jmstalvey portfolio

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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This is my initial portfolio for LA499. This will shortly be updated or revised.


Jonathan Stalvey My journey has been extensive but I sit here a man of many words. These words are backed by my actions and continued hard work. My words are meaningless without my actions and hard work. This is all meaningless without direction. The direction has been defi ned by my journey. The journey is composed of many moments and when recalled upon reveal direction.

My journey is critical and my journey is not over…My journey is critical and my

The Contemporary Urban Landscape This studio examined the issues of human rights and social justice and their intersection with landscape architecture. What is the role of landscape architecture and landscape architects in the lives of the disenfranchised populations who live within our society? While many prefer to ignore the existence of the disenfranchised, the poor and the victimized , it is the purpose of this studio to make the invisible visible.

This studio dealt with types of areas which impact on the lives of the socially marginalized: dwelling space and community space. It will examine these landscape issues on ten themes or systems:

• Renewal• Community• Active and Passive Recreation• Knowledge/Empowerment• Production• Water/Drainage• Growth/Expansion• Safety• Security• Health

Materials and TexturesMy group looked at diff erent materials and textures to help create a more aesthetically appealing design that could be appreciated for more than its performance.

Historic ContextThe class looked at the history of the Weingart Center and our group in particular identifi ed with a building design that would mimic the historic building design that the client would be keeping. The two buildings would use dramatically diff erent building techniques but would share similar shapes and form.

Sections This class also showed me the importance of a section and/or a section perspective. There is a lot of detail that can be conveyed through a single image.

Performative ValueOur group looked at this as more than a “sustainable” practice but also a physical and psychological measurement as well. Measurable distances and measurable accomplishments not only in things like track size but also program direction and completion goals made this project truly perform. Class Details

Class: LA302

Professor: James Becerra

Group members: - Jason Jaquot - Jonathan Stalvey

I n f r a st r u ct u r a l Wilderness This studio investigated conditions of a new wild the wilderness experience of the dross of southern California urbanity. This concept of wilderness is not presented as a symbolic gesture of nostalgic ideas but a condition of honest wildness structured within the broader dross of Los Angeles. It is counter intuitive to consider the Los Angeles ex sub-urban structure wild in any capacity. Yet, due to the structure that forms it, there are vast expanses of wild conditions that are in no way natural. Thousands of miles of freeways, vast expanses of single family housing and industrial complexes, and the thousands of acres abandoned or underdeveloped lands are all, in some capacity, wild and in some capacity present the sublime experience of wilderness.

This studio strategy aimed to be simultaneously local in action and global in example while challenging us to inclusively consider landscape. New possibilities were modeled, visual ecologies were proposed and territories were formed through resilient adaptation and the creativity.

Postcard from the future

Mural Making

Postcard from the future

Map Making

Class DetailsClass: LA302

Professor: - Andy Wilcox - Andrew Kanzler

Group members: - Joseph Garcia - Garrett Reger - Jonathan Stalvey

San Bernardino Urban Design Studio The San Bernardino Urban Design Studio was organized as an interdisciplinary endeavor between the Cal Poly Pomona College of Environmental Design and AECOM with the support of the staff of the City of San Bernardino. As a hybrid discipline that connects the allied disciplines of urban planning, landscape architecture and architecture, Urban Design strives to improve the built environment and the lives of communities through interventions at the policy, urban form, building design, landscape and at the ever more critical public realm design level.

In order to accomplish the new vision for San Bernardino our site needs to be connected, densified, defined, digested, educated, cleaned and recreated. By incorporating these major themes we feel that San Bernardino can move to a more healthier and sustainable city.

Multi-use Recreation This is an area of study I would like to pay more attention to int he future and possible study when I attend Grad School. We briefly explored using recreational fields for flooding and agricultural use. The usewould depend on what is needed at the time and these two uses could even change over time as the needs of the city change.

BeforeThis image is one that inspired me and my group to work within the infrastructure of our site. The unique site location gives great relationships to the confluence of the Santa Ana River and the freeways above. The infrastructure gives home to many opportunities like recreation, entertainment, habitat, and protection from the weather.

SeasonalityThese two renderings show how seasonality can play a role in what activities and what people occupy a site throughoutt he year. A riverbed that is flooded for 3 months out of the year can easily be repurposed when it is dry the other 9 months out of the year. Education and recreation can become one but at different times of the year.

After This rendering is made with the same ideas about infrastructure and the relationship to the Santa Ana River. It is using the same image base as the before image to the left. I feel it is a good representation of the potential of the site and what possible relationships humans can have to this type of confluence. When presenting images like the before and after, we found that audience and students enjoy seeing where they are and where they will be in 50 years.

Class DetailsClass: LA302

Professor: - Andy Wilcox - Luis Hoyos

Group members: - Jason Jaquot - Hannah Kim - Jonathan Stalvey - Alfonso Cota - Ana Loera - Adrian Magrina - Ioanna Magiati

Los Angeles Urbanism Design Studio The studio and the associated lecture course attempted to give a theoretical and practical survey of the field of urban design with an emphasis on the role of the designer in the shaping of the built environment in terms of architecture and landscape design. The courses work together to explain the complex social, environmental, economic, aesthetic and political/regulatory forces that affect the choices designers face in contemporary practice. The lecture and studio sessions were amplified to include visits to the project sites and field trips to various locations in the Los Angeles region and other states. Students completed assigned readings and wrote a paper or case study (for the lecture course) in addition they conducted urban design research, a master plan and a final design proposal.

Initial Collaging This is an initial investigation collage that tried to explaint he relationship between building structure and vernal pools that were being proposed. It was my first attempt at combining magazing collage techniques with photoshop.

Phased Parking

Datum MappingThis exercise took me back to my roots of design and investigation. Taking an image and identifi ng datums to elp understand the site and itscontext was helpful when talkign about diff erent levels of interaction within an urban fabric. These were never copleted but helped guide our design.

Wild Parking

Class DetailsClass: LA403

Professor: - James Becerra - Orhan ayyuce

Group members: - Matthew Geldin - Garrett Reger - Chelsea Morris Woodard - Erika Mendez - Jonathan Stalvey

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