i was

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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ingles practico


1. I wasa good student. (Yo eraun buen estudiante).2. We wereold friends. (Nosotros ramosviejos amigos).3. He wasa student. (l era un estudiante).4. The pencil wason the desk. (El lpiz estaba sobre el escritorio).5. She was absent from class yesterday. (Ella no estaba en clase ayer).6. The sky was clear. (El cielo estaba limpio).7. The child was in the garden. (El nio estaba en el jardn).8. It was a pleasant day. (Fue un da placentero)9. She was sick yesterday. (Ella estaba enferma ayer).10. He was a businessman. (l era un hombre de negocios).11. He wasa lawyer. (l era un abogado).12. Yesterday was Monday. (Ayer fue lunes).13. He and Mary were good students. (l y Mary fueronbuenos estudiantes).14. The man on the corner was waiting the bus. (l hombre en la esquina estaba esperando el autobs).15. He was in Europe. (l estaba en Europa).16. He was tired last night. (l estaba cansado anoche)17. The tax was high. (El impuesto era alto).18. The workout was easy to do. (El ejercicio fue fcil de hacer)19. She was angry. (Ella estaba enojada).20. You were very serious. (T eras muy serio).21. The window was closed. (La ventana estaba cerrada)22. He was in the same class as Peter last year. (l estaba en la misma clase que Peter el ao pasado)23. We were members of the club. (Nosotros ramos miembros del club).24. She was a good football player. (Ella era una buena jugadora de futbol).25. The sky was cloudy. (El cielo estaba nublado).26. She was hungry after workout. (Ella estaba hambrienta despus del ejercicio)27. They were good friends for many years. (Ellos eran buenos amigos por muchos aos)28. He wasin his office. (l estaba en su oficina).29. We were busy yesterday. (Nosotros estbamos ocupados ayer)30. It was a good movie. (Fue una buena pelcula).31. We were married. (Nosotros estbamos casados)32. They were sick yesterday. (Ellos estaban enfermos ayer)33. He was a happy child. (l era un nio feliz).34. She was a stranger to him. (Ella era una extraa para l)35. He was at the beach this morning. (El estaba en la playa esta maana)36. She was a pretty woman. (Ella era una mujer bonita)37. My uncle was a good swimmer. (Mi to era un buen nadador)38. They were old friends of my family. (Ellos eran viejos amigos de mi familia)39. My aunt was a good tennis player. (Mi ta era una buena jugadora de tenis)40. I was tired after a long walk. (Yo estaba cansado despus de una larga caminata)41. The wind was very strong. (El viento era muy fuerte)42. He was a football player at college. (l era un jugador de futbol en la universidad)43. He was her boyfriend. (l era su novio)44. The party was boring. (La fiesta estaba aburrida)45. She was eating when I arrived. (Ella estaba comiendo cuando llegu)46. I was happy to see you. (Yo estaba feliz de verte)47. He was reading. (l estaba leyendo)48. She was doing her homework. (Ella estaba haciendo su tarea)49. She was cooking a cake. (Ella estaba cocinando un pastel)50. They were here yesterday. (Ellos estaban aqu ayer)51. I have been thinking about this for two months.52. We ate in the bus, it was very funny53. They drank all the night54. I sent you an e-mail, did you see it?55. He was too young when he began his career.56. I took the bus and went to the cinema.57. Brazil won five world cups, its incredible!58. I havent gone to church since your wedding59. We swam in the gym of your school60. I read four books during my holidays61. I spoke in Harvard, I wont be scare here.62. I saw your mother in the bus, was she?63. She went to the cinema last night64. I told him all about his wife.65. Have you ever sat to see the sky?66. He has never paid a ticket in the cinema.67. We ate a lot in the party68. I havent slept good since we watched that movie69. You chose this situacion when you got in love70. Aparently, this woman wrote that novel when she was sixteen years old

Lee todo en:20 Ejemplos de oraciones irregulares inglshttp://www.ejemplos.co/20-ejemplos-de-oraciones-irregulares-ingles/#ixzz3norcPrVr

1. There is a car on the road. (Hay un auto en el camino)2. There areapples in the box. (Hay manzanas en la caja)3. There are five flags at the top of the hotel. (Hay cinco banderas en la parte superior del hotel)4. There is an ipad in my bag. (Hay un ipad en mi bolsa)5. There are two students absent today. (Hay dos estudiantes ausentes hoy)6. There is a fire escape in the building. (Hay una escalera de incendios en el edificio)7. There is a lamp in my bedroom. (Hay una lmpara en mi habitacin)8. There are two large windows in my office. (Hay dos ventanas grandes en mi oficina)9. There are no Italians in my class. (No hay italianos en mi clase)10. There are two books on the desk. (Hay dos libros en el escritorio)Ejemplos con contraccin:1. Theres a police station next to the supermarket. (Hay una estacin de polica al lado del supermercado)2. Theres someone at the door. (Hay alguien en la puerta)3. Theres no one at home. (No hay nadie en casa)4. Therere seven days in a week. (Hay siete das en una semana)5. Therere four seasons in a year. (Hay cuatro estaciones en un ao)6. Theres only one doctor in this area. (Solo hay un mdico en esta rea)7. Theres a bank between the post office and the hospital. (Hay un banco entre la oficina postal y el hospital)8. Theres a mailbox on the corner. (Hay un buzn en la esquina)9. Therere several restaurants in this avenue. (Hay varios restaurantes en esta avenida)10. Therere four laundromats in this neighborhood. (Hay cuatro lavanderas en el vecindario)FffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffOraciones con some

