klein oak show rules meeting. monday, february 3 show barn set-up @ 6:00 pm everyone must attend who...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Klein Oak Show Rules


Monday, February 3

• Show Barn set-up @ 6:00 pm• Everyone MUST attend who is showing an animal

Wednesday, February 5

• 12:00-5:30 pm – move in all large animals, ag mech and horticulture – no parent trailers before 12:00pm

• 6:00 pm – weigh in pigs, lambs, goats, steers (you must be present)

• 6:30 pm – Horticulture/Vegetable Show

Thursday, February 6• 7:00-8:00am – check in fryer rabbits and poultry• 8:00am – Ag Mech Show• 8:30am – Poultry Show• 11:00am – Pig Show• 1:30pm – check in breeding rabbits• 3:00pm – Breeding Rabbit Show• Following – Fryer Rabbit Show• 6:00pm – Heifer Show

Friday, February 7• 8:00am – Goat Show

• 10:00am – Lamb Show

• 12:00pm – Steer Show

• 2:30pm – Floral Design Competition

• Following – breakdown of arena for auction

• 5:00pm – Auction Meeting

Saturday, February 8• 8:00am – Tent Sale

• 9:00am – Buckle and Trophy Presentation

• 11:30am – Auction

Sunday, February 9• 8:00am – Load out of Animals


• 1:00pm – MANDATORY Clean Up of Show Side– Everyone must be present or it is 5% out of

your show check

What to Bring• Halter for your animal

• Food every morning and evening (don’t leave up there)

• Buckets for water and feed

• Official Dress for show times

• Show chains, halters and pig whip

• Everything you need to wash your animal (soap, towels, hoses)

Check-In Process Wednesday

• You need to be at the Show Barn right after school to tend to your animal

• Make sure you find your ag teacher for instructions before weigh in for your animal

• If you are hauling your own animal, make sure it is there by 5:30pm

Check-In Process Thursday

• When you bring in poultry or rabbits please get them checked in with the ag teacher who is running the show

• Please make sure that we can read your tattoos on bunnies and wing bands on birds

Show Day Thursday/Friday

• You need to be there by 7:30 am whether you are showing early or not to check in with your ag teacher over your species – otherwise you are counted truant

• You may not leave the show facility until 2:30 pm – otherwise you are counted truant

• You should stay and watch everyone show, they watched you

• Exhibitors must have their animals properly groomed to be able to show

• Exhibitors are required to keep their space clean and provide feed and water buckets

Please check the glass in the office for sign up times for

clipping animals.

Pig clipping sign ups are on the glass in Mrs. Philen’s


All exhibitors will be required to wear the following while exhibiting their project

• White collard shirt, black pants, black belt, FFA blue scarf or tie, black shoes/boots,

• FFA Jacket is required only for auction and buckle and trophy presentation

• Failure to comply with official dress will result in being ineligible to exhibit your project

Auction Day Saturday

• If you make auction you must be at a MANDATORY MEETING at 5:00 pm Friday Night, in the auction area

• If you are not there it is 5% out of show check

• We need lots of help during the auction, if you would like to help, wear Official Dress– Also need some boys or parents to help with

getting pigs in and out of the auction ring

Tent Sale Saturday• If you have a sponsor that is not

“legit” now is your chance to find one• There will be buyers walking around

looking for animals to buy• Wear Official Dress and look

presentable to sell your animal• No “For Sale” signs allowed in the


Saturday Cleaning• This will be the last time you will see

your animal

• Make sure you feed your animal Saturday night

• Take all your belongings with you Saturday night or it will be thrown away Sunday at clean-up


BE THERE• You must be at clean up by 1:00pm

or you get 5% out of show check• Even if you are 1 minute late, 5% out

of show check• Plan on being there at least until 3:00


• All obligations to the buyer and the Ag Science departments must be fulfilled before the student receives money

• Show Commission:– Auction 7%– Tent Sale 7%

• All exhibitors will be required to write thank you letters to buyers and award sponsors

• The thank you letter deadline is February 28th, to Mrs. Philen

• Failure to turn in letters will result in the following penalties:

– 10% deduction from your show check is applied every week you do not turn the letters in

– The student’s money will be held until the letters are received

– Any money you owe Klein Oak FFA will be taken out of your show check

Please make sure that you refer to your show rules you got at the start of the year for any other rules that you need clarification on. You

signed the rules, so you are held responsible for everything in there!

Wednesday, February 12

• MANDATORY Farm Workday 2:30-5:00 pm for everyone who had animals on the farm

• If you are not present at this clean up you will receive 10% out of your show check

• Must take all tack and material off the farm and have the pen cleaned according to the ag teachers

Friday, February 21• Everything needs to be OFF the farm

by 2:30 pm

• Pens need to be cleaned according to the ag teachers

• 10% out of show check for every week not cleaned

MOST IMPORTANTLY Remember you are representing the Klein Oak FFA Chapter!!

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