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I How to implement a mobility budget ?

I Case Studies: Rexel - Accenture Belgacom - European Parliament PwC Belgium

International Integrated Corporate Mobility Solutions








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Join the Smart Mobility Forum & Awards on March 15th in Brussels.

A MoBility BudgEt, the solution to your mobility management?

Aaccording to a recent report, the introduction of smart mobility budgets could

reduce congestion on Dutch roads by as much as 20%. The report by B50 (the

50 leading Dutch companies in terms of Smart Travel) also suggests that perso-

nal mobility budgets in the Netherlands have a potential target of as much as 6.5 million

commuters. These could all be persuaded to choose their own, most appropriate means

of transport, if provided with a personal budget to do so.

In the Netherlands, buzzwords like the New World of Work, Mobility Budgets and Smart

Travel have captured the attention of the corporate world. Also in Belgium, a swelling

chorus is proposing the introduction of mobility budgets for employees. The trend is

so strong that some are already seeing mobility budgets as the standard of the future.

Experts predict that other countries will also start to trend away from classic lease

contracts to new, adaptable mobility budgets. But a certain amount of doubt and hesi-

tation remains. Today’s fiscal and legal procedures are not yet ready for this new trend,

and companies themselves are not keen to take on more paperwork. Nevertheless, the

desire to explore the option is clear and present.

Studies show that mobility as a policy is becoming more of a strategic issue, taken up by

HR Management. Final responsibility for mobility policy will need to be near the Board

of Directors - or taken the Board itself. The current economic crisis, the growth of traffic

congestion, the increasing demands of employees for more flexible combinations of

work and life, require answers, and at least an outline of a plan, from our governments.

Now that we’ve started our engines in the journey towards an integrated management

of mobility - let’s switch to first gear. Please join us at ‘Move to Integrated Mobility’ in

Brussels on 15th March, a first international event on this subject. And please stay for

‘Implementing a Mobility Budget’ on 16th March, a customer-only training session by the

Smart Mobility Institute.

Caroline Thonnon

Caroline THONNON


SmarT mobiliTy inSTiTuTe - bruSSelS, marCh 16Th 2012The Smart Mobility Institute (SMI), unaffiliated with any commercial interest, is both a training session for corporate decision makers and a platform to exchange expertise and best practices. The goal of the SMI is to facilitate the implementation and management of a smart mobility strategy, and thus help bring the market to maturity. The SMI provides a forum to all interested sectors of industry such as mobility, fleet, travel, IT, and communications. It gives voice to the needs and desires of companies transitioning to Smart Mobility Management.

Session topic: Implementing a Mobility Budget-Registration fee: €495 (including free access to the Smart Mobility Forum & Award on March 15th)

More information: www.smart-mobilitymanagement.com/sme To register, contact Romina De Gregorio (rdegregorio@nexuscommunication.be)


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20 Travel industry European Union

Emissions Trading Scheme

22 Smart mobility event 3 events in 1 Smart Mobility Forum Smart Mobility Awards Smart Mobility Institute

27 Carpooling Catching a ride

29 Taxation Smart Mobility needs Smart Taxation


CaSe StudieS

30 rexel Jean-Noël Gouillou “Mission possible:

optimizing the mobility costs”

34 accenture Marc Thiollier “Moving Forward, a new

approach to the work environment”

36 belgacom Femke Vandoninck &

Etienne Verhelst “Mobility Budget as a

box of bricks”

39 european Parliament

Tom Skinner “The Mobility Point”

39 Pricewaterhouse-Coopers

Christophe Van Obergen “Mobility is essential, not the car itself”



42 news News from the industry


48 Keolis Bernard Tabary Facilitating mobility and integrating solutions

50 Peugeot mu Coralie Henry Poppe

& Sylvain Demas “Peugeot is ready for


52 alD automotive Carel Bal “Mobility is in ALD’s


54 Polycom Chretien van der Aa “Video-communication

will become common-place”

56 interoute Jan Dezutter “Making video



6 introduction From car scheme to

mobility scheme

12 implementation Need for acceptance

and communication

10 managementHow to manage and control the budget

12 The Green budgetImpact on CSR

13 Tracking the toolsHow to avoid the burden of extra administration

16 newsAbout softwares, a mobility card and awards

16 CommunityAbout the mobility budget

17 mobistarPrior conditions are lacking to start with a mobility budget

18 maastricht-bereikbaarSmart leasing pilot in the Netherlands

doSSier tHe MoBiLity Budget


iSSue n°6 SmarT mobiliTy DireCTory 2012

Caroline ThonnonCONTENT & BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT(cthonnon@nexuscommunication.be)

Steven SchoefsCHIEF EDITOR(sschoefs@nexuscommunication.be)

David BaudeweynsSALES & DEVELOPMENT(dbaudeweyns@nexuscommunication.be)

Romina De GregorioINTERNAL SALES(rdegregorio@nexuscommunication.be)

Kathleen HubertOPERATIONS & COMMUNICATION(khubert@nexuscommunication.be)

Filip Van MullemMARkETING & DEVELOPMENT(fvanmullem@nexuscommunication.be)

CONTRIBUTERS:Tim Harrup, Frank Jacobs, Dirk Steyvers



Nexus Communication SA, Parc Artisanal 11-13, 4671 Barchon (Belgium) Phone : +32 4 387 87 94 - Fax : +32 4 387 90 63 URL: www.nexuscommunication.be


www.smart-mobilitymanagement.com contact@nexuscommunication.be

Reproduction rights (texts, advertisements, pictures) reserved for all countries. Received documents will not be returned. By submitting them, the author implicitly authorizes their publication.

smart mobility management - n°5 I 6

doSSier the mobility budget

From car scheme to mobility scheme

Virtual account

“A mobility budget can be compared

to a virtual account for employees

frequently traveling for business and

as such represents a new flexible travel

and mobility management alterna-

tive for the company” explains Marcel

Bakker, representing Mobility Mixx, a

Dutch consulting company propos-

ing innovative mobility alternatives

to companies since many years. The

virtual account continuously provides

a transparent and updated overview of

the available budget and the incurred

travel costs. Within this virtual account,

the employee selects the most appro-

priate transport method for each

journey, ranging from car to bicycle,

scooter, public transportation such as

train, trams, metro, or even carpooling...,

respecting the company budget limits

and policy. On top, at year end, a sur-

plus in the account can for example be

paid back to the employee as a bonus.

Starting point

In the framework of corporate mobility

planning, the mobility budget concept

has initially been activated as a solution

to reduce the use and the cost of the

company car, replacing vehicle mileage

by cheaper and more sustainable jour-

neys. According to Bart Desmedt from

Traject, “because of the growing mobility

A personal mobility budget allows employees, within a pre-defined budget set by the employer, to personally select her/his transport mode suiting best the individual needs for the planned journey. The mobility budget is gaining more and more supporters although there remains some hesitation.

cost awareness, influenced by rising

congestion, parking shortage and fiscal

measures, the term mobility budget is

more and more used for the (manage-

ment of) the total cost of (employee)

mobility in a company. This includes not

only the company fleet cost but also trip

reimbursements for members of staff

without a company car, parking costs,

infrastructure for sustainable modes and

new ways of working.”


A mobility budget or a company car are

part of the employee’s compensation

package and considered strong motiva-

tors to join a company, explains Johan

Serrien from Fleet Solutions. Especially

the company car, as status symbol, is

still valued superior than any monetary

budget value. However, many employees

are currently not entitled to this kind

of benefit. Indeed on average still only

20% of company’s staff are entitled to a

company car or a mobility budget. The

remaining 80% only benefit from a reim-

bursement of their business travel or

home-work commuting where the travel

allowance is linked to the commuting

distance. There are hence two categories

of beneficiaries. A minority entitled to

mobility benefits and a majority com-

pensated only for commute traveling.

From this angle a company car budget

is seen as a benefit, whereas a com-

muting/travel reimbursement is mostly

perceived as compulsory to travel to the

office. Proposing an inspiring, coherent,

responsible, flexible and environmentally

encouraged Mobility budget to the entire

company workforce can create a new

united and collective stimulus of shared

responsibility, especially in line with gen-

eration Y expectations.

Shared responsibility

Mobility budgets are an opportunity for

any company aiming for cost savings

whilst providing employees with entire

freedom and flexibility in the choice of

transport modes, consequently lead-

ing to “responsible” decisions and

behavior. Full operational lease as a

typical European conventional way to

provide company cars currently lead

to a “shortcoming of driver responsibil-

ity” suggests Paul Dam from Mobility

Concept. “When provided with a leasing

car, most employees are barely aware

of the costs of driving their vehicle. This

ignorance is reinforced by the Dutch fis-

cal taxation scheme which foresees for

a lease car driver a fix 25% on income,

no matter how many private kilometers

have been reported (501 or 20,000…)”.

A mobility budget is an optimal solution

for this “deficiency of responsibility” as

the scheme, through freedom of choice,

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Knowledge workers will benefit most from the mobility budget scheme.

A mobility budget scheme should offer the same continuity as the use of the car. Easy ways to combine and shift transport modes are crucial.

People are able to make a good decision on how to travel.

Companies with specific mobility related problems like parking shortage, have more than only financial interests in introducing a mobility budget.

A company allowing employees to make their own decisions are a more attractive employer.

Modern urban commuters. The main challenge is the change management process: getting the support of the target publics.

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doSSier the mobility budget

steers drivers simultaneously to expend-

iture responsibility and environmental

engagement. “Generally speaking, com-

panies have significant advantages to

replace as much as possible the car use

by multimodal alternatives” says Bart

Desmedt. “Especially larger, corporate

companies who want to empower sus-

tainability and employee engagement

are a perfect target group for mobility

budgets,” believes Johan Serrien from

Fleet Solutions.


Today, Mobility budgets, still do not ben-

efit in many countries from optimal fiscal

support, which limits an accelerated

and dynamic development at corporate

level. In the Netherlands, mobility budget

schemes have already convinced an

increasing number of companies. For

new ideas and concepts to grow, top

management engagement, as very often,

also plays a key role. Convert a car policy

into a mobility policy simultaneously

involves a fundamental commitment of

many stakeholders within the company,


> Budget based on individual mobility solutions/needs

> Risk of cost is at the employee

> Employee has more flexibility/ free choice of more mobility modes

> Mobility modes will be facilitated by the employer

> Employee will be stimulated to make smart choices

*source: Fleet Solutions

a mind shift at individual level and fiscal

support. It is only when these three ele-

ments will be aligned and synchronize

that Mobility budgets for all the good

reasons described here before will enter

their Golden Years.

Caroline Thonnon & Filip Van Mullem


> Profit > cost savings, HR benefits, predictable costs versus hidden costs

> Planet > CSR and CO2 reduction

> People > flexibility and employee benefits

smart mobility management - n°5 I 9

Introducing a mobility budget only makes sense if your

company is ready to change employee behaviour and if

substantial advantages can be generated by the implemen-

tation. When this is the case, you can start with the detailed

definition of the mobility project.

According to Johan Serrien from Fleet Solutions the definition

starts with the appointment of a project manager and sponsor.

“You also have to define the current mobility situation, the overall

objective and the approach to reach your goals. You have to know

who your customers and stakeholders are, you need to define the

deliverables and boundaries, the possible risks and constraints

and the possible financial and non-financial impact.” Marcel

Bakker from Mobility Mixx in the Netherlands and Bart Desmedt

of Traject – Mobility Management In Belgium are convinced that

having an overview of your current situation and insight into cur-

rent visible and hidden costs like parking space and fines, admin-

istrative costs, etc. is elementary. “Ideally, a cost-benefit analysis

should be done from the point of view of different segments of

the employees population”, says Bart Desmedt. “For example, if

implementation needs acceptance and communication

the company car is part of certain employees’ salary packages,

a replacement package should offer an equal benefit. If parking

budgets are shifted to public transport, there should also be a

benefit or at least a status quo for the employees involved.”

Change takes time

When you have defined the mobility budget project, you have to

set clear but realistic targets. The chosen mobility options can

best be discussed with representatives of all relevant departments.

“The acceptance of these options should also be tested among the

target public, using concrete examples and calculations”, points

out Bart Desmedt of Traject – Mobility Management. His mobil-

ity colleague Ronald Van Lankveld of Fleet & Mobility Consul-

tancy confirms this in the nice formula “Effectiveness = Quality

X Acceptance”. kees Froeling of Conclusion points out that you

need to set limitations from the start, “but use today’s limits.”

There are four main pitfalls. Firstly, there are many stakeholders

and many employees who see the car as a sacred cow and the

new mobility budget can be seen as an uncertain situation. “So

involving them at an early stage and communicating openly is the

correct way to turn the mobility budget project into something

from themselves and not something imposed from above”, state

Paul Dam from Smart Leasing Maastricht-Bereikbaar and Marcel

Bakker from Mobility Mixx. Secondly, change management will

take time, so keeping the momentum is essential. “Stick to the

defined goals and don’t start by allowing exceptions for some

people”, says Michel Willems from Mobilitas, as this will decrease

the credibility of the whole project and create resistance from

other employees. Thirdly, be prudent with figures. “The worst

pitfall is to start with a budget in Euro’s without knowing the real

costs and benefits. Involving Euros can attract negative attention

from the management, unions etc.”, Minze Walvius tells us. Also

be aware of all possible fiscal consequences for employees and

the company. “But you also have to take productivity into account

and the cost saving of mobility alternatives.” Finally, no imple-

mentation without efficient monitoring.

Steven Schoefs

Successfully implementing a mobility budget demands a clear corporate strategy where stakeholders and employees want to go in the same direction.

Thinking about introducing a mobility budget is relatively easy, developing and implementing one is much more com-plex. People are used to the comfort of and freedom of the company car. The success of the implementation depends on understanding the objectives of the company, the acceptance of the employees to use alternative mobility and clear and transparent communication with employees and stakeholders.

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doSSier the mobility budget

How to manage and control the budget

The allocation of corporate mobility budgets is one

of the important market developments in corporate

business travel management. The management of

a corporate mobility budget takes the shape of

a “shared responsibility” where on the one hand

the role of the employer is to define the mobility budgets and

control compliance and where on the other hand the employees

can personally define and manage their transport requirements,

irrespective of whether this involves car, rail or other sustainable

transport solution(s). As such, this “partnership” should continu-

ously ensure business related mobility is a positive and produc-

tive experience where travelers’ needs are correctly balanced

with final cost implications says kees Froeling from Conclusion.

According to Minze Walvius from Advier the possibility for the

employee to personally select each journey reservation undeni-

ably contributes to the individual behavior change.