There is some water in the bottle.There are some bottles of water in the fridge.There is some pen in the table.There are some pencil in the book.Shirley has some extra money.There is some apple in the table.There are some books.There are some roses in my garden.There are some birds there.There is some milk in the bottle.


There arent any potatoes in the kitchen.There isn't any water in the bottle.There aren't any bottles of water in the fridge.Are there any bottles of water in the fridge?I dont have any money.Shirley has some extra money.There isnt any apple in the table.There arent any books.There arent any roses in my garden.There arent any birds there.

SUSTANTIVOS CONTABLES EN INGLS.Los sustantivos contables son fciles de reconocer, son cosas que podemos contar, agrupar o separar, como por ejemplo los libros obooks, podemos tener un solo libro, dos o tres, o quizs un grupo de libros.

Estos sustantivos pueden tener la forma singular y plural, cuando estn en su forma plural generalmente se le aade la s al final. Adems pueden ser acompaadas por nmeros, el artculoa/an, el cuantificadormany, los adjetivosfewya few.Por ejemplo:


Mychairis brokenMi silla esta rotaMychairsare brokenMis sillas estn rotas

I have anewspaperTengo un peridicoI have threenewspapersTengo tres peridicos

There's ananimalin the parkHay un animal en el parqueThere are manyanimalsin the parkHay muchos animales en el parque

There is apersonin the bankHay una persona en el bancoThere are fewpeoplein the bankHay pocas personas en el banco

I need oneminuteNecesito un minutoI need a fewminutesNecesito unos minutos

Nota:Peoplees el plural deperson, comomenes el plural deman.

SUSTANTIVOS INCONTABLES EN INGLS.Los sustantivos incontables son cosas que no pueden ser contadas, agrupadas o separadas, por lo tanto solo tienen una forma singular. Generalmente estos sustantivos hacen referencia a abstracciones como la confianza, asesoramiento, etc. O colectivos como equipos.

Estos sustantivos pueden ser acompaados por el cuantificadormuch, el adjetivolittleya little bit of. Por ejemplo:

To makemoneyone must wantmoney.Para hacer dinero, uno debe primero desear el dinero.

Don't spend so muchtimewatching TV.No gastes tanto tiempo viendo televisin.

Will you eat a littlecake?Vas a comer un poco de torta?

Add a littlemilk.Agrega un poco de leche.

The woman has a little bit offruit.La mujer tiene un poco de fruta.

Mejor respuesta:Me gusto tu pregunta!!!Bueno, empecemos:1. How many girlfriends did you have?2. How many kisses have you got?3.How many miles would you travel for love?4.How many time do we have left?5.How many times have you cheat?6.How many days are you wasting?7.How many opportunities can you give me?8.How many ways is there to love?9.How many years do we have to be apart?10.How many times can I make the same mistake?

Segunda parte (un poco menos romantica, te prometo):1.How much would you sell yourself for?2.How much does it cost to buy love?3.How much is there left?4.How much money do you have?5.How much of our friendship is left?6.How much do you love to do what you do?7.How much money do you make?8.How much would you charge me?9.How much love can you give?10.How much would you give in exchange of money?Espero q te gusten!!!!Saludos!

