i like your attitude day 1

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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8/18/2019 I Like Your Attitude Day 1

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Name Makenzie Bilodeau

Subject Health-- Attitudes, Values and oals

Grade Level !"d "ade

ate!urat"on  Thu"sda# $e%"ua"# &, '()*

#"$ Ideas   • Health +on+ets a"e essential o" .ellness and a health-enhan+in/ liest#le0


• Ho. .ould #ou kno. that #ou ha1e 2ana/ed #ou"

e2otions .ell3


• Standa"d - )(0&0!0$4 5e+o/nize ositi1e and ne/ati1e

inte"a+tions o s2all /"ou a+ti1ities0 5oles 6e0/0,leade", ollo.e"7, +ooe"ation8sha"in/, on taska"ti+iation



+ebb(s ept, o- .no/led$e0O.1

• Students .ill %e a%le to de9ne the .o"d attitude and

des+"i%e the +onne+tion %et.een attitudes, 1alues, and/oals

• Students .ill %uild sel-estee2 %# listin/ ositi1e

attitudes and 1alues0

• Students .ill "ole-la# 1a"ious s+ena"ios .hi+h

de2onst"ate ositi1e and ne/ati1e attitudes0

• Students .ill +o2a"e and +ont"ast ositi1e and

ne/ati1e attitudes0

• Bloo2:s Ta;ono2#4 "e2e2%e", unde"stand

• DOK4 Le1el )4 "e+all

2ormat"ve 3Summat"ve


• O%se"1ations4 a"e the students a%le to ans.e" the1a"ious dis+ussion <uestions th"ou/hout the "eadin/ o

the student issue= a"e students a%le to +o2a"e Suz#and B"u+e o" the 1enn dia/"a23

• Co2letion o the e;it sli .ith "eal lie e;a2les o

ho. the# ha1e dealt .ith thei" o.n ne/ati1e attitudes0

ISTE Standards-or Students

2rame/or4 -or56st 'entur*Learn"n$

• Co22uni+ation and Colla%o"ation

• C"iti+al Thinkin/, P"o%le2 Sol1in/, and De+ision Makin/

&ccommodat"ons7 8od"9cat"ons

• $o" the students .ho "e+ei1e title ) "eadin/, .e all "eadea+h se+tion o the student issue as a la"/e /"ou anddis+uss the <uestions o"all#0




8/18/2019 I Like Your Attitude Day 1

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Seton H"ll Un"vers"t* Lesson Plan Template Step:b*:StepProcedures


t,e Learn"n$Plan


Introduct"on   • P"e1ie. Student Issue

o Pass out the Student Issue0 Ask students to

"e1ie. the Student Issue, s+annin/ o" te;teatu"es, i2o"tant .o"ds, and inte"estin/ a+ts0En+ou"a/e students to inte""et /"ahi+s, "edi+tthe2es, and +ontent that .ill %e +o1e"ed th"ou/hthe unit

• De2onst"ate a+tions o so2eone .ith a ne/ati1e


o Int"odu+e the +on+et o attitudes %# e;lainin/ tothe +lass that #ou a"e /oin/ to "etend to %e astudent0 Tell the2 to o%se"1e +a"eull#0 >ithoutan# u"the" e;lanation, de2onst"ate ho. astudent .ith a ne/ati1e attitude to.a"ds s+hool2i/ht a+t in +lass %# d"oin/ #ou" %ooks on #ou"desk, "ollin/ #ou" e#es, s+o.lin/, slou+hin/ in #ou"seat, lookin/ %o"ed, and 2u2%lin/ a%out ho.2u+h #ou dislike s+hool0

o Ask4 Ho. .ould #ou des+"i%e this student:s

%eha1io"3 6"ude, ne/ati1e7o Ho. do #ou think this student eels a%out s+hool3

6does not like it= does not .ant to %e in s+hool7o >hat .o"d 2eans ?.a# o thinkin/, a+tin/, o"

eelin/3 6attitude7

• De9ne the .o"d @attitude:

o Do #ou think the student I de2onst"ated has a

ositi1e attitude a%out s+hool o" a ne/ati1eattitude3 6ne/ati1e7

o >ho +an "ole la# ho. a student .ith a ositi1e

attitude attitude to.a"d s+hool 2i/ht a+t3

5ole la# a+tions o so2eone .ith a ositi1e attitudeo i1e students a 2inute o" t.o0 Ha1e students "ole-

la# a student .ith a ositi1e attitude0 Dis+ussho. a e"son:s attitude +an %e sho.n th"ou/hthei" %od# lan/ua/e0

o Ask4 >hi+h attitude do #ou think is /oin/ to hel

the student do .ell in s+hool3 6Positi1e7 >h#36Hels #ou and othe"s a"ound #ou to eel /ood=hels .hen #ou a"e t"#in/ to do so2ethin/7

o E;lain4 In this lesson .e .ill %e e;lo"in/

8/18/2019 I Like Your Attitude Day 1

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attitudes and .h# a ositi1e attitude is soi2o"tant0