According to Johan Serrien from Fleet Solutions, a professional

mobility management system must at least be able to manage

mobility packages and mobility contracts including procure-

ment, operating cost management, administration, inventory

information and performance monitoring. It must also be able

to manage the quality of imported data through automated

error handling. Developing, implementing and managing an

integrated corporate mobility budget – including travel and non

travel activities – certainly is a complex matter for any com-

pany’s operation. Mobility Budget Management ultimately is

about streamlining and monitoring the impact at three levels: on

employee productivity (efficiency), on company cost and on the



Productivity is intimately linked to the initial assessment of the

necessity to travel as travelling for the wrong reasons immedi-

ately and simultaneously produces a cost and a loss of pro-

ductivity. To correctly assess and monitor productivity, there

Developing, implementing and managing an Integrated corporate mobility budget – includ-ing travel and non travel activities - is a complex matter for any company’s operation.

is a simultaneous need for a

professional travel request

module and a solid expenses

module. The travel module

must be built on a pre-

approval process based on

criteria tailored to the com-

pany’s mobility policy require-

ments and environmental

priorities. A sophisticated

automatic system associated

to a coherent mobility policy

must first encourage employ-

ees to think twice about

travel and entertainment

costs by giving online control

of travel patterns compared

to policy guidelines. The spirit

is one of minimizing unneces-

sary travel and reducing costs

while achieving business



The cost element addresses

two levels – the costs of

the journey, and the costs

for processing (approval,

reimbursement and expense

reports). For Marcel Bakker

from Mobility Mixx and Paul

Dam from Mobility Concept,

continuous transparent insight

in the allowances, the costs

and the budget balance by

the employee is mandatory.

According to Patrick Billiet

smart mobility management - n°5 I 11

from MobileXpense, a state-of-the-art mobility budget monitor-

ing system enables a company to master the expense reimburse-

ment process, directly connected to the accounting system, com-

plying with local regulations and create processing cost savings

up to 65% compared to manual methods (as still used in many

organisations...) Even if for some alternative modes of transport

there are still a series of manual calculations and difficult param-

eters tracking to be made.


From and environmental standpoint, a high-tech oriented mobi-

lity budget management system is able to check the scheduled

travel request and automatically propose the most appropriate

choice. BingMaps for example, says Patrick Billiet from MobileX-

pense, automatically calculates the distance between two loca-

tions and allows the system - in name of the line manager - to

propose to employees pre-defined transportation methods and

encourage alternative or multimodal travel options. A mobile

device manages their expense claims through a simple start-stop

click, automatically calculating and communicating the travelled

distance from a smart phone. For safety reasons, it also immedi-

ately tracks their location if needed and where appropriate.


According to Alexander Prinssen from Fleet Solutions, an

advanced mobility budget management system, on top of being

fully integrated, must remain totally open and be built to accept

all types of reservation systems, new e-booking developments

and innovative mobile devices. Today, travel and non-travel

related activities still depend on multiple internal departments,

budgets, tools and cards. But fortunately, innovative integra-

tors start helping corporations to integrate fleet, fuel, travel and

credit card data. They also help design, implement and consoli-

date multi-country reporting. But as Bart Desmedt from Traject

stipulates, the multimodal mobility card, able to execute the

immediate payment of each type of transport is the major chal-

lenge currently being worked on. A full “one fits all” card will

probably never exist. As Michel Willems from Mobilitas suggest,

each corporation will have to decide for itself how far it wants

to push the “big brother” policy and create its own tailored

multimodal mobility card with a set of mobility methods and

suppliers in line with corporate policy and requirements.

Filip Van Mullem

Mobility budget management is a shared responsibility.

Automated system to deliver up to 65% processing cost savings.

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doSSier the mobility budget

More organizations are

now aiming to modify

their business related

mobility practices in an

effort to be more CSR

focused. It is clear for kees Froeling from

Conclusion that businesses allowing staff

to make their own travel / non-travel

decisions will be those more likely to

have happy employees who feel good

about themselves and the company they

work for. A Corporate Mobility Budget

concept simultaneously promotes flex-

ibility and shared responsibility. For Paul

Dam from Mobility Concept, the shared

responsibility facet involves a collabora-

tive approach between the employer and

the employee, creating a “Smart Mobility

Mindset and Culture” which are legiti-

mately CSR focused. On might advise

that because of this shared responsibility,

CSR should be labeled CISR – Corporate

& Individual Social Responsibility, as Cor-

porate Guidelines decided by manage-

ment are useless without the ultimate

individual commitment and implication

of the employee.


CSR is not just about “green travel”. For

the green budget

Corporate Social Responsi-bility (CSR) is a model that encourages businesses to voluntarily operate with consideration to society. It involves being responsible for the impacts of all busi-ness activities and ensur-ing the wellbeing of all staff.

Mobility Budget: good for People, Planet and Purse

Minze Walvius from Advier, a Mobility

Budget proposes a set of initiatives that

are good for employees, for those with

whom it does business through improved

hospitality and for the communities in

which it operates. The business needs to

embrace CSR holistically and to absorb

this into the travel / non-travel behavior.

CSR in Mobility is not achieved in isola-

tion, but by a collective mindset for the

benefit of all stakeholders. Education,

encouraging good behavior and reward-

ing commitment to CSR by acknowledg-

ing things such as compliance to the

travel policy are critical to success says

Marcel Bakker from Mobility Mixx.


To effectively make CSR a part of a

Smart Mobility Policy, Bart Desmedt from

Traject recommends that the strategic

business and cultural decisions ensure

corporate Smart Mobility provides an

increasing number of safe and comforta-

ble travel options relating to daily mobil-

ity. For Michel Willems from Mobilitas,

efficient planning of home-work, client

and business related traveling is essen-

tial. Continuously ensure business related

mobility is a positive and productive

travelers’ experience. Ensure you are risk-

averse in the Mobility Management by

providing access to technology enabling

to keep travelers well informed about all

aspects of business mobility options that

may impact their journey.


The benefits for society resulting from

a Mobility Budget approach are “planet

driven”. Minimising travel and select-

ing eco-friendly or multimodal travel

alternatives such as car sharing, public

transportation, bicycle, walking have an

important impact on the carbon footprint

reduction. The benefits for employees

are more linked to wellbeing as they

include, according to Johan Serrien from

Fleet Solutions, flexibility for the choice

of mobility modes, financial upsides as

a consequence of making smart choices

leading to a final attractive remuneration

package. For the employer, on top of

motivated employees, a Mobility Budget

brings transparency in the administrative

processes, a high degree of cost control

and true contribution towards sustain-


Filip Van Mullem

smart mobility management - n°5 I 13

tracking the tools

One of the main obstacles to start with a mobility approach is the burden of extra admin-istration and the difficulty to guarantee a smooth management of the selected variety of mobility solutions. If your organisation is large enough, you could perhaps create a management tool in-house, but not everyone has enough internal resources to do so. You can also look what is available on the market. And today unfortunately the offer still lacks maturity and geographical coverage.

When you can keep the management of your

mobility budget in-house, as for example Bel-

gacom Group does (see page 36), you gain

complete control over the initiative and the

budget. But you need mobility expertise and

solid financial resources to invest an important amount of money

to manage this new mobility approach. According to Ronald Van

Lankveld of Fleet & Mobility Consultancy it can be easier and

more effective to work with a third party providing substantial

support to the employer and employees linked to administration

and management of mobility services. Whilst Ronald confirms

that today’s offer is insufficient, he believes the future looks posi-

tive and promising as more and more consultancy companies

have started developing mobility tools to enhance the organi-

zation and management of efficient mobility. The main current

challenge is the accurate calculation of the costs relating to the

different mobility alternatives and a comprehensive translation

into the mobility budget for the employee. Today, there seems to

be two different types of mobility support by third parties.

mobility advice

First there is the classic consultancy approach where advice is

offered to start a mobility initiative where sensitive matters are

approached such as setting up a transparent communication with

employees and stakeholders, defining realistic targets consistent

with the corporate strategy and creating guidelines to respect

achievable timing. At Conclusion, kees Froeling confirms that

the subsidiary Conclusion Green Consultants is called in to set

up a balanced mobility policy. Traject provides mobility advice to

institutional organisations and corporate customers, developing a

global vision on traffic and mobility with a focus on mobility plans

including tailor made transport systems.

mobility management

The second type of mobility consultancy promotesa more in-

depth approach, delivering management software tools for mobil-

ity managers to precisely follow-up the mobility use by employ-

ees, related costs and benefits. Most of them are local tools as the

cross-border integration of mobility services is still too complex

or even impossible to set up. One of the current active manage-

ment providers is BUPP, a web-based platform used by Advier

in the Netherlands, to manage location access by budgeting the

use of facilities such as parking, park and ride, buses... Paul Dam,

Smart Leasing Maastricht-Bereikbaar : “For the pilot Smart

Leasing, Maastricht-Bereikbaar commissioned Mobility Concept

to take care of the web-based mobility services and the project


In this area, international corporate clients expect a lot from the

leasing companies. Indeed they are seen as potentially one of the

most efficient new mobility services facilitators, acting as single

point of contact for the customer in combination with the classic

car leasing. By offering integrated mobility services and solutions

to manage a mobility budget there is an opportunity to create a

competitive advantage. Athlon Car Lease is one of the first leas-

ing companies concentrating on the wider range of these mobility

services. Concerning the definition and the implementation of the

mobility project the Group launched the division Athlon Mobility

Consultancy, supported by daughter company Fleet Solutions for

the day-to-day management. It is clear that the existing smart

and integrated mobility services offers still need to grow in recog-

nition, volume, players and maturity to become really efficient and

valuable to all of us.

Steven Schoefs

Employees opting for a mobility budget instead of a classic company car often receive a mobility card for easy access to different types of mobility.


> ADVieR - www.advier.nlMinze Walvius - Director/Owner and Owner Stichting Managing Mobility - minze.walvius@advier.nl

> CONCluSiON - www.conclusion.nlkees Froeling, Solution Manager The New World of Work - kfroeling@conclusion.nl

> FleeT & MOBiliTy CONSulTANCy - www.mobiliteitexpert.nlRonald Van Lankveld, Owner - ronald@mobiliteitexpert.nl

> MOBiliTy CONCePT - www.mobilityconcept.nlPaul Dam, Project Manager Pilot Smart Leasing - paul.dam@mobilityconcept.nl

> MOBiliTAS - www.mobilitas.beMichel Willems, CEO - m.willems@mobilitas.be

> MOBiliTy Mixx - www.mobilitymixx.nlMarcel Bakker, Commercial Manager - marcel.bakker@mobilitymixx.nl

> MOBilexPeNSe - www.mobilexpense.comPatrick Billiet, CEO - pb@mobilexpense.com

> TRAJeCT - www.traject.beBart Desmedt, Managing Director - bd@traject.be

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doSSier the mobility budget



Daniel nijsten, Sr buyer “CSR & Environment are motiva-tors for the employees to opt for a company car. However, for the company, it’s mainly a case of cost optimisation, isn’t it?”

Friso metz, Senior advisor at KpVV “Company cars are popular,but a mobility budget is popular as well. So it’s an attractive HR tool. Also, it fits well with corporate respon-sibility schemes, as it promotes the use of smaller, eco-friendlier cars and more sustainable modes of transport. In the end, it could save costs, especially as it could solve parking problems. Parking places are extremely precious, so any reduction in the need for parking spaces is inter-esting for companies.” “52 Dutch companies presented a report on mobility budgets to the State Secretary of Finance. It has been received well, and the Finance Ministry will see how they can implement its fiscal recommenda-tions in the 2013 Tax regime. See the following article and report (Dutch only)” http://www.slimwerkenslimreizen.nl/index.html?artikel_ID=925&loc1=2&soc1=2&art=2&art=2&leesverder=925&naam=Nieuws&#abc925

manish Garg, research analyst at Frost & Sullivan “Look-ing at the current euro crisis, I’d say that to introduce a mobility budget is a means to optimise cost for a company. Rather than leasing new vehicles, companies look towards corporate car-sharing schemes for short business trips, thus dissuading their employees from using personal vehi-cles for the same. At the same time, there’s also the con-cern for the environment. Less CO

2-emitting vehicles = Less

company car taxation.” Ann Massart, Marketing & Commu-nication manager at Alphabet Belgium “According to me, a company car firstly is an important tool for retention and motivation within a global HR policy. Of course, the envi-ronment and efficient mobility go hand in hand with this, and should be linked by a sensible car policy, matching with the company culture. The key to achieve this, is finding the right fleet supplier who understands your company needs.”

alexander rahe, managing Director at solariz enterprise Group “CSR & Environment are my favourite motivators. The savings are welcome as well and with a tool that can track and report this, my company is prepared.”

Johannes berg, Consultant at WSP “The Dutch slim reizen website has a database with best practice in mobility budg-ets http://www.slimreizen.nl.” Join our LinkedIn Commu-nity Smart Mobility Management and share your expertise, your questions and your best practices !

What would be the major reason for your company to introduce a mobility budget scheme for employees?

Results of LinkedIn Poll ended on February 5th 2012. Total votes: 56.

Travel/ traffic optimization: 27%

Cost optimization: 34%

HR & motivation: 20%

CSR & environment: 20%

Caroline Thonnon

Mobility Management application from Fleet SupportMobility Budgets are increasingly popular. Last May, a Dutch study showed that drivers prefer a flexible range of appropri-ate transport modes to a classic company car. But such flex-ibility competes with the anxiety that paperwork will increase. In order to transition to a Mobility Budget, the Dutch fleet man-agement company Fleet Support is working on an application that will reduce the paperwork to a minimum. The application will also allow to work on cost control, risk analysis and report-ing. (Source: AgentschapNL, own reporting)

radiuz launches card for Mobility Budget Dutch mobility provider Radiuz has just unveiled its first Mobil-ity Budget card. Radiuz Total Mobility will enable travellers to determine which mode of transport is most appropriate for the trip they’re about to make. The Radiuz card will allow flexible switching between train, tram, bus, bicycle, scooter, taxi, etc. No longer will it be necessary to buy different types of jour-ney passes - always a more expensive option. Wantogo, the company behind the Radiuz card, happily assists the traveller in his choice of transport. The Radiuz App allows you to enter the start and finish of any given journey. Taking into account such variables as expected departure and arrival, duration, cost, CO

2 emissions, the number of transfers, the app then selects

the optimal voyage. Via monthly bills, the user receives an easy overview of the cost incurred. The manager can consult all travel times and connected data online. He can even check how envi-ronmentally friendly the user’s trips have been.

Mobility Budget gets aLd Mobility award

For the first time ever, Dutch leasing company ALD Auto-motive has awarded a prize for mobility. The winner of this first ALD Mobility Award was Mn Services, a pension administration and asset management company. Mn Services received the prize for its set of mobility meas-ures and for its adoption of a Mobility Budget. Apart from the award itself, the com-pany also received an elec-tric bike by Suzuki. The ALD

Mobility Award will celebrate companies with a future-oriented mobility policy, and inspire others to follow in their footsteps. Mn Services won this first award because of its “mobility range, which comprises innovative measures that are well aligned to benefit both the employer and the employee”, the jury report reads. Mn Services encourages the use of e-scooters and e-bikes, and offers its employees a Mobility Budget.

“We want this prize to serve not just as a reward for one company, but as a platform for all companies to exchange ideas about achieving best practice in the field of mobility”, says Carel Bal, ALD Automotive’s general director.


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Mobistar is a subsidiary

of France Telecom. It

already offers attrac-

tive mobility solutions

to its employees. The

about 850 Mobistar employees with a

company car can opt for the classic for-

mula, or for a payout of the car budget

(with tax paid on the gross amount).

Another option is to choose a smaller-

scale car, combined with a subscription

to the entire public transport system

(train, tram, subway, bus). Furthermore,

the fuel card for the company car can

also be used to refuel a motorbike, if

it is used for commuting. Finally, all

employees enjoy free public transport

into work, can use a folding bike if they

give up their parking spot, and have

shared cars and shared bicycles at their


Why a mobility budget for mobistar?