Ejemplo de Adjetivos Comparativos y Superlativos en InglsCuando queremos comparar dossustantivos en ingls, utilizamos los grados comparativos, llamados comparativo y superlativo, y estos a su vez, podemos dividirlos segn su nivel de comparacin, en comparativos de superioridad, inferioridad o igualdad.El comparativoSirve para indicar un grado de comparacin entre dos sustantivos, e indica que uno de los sustantivos tiene un atributo en mayor o menor grado que aquel con el se le compara.Ejemplos de Adjetivos y superlativos en ingls:This tree is bigger than that. (Este rbol es ms grande que aqul)My car is faster than yours (Mi coche es ms rpido que el tuyo)My sister is more beautiful than Roberts (Mi hermana es ms bonita que la de Roberto)El superlativoes el grado de comparacin entre dos o ms sustantivos, o entre un sustantivo singular y uno plural o colectivo, indicando que el atributo tiene el mayor grado de entre aquellos con que se compara.That tree is the biggest in the city (Ese rbol es el ms grade de la ciudad)The Veyron is the fastest car of Bugattis (El Veyron es el coche ms rpido de los Bugatti)My sister is the most beautiful girl in the school. (Mi hermana es la ms bonita de la escuela)Reglas para formar el comparativo y el superlativo1. Adjetivos monoslabos:Para formar el comparativo y el superlativo de los adjetivos monoslabos, agregaremos las partculas er para el comparativo, y est para el superlativo: Adjetivo: Strong Compartivo: Stronger Superlativo: Strongest Adjetivo: Old Comparativo: Older Superlativo Oldest Adjetivo: High Comparativo: Higher Superlativo: HighestCuando los adjetivos terminan en y, se cambia por i; cuando terminan con las letras b, d, g, n, p, t, la ltima letra se duplica. Algunos adjetivos con dos slabas con terminaciones er, -y, -ow, -le con acento en la ltima slaba., tambin admiten la adicin de er y est: Adjetivo: big Comparativo: Bigger Superlativo: Biggest Adjetivo: Lucky Comparativo: Luckier Superlativo: Luckiest Adjetivo: funny Comparativo: Funnier Superlativo: Funniest Adjetivo: Shallow Comparativo: Shallower Superlativo: Shallowest Adjetivo: safe Comparativo: Safer Superlativo: Safest Adjetivo: thin Comparativo Thinner Superlativo: Thinnest Adjetivo: deep Comparativo deeper Superlativo: deepest Adjetivo: Clever Comparativo: Cleverer Superlativo Cleverest1. Comparativos y superlativos irregulares.Hay algunos adjetivos que sus formas comparativas y superlativas, no siguen la regla anterior; a estos se les llama comparativos irregulares y superlativos irregulares: Adjetivo: Good Comparativo Better Superlativo: Best Adjetivo: Bad Comparativo worse Superlativo: worst Adjetivo: Late Comparativo later or latter Superlativo: latest or last Adjetivo: little Comparativo less Superlativo: least Adjetivo: much Comparativo more Superlativo: most Adjetivo: many Comparativo more Superlativo: most Adjetivo: old Comparativo: older or elder Superlativo: oldest or eldest Adjetivo: Far Comparativo: further Superlativo: furthest1. Finalmente, el resto de los adjetivos formados por dos o ms slabas, utilizan las siguientes frmulas:Para el mismo grado: Se utiliza la formula as (adjetivo) as (tancomo)My computer isas fast astours (Mi computadora estan rpida comola tuya)That building isas antique asthis one. (Aquel edificio estan antiguo comoeste)You areas inteligent asMary. (Erestan inteligente comoMara)Comparativo de superioridad: Se forma con la frmula: more (adjetivo) than (ms que):My car ismore expensive thanyours. (Mi coche esms caro queel tuyo)The snakes aremore dangerous thancrocodiles (Las serpientes sonms peligrosas quelos cocodrilos.Play football ismore interesting thanstudy Chemistry (Jugar ftbol esms interesante queestudiar qumica).Comparativo de inferioridad: Se forma con la frmula: less (adjetivo) than (menos que):Acrilic isless transparent thanglass. (El acrlico esmenos transparente queel vidrio).A generic remote control, isless expensive thanthe original (Un control remoto genrico, es menos caro que el original)Coffe isless nutritiuos thanchocolate (El caf esmenos nutritivo queel chocolate).Superlativo de superioridad. Se forma con la estructura the most (adjetivo) (el ms):This pen wasthe most expensivein the store (Esta pluma erala ms caraen la tienda)The most importantpart of dance, is music (La parte ms importantedel baile, es la msica)The most preciousjewel, is diamond (La ms preciosajoya, es el diamante)Superlativo de inferioridad. Usa la estructura the least (adjetivo) (el menos):This trip isthe least pleasantI have. (Este viaje esel menos agradableque he tenido)Today isthe least overcastday in two months (Hoy es el damenos nubladoen dos meses)John isthe least enthusiasticmember of the team (Juan es el miembromenos entusiastadel equipo.Ejemplos de frases con Adjetivos Comparativos y Superlativos en Ingls:1. Grandpa is older than granny.2. Granny is younger than Granpa.3. My uncle is as old as my Father, theyre twins.4. This page is the most useful in the net.5. Your questions are as important as the class.6. My phone is smaller than yours7. My Phone is the smallest in market8. The least expensive part of cow, are the kidneys.9. The most expensive part of cow is steak.10. Im as old as my cousin.11. Rose is as pretty as Carmen.12. Spanish is more difficult than English13. French is as difficult as Spanish14. Chinese is the most difficult language in the world15. Esperanto is the least used language in world.16. Marathon is the most traditional competition in Olympics.17. The cheaper notebook was the red one.18. The longer way to success, sometimes is the most interesting.19. The oldest car in town, is in front you.20. You are as tired as me.

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