeletal muscles)



•Skeletal 1. Bone Marrow- makes red blood (circulatory)

2. Rib Cage- protects lungs and heart (respiratory and circulatory)

3. Muscular – attaches muscles to bones

•Muscular1. Skeletal – attaches muscles to bones

2. Circulatory – brings nutrients to the muscles

3. Digestive – stomach and esophagus (smooth muscles)

•Digestive1. Endocrine – pancreas

2. Circulatory – nutrients absorbed in the blood stream

3. Muscular – stomach and esophagus (smooth muscles)

•Respiratory1. Circulatory- receives oxygen from the red blood cells

2. Nervous – controls breathing

3. Immune – foreign particles in the lungs trigger the immune system to remove particles

•Urinary 1. Endocrine – adrenal glands release chemical to allow kidneys to

regulate fluids in the body

2. Circulatory - blood is cleansed and liquid waste is removed

3. Muscular – regulate and release urine

•Circulatory1. Muscular – blood brings nutrients and oxygen to the muscles

2. Digestive – nutrients in the small intestine are absorbed in the bloodstream

3. Respiratory – oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged from the blood to the alveoli in the lungs

Immune1. Respiratory - foreign particles in the lungs trigger the immune system to remove particles

2. Skeletal – immune cells are found in bone marrow

3. Digestive – appendix and tonsils help decide what is food or pathogens

•Nervous 1. Muscular – your brain tell your muscles to move

2. Digestive - triggers the start of digestion and release of many hormones and enzymes throughout your body.

3. Endocrine – your brain decides when hormones are created

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