Karel boussu: “Lots of Belgian employ-

ees get a company car to sidestep the

high tax on earnings. The company will

assign a certain amount for this to each

of those slated to drive a company car.

What we’re noticing, is that the entire

amount will be spent on the car itself,

even though that is not necessary,

strictly speaking. But that’s understand-

able: What you get, you use. To have

the employee use his or her mobility

budget in a more realistic and sensible

way, you need to propose alternatives

to allocate the remaining budget. You

could consider paying out that amount,

or you could opt to offer a mix of other

MobistarPrior conditions are lacking o start with a Mobility Budget

Companies that are willing to adopt a Mobility Budget, are often prevented from doing so by fiscal and administrative circumstances. One such company is Mobistar, one of Belgium’s telecommunications specialists. Karel Boussu, Hospita-lity Manager at Mobistar, explains the obstacles between wish and reality.

modes of transport, or you could offer

fringe benefits. A Mobility Budget will

let the employees decide themselves

how to spend an allocated budget. This

will increase employee satisfaction. In

the Netherlands, take out is a well-

established system, completed with a

Mobility Card exists. This card is a mode

of payment: a budget is deposited onto

it, and the employee uses it to pay for

using a shared car, a city bike, public

transport, etc.”

So why not yet mobility budget in


Karel boussu: “Neither our fiscal legisla-

tion on benefits in kind, nor our social

legislation, nor our insurance adminis-

tration are ready for a Mobility Budget

in Belgium. A mixed-use approach to

mobility implies a mixed system of

taxation on benefits in kind, implies a

separate follow-up of insurance, etc. But

the relevant government administrations

don’t know how to deal with such a mix

of mobility services. The necessary regu-

lations are simply not there. In Flanders,

a group called Mobiel21 is trying to get

some companies to start a pilot project -

but even with the support of the Flemish

government, the plan is dead-ending

on the aforementioned administrative

problems. First and foremost, we’ll have

to wait for measures by the federal Bel-

gian government. Only then can we start

thinking about a real start for Budget


Steven Schoefs

Neither our fiscal legislation on benefits in kind, nor our social legislation, nor our insurance administration are ready for a Mobility Budget in Belgium”, says Karel Boussu, Hospitality Manager at Mobistar.

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Maastricht-bereikbaar Smart leasing pilot in the Netherlands

doSSier the mobility budget

Maastricht-Bereikbaar offers a range of prod-

ucts and services which make it easier for

commuters, visitors and truck drivers to work

and travel smart.

Under the Maastricht-Bereikbaar banner,

governments, employers, and mobility service providers

work together to keep Maastricht and its suburbs accessible.

Maastricht-Bereikbaar stimulates structural changes to the

travelling and working behaviour of commuters, visitors, and

truck drivers. It also offers products and services which will

help you travel and work smart.

Cofely Zuidoost

Frank Mulleneers, HR Manager Cofely Zuidoost: “We at Cofely

are excited about this initiative and very interested in the

outcome of this pilot. This process will give our people more

insight into their mobility behaviour. We as an employer will

be able to gain experience in alternative ways of dealing with

mobility issues. I’m personally also participating in the pilot,

and right from the start I noticed I was more conscious of the

question of why I need to travel. I also consider whether tak-

ing my car is necessary, both for business and personal trips.

The usefulness or necessity of mobility depends to a great

extent on psychology.”

new mobility calls for new ways to lease

The existing forms of leasing do not offer much freedom of

choice. It’s “one size fits all” for lease drivers. These ways of

leasing don’t encourage smart choices like selecting smaller

and more fuel-efficient cars, driving economically, and using

inexpensive fuel. In addition, the costs for business travel on

public transport are often not reimbursed. Employers have

almost no influence on the costs and environmental impact of

lease cars.

Frank Mulleneers (Cofely): “We are excited about this initiative and very interested in the outcome of this pilot. This process will give our people more insight into their mobility behaviour.”

A smarter way to adapt mobility to the needs of individual employees is being piloted by lease drivers in the South Limburg region in the Netherlands. During 2012, lease drivers will be able to make their own decisions about their mobility. Their employers will gain experience in working with personal mobility budgets and help shape the Smart Leasing concept in more detail.

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New ways of working, sustainability, new forms of mobility, a

new generation of employees, and different travel needs: all

of this strengthens the demand for more modern forms of

leasing. Lease drivers ought to be able to have flexibility and

to choose the travel solution which fits their personal situation

and budget, or even the particular day of the week. Employ-

ers want to meet the wishes of their employees, but the costs

have to be manageable. And it should not cost any extra time.

Personal mobility budget

A personal mobility budget gives lease drivers control over

the costs. It allows them to tailor their mobility to their own


The mobility budget compares to a bank account, with reim-

bursements and expenses. Each month a fixed amount will be

transferred to the account, and in addition lease drivers will

receive a variable amount per journey, to cover fuel and other

costs. Employees who carpool or use public transport will

also receive a variable amount as reimbursement. This means

that the budget changes to reflect travelling behaviour.

The cost of using the lease car will be deducted from the

budget, as will the costs for using other methods of trans-

port, such as the train, bicycle sharing, taxis, and car sharing.

Lease drivers can have an influence on their own mobility

costs. The choice of travel method, the choice of lease car

and the way it is used, the driving style and the fuel costs all

determine the mobility budget.

Lease drivers will be able to access a personal webpage to

see changes to their budget and account. This means that

reimbursements and expenses are completely transparent.

Paul Dam

ABOUT MAASTRICHT-BEREIkBAARMaastricht-Bereikbaar has a range of products and services. Over the next few years, the range of services will be extended:

> Extra Park+Ride locations outside the city.

> Transportation from Park+Ride locations during rush hour and on high-traffic days.

> Travel advice via www.maastricht-bereikbaar.nl, Twitter account @naarMaastricht and signs with up-to-date traffic and parking information along the side of the road.

> A mobile version of the www.maastricht-bereikbaar.nl website.

> An “in-car” application with parking information.

> Various pilots, including one which will allow municipal employees to gain experience with The New Way of Working.

TRAVEL SMART, WORk SMARTTravelling smart will reduce the number of cars on the roads and highways, particularly during rush hour. There are alternatives to taking your car, such as making the journey by bicycle or using public transport. But there are also other possibilities, such as travelling outside rush hour or carpooling.In addition, many companies offer their employees the option of working from home a few hours or days per week, avoiding a commute altogether. Working independently of time and place like this is called The New Way of Working.

Maastricht-Bereikbaar stimulates structural changes to the travelling and working behaviour of commuters, visitors, and truck drivers. It also offers products and services which will help you travel and work smart.

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Strategy low carbon aviation

European union emissions trading Scheme

The best way to create a low carbon aviation sector

has been brought sharply into focus with avia-

tion emissions entering the EU ETS in 2012. The

outcome - emission reduction though the most

efficient means - is laudable.

Policy makers have an unenviable role to satisfy the voices of

disparate stakeholders whilst finding a solution that ensures

the natural environment on which business relies is effectively


GBTA’s position on emissions reduction, through its sustain-

ability project, ICARUS, is not driven by altruism. Emissions

management goes hand in hand with operational efficiency.

Organisations’ today are being impacted by changes to our

natural environment, whether through legislation to protect the

environment, taxation to stimulate efficiencies or the physical

impacts of degraded environments on business operations.

Increasing demand for oil and resource pressure will inevitably

lead to rising costs, price volatility and market uncertainty.

Uncertainty does not create the environment for business

investment and innovation.

The twin challenge

A global challenge like climate change and effective resource

management requires a global solution. The aviation sector is

one of very few sectors that operates in a truly global context.

Its global nature can be its strength. By operating collabora-

tively at a global level and harnessing the strength of global

innovation a global solution can be created.

There could also be unintended consequences in taking a

fragmented, regional approach. There is risk that collaborate

efforts to achieve the right solution at a global level could be

constrained by regionalized activity, and competing or conflict-

ing agendas.

The aviation sector has responded to the twin challenge of

rising prices and environmental regulation by investing in

fuel and emissions efficiency measures. Manufacturers have

invested in fuel efficient aircraft design, research in alternative

fuels has led to bio fuels trails and a focus on carbon efficiency

has led to operational changes that have reduced fuel costs

and emissions.

Good legislation creates a space that incentivises innovation

and stimulates joined up thinking amongst regulators and busi-

ness. The business community can benefit from the stick but

there a place for the carrot: especially when times are hard.

The news early this year that a European carrier was halt-

ing its use of biofuels due to supply issues demonstrates the

importance of joining up policy drivers with the research and

development and ensuring supply chains are able to respond

to demand. At a time when emissions from aviation enter the

EU ETS a low emissions fuel is not available.

The ETS creates regulation by regional airspace rather than

global airspace. The discussion about changes to airspace

management in Europe and the resulting emissions efficiencies

that this could lead to is now brought sharply into focus.

Jonathan Green

Good legislation creates a space that incentivises innovation and stimulates joined up thinking amongst regulators and business.

Jonathan Green, GBTA ICARUS Europe.

Transport is more dependent on oil than any other sector. The long term viability of the transport sector and, in turn, successful inter-connected global economies demands improved fuel efficiency and diversification of (fuel) supply across the transport sector.

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Strategy Smart Mobility Event

Move to integrated Mobility !On March 15th, Smart Mobility Management is organising the first international event on Integrated Mobility in Brussels. Join us to share experiences and to shape the future of a new world of work and mobility.

The future is increasingly determined by new mobil-

ity. Consider the broad range of possibilities offered

to corporate staff, the car, the train, the airplane, the

bicycle, the bus, the metro... Not to mention virtual

conferencing for those who decide not to travel.

And consider what’s at stake: speed, comfort, environment,

employee efficiency, and, of course, the bottom line. It’s not

just about fleet, travel, meeting and conferences - it’s about a

completely new way of integrating and managing all mobility

related solutions in an economically-complex environment that

represents major challenges and extraordinary opportunities.

Both at the level of international operating corporations and the

level of mobility suppliers and their offering.


OPPORTuNiTieSDefine a Mobility Strategy & Policy

implement, measure and report

Define when to more or not

Optimize Corporate Mobility costs & CSR

Maximize efficiency for drivers & travelers

Smart Communication Technology

Mobility suppliers, solutions,


iMPORTANT BeNeFiTS Get access to quality information & ideasuse peers as sounding boards Share best practices with key achievers Generate new professional relationshipsGet recognition for your achievementsemerge as a pioneer and leaderBecome a mentor to someone

Benefit from valuable information and knowledge presented by industry leaders

15 & 16 March

smart mobility management - n°5 I 23

Share best practices with experts and innovate with key achievers

PROGRAMMe Move to integrated Mobility

9:00 Welcome

9:30 Opening speech and introduction by Caroline Thonnon (Nexus Communication)

9:40 Smart Mobility Management: a unique media platform to promote International Integrated Corporate Mobility Solutions - by Caroline Thonnon & Filip Van Mullem (Nexus Communication)

10:00 European Commission and mobility - by Sylvain Haon - Executive Director - Polis

10:20 From Fleet to Mobility Management - by Giovanni Tortorici - Manager - Barilla

10:40 From Travel to Mobility Management - by Torbjorn Erling - Meeting & Travel Manager - Ikea (tbc)

11:00 Coffee break and networking

11:15 Integrated Mobility Management - Case Study - by Bernard Dehaye - Coordinator Mobility, Environment & Sustainable Development - Dexia

11:35 Mobility Integrators: who will take the lead? - by Martyn Briggs - Consultant - Frost & Sullivan

12:00 The New World of Work - by Jasha Dix-Huijts - Strategist - kPN

12:20 The New Office – corporate solutions – by Andrew Brown - Group Communications Director - Regus

12:40 Smart Work Centers and the impact on mobility – by Bas Boorsma - Head, Work Life Innovations Program – Cisco Systems

13:00 Wrap up – by Filip Van Mullem (Nexus Communication)

13:10 Networking lunch and sponsors’ interview – by Steven Schoefs (Nexus Communication)

14:30 THINk TANk with international decision makers and mobility suppliersModerator: Donatello Piras

Workshop 1 - Defining a mobility policy and implementing a mobility strategy

- How to make the shift to a real integrated mobility strategy? - How to optimize overall mobility costs and CSR? - How to maximize efficiency for the drivers and travelers within your organization?

WORKSHOP 1. Selection and sourcing of mobility solutions

- How suppliers fulfill the needs for mobility solutions - What is the availability of integrated mobility solutions and is still to be developed?

16:45 Closing remarks

REGISTER TO THE SMART MOBILITY FORUMRegistrations: http://www.smart-mobilitymanagement.com/sme

Registration fee: 350 euro

important: the event is limited to 120 participants

R e G i S T e R

smart mobility management - n°5 I 24smart mobility management - n°5 I 24smart mobility management - n°5 I 24

Use peers as sounding boards and get recognition for your achievements

Strategy Smart Mobility Event

March 16th – implementing a mobility budgetWho should attend? international decision makers in :

> Mobility > HR

> Fleet > Finance

> Travel & meeting > Purchasing & procurement

> ICT > Facility

REGISTER TO THE SMART MOBILITY INSTITUTERegistrations: http://www.smart-mobilitymanagement.com/sme

Registration fee: 495 euro (including free access to the Smart Mobility Forum on March 15th)

important: the event is limited to 25 participants and is exclusively reserved for customers.

R e G i S T e R

Exchange valuable information and gather innovative ideas from various industries

Smart Mobility AwardThe Smart Mobility Award for Innovation will be handed

over to a supplier having recently developed and mar-

keted a product, service or tool which helps corporations

significantly improve the implementation or management

of Integrated Mobility Policies. The submitted cases must

show concrete impacts on the essential objectives of

Smart Mobility: employee efficiency, cost optimisation and

improved carbon footprint.

THe NOMiNeeS ARe...

> Alphabet: AlphaCity – Corporate CarSharing

> Athlon Mobility Consultancy: MoMaS (Mobility Management System)

> Carpooling.com: carpooling.com

> Co-Maker: Mobility Platform

> Daimler/europca: Car2Go

> Thalys, Jet Airways, Brussels Airlines, Brussels Airport: A new stage in air-rail intermodality

> ViM: Co-Car

Discover the nominated projects on www.smart-mobility-management.com/sme

The projects will be evaluated by an international jury com-posed of decision makers in corporations.

Melchior Wathelet, Belgian Secretary of State for Environ-ment, Energy and Mobility will attend the event to reward the most innovative supplier in Smart Mobility Management.

Smart Mobility instituteA unique training session for international decision makersThe Smart Mobility Institute is a neutral training session

for international corporate decision makers and provides a

platform for exchanging expertise and best practices. The

Institute helps decision makers to implement and manage

a smart mobility strategy and helps to bring the market to

maturity. The Smart Mobility Institute provides a voice to

the mobility, fleet, travel, IT and communication industry

and expresses the needs of corporations to move to Smart

Mobility Management and the requests to industry’s players.

it’S Not ABout WHo you KNoWBut WHo KnoWS you!From multimodal to international, Smart Mobility Management is developing at fast speed, involving many different players active in multiple industries such as fleet, travel, iT, technology and integrated mobility services.

Register now and be published immediately online as well as in the printed version coming out in April 2012.


To help our readers and partners identify “who is who”, we have developed a powerful directory tool able to present in a clear and complete way the leading companies and latest products and services.