#"$ Idea Statement

• Positi1e attitudes +an ha1e a ositi1e ee+t on #ou and

those a"ound #ou0Essent"al %uest"ons Statement

• Ho. do I 2ana/e 2# e2otions3

Object"ve Statement

• Students .ill %e a%le to identi# ositi1e and ne/ati1eattitudes and ho. the# +an ee+t those a"ound #ou .ith)(( "o9+ien+#0


• Students .ill t"ansition "o2 the desk to the "ont "u/ o

the +lass"oo2 %ased on .hat .e a"e doin/0 $o" the"eadin/ o the Student Issue, students .ill sit on the"ont "u/0

• 5ole Pla# a+ti1ities .ill %e +o2leted in the "ont o the


• E;it Sli .ill %e +o2leted indi1iduall# at the student:sdesk0

.e* Vocabular*

• Attitude

• Value

• oal


• 5ead "ont a/e o Student Issue

o Ask a student to "ead aloud the th"ee a"a/"ahs

on the "ont a/e0 Then, ha1e students ollo. theath Si2on takes to %e a %ette" %ase%all la#e"0


Ask4 >hat do #ou think a /oal is3 6So2ethin/ #ou.ant and .o"k o"7

• Des+"i%e the +onne+tion %et.een attitudes and /oals

o >hat .as Si2on:s /oal3 6To %e+o2e a %ette"

%ase%all la#e"7o >hat a"e so2e o #ou" /oals3 >ho .ould like to

"ole-la# Si2on and e;lain to the +lass the stes#ou ollo.ed to "ea+h #ou" /oal3 6Desi"ed"esonse in+ludes "a+ti+in/ ha"d and oten,askin/ o" hel, keein/ a ositi1e attitude %#"eusin/ to /i1e u and %# thinkin/, ?I kno. I +an

do it7• 5ole la# and e;lain stes to take to "ea+h a /oal

o >hat do #ou think 2i/ht ha1e haened i

Si2on:s attitude had %een ne/ati1e3o >h# is it i2o"tant to ha1e a ositi1e attitude3

o E;lain4 ha1in/ a ositi1e attitude +an hel a

e"son "ea+h thei" /oals0 In the +ase o a so"ts o"9tness /oal, that ositi1e attitude +an a+tuall#i2"o1e a e"son:s health0

• 5ead ?>hat:s an Attitude on a/e '

8/18/2019 I Like Your Attitude Day 1

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o As a /"ou, "ead the sto"# on a/e ' o the

Student Issue

• Co2a"e and +ont"ast the attitudes o Suz# and B"u+e

o On the .hite%oa"d, +"eate a 1enn dia/"a2

+o2a"in/ the t.o +ha"a+te"s in the sto"#0

• 5ead ?ou" Values on a/e !

o As a /"ou, "ead the sto"# on a/e ! o the

Student Issue Ask4 >hat is a2ie:s /oal3

>hat is a 1alue3

>hat is one o a2ie:s 1alues3

Ho. did a2ie:s ositi1e attitude and his

1alues hel hi2 2ake a s2a"t de+ision3 E1en i a2ie hadn:t /otten a /ood /"ade

ate" stud#in/, do #ou think he 2ade a .ise+hoi+e3 >h# o" .h# not3

• Identi# I2o"tant Values



• Student Issues

• Pa/e &* .o"ksheet ?>hat HaenedF and >hat I didA%out It

• >hite%oa"d

Evaluat"on o-t,eLearn"n$!8aster* o- t,e'oncept

2ormal Evaluat"on

• G8A

In-ormal Evaluat"on

• O%se"1ations

• E;it Sli

'losure Summar* 3 Rev"e/ o- t,e Learn"n$

E;it Slio ?>hat HaenedF and >hat I Did A%out It


• G8A


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