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Post on 11-Aug-2020






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301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 1

. . . . . . . From School to Home

2019 Term 1 Week 6

Dear Parents

This was our 1st outing for 2019 and there was just so much to see and do.

Examing the different folliage… big, small, green,, brown……

Lots of walking …. climbing .... running

Balancing acts on the rocks …….

Kindy Weekly Update

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 2

Joy & Peace – sliding down the slope ...

More importantly,

it was being with their friends

that made the outing so speical!

Go over to Recent Happenings for more photos!

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 3

We continue with our study of our body & movements.

English Language & Literacy

- Info Time

Joy & Peace

The use and importance of our 5 senses (sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell)

Love 2

a) Bones

i. Looking at X-rays

ii. Joints in the body and how they help with movement

b) Fun facts : Function of eyebrows, eyelashes and nasal hair

- Phonics

Love 1

a) Revision: Letters A-D

b) Sound and words with starting letter A-D

c) Activity: Look for aeroplane, balls, castles and dinosaurs, place them under the correct letter.

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 4

Love 2

a) Name and sound of letter F

b) Words that start with letter F (feet, fingers, frog, fish)

c) Song: ” Let’s go fishing, F,F,F “

d) Jump on the letter F and say the sound. Use the fishing rod to ‘catch’ a fish.


a) Small letter recognition and letter sounds

b) Activities:

i) Look at the letter and give the correct letter sound

ii) Small letter recognition bingo

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 5


a) Short vowel “o” family

b) CVC word lists for “ob, od, og and op” ; phonics story “Jon is Busy” by Andrew Frinkle

c) Activity : “o” family word /picture puzzle time

- Learning Corners


a) Phonics: match the starting letters

b) Match picture to the phrase

c) Action words – guess the animal

d) Match opposite words

e) Match the 5 senses to the correct body parts


a) Match the capital to small letters

b) Match opposite words

c) Sort the vowels and consonants

d) Phonics – starting letters domino

e) Match the 5 senses to the correct body parts

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 6

Love 2

a) Sequence a-e (with reference)

b) Match your photo with your name

c) Find the capital and small letters of letters A-E (with reference)

Love 1

- Activities:

a) Worksheet: Letter E – Paste the ears and eyes on the egg

b) Call your friend’s name and roll the egg to them

c) Balance the egg on a plate, walk to the basket and put the egg in

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 7

Chinese Language

Joy & Peace

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 身 shPn

体 tH

妙 miDo

妙 miDo

妙 miDo


- 词 cG

汇 huI

( 量 liDng

词 cG

): 片 piDn

( 面 miDn

包 bAo

)、 条 tiBo

( 香 xiAng

肠 chBng

)、个 gS

(鸡 jF

蛋 dDn

)、杯 bPi

(牛 niV

奶 nCi

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 乌 wU

龟 guF

走 zMu

路 lX

慢 mDn

慢 mDn

爬 pB

、鸭 yA

子 zi

走 zMu

路 lX

摇 yBo

摇 yBo

摆 bCi

摆 bCi

、兔 tX

子 zi

走 zMu

路 lX

蹦 bSng

蹦 bSng

跳 tiDo

跳 tiDo

b) 配 pSi

对 duI

( 汉 hDn

字 zI

/ 英 yFng

文 wQn

) : 一 yF

月 yuS

到 dDo

四 sI

月 yuS

c) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 小 xiCo

小 xiCo

脚 jiCo

儿 Qr

跳 tiDo

一 yF

跳 tiDo

、 小 xiCo

小 xiCo

手 shMu

儿 er

摸 mK

一 yF

摸 mK

d) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 它 tA

在 zDi

踢 tF

球 qiV

、它 tA

在 zDi

跑 pCo

步 bX

、它 tA

在 zDi

跳 tiDo

、它 tA

跌 diP

倒 dCo

了 le

e) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 今 jFn

天 tiAn

是 shI

__ 月 yuS

___日 rI

星 xFng

期 qF


301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 8

- 书 shU

写 xiR

: 写 xiR

“ 眼 yCn

睛 jing


- 词 cG

汇 huI

( 量 liDng

词 cG

) : 个 gS

(人 rQn

、头 tLu

、鼻 bG

子 zi

)、只 zhF

( 眼 yCn

睛 jing

、耳 Rr

朵 duo

, 手 shMu

,脚 jiCo

)、 双 shuAng

( 手 shMu

、 脚 jiCo

- 笔 bH

画 huD

: 点 diCn

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 9

- 作 zuN

业 yS

: 填 tiBn

写 xiR

笔 bH

画 huD

“ 点 diCn

”(雨 yW

和 hQ

头 tLu

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 配 pSi

对 duI

(十 shG

二 Sr

生 shPng

肖 xiAo

) : 鼠 shW

、牛 niV

、虎 hW

、兔 tX

、 龙 lLng

、 蛇 shQ

b) 配 pSi

对 duI

(十 shG

二 Sr

生 shPng

肖 xiAo

) : 马 mC

、 羊 yBng

、 猴 hLu

、鸡 jF

、 狗 gMu

、 猪 zhU

c) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 十 shG

一 yF

到 dDo

二 Sr

十 shG

d) 配 pSi

对 duI

: 跑 pCo

、爬 pB

、踩 cCi

、 走 zMu

、踢 tF

e) 拼 pFn

字 zI

: 十 shG

、 上 shDng

、下 xiD

- 书 shU

写 xiR

(笔 bH

画 huD

) : 写 xiR

“一 yF

、二 Sr

、 三 sAn

、十 shG

和 hQ

上 shDng

Love 1 & 2 :