For suppliers and manufacturers active within the mobility related categories presented in the blue box, this directory is a unique opportunity to become highly visible to 37,000+ corporate decision makers across the world.

> Business travel services> Car manufacturers> Car rental> Car sharing> Lease & Fleet Management> IT & communication,> Online mobility service,> Parking > Rail> Smart work centers,> Telematics & navigation> Travel expense management> Virtual conferencing

smart mobility management - n°5 I 26












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smart mobility management - n°5 I 27

Strategy Carpooling

Catching a ride

Carpooling is nothing

new. Catching a ride to a

popular destination has

been part of the game

since the very first human

means of transport were introduced.

Today carpooling is gaining momentum

at an accelerated pace thanks to many

factors. Congested cities, global warm-

ing, increased connectivity, technologi-

cal innovations and the proliferation of

social networks form the ideal breeding

ground for alternative mobility solutions.

People no longer need their individual

car, they’d rather travel in an efficient

way to their destination.

european initiative

Carpooling.com offers exactly that

in the form of a ridesharing platform

covering 9 countries (so far). In Austria,

France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland,

Unlocking the idling capacity of cars sounds like an almost unrealistic form of mobility. Europe’s biggest carpooling network, www.carpooling.com, seems however to have found a straightforward solution to this enormous economic and ecologic challenge. Too good to be true?

Spain, Switzerland and the Uk drivers

and passengers can book and offer rides

to literally any destination, more than

5,000 cities in 45 countries. Combine

this enormous potential with the pos-

sibility of choosing how much space an

comfort you need, an innovative “score-

board” indicating how safe, punctual

and correct your passenger/driver is and

a comprehensive cost calculator and it

isn’t hard to understand why until now

almost 3.5 million users are registered

resulting in more than 600,000 trans-

port opportunities a day and 1 million

people transported every month.

It goes without saying that this carpool-

ing network is not solely meant for indi-

viduals, people sharing a workplace can

easily optimize their trip to and from

their job by carpooling. Drivers reduce

their cost, passengers improve their

mobility and all enjoy an economically

and ecologically responsible form of

peer-to-peer transport. Carpooling.com

The mobile app of carpooling.com is downloaded 15,000 times a month: proof

that Europe’s biggest carpooling network is expanding at great speed.

HOW DOES IT WORk?> surf to www.carpooling.com

> complete the free registration

> find and book rides to 5,000 cities in 45 countries

> pick a driver/passenger you want to travel with on basis of shared interests, how much space an comfort you need, what you want to pay, user ratings, specific criteria, etc.

> enjoy the trip

> rate your driver/passenger(s)

even sells white label solutions for com-

panies which allow their employees to

carpool to work and as such save money

for travel expenses. On top op that the

set-up of Europe’s biggest carpooling

network guarantees an easy combina-

tion with any way of public transport


Dirk Steyvers

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Strategy taxation

Smart Mobility needs Smart taxation

Today’s density of traffic in some urban areas, the cost of mobility and the envi-ronment are driving us to consider other options for our mobility than the “your freedom” car. Extra incentives could convince those in doubt. The government can play an important role by using taxes as a policy instrument, a proven con-cept to influence consumer behavior.

Most mobility modes

have their taxes; we tax

cars, either company

cars or private cars used

for professional pur-

poses, we have a tax regime for public

transport, for biking to work, company

bikes, company scooters, for car pool-

ing, organized common commuter traf-

fic, etc…. Immediately by saying this, we

expose two challenges; to understand

all these rules and the impact of them.

Furthermore, what if the company is

providing a variable combination of

these mobility solutions? Are taxes

cumulative, so actually discouraging

people from changing mobility habits?

Can taxes for one mobility mean be

offset against bonuses given for other

environmental friendly means of trans-

port like bicycles? What if the company

throws extra pension savings, extra holi-

days, etc… into the equation? It takes a

lot of knowledge and insight, even judg-

ing on common sense rather than clear

rules to measure the impact of taxation

on multi mobility solutions.

Total Cost of mobility

It is important for car fleets to consider

the full TCM, including all tax effects,

certainly in those countries that have

linked car taxes to CO2-emissions.

Even more, it is important to take into

account the tax effect of choices of

mobility modes into the mobility cost or

budget in order to get a) full insight in

Taking taxes into account will ensure that mobility solutions get the correct balance

in the mobility budget.

the real cost of mobility and b) to have

the full effect of the policy influencing

effect of taxes set by the government

for certain means of mobility.

For the employer it is important to know

the full cost of mobility in order to take

the correct investment choices. Taxes

may be an important part in these cost

calculations since they may influence

employers to facilitate and incentivize

certain means of mobility taking into

account their strategic objectives in

terms of CSR, HR and profit.

For employees, taxes, or no taxes, and

the effect of these on mobility budgets,

are certainly influencers. Employees

do react on taxes and tax incentives

may change long lasting behavior. If

the employer is providing a level of

freedom of choice of mobility means,

clearly employees will maximize output

from their mobility budget. Taking

taxes into account will ensure that

mobility solutions get the correct bal-

ance in the mobility budget. A car is

more expensive than the lease or rental

cost and a company bike can have a

lower cost after taxes than the lease or

rental cost of the bike because of tax


Therefore it is critical that a proper

mobility budget takes taxes and their

impact into account.

In the coming months we will provide

you more insights in the applicable

rules in a number of countries including

effects and impact. To be continued and


Bart Vanham

BVH Consulting - car and mobility

taxation expert

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Mission possible: optimising mobility costs

CaSe StudieS Rexel

Reducing mobility costs by 20% over the next three years: that’s the goal Rexel has set itself. Jean-Noël Gouillou, who heads indirect procurement at Rexel, the distributor of electrical materials, sees three axes for optimising mobility costs: travel, company cars and new technologies.

Jean-Noël Gouillou, Rexel’s director of indirect procurement, has a mission: to reduce mobility costs through optimised processes.

smart mobility management - n°5 I 31

Last autumn, Jean-Noël

Gouillou presented all

37 countries where the Rexel

group has a presence with

his plan to optimise mobility

costs. The plan was ambitious - and pre-

cise: to achieve 20% savings over three

years, 1/5 of the total would be saved

in 2012, 1/2 in 2013 and the rest in 2014.

And how? By implementing common

tools, solutions and processes, shared

between HQ and the subsidiaries.

Three axes

“We will work on three major axes”,

says Gouillou, Rexel’s director for

indirect procurement. “Travel, company

cars, and new technologies. The latter

includes solutions in the fields of ICT,

telepresence and videoconference.”

Step 1: Travel “Until now, each business unit and each

subsidiary had its particular procedures

to deal with business travel. We will

harmonise procedures at Group level,

rationalise them at the local level, and

propose alternatives whenever pos-


“This will largely be a matter of policy

and process measures. We’ll be working

along with the HR and Finance depart-

ments to reach global objectives.”

“We’ve identified three specific levers

to achieve this. The first lever is the

introduction of online travel booking.

This should give management a tool to

challenge the perceived necessity of

business trips, and propose videocon-

ferences instead. The second lever is

the implementation of payment cards,

eliminating paper invoicing in favour of

100% electronic billing. And the third

one, finally, is the introduction of an

online expenses tool. This will allow us

to assemble all costs associated with

travel and analyse them, to improve cost


Step 2: Telepresence “In parallel with our travel cost analysis,

we’re working on telepresence solu-

tions to use first as a service. Rexel is

already using Genesys for web confer-

encing in almost all the countries that

we’re present in. The idea is to provide

our managers with the opportunity to

propose alternatives via telepresence,

after having analysed travel costs. Tata

Communication and Regus are already

offering interesting alternatives.” “The

success of telepresence and video

conferencing will depend on their

acceptance by our staff. That’s why

we’re developing policies that will help

them to define their options clearly, and

to avoid the stress of travelling. We will

add how-to guides to these policies. For

it is not enough simply to have a con-

tract with suppliers of these technolo-

gies, it’s essential to change corporate

culture and create an environment in

which solutions and alternatives are

positively encouraged.”

Step 3: Company cars “The final element is the cost optimisa-

tion of company cars. The ever-evolving

technology can and must help us

support our subsidiaries in making the

right decisions locally. Our centralised

sourcing tool will enable us to assist in

the quoting process, and help identify

the real cost of each quoted vehicle.”

REXEL Rexel is a global leader in the distribution of electrical supplies, and is present on all continents. The group operates in 37 countries, with a network of some 2,100 branches, and employs 28,000 people. Originally French, the company now realises 80% of its annual turnover of 12 billion Euros abroad. Rexel provides innovative solutions and services for professional clients to improve comfort, performance, and energy efficiency. With expertise in the industrial, commercial and residential construction markets, the Group offers end-to-end electrical solutions and services that are helping its customers conserve the world’s energy resources.

“This process must be expanded so

that each subsidiary can optimise their

current catalogue, with targets for

CO2 and fuel consumption, based on

job grade.” “After this, we’ll continue

to work with leasing companies and

manufacturers, challenging their per-

formance on a continuous basis. We’re

keeping a close watch on the evolution

of engine technology. As soon as new

engine models come to market, we’ll

make related quotations available to

our subsidiaries. This will allow them to

always have the best-performing cars

at their disposal. And that’s important,

since these cars will remain in service

for three years.”

The start: analysis and measurement

“Our subsidiaries have different degrees

of maturity. What matters, is a level play-

ing field, and that implies that analysis

and measurement are crucial. Finance,

HR and Logistics need to work together

to increase awareness across the entire

Group. The policies need to be consist-

ent, so that everyone knows what’s

expected of them within the relevant

parameters.” “Rexel works with lessors

that have references. They’re already

working in auction-based systems, and

are able to guide us through the impact

our choices will have. Guidance of the

quoting process in the field of indirect

procurement is routed through the

central tool, and each country will have

a visible presence in this system.” “The

tool, which we already have, allows for a

transparency of indicators on both the

corporate and local levels. About 80%

of business is in the hands of selected

lessors who provide us with detailed

reports. Rexel then makes the decisions.

Challenging full service approach with

smart mobility management - n°5 I 32


- Fleet management:

- Total fleet: 7,400 (of which 5,300 cars, 1,300 vansand 800 trucks).

- Percentage of employees with a company car: almost 20%.

- Personnel tasked with fleet management: approximately 40 (in shared, part-time responsibility).

- Travel management Percentage of employees effecting business travel: about 1/3

- Organisation Mobility is handled locally, in every individual country. However, the Group provides solutions and tools in cooperation with third parties, through framework agreements, to optimise these activities.


> North America 29%

> Europe 58%

> Asia-Pacific 10%

> Latin America 2%

> Other 1%

CaSe StudieS Rexel

lessors is the best way to compare projected and actual cost,

both reducing number of suppliers and internal administrative

processes “Because unless you’re able to compare the price in

theory with the cost in practice, there’s no point. We need to

ensure through tools on a common platform that we all work

with the same reliable, well-measured data.”

Think global, act local

“The worldwide procurement department helps national sub-

sidiaries make the best possible choice. We take into account

national differences, but the solutions are in effect truly inter-

national.” “We don’t necessarily have full-time travel managers

or fleet managers in all of our countries. They’re often multi-

tasking, and don’t always master all details. That is where we

come in. We facilitate their job. Achieving the benchmark is the

buyer’s job. Analysis helps us make better decisions..”

alternative mobility

“We ask our suppliers - whom we consider to be true partners -

to propose alternatives. Whether it’s car-sharing, contracts that

combine travel by car and by train, or other options. Maybe

it’s more useful to make an electric car available at a certain

location rather than systematically using taxis. But again, that

depends on the analysis. Unless and until we have useful data,

we can’t make the right choices. The alternatives will be born

of the solutions and measures that we’ll be setting up.” “We

don’t want to consider mobility as a marketing exercise, with

some actions added for good measure. If we want to convince

our subsidiaries across all our countries, we need to show that

we can impact cost.”

Caroline Thonnon

Costs and processes need to be measured and analysed. This is how Rexel will implement effective solutions.

Rexel has developed a web portal that allows subsidiaries and suppliers to get to grips with all relevant elements, all key performance indicators, and then make the right decisions.

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adVertoriaL AlPHABEt

ed Frederiks on outstanding business mobility

At the end of 2011 everybody in the leasing industry was speaking about one thing: the merger of Alphabet and ING Car Lease. The restructured management was recently introduced with Ed Frederiks being one of the two CEOs now heading the company. We spoke to him about the new Alphabet, his idea of business mobility and his outlook for 2012.

mr. Frederiks, first of all, how would you

sum up 2011?

2011 was a very exciting year. ING Car

Lease and Alphabet have become one

great company. With this complementary

joining, Alphabet has doubled in size

and now has twice as many cars under

management than before the merger. We

can offer extensive services in a total of

19 countries. And we have the experi-

enced and motivated employees to do

this successfully. We managed to keep all

of our people aboard. It’s an achievement

we’re very proud of. To be a provider of

outstanding business mobility we really

need all of our people with all of their

expertise and knowledge.

Speaking of business mobility: What

does ideal business mobility look like

for you?

For me, it means finding the business

mobility solution that best fits our

customers’ needs. To work this out, we

take a lot of different criteria and points

of view into consideration: fleet manag-

ers, procurement officers, drivers, CFOs

and CEOs – they all have different angles

on business mobility. For example: As

a driver you want to experience the

service, as the person in charge of HR,

you’ll be looking for perks to offer future

employees. And as a fleet manager, you

want to work with an expert company

in fleet management. Finally, a CFO will

look at the total cost of mobility. We

scan the big picture and take all relevant

aspects into consideration. This way we

find the best business mobility solution

and help our customers cut down costs.

is Corporate CarSharing part of this

business mobility approach? What are

the next steps regarding alphaCity?

We would like to introduce AlphaCity in

all of our markets as soon as possible.

For us, outstanding business mobil-

ity means much more than traditional

leasing. Integrating different forms of

transportation and offering Corporate

CarSharing is self-evident for us at

Alphabet. Nowadays, younger people are

interested in quick, flexible and accessi-

ble mobility. That’s exactly what we offer

with AlphaCity. We are really helping our

customers lower their mobility costs with

these kinds of solutions. Tackling these

costs from a traditional angle might not

deliver the same results as introducing

new business mobility solutions, such as

Corporate CarSharing.

Given that total cost of mobility (TCm)

and sustainability will remain two

important topics in 2012, how will

alphabet approach them?

We will approach TCM and sustainability

by integrating environmentally friendly

cars into our customers’ fleets. In every

company’s mobility there’s room for envi-

ronmentally friendly solutions that also

help with cost-cutting. Greener fleets and

alternative business mobility solutions

will, in the long run, lower TCM and ben-

efit sustainability. Electrical vehicles can

be integrated into fleets and Corporate

CarSharing solutions, as they’re ideal for

urban mobility. I know this might sound

idealistic, but for us it isn’t. Just think of

the stunning success of mobile phones –

20 years ago hardly anyone had one, and

what would we do without them today?

What is your outlook for 2012?

