mouni sadhu revealed - rafal prinke.pdf

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  • Mouni Sadhu Revealed

    Rafal T. Prinke

    Mouni Sadhu revealed. His writings, origins, life, teachers by Rafal T. Prinke

    First published in LOT 10, "The Lamp of Thoth" [Leeds, UK] Vol. II, 1983, No 5.

    The books written by an author calling himself Mouni Sadhu are well known to occultists

    and, as far as I can tell, appreciated by most of them. Every reader of those books, while

    reading them, must have wondered whether "Mouni Sadhu" is an Indian and sage or an

    European. When one considers a few autobiographical remarks, which are to be found here

    and there throughout Mouni Sadhu's books, it becomes clear that he is not an Indian. So who

    is he? This intriguing question will be answered below, revealing the identity of Mouni Sadhu

    for the first time. Before doing that, however, I must explain my motifs.

    As the readers of the L.O.T. May have noticed, in my articles I try to present some aspects of

    Polish occultism, which is generally unknown to the British occult community. In doing that

    it would be unwise not to deal with those Polish Occultists, who are already known abroad

    and therefore may serve as a means for drawing the readers' attention to other aspects of the

    subject. As Mouni Sadhu is Polish by birth and is well known through his books, I decided to

    write something about him. Here an objection may be raised against my revealing of his

    identity, stating that if an occultist chooses to be anonymous, no one should violate his will. I

    can only say that I believe Crowley was right in maintaining that in the present Aeon all

    occult and esoteric knowledge should no longer be kept secret. Crowley revealed many facts

    about the G.D. people as well as its rituals, for which both occultists and historians of the

    occult should be grateful to him. Besides, to know something about the life of an occult

    author often helps to evaluate his teachings.

    Most of the facts I am going to unveil here were given to me by people who know Mouni

    Sadhu before the war when he lived in Poland, and therefore I know more about the first part

    of his life. His true surname was SUDOWSKI (I am using past tense, as I believe he is no

    longer on this earthly plane of existence) and he used three Christian names on various

    occasions, namely Mieczyslaw, Demetriusz and Dymitr. The exact year of his birth is not

    known to me, but it must have been around 1900. Sudowski was born in Russia, his father

    being Polish and his mother of German descent (her family name was von Ingelstroem).

    Educated in Russia, he was an officer cadet in the White Army during the Civil War. Soon,

    however, he escaped to Poland, where he was made lieutenant of the Polish Army and

    probably took part in the Polish-Soviet war of 1920-21.

    From the mid-twenties until the beginning of the World War II Sudowski worked at the post

    office in Warsaw. The people who knew him at that time say that he was very intelligent,

    nice, friendly, witty, and well acquainted with the occult and esoteric matters. He did not

    drink alcohol, smoke nor eat meat. A few less positive things I learned about him at that phase

    included killing a colleague in a duel (however it must be said that he had been provoked),

  • persuading a friend to commit a suicide, and changing wives with a great frequency (they fled

    from him).

    The occult career of Sudowski began in the Polish Theosophical Society, at that time led by a

    distinguished Polish theosophist and scholar, Wanda Dynowska. However, he soon became

    dissatisfied with the T.S. and left it together with a number of other members, for whom he

    organized a separate initiatory group (this was the "occult lodge" mentioned later in his The

    Tarot). The group studied the teachings of both the Western and Eastern traditions and seems

    to have been quite successful, though the membership was limited to a small number of

    people. In 1928 Sudowski wrote two series of articles, one of which was on the Major Arcana

    of the Tarot, and the other was entitled The Bright Path. They appear in an occult-spiritualist

    monthly Odrodzenie (Revival), which had been in publication since 1921. However, they

    were not finished because the publication of Odrodzenie was suspended (the Tarot series

    stopped at Arcanum VII).

    In September 1930, when the police discovered what they called "a satanistic sect" (see my

    article in the L.O.T. 6) and which was in reality an offshoot of the Martinist Order, Sudowski

    was suspected of satanistic practices. The accusation was not founded on truth, as he had

    never been connected with Martinists. He visited Czeslaw Czynski, the key figure in Polish

    Martinism, on one occasion at least (that visit is described in The Tarot pp. 128-9 (Wilshire

    1974 ed.)), but at that time Czynski had already left the Order. Sudowski even sued the press

    for libel and won.

    Now we come to the period in the life of Mieczyslaw Sudowski which is the most surprising

    and difficult to understand, namely the years of World War II. The case is similar to that of

    Crowley in World War I, that is Sudowski is said to have collaborated with Germans and

    approved of their actions. It must be stressed, however, that he did not cause harm to his

    Polish friends, about whom he knew that they belonged to the resistance movement. When the

    war was over, Sudowski escaped to Germany and then to Brazil where he lived for several

    years. There he wrote his first book, which was published in Portuguese. Unfortunately, I do

    not know its title nor whether it was one of those later published in English.

    After some time Sudowski moved again, this time to India, where he became a disciple of Sri

    Ramana Maharishi and also was in contact with Wanda Dynowska, former president of the

    Polish Theosophical Society and then Professor of Slavonic Literature at the University of

    Madrea (she did a really great work translating into Polish and publishing many masterpieces

    of the Indian spiritual literature). It was at that time that Sudowski assumed the name of

    Mouni Sadhu and obtained the knowledge and experience which later made it possible for

    him to write his trilogy In Days Of Great Peace, Concentration and Samadhi.

    After the death of Sri Ramana Maharishi, Sudowski - now Mouni Sadhu - went to live in

    Australia, where he wrote all of his English books. I am not sure whether he is still alive, but

    my attempts at contacting him did not prove successful.

    I do not feel qualified to assess the work of Mouni Sadhu, especially as I do not know all the

    books written by him. However, I think that the truth should revealed concerning one of them

    entitled The Tarot - A Contemporary Course of The Quintessence of Hermetic Occultism.

    The author says (on pp. 12-13 (Wilshire 1974 ed.)), that the basis of it was a work by Prof.

    Gregory Ossipovitch Mebes, the leading figure in Russian hermetic occultism before the

    Revolution (for more information about him see my article in the L.O.T. Vol. 2 no. 1), which

    is true but is not the whole truth. In fact the book by Mouni Sadhu is almost a verbatim

    translation of that by Mebes, with a few additions of his own, dealing chiefly with the Eastern

  • spiritual teachings. Moreover, he consciously misinformed the reader, stating that the work of

    Mebes "was never for sale on the open market as a book and only a few initiated circles of

    students were lucky enough to get a copy." Actually, the book entitled An Encyclopedic

    Course of Occultism, was published in St. Petersburg in 1912 in two volumes and was easily

    available at that time. It was later republished in Shanghai in the 1930's and there was a Polish

    translation published in 1921 also in two volumes, which Mouni Sadhu must have known, as

    it had a large edition and was very popular in Poland, and especially as it was translated and

    issued by Jozef Chobot, the editor of the monthly Odrodzenie in which Sadowski's articles

    appeared. He also stated that he had bought his copy of the book by Mebes from a Russian

    refugee, which is false too, as I happen to know how and when he obtained it (in fact

    borrowed and never returned).

    In spite of all this, Mouni Sadhu must be appreciated for enabling English-speaking occultists

    to get acquainted with the valuable work of G.O. Mebes, as well as for his other books, which

    are written in clear and simple language and yet adequately present sophisticated concepts and

    practices of both the Eastern and the Western paths. Perhaps it is the fate of eminent occult

    teachers to become controversial figures and escape the clear-cut good-or-bad evaluations.

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