- 儿 Qr

歌 gP

: 小 xiCo

猪 zhU

吃 chF

得 dQ

饱 bCo

饱 bCo

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Love 2 :

- 词 cG

汇 huI

: 星 xFng

期 qF

一 yF

和 hQ

二 Sr

( 星 xFng

期 qF

一 yF

穿 chuAn

新 xFn

衣 yF

、 星 xFng

期 qF

二 Sr

肚 dX

子 zi

饿 S

);五 wW

; 星 xFng

期 qF

三 sAn

和 hQ

四 sI

( 星 xFng

期 qF

三 sAn

去 qX

爬 pB

山 shAn

星 xFng

期 qF

四 sI

看 kDn

电 diDn

视 shI

- 角落区 :

corner :

a) 数 shW

数 shX

: 五 wW

b) 拼 pFn

图 tV

: 猪 zhU

c) 排 pBi

序 xX

: 一 yF

到 dDo

五 wW

Love 1 :

- 词 cG

汇 huI

:二 Sr

、 红 hLng

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 11

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 12


- Math is Fun

Peace – What are ordinal numbers?

a) Sequence 1st to 11th

b) Match the correct ordinal number to the items displayed

c) Activity: “Dog and Bone” – Hear your ordinal number called and be the first to ‘steal’ the bone (beanbag)


a) Introduction to numbers 11-20

b) Activity 1 : Number maze from 1-20

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 13

c) Activity 2 : We made an ” accordion crocodile” with numbers 11-20

Love 1

a) Counting 1-6

b) Activity: Count the stacking bears

c) Activity: Place the animal on the paw prints, counting 1-6

Love 2

a) Sequence 1-5

b) Number recognition 1-5

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 14

c) Activity: Jump from box to box according to the number sequence (1-5)

- Learning Corners


a) Subtraction from 20

b) Find the missing numbers (1-20)

c) Number words (1-10)

d) Addition (up to 20)

e) Count backwards from 20-1

- Worksheet: Addition sums


a) Count and match the correct numbers

b) Arrange the blocks in ordinal numbers (1st -10th)

c) Sequence 1 1-20

d) Count backwards from 10-1

e) Identify shapes

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 15

Love 2

a) Counting: Count and place the correct number in the box

b) Arrange the items from small to big

c) Rational counting: Place the correct number of bones in each dish

- Worksheet/Activities: Join the dots in numerical sequence

Love 1

- Activity : Fix the jigsaw puzzles (insects and fruits)

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 16

Science & Discovery

Discovery Corner

Joy & Peace

Looking at the mirror, the children had a fun time trying to draw themselves.

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Do you recognise any of them?

Love 1

We want clean teeth!

Using a toothbrush and toothpaste, the children brushed… brushed… brushed… till all the black spots on the

teeth are gone.

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Show, Tell & Share

Love 1

Left to right:

Carissa pointed out the colours of her deer.

Jermaine told her friends that her bear is wearing a bird hoodie.

Leo shared with the class that his Pororo camera has pictures inside it.

Kaelyn showed her friends the playdoh balls that she made with her mum.

Love 2

Left to right:

Maya said that her lamb is actually a hand puppet.

Isabel’s soft toy is named ‘Rainbow Rainbow’ because of its many colours.

Cassidy likes to walk her kitten and stroke its whiskers.

Rennick brought 2 buses, pointing out the difference in their colour.

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Fun & Movement

Love 1 & 2

In pairs, the children formed a bridge.

They then take turns to go through the bridge.

The children learn to be more aware of their surroundings –

to go through without knocking into their friends and

to open up their bridge to accommodate those passing through.

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The children performed different locomotor skills as they follow the actions of the teacher.

[E.g. walking, marching, jumping, duck walk, frog legs…]

Love 1

As the Love 1 children progress in their jumping skills, the distance set for them is increased as well.

Maintaining balance is important when they jump and land.

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They then had a go at the overhand throw!

Love 2

Running helps to build endurance, muscle strength and coordination.

The Love 2 children were challenged to run to the car placed at the other end, go around it, and run back,

giving a hi-5 to the teacher at the end point.

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The next round, the height at with the teacher’s hand was placed was increased, and the children learned to

pace themselves, and jump and stretch to give the hi-5 at the end of their run.

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- From our individual plates to the

communal baking tray

- YUMS !!!! Toasty pizza slices with melty

cheese …. & we made it ourselves! …..

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 25

Aesthetics (Music & Movement)

They did really well in controlling

their instruments accordingly!

The children had to shake their percussion

instruments when the music was playing but

FREEZE immediately, when the music stopped.

Different types of shakers as well as bells,

were taken out for them to explore the

sounds they make when shaken!

301 Upper Paya Lebar Road S(534934) Tel:6287 1209 Fax:6287 7980 Page 26


a) “Hands Up Hands Down”

b) “If I Were An Animal”

c) “Hand Jive Children Song”

Joy and Peace children learnt some hand jive dance movement

which got them really tickled when trying to keep up with it!

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Kindy Family News

Happy Birthday Jermaine Jermaine Lim turns 3 years old on 17 Feb 2019

Front Row (L-R) : Dad Jun Liang, brother, Jermaine, Mum Pansa

Back Row : Grandma

Thank you for the lovely cupcakes & cake pops.

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