It will be a great year. We’re still enjoying

the post-merger energy and are work-

ing on bringing the best of both worlds

together. Now we have twice as much

experience, twice as much knowledge

and twice as much ambition. We’re not

an inward-looking company, though, we

don’t want to focus on ourselves – we

want to focus on our customers. They

will be the big beneficiaries of the new


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Moving Forward, a new approach to the work environment

CaSe StudieS Accenture

One of the factors

behind Accen-

ture’s ‘Moving

Forward’ project

was the desire

to mobilize employees around

a new approach of our work

environment, based on innova-

tions, experimentations and

technologies. The company

therefore wished to re-launch an

environment of dynamism. The

objectives were to improve the

flexibility of the company’s work-

ing environment and be able to

work together more effectively. “We are a technology company

too, but we wanted to make a difference where the ecology

was concerned, and also open ourselves to the outside world.

We wanted to better integrate Accenture and our eco-system,

explains Marc Thiollier. “Our ‘ecosystem’ is composed of our

clients, partners, providers, along with the universities which

provide new recruits. The public authorities in the widest sense

of the phrase – from the city of Paris right up to state level, for

example –also belong to our eco-system with which Accenture

wants to interact better”.

There are some 3,500 persons within Accenture in France

taking part in ‘Moving Forward’, but the project is for all of the

staff. The daily working life of the company has certainly been

seen to change. Space management is one aspect, in order to

improve work life flexibility, and of great importance is home

working. This was not possible to the same degree previ-

ously – executive assistants were not able to do this – but it is

now available for all staff. Executive assistants, in fact, trialled

the system first to make sure it would work. Almost everyone

can do this now, working in security and privacy in their own

homes. Marc Thiollier uses the example of someone who may

live an hour and a half’s drive away from the office. Using the

company maximum of three days home working per week, this

Marc Thiollier:

“There is no elitism.”

A new approach to work-spaces.

Moving Forward is a project instigated by Accenture to encompass a whole new way of working involving almost all of its staff in France. Marc Thiollier, COO for France and Belgium, Luxemburg and The Netherlands, explains the main features of this ambitious initiative.

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ABOUT ACCENTUREAccenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, employing over 244,000 in more than 120 countries. Accenture has experi-ence and capabilities across many industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most suc-cessful companies, and collaborates with its clients to help them improve their activities, whether as businesses or gov-ernments. The company generated net revenues of US$25.5 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2011.


> Tele-presence

> Installing energy-efficient equipment

> Reducing building CO2 emissions by 30% in 3 years

> Car sharing

> Flexible work spaces

> Use of creative social media

Accenture tele-presence makes people feel that they are all in the same room together.

being a separate system. “But we also recognise that some-

times a higher quality of video-conferencing is necessary (in

terms of picture quality)”, details Marc Thiollier, “and so we

have facilities for this. This enables the participants to be aware

of a certain degree of body language and other factors”.

The third level is genuine tele-presence which involves multi-

screen rooms in different buildings being set up and decorated

identically, so that participants really feel that they are all in the

same room together. Accenture refers to this as an immersive

experience, with the camera automatically focusing on the per-

son speaking, and the sound coming out from various speak-

ers to recreate spatial look and feel. This system is used for

complicated negotiations or subjects, and for sensitive issues.

It is used in circumstances where eye contact is necessary

along with a really good appreciation of the other peoples’

body language, and can be particularly useful, because of this,

when talking to a potential new employee. The candidate is

invited to attend an Accenture facility close to his or her home,

and the interviewer does not need to travel in order to conduct

a very high quality virtual interview.

The important element linking all of these three levels of

video-conferencing is that they are all available to all members

of staff when the occasion calls for them. There is no ‘elitism’

whereby only employees of a certain grade can use one or the

other… There are also interactive screens available, whereby

people can ‘write’ on the screens and what they write appears

on the screens of everybody else. This is called Whiteboard-

ing. Documents can be shared, created and provides an extra

dimension to interactive meetings.

Tim Harrup

equates to nine hours of wasted time in the car saved, all of the

fuel which would have been consumed during these nine hours

saved, and consequently less CO2 emissions. This also helps

Accenture in staff retention, because employees know that it

is one of the rare companies to offer this degree of flexibility.

There is even an improvement in the way staff members work

together, because when they are at home they do not have

other distractions such as going to fetch a visitor. The team

spirit has been improved through this mix of office working

and home working.

Videoconferencing – three levels

Videoconferencing is another very important aspect of ‘Moving

Forward’ and with Accenture, this is available on three levels.

Firstly, every staff member’s PC is equipped with a web-cam

and/or microphone, so video/audio-conferences can take place

from each workstation, or from home when they work from

there. Telephones are incorporated into the PC’s rather than

DiSCOVeR THe ACCeNTuRe MOBiliTy SeRViCeSAccenture Mobility Services: “In this era of rapid change and great advancements in industry after industry, we’re helping clients use mobility to connect consumers, employees, business and machines.”

QR Code Directions:

1. Open a ‘barcode scanner’ application on your Smartphone

2. Point your phones camera at the code and scan

3. The code will bring you to a mobile site where you can find out more information right from your smart-phone

smart mobility management - n°5 I 36

CaSe StudieS Belgacom

Mobility Budget as a box of bricks

Belgacom, today’s specialist in telecommunication & media-services with more than 5.3 million mobile users, 4 million fix telephone lines, 1.5 million internet connections and 1 million television subscribers, was established in 1930 as Belgium’s national telephone company. As one of Belgium’s largest companies, employing some 16,000 people, the Belgacom Group is a pioneer on more than one level. One of these is professional mobility.

Femke Vandoninck, HR Manager, starts the conver-

sation : “As a big company in Belgium Belgacom

really copies our entire society. One of the most

recent trends in that society is the growing inter-

est in flexible mobility, due to a blurring boundary

between work and private. On top of this we are located in the

heart of Brussels with excellent public transport services. The

‘gare du Nord’ is almost next-door, metro and bus are easy

to access. Just like in any big city we encounter traffic jams

and parking difficulties over here as well, which means our

employees were more than willing to participate in alternative

mobility. Furthermore our company attaches great importance

to the CSR-element.”

What is the focus of your mobility Policy?

etienne Verhelst, Business Services & Fleet Director : “Since

2009 we offer employees free mobility. I’m a big fan of the

bricks-principle : until 2009 employees with a company car

disposed of one brick the exact size of their car budget. But

there are hidden costs like fuel and parking. So we decided to

subdivide this and visualise it to inform the employees on what

we spend on which item. Next we granted fuel and parking a

certain ‘value’ and thus created three bricks with which the

people could shift while we added some mobility alternatives.”

Femke Vandoninck : “Today our employees are offered three

free choices : opt for a smaller or cheaper car, choose a limited

fuel card and, finally, opt for public transport and give up their

parking space. If they give up their parking space, this means

they have no access anywhere to Belgacom parkings. We

return the saving to those people and use this budget for

paying the public transport. We also allow them to find a pay-

parking if needed and use their budget to refund the resulting

parking tickets.

This year will be an important evaluation year for the Mobility Budget of Belgacom. The plan is to enlarge the offering by 2013 so that the Mobility Budget fits the need of the Belgacom employees even better.

smart mobility management - n°5 I 37

how did you start this procedure up?

Femke Vandoninck : “We started it up in 2008. First we ana-

lysed what possibilities there were on flexible mobility, realising

that the company wanted this to be a cost-neutral exercise. The

start-up coincided with the integration of our Proximus and

Telindus-branches which obliged us to harmonise our fleet-pol-

icy. This means we offered a number of people a company-car in

exchange for a reduction of their salary. Finally 300 employees

opted for this company-car proposal. At that moment the deci-

sion was taken to stop renting the building where our Proximus-

branch was located generating supplementary parking prob-

lems. This gave the Mobility Budget plan even more bearing.”

Which employees are eligible for this mobility budget?

Femke Vandoninck: “All people with a company car, also our

sales staff although they can’t opt for a limited volume of fuel.

Now employees realise themselves very well what it takes to

organise their professional transport efficiently. After the Mobil-

ity Budget plan was made up, we turned it into a collective

labour agreement that was clearly communicated. The reactions

were very positive. One third of the employees with a company

car, over 1,200 people, subscribed to this plan.

The people that do not have access to a company car are guar-

anteed a full reimbursement of all public transport for commuter

traffic, including the pre- and post-route plus some extra train

tickets for private usage.”

Do all options enjoy the same popularity?

etienne Verhelst: “No, the most popular one is opting for public

transport and give up parking space together with limitation of

the fuel volume .Opting for a smaller car is not popular at all.

Not so much because the employees so badly want a big car,

but because from time to time they need a bigger car. So the

question now rises how we can make these people opt for a

smaller car during the year and a have them dispose of a bigger

one during specific periods. This is not an easy exercise as these

last periods are similar for a lot of people – weekends and holi-

days – boosting the request for big cars exponentially.”

looking back would you change some elements?

etienne Verhelst: “The tricky point is that the people giving up

their parking space at a certain Belgacom-site also give it up

at all other sites of our brand, even if these sites do not neces-

sarily encounter parking issues. But it is a systematic restric-

tion in our parking policy. Even today I do think we could not

have solved this differently. By 2013 we want to re-evaluate our

Mobility Budget plan on basis of our lessons learned and of new

possibilities so that we can carry out necessary changes or even

enlarge the offering with public bicycle- or car-sharing like Villo

or Cambio. A second element is that we want to formulate an

answer for those people who prefer a part-time usage of the

Mobility Budget. The difficult thing here is that public transport

is not really organised in part-time. All subscriptions are full-time


how do you organise the follow-up?

etienne Verhelst: “We have chosen for internal follow-up via

an automated system with a simulation tool. With this tool the

employees can make their own mobility calculations. Because

we oblige them to reconfirm their choice each year in Novem-

ber, managing it remains surveyable. It is however impossible to

opt for a smaller car one year and a big one the next. The choice

of car is linked to the duration of the leasing contract. We do

have to admit that governing the limited fuel cards was a big

challenge at the beginning, because only one fuel card supplier

accepted to work with limits on a yearly basis. The existing limits

are mostly mentioned to counter fraud, but that was not what

we were looking for.”

Femke Vandoninck: “The required supplementary follow-up has

more to do with employees changing cars of functions or with

new employees joining us during the working year. At those

moments a manual intervention is necessary, but where possible

we let the electronics do their job.”

Do you know whether this exercise resulted into extra costs or

rather cost-cuts?

Femke Vandoninck: “The exercise is at least neutral for each

individual’s budget, so the same goes for the whole company’s

budget. We did not have to hire extra people in order to manage

it and as a big company we can count on scale benefits.”

etienne Verhelst: “We do notice that the average mileage per

company car lowered from 35,000 tot 30,000 km. The Mobility

Budget certainly contributed to this effect.”

Steven Schoefs


> Possibility for video-conferencing

> Possibility for tele-working in 25 satellite-offices, with a maximum of 2 days a week (25% of the employees listed for this option)

> A new smartphone at favourable price for every employee every 2 years

> Hybrid cars in the car policy lists

> 28 electric vehicles as part of a fleet that is used as pool-car or company-car

Etienne Verhelst and Femke Vandoninck are proud that one third of the company car drivers already subscribed to the Belgacom’s Mobility Budget concept.














smart mobility management - n°5 I 38

Understanding the mobility challengesAt Thalys, we believe that it is our job as a travel supplier to help our clients face their daily chal-lenges. The global financial crisis which causes some companies to believe we are on the brink of economic meltdown makes the need for travel expense management even more urgent. For travel managers, one might think it’s all about cutting costs and reducing their travel budget. But even in 2012, opportunities are more diverse. Rethinking the travel policy idea and understanding the mobility challenges, will result in a more satisfying traveler and a lower overall budget for the company. it’s all about putting the right pieces together…

We focus our analysis on the overall trips of a client and offer a wide range of services to decrease the global cost of his journey. First of all, traveling on board of a high speed train means travelers can work and be productive. This is an indirect saving, therefore reduces the overall cost of the trip. As railway stations are always located in city centers, the average cost of travelling is decreased as most of the travelers use the public transport (tickets are sold at the ThalysBar). 41% of travelers use public transport to get to their Thalys railway station, and 51% do so when they come out of the station to get to their destination.

high speed trains: no hidden costs!

One change lever for travel managers is certainly to gain more controls over ancillary fees. These fees are hard to track and reduce the ability of a travel manager to manage the budget. More important, they tend to cost lots of money. In this context, choosing high speed trains over an air-line is very interesting. Most railway companies do not charge ancillary fees; travelers do not pay extra for their luggage or for a special seat. Besides, on board of Thalys, in Comfort 1, we provide meals served at the seat, and the Wifi access is also included in the price of ticket.

No credit card surcharge

Thalys distributors do not add an additional surcharge to the ticket price, when purchased with a credit card. This means that there is no hidden cost behind the official ticket price.

Corporate tickets are fully flexible

Thalys wishes to go further by anticipating corporate expectations and has made the train journey easier and more flexible. Our specific corporate rates enable business travelers to travel flexibly, so they don’t have to worry about a last minute exchange.

it’s all about figures

Another problem for travel managers is getting access to accurate data. To implement and man-age a mobility budget, they need to know what their exact expenses are and what their traveler’s habits are. We provide our corporate clients with a very detailed reporting of their consumption. We think it is of prior importance to give them the tools to control their expenses.

new Co2 legislation

In 2012 the new European regulation on carbon emissions might trigger a change in the business travel market. Flight tickets prices are expected to be rising to enable airlines to absorb the higher taxes. Our carbon footprint confirms that Thalys offers a transport solution in line with the fight against climate change. Between Paris and Amsterdam, a Thalys travel generates around 8 kg of C0

2 per travelers whereas a flight generates around 75 kg/CO

2 per travelers.


Mobility is more than choosing the lowest price for a business journey. It means selecting the right supplier for the right destination. Within Europe, the new CO

2 legislation will force airlines to come

up with creative solutions to reduce the carbon footprint. High speed connections are an interest-ing alternative for flights. But high speed trains offer a lot more: thanks to the optimized services, a trip is not a waste a time, but a true investment. This value goes way beyond the simple price of a ticket, and can be a decision lever.

“Our efforts will result in a more satisfying traveler and

a lower overall budget for the company.”

Jean-Pierre Martin

Head of Sales Thalys International.

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CaSe StudieS European Parliament

The European Parliament (EP), the representative institution of the European Union, recently established a Mobility Point in the heart of its Brussels complex. We interview Tom Skinner, Adviser to the Director General for Infrastructure and Logistics (DG INLO), of the European Parliament.

TTom Skinner: “The founda-

tion of our Mobility Point in

the EP in Brussels is a direct

consequence of a budget-

ary resolution which Parlia-

ment voted in 2008. The purpose is to

raise consciousness of sustainable modes

of transport, and to lower our carbon

footprint. Parliament has an objective to

reduce emissions by 30% by 2020. This

measure is one response to the fact that

around 40% of Parliament’s total carbon

footprint is accounted for by the transport

of persons, including from commuter jour-

neys by Parliament’s staff, the transport of

Members in official cars owned or hired by

Parliament, by visitors to Parliament and

official travel by the Members. Transport

of persons is the largest single component

of Parliament’s carbon footprint.”

how does the mobility Point work in


T. Skinner: “The mobility point opened

on 15 June 2011, and is managed by DG

INLO and run by experts from two mobil-

ity consultancies. This information point

provides tailored travel information on

mobility and the best way to plan jour-

neys. It offers information on promoting

sustainable transport alternatives, by

e-mail or at the desk, to anyone working

for or in the EP and to all visitors to the

institution. The Mobility Point has close

contact with most travel providers and its

own experts, and can advise in real-time

on the best sustainable transport alterna-

tives for travel in Brussels and also to and

from Luxembourg and Strasbourg. During

its first three months, the Mobility Point

received more than 250 requests despite

the holiday period. 75% of those requests

were made by internal staff and covered a

wide array of topics: from train times, car-

sharing and information about bicycles.

People requesting information are given

a comprehensive and up-to-date Fiche

de mobilité detailing modes of transport,

transit points and estimated travel times.

Since its opening the mobility point has

provided 670 consultations. Mobility

Point also offers an internal website full of

useful tips which is regularly updated and

provides information on accessibility in

the EP for people with reduced mobility.

230 people have signed up to be kept in

regular contact with the point and receive

advice and news regarding transport


Should we interpret these figures as a

sign of a real internal need for a mobility


T. Skinner: “The Mobility Point forms an

integral part of the Eco-Management and

Audit Scheme action plan. Our monitoring

of Parliament’s carbon footprint shows a

negative trend arising from the trans-

port of persons over the last five years.

The emissions per employee-equivalent

increased by 6.3% between 2006 and

2010. Although there are obvious expla-

nations for this trend, Parliament has

assumed responsibility to try to reduce

this trend so far as is possible and to

encourage people to make environmen-

tally-friendly choices. Our objective is to

reduce carbon emissions in so far as is

consistent with the obvious constraints

arising from the nature of the Institution

and the need for efficient and effective

working procedures.”

What other means do you employ apart

from facilitating the best real-time travel

choices for members, staff and visitors?

T. Skinner: “The EP has a Mobility Coor-

dinator and has sought to negotiate

favourable terms for its staff for season

tickets for public transport in Brussels and

Luxembourg. When it comes to Parlia-

ment’s staff, we are seeking to promote

car-sharing for work-related travel and to

establish a platform for staff to coordinate

supply and demand for work-related car

sharing arrangements. Video-conferencing

also forms an alternative to such travel

and is increasingly used in place of physi-

cal journeys. As a result of video-confer-

encing, in 2011 DG INLO alone avoided a

total of 743 individual missions. This saved

around €135,000 for the work related

travel budget of Parliament and about

51,000 kg CO2.”

Dirk Steyvers

The Mobility Point offers services as personalised advice on travel around

Brussels, to Strasbourg and Luxembourg and between EP site.

THe FuTuRe OF MOBiliTy POiNTDiscover the whole interview with Mr Tom Skinner and the future of Mobility Point on www.smart-mobilitymanagement.com, or by scanning the QR code.

QR Code Directions:

1. Open a ‘barcode scanner’ application on your Smartphone

2. Point your phones camera at the code and scan

3. The code will bring you to a mobile site where you can find out more information right from your smartphone

European Parliament’s Mobility Point

smart mobility management - n°5 I 40

CaSe StudieS PwC Belgium

«Mobility is essential, not the car itself»Companies in the auditing and consultancy business tra-ditionally have high staff turnover. In the war for talent, employers need an attractive profile. PwC Belgium extends this strategy to include employee mobility. In 2009, the firm started redesigning its fleet policy resulting last July in a new mobility policy that links employee benefits to green mobility initiatives.

“CSR is central to our strategy”, says

Christophe Van Obergen, Compen-

sation & Benefits Manager at PwC

Belgium. Overall, approximately 1,500

people work for the company, of who

over 1,000 are entitled to a company car. “Consultants are

expected to spend as much time as possible with clients and

prospects. So mobility is key. But mobility should not just fit

the individual needs of our consultants. It should also reflect

the social responsibility of PwC as a whole. That’s why we’re

no longer talking about using a car, but about facilitating

mobility.” Re-engineering the car policy to create a mobility

policy kicked off with a significant addition of low-emission

cars. Up to 600 cars were replaced with more eco-friendly

alternatives, with CO2 limits of 140 g/km for PwC manag-

ers, and 120 g/km for junior and senior staff. These limits will

be regularly reviewed as new, increasingly eco-friendly cars

enter the market. “In addition, employees can choose car

models from only three main manufacturers - Mercedes, Audi

and BMW. These three brands have an excellent track record

and constantly work to reduce CO2 emissions, which will help

us reduce our emission levels systematically.”

Car sharing unpopular

But simply reducing CO2 emissions is not enough for PwC.

“As an employer in a hypercompetitive environment, we

need to meet the demand for flexible commuting”, Chris-

tophe Van Obergen continues. “Many staff members can

telework in the PwC office of their choice, if they book office

space in advance. For some years now, we have been exten-

sively using teleconference and videoconference systems,

which are especially useful for reducing international travel.

On the other hand, we’re seeing that car sharing and car

THE FUTURE WILL BE FLEXIBLEAs soon as the mobility budget is realised, PwC Belgium would like to move on to a flexible benefits account. “This means we’re talking not just about organising the corporate side of mobility, but also the entire range of possible fringe benefits, such as extra insurance, supplemental retirement savings, etc. Our Uk colleagues have been doing that with some degree of success for some time now, but the British tax system deals more easily with this type of formula. I hope this will soon be the case in Belgium as well, as it would help us to hire and retain young talent.”

smart mobility management - n°5 I 41

pooling are not very popular: work schedules for our typical

consultants can vary, which makes collective transport dif-

ficult to organise.”

adjusting individual mobility

Recently, a mobility account was introduced as a first step

towards a comprehensive mobility budget. The mobility

account today is a personal account into which PwC annually

deposits 500 euro on condition that the employee entitled

to a company car has no accidents during the lease period,

and no damage is recorded when he or she hands in the car.

“We’re able to deposit those 500 euro because we’re saving

money on damage claims”, says Christophe Van Obergen.

Currently, the employee can spend that amount on extra

options for the next car, or save it as a buffer for the portion

of the damage claim paid by the driver in case of a future

accident. But PwC Belgium wants to go even further, and

is in talks with Belgian public transport companies (train,

tram, bus and metro services) to enable employees to enjoy

a combination of corporate and public mobility, based on a

single mobility budget. Christophe Van Obergen maintains

that this could be realised by July 2012. “The ultimate goal of

such an agreement is: less car, more mobility. An employee

who opts for a lower-priced car could spend the remaining

budget on alternative transportation. We could also use it to

fund parking fees.”

Once this system becomes operational, it should reach a

participation rate of 20% of employees, Christophe Van

Obergen states. “That is an ambitious figure, but the youthful

attitude of our people, and the fact that so many of them

need to work in the congested centres of our cities, mean

that it is also a realistic figure. But I hope that service provid-

ers, and especially lease companies, will get off the fence

and fulfil their role as integrators. So far, any attempts in that

direction have been too few and too far in between, which

is a pity: this could be an interesting competitive advantage.

And of course, it’s up to the government to create the right

circumstances. We’re not aiming to benefit financially, but

we would want the scheme to break even.”

Steven Schoefs

PWC BELGIUM: FAST FACTSActivity: Tax, audit and consulting

HQ in Belgium: Sint-Stevens-Woluwe, Brussels

Other offices: Antwerp, Ghent, Liège

People in Belgium: 1,500

Fleet size in Belgium: 1,100 cars

CSR is central to PwC Belgium, where approximately 1,500 people work,

of who over 1,000 are entitled to a company car.

Christophe Van Obergen, Compensation & Benefits Manager at PwC Belgium, hopes that about 20% of employees within PwC Belgium will use the future mobility budget.

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induStry News

regus and Shell in a partnership trial

Regus and Shell have announced the trial of a joint programme. This involves the opening of a first Regus business lounge at a motorway service station (Limours-Janvry) just to the south west of Paris. Drivers calling in to the station can check into Regus to use high speed internet, copying and scanning facili-ties and courier services, among others. The Regus centre also means that a fuel or meal stop can now be combined with work-ing. Access can be bought at the Shell checkout, or be obtained via a Regus Businessworld card. If successful, the concept could be rolled out across Europe.

google in-car navigation for daimler

germany, the Netherlands and Belgium develop clearing house for e-mobility

Three operators of charging networks for electric cars in three different countries (Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands) are developing a common European clearing house for e-mobility. This joint initiative of the operators behind Blue Corner (B), e-laad (NL) and ladenetz (D), called e-clearing.net, will act as the central interface that streamlines authorisation, clearing and a vast array of value-added services for e-mobility. Last year, the three operators involved signed an ‘e-roaming’ agreement, allowing their customers to easily recharge their e-cars through any of the other two networks. Interconnecting the growing number of systems, integrating navigation and reservation options, and billing between providers, will be major tasks for e-clearing.net. The first applications will go online in June 2012, and will be free of charge for the first few years.

Regus and Shell start to collaborate in France.

Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google, and Eike Böhm, Vice Presi-dent Product Innovations and Process Technologies at Daimler, seal the new cooperation between Daimler and Google.

E-clearing.net is a new trans-European initiative on e-mobility.

Daimler and Google are strengthening their strategic partner-ship. This will give Daimler access to application programming interfaces under the name of Google Maps API, providing Daim-ler with the ability to include map-related applications in its vehicles. Daimler will thus be able to use Google maps for in-car map displays, and this partnership will enable other Google services to be integrated more smoothly into the vehicles.

deutsche Bahn improving mobile information systemsGerman rail operator Deutsche Bahn (DB) has indicated that it is to improve its journey planning applications. ‘Mobilitäts-manager’ newsletter reports that DB has reworked its DB Navigator application for Android-enabled smartphones, and that this will now enable passengers to access infor-mation on journey alterations directly. This type of access was previously only possible by iPhone or by visiting DB’s website. The newly reworked application will include infor-mation on delays and modifications, and will be equipped with an intuitive device. Users will also be able to find infor-mation about the ‘Call-a-Bike’ facilities from Google maps points located at stations, and make their choices. DB is also making improvements to its mobile phone ticketing application, including seat number reservation.

smart mobility management - n°5 I 43


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smart mobility management - n°5 I 44

Agreement between Polycom and ingram MicroPolycom Inc. has signed an agreement with Ingram Micro for the Benelux countries. The agreement will enable Polycom to extend its reach in these countries, and will make the Polycom RealPresence system available from thousands of IT retailers. The RealPresence platform is the most extensive software infra-structure for video-conferencing, and can be used with mobile business and social applications and devices.

4 travel manager’s priorities for 2012Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) published its ‘Travel Manage-ment Priorities’ report for 2012. This shows that company travel managers are set to focus on four main priorities during the coming year. These are driving through cost savings in both air and ground transport, improving travel compliance, optimising hotel spend and making more use of on-line facilities. Improving communications on travel policy and compliance will be one of the avenues for achieving these goals. Previous CWT research has shown that only around half of company travellers are famil-iar with their own companies’ travel policies.

Cities need to communicate internally for better carbon solutions

According to a report from Accenture, The Climate Group, Arup and Horizon Digital Economy Research, cities should be encour-aged to make use of available data to create new smart, low-carbon mobility solutions.

A report compiled by Accenture along with The Climate Group, Arup and Horizon Digital Economy Research , says that cities are not taking full benefit from the data they pos-sess, to improve smart initiatives. They should be encouraged to make use of available data to create new smart, low-car-bon solutions to improve daily life. The report points to the fact that individual ecologically-friendly projects produce information for their own purposes, but often fail to interlink this with other data or other projects. Cities are also unsure of the social and financial payback from investments in this area which they are considering. As an example, the report says that a common communications backbone for a smart grid and a road pricing scheme could produce economies of scale. “An intelligent city not only reduces carbon emissions, but attracts talent and investment through quality services and infrastructure and through convenience that delights res-idents,” explains Volker Buscher, Director, Arup. “Cities must

low cost meetings from BCd travel

At the website of BCD Travel, you can now easily book a meeting space with the new ‘Low Cost Meeting’ concept.

BCD Travel has introduced a new concept called ‘Low Cost Meeting’. This involves ready made meetings packages for five major cities in Belgium and the Netherlands, and provides cli-ents with a simple, quick and inexpensive method of holding meetings outside of their own premises. Clients select the time and the hotel, along with specifying the type of meeting (in Ant-werp, Brussels, Amsterdam, Eindhoven or Rotterdam) and BCD Travel makes all the arrangements at lower cost than would nor-mally be associated with the organisation. More information can be found on the website www.bcdtravel.be .

open up their digital assets and create a thriving information marketplace for innovations that achieve these aims. It will take courage for city leaders to challenge the cultural norms of their administrations and expose themselves to this form of dynamic collaboration.”

induStry News

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Car-sharing initiative in germanyThe Zentralverband Deutsches kraftfahrzeuggewerbe (ZDk) is to instigate a car-sharing model, reports Auto-haus Online. The ZDk is the German Federation for Motor Trades and Repairs, representing the professional interests of 38,000 accredited automotive companies. It is to do this by making it possible for member dealers to enable car drivers to have part ownership of cars. ZDk president Robert Rademacher indicated, however, that the organisa-tion would probably not get directly involved in car-shar-ing. Current car-sharing operations in Germany are run by Daimler (car2go), BMW (Drive-Now), VW (Quicar) and Peugeot (Mu).

yamaha starts scooter leasing with Ald Automotive

Yamaha works together with ALD Automotive to promote two wheels leasing amongst professional clients.

In a further demonstration of how company mobility is no longer restricted exclusively to cars, ALD Automotive has come to an agreement with the French structure of motor cycle manufac-turer Yamaha – Yamaha Motor France. The latter is to make avail-able a range of nine two-wheel vehicles, including the EC-03 electric scooter, for companies and independent professionals. For its part, and as it already does with certain other manu-facturers, ALD is making this service available under the name of the client – in this case ’Yamaha Lease Pro’. Maintenance is included, and individual clients can opt for other services such as tyre replacement or fuel cards. Yamaha Motor France Direc-tor General Eric de Seynes commented: “Our demand responds to a growing demand from companies, which are increasingly turning to two wheels”. This initiative is not the first experience ALD has with two wheels, however, as it already manages the Post Office’s fleet of 10,000 vehicles in France.

autolib’ hits the road

Autolib’, the new car-sharing scheme in Paris.

Polycom Inc. has signed an agreement with Ingram Micro for the Benelux countries. The agreement will enable Polycom to extend its reach in these countries, and will make the Polycom RealPresence system available from thousands of IT retailers. The RealPresence platform is the most extensive software infra-structure for video-conferencing, and can be used with mobile business and social applications and devices.

Copyright: Autolib’

travel Managers are still valuedA survey carried out by the GBTA (Global Business Travel Asso-ciation) in the USA, has found that companies are recognising the importance of business travel, and therefore investing in good management talent to take care of this aspect of run-ning their business. GBTA chairman Craig Banikowski (photo) commented: “Despite global economic challenges, job com-pensation and security remain strong for travel buyers”. The findings have been published in the GBTA’s annual Travel Man-agement Compensation and Benefit survey, and they show sal-ary increases of around 5% over 2011 for travel managers. The survey also reports that the responsibilities of USA-based man-agers are increasingly extending beyond the country’s borders. Two of the more recent additions to responsibilities are in the areas of using new technologies, and in risk management.

inforad to enter gPS marketInforad is launching a GPS location service. The company has not before used its existing Ci box-unit to provide this sort of in-car service, but has now decided that its existing technology makes this a logical move. In order to operate this new service, Inforad has established a dedicated subsidiary, under the name of Inforoad. It will come into direct competition with established suppliers such as TomTom.

induStry News

smart mobility management - n°5 I 47

SNCF and Avis offer extended electric mobility

Air travel has increased in 2011

Avis has delivered 10 Citroën C-Zero models to French rail operator SNCF.

In 2011 air travel increased by 7.4% in 2011 compared to 2010.

French rail operator SNCF and its car rental partner of 25 years Avis, have announced an extension to the service they offer cli-ents, reports Déplacements Pros. Under the name ‘100% Electric Train and Avis’, passengers arriving at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, or Marseille Saint-Charles, will be able to continue their journey using electric power. Avis is making available 6 Citroën C-Zero cars in Paris, and 4 in Marseille in the first stage. These 100% elec-tric cars have a range of 100 km and can be recharged in 8 hours. If the initial project proves to be successful, it will be extended.

The International Civil Aviation Organisation has released fig-ures which show that air travel increased by 7.4% in 2011 com-pared to 2010. Reported by Déplacements Pros, these figures also indicate that some 2.7 billion passengers took to the air last year, up by over 5% on the previous year. The overall increase is put down to a global economy which, despite severe hiccups in certain regions such as Europe, is still growing. The emerging markets in particular are seeing increases, with Middle Eastern airlines doing particularly well. In Europe, there has nevertheless been progress, with the expanding destination network of low cost carriers helping.

digest awards for europcar & FCm Travel Solutions

The World Travel Awards in Qatar have seen car rental com-pany Europcar pick up two prestigious awards. The company has been named ‘Best Car Rental Company’ and ‘Best Eco-responsible Transport Company’. FCm Travel Solutions has been named the World’s Leading Travel Management Company. Some 213,000 professionals from the travel industry cast their votes at these awards.

lufthansa crosses atlantic on bio-fuel

On January 12th Lufthansa has operated the first transatlantic flight using 100% bio-fuel. The Boeing 747 400 series took off from Frankfurt, bound for Washington, with around 40 tonnes of bio-synthetic fuel aboard. On this first flight alone, Lufthansa expected to have reduced its CO

2 emissions by 38 tonnes,

which is the equivalent of 6 internal flights from Frankfurt to Hamburg.

Tele-presence gaining ground

A survey produced by International Data Corporation shows that the turnover from tele-presence facilities such as video-conferencing services, increased by almost a quarter over the past twelve months. This market is now worth around 680 mil-lion dollars worldwide, up by more than 130 million dollars from a year earlier. Those within the sector believe that there will be more growth over the next five years.

regus offices in SnCF stations

The SNCF, the French railway company, has signed a contract with temporary office specialist Regus for the installation of office facilities in certain of its stations. This is in a desire to make the train experience even more ‘work-friendly for busi-ness travellers. The first station to be so equipped will be Le Mans at the end of 2012, followed by Bordeaux, Nancy, Amiens, Paris Nord (photo) and Lille Flandres. All will be equipped with Regus offices by 2014.

extended agreement between easyJet and europcar

Easyjet and Europcar have extended their strategic partnership. The partnership has been in operation since 2003 and is due to end in 2014. Through the partnership, Easyjet clients benefit from advantageous rates when booking Europcar vehicles, along with a reservation system which enables the flight and the car to be arranged at the same time. Since the start of the partnership, some 3 million Easyjet clients have taken advan-tage of this partnership.

airbus increases electric fleet

Airbus has just taken delivery of its fifteenth Citroën C-Zero car. Airbus uses electric vehicles at its site in Toulouse, along with those at Blagnac, Nantes and Saint-Nazaire. The vehicle delivered joins a fleet of some 150 vehicles managed for the aeronautical company by car sharing company Carbox. This latest addition to the Carbox-managed fleet means that Airbus has the largest fleet of car-sharing vehicles of any private com-pany in France.

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induStry Bernard tabary, Keolis international

Keolis, facilitating mobility and integrating solutions

Keolis integrates mobility solutions so you don’t have to suffer travelling In each of the 12 national markets in which it is present, the Keolis Group is a major integrator of mobility solutions. Keolis feels that mobility should be an option chosen rather than as a nuisance suffered. And this by any means neces-sary: bus, cars, trains, automated metro, trams, bicycles, and ferries, but also by better managing traffic nodes such as ports, aeroports, train stations, car parks, etc. Main concerns: looking out for the comfort of travellers, and making sure that both business and government - Keolis’ two major client bases - get the best possible mobility solutions.

“Safety, reliability

and respect for the

environment are

absolute prerequi-

sites for mobility”,

says Bernard Tabary, CEO of keolis

International. He is one of the key

leaders of an enterprise averaging 12%

growth over the last 10 years. “Inter-

modality is at the heart of our busi-

ness model. That is a reflection of the

importance of SNCF, the French railway

company with 55% of the shares - our

major shareholder by far.”

Both in its dealings with government

departments and with private

companies, keolis has a track record

of turning constraints into opportuni-

ties. Says Bernard Tabary: “Many of our

principals come to us with a certain

vision of their city, their area. Mobility

is an essential tool in managing this

territory. So we sit down with them to

analyse all aspects of the issue. And we

try to propose solutions that are highly

adapted to the given situation, creat-

ing win/wins in mobility for the public

sector, the private sector, and the end

users. One of our strengths is that

we’re not fanatics for this or that solu-

tion, or mode of travel. We’re perfectly

willing and able to look at all options,

and manage and combine them to the

best possible effect.”

For keolis, “the challenge is to be a

comprehensive integrator, providing

solutions for all possible situations -

always with the comfort and security of

the passengers as our main concern.”

To which Bernard Tabary adds: “In the

foreseeable future, mobility will be an

ever more central concern. The desire

to move around will be even more

intense and universal than it already is

today. People will increasingly want to

communicate with each other, with the

easy fluidity that current travel options

already promise.”

Bernard Tabary, CEO of Keolis International

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BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Either directly or indirectly, companies are funders and users of transport networks. It’s keolis’s job to design and implement mobility plans to fit their needs. “We’re working together with these companies, analysing the mobility of their employees. We’re offering a range of adapted, differentiated solutions to their issues.” In France, a subsidiary called EFFIA carries out the audits and takes care of the implementation. We’ll discuss this further in our next issue.

kEOLIS IN FACTS AND FIGURES > Shareholders: SNCF: 56.5%, kebexa: 40.7% (Holding

consisting of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec, AXA Private Equity and the Pragma fund), management and employees of the Group: 2, 8%.

> 50,150 employees, including 30,720 in France and 19,430 abroad.

> 2.5 billion passengers transported.

> 4.1 billion euros in turnover in 2010, of which 55% in France, 20% in the Uk, 10% in Scandinavia, etc.

> Annual growth rate of over 12%.

CYCLING IN PARIS Bernard Tabary practises the intermodal mobility that he preaches in his hometown of Paris. He often cycles and regularly jogs in the city. Of course he uses his car, but he’ll also take public transport. Tabary, a native Parisian, is a graduate of Rouen Business School. He spent 17 years working for the Bolloré Group, holding various management positions in the transport and logistics divisions, in Europe, the US and Australia/New Zealand, and then as director of the Group’s Europe-Africa lines. In 2000, he went on to become managing director of the environmental department at Plastic Omnium, the automotive supplier. He joined keolis in 2005. Tabary’s expertise on all kinds of transport modes, and his international experience combine to make him an informed observer of mobility solutions. His main frames of reference: Scandinavia, where he senses a truly global vision, and intelligent policies. And also Germany, which combines expertise and experience in the fields of safety, efficiency and integration, all helping to optimise networks.

respecting the environment

Respect for the environment is a Group-wide reality for keolis,

with car-sharing in Lille, hybrid buses in Copenhagen, bicycle

networks in several major cities, energy recovery on German

trams, biofuel in France and Scandinavia, and on and on. These

are but a few examples of ‘clean’ transportation. Reducing the

carbon footprint is one of the Group’s main priorities.

First steps in China

In Australia, keolis operates the world’s largest tram network. It

also runs the trains in the southwestern suburbs of Washington

DC. And manages the Lyon metro, the Stockholm bus service,

German railways, the tram in Nottingham, etc. keolis truly is

a global, indispensable player. keolis is present and active in

12 countries (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,

Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, the Uk,

and the US). “We’re quite consciously limiting ourselves to this

number. We do not want to be present in 20 or 30 countries

too suddenly. We’d rather develop solutions in countries with

legal environments favourable to a transparent and easily

graspable transport policy”, Bernard Tabary explains. Hence

the recent acquisition by keolis of an American company

specialised in transporting disabled persons, a field that is just

as much a part of the core business of keolis, which is present

in the US states of California, Florida and Virginia, with a total

workforce of 1.300 employees.

But what about the Chinese market? “We’re following it closely.

And we’re taking note of the fact that intermodality is a priority

in the second five-year plan”. Enough for keolis to be chal-

lenged into a larger presence in China? Whatever the future

may bring, keolis took a first step on the Chinese market in

2011 by taking charge of intermodality in the city of Wuhan.

The goal: to optimise - for this city of 11 million - an integrated

transport system that includes buses, trolleys, subways, ferries,

bicycles and a future suburban transport network!

Thierry Degives

smart mobility management - n°5 I 50

induStry Peugeot Mu

Peugeot Mu is now ready for B2B

For Peugeot, 2012 will be the year in which it develops mobility solutions aimed specifically at the B2B market - and implements them. After building up experience and expertise in the B2C market across eight European countries, the manufacturer now wants to speed up the corporate side of the business through pilot projects with major European clients. To discuss this strategy, we met up with Coralie Henry Poppe and Sylvain Delmas of Peugeot’s Mobility Services Development department at the Avenue de la Grande Armée in Paris.

Mu By Peugeot was

initially developed as a

mobility offer aimed at

the individual consumer.

“But we already have

corporate customers for it”, says Coralie

Poppe. “Company directors with com-

pany credit cards using the online book-

ing tool, or employees using the services

offered by Mu and are being reimbursed

for them by their company. And we also

have had inquiries into Mu by fleet man-

agers from several countries.”

Pilot Projects

“To help mature our range of offers,

we’ve chosen to work on pilot projects

with some large international accounts.

Coralie Henry Poppe and Sylvain Demas: “With Peugeot Mu Professional, the idea is to say: “TCO + Mu = TCM”: the Total Cost of Ownership + Mu = Total Cost of Mobility. “

It’s thanks to these projects that we can

really test the product, and if need be,

modify it. We’ve had positive feedback

on Mu ever since we unveiled it at the

Peugeot Fleet Forum in Madrid, last

autumn. So there is a real interest out

there.”“Currently, Mu is present on eight

different markets. But we’re sensing

a far-reaching interest in the concept,

even via our own staff, who are present

in global markets like China and Latin

America. It’s Mu’s mission to provide

mobility solutions wherever there are

issues with traffic congestion.

one offer, several levels

On the basis of these offers, we have

developed a system of mobility audits,

in collaboration with LeasePlan Consul-

tancy Services. The idea is to draw up

an inventory of travel as it occurs in a

company, and then to suggest alterna-

tives or improvements. This analysis is

also one of cost, and includes a strategy

for ‘rightsizing’ any given fleet as well

as analysing traffic movements (inter-

site and commuter), expense notes and

typical aspects of company cars. The

analysis has three dimensions: cost,

driver satisfaction and environmental

impact. The audit is two-tiered. The first

step is about researching and gathering

all data relevant to employee mobil-

smart mobility management - n°5 I 51

ity. Often, these data already exist, but

are fragmented over several depart-

ments - HR, accounting, purchasing,

etc. Depending on company size, one

or two consultants will interview key

people. End result of the analysis will be

a review, and a ‘map’ of the trajectories

that together compose the company’s

actual mobility.

1. Mu Welcome Credit The first step towards a new mobility is

Mu Welcome Credit, a product designed

for employees who need to choose

a company vehicle. If they opt for a

Peugeot, they will receive a credit at the

opening of a Mu personal account that

will provide them with the opportunity

to rent any Peugeot from a range of

vehicles, be they cars, scooters, bicycles,

vans or even accessories. This is a clear

benefit for the employee, provided

MU ACCOUNT? A personal account that allows you to save, to manage and to spend mobility units, for example to rent a car, a bicycle, a scooter or an accessorie (roof top, GPS…) from the network when there’s need for another one.

The Mu Credit Card will give access to different mobility solutions.

by the manufacturer on commercial

budget. These two offers are already on

the market.

Peugeot is also developing new Mu pro-

fessional offers to come on the market.

2. Mu Professional Service

A second stage is the possibility for a

company to open a Mu professional

account. Employees can either use

a vehicle from the car pool or lease

another vehicle, only for professional use.

These vehicles are always kept overnight

at the dealership. Mu Professional Service

enables for booking via the internet,

allowing for smooth management and

easy billing. This business service pro-

vides companies with the opportunity

to partially replace their fleet of pool

vehicles. This scheme could even include

a service that would allow these vehicles

to be delivered straight to the company

where the employee is based.Mu Per-

sonal CreditThe third level is credit taken

by the company for individual employ-

ees who need to travel for business - or

pleasure. Mu Personal Credit is an excep-

tion to the rule stating: ‘One vehicle per

person, allowing multiple vehicles to be

combined according to need. Because

the system needs to be flexible! Hence

you could also conceive of a leasing

contract that could be paid for by using

Mu Personal Credit. For the idea is to

offer an integrated range of mobility

solutions, according to this formula:

“TCO + Mu = TCM”. In other words: Total

Cost of Ownership plus Mu equals Total

Cost of Mobility. This offer adds fluidity

to mobility, especially considering the

Mapping of a mobility audit (Velizy)

wide variety of modes of transport. This

also allows for the integration of electric

vehicles, like the iOn.

We are currently in talks with the tax

authorities to clarify the fiscal treatment

of this formula.

3. Mu Open AccessIn this formula, the Mu fleet is available

in a single company or even in an entire

business park. Depending on the rel-

evant mobility policy, the fleet consists

of bicycles, scooters, electric cars and

cars with classic combustion engines.

Mu Open Access is handy for managing

reservations, use and billing.

more to come?

It goes without saying that the right

partnerships are crucial in dealing with

mobility concepts. We experimented an

offer of Train+Scooter service with SNCF

at Paris Montparnasse train station for

two month in september – october 2011.

We are also in relationship with different

companies and partners to co-develop

mobility offers And this year we will also

consolidate the networks we’ve built

up in the eight countries where Mu is

available: France, Belgium, the Uk, the

Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy

and Spain.

Caroline Thonnon

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induStry Carel Bal, Ald Automotive Benelux

“ Mobility is in aLd’s dna” Carel Bal is ALD Automotive’s Gene ral Manager for the Benelux countries. But the Dutchman is also in charge of the international group’s new mobility projects. As such, his vision is truly global.

AlD Netherlands and AlD Belgium are the test

labs for the entire ALD Group, when it comes to

new mobility schemes. “Right here is where we’re

witnessing the most interesting developments”,

says Carel Bal, General Manager ALD Benelux.

There are several reasons for this.

One. Businesses are cutting back on office space. We’re seeing

offices able to accommodate only 60% of their employees. This

is part of trend called the New World of Work, which is particu-

larly strong in the Netherlands. A large number of employees

is no longer able to work at an office desk. These people need

alternatives, either by working from home or at third places. For

this, they need the right equipment. All of that impacts their

mobility needs. In these changed times, some employees will no

longer get a company car. Car sharing and car pooling are on

the rise.

Two. Advances in technology are opening up more possibili-

ties. In the Netherlands, it’s quite easy now to make a reserva-

tion and pay for your train ticket via the leasing company. In

Belgium, the current voucher system will soon be replaced by

electronic payment.

Three. Another important factor are the changing trends in

work ethics. Generations Y and Z, now prominent in urban

settings and in specific IT and consultancy niches, have quite

noticeably different views on mobility. They view ownership of a

car as less important than the correct use of a car.

Four. Several European governments stimulate the downsizing

of car fleets by fiscally targeting CO2 emissions. The Dutch and

Belgian governments have been very clear on this. That’s the

reason why there are so many hybrid vehicles on the roads in

the Netherlands, more than in any other European country.

Carel Bal: “The leasing industry will change more in the coming five years than it has in the last 20 years.”

These four trends are already prevalent in the Benelux countries,

but will also become more prominent in other countries. This is

why the ALD holding’s Mobility Steering Group is very interested

in the developments in the Benelux.

internal communication is key

”A year ago, we drew up a local strategic plan. This internally

produced plan takes into account all of these trends. Its goal is

to prepare our company, and our staff, for the future. For exam-

ple, we’ve produced a video for our employees to highlight the

changes within our industry. For an organisation like ours, it’s

crucial to have everyone on the same page. We need to mobilise

our people. That’s how we fire up the motivation and the desire

to look for solutions.”

how important is Smart mobility management for a lease


Carel Bal: “Any lease company will need to understand the

trends of today, and anticipate those of tomorrow. There will be

much demand for advice, for organisational and conceptual sup-

port for clients. Simply providing services will evolve into adding

value for clients. For example, the expertise of combining dif-

smart mobility management - n°5 I 53

ferent modes of transport and producing mobility solutions that

the client had not even considered.” “In the Netherlands, we’re

already noticing a trend towards leaner lease contracts. Fewer

people than before are getting company cars. The Dutch market

is quite mature, and even shrank by 3% last year. This impacts

the future of our leasing business. Of course, the Netherlands

have always had their share of mobility issues. But the market is

showing signs of transformation. key concepts in the Nether-

lands these days are multimodality and the New World of Work…

To which extent is it up to the lease company to be the

‘integrator’ of mobility services? Does this include the office,

communications, transport?

C.Bal: “In principle, everything is possible. But you should offer

services that are commensurate to your core competences. We

realise that the leasing industry will change more in the coming

five years than it has in the last 20 years. And even if we can’t

predict everything, it’s important for us to ground our thinking

in the future, not the past. And to develop a strategy, even if it

needs constant updating. I do believe we will become a provider

of a range of services, even an integrator of different modes of

transport. Cars, car sharing, train, taxi - all of this linked in real

time, via the latest technology. It’s essential that we’ll be able to

respond to individual mobility needs.”

but who is developing this technology? if i may speak from

personal experience: in several european countries, it’s still

difficult to find a taxi that accepts credit cards.

C.Bal: “Yes, that’s right. There still are many blank spots. But if

you look at the chain of mobility options, from park and ride to

train and taxi… it’s all perfectly possible. Even setting up a credit

note. The smartphone will play a crucial role. As soon as we’ll

be able to make payments via our smartphone, then a lot more

options will become available: booking, organising, paying - eve-

rything will become more flexible.”

are you already seeing those changes with your clients? in

other words, are you following the needs of your clients, or

anticipating on them?

C.Bal: “I think we’re one of the trendsetters on the market.

Which is not to say that we’re seeing a large turnover. But the

future of mobility is in our DNA, and we’re passing it on to our

clients. Is is really necessary for employees to travel? Finding an

answer to that question is also part of ALD’s mobility vision.”

WATCH THe ViDeOALD Automotive has produced a video in 2010 for their employees to highlight the changes within the profession.

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ALD AND MOBILITY: FAST FACTS > ALD 7 Wheel Lease in Belgium and the Netherlands,

adding Piaggio scooters to the contract.

> ALD Rail Mobility in the Netherlands, via an integrated service attached to the fuel card, and ALD Railease in Belgium, on a voucher system.

> ALD Parking in the Netherlands.

> ALD Sharing in Paris (also being developed in the Benelux)

In Belgium and the Netherlands, ALD Automotive is offering 7 Wheel Lease as one of its mobility solutions: a car plus a scooter.

Companies are talking more and more about mobility budgets

instead of car budgets. That is less simple than in sounds, isn’t


C.Bal: “That’s right. If you offer a range of mobility options

within a single budget, you’re talking about a mobility budget.

This covers both corporate and private use of company vehicles,

and the combination with other modes of transport. This is a

very complex matter, which is the only negative of this concept.

Because once you’ve mastered the complexity, you’re miles

ahead of your competitors.”

What kind of services are we talking about in the concept of a

mobility budget?

C.Bal: “Managing the total budget. And facilitating that budget

via credit card. Everything needs to be taken into account, from

Finance to HR. This implies that mobility will be managed more

and more by HR. Following the crisis of 2008, fleets tended to

fall under the responsibility of the purchasing department. Now,

we see that mobility projects are starting to become one of the

tasks of HR managers, who determine the policies for compen-

sations and benefits.”

What’s the next big step to get mobility management to really

take off?

C.Bal: “In the long term, the real trigger is the demographic evo-

lution. In the short term, it’s the exorbitant rise in fuel prices.”

Caroline Thonnon

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induStry Chretien van der Aa, Polycom Benelux

“ Video-communication will become commonplace”

Polycom, the industry leader in unified collaboration solu-tions, plays an essential role in the Smart Mobility Man-agement Concept. Companies are more and more looking for solutions that enable their geographically dispersed workforces to communicate and collaborate effectively and productively over distances.

Using Polycom telepresence, video, voice solu-

tions and services, people connect and collabo-

rate from their desktops, meeting rooms, class

rooms, and mobile settings. We asked Benelux

Country Manager Chretien van der Aa to explain

the benefits of high quality video communications, using just

such a Polycom system for the Brussels/Amsterdam link-up.

What sort of products do you supply, and how do these bring

added value to customers ?

Chretien van der Aa: Typical voice products do form a part

of our business, but most of our business comes from video-

associated products and the infrastructure which makes all this

happen. We provide image and sound quality, and in a visual

communication there is a lot of technology under the surface,

such as the camera automatically detecting who is speaking

and zooming onto that person, who then appears ‘full screen’.

From this voice-only device we obviously moved on to ena-

bling participants to see each other. The newer version of this

visual communication technology includes touch-screens in a

video room, so there is no more long dialling process. We are

in particular making it easier and easier for users to start using

visual communication.

Does this mean that any employee or manager would be able

to use this without asking an iT person to sort it out for him?

C. van der Aa: Absolutely. If you make something which is too

difficult to use, people simply won’t use it. A company’s team

may be in talks with many customers and prospects so making

it easy, making it cheaper and enabling people to use their

time more efficiently can have a substantial impact on a com-

pany. As an added bonus, using these systems helps to reduce

carbon emissions. I want to emphasise just how important the

voice element is. If my picture goes blank, that is not a disaster

– but if all you can see is a talking head but you can’t hear

what it’s saying – it is! So we ensure that we have full stereo

HD voice. Just as the camera follows the person speaking, the

microphones ‘follow’ them around the room if they walk about,

“The next working generation will be used to having video-meetings with their friends on tablets and other devices. Companies will use these things to attract new talent,” Chretien van der Aa.

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transmitting the sound from the appropriate speaker. So you

get the feeling that you really are meeting the person at the

other end.

What about return on investment?

C. van der Aa: Well let’s take the example of three people

using a company car to drive from A to B on a regular basis.

This means paying for fuel, paying for insurance, and having

employees use their time for driving a car rather than working

for the company. It is just more or less accepted that people

receive a salary for just sitting in a car – yet when you factor in

all of these ‘hidden’ costs, they can add up to quite a lot. But

if you invest just forty thousand Euros in getting these same

people out of their cars and into a working mode, suddenly

you have a strong business case. There is hardly any reason to

say –‘well I’m not going to invest in that’. Leasing companies

also see these opportunities. We work with a global leasing

company which is willing to provide the equipment to clients

who do not want to pay the upfront cost.

how many employees are necessary to make it an interesting

solution? and how can i be sure, if i buy into this, that i can

talk to anyone outside my own company?

C. van der Aa: Well it isn’t common yet, so there are still a

lot of opportunities and the endpoint still represents quite a

sum of money. But the answer is, it doesn’t matter how many

people there are. What matters is how you use it and what

you are going to change in your business process. One factor

is that while video-conferencing is primarily used within a

company at the moment, it will start to move to external use

too, inter-company use. I will use the example of doctors who

work in more than one hospital. Using HD video images, a

doctor can be physically in one hospital and carry out a biopsy

in another. And adding pictures to the voice improves this

process. The communications process is critical to us all in our

work. Nobody is going to refuse to use the phone or fax, or the

e-mail. These are taken for granted, and what we are doing is

optimising this remote communication network by adding a

further dimension, which is video. These systems work just as

well for a company with three locations and twenty employees,

as for a blue chip company.

Do you see yourselves as being involved in the new World of


C. van der Aa: Yes, because although the large television

screens which are used in typical meeting rooms will always

be more comfortable to use than tablets, especially when a

number of people or numerous locations are involved, the

same meeting can be held when some of the participants are

using an iPad or tablet. So it is all about mobility and acces-

sibility to data. In reality, a mix and match solution involving

various sorts of hardware will come to be more common, and

as a result the entry costs will be lower and lower.

you presumably have partners?

C. van der Aa: Yes, Microsoft for various types of software

development for example, and major telecommunications

operators such as Belgacom in Belgium, who provide custom-

ers with connectivity. Then we have smaller partners which

come from audio-visual backgrounds. And we have partners

who are involved in specific segments, such as the public sec-

tor and governments.

are there opportunities in an economic crisis such as the

current one?

C. van der Aa : Well companies certainly have to rethink their

strategies in these situations. They have to look at other

markets and other business possibilities, even if you don’t

want to fly to customers every other week, you still can do

business using our technologies for a relatively small outlay.

Another parallel – twenty years ago websites didn’t exist, but

now everybody has one, because people realised they could

do business in a different way. I am convinced that this type of

communications solution will become commonplace too.

Tim Harrup

ABOUT POLYCOM Polycom is a leader in unified voice communications and now employs around 3,000 persons. The company has an extensive presence in the United States, as well as in around twenty five other countries. In Europe Polycom is present in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Uk. Worldwide turnover is in excess of one billion dollars (figures from 2010). The company invests more than 110 million Euros in R&D each year. More than 400,000 companies are using the services and solutions of Polycom.

“ The more accessible it is, the more companies and individuals will start using it.”

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induStry Jan dezutter, interroute

Making video universal

Interoute communications is making it easier for companies to communicate both internally, and with the various other companies with which they interact. Jan Dezutter explains what his company does and how he sees video-communica-tions moving forwards.

There is no doubt that

following the rela-

tively recent commu-

nications revolution

which now means

that almost everyone has a mobile telephone, visual communi-

cation is about to play a much more central role in our lives.

Interoute is generally accepted to be Europe’s largest next

generation network, covering all of the EU with 55,000 km of

cable fibre. The network is connected to data services which

offer cloud services.

Jan Dezutter, Sales Director Benelux: “Companies which

choose to use Interoute do so because we offer an integrated

information technology platform. There are three pillars to this:

unified connectivity, such as the possibility for a company to

build private networks. Once they have built these they can

opt for the second pillar, which is unified communications

services. The third pillar is unified computing which starts with

datacenter infrastructure services (a power, a ping, a pipe and

a data-centre security) right up to a complete cloud offering

where we can either offer the customer the possibility to build

their own virtualised servers on our infrastructure, or with the

aid of our expertise, build their own clouds. Companies also

ask us to manage dedicated services.

Who are your main clients?

Jan Dezutter: We are active in mid-sized to large companies.

At a European level, Deutsche Post and Rentokil are two well

known references. On the more specifically video side, we have

a client called Thrombogenics, active in bio-technology. They

recently became a customer for both network services and

video. We are able to deliver the bandwidth, the network and

the video all together, this is one of our value propositions.

Tell us more about the video offering.

Jan Dezutter: Well you need of course the hardware, and your

bandwidth needs to be dimensioned so that the quality is

guaranteed. But our focus is to make sure that the videocon-

ferencing equipment is used in the perfect meeting environ-

ment. This is very important – small things like colour, the way

the light plays in the room, because we want to give the

Jan Dezutter sees video-communication use extending within and between companies.

smart mobility management - n°5 I 57

customer the ultimate experience, as though the people

involved were talking face to face. We have built a complete

service suite around this, so that customers can have ‘man-

aged video’ if this is what they want. This is a growing trend

both amongst our customers and in general within the market.

People are moving away from purchasing the hardware and

networks separately, towards buying a package which includes

services so that they can demonstrate internally within their

own companies that there is a return in investment. We can

supply video coaches to make sure the customer makes best

use of the video equipment, and understands all of the circum-

stances in which it can be used.

is video always used an in-house use within a single


Jan Dezutter: No, we are able to use our cloud to build con-

nections. These outside entities are by definition not on the

customer’s network – they may be using the internet or have

their own private networks. So we have built a bridge function-

ality out of our cloud, connecting all of these different entities

and enable them to video-communicate with each other. We

can even offer what we call butler or secretary services, where

our people will make the first call to the users, making sure the

camera is right, the lighting is right, and then set the meeting

in motion by introducing the various participants to each other.

We can even take the meeting notes if required, and capture

the whole of the videoconference which is then offered in the

form of a stream. As I said before, we try to ensure that the use

of the system by a customer increases, and if we are monitor-

ing usage for him, we will ask why it isn’t being used this week

as much as it was last week… Education and adoption is a

very important part of having videoconferencing successfully


how will this industry move forwards?

Jan Dezutter: Inter-company use is certainly one way in which

progress will be made, but on top of this, video will start to

be used by everybody, not just the privileged few at the top

of a company. I believe that we will move to a situation where

people will ‘video’ each other in the same way that they phone

each other now. The importance of being able to see each

other when communicating is demonstrated by the fact that

55% of communication is non-verbal – body language etc.

I think that the next big thing will not necessarily be from a

technological perspective, but from a day-to-day perspective.

This suggests that not all video-communication will be done

from a specific room.

Jan Dezutter: That is absolutely right. This can also be done from

a desktop using a screen and camera connected to a PC. We call

this a single screen device. It is incredibly simple both to install

(within a couple of minutes) and to use, with a touch-screen com-

mand pad at the side. This also provides high quality images and

it enables you to load your active directory into the system and

then scroll down and connect to the person you want to se. This

can also be connected to a videoconference taking place in dedi-

cated rooms, so that not everybody has to physically move to the

designated videoconference suite. It is great for people who are

on the move and on the road a lot. You can be in a location some-

where in Europe and join in with a videoconference between two

suites in Europe and the USA…

Tim harrup

The ‘single screen device’ brings videoconferencing within reach of all. Tandberg Cisco is a partner in the hardware area, along with Polycom and Lifesize.

We thank the Smart Mobility Management Event sponsors for their support. Our partners:

smart mobility management - n°5 I 59

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